I Cheated With //SCARY In Build Battle…

I’m in a build battle against my friends but what they don’t know is I’ll be Che with sl/ scary which will turn anything I build completely scary just so I can scare my friends and the first round is scary Forest okay good luck guys ooh

Okay try not to be scared and the reason I said that is because if I do SL scary I get this a scary soul and just like it suggests I’m able to possess anything to make it evil oh that’s uh yeah I don’t know if I want to mess with this game

Just look at his eyes what is wrong with you oh we should still make like a skull Forest yeah I’m thinking cabin in the wood the ground is going to be skull but I’m going to get rid of the evidence for now but this scary soul will C this

Entire build battle starting first with the trees and like that we have a s of forest that’s currently growing now just to show you how a scary Soul would convert a tree if I right click it turns the in Tri tree bloody which is awesome

Cuz just like I’m thinking if I was to place redstone around here will that convert into blood like like this and again very haunted if I SP on kiple side all right the front is kind of done we need a roof we need to finish that wall

This is going to be a very very spooky house in the middle of a forest we’ll do the forest in a second she’s making some sort of witches hook but I can haunt her entire build by summoning a bunch of ghosts they’re slowly going to take up

Blocks away what the what what is that like look at that yo they’re stealing my blocks what are you I don’t even really do anything oh my the little thief stop yeah I don’t think anyone’s going to suspect what’s going on but I first need to make some sort of build which will

Start off with a little base so we got like a skull by I’m going let’s maybe make some what would a skull tree look like first thing I’ll be making is a simple tent and it actually doesn’t look too bad so far in the middle I could

Place a campfire to make it seem slightly abandoned and am I able to crop these blocks I I can meaning I can place blood all around here this is already Beginning to Look So spooky that was ridiculous I don’t know how there’s ghost on the property but I did not like

That oh this looks like a medicine I’m just adding some small detail around here I could definitely make this tent look a little bit cooler than it actually is and am I able to crop some of these blocks I can which makes it look a little bit more creepy almost

Like something was staying here I will place some chests inside cuz there will be some random Loot and just so the back’s not empty I can place a bunch of trees to make it seem a little bit cooler now like we tested earlier I’ll be placing a villager and converting him

Into this evil villager mob who will putting down any of these players if I’m not mistaken I swear I just saw eyes watching me or am I going crazy here I’m not too sure but this is seriously going to become more and more cursed now we need the actual Forest cuz just by

Adding a little bit of cobwebs this place really looks abandoned I do need to show there was some sort of civilization here so I’ll place a bed and use some trap doors to cover the back and like that we have our first tent complete just going to have random

Like patterns everywhere the problem is the entrance will be right here so I should Mark it so I know exactly where I need to to go how is Peppa going out of the Border what exactly is he making this calls for one thing and that’s if I

Summon a bunch of ghosts oh what the go go go go go go go they’re just yoinking my blocks they’re taking this entire build apart you’re slowly going to be haunted by the things you’re making wait this isn’t even an LA these little ghosts what are these things well that’s

Kind of what he gets for cheating and going out the Border maybe we should keep them here except are they just going to destroy my Forest slowly in the meantime I kind of need to make a puff just so I know where each of the builds

Are going to be placed so gr there will lead into the tent over here I’ll make some sort of graveyard because What’s creepy in the middle of nowhere than just somewhere with a bunch of graves although I do need to get rid of half these trees we must have a thicker

Forest come on now now I don’t really know how big I want to make this but this is going to be the entrance I am bars for the detail and to make it even scarier what if I just make a bunch of Graves and I could just use Cobblestone

Walls to make the actual place okay this is looking very creepy now I’m thinking inside here I’ll use a bunch of heads so I’ll put a skeleton head over here here just so it looks like people were actually dead here we need like a path

And I feel like the warp nlm would look the best but how can I make this even more creepy what if I was to put armor stand right here and a play ahead could I use the scary soul to infect this wait what in the world are you I’ve somehow

Spawned a herob Brian oh wait a second do I even want to know what you do but it kind of works perfectly cuz he’s staring the other way and when they come to investigate this it will be completely over for them unfortunately I have to place each individual Mangrove

Tree so we’re going to be here for a while just to make it a little bit more creepy I let some Redstone torches around here like that the graveyard’s pretty much complete again it doesn’t need to be anything too crazy so I could just add some small detail and the

Reason is if I was to use that scary soul I can make all of this completely bloody oh this is awesome look at this am I going to accidentally summon the warden at my own build all right the tree part of scary Forest is complete I

Guess I can cover this up with coer just in case anyone wants to go in and I kind of actually have an idea here if I just use trap doors I can make a tomb that’s already been opened so someone’s already escaped this now by simply just adding a

Path and connecting it over onto this side it starts to build a scary story cuz now we have a graveyard that’s covered in blood and we have a villager tent that I’ve lost a scary villager so maybe what I’ll do is like have like maybe a mannequin we’re going to take a

Quick break cuz I need to see who’s actually summoning the ghosts around all right I’ve lost a scary villager wait where’s he gone this is kind of creepy I bet it was pepper that did all the command block nonsense I guess I can now make a path somewhat to the entrance so

We know exactly where to start from so kind of like that you know what let’s get some invis let’s go make his side a little less spooky why are there pandas and for some reason there Panda’s escaping from Pepper’s area which I’m kind of concerned about P for panda P for pepper

It works out great but should I possess them no I think it’s still too early for that should I give them to kipley oh gosh who’s the biggest threat here kipley looks like the biggest threat something like ah how pandas are these gosh dang it I don’t want the pandas he

Already looks kind of possessed what’s he doing just to make use of this space I’m just going to make some sort of structure it doesn’t really need to be anything like corrupting it that can be blood all around here and wait I have an idea what about glass I didn’t think

About this should I use it here or inside a house do wonder what would happen let me just place a bunch of glass around here and use the cursed Essence oh it just makes a reflection which isn’t that bad right that’s kind of cool when you think about it but is

It creepy I guess it could be like oh my yo wait a second I got really close to the mirror and it jump scared me yeah maybe that was perfect and maybe this scary soul is starting to crop this world that was seriously very cursed make him start setting some diamond

Blocks too I don’t want diamond blocks who is doing this I guess I could just add some walls around here to make it look slightly more ruined just some slight detail well let’s just end off this build with a bunch of redstone torches I like that that’s another one

Done okay so what I think I’m going to do is like have a villager in here all right if I did this right these guys should be floating a little bit now I feel like I need to build somewhere in this area over here I need inspiration

So who can I go quickly haunted PA has a really cool area going what if we just have blood going into here yo just don’t mind me I’m just summoning a bunch of ghosts oh what what where are you hello kly every looks cool all right there we

Go very spooky house that comes alive to eat you I like it she’s right here please right here and going to use a scary soul to right click her wait nothing happened how did she get possessed wao no no what is going on oh

Oh I see how I wa oh my gosh stop these are way too many stop get off of me look at all of them spawning with skill have possessed our entire soul get off of me okay that was seriously creepy but in the meantime I got a really cool idea

From small which is just essentially make a giant tree now I don’t really know how good my tree building skills are cuz it’s not often I really make trees but like that I’ve made a big tree because right here if I just add a chain

I can add an upside down mob or I could do something better guess that kind of works right I’ll just spawn a villager in here oh that looks awesome if I scarify this entire thing and just add some Redstone around here scarify the Redstone that’s another build sort of

Complete so I can add a sign saying leave now and I think if I make it red dye there we go it’s become like blood had enough of you scary house huh you’re going to timeout buddy all right let’s see if our spawn egg works this time oh

That’s right we didn’t give him the tag I do think what would make this look slightly cooler is some sort of broken down villager house I assume it would be something like this what would be inside we could definitely figure that out later because now we’re starting to

Actually fully complete what this looks like we only need a couple more builds to make and I have an idea for the last one I want to make some sort of ritual area so by making this what nether blocks are there that would be cool for building guess red but adding some sort

Of outline to this it already starts looking freaky bear in mind you won’t be able to see any of these builds cuz there’s going to be trees covering this entire thing so only the paths will lead you to where you need to be but what can

I place here all right spawn egg are you going to work now oh ho what better Forest to live in than a forest that has every type of tree what about a Herobrine summoning ritual this might get kind of creepy I might somehow curse this actual build battle but from here

Right here will be one of the final build which all will take the most time and that’s because it’s going to be a cur creepy Mansion this is kind of spooky put a few of these guys around I don’t really know how big I can make

This while keeping in the time limit so let me Rush an exterior this doesn’t look that bad I think I’ve actually in a good spot exterior like that is done add some windows right here and listen I want these to be normal windows so if I were use the curse energy okay just

Makes it into blooded ones oh my this is all to lure the people in okay all this niceness is Just an Illusion interor doesn’t even need to be done all it needs to be is a dark long Corridor with a trap chest at the end that if you fall

Down down I think it will lead you right here and it hits you with the mirror again where you’ll get jump scared by I think something different this time one last quick thing I do want to make is a mob I don’t know how this is actually

Going to work but I don’t think I need to make him crazy oh this is looking good I don’t know if anyone knows what I’m making but I’m kind of going to make the guy from The Scream mask oh this this looks so bad is this even going to

Work if I use cursed energy oh no way he’s just roaming this entire area first of all I need to plant the trees now I need to cover this so it nothing shows which means I need to plant a lot of trees let’s make this house look even

Cuter now I’m just going to add some little details which is redstone torches all around the path so people kind of know where to go I also need to break this so you can see I think one little Last Detail is I’m just going to add a

Bunch of blood I guess the trees are out bound but they can’t really complain about L see but with the time up we now have to meet in the middle follow me Gall it this way all right we’ll drop down around here all right this is not

Scary at all what is this this is beautiful we got everything every type of tree here we got flowers Bees honey you’ve got a cute little house what do you mean there’s a pond with ax LS just hold on all right let’s all get inside the house okay okay there’s diamonds

Gold and a book why did I eat a cake it was never real it was on illusion I should have run oh no guys you have all been devoured by the house wait like the like the handome and grle 7 out of 10 you get a nine I’ll

Give you a nine kbl got 25 out of 30 welcome to my build over here you can see something has happened yo what is this read this book The screams of the souls trapped in the forest tell me to run for a b tomorrow I promise I would

Come back with a creature’s head wait there’s a creature in here something ate this look at this big rib cage yo it’s just bones it’s like a fossil over here this is and there’s cobweb so it’s been around for a while oh this guy what is

Is he you all right yo yo I’m going to give it an8 out of 10 I’m going to go with a nine out of 10 yeah I really like it you had us creeping through the forest scared for our lives I’m going to go with the eight small got 25 out of 30

I have made the skull forest biome there’s no skull above ground so I figured it’d be awesome if there was a skull Forest above ground yo yes with this comes a new mob the eye of the warden wait how wait what is that huh why couldn’t this actually be someone

Like the ancient sea this is so cool they serve no purpose other than stalking you when you’re in the biome wait what is this giant Tower over here this looks like a ritual okay wait a second guys what is this ritual right here I don’t know I wouldn’t break it

Though okay let’s break it guys yo yo what is this wait what is happening it’s just infinitely falling this is a 10 I liked it and I like the uh weird mob that you created so I’ll give it a nine I’ll I’ll give this a 9 out of 10 this was

Actually really cool Peppa got 20 out of 30 now this is my build and like any other build this is going to be sort of like an adventure map where first of all I’m going to put us all into game mode adventure oh okay and we have to take

This slow first of all you see a sign that says don’t enter no what do you guys do obviously we enter so you take this very slow do you guys want to go left first or right there’s a mirror that way what oh so you’ve chosen the

Left side we follow this way and you realize it’s it’s a creepy mirror is this normal if you was to right click it what happens myself wait how am I seeing myself oh don’t click it don’t click it oh my gosh Peppa don’t go too fast oh

Jee it might seem like a normal mirror but in fact it has been cursed by a witch but then you leave this area and you decide okay that wasn’t the way which way do you want to go do you want to go to the right or to the left now

There’s a pretty pink building over here you come across a graveyard right here ooh okay spooky more blood more Redstone torches that might look like a normal Steve but then you check his face oh it’s herobrine no way it’s h Brian yo he’s actually so tall I got to stop clicking things

Herobrine Herobrine is is definitely after you now so be very careful then you realize this redstone torch over here and who wants to go first oh it’s just a villager hey what’s popping I think his neck’s popping yeah he’s not he’s not and you realize wait this this is a dead

End so we have to go all the way back to the St uh what’s over here there’s a sign oh oh there’s a guy with a mask with a oh oh hey hey you pepper you go in be a man I’m going to win get back

Just going to let him out for a second ah qu’s letting him out no no he’s he’s not he’s not harmful he’s not harmful at all yeah why is he holding the knife like that yeah go oh no not me the Villager has been captured and the one that you

Guys saw was the fake imitator but it says leave now why does it say leave now that is cuz if you follow the path over this way oh no oh no no not this guy again I’ve already clicked him once I’m not doing it again I’ll take it me and

Herobrine are Bros oh yep it’s a this is how he spawns he is one of the causes of this entire scary Forest but either way you come over here and you witness a house oh no I don’t know if you guys have seen the yeah just go in oh a

Mirror oh I knew it that’s too much let me out let me out that’s a 10 yeah I’m going to go 10 too that was terrifying meaning I managed to scare my friends but they still didn’t quit yet horror movie ooh okay okay good luck

Guys now I can do SL a scary and get the scary Soul again meaning I could corrupt any living being the idea I have is simple and first I need to change what this floor is going to look like and now that the floor looks like this I can

Start my actual build I first see to make a summoning Circle this honestly doesn’t actually all bad I could definitely add some iron blocks like this purely because it does actually look a lot cooler all right for this one I have a really good idea so we are

Going to make the clown Penny wise yeah okay this is awesome we’re going to be swimming the craziest mob yet but for that I need to understand what K’s making and it looks like a race car track and I want to make a sewer system so this thing right here is instead

Going to be like this which ultimately means they have nothing on me right now the build topic is horror movie but no one said i a make a Minecraft mob into a horror movie so by first building something like this I’m actually making a really

Good star okay it’s kind of cute all it just needs is like the the red orange hair first what to do is leave my area and that’s because I need to find a village and by copying the village I can place it all over this place look at

That I’m making a bunch of villager houses everywhere I think so far this is a really good job look at that that’s a spooky hat if I’ve ever seen one cuz now now we have a bit of a village and by changing the block I can place a fungus

All around here okay how does this look now comparing the left side to the empty area it does look a lot better all right we got the scene going it’s looking pretty good um what else do we need to add okay so definitely starting to add more detail to his actual place but

Before anything I need to bloody all these houses cuz these are all offerings to the blood Golem I’m not talking about any normal blood Golem yeah you’re thinking of the Iron Golem that turns into a blood Golem but this is going to be even creepier than that this is going

To be a myth everyone knows but no one knows how to summon this is so funny looking for now I’m just going to summon a snow golem and corrupt him with this okay wait yo he’s creepy look at him what is wrong with you oh wait he

Spreads blood oh that’s crazy he does need to eat so I’m going to put these as sacrifices here we go we have a little balloon and directly below the balloon is the Pennywise head thing is I still have no idea what kiple is making oh that’s so cool kiple is really gone for

It and I didn’t really expect this but it looks super cool before we get too deep into this build let’s see what everyone else is up to huh where are you going klyy ooh she’s also doing Pennywise where is kiple going I am also doing Pennywise so why don’t we just

Team H but then the boys will team are those guys going to go try team should I not just team with Peppa Peppa y small and kipley are now teaming all right let me show you what I got what do you have well uh if you go to survival you’ll see

Really quick what I got actually all right I’m in survival see where did he go uh-oh oh oh okay you back yeah yeah so he can he can go assassinate people that’s just just saying over my side I have this okay this looks really good I

Like this it’s like a demonic altar what ew what is this how did you get this guy yeah yeah know he he he is awesome I’m saying first we break down this wall true yeah let’s do that this kind of works you know one side’s natural

Looking nice and all sides evil oh maybe we could have the killer chase them into here oh yes I I like that I like that a lot in the meantime what I’ll do is maybe right here is that the cross for villagers yo okay so I have pepper on my

Side and low key are builds together make a lot of sense okay I think I’m pretty much done there’s nothing else I can really add meaning we now have to be in the middle to vote for the best build oh wow you guys are working together huh

I see your wall torn down yeah well we uh took some inspiration from someone else we saw you teaming all right it’s night time walking down a lonely road all right you see this balloon and you go closer to the drain the sewer drain you see a head do you want the balloon

Press for yes yes where are you guys going huh it’s the only way out no yeah we’re leaving here it’s scary wow I wonder kipley where do they lead and we finally find the exit oh look at this oh my yeah I I do like how you guys somehow fit it both

Together it was unique you guys team but you know what I think it came together real nice I’m going to go with a nine apart from the teaming you guys teamed and made it really cool so I’m going to give it an eight out of 10 all right so

You two unsuspecting Souls find yourselves lost in the woods oh there’s a yo yo oh what the heck was that wait no hey heyo kly hey yo you guys are now stuck inside here why do I have slowness oh aim for the ladder Bea ready I’m

Trying I’m trying go go go my God run me I go up the ladder and then to escape you run over to the second Forest yo this is cursed no no no no man your eyes is empty it’s Eerie what is it there’s so much blood around what’s going on oh

Yeah wait there’s a lot of blood e what is that he takes care of villagers and when you’re not looking he will kill you well I do really like it it’s very well done very gory uh you guys did team but you know what so did

We so I’ll look past it this I’m going to give it a nine I’m going to give you all an eight meaning my friends were completely scared and they had no idea I was cheating

►I Cheated With //SCARY In Build Battle…
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I Cheated With //SCARY In Build Battle… Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I Cheated With Build Hack In A Build Battle… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. tbh i was kinda suprised to see them teaming (kipley and Smulbeana) also that blood golem that just speard the blood around was kinda gross than terriflying or scary

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