NEW MOB : THE BOGGED | Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w07a

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody for the occasion I would like to show you my brand new Minecraft skin I think I look good look at that imagine with the cape good and oh a look at that it’s even more romantic just for you I built this Minecraft hard inside of my world a send

Tribute to you a they don’t call it most romantic for nothing but look fate was said beautiful Brand’s new permanent mcraft skin or not it’s snapshot season again Lads laddies and lovers we got a lot to take a look at the armadillo really they’re not liing with this one in the

Last week’s snapshot they said the armadillo changes were over and sure enough the armadillo changes are done dunzo and over in this week’s snapshot however tragically the wolf the wolf armer hey bro bro chill chill come on man it’s we play d bow come on why you

Do that look I’m calling it here in this week’s snapshot unfortunately no surprising armadillo dog armor changes however I call it here keep your eyes peeled next week for brand new beautiful dog armor changes if it doesn’t happen well you can gosh I would say you could come here

And leave a dislike but they removed that from YouTube a long time ago so guess you can’t do anything about it oh my my my my heart it’s like going off the charts today not only the day of love but apparently the day of brand new Minecraft mob as well my subscribers in

The test course from last week’s episode allowed me to introduce you to brand new Minecraft mob himself the name of this thing formerly it’s called the bogged and oh my God a 360 on this texture oh it’s clean it looks so good look at this skull right there at first I thought it

Was like oh no got a medical emergency happening or something but no no it’s just a mushroom growing on the head and in the front corner the other mushroom right there it’s like a mushroom except it’s clearly not a mushroom instead this beautiful L it’s a skeleton so you know

How it goes first things first The Sounds we got to listen to it yeah it’s mushy sounding it sounds evil it burns in the daylight clearly which makes this thing an undead M like listen oh it sounds kind of like gross and mossy and maybe almost like muddy or

Something huh mud skeleton what in the world is this thing so here we are in the middle of the night in my dreams the local swamp biome checked this out spawning inside of the swamp we have the classic plain old skeleton I recognized you old friend but also

Tucked away inside of the vines we got that brand new So Fresh So Clean Minecraft skeleton variant known as the bogg this is going to be a brand new type of skeleton you’ll find it a couple different spots inside of your world one of them the primary location probably

Being the swamp wait what is this an emo reference my face is back and full swing I guess first the skin next up on my boggy Valentine it’s so romantic we got a brand new blog post from none other than the Minecraft developers themselves with a little bit of a a message see

They they lowkey copied me a little bit there but it’s fine do it for love all right relatively unsurprisingly you’ll be able to find this brand new Minecraft mob variant in three separate places inside of your world the place number one classic swamp place number two very more dangerously The Mangrove swamp

Biome it’s crowded it’s like you could barely see anywhere because of the trees and now you got to watch out for this bad new skeleton oh what’s that watch out for the new skeleton I didn’t even tell you why you need to watch out for it so you find yourself stred in the

Swamp biome poison no poison no you find yourself stranded in the swamp biome now you get hit by the arrow from this Beast right there disgusting lad the disgusting despicable lad shoots poisoned arrows at you and all other targets now it’s not good no wayo leave

Me alone man go off to the Ravine where you came from Despicable vile Soul it’s poisoning me oh it’s so bad so next up it’s time for a little bit of more professional science if you will let’s set up a test for over here inside of the swamp with

Nothing but a contained bogged around and on normal difficulty let’s check this out in survival minec with full health I get hit by this thing a little bit of damage but mainly the bad thing is going to be that poisoned Arrow right there like the poison despicable

Disgusting it’s like cave spider V2 not good however and this is going to be a little hard to notice at first look at how often this thing is shooting the arrows I don’t know if you can catch it right here but this thing is way slower

Than a normal plain old skeleton in fact in case you can’t catch it I don’t blame you in Survival Minecraft look at this so they shoot at the same time then the normal skeleton is ready and queued up the bog is a little bit slower the skeleton right there is shooting quite a

Bit faster excuse me John you can go ahead and just bog off okay buddy I’m busy so clearly What’s Happening Here with our Brand’s new boy the bog as it shoots arrows slower how much slower well it’s going to shoot an arrow every 3 and 1/2 seconds if it can see you

Instead of every 2 seconds like a normal skeleton and that’s going to be the same on every single difficulty in all of Minecraft hi hi not so fast little buddy little trick that I’ve learned with this thing we stand up close with a shield it’s going to bounce the arrow off of

The shield and actually just poison you some okay sometimes it works you got to be like not right on top of it I guess but you know what never mind for my next science experiment a full health skeleton with a diamond sword one hit two hits three hits with a

Diamond sword unenchanted no crits nothing like that and you’re gone a bogged on the other hand one hit right there two hits right there three hits right there and you’re gone apparently it’s the same so at first inspection one might believe is identically the same how about critical hits with netherite

Sword two smacks will do the trick for the classic skeleton for the bog same thing however my friend the health of this new mob is not the same you’ve been deceived so where I’ve noticed a big difference come in is with an enchanted netherite sword the Smite three plain

Old classic skeleton jump up land a crit one hit jump up land another crit two hits right there bog skeleton bran new Smite three one critical hit and you’re God your history race playay close attention to the drops right there we’ve got a new drop poisoned arrows that are tipped they’re poisonous they’re

Dangerous they’re bad it’s almost just like the Stray skeleton except instead of slowness you get poison way more dangerous and useful statistically speaking this brand new skeleton is going to have a total of 16 Health instead of the standard 20 Health that a normal skeleton has some new romantic

Friend it attacks a little bit slower but maybe packs a bigger punch however it has less health and drops some beautiful bran new drop but what about this spawner let’s say you find a spawner inside of a swamp biome probably not going to be up on the surface

Instead will be down on the ground somewhere what happens when mobs spawn from this thing will they be bogged mobs that’s the big question to simulate this survival experience we can go ahead and place a couple spawners down inside of our world around us and then log them

With a skeleton spawning we give it a little bit of time and then unfortunately we’re going to find that it seems only skeletons are spawning from the spawner so if you want these skeletons are spawn is going to be naturally spawn not from a spawner unless unless of course one is able to

Locate the trial spawner with the podzol and the skeleton block if you can locate one of those bad boys look at there look at who spawned the bogged no leave me alone leave me alone parkour parkour the bogg is a brand new mod that will yes definitely be part of the trial of

Chambers next time you head over to one of these things with the dangerous poison setup you’re actually going to get the bog skeleton spawning instead of plain old skeletons holding a dipped Arrow ah it makes so much sense we just had to give the devs a little bit of

Time it seems all along this is exactly how this was meant to be now I got a little bit lucky there with a potion the loot inside of this thing as of this week unfortunately still has not been changed and and when it comes to those brand new alleged rooms we’re waiting

For as well allegedly it does not look like they’re here quite yet either we’re going to have to wait another week this is beautiful though I love it so much and it makes me so hopeful for like I don’t know just more mob variants in general what about zombies maybe oo

That’d be cool too all in all the bogg what do you think about this brand new Minecraft mob are you in love with this thing are you not so much you call it down below next up T time for a little bit more science up here on the surface

I’m very curious to find out with the name and all bogged or whatever and it makes me wonder what happens to I maybe say drown this skeleton if I drown this skeleton will it maybe convert over into a bog I’m thinking kind of like how we

Drop a skeleton into powder snow give it enough time and it converts over into a strike is there any way in the world to make a bogged skeleton say without actually going over to the swamp biome trial Chambers and finding him so far it definitely doesn’t look like anything’s

Happening at all the skeleton just stands in the water meanwhile this one freezes and yeah I think we can un unfortunately cross that off the list next up the hopper let’s take a look in last week’s snapshot some polishing was done to the hopper improving this thing’s performance basically the hopper doesn’t

Try and pick up an item through a block anymore when it wouldn’t have been able to do anyways if we put a mud block above it mud isn’t a full block saw some questions about it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’ll definitely still work in a

Farm still no big deal and also if you were alarmed about this one don’t worry don’t worry stay calm you are soothed the hopper mine cart when it’s below a block it could definitely sell pickup items there was like a a little bit of a strange bug that popped up in last

Week’s snapshot but no no didn’t worry it was just a bug works as intended alongside those things inside of this week’s snapshot we have an additional 17 or so bug fixes some of the stuff having to do with the wind charge some of the other stuff having to do with the jigsaw

Block makes me wonder if maybe the trial Chambers is about to get even larger Minecraft snapshot 24 w7a de bogged what do you think if you haven’t yet call it down below that’s all I got I want to said a huge thank you to all of my new

Channel members and old ones too there’s been so much love lately I appreciate it if you haven’t checked out the beautiful storage build from yesterday check that out next and I’ll see you all tomorrow goodbye

minecraft 24w07a adds a brand new skeleton called the bogged! this is a swampy poison skeleton that youll also find in the trial chambers. today we take a look at everything in minecraft snapshot 24w07a

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if you read this comment “boggles”


  1. 0:00: 💖 Excitement for potential upcoming changes to dog armor in Minecraft snapshots.
    2:30: 🌿 Introduction of a new Minecraft mob variant called the Bogged in the swamp biome.
    4:58: 🏹 A new mob, the Bogged, shoots arrows slower than a normal skeleton in Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w07a.
    6:46: 🧟 Introduction of a new mob called the Bogged in Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w07a.
    8:29: 🌾 Exploring the potential transformation of a skeleton into a bogged entity in Minecraft.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  2. I just thought of a new idea, a bogged spawner that has a chance of spawning in the mangrove swamp and swamp along with the regular skeleton, zombie, and spider. Or maybe the bogged spawner just replaces the skeleton spawned, I don’t really know if this is a good idea since it already has a trial spawner but so does the spider, zombie etc…

  3. We need a new Minecraft boss. It would be so amazing. One you can attack and has a drop, the warden was more like an obstacle Like, I think we can all agree a boss for the trial chambers would be fire 🔥

  4. Interesting fact: removing a possibility of getting aggro on Bogged when it accidentally hits any other mob with its arrow can create a really well designed undead support mob: when alone, it will poison you, and when attacking you with the horde of zombies, it will shoot them accidentally and inflict Poison on them, thus making them heal because Poison has a Regeneration effect on undead.

  5. The skin It’s not bad even if it’s valatinez day
    Btw on April fools day I wonder what there gonna add when they add the infinity portal travels it was so insane I loved it but last April they add size change omg I loved it so I’m wondering what’s this April fools gonna be 😁

  6. Kind of wish the mushrooms on it's head were a bit more 3D like on mooshrooms ( or one on head and one on body), but smaller. I get why it's not, but if wattles didn't point out those were mushrooms, I would have assumed it was just rot on them XD
    Edit: It's always confused me, how "wet" mobs like this bogged and drowned, burn in the sunlight, but somethin Dry like a husk doesn't. We have forest fires irl because of how dry it is, but husks don't pop in the sun? so weird.

  7. The need for honeycomb for copper bulbs and now the need for honey in the swamps to stave off poison seems like Mojang is trying to get us to take another look at farming bees.

  8. I was hoping for the Mossy Skeletons from Minecraft Dungeons for the Poison Skeleton variant, but hey, this is the closest we will get to having a Poison Skeleton in the game.

  9. wow. minecraft has really outdone themselves with this update! Not to mention that they said there are still big things coming in the update that we dont know about! Cant wait

  10. I personally feel that each biome should have there own set of mobs like dessert mobs including the husk and underwater mobs like the drowned but instead of one there’s a spider and creeper skeleton and all the fun and cool mobs

  11. Doesn't change the game a crazy amount but I am just so very happy about this improvement. The tipped arrow holding regular skeletons were such a waste, and now their true potential is going to be part of the game.

  12. Not quite the mossy skeleton, but close enough for my satisfaction. So… what variants next? Zombie? Spider? Creeper maybe? A new original mob even??

    (Endermen should be saved for the End Update.)

  13. I love how creepy it is like it got reanimated in gross swamp water and it took appearance well to also camouflage in it's environment, I can't wait to encounter it and get jumpscared by it too, plus I can see thr Drowned and Bogged rising from the swamps like a horror movie

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