We Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore…

Today me and my two other friends are going to be surviving 100 days in minecraft hardcore on one block we will be stranded in an empty void with nothing to see inside besides one regenerating block how much will we achieve and what will we build in these

100 days well you’re gonna have to stick around to the end to find out anyways this is 100 days in minecraft hardcore one block trio’s edition so day number one in this empty void of nothingness besides this one block we had to start breaking the block to get more blocks

After breaking the block for a little bit i collected some dirt and then built around the block so we can prevent anyone from glitching off and dying yet that happened a few times it was time to start collecting more blocks how many times did i just say blocks oh well we

Kept breaking the block until a pig spawned so i crofted up a crafting table and then made some slabs to extend the island out a little bit one of my friends recommended me to place the slabs on the bottom half of the block so mobs wouldn’t spawn though placing the

Slabs on the bottom of the block would be quite annoying because placing blocks on top of slabs like that gets kind of glitchy we kept breaking the block because at the moment that was the only thing we could do eventually we got a chest and inside the chest there was a

Water bucket i placed the water and placed a slab underneath the regenerating block so when gravel and other gravity blocks would spawn they would no longer fall into the never ending void a little time later we broke the final block of the tutorial phase and then we were ready to begin our very

First stage the planes we started this new stage by placing down some chests and then crafting some extra slabs to further extend the island out we crafted a ton of slabs and in no time we had extended the island out quite a lot and then we went straight back to breaking

The block until another pig spawned we continued breaking the block but because it was going to get really boring here’s a quick compilation of all the animals we got we got our very first cow not long after we got a sheep that really wanted to get in our way we also got a

Chicken i’m not sure when because i also started planting some saplings so we could get some more wood we got another sheep these things must be mocking us because it’s literally spinning right in front of us blocking away whilst the block was being broken the island was

Also being extended using more oak slabs continue breaking the block we also got a cow a ton of chickens another sheep even more chickens and by night time of day one we managed to finish the first stage of the block we got a chest called the benevolent gift and inside the chest

Was a grass block along with a few other materials inside we broke the block and then we had to wait around 20 seconds to get to the next stage of this block still on day one we were now on the underground stage i crafted a wooden pickaxe and then started breaking the

Block collecting even more cobblestone where i would craft a furnace smelt down a log to get charcoal i then crafted a fence gate for the farm one my friends were making and then crafted some torches as well using the charcoal that i had smelted in the furnace earlier so

Now we could see the area a little better during the night time we spent some time trying to move all the animals into their new home man this was annoying if we moved one animal in two animals would run out using some iron we had collected from the block i crafted

Some shears and then started shearing the sheep in hopes to hopefully get enough wool for our beds but unfortunately that was a fail we continued mining the block until i had decided it was time to start using some of our dirt to make up a quick and easy

Farm for some extra food and wait to breed the animals now if i continue to say every small detail on what happened on this day i think you would all get extremely bored so let’s fast forward to day number two i started by crafting up

A stone hoe until the farm area that i had just started to build i planted some potatoes melon seeds pumpkin seeds and sweet berries and then went back to further progressing through the block until a creeper decided to spawn and blow up a little bit of our island that

Wasn’t very nice sometime through the day i remembered that sheep don’t regenerate their wool unless they have grass underneath them so i built out a small dirt area chest of the plane’s bone phase of the block and now all that was left to do was wait for the grass to

Spread to all the other dirt blocks we filled some holes in the island with slabs and then went back to breaking the block fighting off mobs such as zombies until we somehow already made it through the underground phase while i was doing all the island expansion they continued

To break through the block speed that we were moving through these block phases are insane we also got a map which would allow us to keep track of all the building progress we make through these 100 days we decided to put the map on an

Item frame so at the end we can update the map and see how far we had come but apart from that we’re now in a new phase the icy tundra home to lots and lots of snowballs these dumb snowballs fill up your chest so easily as well this is

Also the phase where those snow foxes can spawn and for those who don’t already know they like to eat chicken so with some random blocks that i found in my inventory and the chess i started building a roof on top of the animal pen in hopes to keep the chicken safe i also

Turned some bones into bone meal to get more potatoes and then crafted some extra fences and started placing them down in that area where i would move all the sheep later on with all the grass blocks and stuff i then attempted to bring sheep over however of course once

I opened those fences some pigs and other animals tried to escape slowly but surely we managed to bring all the sheep over into their new homes after they took the same living life on the edge very seriously the only other exciting thing that happened today was this mob

Party there were a ton of mobs that would spawn and deal a ton of damage but we managed to take it out fairly easy we started day three back at the block once again some strays spawned but honestly none of these mobs could stand a chance

Against us they would all be dealt with as fast as they would spawn in also today is the day we finally got enough wool to craft the third bet truly exciting time it was at this point we started making good progress with island expansion as well i was chopping down

Trees that had grown whilst well this fella continued to work on placing down slabs not too long later we had made it to the final chest of the icy tundra stage inside this chest one of the most important items in this whole playthrough was inside it a block of ice

With a bucket of water from the plane stage we can now get an infinite water source we broke the chest and this time we had to wait around 40 seconds to reach the next stage i broke the ice block and then started building a small little 4×4 platform to make an infinite

Water source oh yeah while i was doing this the block had also upgraded and now we were on phase number four the ocean i made an infinite water source and then we got back to mining the block while breaking the block we managed to get a diamond however i was clearly struggling

To pick this one up it was around this time that i thought it would be a cool idea to do literally what everyone in one block skyblock does now is to make a pond i crafted some prismarine slabs and then went on to building a circle shape

For the pond this wasn’t going to be too big or too small either and for the very first time in this world we also went to sleep soon after a little bit of trial and error the pond outline had been completed so now it was time to build in

The walls since we just simply won’t have enough prismarine to build the walls out of it we decided to build the walls out of cobblestone and apparently while i was trying to figure out how to build up these walls otherwise this person here managed to get a trident my

Best guess was this was from one of the chests or something that would randomly spawn well that’s pretty cool i guess also since we wouldn’t have enough cobblestone to make the walls and floor out of the cobblestone we decided to just use some spruce slabs instead for

The floor i followed the design of the top circle and then we filled in the gaps of the floor with all the slam and while the floor was being built up the walls were also starting to be filled in with cobblestone as well soon later the pond had been finished we outlined the

Pond with some dirt blocks so then we could plant some bamboo to give some extra color around the pond but now the pond was complete while the block was still being broken we also started expanding the island out even further since i ran out of wood preventing us

From crafting more slabs i used some of the bone meal to burn me off the saplings for more wood but as i started doing this another monster party spawned and we had to quickly fight off some of those annoying mobs we went ahead and quickly farmed some of the bamboo that

Had grown near our pond and then went straight back to breaking the block to further progress sometime through this day we managed to complete the jungle phase we broke the final chest and then like all the other phases we were required to wait for the block to

Upgrade but this time we had to wait around 60 seconds we waited the time and now we’re on to phase number six the red desert and since at the moment we didn’t really need to do much work around the island we decided to continue breaking

The block i would love to say we did something interesting however for quite some time we actually just spent this time breaking the block though i guess every now and then we also had to fight off some mobs like these annoying husks and these pillagers but sticking to the

Block breaking theme we changed things up a tiny bit and instead we went ahead and started breaking down some trees for extra wood and then we looked through the chests for some random blocks to make a hole in our island you may have seen this in other 100 day videos but we

Actually decided to make a little area that would allow us to knock all the mobs that spawn into the void instead of having to get low on health when trying to fight off all the mobs we went back to chopping down more trees for more wood and then extended the island out

Even further chopping down more wood and extending the island even further later on in the video we will actually decorate this island as well additionally while we extended the island out the block was also starting to upgrade again you know the deal as soon as the block upgraded we started

Breaking it but this time we were now on the nether phase during the nether phase another monster party spawned and we were forced to fight it off there were blazes along with a ton of other random mobs you would expect to find in the nether the hole in the island actually

Came quite useful in some situations we could knock off many of the mobs such as these piglens it was around this time that we also wanted to make our farms better we started to destroy our old melon pumpkin potato and sweet berry farm and then started using up all the

Dirt to drastically extend the farm with the massively extended farm we started tilling the lands then planting all the crops as well we also made this random pattern out of red sand and soul sands where we would eventually plant cactus and netherwart as well with some jungle

Logs to plant cocoa beans right next to that we finished planting the rest of the crops and then we moved on to completing a task which took a surprisingly long time to complete this task was to chop down every single tree that we had grown there were a lot of

Them and most of them were the tall trees that have logs randomly spread between all the leaves so you can imagine this took quite a bit longer than necessary after we had finished chopping down all the trees we replanted all the saplings and now we had a ton of

Wood this would hopefully be enough wood to help us complete most of the island expansion that we were about to do for an island design we originally thought we were going to do each side had to be an even distance from the block so that’s what we did we calculated how far

Each side should be from the middle block and then just started building in all the gaps and now that we were also on the nether phase we could start to get items such as obsidian and ancient debris which is a cool little step up from the previous stages though it would

Mean the block would take even longer to break even with the diamond pickaxe once again we spent some time at the block trying to grind through each phase around halfway through day 30 we had finished the nether phase and now we’re on to the eighth phase of the block the

Ideal or something idyll something like that however it’s pronounced this was a strange level there were bees that would spawn there was a lot of quartz a lot of honey blocks and blocks from all the previous levels some bees spawned in but they were also angry at us and they

Started attacking us so we had to run away just so we wouldn’t die and like the previous few days we continued to grind out the block nothing special really happened on these next few days however in the next day we will change that and we would visit a brand new

Dimension as on day 34 we will put all the obsidian and lava buckets together to form a nether portal we went through the nether portal just so we could mine the four corners of the portal for that extra obsidian so i could come back home and then craft up an enchant table using

Four obsidian two diamonds and a book with some extra iron we had laying around i crafted an iron axe and using some lapis i enchanted the first tool of this play through i decided to enchant an iron axe because for this day we had a lot of wood chopping to do a massive

Forest we were running on our island was once again starting to get out of hand and was getting quite messy though there weren’t as many big trees this time there was still quite a few along with all the other small trees making this task take a lot longer than it should

Have i hate circles want to know why well it’s because of this task that we were about to do remember how we made each side of the island the same length from the middle of the block a few days ago well we decided to scrap that idea

And turn the island into one massive circle meaning we were going to have to look up a minecraft circle generator and then copy a simple circle shape you may be thinking this would be easy but it took way too long suddenly way longer than necessary at the size of the island

That it was at the moment it was way more difficult due to the amount of blocks that we also had to break from the previous day’s expansion on top of that we had been playing minecraft for quite a long time at this point so our brains just weren’t properly working but

Eventually after quite a few days of just breaking blocks trying to sort out the proper shape for this circle we had managed to completely turn the island into a massive circle remember the pond that we built a little while ago well we also need to change that we had a few

Planes with our island and for now we had decided to replace all the bamboo with sugarcane so we had to break all the dirt and replace the dirt with some sand but before we could place it with sand we had to place blocks underneath because the sand would just fall into

The void because it’s a gravity block so once we removed all the bamboo and replaced the dirt with sand it was now time to place water on top of all the prism rain slabs because another thing if you didn’t already know how sugarcane works if there isn’t water right next to

The block that the sugarcane is on it cannot be planted or grown whatsoever so we had the tedious task of moving water onto all the prismarine slabs and then of course we also planted the sugarcane you may notice we’re making a lot of changes with this island but don’t worry

It will all make sense in a few more days on top of all that we also had a few other cleaning up tasks and other island transformation tasks i guess you could say we first began by removing our tree from but don’t worry this actually isn’t being removed it’s just being

Moved to the outside of the circle island with all the dirt we had been collecting from breaking the block we had a lot of it to spare so we went around the outside of the island facing dirt with a three block gap in between each block and once we had completed the

Dirt stage we then moved on to once again planting saplings on top of all that dirt don’t worry this will all make sense very soon our goal was basically to make some sort of a paradise basically being surrounded by all sorts of greenery making it look really cool

From there we then went around the circle placing spruce slabs in between all the dirt blocks for decoration because we personally think this would look way better and honestly after placing all these spruce slabs in between the dirt blocks it made the island look 10 times better than what it

Could have looked like without the spruce slabs unfortunately we also had to move our nether pool as it would just get in the way with all the trees growing and all the other things that we’re about to do chests and storage it can come in handy the only problem with

Storage is when you have to move all of it the current area that all our chests were in would mean they would get in the way with the island design that we were going with so we now had the very tedious task of moving every single item

And block we had collected on top of that we also wanted to somewhat sort the chests out each chest would be dedicated to their own different type of item for an example there would be a chest full of blocks a chest full of farming items or even a chest full of valuable items

Such as diamonds iron gold and much more you could imagine how long it would really take us to move 12 double chests full of items and on top of that some of these items can’t even stack so we’d have to go back and forwards many times

Just to move one simple double chest let alone 12. smarter thing we could have done would have just been to move all the items but not have to go extra and make sure they weren’t sorted into their respectable chest types this wasn’t going to be fun however it was also

Necessary if we wanted to make any more progress on our island design but now that’s all done we had a little bit of time to spend back at the block we could once again continue making our way through the block phases however that was short-lived because i know it may

Seem that we just completely changed the pond design a few days ago however now we’re also going to have to completely remove it later on when you see our final island design we were going for you’ll understand how this pond would just simply get in our way it just had

To be removed and there wasn’t really any way around it using some sponges from i believe the ocean phase quite a few days ago we were able to fairly easily remove all the water though we also did have to dry a few of the sponges in the furnaces a couple of

Times because of just how much water there really was but now the water was gone we had the fun task of removing the walls collecting all the cobblestone as well because i mean it is just cobblestone though it will come in handy in some situations and then we also had

To remove the floor where we didn’t really have to collect the spruce slabs because we can easily get that wood back and we also now had to fill in the massive hole that was now in our island after removing the entire pond our poor island all the progress we had made in

The previous days were just now a waste of time i really hate circles now because in the center of our massive island circle we now needed to make another circle we spent a little while measuring out how big we actually wanted this circle to be but eventually after a

Lot of trial and error we also figured out the size and shape of this one as well and now we had another very tedious task to deal with and that was to break every single slab within the new circle shape that we had just measured out hopefully in the end the island will

Look very cool and hopefully it will be completely worth our time maybe fingers crossed oh yeah we also filled in a part of the circle with some dirt as well and connected it to a grass patch to hopefully fill it in with a ton of grass

As well we hit a little bit of a dry patch with island building because now all we were doing was mining the block we wanted to make as much progress as possible and the only way of doing this was really by breaking the block also if

We wanted to defeat the in the dragon at any point within these 100 days we were going to have to complete another two whole phases of the block and also prepare ourselves with armor and weapons that can defend us against anything that would get in our way as grass patch

Would slowly engulf all the dirt we had made our way through the stages of the block fighting off some annoying mobs such as these silverfish from all the block breaking we had collected a ton of materials and now it was time to go ahead and build up a mob thumb and this

Mob farm would certainly come in handy with any xp collection and if we needed any other mob drops such as bones and arrows we would now be able to collect it all easily but first we had to go ahead and build it all up also procrastinating a long way that’s why it

Took so long to complete every single time i had built this farm it would never work for me however knowing that there was basically nowhere on the island for mobs to spawn we could confidently say that this farm was not only going to work but it was going to

Be extremely fast and overpowered as well and now that we had a working mob farm and it was also producing a ton of mobs at an extremely fast rate we had returned back to our block to get through the final two stages we grinded through all the blocks sometime through

The block we also had to face another monster party though we took those mobs out pretty easily we also got a totem of them dying in the process now apart from that we continued to break the block fighting off any mobs that would face us

And soon we had finally made it to the end phase where all the end mobs would start spawning and before we made any more progress i would like to say this was definitely the most annoying stage endomites would start spawning though before you say they’re really easy to

Deal with upwards of 10 endomites would spawn at once and you would have to take them all out before continuing on making any more progress on the block they were extremely annoying and i’d be willing to say they’re way worse than vexes apart from that a few times endmen would spawn

Which would allow us to gather end pearls which we could then use later when the end portal would spawn if we were to get extremely unlucky with the enderpearl drops there would be no way for us to enter the end we fought off another monster party and i believe this

May be the last monster party though i’m not 100 sure apart from that we then continued grinding through the block a little longer until the end portal spawned in and now we were on another block however here we would be able to break the blocks from all the other

Previous stages first thing we did when we completed the end phase was we went ahead and got iron armor for everybody along with the tools as well which would allow us to survive against any mobs that we’d face in the end we then went back to the block for a little while

Longer to gather any other materials that we may need and to change things up a little bit we actually decided to build a quick little house that ended up looking pretty decent not bad whatsoever we thought it would be a pretty cool way to change things up from the usual block

Breaking and fighting off mobs the final day before the big day 100 was spent by completing any necessary preparations to fight off the ender dragon on the following day and here we are on day 100 we made the isa vendor filled in the portal and now it was time to defeat the

Ender dragon like all these dragon fights we started by shooting out every single crystal with all the arrows from the mob bombs and not long after the crystals we started firing our arrows of the dragon and then it would perch we would hit it with our sword and then

Eventually we had finally finished it off with our bows and there we have it that was 100 days in minecraft hardcore one block if you enjoyed this video then check this one out next

We Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft.. TRIOS EDITION!

We attempted to survive 100 days on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore… We survived 100 days on one block with two of my friends (TRIO Hardcore Minecraft.) How much can we achieve in 100 Minecraft days? What awesome builds can we complete on our 100 days Minecraft Hardcore One Block world..?

🔴 WATCH MORE TRIOS VIDEOS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kK6TNaqLl49ElMs-tnwp4BiMkcBeuoN

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🎶 Music:
All music from the Undertale OST, Super Mario Odyssey OST, Lud and Schlatts Musical Emporium

#minecraft100days #minecrafthardcore #100day


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