Minecraft, But Smelting Multiplies Items…

Oh no i’m on half a heart and i have no sprint and i only have one raw beef but wait a second is that a furnace oh this is really good this is the one thing i need right now oh and there’s already a lava bucket in there

Yes come on give me that food wait what 64. this is minecraft but smelting multiplies items oh this is gonna be so weird in this video i have made it so that smelting multiplies every type of item this can even be items that can’t be smelted such as diamonds and golden apples the

Question is whether i can beat the game before i break the game with too many items can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy this video then

Please be sure to subscribe it is completely free and you can always change your mind later also let’s go for three likes on this video it’s a lot but i think we can do it alright enjoy the video and we are in now this one’s gonna be good anything that involves multiplying

Items is gonna be weird but we can’t actually get started on any of this until i have made the multiply furnace which i’ll put up on screen right now it’s a pretty easy craft but it is very important that we get it so let’s do the easy stuff grab my stone

And we’ve got the super slow stone tools oh oh i thought that was a temple that sucks i’m gonna quickly search around here because there may be something and of course there is this happens way too often and there’s lava below me wait is that right here no way yep there’s literally

A lava pool right here okay this is really good i’m gonna pillar up here so i know where it is and now we’re gonna go collect this bad boy wait there’s a torch there is that village no way there’s a village right behind it as well so we’ve got all the food we

Need but now oh come on okay gunpowder string oh a little bit of gold okay good string as well this is good oh no i really need iron uh oh no way we’ve already got a diamond and we can literally multiply everything frost walker two book oh wow

We can literally multiply it but i don’t need the gunpowder because we can just multiply this tnt we’ve already got three things that are gonna be so overpowered if we multiply them oh this is gonna be so good first we can just grab all this food make sure i don’t starve that’s

Probably a good way to start and we can grab one bed for later yes oh wow i hit him please don’t kill me yeah three iron okay that’s literally the least we can get oh it’s fine there’s a cave right there and there’s iron right here inside the

Cave perfect you know what let’s block this off i don’t want to die to mobs oh please let this be enough to make the multiplying furnace yep it definitely is we’ve got it already and now i just need cobblestone as well okay get smelting iron we can also grab flint whilst we’re here

And we’ve got it nice give me this last piece of iron yes we got it okay and just like that we craft the multiply furnace oh yes okay what we’re gonna multiply first i’m gonna multiply the iron okay yes come on it should give me two yes look at that

Okay let’s do it again before it runs out come on four oh wow i need coal it’s quicker than a regular furnace so just a little bit of coal will be so good get out of here boomer and we’ve got our coal okay we’ve definitely got enough

Multiply furnace don’t let me down how many are you giving me oh yes eight iron it’s so much quicker 16 iron 32 okay that’s enough iron let’s do a diamond oh my goodness so straight off the bat we’re getting a stack of diamonds from one yes okay and gold this should give me

Two stacks now no way come on yep it filled up my inventory we have three and three stacks and how much now if i just do it again boom oh okay and what about tnt oh my goodness i’m not gonna need all this tnt that’s insane boom oh my yep it’s just

Spilling onto the floor okay i’ve gotta stop i have to stop now i’m gonna break the game this is too much stuff okay i’ve gotta burn some of this because it’s just too much i only need one stack of tnt that’s definitely enough and i should probably turn all of these

Gold ingots into gold blocks yep we have 50 gold blocks and just like that we have got full diamond armor boom and a full set of diamond tools as well we didn’t even make iron tools we just don’t even need to this is insane right well we’ve got our

Bucket it’s time to go to the nether where was the lava pool is that it yep that’s the pillar i made i’ll grab some wood before i go through make sure i’ve got enough i can’t believe this we have all of this this quickly and now we just have to make our portal

Boom nether portal got plenty of food plenty of wood plenty of minerals and the best item in the game and through we go okay come on please don’t let this be a bad spawn oh no this doesn’t look like a place where you’re gonna find a fortress oh wait actually

Just in case i have to go back through at any point all i need to do is grab one obsidian and we can multiply it yep thank you do you know what let’s do that right now okay how many is this oh that filled my inventory straight

Away right well good news is we have plenty of blocks don’t need all of that six stacks of blocks nice okay well we just have to search now it should be pretty easy i am full diamond after all so if i can just find a way out we’ll be

All good this is not a great spawn at all it’s just caves but oh no i can see something happening no uh hey guys what’s going on my name is welcome back to strip mining with west website 14 866 9446 today we’re going to be strip mining ah

Oh my i hate it when that happens yep here we are i’m literally back to my spawn are you kidding me i should have full looped the loop of nothingness and there was what are you kidding me there was a fortress what my portal is literally down there wait

How did i not see this am i dumb there’s also an enderman there no way if i get an enderpearl straight away i can multiply it into stacks and stacks of ender pearls okay buddy please let me do this please come on come on come on yes no are you kidding me

Oh if we were able to get an insane but i just need one blaze rod from these guys i’m also just going to make a shield so i don’t keep setting on fire come on yeah there’s a blaze rod do i even bother i don’t need any of them i’m

Just leaving i’m leaving we came in for one blaze rod and then we leave nice although if i can duplicate everything let’s see what they’ve got in these chests now the fortress chests can be insane so come on please don’t let me down anything okay just gold don’t need it

There should be another water yep right here i’m gonna grab this because you never know potions can always come in handy but if there’s nothing in here yep i’m just leaving i’ll take the saddle why not but now we’re gone oh oh my okay we’re fine i’m just

Running i’m leaving now i don’t want to die there’s no point in testing my luck we have everything we need from the nether and now all i need to do is find one enderman that gives me an ender pearl and then we’ll be good but

Oh man this is weird and now that we’re back i can just very casually smelt up my blaze rod come on how many are you gonna give me boom oh yep nice just stacks on stacks i’ll just keep one stack that’s all i need but something i do want to do

Is grab the sugar cane because then if i find one cow we can make books and get enchantments which will just be perfect oh yes we found a horse that gives me leather i’m so sorry but once again we go boom and boom okay so we’re gonna get double the

Amount of blazers we got in books yep oh oh my goodness okay i’m gonna be careful now because i don’t want to crash my game boy actually something i do want to check what happens if i put armor in this furnace oh yeah it does it like normal what’s this gonna do

Please just tell me oh a stack of 64 diamond and oh my oh i’m wearing a stack of diamond chest plates oh i’ve got to do it for all my armor it’s making my game a bit laggier i can feel it leggings you ready boom

Yep we put them on oh my the boots as well oh this is so good oh oh my my frame rate it’s dying okay we’re gonna do the helmets and then we’re good to go oh wow this is ridiculous helmets boom oh my i can’t move my mouse i need to

Move away wait oh no how do i grab my furnace why would i do this why would i do it in the center of all of this oh my i can’t see anything it’s so laggy okay yeah i’ve lost my furnace i need to give up and just run away okay

Everything’s back to normal again oh that was disgusting why did i do that but now i don’t have my multiplier furnace i’ve gotta craft another one but to be fair that should be pretty easy we’ve got plenty of iron boom and i don’t wanna run out of wood so we’re

Gonna multiply that too and please don’t kill my game it’s slowly killing my game i can’t break things oh no i’ve gotta make another one again look at that what is that i’m leaving i’m just going but now that it’s night time i need to find an enderman oh

Is that one up there yeah it is come kill me come on buddy yes he’s coming down yep come right here no oh yes yes he’s back please give me an under pole come on yes oh my goodness we actually did it no way no way no way i made 48 crafting tables

Just because i can and now we make our third multiply furnace which once again i don’t know if we’re gonna be able to pick up i’m gonna stand a bit further away from it okay we go boom boom come on and the pulse please give

Me stacks of 64. that’ll be so good no way it actually does and my game’s crashed no no no no please don’t die game don’t die yes okay i’m getting one or two fps right now i’ve just got to walk away walking away please what’s it happening no no no no

Oh my goodness it’s not getting any better the server oh okay it’s back can i see how many underpolls it was no if i try and enter back it just kills my game no i’ve just got to leave yep okay never mind we have got a hat okay how

Many sacks of enderpearls is this okay well we just take 32 blaze rods and we go boom oh it’s so laggy but we throw this all the server is dying oh look how slowly it’s moving oh okay well it’s that way so we now have to walk past the mess again so i’ve

Just got to look away from it and do it no my game’s dying oh no no no no no i can’t be stuck under water right now i’ve just got to run straight past please game oh yes we’re back we’re back all right no more multiplying items i

I don’t think i can i tell you what i’ll do it for one thing if you guys like the video right now and i mean like it i’ll multiply the dragon egg okay so comment down below dragon egg okay is the server still dying can i throw this no it’s not

Anymore good this way i’m gonna try and get in chance later once i get down to the stronghold but for now i’ve just gotta find it and stop worrying right why am i keeping all these i don’t need that many stacks of ender pearls i’ll just keep two

Oh actually there’s horses over here i’m gonna sleep get rid of these mobs get out of here all right come on buddy no just let me love you yes we got it okay and away we go oh this guy’s so quick okay which way we going this way this is

Gonna make life so much easier there’s a village over there but i don’t care just gotta keep going we throw another one still going i’m just throwing these like they don’t matter are we still going oh it’s turning a bit oh it turned around yes it went straight down didn’t it did it

Straight down is it this way i think it’s this way there’s a cave right here as well good see now i would use these arrows and duplicate them but i just don’t know if it’s worth it it will crash my game all right straight down here that’s where we’re going yep we

Found it it’s right here and we’re in all right next to a ravine as well okay before i search give me lapis don’t tell me there’s no lapis i’ve got it in charm i only have full diamond i’m not stacked at all i need more

Right also i know this is a bad idea what i’m about to do but i really don’t want to go up against the dragon without arrows it’ll take so much longer so oh this is a bad idea let the record show that i know this is a bad idea oh

No no no no no no oh what am i doing okay let’s stand away from it so i can just back out let’s also make sure i’ve got a way of getting out nice and easy here this is actually a terrible idea but we’ve got a way out that should be

Pretty easy if i just walk backwards like this yep okay oh i’m not ready i don’t need frost walker i don’t need that arrow i don’t need rotten flesh oh no yep game is breaking oh i can see the arrows in the bottom of my screen oh

It has broken the game it has completely broken the game oh it did move a frame i can see the arrows they’re also in my inventory now oh we’re out of my inventory i’ve just got to move backwards oh i can hear myself moving i think

Oh no my game crashed i’m joining back oh no it’s taking a long time to connect please oh wait what i’ve got the arrows but the ice oh the server cleared the items that’s so good okay well away we go that actually could not be any better

Just gotta hope we find some good stuff here i don’t need that oh we found the library though please give me a good enchanted book no you guys let me know if you think i have enough arrows i’m not too sure there’s a back entrance of this

Where is this portal we found a spawner and what we found one that’s conjoined to another what the okay go on give me a book yes oh sharpness three looting two efficiency four okay that’s sick let’s make that anvil put sharpness three on the axe boom and efficiency four on the pickaxe which

We’re gonna name gerald right there’s just spawners everywhere and there’s lapis yes we’re getting in chance but i now just really need to find this thing no oh yes we’ve done it okay break that set up a bed because there’s a good chance i’m gonna die to lag or something

And we can place in these beautiful eye vendors and then we can just get rid of all of them i don’t need them yes goodbye and boom we’ve done it this is it just before we go through we’re going to enchant our stacks of armor protection won

No it got rid of the stack do you know what i’m just gonna have enchanted boots the stacks of armor is much more important the only thing we actually need is the bow anyway so with power one let’s go okay we can make it out really easily if this that’s

Good and you know what let’s make a flint and steel now we’re ready for this tnt blowing up this dragon is doomed come here buddy get all of these pillars get the easy ones first and then we’ll keep going i have stacks and stacks of ender poles this is great we’ll just

Casually purl up here yoink and then we can shoot we purl up here and boom okay we can get loads of them from up here come on this dragon doesn’t stand a chance we’re getting all of them come on oh no i can get this one come on come on

Yeah we got it nice ow this is the last one that isn’t caged and we got it okay pearl over there i just missed no oh we made it i threw a second pole yes i’ll just get on top of this one i’m on top shoot through

Ah two hearts okay i’m good all right dragon don’t you dare fireball me okay we’re fine i want to do this so you know what i’m going to do i’m going to pull down ah no no no oh why didn’t my pole land oh i looked at an enderman what am i doing

It’s fine i’m not going to die hey no i refuse to be killed by an enderman of course the dragon’s perch now are you kidding me okay my stuff’s all here perfect get my stacks of armor back on oh yes dragon’s perching okay i’m pulling in

Come on come on come on land inside it get underneath yes dragon i refuse to die for you no no no no we’re gonna do this come on come on come on then we just go okay easy does it then i run through oh come on

Yeah so much damage gonna pull in again underneath oh i’m good why can’t i see it no it’s fine oh no no no no no why all the end of an angry oh i’m on two hearts right i’m gonna set this up so that it is stacked

Like this is it perching oh it’s perching okay we go around again we do it we do it we do it run through oh we’re watching no didn’t block my stuff please don’t tell me i blocked my stuff oh it might have done no no no no no surely some of it’s still

Here no okay i’ve got one option it’s not the best option but it’s doable okay it’s actually a pretty terrible option but you know what it’s fine i just have to somehow manage to bring it all back and there’s iron right there as well okay good i’m doing it all again

Okay iron quick and there’s coal as well this is good i was so rich and i got big headed with the tnt but it’s fine i’m getting it all back right now okay we’ve got the multiply furnace back right this is the main thing i’ve got to multiply that egg

I have to and a shield yes back through we go oh this is so dangerous i don’t care the dragon doesn’t have too much health i can do this i believe in myself gonna kill one enderman and hope for an ender pearl please no okay fine i give up got my tiny bit

Of armor right there my 63 boots and it’s coming down i’ve got no no no why enderman why why why why i’m underneath good okay dragon come on this is it just got to hit it in the head i can’t see its head okay this is it

Yes dragon do not hit me just gonna stay completely underneath it’s not moving no oh i’m okay give me that ender pole thank you right now i’ve just got to stay far away and purling if i need to who needs armor to defeat the ender dragon oh it just

Turned it turned i saw that yep it’s coming in i’m safe yes come on come on this is it don’t you run don’t you dare this is it no okay i’m good i’ve got three hearts and a dream dragon look at that health it’s got nothing

Left oh it turned that’s it going in gonna get underneath quick please don’t hit me no no no stay back stay back i will die if i get hit by this guy okay i’m good oh yes yes yes yes yes oh my goodness we did it oh wow that was terrifying

Oh the dragon egg smack that okay smack it again it’s right here this is the most important thing i’ll do all game okay the buttons underneath we get the egg yes and now oh no no no no no it’s multiplying it’s doing it okay we click and it’s killing oh we can see

A few of the eggs and it broke my game no

Minecraft, But Smelting Multiplies Items… (Challenge)

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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, smelting items in furnaces MULTIPLIES THEM! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft but’ challenge… This was super overpowered.

#MinecraftBut​​​​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​​​ #Minecraft


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