Stardew Valley No Skills Challenge Year 2 Spring

All right hopefully that time I was well unmuted greetings everyone it is me I have return how is everyone beoo I do okay especially now that we’re cooking we’re gays me and I’m brand new here um that’s not what I meant to do actually oops I wanted to water that thing my

Bad let’s run that back real quick we’ll pretend that didn’t happen I meant to be on the watering can oops strong start as always welcome back it is a new week a new time a new play SES let’s hope for the greatest outcomes but expect worst defeats uh our

Goal is just get some par Snips and just going to speedrun through whatever we got going on I don’t think I have uh planned out too too much sadly while I was gone mostly same brain things going on but that’s not a bad thing at least some predict ility is

Nice I have thought about playing some uh hell divers I know since that’s like the newest latest greatest uh hype thing but it also seems kind of fun the only thing is I need it to actually stream on the Nvidia service and then uh we can be rolling baby blanket lashes Dar cute

Be nice bundled up and soloft yeah trying to get five parsnips for the gold quality and if uh memory serves me correct that should not level me up and if it does we’re in the pickle but I believe I’ve planned it out so that it should

Not so right now I’m just kind of waiting for a huge batch of them to get done so then I can reload the mornings and save scum until I am able to get all five immediately so I don’t have to over Farm oh okay yes I can get around here good

Good but yes beyond that we’re just kind of keeping the course going to go see oh yes I guess I never picked that one up um going to go see Sandy tomorrow buy some G GE I want to say gems but she don’t sell gems which is

Regrettable um but aside that yeah just kind of do our thing I have to be to planting a summer tree and there might be like literally just enough room here but I don’t know but it’s all right I’m not really seeking another Money Maker we’re pretty much all well and good on

That so yeah now we’re just going to keep in course suppose I can run around do my typical garbage collecting damn that is a real big blankie nice to have Caton be nice and bundled up I can’t remember if I used to have a baby blanket or not to be honest maybe I

Did maybe I didn’t but uh pretty much never kept anything from the Y old younger days of mine so they have say so to go off of from whatever uh relatives want tell me it’s true I did look at what the Omni geod do give and regrettably they uh

Don’t have too too many gems they have a lot of the like things for the museum which I mean I will give to further bolster that on the off chance I get 60 things which I don’t know if I will but you know a Boy Can

Dream but yeah y’all we already got our Jade so honestly we are doing pretty well just going of keeping course letting days on Go On by cuz well we really only need to get 15 of them and then head over to the desert Trader at the correct

Day trade them all in for some staircases and bada bing bada boom we are cooking oh hey Sam we are cooking with some gasoline um but what else we got going on not too too much I played a little bit of pal World on single player world to see how

Far I’ve got surprisingly I’m gotten my character up to level 9 spent a couple hours from start to finish I’m just very sad that for some reason most streaming online games um most Services don’t let you play Early Access but I was thinking about potentially with um good old Xbox the Ultimate Game

Pass does cost a bit more but you can use the Microsoft cloud service to play games and I thought maybe it would be an interesting challenge SL experiment to um buy a subscription for a month and then before I had to renew it see how far I could get and again this could

Either be like a stream or I could just record things offline but I feel like people may want to see that so you know maybe maybe just another idea to tell us out there ah yes artifact Tres maybe maybe it we’ll have quite a way to go

We’ll we’ll see how long I have to uh spend playing through the seasons if I have to get multi- years to get trading lady to get everything I need what will win the indomitable will of man or uh RNG destroy me we’ll find out I

Guess yeah I thought so too I mean I like pal World enough that I’d be willing to stomach it but it is a bit regrettable that my computer do be kind of poo poo and I just can’t outright play it on my old machine otherwise I just spend the

20 some odd bucks that it costs versus you know Ultimate Game Pass which costs like I think $18 a month so um paying for two months of ultimate pass essentially equivalate it does not equate to um the cost for the game it’s like more so not fun I got to admit but what

Can you do I did upload a very quick video of my poor old machine riddle rattling and uh purring I don’t know if a a fan just got a random piece of dust in there or something but she was not happy I’ll tell you I think

Since uh the last time I played it’s only crashed twice theseason one of them was because I had too many Chrome tabs open and if you know anything about Chrome good God it does it love to consume free space and RAM I am half tempted to switch to Firefox but by this point

I I don’t know if it really matters ultimately I just need to get a new machine but that cost money what can you do oh like one away from schelton stray Gods I have not heard of that what be the Stray of the Gods yeah I used to use Firefox many

Moons ago but I switched over to Chrome cuz I had um some cooler features no not the weeds all right what did it do oh hey all these are up a dude that’s so cringe that’s one of the one um big things I have to worry about in

The future when I do have to plan uh plant longer dated crops like pumpkins in the fall but hey everything is grown so let us start seeing which one of these things is gold uh none okay so this one two from the tree is a gold this one between the Rocks is a

Gold this one at the very bottom is a gold this one next to it is a gold okay and this one like two beneath the Rocks is a gold okay Sal only wanted to see here so let’s go ahead and collect collect up the Goldies okay so two from the

Tree Goldie boy then between the Rocks one down here this one and this one like immediately what when did I huh I thought this was a gold which one was the goldie then did they they weren’t supposed to switch oh wait what no huh n n where did the other one come from

Then what they’re supposed to be static where did okay guess we’re going to try to find a different one okay so this corner one might be another gold what you doing to me game you’re not supposed to switch things around at least that’s how you were come now Let’s

Uh let’s be amicable here should be nice okay so that one still holds true got this one got this one got this huh okay now we’re just switching up we’re just making it up as we go along here I guess so some of them are static and some of these are just making

Things up as they go thear hell bruh I am going to find that corner one whichever one it is I’m going to find you okay that is a golden I got you I got you this one this one oh there we go we got five golden parsnips would you look

At that they just needed to not switch around so now we’re about halfway through our levels but otherwise we are fine I’m about to do something that’s going to make everybody cry are you ready let’s see I got to make sure now to harvest let’s re Orient ourselves

Here let SC n it’s not what I wanted you know I’m just going to leave alone accidental pickups I’m just going to leave it alone and never uh never touch any of that ever again okay um let us deposit some other things then since we are rolling along and the

Experience I’m going to get eventually is irrelevant but there we go we have acquired at least some of our golden quality crops so half of our problem is solved key have some water I don’t know what it subsists off of I’ll be honest this will be the first and only time there we

Go uh yeah I guess we can crack these open a Clint why not so the shed um it is my greatest disgrace so prior to me doing what I just did and still farming on my land I had a mod which I thought was a planter For All Seasons

So I envisioned the golden quality produce to all be farmed up the exact same time so I it’s pretty much what I’m doing right now except not staggered out between the seasons so I would still um need to have a space where I plot down the Planters and then

See get that and uh I still would need to plant and Hunt around four whenever I did get the gold quality products so what I failed to read was the modded planter was only going to work on forageable Goods so my reading comprehension is truly through the roof

There we go quality crop so now what I’m going to shoot for is when it’s actually fall is to grow tangentially both corn and pumpkins or in tandem rather um so the shed was supposed to be the thing for that but now it just sits as a a

Monument to my uh lack of reading comprehension so I uninstalled the mod that’s the whole reason I was like trying to rise up Evelyn cuz she is the one who gives you the recipe for the thing but the thing is uh the planter modded Planters anyhow I’ll take like 10

Hardwood to craft each so even if I did get the Planters uh to plant normally as I thought they did just the crafting recipe alone is like uh yeah that ain’t going to work cuz as you saw my giant field of parsnips even then um was

Screwing with me so it would take me like forever to hunt down all the correct um I guess uh quality produce wow 10 coal and the thing oh malachite yummy yummy but yes that is uh the whole point of it I thought I could use it turns out

I’m stupid now I can’t so we’re back to plain normal stardo unmodded effectively You could argue yes I still have um that was loud I still have the XP bars so I guess it is modded but you know me semantics at that point cuz it’s not really like doing

Anything for me it’s just kind of there to be there to visually alert to me how screwed I’m making myself but yeah just about it so that was that I mean I guess we can uh buy random things and decorate the shed and fill it up with a bunch of

Crap I don’t need instead of uh having it in the house or I could decorate the house you know who knows I got all the time and ability in the world I should run by the trash a bit more but let’s have a change of scenery

And go to the desert as a little reward for getting our quality produce but it feels nice year two and we’re progressing pretty well again everything is ultimately bottlenecked by a trading lady but that’s all right man there’s so many coconuts that I want to pick up but I cannot I must be

Strong otherwise I’m a fool I would have come all this way just to destroy myself and that’d be terrible damn I always hope it’s like a gold mask or something I really don’t need any more clay oh game artifact Trove wow it takes five Omni geodes per BR W literally just 100%

Garbage see desert this is why nobody likes you this is why nobody visits you cuz you ain’t got all let’s go home oh raged with the trash destroying my wrist and I guess um go to bed ain’t too much to do but yeah let’s make a petition so

That uh Nvidia genforce now supports pal world I want to play that game more I’m only limited by the fact that uh only Xbox ultimate streams it otherwise maybe hell hell divers but then I have to ask myself the question if I am going to play hell divers do I wish to commit

To the uh just base game at 30 bucks or do I want to uh if we’re going to be playing it for a long time by the $60 cool cosmetic one ah it’s Gus open I think it should be you sound stuff fer sure is anything pink cake someone may enjoy

That um but yeah I don’t know if I wish to buy the super mega version should I just buy some coffee from him I do kind of hate running around slow like yeah let’s just buy some coffee we’ll we’ll run around a bit quicker throughout our daily

Chores cuz it is nice it’s not like a fully priced game which is like now $70 a game which still blows my mind I remember you know being a young young old whipper snapper and making an investment of like 60 bucks for a brand new game hurt the E old wallet cuz you

Know allowance only gets you so far but holy Christ even now like 60 still is kind of steep for anything even me buying a $30 bottle of whiskey sometimes it’s like o that’s a bit Rich for my blood um but now they’re like $70 like come on what what what what is

Up with that AAA Studios what you doing here I got to admit sometimes your product just ain’t worth 70 bucks which I’ve been seeing as of late I think um the gaming industry really do we need a hard reset cuz what they’re pumping out nowadays sure don’t feel like it’s worth the 70

Bucks and there’s arguments to be made of a you know time invested versus money gotten but like your boy just thinks it’s a bad trade wow look at that first and only parsnip did somebody want a par snip was there a mission did Caroline want to par snip or

Something ah you know I don’t know and I don’t care that is as simple as it gets I don’t know I don’t care hi Kitty okay um but yeah what would you guys do if you knew there was a game potentially that you know put yourself in a shoes of a a cool

YouTube streamer Supreme if a game could potentially raise up your channels uh viewership and potential fan base would you just buy the 30 Buck version or or if you knew this was something you’re going to be playing for a while would just uh Fork over the big

Bucks I want to see what others think like you know maybe I’m just too much in my own head how did I do that I did I meant to go into this chest for what what yes so I’ll have to check out stray Gods give me uh give me an elevator

Pitch what it would do be I would all tab to open up steam but then I fear it would explode or you would try to play a trailer and overlap in the audio cuz I remember there was I think it was a different game where it was

More like a decision based story teller where it was like uh there were gods or gods were watching some I remember something with God in name why do they have to come out I got to go the long way around wait for them to skitter off man

Man I don’t think Alex is out yet so let’s just do this real quick I don’t really care about any one’s birthday but who’s coming up uh haly might be able to give us something cool I feel like Emily may be worthwhile I think she likes amethysts right I feel

Like she does she’s the she’s the the astral girl feel like she should like right guess not we could Fork over a couple Jades here and there God knows what oh topaz we also have topaz oh yeah you’re right we can just give on topazes too

Man we got rocks of plenty maybe she’ll uh give us something also useful back don’t know what I think she gives her like wool or a cloth but I feel like we already gave that to the community center so questionable usefulness Haley what does Haley

Give I don’t know I mean I guess it’s worthwhile to try to befriend the people anyway maybe they’ll give me something useful I still am the one thing that’s giving me the big hang up is I don’t remember if uh traveling car lady sells wheat or not I can’t quite

Remember what I had thought of to get wheat cuz I don’t want to farm it myself but if I have to in the fall I believe I can but I also don’t remember if it’s a fall produce me am for Gort because brain is square roleplay musical murder

Mystery H Maybe maybe maybe I do enjoy the mythical and Greco Roman things oh Hades I could try to play Hades sometimes technically on this account it would be like brand new oh that’d be exciting can see if I can get good again hell yeah Hades is a lot of fun now I

Think about it sheesh we got so many games I could play Man slaps computer this thing can fit so many thousands dollar with worth of games ah if only she could play them that’s all right thankfully uh we got the game streamers I don’t know I’m wondering

What people want to see beyond cuz I don’t want to make uh just a uh a one game channel you know I mean there’s nothing wrong with that if people choose to just drill down video game until the end of its life and then some can become super speedrun

Masters or something but I would like to be of vary dude but I know that’s also sometimes a death sentence for anyone who streams or plays video games cuz unless you have like a huge following already or you’re just really that charismatic or you know you’re an eldrich deity like

Germa uh being a variety streamer do be rough unless you find your Market I don’t know I know a lot of people do fpss and I sure do love being a shooty boy but I want to know what people want to see so if you’re watching this in the

Future or currently tell me what y’all want to see I’m I’m a big old doof Ball but I could try to play stuff uh caution though Platformers make me go into a fit of rage and induce aneurysms because for some reason um I don’t know I am just historically terrible with

Platformers I don’t know why but even like Destiny platforming just the butter physics when I’m on a a little tiny ledge and I just happen to slip off for some reason or it doesn’t connect properly and I fall down it just sends me into a frenzy if actually if I ever played

Getting over it I think I would die on the spot I would literally get so angry I would pop a blood vessel in my neck and just and then just lead out and die just ain’t for me you know just never good at it it was is weird cuz

When I was a young young boy much younger than now you know I know I’m I’m such a young and handsome lad uh maybe I’ll do the egg Fest I don’t know um would be nice to get some money but not like it’s Mission critical um but when I was a younger boy

I actually had a Sega weirdly enough that’s uh what my family got for me so I played that and there was tons of you know platforming games back in the Sega played a lot of uh good old Sonic uh there was a Mech game I don’t

Quite remember what it was but it was like top down uh Mech shooter I don’t want to say it’s armored Core cuz it didn’t seem like it I found it before and I have to really go digging for uh the name of it unfortunately it’s not at the top of my

Mind but there were a lot of platforming games oh also golden axe man I wasted so many hours playing Golden Axe but I always choose the uh the female Warrior cuz she would be able to summon down the red dragon once you like kick a bunch of Gremlins and you take

Their like Mana pots and her like level three cast down ability is just like a giant dragon and just spits fire across the entire board oh dude it’s so cool oh batwing well now that I talking about nonsensical horeshit um it gives me something interesting uh do we need a puffer

Fish I don’t think so I think we already got one yeah we got a puffer pretty sure we already bought a scorpion fish prior again it’s not necessary um and yeah we got our batwing so I think the boiler room is pretty much done aside the Fire

Quartz you know now that I think about it we could even get enough Jades to go down to like level 90 or deeper just to get a fire quarts spawn naturally for uh cuz I don’t yeah this one will be finished yeah this one will be a little

Tricky but I feel like we’ll be able to do that too it’s just a waiting game everything’s a waiting game now that’s fine yeah that’s also kind of what I noticed Um that’s the thing though I don’t know what I’m particularly good at uh people say I have a talent and word smithing and bullshitting you know like streams here I could just pick a topic and rattle on and pattle on about whatever like the fables of old I could

Just I can baffle you with my all day long but gaming skill-wise I would definitely need to uh you know hone down a lot more I would probably have to quit my 9 to5 or artifact if I actually really wanted to get back in the swing of being a full-time

Gamer cuz I know you know people still watch like CS goo League of League of Legends and all the other streams good old ninja and his fork knife and everything else but I don’t know if you were to sit me down on an interview style and ask me

What is it that sets me apart from others now put a gun to my head I don’t know why do why do you guys keep coming to back to watch me I don’t know what is it about me that makes me tick huh is it my ch arm is in my

Dastardly handsome face that you can’t see what is it cuz I don’t know I’m just hoping and praying I’m throwing things at the walls and seeing what sticks and to be honest uh it’s a trial and trial and error cuz I know ultimately when all of

This is done and uh you know if I don’t screw up any further than I already have I’m able to successfully do this challenge complete the community center and not die on inhaling breath and hopefully the final VI gets some nice viewership and hopefully some amusement from

People but I don’t know I’ll be honest folks your boy he don’t know oh I wanted to do the bat wings yeah yeah I need to run by my house do that listen I’m bad at a lot of games I don’t know there will come a point to

Where like if I just load up a game that I’m terrible and then it’s like you just watch me suffer and struggle it could be like a compilation of uh me crying as I’m just so God awful at something but uh yes that is the correct thing

Yeah but I feel like at some point the novelty will wear off where you just either come to pity me or you just stop watching it’s because like man this is just painful I this guy just sucks at everything why would I ever want to watch him ever again but it could be

Amusing you know it’s like uh one of those uh play till you rage kind of things can’t it would be so funny I just start up a stream it gets five minutes deep and be like all right see y’all later you just hear the disconnecting of mics and

Cables just cuz I become so utter enraged let’s go what do I get oh magnet ring actually that’s not terrible I would like to pick up things from a bit further away yeah you go little junimo let’s let’s wash this little guy we ain’t got nothing else going on I’ll probably just fall

Asleep ain’t nothing in the trash I don’t did I visit the mine not the mes the cave for mushrooms I don’t know I don’t remember it’s okay it’s a quick check what if I block your way little junima what you going to do oh oh he’s trying to run he’s running

Guys what you going to do huh yeah that’s what I thought on the big man hey you back God damn ain’t that a thing challenge runs do be interesting I don’t know I would I would hate to Rend retread too much ground though I

Mean if I could do it in a funny way like this then uh by all means I try out some different things but I I I think most of everything unless there’s like too much new content added to the game everything’s been done so you just see me put a riff on it

Which you know if you want to see as cool or some other games I’ve kind of had some uh Dark Souls runs in the past where you know you try only uh okay I done that try only use like a certain weapon or a certain play style or do something

So I was just there man so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility but I’m glad people enjoy the commentary I try my best to uh just kind of keep things engaging that was a thing I I don’t know the fine line between having dead air but also still keeping people

Engaged so I just kind of keep going no one’s yelled at me to shut up yet a it’s another passenger man it’s I’ve been two years two years and not a single thing yeah honk me whatever me whatever okay but yeah no one screams at

Me to shut up yet so until someone does I’m uh I’m going just keep yapping on what blood yapping about I know I just do all right let stop running into things oh I don’t think there’s too much left to do today folks so I think I’m just going to go and

Sleep like before we’ll check the trash hope for the best and then uh me just keep on slumbering I don’t know do I want to just speedrun seasons do I want to fuss about too much thumbnail making I don’t know oh how’s everyone liking the uh the new

Art it’s a very esoteric meme if you know what it is uh kudos to you if you don’t that’s all right cuz I also had to had to be explained to me cuz it was such an absurd concept but I felt like Sam was the most compatible character for some

Reason in my mind to do the devious indeed which he is responsible for yeah I got some more random crap chip chop here maybe I should let some of those trees grow up actually I’m thinking about it just get a little bit taller so once I kill them they actually

Dr actually drop a little bit more wood then just be sad and giv me nothing oh yeah all right let’s go trash diving oh no it’s the egg veg of all oh cringe okay we can do that guess I’ll just go drop off me mushrooms and then we’ll await the

Egg maybe I’ll go north for a while actually until the event starts I’ll just see if there’s any more artifacts yeah I triy to keep it on a minimum but sometimes there’s nothing going on in my brain just ain’t got nothing to talk about sometimes it just do be like that

Though I was speaking of nothing to talk about though uh y’all like goldfish cuz I was able to try out some of the uh the new goldfish crisps those things are fire dude they are flavor blasted to a new realm and even the like uh the crisp

Itself I don’t know how to best describe it but it kind of reminds me of the different baked uh chip varieties like texture-wise it’s good flavor-wise it’s some yum yum so I’m actually tempted to spend my money on a big old bag a goldfish which I typically don’t do and good old TV

Standards you know I used to work uh I’m sure deor I don’t know if I mentioned and if I have apologies but I used to be on the radio believe it or not so I know some general uh wow there’s like nothing here some general rules about the dos and don’ts and whatnot

But yeah sometimes in YouTube either cuz I’m concentrating or scared out of my wits it’s all right to have some silence to be honest I don’t know why I’m talking with everyone cuz it’s only going to become like useful if I become friends with them outside of

Uh the events so I feel like this is a bit redundant for no reason but I still chat with them I suppose no you’re never too old punch them children in the face tell them you know what I don’t care maybe I am in my 20s maybe

I’m my 30s I never got the experience of being a young youthful lad uh no you know what I would raise animals but that is against my current religious beliefs of uh being a weakling I’m sorry Evelyn you’ll have to ask the alternate timeline versions of my

Myself oh yeah I forgot about the cool thing that Kent now hangs out with like the Guild Master blood to blood discussion talking about the murders yeah how does that work what are we again what is the war against is it other people is there a

Monster Race I know these guys get along but like is it a similar discussion thing is it like real army vet versus like Airsoft fighter or is it like I’m still curious about this I want more lore about this give me more of this I

Want to know God damn it let me know I want to know I I want to see the full ultimate unhinged background all right let’s go onun some eggs Demetrius why are you staring at me damn it Haley wait you got to hold out that’s not very

Nice um I forget the route I think I swing down and go up get the egg yeah I remember the big strategy but uh executing upon on it always takes forever you know it’s bad and you got some stardo brain Rock when uh you got to look up the pro Strat egg h

Run I don’t even know why it like matters I guess in the first year so you could get a cool hat but then after the fact it’s like what you get like 500 bucks I think which I guess if you’re really down bad and broke I guess that’s

Fine but usually by this point in any of my worlds I’m like loaded or pretty close to oh I don’t think oh there’s no there’s an egg in the back of the car I couldn’t get to man # Material Girl yeah who wi skill issue or me hey skill issue let’s

Go oh a thousand never mind that’s all right oh gosh that covers the cost of two desert trip tickets or one Omni geode oh that’s wacky that’s crazy anyway let’s go dig through the trash now that it’s late and no one should be able to witness my uh horrific uh axxe

He I do always wonder with haly where or any you know what have these people like sometimes they give them food items which you they’ll eat what about the rest where do they hoard the rest to their your house is only so big and even in my world I have chests that are

Just filled with clutter like where are y’all storing it I’m having problems storing it I know all of you probably have problems storing it unless you’re just selling it which is rude I gift it to you so you can have it not to sell it I don’t know who can say I should

Probably check the luck days on these things cuz if it’s bad luck maybe I just shouldn’t bother just go straight to sleep skip the entirety of the futility of running around doing whatever yeah I don’t know maybe maybe I do have the TV by the door so if

I really want to start doing it so I don’t have to do this all the time oh but it’s always funny to get a big payout though you’re not expecting it and then just something good the kitchen cabinets yeah oh it would be nice if there was a a mod where kind of

Like the fridge in the kitchen all the different um cabinets and stuff you have in your house were able to be stored with a bunch of crap we need more storage I need the industrial Amazon warehouse concerned ape I am a hoarder I have a clinical problem of collecting too much that

I will never use but my monkey brain cannot allow me to not have it please help my crippling addiction this is a cry for help but instead of fixing it I just wish to have more storage space thank you so what if I have 999 iridium bars

That I will never use I will one day and the potential of me needing to use him one day is what keeps me from using them pleas I wish to have four stacks of 999 aridium it is only appropriate after all all right it is traveling card lady day let’s get some

Mushies I guess I can still give the wizard something sometime maybe naturally he’ll just send me a Jade and uh you’ll be proof of concept that he can eventually just do it naturally except uh I couldn’t have the patience and just wanted to speedrun it you

Know so then anyone in the after uh after the video is all sit and done can’t cry and be like you see it’s not an actual valid challenge R because uh you you you did this and this and this it’s like man shush I am working within the boundaries

Of the game I’m not using console command or cheat engine I am within my rights to do as I feel necessary and I wanted to to speed up this uh section of my life cuz we spent more than long enough clay farming yam and snow root

Farming and now I want to PE put people through more random grind than they really need to oh ooh I think we do need a tiger oh we do get weed from here damn this is going to be a Lawn Boy special do we need a pike though

Um got the tiger trout so that’ll fin finish that car bullet no we don’t need a pike not unless I just feel like keeping it for some reason hello LOL LOL LOL I say does anyone else need the Nole the shell I don’t think so Demetrius got

His oh actually yeah what are we looking for chub okay yeah I don’t know I guess I could buy it maybe he just likes it as a gift coffee ban 2,000 man what the hell you know now I think about it then you mentioned the bathroom cabinets why don’t we have a bathroom how does that work I know you know video game suspend your disbelief no real real istic needs but where where’s our character are we just filthy are we just

Animals do we not need to empty our bladders ever are we gods are we agendered sexless who needs genitals we we sat on a belt sander and just gone deleted we went to the local Mage he cast me butt crack we no longer have a need to ever we can consume consum

A stack of 999 cake never affects us in any way we’re just wild cuz I other people have bathrooms right or do they not how do are these houses laid out where’s everyone there’s deep lore here much like the lore of the war where’s everyone there’s a new investigation

Open guys we need a second video and a longer format talking about where’s everyone Us’s in the bathroom at cuz I don’t see no communal party poty there’s stalls in the uh hot spring so clearly there’s some sort of bathroom some sort of Plumbing going on what about the rest of the

Place what’s up with that we need a deep dive into the insanity of this world how does it work really where’s my realistic needs bathroom I don’t want it sorry that was a meme someone wants to make it by all all means that’s 100% you but I uh I don’t think I need

It memes or memes but you can uh can let your characters fart in your own world I I think I’ll keep this one nice and fresh all right we’re going to run by a I hate getting around the stupid Beach going to run by and toss the

Trout I think we got into the thing just to get another bundle done to feel like we’re progressing more this one yes bada bada Boom bait I have no use for that yeah you get him little junimo same color same BX just a hole behind the house the Daisy don’t make it back he just instantly just and someone has to drag you and maybe that’s why they uh charge you money to drag your sorry

Corpse back to uh the house is cuz you just Unleashed unspeakable Wars and they’re like oh God I got to touch that thing oh also how is lonus diving down into like the mines at like level 90 to 100 to get us homeboy be built different he like

Built like John Wick I want to see someone animate that actually I want to see a lot oh we have oh actually we have six from somewhere I don’t remember where is it during the fall does some sort of event have something how did I get so many I don’t remember

Whatever um but yeah I want to see like an animation like like John Wick style where lonus was just deep diving into the caves got a bow or I guess a slingshot since we do a bow and just shooting either like iridium bars or explosive ammo at all the enemies left

Right in the center as they’re just trying to get us out of the mines uh leak how about that wasn’t it 10 leaks too no just one leak well I will have to consult Travon cart lady in a week cuz uh I ain’t got lonus is Yoba yeah I guess whoever

Was throwing rocks at him uh get ready to meet God in the worst way possible it is interesting that this world does have like a religion to it because I know what George Goes to prey does Marne I don’t remember I know there’s a couple of villagers that go to

The Shrine in uh Pierre’s shop but I don’t remember who else who I’ll go oh yeah how does Yoba work is it just defecto God or is this like Buddhism is there a hell is there a heaven or’s Kent go for his war crimes I’m sure does he wrestle with

That once again deep lore we we we got to know deep lore okay this very disappointing sad trash day oh is it Sebastian that’s tossing I guess that would make sense he’s the closest one to live there I don’t know for some reason I pictured it being

Saying am cuz you know uh the son of a war hero constantly edgy being barked at by his Commando PTSD riddle dog dog dad dad got that dog in him r a man of fart so fast you could call him princess the pitpull I was thinking of some other cursed uh thumbnails to

Make but that would include uh Sebastian and Maru but that’ll have to wait for year three cuz yeah it takes more photoshopping at the minute after making the beautiful art that I’ve made I’m a little tuckered out oh maybe I could do like an art

Stream or at least a a speed paint but I fear cuz when I have to do that it’s weird I have to do like a screen capture and for some reason that really makes the performance of my my uh poor little machine just explode so I wouldn’t want to overstress

It but it would be fun if people want to see that except the only problem is I like playing music when I uh draw and uh can’t do that on YouTubes no more it’s cringe I miss the days when you can just have background music and uh every single copyright

Company wouldn’t try to come for your balls just let us Vibe man quit harshing our mellow oh my God it’s salmon Berry season that 0hd brain kicking in all right I guess we got a new mission go get salmon berries a yeah I guess I could like save

Scum and reset a couple days here coming up just so there’s more bushes that spawn them give me something to do I guess it’s not like we got a whole bunch else going on um what was I doing oh yeah potential artifacts up here damn it’s a

Bastion why I got to be like that homie lonus is just vibing you’re upsetting God God just wants to live in your backyard ain’t hurting no one may smell a little funny every now and then sometimes that’s just the way it’d be we don’t ask him why he

Does it he just does it just got to let God be God I don’t know what to tell you man he just do be the way he do be wow there is not a lot of salmon berries on this run maybe yeah maybe it would behoove me to reset the day a

Couple times it’s not like I really need them but you know it’s a fun little distraction get some salmon Beres here and there let’s chip chop some wood since it’s along the way anyhow oh yeah let’s run by the forest real quick you know it’s turbo mode spent the

Money on this coffee may as well use it it’s true there is copyright free music I don’t know yeah I guess I could Jam to that I do appreciate though you know copywritten music they’re particular artists I enjoy but if I dared play their things uh even if

You know that was the weird thing because there’s a couple of artists um yeah many moons ago I did you know send an email to ask when I wanted to make Vlogs um to get permission to use their music and you they’re like oh yeah go

Ahead but then you know um just would now how YouTube’s automation works like it would the banhammer would come for me and I could try to appeal and attach the um email but then they would just be like no was forged we we don’t care also

Channel deleted have a good day so I I just don’t even want to futs with it oh man I forgot about the onion down here so sad I can’t pick those they don’t give you a lot of money but it is enjoyable to pick them spring just do we

Have that Funtime activity of onion harvesting just like the good old days all right speed buff is about to wear off and we’ve pretty much made the whole circuit so huzzah yeah I’ll probably reset these next couple of days and get us closer to uh oh maybe I could just go into Friday

Not like we’re doing much else it’s true lus do be bathing again yeah asking the questions of I don’t know if anyone has a bathroom so how are they showering how are they bathing I know once you unlock Ginger Island they stand around in like bathing suits they pretend to go

On have a beach day but what are they doing how cleanly is everyone what kind of what kind of town are We R in here let play stanky all right sleepy time save the game reload hey yo alien noises should we uh here’s the question everyone should I uh capture the alien

Before it hatches or should we allow to run a muuk it sure was a strange noise is now let’s reload the day a couple times I’m amazed that we’ve only played 28 hours on this character I say only but that is still quite a bit okay we should be good now I guess

Comparatively to my 120 almost 8 Hour character uh this does not seem like a whole lot of time oh there it is wow it’s next to my house holy a Kino loves us a little buddy I love you too well uh viewers vote what do we do with the

Alien can I break it and put it in my house for amusement or uh do we let it infest the world the decision is yours to make and if I forget about it then they will infect the world anyway okay uh let’s do the forest run first

Then we’ll go and get some trash and work our way up North get whatever salmon berries are there and yeah call it a day again I do that that sounds like the fun thing to do capture for science okay for seon we must you know what let’s go

Turbo it’s going to take us a minute to get around to everything anyway I guess if I really really wanted to I could buy the Triple Espresso recipe since I could just buy infinite coffee from Good Old Gussy wussy I could just make a bunch of triple espressos and run around the entire

Day do I have a ultimate reason for that no but just kind of spe speeds up our progress into the next day I’m stuck okay we’ll save that one for the loop around let’s go salth yeah oh suck again I I detest the fact I can’t break rocks I Want to Break

These rocks they’re in my way oh yeah American friends uh any of y’all watch the Super Bowl commercials I feel like this year there weren’t that uh that many banard there’s a couple of funny ones but I don’t know felt kind of lame sauce can’t think of too many that were

Even that standing out I like the uh state was it State Farm uh Arnold commercial but beyond that that’s like the only one I can remember that was always the fun thing at least back in the day the funny snooper Bowl commercials ah it’s like the good old

Days of unhinged Old Spice ads I mean they’re still doing them which is good but it feels like they really toned it back for some reason I don’t know maybe uh there came a point where they got lost in a sauce and forgot that they were selling you know body care products

Instead of uh insane Diamond horses but who can truly say but we need to bring it back we need that kind of unbridled funny energy again it’s the only way greetings wow my ear I got trapped oh there are some salmon berries down here good good let us enjoy salmon Berry ASMR for

A minute howy everyone hope we enjoy the little uh uh shmon Berry intermission oh more salmon berries excellent I forgot I did a devious lick I captured some uh free goodie bags and I got some nice things in them I don’t know if you guys have tried the new cinnamon toast fully loaded

Um cinnamon is a cinnamon toast crunch well the cinnamon cereal uh the fully loaded one it’s very similar to like the Crave cereal except it’s has like milky innards it’s the best way I can describe it wow it knocked the berries for me thanks little bun um but somehow the cinnamon toast is

Like less sweet than it’s like actual like flattened counterpart so I it’s all right though it does leave behind like a Savory multi cereal kind of flavor but then it was a bunch of like rehydration fluid packs which taste like dirt but are supposed to work so you know there’s

That some good old dark chocolate cuz it’s yummy um and I forget what else I think some organic protein bars but they’re a little dry I don’t know what it is about uh so many protein bar companies now just making things as dry as the Sahara

But it’s like you will get benefits but also all of your moistur is now belong to us it’s like oh okay so it’s best enjoyed with a drink which is maybe why it gives you the H rehydration serum perhaps cuz they knew they had foreseen such a

Thing uh but I took a giant box of it though so they allowed it so I know I’m just going to be like it’s 399 can’t complain oh yes I M goes to check I I got my mushrooms CU I have mushrooms in my hands h i don’t know what do you guys

Think do I have I checked for my mushrooms hard to say impossible to now really well it’s cool we’re getting these uh warp totems however I have not had a good case use for him so you know it’s whatever I think it’s Wednesday now in

Game I was about to be very panicked I’m like wait did I go to the desert no it’s Wednesday right now cool so we’ll get some more Al geod but hey we’re up to five so we only need oh good Heavens excuse me uh we only need 10 more till we get enough

Staircases just to get to level 40 and then like with the other time we were hunting for hardwood we can just start looping floor 41 I think for the Frozen geode and uh what’s the other thing the Frozen tear which also the wizard can give but I am

Anticipating him on being stingy since he’s only sent one gift the entire time I’ve been friends with him and I’ve had to roll so you know I’m not going to hold my breath for it I’m not going to reset the day for more salmon berries this time I’m just

Going to do a quick loop again I do not exactly have a a reason for getting these other than the Nostalgia Factor of getting them cuz not like we’re really doing anything energy intensive anymore and uh they don’t really sell for that much money anyway so it’s

Fine it’s just kind of fun to grab them up you in the sea of green you see a red thing and just neuron activation just God you know just Just Hits I don’t know the dopamine it just the IND dophins they’re swimming they’re thriving up there man they’re eeky geeking in

Happiness well we got going on yeah we got to make it to the desert so I think once I finish this Loop hopefully Pam has made her happy way down to the bus up and uh once we check some trash we’ll go to the desert buy some geodes run on

Back probably loop around North maybe I’ll even go uh the different way check for a few more bushes any more artifact spots and I’ll be happy fun time why does it grow down here why would it do that oh good I was going to be disappointed

If I came all this way and there was nothing how many have we got Dam we’re almost at 100 take your bets can we get to 110 uh by the end of the day I’m going to say no but I’m going to put it a strong 105

Oh uh it’s going to be risky cuz I don’t know if anyone’s going to be coming out but I’m willing to risk it for the biscuit yes there wasn’t oh there’s a couple up here we may not find trash but we find things better than trash trash unless the trash is uh Community

Item important then the trash is better damn it LS H everyone’s just everywhere man quit living in the town you’re living in just let it be a ghost town let me scavenge your trash goou darn it I want to be left in peace I wish you

To produce the garbage but then let me scavenge it in peace that’s so much to ask for apparently yes might actually sneeze oh oh God it’s fighting me where am I supposed to get the rabbit’s foot I hope that just comes in the traveling card at some point I

Believe it does but yeah cuz I can’t go to skull Caverns unless I really have to wait that long to uh buy enough staircases just to descend into madness which I know never say never that could very well happen either because we want to or because it’s funny

Um but then I I can’t even kill the serpents I mean uh could I kill them yes but realistically with this resty level one sword that ain’t happening they will otk me before I can even look at them so I’m hoping they just drop Normie Style all right let’s go to the

Desert it is weird to me how you only see Pam during the driving animation but then like where is she when the bus is here like is she just chilling in the bus somewhere cuz she opened up the door the Heat’s coming in blast that AC all you want it’s

Hot huh kind of like that shirt actually Wario color no it’s Waluigi I’ve convinced myself it’s time for new drip new drip new me ah secret note H that’s funny I actually have never fished out the necklace for anyone I think it just gives you friendship points with either uh Abigail or

Caroline I think if you return it to either one but I think ultimately it still ends up in the same that you know Abby gets it back which I guess I could do just to uh finish out that little neat interaction o crunchy bones my favorite okay um let’s quickly run to get

Some more berries and then we will speed run through Thursday maybe do one more try my card lady day and maybe I’ll call it here for now I do Revel in the fact that we are now able just to speed on pretty quick you know beforehand this would have taken

Us oh God only knows how long give it to Abby gets more points oh there’s one down there but I don’t want to run all the way down there man yeah that’s what I thought maybe I should on my actual real character I wouldn’t want to waste the

One and only fishing ability I have damn it I hate these seeds wouldn’t want to waste it on that though cuz I want to save it I guess maybe for the ghostfish if it takes too long maybe the desert fish we can’t get into the secret woods so I don’t know what

Else uh I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see what I can’t or can’t fish up oh my God I’m so close actually didn’t I say 110 by the end of this all really close Okay I under shot but I think my predictive abilities areow my conqueror’s hockey is growing guys my I

Could see to the Future hash staged pre-recorded Bloods doing pre-recorded nonsense oh okay cool we got that uh do I care enough to go to the bus stop to get the other one no I don’t think I do it’s cool that it’s there could get us one more salmon

Berry but we have like 113 now right 112 it’s good enough I don’t think I’ll ever Munch a crunch through them all anyway so it’s fine that one is just going to be for Gort cry about it but I shant I don’t want to you can’t make me I’m going to leave it

Behind I’m actually going to probably thin out my inventory here all right let’s go to E enjoy darkness at 4:30 in the afternoon wow got to appreciate the steady source of money though I’d hate that that like be my only way I know some people deny themselves

The Majesty of uh clay farming but folks I got to be honest I’m glad I put in the sweat Blood and Tears In the Beginning cuz uh mushroom only run it ain’t a chief like 300 400 a day oh yeah I needed to capture this

Thing there we go uh into the box you go for now I am not going to do anything with it I’m just going to keep it as it is oh hey your salon Berry are they still around I thought they were despawned by this point really they’re they’re still

Here question do I care to get them though no not really I’ll get a couple that are on the way but I’m just going to go check trash and uh that’s going to be it but I will commit to getting the one I missed here it’s all right we’re going to finish the

Saga there the visible one has been gotten hope hope everyone’s happy that’s all good and Dandy oh yeah I don’t know we’re doing pretty well nothing insane is happening but we’re steadily creeping on what do we get two bundles finished this time around and we’re like super close to getting a third done we’re doing good uh yeah I’m going to run down to ls’s First

Then I’ll Circle back around to the other two houses and then go jojamart route so then good old uh boyo here can’t spot me doing weird things I’m just going to forsake the forest today cuz uh spent enough time getting berries I guess I’ll get these I will

Commit to the bit that the visible ones I see I’ll get uh let’s check the beach for artifacts I guess I know ultimately geod and treasure troves are the way to go but your boy mad coping he he’s hoping but he’s disappointed as always that’s all right though are these things I could

Potentially do invite Rock Rejuvenation is isn’t that like one of each I don’t have one of each and I also can’t kill things I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t help you with your rock cheek cleansing you’re just going to have to deal with your demons without your J crystals too bad so

Sad um any artifacts up here I don’t name nope damn really do be scraping the bottom of the barrel all right three more trash cans and then we sleep just going to make it out an early day oh piece of copper oh piece of candy okay nothing

Cool all right we shall head on back I guess I don’t think there’s any random salmon berries we saw on the way back better not have been any but I guess we could take the circly way around here real quick nope I don’t see nothing good enough for me we head on

Back and call it an early day so we can get to traveling card lady yeah exciting times I am glad just to be able to speed run the boring tasks yeah got to imagine on days like that 240 you ain’t going to get nowhere I mean you will

Eventually but o that is not quick oh look at it it’s all petal and Flowery and beautiful stuff oh yeah let’s put that on top let’s go check my mushroom cave I guess run by see if any of the trees have sprouted up any oh actually like decent selection here head on

Down downtown if I’m saying show oh God this place is becoming a mess TR to remember if anything else cool has happened oh yeah I never did finish my thoughts I had for Gort hell divers oops it does seem like an interesting game I don’t know if

Anyone’s seen it um but from what I’ve seen it’s wildly different from the first hell divers cuz it was like Poor Man’s XCOM where it was more of a top down uh strategy move things with mouse and you know execute different abilities and functions and stuff but now it’s uh

Over the shoulder shooter and it looks fun I do got to admit but I think the one downside of it being the next hype game is that servers are having a bit of a struggle cuz I know they had like a million copies purchased either in like a day and a

Half or two days I don’t remember what it was but it was something wacky Coral I don’t think anyone needed a coral but I I will check I don’t think so um I’m really grasping at straws here but I don’t think anyone needed any Coral nope I uh don’t think so I could

Buy bomb Oh more wheat though fruit salad who needs it anyhow large egg do we need is a brown large egg ain’t it uh it is Pantry isn’t it God over here no now we’re just looking for milk or milk all right we need milk one wood

What the what kind of a Ponzi scheme are you running here all this is garbage I don’t whatever take your garbage outy howy we’re back on our but I think I will uh call it here after this H horse radish it’s been a fun little time just

To kind of Blitz GRE an entire season cuz it’s already the 19th I forgot the liberating action of uh speed running and not needing to get money anymore so now that money is no longer a finite object for me we can just keep on skipping ah come on Pam get

Get your silly eye out of here because God knows you have eiz that’s right get off my screen I’m not even going to bother with this one I am I give me cookies it might give me death I don’t know I’m just going to pretend that trash can doesn’t exist while Alex is

There fuel your life any random artifacts whole lot a bunch of nothing a bunch of nothing can you imagine man this is pretty that note was holding out a while though good Lord now like ominous okay I was going to say it’s ominously quiet where’s where’s all the music

On you return congrats welcome back was the quest fun did you accomplish much upon your mission I have accomplished very little we bought some oh wheat I wanted to say hay but we already got all the hay we ever wanted ah whole L A nothing man come

On when’s this beach going to give me something okay I think we’re going to run by the north side uh check and see if there’s any artifacts by chance and if not uh we’ll just take our losses and go hongo M that should be

Fine so we’ve been at it for a while so would be a decent time to call it here probably uh second baby man can’t believe he is in full after having the first God ah comedy Master genius I’ll take my award now thank you ah the grind yes the grind the

Grindi of all the grinds not too bad it’s actually uh getting along pretty well the sign just chicken the trash and salmon berries we’ve been stream line in this thing we’re just Blitz creaking ah is that anyone’s birthday who I care about oops I am for Gore oh

No in my attempt to make this streamline fast I may have skip people’s birthdays oh no uh you know what I do I care enough to check should I engage in Friendship guys should I do I care I feel like I should but also part of me says No I

Don’t why are all my field snacks are they in the house they might be in a house oh no they’re out here alongside the weeds man 7 out of 10 we’re getting there it is slow coming but it’s getting there all right uh let’s check the calendar cuz I don’t

Remember another boy damn look at them go can’t believe people are having children in this economy that’s crazy I did read somewhere where um currently right now with how much inflation and how pricey everything is uh to go from like childbirth to age just 18 ah Miss

Haly oh well rip um just from 0 to 18 it takes like $274,000 to bring up a child so you know a nice little quarter of a Millie which is insane but I mean I guess between you know schooling different supplies hospital visits on such and such and

Such I guess it makes sense but still oof that sticker shock hey I want for onion but yes congrats uh tell them random streamer man on the internet says way to go slap him on the balls and tell them good job champ ah we’re getting so dangerously

Close to this this crossing over the 6,000 claym Mark that is wild to think about I wish to not but we did get a lot of these twoo I still Marvel at how much we’ve shipped only one why did I ship a bug meat when did I ship a bug meat

What when did I do half the things I did I don’t whatever it’s fine clay clay clay clay clay CL clay clay yes the great Artisan the the art of farming clay all righty folks I think I will call it here for this play SES I can’t believe actually I hold more current

Funds than well not more than but like yeah you know what I’m trying to say most of the things I’ve earned I’m still holding instead of spending so that is kind of neat but we’re getting along just fine I think we’ll come back next time to continue on I’ll

Probably speed run through all all of fall not fall yeah I’m going to get through all of fall I’m just going to cocaine I’m just going to no I’m going to get through all of spring probably get uh maybe a week or two Into Summer if I’m really feeling

Bold but uh we’re getting along just fine if there’s something I’m missing feel free to scream at me in the comments or uh in the next chat time cuz I think we’re fine I aside birthdays I don’t think I’m really missing too too much I’m trying to be more consistent about going on

Uh uh Wednesdays to get to the desert otherwise I can’t think of much so I will keep on course onless somebody screams at me so at this point we’re just waiting for traveling carts and Jades cuz once we get enough Jades I will go back into the mines and we will

Once again start the nightmares process of floor resetting until we can get Frozen geod and tears and I will be crying tears until they freeze and then I can just give them away I forget who needs them cuz it’s not the wizard but oh it’s the boiler

Room right I don’t know why the boiler room needs a frozen tier but I’m not going to ask too many questions it just needs it and that’s just how the world works I don’t make the rules I just follow the simple clownery but anyhow I’m going to call in here I will

Be back again tomorrow so if you missed out on any of the fun here uh don’t worry your boy will be back again if I start early around 4:00 my time if not 4:30 but if you missed any content feel free to watch any other fast fast any

Other past uh streams or videos I’ve done uh there’s still a Discord Link in the description if you wish to join I’ve not posted too too much but there’s not that many people in there so I haven’t really felt the need to post but maybe once we get enough people in there I’ll

Try to be uh more consistent about it or you could check out my Twitter for Insanity I guess I could link that too but you know leave it or take it that’s up to you if you wish to see it but we’ll be back at it again thank you

Everyone for watching hope you’re staying well hope you’re keeping warm keeping cool staying hydrated make sure to drink your water or I will find you and uh we’ll be back at it next time bright and early tomorrow until then I’m going to go I got some fried

Rice to make so I’ll see you

This is a challenge run to see if I can complete the community center without getting a single level up in any skill point. The original idea was inspired by @ArgonMatrix and I wanted to see if I can get a different result. {Plot twist, no you cannot complete it un-modded}. DOUBLE PLOT TWIST I’m stupid, yes you can and I will not be using any mods because there are none that fit what I need. This is an important and marked change from previous descriptions I have. I will post a final video after the stream concludes so you are welcome to be a part of the fun and see it happen live before its done up later.

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