The BEST Accessories in Terraria

These are the best accessories in Terraria you need to try first up we have the master ninja gear which lets you climb do a dash that sometimes Dodges attacks and even have the chance to automatically Dodge attacks even if you aren’t moving after that we have the soaring Insignia which will let you

Infinitely fly so that way you don’t have to pick your wings or boots based on flight time next we have the hand of creation which will increase your building and Mining speeds your item pickup rate automatically Paints the item you place after that we of course have the Terra spark boots which you’re

Able to get pretty early on in the game and they allow you to move faster walk on liquids do a little bit of flying and grants immunity from fire blocks while also reducing the damage you take from lava and finally we have any of the bottled weather events like the

Sandstorm in a bottle which you can easily find at the start of your world in a specific chest and they all allow you to double jump

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