Rarest Things That Can Happen to YOU in Minecraft

Minecraft has a lot of rare mobs blocks and events that can happen but did you know that some items are even more rare than winning the Powerball jackpot yep things like that exist in Minecraft and I’m sure you will be amazed when you see that but let’s start off with Minecraft trees

We all have got down some trees and while breaking the leaves I’m sure you have noticed to drop some items like saplings sticks and apples but what are the odds that one leaf block will drop a sapling a stick and an apple all at once well we can calculate that the chance of

Getting a sapling from the leaf block is five percent while the chance of a stick is two percent and the chance of getting an apple is much slower at 0.5 percent combining the odds that these all happen with the same block we get 0.0005 which is one in 200 000 chance of

Happening and that is super rare for example I have only mine 3 400 oak leaves in my 5 000 days Minecraft world but let’s talk about the oars now you might think the diamonds are hard to find but there is actually an ore that is much harder to find and that is the

Deep state color but why is it so hard well as you can see here deep set code spawns very rarely on the Deep State height and to get an idea on how rare it really is remember when we talk of this perimeter well there was 21 700 colors

Here and only 167 of those were deep set colors just for reference there were over 4 100 diamond doors here as well so the tips that colors were more than 25 times rarer than the diamond doors then we have the axolotls they only spawn in large caves and live in the

Dark under the water there are five different variants of these little guys with the rarest being blue but how rare is it really well I have some good and some bad news the good news is that you can breed them which makes getting the rare blue variant a little bit easier

But the bad news is that on average you would need to breed around 1200 times until you get the rarest blue color yep the odds of breeding two random colors and The Offspring being blue is 1 in 1200 they order 99.9 percent of times literally the odds are 99.9 against you

You will just get the color that is matching one of the parents so good luck on trying to get your new ultra rare bit going to the end and killing the ender dragon is a must too thing in a Minecraft world so for that you go and

Find the nearest stronghold and to your surprise the portal is already filled with the Eyes of Ender that’s odd but yes that is completely possible but super rare and here’s how it works each end portal frame has a warning then chance to spawn with an eye offender which doesn’t seem that unlikely but

Keep in mind there are 12 blocks and this has to happen to every single one of them so what are the odds of getting a 10 event happening 12 times in a row well it is one in one trillion that is insane but still it’s a better chance

Than you finding a girlfriend or me sheep can naturally spawn in 6 different colors and most of them are boring Shades of Gray or brown except this one yep a pink ship can naturally spawn in a word and it is pretty rare only one in 641 chips spawned is pink but there is

An even more rare version of the pink sheep and that is the baby pink ship only one in twelve thousand baby sheep will be spawned in the pink color so if you happen to find one naturally you are very lucky or you can just tie them pink

Yourself and no one will ever know but we all know how rare of a biome the Mushroom Island is but things get even crazier on the island you can find these cow looking mobs called mushrooms and when hit by lightning they turn into brown mushrooms that itself isn’t very

Rare but what is rare is another way you can get the brown mushroom just breeding the regular red mushroom cows over and over again you have a one in 1024 chance that the baby will be a brown mushroom keep in mind that if you’re not lucky enough your Island might look like this

After some time Woodland mountains are rare even more rare than the mushroom islands Mansions can also spawn thousands of blocks away from the spawn point but if you happen to find one don’t count yourself lucky just yet the real luck is when you can also find the lava room in the Mansion I

Couldn’t find the exact thoughts but it is the rarest room in the mansion and has a diamond block in the middle of it this is the only place in the game where you can find a naturally generated Diamond clock so when you find it you will also get rewarded

Metaphortices can be a good source of fruit especially if you happen to find a big one I’m sure you have noticed that finding horse armor in this chest is pretty common and you are right horse armor has one of the highest spawning raids in the Fortress test but how hard

Is it to find three different horse armors all in one just well I’ll tell you each one in 1.9 million chance for this to happen and while horse armors are pretty boring it is nice to know how lucky you were if you found it lightning is annoying we all know that

It can burn down your house turn your villagers into witches and much more we often see lightning strikes in the distance but have you ever thought one of the chances of you getting hit by lightning well we can calculate that every second in the game there is a 1 in

5 000 chance that the lightning hits a certain chunk and there are 256 possible blocks in a chunk where the lightning can hit combining these two odds we get that it’s in one in 1.28 million for the lighting to hit exactly where you are standing the odds in real life of

Getting hit by lightning in a year is one in 1.2 million so it’s pretty much the same as it is in Minecraft Minecraft’s main menu looks like this but do you notice anything odd still no well take a closer look at the Minecraft text up here the letters e and C are

Switched and no this is not some kind of a trick there’s actually a 1 in 10 000 chance that when you put up your Minecraft launcher the letters will be switched and it says minshraft this is a small Easter egg by Mojang and you probably don’t even notice it when you

Don’t know the look for it so the next time when you’re starting up the Minecraft launcher you know what to look for goats were introduced in Minecraft version 1.17 to usually chill piece fully at the top of the mountains and don’t bother anyone except for the one

Type of goat the screaming goat they make this annoying sound and not be the aggressive luckily they are quite rare and only one in 50 goats are the screaming ones but what’s even more rare is to get the specific screaming code Porn first you have to find the

Screaming code and then you have to hope it drops the right horn this makes towards of you getting it 0.5 percent which is exactly one in two hundreds did you know there are thousands of different tropical fish in the sea oh and to be exact 27 000 different types I

Was as surprised to see when I found it out that is a lot of fish this makes the odds of getting a specific tropical fish one in 27 000. this also means that every tropical fish you have ever caught is probably a unique one and that is really cool to think about

Creepers are one of the most explosive mobs in Minecraft but they are not even that bad when comparing it to a Charged Creeper they can also generate naturally and I don’t even want to think about running into one however what are the odds of this happening applying the same

Logic as before the odds that the lightning will hit right where the creeper is is one in 1.28 million that’s luckily pretty rare so you are safe but just for now finding a bell in a village is nothing special we all have probably seen one and playing around with it in the past

But have you ever found a battle item in a loot chest no that’s what I thought the only place where you can find it is in the ruin portal just and the Chance is one in 66 meaning if you find 66 room portals only one of them will have the

Bell in the chest mobs are often spawned with different armor pieces and that’s nothing special most of the time it is just a piece of gold armor so anything above it is rare but how rare exactly well some quick research and calculations say the chance of a zombie spawning with a diamond

Armor is in one in 2500 and to be honest I would think it’s even more rare since I have only seen a mob with a diamond armor maybe three times anyway I can’t wait until we have Mobs with netherite armor and I rarely ask this but be sure

To subscribe and see you in the next video bye

Minecraft Has Many Rare Things, like Blue Axolotl, getting hit by Lightning or a naturally spawned Charged Creeper. Today I’ll Show You 15 of The Rarest Things in Minecraft and Their Odds of Happening!
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  1. Wait I found a red sheep before because it a bedrock and java combinded server😅

    Edit1: I found a zombie with full enchanted iron amour and fire aspect 2 and sharpness 3 iron sword sadly it didnt drop the amour but only the sword.

    Edit2:I got struck by lightening 2 time in my 5 day survivor world and my uncle got struck by lightening too sadly he didnt make in.

  2. Hey, is there a chance that a lightning will strike when the weather is clear ? I just played on my survival world, and there was a thunderstorm, so I decided to get some mob heads (by throwing channeling trident into creepers and then exploding them). When the storm ended, I decided to grab some dirt from my nearby hut to fill holes from explosions. But then near me, there was a lightning strike during CLEAR weather and it spawned some weird skeleton horses

  3. 5:21 just telling you, but one chest in the end actually has all three horse armor, and also, there is a secret chest in the desert temple and it has a chance of spawning, so after looting the desert temple, check under the pillars that are "guarding" the loot.

  4. once i mined 106 blocks of gravel in a row without getting a flint. a user on Reddit said the odds are about 0.0014% or 1 in 70,000.

  5. 1:05 that'a fake what you said! On my world I found some deepslate coal ores but I was in caves for over an hour and found only one diamond! I was in at least 4 different caves and found only 1 single diamond! So I got mad and downloaded x-ray texture pack

  6. xd, when i hear that coal is rarer than diamond i'm laughing, i'm found this 3 times in 2 hours on mods randomly mining in caves

  7. Pink sheep i saw once,,
    In older version, the sugar can is only grow by 3 block, so found the 4 block, is rare, and i was found,but for now, the 4 block sugar cane is generaly generated

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