Back to the Farm-Stardew Valley Day 19

Hello everybody welcome back look where we are everybody we are into stardew Valley I haven’t played this for ages by the way so I’m going to be on one of those forgetting everything and you’ll see that I’ve got who was I oh well we’re clearly we’re clearly

Lily Lili through is like my oldest Farm um I’ve got an evilin one that where I’m running around playing it and that was like my my follow-up one um I believe yes this is correct this is where we are oh I’ve just noticed something give me a moment guys okay sorry about that

Everybody um everything went a bit Wrong accept Quest more quests oh gosh I’ve got J’s request I coliflower do we have we do not have enough time to grow cauliflower do we oh my gosh guys I’ve forgotten everything we were anyway how is everybody it’s been an egregiously long feeling couple

Of weeks honestly um or even a week or so um I can I I haven’t leveled up this thing yet so I I’m not actually feeling that great today um but I promised myself I would try and get out of bed and get some work

Done so here we are you can hear in the background the 3D printer is going off in the corner you can’t actually see it cuz it’s well you can see the cage like you can just about see there’s a black box just here and that’s because uh I

Got a fire cage for it to be on the safe side uh it’s been something that has been actually causing me a whole lot of trouble and issues recently because I’ve been desperately trying to uh print more really cool things for myself and um like I want to upgrade my setup a bit

More this year um um but more along the lines of like making things look tidy and nice and actually giving the camera a proper place to sit that’s kind of permanent that so you can see the background and the background looks nice and shiny and

Um but there’s lots of things I want to do this year uh you can tell probably that I am a lot better than I was um I’m not oh crap quite as sick I still haven’t started back at the gym because uh that week where it was super duper

Cold where I was first back at work I was advised to stay warm uh because I’ve been so sick so uh I didn’t do it which I’m kind of regretting now uh because I do wish that I had gone have we got to that point yet no we haven’t got to that point

Yet uh because yeah it’s just one of those things I wish i’ gone to the gym so uh the idea is this week I’m going to be starting back at the gym um I also took a week off uh in support of the general strike of making new videos

Making new content streaming and all that kind of stuff so um I’m not going to go into that too much if you are interested uh on my Twitter I have been covering a lot of the things the issues that were raised um deserve to be raised the only thing I’m going to say

About the whole thing is you have a right to defend yourself yes you defense does not mean the obliteration of life it’s not how it works and as a pagan who has had to suffer the abrahamic religions regularly threatened to burn me alive and having people attempted it I think I’m allowed

To say that um just just right I’m not getting into that because I I have no doubt that a lot of people will be like I don’t want to talk to you anymore you’re horrible people you’re a horrible person look yourself in the mirror look up your history it’s so angering it’s so

Annoying on so many levels but that’s not what we’re here to talk about that’s not what we’re here to discuss we are here to talk about like what’s been going on so yes the 3D printer has been causing me a lot a lot of issues um I have rebuilt it I’ve

Stripped it taken it apart put it back together oh my gosh I have learned more about 3D printing in the last why is there nothing foraging today why is foraging today awful everybody why is it mistreating Us game we love you we haven’t been back for ages you’re

Supposed to give us a reason to want to come back continuously and the game just goes no you left us I should actually talk to people that’s probably a good idea Hi Sam bye Sam um I actually have some lights to fit in this set up to make it look nicer ah my biggest problem with doing any kind of weight loss or Diet is I really really like chocolate or I I have a sweet tooth um but because I’m also

Allergic to strawberries I can’t have a lot of stuff that is designed to be healthy and sweet because they use oh thank you finally something they use a lot of strawberry extract to try and um keep everybody capable of eating it which means I can’t eat most of them because

If I eat anything healthy that has you know strawberries in it I’m going to die and death isn’t really a health thing for anybody I don’t think so I’ve been really struggling with that and also um I really like wine comes from having a family that uh

Raised in the Mediterranean on my mom’s side anyway my my dad’s side with Scottish German which is really an interesting combination self-hatred we’ve got it um yes uh obviously other things that big news I’m really excited for the bad batch is uh finally been announced the trailers finally come out finally get to

See uh that series and How It Ends I’m sad I’m not going to lie I am sad that it is ending oh I can’t I can’t open that yet none of our stuff’s good enough for that yet um I am very sad that it’s

Ending and I don’t want it to end but I at the same time I kind of don’t have it’s got to end I don’t want it to run on forever and ever and ever to get to the point where it’s just awful and boring but I also feel like we haven’t

Had enough time with the characters and there’s so much more stuff that they could have done with the series but here we are yes we should be getting that soon shouldn’t we Um axe isn’t strong enough that’s fine we what was one of the things we were planning on doing you’d think I’d watch the old episodes back so I’d be able to know exactly what we were plan still did planning on doing before we did anything wouldn’t you oh gosh good Lord

Um but of course I don’t so here we are I’ve finally got some Nails back on they’re very usual style that I’ve had before um I suppose what were we planning on doing I think I should probably look at leveling up my kit cuz we’re going to need that more we go through

Summer um I can probably give that to gun I believe no wait I’ve already given it to gun haven’t I Uh that’s facts yes I have so I’m going to going to sell that I don’t need it um oh yeah we haven’t run this way through so these days tend to be really really short for us I’m aware and I did say that I I would do two days per time for

Ravenous Devils but not so much for stardew Valley because the stardew valley days are actually longer than the ravenous devil days the ravenous devil days were a maximum of I think 5 minutes long um and were only extended when you had kind of like um people coming in to

Late and then you you tried you they had give you extra time to serve them uh which you don’t really have to worry about in this game so we’re just going to do a single day just just for a bit of fun just to do a bit of an update so

Yes bad batch season 3 is out on the 21st of February I’m super duper excited for that um I’ve been making more prints and stickers which again super duper proud about uh I don’t know why I’m making them when like I am terrible at like looking at an Etsy store

Um but I had to uh because I do operate a where we gone level 15 I do operate um a small side business I had to re-update all my taxes and that was that was fun Um ah anyone who has to deal with hmrc they’re a pain in the ass they really are but it’s done and sorted and dealt with for another year so I can technically now officially sort of look at reopening my Etsy store and actually selling some of my art prints and my

Stickers which was always kind of the plan um but it was something that uh kind of took a backseat over the last couple of years because I I I did it for like 3 years like when Etsy was the first a thing and then kind of just stopped so I

Have a shop that has nothing in it which I should probably close until I put something in it so that we can like especially seeing as I have like a lot of prints and art stickers and stuff that I have been making recently though I have been looking at a company that

Makes them just to make things easier um oh no ah I missed that one come on bug ha I have a shitty sword but I’m not a afraid to actually I should very much be afraid this is going to take a while isn’t it uh there we go get out you

Slime oh that was a game I could play slime ranchers was pretty fun all those years ago oh and my time at peridia I haven’t played that for ages either I love that game I should really start that one again cuz I did do a really long let’s

Play of that and but I kept playing days in between instead of like just playing the game so I should probably get rid of that and restart it that might be a good idea there’s so much stuff I want to do on my channel like I still want to go through

And uh there’s two of them no oh no oh no no no no no ah ah come on I will get the CRA gra legs there we go got a bomb no come on I need a better sword I need a better sword oh God oh God no come

On there we go right we got loads of bug meat though and I know bug meat is actually like fairly useful right where where are we um close close oh no you you have to give me a long one when I’m like I’m going to get

To where we need to go oh no wait there we go yes level 20 what did we get yes we were saying we needed a shiny new sword and we got a shiny new sword oh my gosh right okay we’re going to move that there no

There right let’s see how far we can go I mean we’re probably not going to get much farther o mushrooms let’s use our shine any new sword on these things oh whoops oh cave carrot they would be useful um I haven’t done another one of whips for a long time actually I probably

Should do another one of those just to show some of the work stuff that I’m working on why why was I using an axe I don’t know like I got my first junk Journal of uh 20 24 finished I’m not counting it as finished until I’ve actually recorded

The video and um got that posted but it’s very close and I’ve nearly finished a really small nice pretty one just that’s just going to be just for fun you know a nice fun one oh right let’s do this come on oh no where is it everything my phone was

Ringing I’m hoping that didn’t show up oh inventory is full right okay we’re not going to worry about that too much we are literally going to just try and oh journals updated initiation enter the adventurers Guild well we could do that right now but we’re not going to

Because we’re trying to to find the next level before we have to go to bed and we have to call it quits because we are completed for the day right so it’s not that way oh gosh there’s so much stuff that I want to do like I’ve got uh old

Videos um now I did get written permission surprisingly to do some of my like original creepy Pastor readings because I always made um the effort to try and call people no not call people uh get permission for me to use them um any and I want to re-record a lot of

Them to kind of uh show you know show willing because um I know that that was a massive issue oh what we need to head back we need to head back we really need to head back yeah yeah yeah I know um and uh the ones that either are no

Longer available at all um I may remove I’m going to download them and keep them safe uh but they won’t remain up on my channel uh some of my old scps I’m going to completely redo because I want I’ve always wanted to when I was doing the

Scps to like end up being artwork or things that I’ve created and I think that I can do a lot with that and that’s kind of something that I want to do so that’s something that I will do why is everyone calling me all of a sudden I’ve got calling uh

Right we’re nearly over we’re nearly over we’ll get this all done um I don’t know why I’ve put all that in there right so what we’re going to do is we’re just going to sell these two things I know it’s not a lot I know it’s not great um and I normally wouldn’t

Make people wait but I apparently I am in demand so I need to level two yeah level two mining hopefully we’ll be able to start making some copper anyway uh I know this was really quick but thank you so much for watching everybody hope take

Care have fun and I’ll see you next time Goodbye

With Ravenous Devils finally complete we have to get back to the Farm, where we can get back up to speed with what’s going on in the game AND on the Farm. Lets see how things are going ehh?

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Deviant Art

Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0… Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library

Nightmare Owl Music-

#LetsPlay #Gaming #IndieGaming #CozyGaming #StarDewValley #FarmingSimulator


  1. Smashing that first like Lil! 🙂 glad to see you again! Been crazy times here, so busy with work 🙁 but its sorting out now, might even have a chance to do some YT myself! 🙂 Hope your doing well!

  2. Hello.

    It's a shame that the printer is out of order.

    It's good for you to go back to the gym.

    However, I don't think you need to force yourself to go to the gym if you're not feeling well.

    I'm enjoying the gameplay of a ranch RPG where you live on a farm.

    Although there are enemies, it feels kind of heartwarming. 🙂

    Sometimes you can't mine anything even if you explore. 😀

    Strawberries are delicious!

    your art is amazing. Please do its best!

    Thank you my friend.

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