Who Is Birdie’s Husband? | Stardew Valley Theory

If you’ve fixed Willy’s boat and paid him to  take you to Ginger Island, you might notice a   little shack on the far West side. This shack  belongs to Birdie, an old woman with a purple   bowtie and a starfish in her hair dedicated  to preserving the memory of her late husband.

“He set sail one day,” she  recalls, “never to return.”   Since then, she’s walked along the beach every day  to see if anything new has washed up, his “wrecked   ship on the south shore” a constant reminder of  her loss. When you first speak to her, she tells  

You she’s looking for a keepsake of his, something  to bring her some peace. Shortly after, she gives   you an old photograph of a soldier that she  found on one of her many walks along the beach. This photograph leads you on a gift-giving  journey that includes nearly everyone in town;  

You go from Kent to Gus to George and pay  a visit to the wizard eventually receiving   a wriggling worm. This worm just so happens  to be the perfect catfish bait for Willy and,   as luck should have it, he trades it to you for  a Pirate’s Locket. THE Pirate’s locket which once  

Belonged to Birdie’s husband. But that’s the big  question isn’t it? Who does this locket belong to,   who is Birdie’s husband? Well  I think I’ve figured it out.   The crazy thing is, if you’ve ever married  someone in Stardew Valley, you’ve met him.  

If you’ve ever slept the night at the Island  Farmhouse, you’ve been in the same room as him. Today I’ll be telling you exactly who  it is and exactly how he and Birdie   lost each other in the first place.  This is the story of the lost pirate.

Okay so when I started trying to figure this  out, I thought it would be easy. Like, let’s   look at all the characters from Stardew Valley.  It’s Birdie’s husband so right from the get go,   that rules out quite a few candidates. It’s most  definitely not any of the bachelors or Vincent  

Since they probably weren’t even alive yet when  Birdie was of marriageable age– I mean look at   her. And some of the men in the town like Kent  and Demetrius are already married, so we’re left   with Gunther, Lewis… uh… Krobus?… but we’re  also left with one very promising candidate.

Marlon. I mean, look. He’s got an eyepatch.  He says he lost his eye in the caves,   but he never specifies which caves, it very  well might have been the caves on Ginger Island   when he was with Birdie. Additionally, right  behind the counter in the Adventurer’s Guild,  

He has a map with a classic red X marking  where some treasure might be hidden.   And despite clearly saying that he  never misses any of the town festivals,   he isn’t in attendance at all during the Moonlight  Jellies Festival and during the Luau he stays far,  

Far away from the shoreline. Perhaps he’s afraid  of the water due to his involvement in a terrible,   traumatizing shipwreck? That would explain why  out of all the villagers he lives the absolute   furthest away from the Gem Sea. So, yeah. Marlon  is a seemingly perfect fit. He’s about the right  

Age, has a rugged, adventurous demeanor that suits  a pirate, and a suspicious aversion to the ocean.   And, you know, I could definitely see  Marlon and Birdie living happily together. But there is one glaring issue here that brings  this entire Marlon theory crumbling down.  

See, when you talk to Birdie,  she says it took her… uh…   “three years sailing the high seas to find  his REMAINS.” Birdie’s husband is dead   and she even has his bones so that rules out any  living villager in Pelican Town… with bones.

Alright so let’s re-group and review the  facts: Birdie’s husband is most certainly  1) dead 2) a pirate  and 3) the captain of the  wrecked ship on Ginger Island. After hours reading through the Stardew  Wiki, I realized that the answer is even  

More fitting than Marlon. And like I said before:  if you’ve ever married anyone in Stardew Valley,   you’ve already met him. That’s right, Birdie’s  husband is Lewis. No, just kidding. But Lewis does   play a big part by sending you a letter telling  you that “to ask for someone’s hand in marriage,  

You’ll need to give them a ‘Mermaid’s Pendant’.  Don’t worry,” he says, “everyone in Pelican Town   understands the significance of the amulet.  It’s an ancient tradition in this region.”   In one of the Lost Books, too, paid by  Pierre, it reads that “on stormy days,  

It’s rumored that the ghost of an Old Mariner  appears, clutching just such a pendant.” And,   yeah, that’s our man. Birdie’s husband is  the Old Mariner who sells you the Mermaid’s   Pendant on the eastern side of the beach. And  you know what? I can even tell you his name.

But I’m sure you’re skeptical, I mean, how  could I possibly know this? Well, for starters,   he talks like a pirate. “Ah, I can see it in yer  eyes… There be a special someone in yer heart.   Just so happens I’m sellin’ a ‘Mermaid’s  Pendant’. Give that te yer intended and  

They’ll know exactly what ye mean.”  Some of the most substantial evidence,   however, lies in the Journal Scraps you find  scattered around Ginger Island. These Journal   Scraps are written by a sailor who washed ashore,  documenting his story of survival on the Island.  

I have good reason to believe that this sailor is  Birdie’s Husband and, therefore, the Old Mariner. OK, let’s start from the beginning:  Journal Scrap #1: Day 1. My Ship is lost…   Shattered by a tempest in the unforgiving sea. I  find myself stranded now, on these strange shores.  

My crew has perished, but I still  live.” I believe that this ship,   shattered by a storm, is the wrecked ship you  see on the southern shores of Ginger Island.   Birdie says that her husband was the captain of  that ship, which checks out because the author of  

The Journal Scrap says that HIS crew had perished,  HIS ship had gone down, leaving only him. If that’s not enough evidence, the author of  these Journal Scraps MUST be a pirate because   nothing says pirate more than a map with a red X  to mark a buried treasure and Journal Scraps #4,  

6, and #10 are all treasure maps. Plus,  Journal Scrap #9 is about like… sirens   and mermaids and Blackgull’s treasure.  So…. preeetty pirate-y if you ask me.   So with all this in mind, we now  have evidence that the sailor that  

Wrote these journal scraps was a pirate and  not just any pirate, but Birdie’s husband,   the captain of the wrecked ship. And what’s  another word for sailor? Mariner, perhaps??? But let’s take a step back. How did  Birdie’s husband even get the Mermaid  

Pendant and how did he end up in Pelican  Town? Well, I think this is how it goes.   Birdie’s husband was the captain of a ship in  search of Blackgull’s Treasure, but one day,   a huge storm broke out, sending his ship crashing  into the Ferngill Islands. Everyone perished,  

Except him. He builds a new life on Ginger Island  and he writes his experience in a tattered journal   that survived the shipwreck. “I’ve no choice  but to make a life for myself here,” he writes.   “There’s fresh water in abundance, food  to forage, and fertile soil to work.”  

He learns about the island, the parrots, the  golden walnuts, even the strange machines   in the volcano. He builds a shelter and  finds others living on the island as well. “Perhaps lady luck has blessed these wicked bones  of mine” he ponders, “Or has her own designs for  

My fate…” And lady luck certainly had plans of  her own, because while exploring the island,   he meets Birdie and they soon fall in love.  Together, they create the Pirate Cove,   a way to remember his former days as a captain.  We know that he first discovered the hidden cove  

On his *sixth day on the island writing about  how “[he] … caught a stingray in the caves by   the southeast shore,” the Pirate’s Cove  being the only place to catch stingrays. Birdie and her husband had a wonderful life  on Ginger Island. He gifted her a Mermaid’s  

Pendant and they became a married couple. But  Birdie’s pirate husband still longed for the sea.   He was thirsty for adventure and  soon enough, he set off to find one,   taking Birdie’s Mermaid Pendant as a  keepsake to remember her and setting  

Out on a small rowboat much like the one  we see in the pond of the Pirate’s Cove.   The pirate was on the open seas once more, but  this journey would go as poorly as the last.   Torrential downpour and a terrible storm would hit  the pirate’s small, makeshift boat, and this time,  

He wouldn’t survive. His body washed ashore on  the eastern part of the Pelican Town beach with   a Mermaid’s Pendant around his neck, the  place his spirit has remained ever since. There are some key steps to accessing the Old  Mariner when looking to purchase the Mermaid  

Pendant: you have to repair the bridge to access  the eastern side of the beach, arrive before 7pm,   and it has to be raining. And that last part is  incredibly important. When it comes to the pirate,   rain is usually associated with bad things and the  absence of rain is associated with good things.  

The Old Mariner only appears on the beach when  it’s raining, because it was raining when his   final ship wrecked. Although this is speculative,  I think the fact that the mermaid on Ginger   Island only appears when it’s raining  may indicate that it was the mermaid or  

A mermaid that distracted the members of the  pirate’s first ship, leading to their crash.   And because of all the tragedy associated with  rainy days, the death of the pirate being one   of them, this is the reason why Birdie can never  be found when it rains. It can’t be a coincidence  

Either that the Pirate’s Cove is only open on  sunny, clear days. I mean… wouldn’t it even make   more sense for it to be open when it’s raining  because like… you can’t… sail during storms? However, the Old Mariner lives on not just as the  ghost that sells the Mermaid’s Pendant. I also  

Believe that the Island Farmhouse you repair on  Ginger Island was the Old Mariner’s house that he   shared with Birdie, the very site where he started  his survival shelter. There’s a bit of unused   text in the game code that reveals a tattered  journal in the drawer of the island farmhouse,  

Probably the one that once held the journal scraps  you find around the island. Maybe this is why   Birdie never goes near the Island Farmhouse.  The shipwreck down shore is only a reminder   of her husband’s death and the abandoned Island  Farmhouse a remnant of their past life together.

There are also a ton of sprites that  never got used in the game but are still   in the code and one such sprite sheet is called  AngryRoger.xnb. The sprite was a ghost of sorts,   looking nothing like the Old Mariner, but on  the bottom you can see a more human figure,  

Wearing a hat and an outfit that looks all too  familiar. And so this is the other piece of the   puzzle: the Old Mariner’s name is Roger and  he’s most likely angered by the decades he’s   spent as a ghost, trapped between the world  of the living and the world of the dead,  

Stuck on a beach with the pendant of his beloved,  never to return to her. The only thing he can do   is to wait on that beach and sell his Mermaid’s  Pendant to someone worthy who can use it. Even decades later, Birdie still  walks the shores of Ginger Island  

Every day in search of anything to  keep as a reminder of her husband.   As fate would have it, Willy would find his  Locket and trade it to you for a wriggling worm. And so, that’s the story of Angry Roger, the Old  Mariner, Birdie’s pirate husband, and the owner  

Of the Pirate’s Locket. If this theory is correct,  it’s pretty cool that the only way to get married   in the game is with the help of Birdie’s husband.  It’s kind of poetic, really. Like a relationship   that ended in tragedy begins a new one. Although  the pendant is undoubtedly a treasured possession,  

I believe that Roger would want to help others to  experience the joy and love that he himself felt   in the happiest of times while he was still living  with Birdie. Even after you’ve bought the pendant,   you can still find him standing on the beach,  doomed to an eternity on the shore where his  

Ship crashed all those years ago. Separated  from his love, but also hopefully a bit   more fulfilled knowing that he selflessly  helped you to grow closer with your own. Well that’s all I have today so leave a  comment and let me know what you think  

About this theory, I’m really interested to  see. Thank you guys so much for watching,   I really hope you enjoyed. If you did, feel free  to leave a like or subscribe to the channel,   I’d love to have you here. Alright,  I’ll see you guys next time. Byeeee!

When I first completed the quest to acquire the Pirate’s Locket for Birdie in Stardew Valley, I immediately wondered who her husband was and I’m sure many others did as well. In this Stardew Valley Theory video, I describe the process through which I found the answer and provided all the evidence I could think to substantiate it. If you liked this Stardew Valley theory, feel free to leave a like or subscribe to the channel! 🏴‍☠️

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Time Stamps

00:00 – Birdie’s Quest
1:55 – Candidate Number One
4:01 – The Answer
5:55 – How Did They Meet?
7:06 – How’d He Get to Pelican Town?
7:42 – The Meaning Of Rain
9:13 – His Name


  1. Great theory and well-done video! My problem with the pirate isn't in your theory, but in the game itself. How could he be a seafaring pirate AND a soldier who fought alongside of Kent (who implies that he died in the war)?

  2. What if Birdie is also dead, since the timing for her to still be alive but the mermaid pendant being a tradition seems too close? Maybe she is also a ghost, and they are doomed to be apart. Roger can only appear in the rain, and Birdie only in the sun. That's why she is a little erratic, she is reliving his death and the immediate aftermath every day.

  3. I like this theory a lot in many ways it fits nicely. There's just one thing…..Kent. Kent looks at the photo and says he fought with him in the war.

    In my own mind I think that last "call to adventure" probably was the serving in the war using his maritime skills. Perhaps his boat was bombed and that's how his remains washed up on shore for Birdie to find.

  4. Just a quick question, I know in a gameplay sense it’s reasonable why the pendant costs money. But in a lore sense, why would a ghost need money? Why would he want to sell it to you instead of just giving it to you?

  5. ah, i'm seeing a lot of comments saying that concernedape wouldn't have thought of this, which makes me wish they did, because imagine if you gave the mermaid's pendant to birdie and she recognised it?? :'( i'd bawl on the spot

  6. The old mariner makes so much sense because she lost her husband at sea and we don't know exactly who the mariner is but we do know he's a ghost, but one question still remains, what dose a ghost need 5,000G for?

  7. the term “jolly roger” refers to a flag pirates would fly, so it seems very fitting that the mariner would be named roger

  8. I have my own theory to elliott he is a merman “wdym” you ask well he lives to the beach which mean he’s next to the water and even the wizard say that merpeoples don’t want you to throw garbage in their ocean right and Elliott even said (I think so) that he don’t want any garbage in the water and the gifts that he love are types of fish and mermans and mermaids are friends with some (maybe) fishes
    And here’s another theory (I heard this a lot of time) that the old mariner had a son and his name is Willy “you mean Willy the-“ yes that’s why willys house is a bit next to where the old mariner appears in the right side of the beach so yeah that’s my theorys 👍🏵
    Edit: hi

    👇🏻like for more theory

  9. This is canon for all i’m concerned, I was a little unsure when you said he must be dead (obviously) and then pointed to the old mariner… I’ve been playing this game for years and had no idea he was a ghost, when you read that part in the book my jaw DROPPED, it makes sense, it makes so much sense

    yes I know this video is 7 months old but I don’t care

  10. this is really good but what is willy is their kid he went whit his dad but he survived and he used the pirate treasure he had and fixed the bout but it broke again and he didn't have a way to fix it again whit out our help he dose say that the bout was his father's and that's why he has the locket

  11. i assumed birdie’s husband was willy’s father, given that he had the locket and the fact that he talked so fondly about his “pappy”- maybe there’s some overlap there between the old mariner and willy, too? i’m not smart enough to make the connections myself, lol- just food for thought

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