Minecraft 1.20.5 Snapshot 24W07A | The Bogged, A Swampy Skeleton!

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft update video this is Snapshot 24w 07a and the theme of this one is moang listens this is because a mob has been added to the game that so many of you suggested when we first saw the trial Chambers so for that reason

We’re going to start this one off with the updates for 1.21 so when we first saw the trial chamber there are of course skeletons but some that could spawn with a variation of poison tipped arrows that could then be shot at the player and poison them so I’m going to go into

Survival mode to show you what’s been added because the community suggested this should be its own variation of mob and here it is it is known as the bog and I think it looks utterly fantastic this is a really cool addition to the game now the trial chamber room is a

Little gloomy so I wanted to throw down some glow stone and have a little bit of a closer look at it really does look cool one of the things I noticed is that on its skull there’s actually a mushroom like a red one and a brown one now the

Best way to get a proper look at this thing is to summon a no AI skeleton that will just stand still so we can rotate around it and have a little look at its texture from all sides including above where you can see the mushrooms and

Below too and we should also take a look at the texture files cuz they actually split into two layers so the top one is its underneath layer and then it’s got an overlay as well and that’s actually where the skeleton’s face is putting it side by side with the regular skeleton

You can really see that it’s a step up in detail and just in case you wanted to see it here is the texture for the spawn egg so obviously you can find one in the trial chamber it’s the spawner with the bone blocks and the mushrooms but these

Will generate naturally in the world as well one of the two locations is the mangrove swamp and this one that I teleported to just happened to to be next to a shattered Savannah Biome and the train here is absolutely crazy just wanted to show you that and the next

Location is the classic swamp the one where you can find the witch hut now there is more to know about the bog as it is slightly different from the regular skeleton which has 10 hearts of Health whereas the bog will have less with only eight hearts of Health it also

Shoots slower which you might have noticed as I’ve been dodging these projectiles a regular skeleton can shoot every 2 seconds whereas the bog is slower shooting at 3.5 now the poison effect actually lasts for 4 seconds so if you dodge an arrow you’ll become unpoisoned but if you

Don’t you’re poisoned for 4 seconds and I think these changes are really nice it makes encountering them a little less brutal you get hit you get poisoned you’re startled but you’re defend yourself you get away from one and you ain’t poisoned for ages like with a witch throwing a potion and of course

When you kill one of these they drop their poisoned arrows as well as bones and bows and the Looting effect can increase your chances of getting more arrows from them and yeah they actually drop regular arrows as well as the tipped ones not sure if that’s actually

Intentional or not and it looks like I’ve taken an arrow to the eye the last thing to mention is that this is included in the Monster Hunter advancement as well as the one for killing all the different hostiles in the game they are also part of the group

Of mobs that won’t anger a breeze if one of its tipped poison arrows accidentally goes to the breeze and in case you needed a reminder that projectile will bounce straight off of the breeze anyway and on the topic of the breeze let’s talk about the new wind charge that it

Drops as there was a detail I missed in last week’s snapshot you can send yourself up into the air by aiming it at your feet but if you time this with a jump you’ll actually go higher into the air so that’s without a jump and then

There’s one with one if you get the timing just right you can actually go pretty high up this would help so much more if we had like a frame of reference there you go went pretty high up then woo look at that hey now this is one of the things that was immediately

Discovered by the community is that you can use these to jump up walls and sort of wall climb it’s actually really difficult to do hey here we go here we go I’m doing it no I’m losing momentum oh anyway if if you figure out the timing and the

Angle just right you can just continuously go upwards with these things which is really cool now one of the oversights of adding this is that the breeze itself wasn’t immune to this attack you can now see that it actually deflects it backwards at a slower Pace

Than it arrives which is kind of cool and perfect demonstration of the next thing which I didn’t realize would apply to Glass pains not sure if that’s intentional or not but there are lots of blocks in this game that don’t have a hit box either by default or went in a

Certain State and so there was an issue with the wind charges actually colliding with these which they shouldn’t so that’s been amended but yeah it seems like now they can go through glass although that seems to be only the glass panes for now that might be a bug and

The Looting enchantment when used on the breeze will now affect the drop rate of the wind charge and there was also an issue of calculating full damage when you would land on one of these blocks that can negate your full damage and that’s been corrected in this snapshot

As well as a couple of other edge cases that turned up in the bug fixes so now we move on to the changes for Minecraft 1.2.5 last week we saw some changes to the hopper which would stop it from interacting with a full block directly above it this was to increase

Performance in the game but it also meant that Hopper mine carts weren’t picking up items in this configuration which they now are again this also happened to affect beehives and and bees nests and these two have now been amended so that when you sheare these or

Use a bottle on them The Hoppers below can pick out those items these have been added to a tag list to look out for this functionality it’s called does not block Hoppers and if you want to customize your experience you can add other blocks to them there’s also this other tag

Right here which is panda sneeze so now the loot table for a panda sneezing is no longer hardcoded and that my friends brings us to the end of this snapshot it seems to be a short but sweet one and it might be that we’re getting closer to a

Pre-release but we still have no news about that of course make sure you subscribed to the channel to catch future snapshot videos and if you’re not aware I think I mentioned it last week I’m going to mention it again season 10 of hermitcraft has begun so if you’re

Looking for something to watch go check out some videos on my channel but anyway that’s it thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one bye-bye

Minecraft 1.20.5 Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Snapshot 24W07A for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds a new mob, the Bogged for Minecraft 1.21. This new Bogged mob is a skeleton varient.

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0:00 Mojang Listens!
0:51 The Bogged Texture
1:45 Where Bogged Spawn
2:13 Bogged Attributes
2:59 Bogged Loot
3:40 Wind Charge Abilities
4:35 Wind Charge Changes
5:36 Hopper Changes
6:25 Season 10

Featured In This Video

#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot


  1. i should hope this dosent mean a prerelease usualy they release around june is febuary many months to go still and i hgope we get more otherwise this will be a pretty small mediocre update wich will probably piss even more of the alredy angerd minecraft community off due to the last several updates being split up or haveing contriversal fetures or certen fetures cut i think if they want to earn truyst back they need to give us more then they have and atcualy make it good

  2. oMg iTs ThE mINecRaFt DunGEOnZ sKelLY!

    The skelly now has the same amount of variants as the zombie!
    zomber: regular, village, drowned, husk
    skelly: regular, wither, stray, bogged

  3. Mojang, new music plays insted of original songs. Original songs are nostalgic and iconic and shouldnt be played isted of new tracks. (i think they sound generic and bland, try sing one now and you ll find that you cant remember any)

  4. I feel like they should keep the Wind Charges going through Glass Panes, it creates a unique mechanic where the player can't go through, but a wind charge can, which can be great for puzzles and minigames!

  5. Now we need the jungle variants with all the vines and what not on them and also dangerous plants and monkeys and bananas and mangoes and pattayas for the the desert cacti plant fruit

  6. I saw some people being upset about them adding another skeleton variant but honestly I love it. We already have popular texture packs to make mobs look unique per-biome and I think its fun that we have mob variants.

  7. I hope they'll keep allowing charges going through glass panes. Even if it is unintentional I think having a projectile that can go through them could have some niche, yet fun potential for things like minigames.

    It's not the biggest deal if it gets patched (assuming it's unintended), but I hope they leave it in.

  8. Definitely a pretty cool addition, now they should work on actually implementing swamp villages. Or maybe make normal swamps something you can find without the locate biome command… or add an item similar to the mod Nature Compass.

  9. Always love new hostile mobs, doubly so for biome specific mobs. However, I think the Bogged should spawn in Jungles. After watching Luke the Notable's Jungle 100 days, it just shows how much work that biome needs.

  10. I'm actually unreasonably happy we're finally getting another skeleton variant – it's been years since they added strays, and this makes them feel a lot less random

  11. I feel like the bogged is a pretty cool mob, it's definitely better than having normal skeletons with poison arrows however it's going to end up in a similiar position to the stray (that was the name, right?). They are both reskinned skeletons with the main difference being the ammo they use, which makes them pretty forgetable

  12. See, why do we even NEED a mob vote when they can just do this method of adding mobs?

    Heck, id say hold the phone on adding mobs for the moment and work on whats already in the game, like the Fletching table and Azalea tree.

  13. Hey xisuma, there seems to be a slight issue with your mic, there is a slight crackle/ rumbly sound when you talk, it becomes very apparent when you watch the video at a larger speed

  14. i Really really wish they'd add more melee mobs and change how melee mobs attack, like all they can do without changing the system is add mobs with different stats, alternate secondary attacks, or just ranged attacks! it's got no depth!!! no skill in fighting a zombie besides staying out of its attack radius, it's like fighting someone with killaura except slower! i wanna see mobs that Swing at you and can MISS! and attack with an area of effect! and have attacks with more personality than just "i'm punching you 😐 get punched 😐 i know i'm using a sword but it's basically like you're being punched"

    genuinely this is my biggest plea for the next experimental thing, villagers can wait and it's clear the folks at mojang have been taking a break from those balancing changes to work on other stuff so why not work on PvE combat!!!!!!!!!!

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