I Made 100 Players Simulate Underground Civilization in Minecraft Hardcore…

Imagine simulating civilization underground in Hardcore Minecraft with hostile creatures deadly disasters and 100 players split into four civilizations throughout these caves with the goal to be the last one standing well today that’s exactly what happened first off was the war and civilization this team spawned in and instantly realized they were inside of

The deep dark surrounded by shriekers that at any moment could spawn a warden eliminating their entire team wait wait wait what if we summon award and hold on hold on hey guys hey so these players started sneaking around their cave trying their best to avoid summoning a warden which for the minor civilization

Wasn’t something they had to worry about as they had spawned into a huge mine shaft filled with oars explosives and Railways that allowed the miners to start developing their civilization straight away there’s diamonds everywhere this is fantastic this is beautiful wow next up was the dwarf civilization that spawned into a drip

Stone cave filled with small houses for their team to start exploring through there’s buildings and everything I’m gonna explore first look at look at the whole cave that we’re in this is crazy but as the dwarves ran through their cave looking through the houses one of them ran straight into lava giving

Dwarfs their first death after not even one minute bro how has someone died already okay are you kidding me we just lost someone to Lava for the rest of the dwarves that we’re exploring safely they looted the houses and inside they managed to find food weapons and even some Dwarven tools

And pickaxe share the wealth share the wealth as the dwarf started grabbing valuable resources from their caves to start progressing finally was the goblin civilization that spawned into a huge Lush cave filled with gold foliage and other useful resources like wood that would allow them to easily progress

Through this event which back in the deep dark is something that the warden civilization would struggle with as they realized there was only a few trees throughout their entire cave causing their entire Team all to rush towards the closest trees to try and get a few

Locks I’m not getting any word I am not getting any wood can I get the word everyone’s taking my word and the warden started chopping down the trees a few of their members started carefully exploring through their caves hoping to not summon a warden

Oh my God do not run yeah be careful be careful and as they carefully explode they quickly realized this place was an entire ancient city filled with water night tools and armor giving these wardens a huge boost hey John John look at this I got a full set in a chest this is

Oh as the warden started to get excited about their armor they quickly realized they had a huge problem as they looked around their cave and saw no food anywhere wait guys what about food has anyone for like a food source oh yeah wait how are we gonna eat do we even

Have any food yeah just we need a food supply fast I have not seen seeds like no seats I don’t know if there’s any Block in the water where you can get food as they started to worry about having no food source luckily for them a player called Invader spotted a mine

Shaft on the side of their cave which at the entrance had grass oh my word grass guys guys I have two seats after Invader found the seeds most of the wardens started to group up after they had wasted most of their hunger exploring the ancient city and now had to wait for

These seeds to grow to prevent them from all starving to death but as expected with food being so rare in the deep dark players on the warden team started to work on private Farms to make sure that they didn’t starve to death before their teammates so was a player called Jon

Found some more seeds at another mine shaft entrance he started to come up with a plan to keep his small group away from starvation everyone has gone to starve here so if we’re making a farm we need to be like in a safe place and as they stood around waiting for

Their secret Farm to grow these two started to wonder if there was any other source of food inside of this cave that they hadn’t realized yet is there something that we’re missing maybe we can eat Stoners back in the huge mine shaft the miners had spent the last 10

Minutes racing around grabbing as many holes from the walls of this cave as they could before they realized they also had a slight food problem you have all diamonds in the world that they need but now I need food luckily for the miners this cave was not only filled

With oars but also grass and trees meaning the miners were able to grab some seeds to start setting up a farm at the entrance to a cave but they struggled slightly to get it started try placing it but like basically what happens you can’t Farm like look I’ll

Put I’ll place a piece like now you need a you need light don’t you you literally can’t physically place it out look so with the farm set up the miners seem to be in a great position as they all had enough resources for armor and had

Already set up a farm allowing them to start feeding their civilization which was something the wardens were still struggling with but over in the drip Stone caves the dwarves weren’t struggling with food at all after finding bundles of fish and hay bales in their houses they were able to get

Straight into the walls of this cave to start Gathering resources for armor and weapons which gave one of the dwarves the perfect opportunity to show off his skin that he was hoping to use to his Advantage later on in the event if we start getting absolutely murdered all I

Have to do stand corner where there’s a bunch of stone they can’t see it give it give us an example give us an example we want to see your your hiding skills oh my God wait where is he uh you’re very obvious as these dwarfs continued mining through the walls of this cave

Looking for resources for their team back in the Lush caves the Goblins were starting to make some steady progress as they realized they could use the Moss blocks inside of their cave to compost into bone meal we can use a lost box for composting we can use compost with mass blocks Big Brand

We’re actually so is all teams have now started working on setting up a stable food source and had done some mining the preparation phase had come to an end meaning now it was time for each civilization to host an election to put somebody in charge of their team King election let’s go we

Gotta get everyone together all right everyone we should probably get ready for a king election yeah we are already preparing make a council let’s just make a council this guy’s obsessed with anything first to hold their election was the miners as they set up a Podium right

Next to their Farm to allow people to go up and give their speeches don’t be scared it’s just a game we do oh God okay this is not the leader of speech go off at the stage next it’s not a game yo how do you want to die how do you want

To win it um just kill we all just want to win correct yeah man speed up the process please after a few miners had gone off and given their speech Ronin VI went up on stage and decided this was his time to shine hello my fellow comrades my IGN

Is Ronnie bi underscore do you guys know why we all gathered together over here because I want food let’s be friends we all here collected only by one reason I fear and especially fear of death the biggest and deepest fear of humanity and this is why we should not be scared even

If we die we die to our comrades continue our dreams and carry the memories of us further my people don’t die in the battlefield my people became Legends and legends never die I think you deserve this after giving quite obviously the most convincing speech yet the miners started regrouping

Around their leader of choice which quickly became clear would be Ronin I think Ronan yeah a great leader I shall Crown you now rule number six as king of the miners so was Ronan received his crown over in the Lush caves the goblin election wasn’t going quite as smooth as the miners was

I think I have to consider because of my application I put that I’m gonna be leader so I gotta live up to it all right listen first off I don’t make those kind of threats I’m in this for the team win I don’t want a solo Victory

I’m not trying to 1v50 I’m trying to win this the team I’m ready to be organized all right we’re gonna have a full we have a strategy we’re gonna win this I don’t care what anyone says Somehow through all of the shouting the Goblins decided to elect Fuego wave as their leader as he wasted no time in giving out roles and sharing his plan with the rest of the team all right listen me me we got we need we need at least four people running for him the

Entire time everyone else needs to get in the line and start getting as much iron when the next phase happened we’re sprinting for the big mines and we’re getting diamonds back in the deep dark the wardens were still struggling a lot with food as their seeds were growing

Very slowly so was most of their groups stood around on the verge of starvation they decided to host their election right here at the farm we need to hold the elections democracy democracy as wood broke out that they were going to host their election right here players

Started making their way over and took their position in the queue to give out their speeches if I was King I’d provide great resources to this nation I would like to choose uh soldiers and Miners and I would like to hand them out accordingly if I was

Elected leader I want to bring first and foremost the folk just said that dude you’re saying everything else that everyone others says this is the most generic art that like I want to be leader I’ve ever heard all right let’s be honest right now our odds aren’t looking good everyone else

Is better than nothing spiders have a farm the dwarves probably have diamonds get off the stage you’re not even saying anything you haven’t even given me the chance to say anything you don’t get a chance you’re bad get off with players constantly being booed off the stage by

Soccer 51x no one was able to finish their speech causing some conflict between the wardens to start as they were fed up with being interrupted soccer how are you what makes you the person to decide that man uh I’m cooler soccer you’re being too rude to everyone

No one’s gonna get elected at this rate listen you keep talking over each other and we’re gonna get nowhere okay as the deep dark turned into chaos things were only going to get worse as players started attacking each other you just hit me bro what was that for no I didn’t

Wasted heart hey bro I’m getting one back all right no you can hit me with their entire group shouting a few players took charge over the whole team and decided to promote Invader 07 to King to avoid any more problems yeah okay if anyone who wants to go

Mining just start going mining but make sure if you start losing hunger comebacks hopefully by then something will have grown so as they started assigning jobs to their members their election was over as Invader was given his crown but finally was the dwarf civilization and I’ll be honest their

Election was just as bad as the wardens I may not have the strongest armor but I do have the strongest mind when we have to fight the other civilizations I will lead you into Warfare and I will die before you my fellas killed everybody we’re gonna be the strongest team today so

I would love to be leader because I bring many resources to the table and I bring great wisdom may I show you as some dwarfs try to bribe their way to Victory whilst others went up looking for sympathy votes since it was their birthday it was now time for the dwarfs

To vote for their king of choice and after Duff sin received the most votes he was promoted to be the king of the dwarfs but after he was the one that bribed his way to Victory some of the dwarves weren’t too happy about his winners they walked away and refused to

Be under his command I don’t like I don’t like that guy he thinks he’s hot because he’s got a call yeah yeah that’s one thing as well that stone guy ran away when he heard me say that so uh I don’t know yeah okay let’s make a run for it as they stood

Around talking about their new king a player called pink piggle overheard their conversation and ran away to tell Dobson exactly what was being said about him three people over there plotting against you all three of them say they don’t like you and then one of them

Chased me with an ax go solve this diplomatically if you see anybody plotting do tell them to stop and if they do not stop you may have to give their life a short end so was the king election phase came to an end the dwarfs weren’t off to a great start as their

Civilization had split up into two groups with one of them plotting to overthrow their King I really like that guy but lmblia for now for now back in the miners cave they were working together really well compared to the dwarves and the wardens allowing them to start sharing their ideas after

Electing Ronan as their leader the best plan of action is to mindlessly go to people and just murder them not talk immediately violence with Kane suggesting they go straight on the attack as soon as the borders opened up some other players were against this idea as they thought defending their

Cave would be easier maybe we should both defenses in the case what is leading to the middle but then wallow went up and suggested an idea that everybody seemed to agree with but fellas look at my hand how about 2016 too now hear me

Hear me out we can make a big trap lure them over and blow them up I think we should do it in this entrance after all agreeing to start making a trap that they could lure the other civilizations into it seemed the miners were the most coordinated civilization of all

Especially since the wardens were still attempting to recover from the chaos of their election at this point bro I don’t know if you know this this cheza guy right killed my friend like for no reason he just murdered him in front of everyone I don’t know bro I don’t know

I’m going to kill him I just can’t kill him right now because he’s with everyone if everyone sees me killing him they’re gonna kill me since jazza now had a Target on his back after killing one of his teammates he knew that people would soon be coming for him so went off from

The rest of the group to avoid being murdered and quickly teamed up with a player called Tyler yo you see me take that man out live yeah honestly man this is gonna disgust he’s got no food no don’t lose hope yet man it’s never over until it’s over

After real realizing they now had a serious food Problem by leaving behind their team’s only food source they came up with a plan to steal some seeds from their own team to allow them to set up their own farmer a seat as they snuck into the farm and managed

To bone meal the seed without being caught they escaped before Chaser was killed and started setting up their own Farm away from the rest of the group we literally just have to wait so now is the cave building phase was in full effect each team was starting to work on

Getting their civilizations built up or at least they were supposed to be you know what a strategy is is to abandon like this task and just get better gear the Goblins seem to have given up before the build competition had even really started meaning if their team wanted to

Win the reward for the best looking cave they were going to struggle but over at the mine shaft the miners were one of the only civilizations that were actually trying to build something during this competition okay all right and you’re in charge of building I need

You to collect some people to help you build so after assigning some people to be dedicated Builders they made some huge progress compared to the other civilizations and as some miners went out exploring to gather more resources from their cave they found something quite unexpected oh this is a double

Check for any more iron oh oh my God sorry it looks like you oh oh very flick him he just offered me a trade these are sick they’re scary I thought they were gonna kill me to be honest oh welcome to this robbing look he’s got something in

His back all right we’ll keep these in mind Trader goblins had now been released into the caves offering items like bread for Simple Resources like whole meaning the civilizations that were struggling with food would greatly benefit from these Traders but over in the Lush caves the goblin civilization

Spotted these Traders and thought they were hostile villager I heard of villager villager wait what no those aren’t villagers those are not villages they’re dangerous I don’t know don’t hit it don’t hit it don’t hit it it’s a traitor no you dumbass I was trading stuff it was trading stuff

Their Trader goblins were killed before they even had the chance to see what was on offer so they started begging for their traders to be respawned sword I offer you a dribbly for that Goblin please sword I made you I’m on my knees after denying their offer of a drip Leaf

I instead offered them the option to sacrifice a player from their civilization for the traders to be respawned and it seemed clear that the person they wanted to sacrifice was Shadow 88 after he was the one that killed the Traders originally some punishment what did he do he killed

Her he killed her killed the things sacrifices yeah he said he said he needs sacrifices as Shadow 88 was moments away from Death the cave building phase was put on hold as the exploration phase started this meant some of the cave entrances on the sides of these civilizations were now

Opened allowing each team to explore through them to discover more resources oh the cave is in the look someone get the trees and the food there since the wardens were still struggling with food they sent out a small group of players to venture into the side caves to get

The loot and bring it back to the rest of their team oh they’re open they’re open they’re open nice nice nice careful I got the tree oh Chuck there’s a ton of them yeah there’s a there’s one right behind you you just walk past it Joe running get those diamonds guys there’s

A diamond right yeah this is terrifying Warden up ahead one up ahead one up ahead oh yeah just run we have to we have to we have to instead of going deeper into the cave they try to mine up the resources near the entrance but quickly realize they

Still weren’t safe I got some berries sir all right guys I have no food as they escaped from the caves they took the resources back to their team that was still starving at the farm and luckily we’re able to plant the berries that they had just found to start growing

More food whilst each civilization was starting to loot through the side caves it seemed the miners didn’t quite understand what this phase was as they were preparing to be attacked oh no come on boys murder oh don’t let anyone throw anything make my trap hold the line hold

The line borders haven’t fallen at all maybe it’s not this one I don’t know it quickly became clear to the miners that nobody was coming to kill them yet so they sent out their strongest players to explore through the caves to see what they could find and of course they

Expected the worst all right everyone on full diamond let’s go we’re all gonna die oh God this is like oh what is that it’s like an animal it’s golden oh is it oh okay as the miners hit another border they looked on into the parts of the caves that they couldn’t explore

Realizing that their Journey had been cut short but just as they were about to turn around they spotted a group of goblins on the other side it was good boys they got full diamonds over there as well wait is this all your guys this is loaded people oh hello it quickly became

Clear to the miners that these caves connected all of the civilizations together meaning eventually they would be able to charge down here killing each other which gave Kane from the miners a great idea so basically what we’re going to do is you’re going to keep going to distract them yeah distract them lure

Them over there and they’ll jump into the entire thing okay that’s actually a show with a plan in mind Barry went back to tell the rest of the team what was happening is Kane stayed at the border hoping to eventually lower the Goblins into a huge Ambush once the borders open

But these weren’t the only civilizations to enter the caves as the dwarf started to explore the ones attached to theirs which they quickly realized led into the deep dark oh that yeah that’s that’s the wardens around oh there’s a warden in there all right I think we’re gonna be

Taking a different route then we’re not going in there despite the Border stopping them from entering the deep dark they quickly realized that the cave they were stood in was filled with diamonds which the dwarfs wasted no time in taking advantage of and Mining up oh

Look Diamond that was easy yeah okay oh look at another diamond oh look another diamond oh there’s another one oh there’s another one oh there’s another one go I just got five I had six in a row hold the diamonds from this cave allowing them to upgrade their armor they were

Then finally able to make use of the Dwarven riches that they found earlier on so yeah I may have forgot to mention this one of the Dwarven structures was made partially of netherrite blocks giving the dwarfs a boost in strength as they tore down their Tower and started

Sharing the netherite between their team they were coming home why are you nowhere that’ll happen I don’t have any other writing it’s oh yeah you got a bunch of them and now is the exploration phase ended the cave building phase restarted giving each civilization more time to build up their

Caves but for the dwarfs despite having never right their King Dobson hadn’t given out any roles to their team so they had made no progress after they split up earlier on leading a player called purefudge to take some Authority as he asked off sin what they were

Actually going to do right just kidding yes what’s the plan for the building because we don’t want other teams yeah we don’t want other teams to actually win this I say we make a stone cutter clear out a large area and make sort of a temple or Castle Monument with the

Reward for the best cave in mind these dwarfs realize they should probably start building so finally got to work cleaning up this area and started to work on some houses which sadly didn’t end very well for purefudge oh no no how did he die how did he die

What just happened huh he just disappeared but he was right here he just disappeared he was one of our members who just spontaneously combusted oh he fell no he fell fell down the hole oh as this small group of dwarves had lost the only player that actually seemed to

Be pushing them in the right direction it wasn’t looking too good for them especially with the other half of their team still planning to eventually kill their king after they were still annoyed at him bribing his way to victory in their election thank you good leader

Serve our country world I will I will die for this country man now bro I’m gonna kill that King eventually so was the dwarfs continued plotting to kill their leader they weren’t the only team dealing with civil wars since back in the deep dark after these guys realized

They weren’t easily able to mine diamonds because of the warden protecting the side caves soccer 51x saw a perfect opportunity to Blackmail someone for their armor as he spotted chazza who was still trying to avoid being killed after killing oricon earlier on but Jazz apparently like people are saying that you’re um against

Us because like you kill the guy and then you ran off on your own I’ll put in a good word and convince them that uh you’re not bad because they all really want to kill you all those guys down there I don’t think you want

To fight 20 people you know if yeah if you give me your boots and you’re the diamond ax and I trade you for the iron ones then uh you know that’s crazy that’s crazy why is why is he trying to rob him a soccer tries to Blackmail

Chaser it was clear that he wasn’t going to fall for these threats so soccer quickly turned his Focus to fusions that was stood right next to them wearing full water night armor fusion how good are you a PVP pretty decent pretty decent how much do you practice

Like I just came back to this game all right trade me your armor set then so we actually have like that’s crazy that’s crazy yeah well I’m not trading You by armor set with fusions refusing to trade the armor a group of Wardens started pressuring him since they each wanted

The benefits of the water Knight armor for themselves yeah that’s crazy I’m not giving them my Armory you should just give us the Armor man why this is the armor that I found like you’re not good at the PPP that’s the problem if we’re going to win as a team

We’re going to need people with pvps to have good gear as fusions tried to walk away soccer continued to follow him asking to trade even though fusions was insistent that he wasn’t going to give up the armor they’re not even giving us an option to talk to you I gave you guys

Several options I’m about giving you my armor dude just get someone else’s armor I don’t want to final warning why can’t you just get someone else’s Armory I don’t understand because no one else has the armor there are several other people that have the armor they’re all good at

BBB are you sure yeah as they can they can follow him through the deep dark Chan youngja held back and spoke about what soccer was doing soccer wants to kill him this soccer guy thinks he’s like leading the whole thing doesn’t he in a way if we were to kill soccer we’d

Have less egos on the team and more armor to share out but as these two stood talking about possibly killing soccer chassis changed his mind as he saw this as a perfect opportunity to redeem himself by killing fusions to get soccer to put in a good word with the

Rest of the team this guys are still on to me foreign are you serious are you serious right now after killing fusions Chad talk the water Knight armor and shed out amongst their team as soccer took him back to the farm and put in a good word allowing jazzer to rejoin

The main warning group hey guys jazz is good I talked to him yeah he’s actually a good guy he the only reason he went off is he went to find bone meal to help us uh Farm good stuff now despite the wardens having lost a player they were

Finally starting to make some progress as their Berry Farm had grown enough for them to solve their hunger issue but once their Farm was done they realized they had spent almost the entire build competition working on getting food set up DJ this is the building phase and

We’re pretty much the best builders in this team so what are we gonna do we only have 12 minutes to build something how do you want to do no we had half an hour but like we need to think now real quick what can we make with the stuff we

Have here I think it’s the last cast to be fairly honest with you with the warden civilization having given up with the build competition as well it seemed the only civilization that was actually making progress was the miners that were still starting to prepare their attack on the Goblins as the cave building

Phase started to come to a close guys we gotta be ready with a with an army to counter goblins because they’re about to come in when the next phase starts yeah for sure one minute before the next phase please all will be at the entrance yeah we need every person there because

There’s a lot of them so as planned with one minute left on the building phase the miners all run from their base and took positions at the entrance to their cave waiting to Ambush the goblins everybody go to the entrance follow me let’s go it’s the second half of the

Cave building phase came to an end the miners all hit the entrance to their cave waiting to attack it’s going to be a surprise attack everybody gathered them into the walls under the floor somewhere just hide yourself hide yourself well as the second exploration phase started the miners quickly

Realized that the Goblins were not coming in are you sure this is the battle phase boys these caves were still locked because this phase had opened up other mine shafts allowing each civilization access to bundles of trees grass and leaves that would definitely help in their development all right no come back where

Are you look Santa’s open this is sick as the miners started exploring they were one of only two civilizations that actually knew these caves existed as the wardens and the dwarfs had no idea that these had even opened but as the miners and goblins explored through their Lush caves they found something very

Unexpected oh my whoa yeah looking there there’s loads of diamonds wait everybody there’s an enchantment table in there there’s an enchantment table at the center of this map was a cave that contained a huge amount of diamonds netherrite and even an enchantment table that all civilizations would want to get

Their hands on first to help them upgrade their Online weapons but with the passageways to the middle still being blocked off each civilization had to wait until the borders dropped before they could charge in and fight for the Loon which gave the miners enough time

To retreat back to their cave and call a team meeting to come up with a plan so as they went home they grouped up their entire team in their Castle allowing Ronan to explain what they had found and get themselves prepared for war okay we have two announcements next space is

Going to be the middle uh open announcements which have a lot of good loot Netherland blocks enchantment table all of that stuff and we need it we actually needed it for a win if any team got it we’re going to lose probably you’re going to be all all players

Nobody else yeah two minutes let’s go everybody go everybody go no one defenses well these weren’t the only ones hoping to charge into the middle cave as the Goblins that had also found the middle had set up at the entrance and started saying their goodbyes to each other as

They all expected to die in battle so was the goblins and the miners were getting hyped at the borders the wardens and the dwarfs still had no idea this place even existed but luckily for them the borders weren’t going to open here yet oh Retreat Retreat yeah oh my God

All right that’s good with the video as the build competition was announced it was now time for me to visit each civilization to judge their builds and as I visited the deep dark it quickly became clear to me that nobody had built anything yep trying to build hello hello

Oh hello yo oh Invader are you telling your team to start building now so we’ve been starving well that’s not my problem you’re supposed to have been building for the last hour no no after overhearing their King telling them to start building now it is clear that the

Wardens had done nothing for the past hour so their King Invader started to improvise hoping to secure their team some points by using the pre-built ancient city as their submission bring you up to have our beautiful kingdom okay I’m gonna let you know first here the pre-built structures don’t count

This entire game I’ve we’ve been working on food why is he complaining bro we would all be dead if other than this next I visited the miners that definitely seem to have done the most during this phase okay this is our main Farm okay all of the design you see we

Have some weed we have some potatoes you have this beautiful Bridge cool staircase to the top not really that cool Unlike the Wardens these miners had actually put some time and effort into their builds allowing me to actually give them a good score so after telling them it was looking good I moved on to the goblin civilization that had all agreed earlier on to abandon the build competition which meant after having

Nothing but a farm to show I moved on to the dwarfs hello Dustin yes I would like a tour of your civilization um we are not prepared but sure you may come with me this is our Castle as you can see it’s very large and tidy okay we’re not meant for building the

Sword I’m very sorry over here is the house that we made oh no you live in well okay is these guys try taking credit for the pre-built structures as well they were given a low score after it was clear that they had also done nothing during this phase or at least

That’s what we thought because over on the other side of this cave was the group of dwarves that had branched off earlier and were plotting to kill their King and these guys had actually built a huge Dwarven gate at the entrance to their cave which would have given the

Dwarfs a huge boost in score if their king would have actually shown me the build but because the dwarves hadn’t been communicating this entire time Duff’s in their King didn’t even know this existed meaning it was never shown on their tour so after realizing their team wasn’t going to score well Dustin

Went back to his strategy from earlier on and tried to bribe me You can’t bribe me you can’t bribe me it’s worth a shot it’s worth a shot no I don’t want a bribes at this point it was clear to me which civilization had won the build competition so I went back to the miners to tell them the good news

Hello people I’m here to say uh you guys won yeah no honestly the other teams have done nothing everybody welcome Um the fact that you actually built something with the miners being announced as the winners this meant the miners were exempt from the next two phases that the other three civilizations would have to face but before the dwarf started to worry about what was going to happen to them next

Things were starting to get heated in their cave as their King went over towards the group of players that were planning on assassinating him which of course was never going to end well good afternoon I won the crown can I get the crown I want to be king

You want the crown um yeah yeah I wanna you can get a hay bale do you want peace or a boy uh I would love agriculture but well then you’re not fit to be king if we are not aggressive we can’t win this game resign

From your place so we so I can lead our people to Victory listen if you give me the Quran so I can be the new king I can you get the nether I tell me yet win-win yeah give him the ground I do respect the ground set however I cannot give up

I physically cannot take it off my head well we can but it would it would contain blood I’m just gonna go over here because everything is going a bit funky over there I’m gonna get a good view of this at this point duffsin knew that if he didn’t change his attitude he

Would be killed for the crown so stop saying he wanted Agriculture and told the team that it was time for war win yeah fine we can have War we can have war and you can be my general everybody we’re gonna go kill some people okay now with the dwarves finally being united

They were ready to charge into another civilization but as the build competition had officially come to an end The Invasion phase started oh no goblins DJ goblets DJ what’s up watch out now all civilizations except the miners would have to face an invasion miners will not be in faded

Guys move out move out move out no only don’t die please move moving through the charge up attack move guys move keep moving keep moving oh my God almost died almost as the wardens were swarmed they had no choice but to run from The Invasion as they were heavily outnumbered causing them to

Evacuate their cave entirely into the Lush caves that they hadn’t explored yet hoping to avoid being killed by the goblins but these guys weren’t the only ones dealing with the invasion as over in the goblin caves they were also under attack go back guys go back go back go back go

Back oh my god oh Jesus oh my God for the keys go first kill the shaman let’s keep spotting them after working together well all three civilizations were able to defeat The Invasion and luckily for the wardens as they escape from their Invasion into the Lush caves they were able to spot the middle that they hadn’t

Found earlier on when these caves opened up you see all the diamonds over there oh my God we need together I wonder unless because we didn’t find this maybe the other teams didn’t find it either as a few of the wardens prepared to rush through the middle The Invasion phase

Came to an end but this was only one of the two phases that these civilizations would have to face which they realized as the cave crumble they started cave crumble oh no what do we what do we do what do we do get in the houses

The top of these caves were now starting to crumble crushing anyone below oh my God get this guy out get this guy out get this guy out no Frick almost instantly three wardens were crushed by the falling blocks leading them to start trying to find ways to avoid being

Killed put box above four packs above it doesn’t work my blocks fell your books seriously yeah well the wardens weren’t the only ones losing members to the falling blocks as one of the Goblins also fell victim oh wait watch out watch out it’s over there okay I think we’re

Good I think we’re good watch out watch out what’s up what’s up and finally was the dwarves you can’t go out there because there is drip stone that will fall on us yeah yeah let’s just take it out the gate has strong infrastructure it surely not collapse oh

Jump up jump up jump up get him out get him out get him out get him out the gate had a strong infrastructure the gate had a infrastructure you’re a bad building but not all of the dwarfs were lucky enough to be saved by this gay as their

Roof continued to crumble further into the cave oh no no oh God get in the game oh my God oh very good to you right no oh no sword why after losing one of their strongest players the dwarfs knew that they couldn’t afford to lose anyone else so started working on finding ways

Around the falling blocks and quickly realized they acted the same as gravel and sand causing them to layer their floor with slabs hoping to avoid being crushed it works it works it worked it worked it worked oh my gosh we are the smartest team After figuring out how to avoid death they started

Talking about what would be next for their civilization hey I’m Jesse as soon as this ends they’re gonna start like like they’re gonna let us go to other kingdoms oh yeah afternoon we are definitely gonna have to kill people and they were right as the clock started to

Take down the next phase would be the middle cave allowing all of the civilizations to finally meet for the first time in battle for the loot in the middle so with one minute left on the clock the Goblins prepared to start making a run towards the middle 20 more seconds and

We go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay boys let’s get the enchantment table hopefully well the Goblins weren’t the only ones ready to push for the middle as the miners that had been relaxing for the last 20 minutes as the other civilizations have

Been fighting for their lives we’re now waiting at the entrance ready for the border to drop and so were the wardens meaning three different civilizations were about to be racing towards the middle fighting for the loot go go let’s go let’s go go go go go go as all three

Civilizations charged into the middle cave they started watering their way across the lava as they spotted the other teams moving in oh yeah people on the left be careful and as the Goblins arrived first they were able to grab the enchantment table quickly before any of the other teams allowing

Them to retreat back to their cave I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it get up go go go defend us Defender whilst the Goblins ran away the miners and the wardens continued fighting for the loot

In the middle which saw a few players from each civilization die yes let’s go let’s go no push them push them push them kill kill him kill him kill him oh God I’m sorry man with players from both teams starting to Die the wardens evacuated back to their

Entrance and held position as the miners were gifted control of the middle but after realizing most of the treasure in the middle was gone they also retreated back to their cave which meant the middle was now clear for anyone to take which after enchanting the goblin saw as

An opportunity I say we pushed something I say we push before they get too stuck to push before they get too stacked honestly yeah go go go go go go go go go go go go all right we have mid boys let’s go there’s a few of the Goblins ran back

Towards the middle one of them started watering the lava between them and the wardens which Chaser from the warden civilization saw as an invitation to fight I’m going to kill someone okay well we’re going to the unit then it looks like follow Charles that we’re going as

A unit this is how you lead a team let’s go yeah with chazza leading the charge they saw the Goblins taking over the Middle Island and saw this as the perfect opportunity to pick off a few of the Goblins that had been left behind Interceptor small team Interceptor small

Team this is perfect perfect I’m taking it thanks bro whilst all of this took place in the middle cave there was one civilization that was missing and this was the dwarfs who had no idea where the middle cave was and had spent almost their entire face stood at the border between them

And the minor civilization drop the Wall come on drop the wall after realizing this border wasn’t going to open yet a few of the dwarfs started searching for the middle cave and eventually spotted all of the other teams inside fighting but as they entered they were heavily

Outnumbered by all of the other teams that had their entire population with them meaning they had no choice but to take cover on a pillar as they waited for backup to arrive this is not a great situation I don’t know all the wounds are over there oh god let’s just let everyone

Else kill each other and then we jump in and kill them as the Goblins continued to hold the middle it was announced that in three minutes this cave would start to Grumble killing anyone inside which forced the Goblins to retrieve guys if that crumble that crumbles in one minute

If that when that’s gonna crumble we’re all gonna be trapped here we need to do something now it never escaped from the middle they accidentally went through the entrance to the deep dark meaning if they wanted to go back home they’d have to go through the side caves that linked

Each civilization I just if there’s a word and just run make sure to stick together the most as you can as they walked into the deep dark they made their way through the caves and spotted a dwarf all alone at the border friend come here friend come here I got

No proposal what’s up drop all your diamond stuff hide in the wall we won’t kill you we’ll leave you to the end no oh then you’re dead come on as factions framed stood face to face with almost the entire Goblin civilization the middle cave started to crumble as the War Phase had officially

Begun opening every border between the civilizations yeah but look at this is a value for me so I’m just I might just head out here oh what’s up bro sorry bro yeah oh my god without realizing the Goblins were stood in front of a trap this entire time meaning as soon as the

Border dropped faction’s frame was able to activate the Trap killing over half of the goblin population as the rest ran for their lives what okay let’s go let’s go ain’t no way yeah what happened what happened they dropped the cave ain’t nobody we just gotta wait until the other teams fight each other

And we’re at equal numbers dead it’s fine with the deaths of all the Goblins being broadcasted in chat teams all over the map started to assume that they were crushed in the middle cave that had started to crumble they went in the middle when it crumbled

Now with the goblings being by far the smallest civilization of all having only seven players remaining the wardens regrouped in the deep dark and decided now was the perfect time to attack them to try and finish off their final few members all right let’s go to the goblin area

Let’s go to the goblin area I think we go third party boys yeah yeah but as they left the deep dark they weren’t the only ones with this idea as the dwarfs entered the goblin caves with the same plan bought to the dwarf’s surprise it wasn’t the Goblins that were

Inside of these Lush caves as they ran into the entire team of miners that had been forced to exit through the goblin caves after the middle started to crumble on them so as the miners were forced to retreat from the middle they were in for a shock

As the dwarves were also making their way into the goblin cave get The High Ground yes oh that is a lot of miners oh it’s a minor here get him oh kill him kill him kill him kill him you’re dead you’re deadly root you’re dead ah a huge fight broke out between

These two civilizations and a few members from each side were killed before a horde of zombies started attacking both teams allowing the miners to escape and regroup their entire Army come back after getting away successfully the miners made their way home to their farm and started to talk about what they were

Going to do next I think we just encarted the strongest team right now but as the miners still talking around the dwarfs were making their way through the side caves hoping to launch another attack on them they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here surrender with the miners in sight once again

These two civilizations had a standoff before the miners once again ran from the fight but this time with a plan everyone go everyone go the scoreboard guys dig in and shifting I can see I’ll tell you if they’re coming oh yeah okay the miners took cover inside of the

Caves hoping that the dwarves would charge after them allowing them to launch a huge surprise attack but instead the dwarves turned around and went back through the other caves meaning these miners were just wasting their time I don’t think they’re coming yeah there’s nobody nobody here all right okay

Do we want to stay here in the wall wait for any team to come past this and just um after the miners counted up their members they realize they had their whole team right here which they hoped that they could use to their advantage by outnumbering the other teams so they

Started making their way through the caves and spotted some of the remaining goblins that had been trying to hide from the other teams there’s one here there’s one here this is camping he’s gonna die I don’t know what he’s doing after killing a couple of the Goblins these miners lost a

Member of their own as a piece of drip Stone fell from the roof killing him but this wouldn’t be the only member they were about to lose as they turned around and spotted the dwarves moving into the dripstone caves there’s a cave falling will then I have two gold oh God

Dig up dig up we have The High Ground everything up the miners built up and took cover at the top of the caves as the dwarf started pushing up trying to pick off anyone they could get their hands on but as more dripstones started falling from the roof one of the dwarves

That was trying to push up was also killed oh no not good man not good everyone around me is dying with the drips down on the roof starting to fall all over the miners decided to start breaking the drip Stone themselves before it fell on their heads which didn’t exactly go to

Plan we could charge him but then we’re losing our thoughts does anyone have any oh my God you know I saw Ronin mind that I don’t need to kill them I was trying to get rid of these things with drip Stone being clearly far too dangerous for either of these

Civilizations to deal with the dwarves decided to come up with an entirely different plan everybody everybody That’s a genius to avoid being crushed by Falling drip Stone the dwarf started mining up the walls of the cave which the miners quickly spotted oh My God oh God the case collapsing on us and now that the dwarfs are on the same level as the miners they launched their attack allowing them to pick off five of the miners as the rest of them try to escape I think have mercy have mercy

Now let’s run away and try to pick some people if they’re like alone oh they’re coming faster faster with no choice but to run after being destroyed by the dwarfs the miners spotted a mine shaft that they could Escape through wait I see another exit wait wait go go here go

Here it should be hide here yeah go go go go go go go as a few of the miners started to hide from the dwarfs the rest of their team that were left behind were killed as the dwarfs tried following those that escaped why are we here

Without realizing the dwarfs were only a few blocks away from the miners as they stayed dead silent hoping not to be found and as the dwarves moved along these miners couldn’t believe their luck oh my God oh my God I think our plan is just to wait until dwarf and Warden are

Battling yes yes exactly so whilst the miners took cover waiting for the other civilizations to fight the dwarfs went into the deep dark to see if they could find the wardens that hadn’t been seen for over half an hour and on their way over they came across factions

Framed that had been camping at the Trap that had killed over half of the Goblins earlier on after people kept running through it and continued falling to their death you know after I killed all the Goblins I’m not stopping over that you know don’t know So was the dwarves passed through the Trap and luckily didn’t fall in they charged into the deep dark leaving a few members behind in the Trap okay and as they charged into the deep dark it was clear that the wardens weren’t here because they had spent the last

Half an hour running through the caves trying to hunt down the Goblins after seeing Demos in the easy target which was quickly reversed as the Goblins started attacking them oh Yeah let’s go cabano let’s go as the wardens were able to kill old but one Goblin they decided their mission was a success and it was finally time to head home to the deep dark which didn’t end very well as they started to head home through the cave

That was trapped be patient soccer be patient don’t go by yourself foreign soccer 51x in youngja that had killed their own teammate earlier on after claiming he was bad at PDP walked straight into a trap made by factions framed killing two of the warden’s strongest members as the rest of the

Team fell back and had a standoff with the dwarves they’re all there they’re all there on the ground let them come down after a few minutes of standing around one of the wardens spotted a tunnel that led underneath the Trap that the dwarves had made so was their whole team acted like

They were going to retreat in reality they were all grouching inside of the walls of this cave hoping to sneak behind the dwarves and launch an attack listen there’s a cave here like a tunnel with no idea that the wardens were right beneath them these dwarfs were

Distracted by the last goblin that had come up right behind them Hutch yo how you doing get up get up get him yo Hutch oh Hutch no Hutch zombie zombie zombie boy zombies as I Hutch was killed the goblin civilization was officially eliminated as their entire team had now died and

For the dwarfs that had held position at this trap they assumed those wardens weren’t coming back so also decided to finally leave the Trap behind as they went into the deep dark to meet up with the rest of their team that was still looking for the wardens but as they had

No idea that the wardens were literally hiding inside of their trap now they left giving them the perfect opportunity to chase after and launch an attack okay we’re gonna lose this but for Glory no we’re gonna win this what am I on about we’re winning this as the wardens

Ran through the caves they arrived back home into the deep dark and charged into battle as they spotted the dwarfs up ahead well it’s fine get up Boys the full Enchanted what but after realizing they were heavily outnumbered they tried to escape from the fight which ended horribly oh no no turn turn

Turn turn as almost the entire Warden civilization were killed by the dwarfs in their own cave the remaining few that managed to escape head underground well that didn’t go as far and now as a few wardens were hiding the War Phase officially came to an end and the final

Phase of this event was announced as the world started to crumble everywhere except the middle cave okay we need to head to the Milky so was the world started to crumble around them they all made a run for the middle that was currently occupied by the miners that

Had been hiding here since they managed to escape from the dwarfs earlier on go down go down go down go back down back down we’re in the middle already so it doesn’t matter whilst these guys stayed silent underneath the middle the dwarf started making their way over as they tried

Their best to avoid being crushed by the falling blocks oh dear Lord Almighty that is a lot of blocks and as everyone that was hiding were forced to move out some players started to run into people from the other civilizations which caused a few fights to break out

Oh my God who are you didn’t you die get over here boy so as all civilizations made their way to the middle the dwarves arrived first and took control over the island with their 13th player Nation as the rest of the players from the other civilizations made their way over and were destroyed

By the Dwarfs no no no no come on let’s chill oh dear come on man yo yo yo yo framed come on not like this as the king of the warden civilization died they had now also been eliminated and as the dwarfs held control of the

Middle Island they had no idea that all of the miners were still hiding right beneath them waiting for the perfect time to strike after spotting an opportunity the miners came out of hiding and attacked two of the dwarves hoping to catch them by surprise but as expected with the

Dwarves having almost triple their Play account they were easily able to fight back home son get him get him oh Ronan oh that was a disaster what a disaster with four of the five miners now dead it was all down to one minor but of course with 11 dwarfs remaining

It was clear at this point who was going to win oh Raven’s over there I see Raven he’s over there right one’s in the roof over there so was they spotted the final Miner at the top of the cave they carefully built up towards him and

Attacked him as he stood with no chance against the dwarves so with the last Miner being dead the dwarves were officially crowned as the rulers of the Underground

I Made 100 Players Simulate Underground Civilization in Minecraft Hardcore…

Today, I Made 100 Players Simulate Civilization Underground with Wardens, Miners, Goblins, and Dwarfs all split between different caves! Which Civilization will be able to work together best and take down their enemies? Let’s find out!

JOIN FUTURE EVENTS HERE – https://discord.gg/sword4000

👍 Can we get 20,000 likes for part 2?! 👍

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#minecraft #civilization #hardcore

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Preparation
6:13 – King Election
13:30 – Cave Building
18:05 – Exploration
22:13 – Cave Building
28:27 – Exploration
30:57 – Build Competition
36:23 – Invasion
38:11 – Cave Crumble
41:36 – Middle Cave
45:41 – War
57:22 – World Crumble
1:00:11 – Outro


  1. I could never do this. Your own freaking teammates take you down like how dumb can you be? The fact that you lessen your numbers so that other teams can have a bigger lead….makes no sense. I like the Miners because they seemed to work well together and little to no strife. Turning on your team for armor that they found…like WTF?? Yea I couldn't do this not one bit.

  2. GReat video!
    While some say it was unfair on the wardens, I dont think so. They simply were too stupid to use moss blocks like the other teams. That would have solved the hunger issue much quicker. And also how dumb they were backstabbing each other. Even with better resources its safe to assume they would have lost when all they did during the event was running around instead of actually getting food

  3. The dwarfs are so bad they had to use another right from the old custom build I think the miners and the other nations should get another chance because the dwarf cheated🤬🤬😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡😡🤬

  4. Sword can you please make a new because I want to see the doors and the other nations battle again but no cheating no netherite in the buildings no diamonds in the buildings

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