【Stardew Valley】 First Time in the Valley Currently in Need of Corn and Wife

[Applause] Hello hello hello fishy hello Jake hello Jer hello sway good to see you all hope you’re doing well hello Jess good to see you hope you’re doing well good to be back feels weird not a long time in general but a long time to not stream we’re getting a new Farm Life

Today and I really don’t know much like CU I know the game from a lot of like hearing about and stuff but I don’t know if I’ve ever actually seen gameplay probably so we’ll just kind of hope for the best I’m sure I’ll get into it so all

Good fun fact while we wait the United Nations estimates there there over 3 million shipwrecks on the Ocean Floors lost destroyed or deliberately sunk really Jesus that’s a that’s a lot of material well suppose at least if it’s not like toxic stuff it’s homes for fish maybe or some sea creatures

Maybe fun fact number two only 70% of the world snakes lay eggs the rest give birth to live young really huh didn’t know that I assume they all laid eggs huh how small are the snakes to get birthed okay now this is the real farming

Game it’s real oh my God yeah it should be good have a fair bit of time tonight so we’ll see how we go hey I hope you’ve all been doing well just moving a couple things around and we’ll uh we’ll get into it hopefully the volume’s okay it’s up

Like full but it doesn’t seem that loud ah worry about it as we go uh what am I forgetting maybe nothing yeah I don’t know when I bought this game cuz um like on G I had it and it said um last played 7 years ago 4 minutes play time

So yeah don’t know when I bought it but I’m guessing it was on a sale or something and I just never got around to playing it somehow mon hope everything is going somewhere decent yeah things are all right thank you what uh what have you guys been up

To this past week anything interesting going on playing anything new well we’ll get going in a second I’m just uh still feeling like I’m forgetting something but we’re probably fine maybe hello pzo good to see you hope you’re doing well wait a second is this multiplayer uh there is

Co-op okay so what’s this the out cuz I have no idea ah farming probably everyone else in chat is more qualified to answer that than me but uh it’s a Farm Sim life Sim Farm Sim a very very very popular one that I have somehow never played

Thought out someone I haven’t talked to in four years oh nice that’s cool oh you saved the H last night JoJo very nice congratulations C is an option could struggle together may consider a c someday but but uh I’ll just see how I go for now I

Was considering some of the quality of life mods but yeah we’ll just go pure vanilla to start out Manor is a lone wolf Loose Cannon so working land to farms in with waifus that seems to be accurate from what I’ve seen you’ll have the best farm

Ever have any of uh you been playing s Valley lately we shall compete for the ultimate Farm sounds good all right I’ll be back in just one sec and we’ll get going only be like one minute then we’ll out here we’ll get go one that be super quick for for

And they back thank you for waiting just want to hit up my coffee before we get going uh where I’m at you always play this game well I know that have you are been playing it recently well I guess uh that covers always doesn’t it do you like do something different

Every time or like different goals or you have Jake do you uh what do you play on Jake do you play on mobile or I can’t remember now I’m sure you’ve said before sadly limited switch I imagine it’s a really good game on switch just uh kind of sucks you can’t have access

To mods perfect kind of handheld Style game though uh do we have settings I should be fine we’ll see about the sound it just seemed a little low to me but I’ll figure it out uh as we go this goth girl just ate a rock I was holding what the extra

[ __ ] don’t disab care oh speaking of Tears of the Kingdom although uh well Zelda I um I was going through stuff the other day and I found that I have a um I completely forgot I have a um brand new still sealed never opened copy of um Twilight Princess for the

Wii completely forgot I had that it’s still like got like the plastic wrap with like the Nintendo seal and stuff on it you on your own na blob I help at all is there no crossplay is there crossplay for some platforms with staru or is it uh I’m not

Sure mostly mobile they Co on PC oh okay okay well let us uh get to foran oh that’s Louder let’s let’s drop you down a little Bit uh how’s That is z Orchestra the other day was really something if you want to tear up I do recommend shame was too short Luigi overhauls best character mon Mana favorite thing arm I don’t know animal preference oh okay interesting this this like a starter animal Or doggos or Catos H scoll the shirts it never ends am I not your favorite thing uh I don’t see any pail here H pointy doggo round doggo H or C I might go with a cat C Gang God damn that’s a lot of skins okay I didn’t know you could go like purple okay that’s some options we’ll just go white boy skin okay what do we got for hair also is a music’s still too loud seems a lot louder than I was

Expecting after the menu okay I put down to 30 Now also I don’t know where the UI is so I’ll move myself once we get in the stuff amateures monster Orchestra okay I got some got some nice anime hair going on how many hairs wait okay there’s a lot we better off going to the which way how many is there holy [ __ ] 74 okay touche game that’s a lot of hair options God damn that is a lot of hair Options let’s See got some jrpg protagonist hair there not bad not bad also jrpg protagonist hair think we’ll go with that okay we got sliders for hair nice can I get the blue I ones maybe I do like sliders color wheel is sometimes Easier uh that’s not quite It uh we’ll we’ll we’ll see we’ll get there ey Color how does see I feel like I should have played this in like a lower resolution or Something okay I’ll look at that in a minute pants color they’re probably good damn that’s some thick pants how many shirts 112 shirts oh my God only four pants but 112 shirts okay that’s interesting similar to Minecraft UI okay the shirt must be Luigi for Ultimus swag I have no idea what’s that’s about I just know this cat’s the cooks food there I haven’t played a monster hunter game in a while love the series Though which mods did you grab man I didn’t end up getting any I was still considering getting a couple of those quality of life ones like those ones you mentioned uh I just didn’t get around to it so I fig we can go vanilla and I

Could add some basic stuff if we want To those are some very big pants oh you can get the full beard Nice H the blue still needs some adjustments o maybe about there maybe Maybe the eyes is harder to See maybe maybe oh there is way too many shirts Though is that a tux sort of Maybe there so many Shirts H that’s kind of farmy as a first timer I do not recommend the beach Farm okay choose the fifth Farm down it’s defin not a trap sounds Legit favorite thing what is what is with this is this like is this something that matters this is the kind of option I get stuck on I don’t know what to put Al what do we so where do we have standard Farm Riverland Farm Forest Farm Hilltop Farm Wilderness Farm four Cornus

Farm Beach Farm okay Al what do we need here anything need changing I assume all this being defaults probably fine seed did I can I not into that oh it’s number based we’ll leave that it took uh it took sway sway five whole minutes to break his no

Advice you prefer the standard Farm it’s just flavor event you get things like X items remind you a favorite thing okay starting now spin the wheel uh favorite thing uh games I don’t know I’m going to go with games it’s simple and I’ll get stuck if I try and think of anything else

Okay I think I’m pretty happy with This great C let the Mana approach the game Naturally I what I was your favorite thing couldn’t find any paases in here great K is good though um pants think we go like maybe a red maybe I don’t know it kind of feels farmy maybe Maybe I don’t know why red makes me think of f pleas is not bad though oh actually no that’s yeah that’s what we’re going with yeah yeah I Think yeah I can work with That that’s yeah we stick with that okay okay that seems fine I’ll get stuck here forever if I don’t move on so we’ll go with that if you put Stu or concerned a ape you get certain dialogue oh really okay interesting Alo hello reality hope you be doing well onion onion is pretty

Great you have to meet Sebastian reminds me of you Somehow all right what farm are we going there plenty of land here but be night monsters come out that’s an idea do these actually let impact difficulty or is it like purely Aesthetics plenty of good land Four Corners farm land is divided into four Parcels each with its own

Perk the woods limit your farming space whoever the Bounty of the forest is nearly at your doorstep H I do like the idea of a forest Farm a simple PL of land with a large amount of open space design your farm I mean maybe we should go standard of the first

Go standard of Forest Maybe JoJo let man indulge this game on his own l l day off a lot to Like make sure to read the farm descriptions [ __ ] up on yours your Wilderness sounded cool but then monsters come out at night it’s probably not ideal for a first go I feel like standard Farm is probably a good choice just first time but Forest Farm sounds Nice the farm impacts your gameplay a lot oh okay some of them are harder than others Beach Farm sounds cool anything but the Drea Beach you get different perks for each Farm my favorite is the forest Farm cuz of the wood okay yeah I might go Forest Farm just

Cuz I like the sound of that but it sounds really cool yeah I think we’ll go with that then mana mana Farm Mana land Farm look go mon land it’s all good sure yeah I’ll sit on here forever if I don’t move forward and for my very special grandson I want you to have this sealed envelope possibly even envelope no no don’t open it yet have patience now listen close there will come a day when you

Feel feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life O and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness that’s rough and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness when that happens my boy you’ll be ready for this Gift now let Grandpa rest XX years later all I could think of was that was Santa but wearing green joa join us Thrive work rest smile you’re with Jo life’s better with Jo yeah camera at each work this is like kind of making me think of Amazon a little bit is that

Intentional we got our letter dear Mana if you’re reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I’d lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people in nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly

Belong I feel like maybe we could have just started that way rather than working there it’s fine God I really do love the art art for this game the beach makes it so you can’t automate farming it’s like Minecraft without a pickaxe St you Valley 0.5 mil wow the Blue Beard

Too hello you must be Mana I’m Robin the local Carpenter May Lewis sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s there right now Tiding things up for your arrival the Farm’s right over here if you follow me manaco agricultural

Branch this is man land farm oh what a Name after sitting at a desk with a camera overhead this would have to feel pretty good let’s move me over what’s the matter sure it’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath that mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no Time and here we are your new home looks good looks Good ah the new Farmer that’s me welcome I’m Lewis mayor of Pelican town you know everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big Deal oh you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage it’s a good house very rustic this feels a bit like a little bit of PR spin maybe rustic that’s one way to put it I mean I think it looks all right crusty might be a little more R though ah yeah

See I think it looks okay Coy don’t listen to her Mana she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied that you buy one of her house upgrades oh I see I see anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest and honestly compared to Lake having to

Be in that cubicle every day with a camera overhead like this this is this is heaven I’d take this any day tomorrow you ought to explore town a bit introduce yourself the towns of people would appreciate That all right I’ll think about it I may just want to be a Hermit out of my farm though I mean we got to meet the town people but I feel like I would just like never leave this place if it was me it’ be so nice living

Out in nature like this oh I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place here in this box I’ll come by during the night to collect it okay okay well good luck convenient but kind of weird just looking out a night time and this old man’s like taking my

Stuff it’s fine your progress has been saved okay okay we wasn’t expecting the UI to be up There uh shift says run but it makes me slow oh it’s down there now Okay oh wait What okay gra have a TV got a fireplace got trees got a bed looks pretty good to me although that’s weirding me out why is he you I keep Changing okay okay that’s can I stop that uh what do we Got uh there’s actually a lot of options Here all right we’ll figure out things this we Care oh I’ve got to go get all the wuss also give the gotho all the Rocks because she need sustance well thank you for stopping in pz hope you have a good rest of your day hello Kelly good to see you hope you’re doing Well o okay there’s got to be an option to stop that moving right Al what else we got going on here all right we got skills social damn lots of people okay Map okay we have some exploring to do oops crafting collections oh order runs on this way okay show portes that’s good y it’s called lock tool baring options use controller style menus uh I don’t think so I don’t know I don’t think I want that on all right where’s the lock toolbar thing

Uh mute animal s fish biting lock toar UI scale let’s bump that up I think that’s probably good okay that doesn’t move anymore good good I got good to see you hope you’re doing well o a burning day introduction so it would be a nice Gest to introduce yourself around town

Some people might be anxious to meet the new farmer 2 out of 28 greeted Okay Arup seeds not my first choice but it’ll do you receive 15 pum seeds here’s little something to get you started May Lewis sounds good okay I got energy have our gold day oh okay we can just like pick St moving around nice that’s nice oh I like

That can I move the window oh I can huh good stuff feel like forever since we watch My Stream it’s been a while hello floopy bloopy hope you’re doing well all right let me just uh move myself let’s go maybe like that uh maybe there all right we’ll see if I’m covering too

Much stuff I’ll fix that in a bit H rug select Channel you can turn on the TV oh okay do I want to welcome to kzu 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment and now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be a beautiful

Sunny day tomorrow okay check forecast fortune tell welcome to wellwick Oracle the only show where the voice of the spirits is channel channeled directly to you the spirits are somewhat mildly perturbed today luck will not be on your side oh great living off the land welcome to

Living off the land we’re back again with another tip for y’all now listen up this one’s for all you greenhorns out there chop wood and search for wild wait chop wood in search for wild forage to earn some cash while waiting for your first harvest okay nice cozy fireplace very

Nice I like that you can just like pick stuff up like really simply like that it’s good no way growing as man is an enemy bro what are you doing with your life man should remove this anime thing or do a face reveal I don’t know it’s just a it’s an onscreen

Presence I don’t always use it all right what else do I need to figure out is the most anime full gr out voices it’s true but what a manly anime not a 13-year-old boy anime yeah I don’t know I understand to be mixed to some people I like having on presents for

Some things but I don’t always use it uh any other settings I need to change I ass we’re probably good all right we’ll see as we go Scythe grass watering can her can I fill up the watering can down here oh it’s already full I

Guess uh do I want to like go straight into greeting people or like start clearing oh so the days move pretty fast there okay before we clear things let’s try and have a look around if we can navigate I don’t know where that is but it’s

Full I’m assuming that is for a barn or something maybe how much energy do things use oh does this not use energy oh okay nice although I’ve used 20 on something something over there so I assume is this whole area my farm I’m Assuming there’s a lot more land than I was Expecting so is this map like randomly generated or is that other stuff cuz there was the the seed for uh the random seed in the options I didn’t know if that was like the town or just like your farm Or so does that use energy oh yeah okay that does okay Okay most people like the chi Mana your first I’ve heard us like I mean some people weren’t I mean yeah it is what it is like I can understand either Way I think vtube avatars are they’re pretty mixed for some People I just like the technology cuz it’s uh it’s like I don’t cuz I don’t mind not using it or using it like it’s just I like the idea of an onscreen presence and yeah febe avatars are very convenient so you can just throw it on and don’t have to Worry but uh I don’t like it for all games like cuz I don’t like using it for like story based games for example I prefer to keep the focus on the actual game with that kind of thing or um I don’t like covering UI stuff so

When it’s like this and I can sit it over here not covering any like I do prefer it but uh yeah All right I don’t know what I’m clearing I’m just kind of looking around probably should clear at least some of stuff on the ground so it’s easy to get around okay I got a nice Pond very good that’s the cat’s water ball oh okay let’s not spread hate here in the chat I don’t know that about much uh don’t know much about anime so you like tack on Titan Naru Demon Slayer J oh yeah well we got plenty of time to clear so I might go for a bit of a wand and see what’s around I super mean to watch Demon

Slayer never B real man H it’s honestly something I haven’t thought that much about every toy use energy except the size okay okay okay guess we can clear everything with that first up then what is that the bus K is out of service oh it’s like a ticket machine or something out of

Order where do we want to go okay you can see when things are open from here man’s Ranch Wizard’s Tower Wizard’s Tower okay didn’t know there were Wizards jojamart I see the company we used to work for even reaches here then okay I really do like the art for this

Game we don’t um we don’t run as fast as I Thought we’ll have a bit of a w just uh see what it’s about and then uh worry about greeting people later just want to get a bit of a feel for things can we chop random trees in town okay I didn’t suspect so these Graves our beloved Mana uh What it’s old and Faded why am I finding my Grave you not done you do put ah okay am I do s up H today small V lenoso Yen what El late to ah yes just as I Suspected mines something carbon is sharp commun Center M’s Mana oh my God it’s already 6 p.m. do we like pass out at some point or like how does time work I guess I’ll find out so the days are pretty quick then trailer okay don’t know if I trust that joia Marti joia Cola fuel your

Life is there like any like run upgrades or anything like we’re not slow but little faster would be Good that’s are we see what that is I just realized I haven’t even touched my coffee since I he it up so it’s probably cold again wait did I no wait why do I look like I’m not where I am oh okay so it’s not exact I can definitely see one that mod

For like um NPC movements on the map that would probably be a nice quality Life Wood is this up here no that’s carers right right weird Shrine thingy reminds me of uh like for fast traveling Carl Island hello a stranger hello hello lonus don’t mind me I just live out here alone nice

Place it’s uh it’s cozy I sh this way I don’t know if I should be heading back or not so we’ll see oh YouTube why do you do this sorry for being uh slow in chat there’s like multiple messages sitting there repenting review let me uh let me remove

This hello Jane good to see you hope you’re doing well uh sorry about I don’t there’s a couple of messages retracted but I don’t know if that was you guys or if I was slow on reviewing them YouTube’s way too sensitive with stuff uh what did I miss L you magic is

Just where am I missing here okay yeah the map jumps quite a bit okay probably should head back I’m assuming though I don’t know probably fine can I actually interact with this or I’m guessing not yet what are we seeing here I assume this is uh if we’ve greeted them

Or I know it’s only showing him is this I spoken to within a day I’m guessing all right slowly figuring things out how are you suspicious walking around at night person even though I’m doing the same thing oh you just moved in right cool out of all the places you could

Live you chose Pelican Town yeah I mean I got a free place so good deal npm getting dark all right we’ll Wonder back explored some of the tail not a very productive first day but figuring things out yeah I guess the days are what like 20 minutes or

Something I am curious what happens when it hits midnight though is there anything open this late or is it uh I’m assuming not now the mod opens at 11:00 p.m. okay oh fish sharp yeah there’s a lot of places to explore but I I probably should worry

About the farm a little bit I assume it’s probably good to get things planted so there’s uh stuff going and I need to heat my coffee up in a second do we have like uh need to learn the shortcuts do we have any like outdoor lighting we do we have

Torch well before it hits the end of the day I should probably burn some energy that doesn’t sound like it’s getting chopped oh it is zap nice oh do we like craft them into our inventory okay going to minecrafty can I place anywhere oh you just got to be closer I

See okay I like the building system and stuff so far it’s good all right oh I see it’s so it’s the end the red now I’m assuming something will happen still it’s fine may as well learn the consequence okay I can hold it now get some

Sap I guess we just try and get this area cleared first and get like the turnips planted I mean parsnips why parsnips terrible vegetable okay 1: a.m. nothing’s happened yet I mean if you can work through the night that’s nice H let me reorder these let’s go that uh I’ll put Scythe

First takes four days to mature oh should I like just get them planted anywhere here or something oh 2 a.m. ah okay so that’s what happens okay that’s fine okay I seem to have lost 50 gold that’s not fine if you want to become a farmer you

Have to start with the basics use your ho to te the soil then use a seed Pocket on the te soil to sew a crop what every day end the crop is ready why did I lose 50 gold I’m guessing that’ll be in the mail

Sorry I’m not keeping up on chat at all I’m just kind of uh overfocused and trying to figure things out uh there are foods that give you a speed boost oh really okay nice uh mod is awesome especially when gift giving yeah I think I’ll probably

Get the uh the map movement mod I don’t know if you guys know any like quality of life stuff let me know I I put a stick vanilla but um if it’s just like little visual things and stuff just to like smooth things out that’s probably

Good let’s get this s cleared up at the very Least course you’re all at gamings you guys have Discord installed dumb Ass oh well I do wish there were better alternatives to be fair it’s useful but I missed the days when it was uh selfhosted stuff that was more Popular although ventrillo definitely had its floors your axe isn’t strong enough to break the stump did any of you guys used to use xfire back in the day I completely forgot about that That was pretty Great star you out r that sounds good to me this game was made near where I live well hourish away oh Really my child would have passed out by Now you’re all weird as [ __ ] go get help or something and don’t get [ __ ] high when or you do alcohol or some [ __ ] uh don’t know what that Means weird probably There yep dreaded 2 a.m. gome steal 50 GP if you pass out ah oh [ __ ] I’m uh I’m already out of energy drink some water okay how do I regain energy do I have anything no I do not let’s try and make it to the mailbox don’t water the mailbox

Oh do I not have like oh do I have to unlock that ah Mana someone dropped you off at the clinic last night you’d passed out from exhaustion so I passed out outside my door and they took me all the way to the clinic I mean I mean I guess better safe than

Sorry but still you got to take better care of yourself and go to bed at a reasonable hour I build you 50g to cover your medical expenses we’re going to be having words Dr Harvey Uh definitely need more inventory gnomes next we want to go get some aim CDs from Walmart I use Discord for school in my internship yeah I I only really uh started using Discord because of uh like YouTube stuff otherwise I wouldn’t have have it I I really I I I like its

Features I just don’t like that it’s uh I don’t like the way it’s run I guess like even though like team speak and vento are quite different they’re more like voice based I still like the idea that you were hosting them yourself and you had full control over the actual

Software and stuff like whereas Discord is a company even though you have your own Discord and it’s your own like little Community they still kind of set the overall rules and can like terminate you and stuff like so I I don’t like that set up compared to like the more

Independence that you had with something like ventrillo but I used to use xfire a lot back in the day that was great it was basically just a very small chat program that tracked all of your uh game play hours I mean it was like steam without the buying games and way smaller you

Just like had all your games set up in there you could launch them track the hours played add friends and chat and it was just like a small like Square thing it was very popular but goes back away now cuz uh steam kind of overtook the point of

It C is getting cold man yeah my cob is long cold I need to heat it up Dr Harvey isn’t a home you can eat some of the things you find oh okay what should I do right now I didn’t realize I should have been paying attention I didn’t realize I was

Burning through it that fast can you uh take a nap yeah sorry if I missed anything chat there I I wasn’t keeping up very well there uh did I miss saying hello to anyone Uh I did say hello to you Jane didn’t I I didn’t see what your first message was but uh I hope you’re doing Well uh oh they have coffee and espresso oh there’s a special Forest tea with a crazy cut scene Okay have you uh played lot of sty reality are you like playing these days Or all right so I just want to make sure if I didn’t miss anything uh there okay I need I need some sort of energy true it’s kind of how the is going there all being shoehorned a nice looking program s fici make contr control yeah I do I mean Discord offers

A lot for being free just uh I would much prefer to be able to like host my own type of thing can I nap okay I’m going to have to find something to eat just lay down the bed oh Okay is this Laying uh oh go to sleep for the night uh I assume I don’t want to actually go to sleep for the Night is this Resting internet Used to Be Wild West now it’s a town hall meeting yeah it has changed a lot okay well I’m not sure how to lay down so I’m going to go eat something well if you play co-op you can take a nap but I think you can only sleep oh

Okay oh yes I have several Farms going on different things there’s even a mobile phone app for the game okay find a forage crop to eat that sounds like a good idea so hello Jen hope you’re doing Well all right overgrown stuff what can I eat here are you Edible I mean I guess I can still use this with no energy right mix seeds that’s probably not very tasty fiber probably not very tasty okay I’d just do other things if I could at least walk faster but this is a little rough oh wow doesn’t work in single

Player okay yeah I guess napping is just Co-op yep Co-op are you food oh do I have um go up to that path okay I will do that um can I just drop stuff on the ground like is that going to get is that fine and some space okay that didn’t really

Work out it’s fine let’s go find some food I need to make a chest or something food are you around should the left there or something go by the bus there are flowers you could eat oh you can eat flowers it’s a bit of a slow

Process am I better off going the other way I got to eat some coal that’s fuel sort of can I reach up here didn’t think so we will find food I oh God it’s already 700 p.m. again I can see why this game has the uh

One more day one more day mentality for people it go quick I mean there’s a flower but at this point I may as well just go to sleep huh and just uh be smarter about things tomorrow although if I get something to eat I can at least plant some of these uh P

Snips I guess uh how do I can I like is there like a throw button I mean that I guess can I eat you 25 energy oh that’s that’s reasonable how do I eat you is the question yes delicious oh that’s good movement speed yeah go by the bus I might I might

Do that tomorrow then cuz we are going to need some foraging stuff drag the trash Oh I want to keep them I just uh wanted some space for now sure we need to make a chest or something how many of these have 15 oh how much is that using does that use

Energy now that’s a garden beautiful man would rather e c them pnps I mean they probably got a good crunch can I ho it zero energy or is that just not going to or am I going to like die or something ah yes Damn I lost 45 on that one damn that’s fine I’m learning get these planted at the very least uh very good beautiful you going to pass out I did seem to yeah I learned my lesson on that one again hello there just got back from a

Fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime I got something for you oh all right is that uh in okay it’s in here visit the beach south of town before 5:00 p.m. so is this something I can only do before 5:00 p.m. or do I need to do this

Today baging some stuff probably uh probably a good idea eh if you pass out you don’t recover full engine next day oh okay how’s the coffee cold very cold okay we got davils oh Zero Energy well that’s fine I was kind of hoping you would be edible but maybe useful for something

Else very difficult to not give advice I mean you can give advice if you want to I mean like within reason I mean I don’t mind what any anything is said but I uh you know use your judgment what the hell was that sound barge today and make a chest that

Seems like a good idea I’m not really a fan of the sounds I’m hearing but one problem at a time what do we need for a chest 50 wood okay I threw some wood somewhere professional Farm armor nothing to worry about are we we not supposed to give

Advice oops no you’re good you’re good just uh yeah I mean it’s like it’s good to like you know figure things out and learn but obviously like little tips and stuff uh yeah I mean use your discretion honestly I uh you know whatever you think cuz I mean obviously something like knowing to

Forage is probably just a good idea that’s something that’s good to know uh what am I doing making a chest can I like just oh okay I can do that is there like a is there a hot key for dropping things um I I can do that just yeah wood

Chill wood God damn it why why is this over complicated I mean I’m probably over complicating it but nonetheless you would please why what was that noise yeah I’m trying not to worry about that how am I okay can I put things in here then get them back out

Hopefully uh yeah chest go here for Now ah so much better now can I take things out of here uh yes but three of them are gone okay why did I lose three of those did I I don’t know what I did but I lost three of them somehow no worries advertisement keep finding cool

Stuff when my backpack is full does it sound like you well Pi’s got you covered stop by Pier’s General store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack that does sound good I do like inventory upgrades wonder how much that cost Ms oh wait closed Wednesday what kind of advertisement is

That why are you sending me an ad to go to your store when you’re closed today that is very inconvenient Dear Mr Mana last night a georia team member found you incapacitated a medical team was dispatched to bring you home safely we’re glad you’re okay you’ve been build

45g for this service geia customer satisfaction representative well I’m suspicious of that company but it was $5 less than when I passed out and went to the doctor so not so bad still not ideal but not so bad all right let’s go for a Wonder up this

Way a true I’ve never played Sonu run is so rare like a unicorn well hopefully it’s not too painful to watch I imagine many Star players are hundreds and hundreds of hours in so there’ probably be some pain and like yeah both pain and interest in watching someone who’s ever play

Before Oh hell okay what is with the sounds in this town I’ll take a leak 40 NG that’ll do so I can just like H hello oh okay that was just you that’s fine so I can just loot random stuff around the town foraging wise is there somewhere I should be

Actually going to forage not seeing a lot of food around although foraging around the town for random food doesn’t seem IDE deal either no worries you can go to the beach any day before five quests that don’t have a time uh say Quest CU but they do expire

But they say how much time you have left oh okay okay okay so I assume this would have a a day limit or something something then otherwise it just stays open uh I think I missed another mess so what did I miss oh just think what would

Mar about do if run to any problems man we must assemble the meat grinder terminer is upon us that’s rough not sure I’ll be a very popular towns person if that happens oh come on why why are you no energy things around here I’ll still take you

But you do just not want it in your hands click your player just the last item oh Oho there son but there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet [Applause] You ah I’m still trying to own wine for a month out on the soy Seas it was a big hole I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new Rod here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that

The art of fishing stays alive hey maybe we’ll buy something from the sh once in a while seems like a good [Applause] deal you received a bamboo pole well thank you there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of fish oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so

Come by if you need supplies I’ll also buy anything you catch if it smells it sells that’s what my old Papa used to say anyway I don’t know if that’s always a good thing but I guess ocean wise that’s fine uh sorry what was I sorry I’m doing so

Bad at keeping up with chat today guys sorry about that um do you just not one in your hands click your player just last item okay you can only grab the last item you placed in the shipping box ah I see I see I see okay good to

Know it will take days off man I mean sending the advertisement out when you’re closed though it’s very convenient a [ __ ] sure can I eat any of you the things on the beach oh Bridge we need to fix I assume H with 300 pieces of wood this could be fixed

Okay I guess fishing is another option for uh getting some early food maybe oh by the way does like um does time matter at all I mean I assume mostly not but I uh yeah like I don’t know if there’s any reason to be rushing anything or

Anything not that I want to rush but just yeah I don’t know if I’m going to miss out on anything if I’m too slow doing stuff or anything where am I oh okay we still have a lot of people to greet and various things

I just want to get some food going so we can uh clear more of the farm can I Scythe stuff out here oh can now I got the Mage Tower more disturbing sounds GE you get off the private property I don’t remember those sounds uh I don’t remember these sounds a

Little I play of this yeah I wasn’t expecting creepy haunting sounds at my farm but probably fine sell it instead of eating it well my cash has gone down a bit unfortunately and I really want to get that backpack upgrade but okay so that connects up to our farm good to know

Um oh damn it’s already fire I was thinking I should probably like buy some more seeds or something shouldn’t I and try and ignore those sounds I’m in year three and I honestly don’t remember what the sounds are oh okay uh sorry if I do miss any messages just repeat them

Maybe man has curse save I can’t play right now so watching new player is so awesome just seems to be having fun instead of being completely efficient everything oh hopefully it’s I said hopefully it’s not too painful watching me figure some things out but I appreciate that I’m definitely going a

Bit slow here but uh I know it’s it’s nice it’s fresh it’s it’s like familiar but fresh cuz I’ve played many hours of these types of games um but sagu is kind of probably the most popular one I’ve never touched so that’s good don’t really know what I want to do

I guess I want food I want some more crops I want a backpack upgrade um yeah I guess I guess I need to greet people obviously but start building up some supplies ignore those sounds what does that do okay nice oh I like that that is such just simple nice

Feature oh I like that a lot that is great like you don’t need to like buy die or anything you just like click it that that is great I feel like already I’m noticing little quality of life things in this game that I really like

Such as that and like being able to just uh like just being able to click things like immediately move them around and stuff like that is really nice you can click the trash cans of stuff sometimes oh okay not ideal but probably something we may have to

Do I know all the sounds head Cannon now you miss fishing IRL all the shores where I would a fish come too polluted oh really that sucks fishing’s uh fishing’s very big here where I am I’ve never really been into it much but my my dad’s fish uh fishes a lot

Handy inside your mind don’t mind us sir no rush inside you you’ll pass out at 2 p.m. 2: a.m. if you don’t go to bed I learned my lesson on that one probably best to avoid that all right I think we’ll just like use up our energy and go to bed so we

Can start a proper proper day I assume there is somewhere I can buy seeds clear up this area a little bit I can’t move this yet can I no well our area we’re getting there slowly get more wood no rush inside you or is there I

Think there’s only one cut scene you can miss if you don’t see it the first year but that’s it oh okay all we doing 19 all right we’re just going to go to bed we’ve passed out twice let just get a good night’s sleep it seems like an idea okay don’t break the

Bed do I just wait I had the Sleep option pop up before but uh I don’t oh don’t Smack the B oh okay now it popped up I guess I was in the right spot level one foraging plus one a proficiency tree sometimes drop seeds oh

Nice okay oh crap C right I’ve got some seeds on me damn it I forgot about that Whoops I should probably PL of those not on me but in the chest cuz I did pick up uh mix seeds didn’t I I assume I probably want to plant Those little hoen very good the rain W’s going can I actually top up here oh I can nice Nice sleep till 5:00 a.m. sell your forages oh I assume I got something yeah that’s probably a good idea well I assume some of them I won’t need anyway like uh daffodil probably can be sold clams cockal I don’t know what I need and don’t need but if I can’t eat it I’m

Probably going to sell it that works for now uh all right it’s our Journal if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics use your ho to teal the soil then use a seed packet all right right I did read that one okay they’re

Going let’s head into town for a moment my dad took me fishing when I was little I cut my foot on something I refused to have anything to do with fishing ever since ah that sucks sips coffee I would like to do that microwave so far

Away it’s not painful at all man I P this is oh that’s good I just I I could understand uh you know it’s painful to watch people uh play games you’ve played a lot of and I tend to miss obvious things when I play like whenever I play a game

For the first time in streaming I just I just miss things I just uh yeah now where did I want to go oh wait is this the General Store uh don’t water that Okay we got a calendar okay okay I’ll be back then I would mind chopping a couple trees see if we can get some more seeds maybe I have a normal rod with 10 lb line and a fly fishing rod too I assume I don’t know if that’s IRL or inaru either way good

Stuff oh what are you wild horseradish no it’s better than those I mean why parsnips do people eat those I mean I guess so but I don’t know why bad fish trip remember my dad tried to teach me to cast but he kept ripping his line uh do we ho

That oh I get Mi seeds out of those okay well that doesn’t use energy I guess that’s worth doing see if we can get a few more things to plant what about all this mess the TV is different shows every day with tips and stuff oh okay iro okay nice

Nice I didn’t know if maybe there was a fly fishing rod in this that make sense Yeah I’ve never really been big on fishing I think it’s one of them things like uh for me um my mind is too active to enjoy it like I think ideally if you have an active mind it should be something where you can clear your mind and relax or

Something but for me it’s more uh yeah my mind spins too much so it’s hard to enjoy an activity that’s like that oh we got 10 mix SE okay I give us something to work with it’s a bit hard getting around our farm here then we’ll head into town damn it’s already 12

The day is really fly no what no idea what I’m planning but it’s food all profit do you uh fish much JoJo or you get wild SE by cutting ground oh sorry I’m I’m so bad at keeping up with chat today but yeah any little tips like that

Are probably uh probably good to know po those away oh man really yeah the time really flies I can see like you kind of want to figure out what you want to do for the day oh hello Squirrel any game there a fishing mini game is a great game I don’t I don’t mind fishing mini games cuz I can uh I can watch YouTube or TV while doing That H don’t water the window oh damn this is Large 2,000 jeez okay I guess that’s the goal I want me a backpack upgrade also don’t mind me I’m just going to go through your house this is fan see and Suspicious alter of you bar okay I mean it looks nice it’s just kind of suspicious it’s a lot of gold you’re not good enough friends with Abigail to enter her bedroom oh I see how it is I wasn’t going to steal that console or anything would you like some

Water ah the new Farm we’ve all been expecting and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation I’m Elliot ever live in the little cabin by the beach it’s a pleasure to meet You oh welcome to Piers I carry only the finest Goods okay I did want some seeds jeez okay this stuff’s a little Rich for me let’s go with the cheap stuff oh come on no onion seeds what kind of business you running man I mean Tates Tates are pretty solid

Though G parip are cheap but kale oh Cauliflower I mean May maybe if it’s deep fried with batter and a good sauce and just thin amounts of cauliflower that maybe we’re talking parip though does give plus 5 HP OT is my two-time husband you can make good money fishing and eat the non-profitable things to replenish energy oh

Okay oh is it actually worth like collecting the random crap on the beach to sell uh where am I Elliot looks like a CH from romance Noble covers that is true Fabio I could definitely see him as a Fabio Fabio fab here I don’t really pay much attention

What I was grabbing down here but I fig anything’s profit at the moment are these little things going to be like fast travel or [Applause] something I don’t know what’s up with those free rope nope oh how does fishing work in this I haven’t tried it have I where is the cow

Plant and no onion POS is better than onion in my opinion oh my God that’s that’s awful that’s crazy that’s that’s so wrong pass’s just like what’s the Point oh am I meant to click when it does that how do you work [Applause] fish oh click to raise bar what am I eat bar behind fish oh uh C to raise bar release the lower bar so do I want the far as high as it can go but behind the

Fish or do I want it I’m smart I want it like on the fish oh I caught something absolutely know what I’m Doing I never noticed I don’t sell onions think you get onions in another season oh okay I didn’t think I’ve ever eaten past it not going to lie am I confused with other games I mean it’ be crazy if there’s no onion yeah there a travel War Point okay

Okay don’t really use them though bring onions grow past the Western link by the sewer entrance in Spring only oh okay is leak and onion uh I think it’s the same family isn’t it um I’m not sure now actually 600 p.m. oh my God so let me just try this again to

Make sure I’m uh knowing how to fish pineapple belongs on Pizza pineapple belongs in smoothie form or juice form or as a part of like alcohol maybe energy drinks that is all pizza is just crazy oh okay think I get the fishing just need to uh get the hang of

It okay that’s fine just want to bounce around alone and everything yeah I can definitely see the benefit of like trying to plan your day a little bit like focus on one thing or something cuz yeah time flies I mean if it’s a Hawaiian pizza it’s fine but not as random topping

Now pineapple is best juice form only I can be made tasty with other things but juice form that is the way these are the facts Mana doesn’t want you to know did I uh I did water didn’t I okay we good oh I should plant these whoops that would be a thing to

Do get those In damn turnips where are we at nine let’s use a little bit of energy and head the Bears you put pineapple on pepperoni pizza dies in marath uh yeah it’s Fine slow start but learning I think we’ll uh head a bed on that one use your sonon weeds not ax oh whoops that does make Sense pineapple plus onion plus pizza I mean if you’re talking about making that pineapple into juice to have as a drink with an onion pizza I Agree to our valued jojamart customers our team members have removed the landslide caused by our drilling operation near the mountain link I’d like to remind you that our drilling operation is entirely legal pursuant to int L 61091 JoJo Co Amendment responsible stewardship of the local environment is our top priority we

Apologize for any convenience this accident may have caused what was that as always we value your continued support and patronage Morris what do I just see running away okay let’s get our watering done also I don’t think there was any of those suspicious sounds yesterday like I just want to forget

About those they were a bit concerning there you go dirt have some water I’m assuming we’ll get uh like larger spread canisters down the line or canister can watering can what what is Canister is can short for Canister so I don’t know it’s fine I think like I was thinking like water canister but that sounded weird but now I don’t Know okay I’m not going to overthink It cancel the onions no pineapples for the wind agree with bishy who likes cheese pizza cheese pizza always good uh okay what so can I pause like does this actually Pause AR fund 600 okay we got a bit of cash coming in not much but something okay so that does pause okay that’s good to know so I need to think for a second it’s probably best to actually do it on this menu since the days are pretty

Quick oh wait did that not pause now I’m not sure yeah just cheese I used to not like it but I’ve grown into like it as an adult I mean I’d eat just cheese pizza but i’ never like pick that kind of thing I prefer I prefer pizza with like

A fair bit of stuff on them at least like you know onion capsicum bacon some uh chili flakes okay it does seem to be po sorry about I just want to you know I like to figure out the mechanics so we got food coming in I mean I guess we should probably

Greet more people though I wouldn’t mind going down to the maybe try a couple casts Again I guess we’ll grab these cuz I I think first up unless it’s something I should hold off on I really want to get that backpack upgrade it was New York South in crispy oh yeah oh hello oh hi there what’s up what an I Saw this is the Pelican town community center oh what’s left of it Anyway used to be the pride and joy of the Town always bustling with activity now just look at it it’s shameful these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV than engage with the community listen to me sound like an old fool geia Corporation has been hounding

Me to sell them land so they can turn into a warehouse pelant town could use the money but there something stopping me from selling it I guess old times like me get attached to relics of the past oh well if anyone else buys a joico membership I’m going to go ahead and sell

It that’s rough man uh here let’s go Inside flashing means it’s paused oh okay Jesus how okay this is a little bit more than just like run down that’s like some serious growth H what’s this I guess Vincent and Jess must have been playing in here this place is even more dilapidated than I remember yeah like seriously what the

Hell uh hello what What’s the matter are you ill no maybe you saw something H I wouldn’t be surprised if his place was full of rats oh I love the uh the Chrono Trigger face you’re woring me Mana it’s fine just seeing some weird stuff don’t worry about it look I think I’m going to head

Home I need some lunch that’s fair hey I’ll keep this place unlocked from now on maybe you can help me catch that rat if you have some extra time sure not sure it’s going to help though strange I’ll have to come back and explore this building further this building needs a lot more

Than being explored oh onion plus bacon plus Chicken Plus tomato that that is a good combo right There adding some red capsum very Good or a red bell pepper As Americans call it actually I don’t know which other countries call it bell pepper versus capsum either way all right so we have a building to explore can we uh can we fish wherever just want to make sure I understand the mini

Game also does this uh okay it’s I don’t know if that does that impact energy or I’m assuming we can get different fish Here if we can fish here the Wes have delivered you a pep SL Pano Pizza as a piece offering I think that’d eat it before I’d have a chance they ain’t fussy oh okay what am I misunderstanding with the fish I meant to keep the bar on the fish but behind It maybe that’s what I misunderstood oh I forgot the mushrooms I’d go I I don’t mind mushrooms on pizza oh broken glasses huh like if I get if I get mushrooms on Pizza it’s fine but I would never choose to have them also if I did have Mushroom on

Pizza at least like I want to be a lot of other toppings they’re not like the thing I want standing out that’s for sure as an American I was wondering what you were saying oh Oops oh okay looking in chat while doing that doesn’t work very well I see peace was never an option yeah I don’t know um almost like a mushroom didn’t it Kelly I don’t know is is bell pepper an American word or just uh I I don’t know if that’s like a thing

Like it’s American or if most places use that and Australia and others are the odd one out with capsum or okay I understand the mini game now that’s good I’m assuming I need a a net or something something for Those I guess we may as well say to hello to some people while we’re around oh hey sure the new guy huh cool oh nice to meet you hello you must be Mana the new farmer I’m Caroline my husband runs the General Store here and have you met my daughter

Abigail she’s a pale one with the purple hair the pale one eh fair enough can we fish at our house in the little Ponds hey I’m Sam good to meet you Sam’s trying to do a kickflip good luck bud okay met the Super Saiyan of the Town why hello and welcome to my little Community dear you can call me granny if you like all righty nice to meet you friendly Enough yes keep behind uh keep bar behind fish is it like so I assume unless I misunderstood there you want the bar on the fish though right just behind it I took it as meaning like completely keep it behind it but I assume you meant to have the bar touching mushroom is good

Okay fishing while looking at chat is definitely a flawed approach no mushrooms for you less it’s a Burger oh broken CD We call it green paper Here I wonder why the names so different like bell pepper and capsicum are like they’re uh they’re a long way apart I just Uh I just so was a vegetable and didn’t wck I or some type mushroom Goku yes true ooh I can read it on your face you’re going to love it here in Pelican town if you’re ever looking for something to do in the evening stop by the saloon that’s right work okay cool Cool I’m not a very productive day but it’s fine I may need to go through some trash How many people have we greeted oh rat problem there’s something going in the community oh okay that’s that okay oh I keep coming this way thinking this is the way to our farm hello it’s nice to meet you you beat a good time to move here the spring is

Lovely assume can we like get animals here damn this is a okay this looks nice guess I can’t talk to you at the moment oh it’s open to 4 p.m. ah okay according to Wiki capsicum is the plant chili pepper and bell pepper the fruit so just different ways of referring to it

Okay cuz I mean chilies here are always referred to as like chilies though um but yeah like capsicum specifically like here it’s always referred to as like green capsicum red capsum yellow capsicum orange capsicum but uh any any other form of like chili is always like kind of the normal

Name or some basic name like the long red chilies most people here would just call like red chili yeah I know cuz I remember like for a long time I had no damn idea what a b was and then I realized it was actually like a caps like oh okay suddenly a lot

Of things I’ve heard on TV and stuff make sense uh do I want to sell like do I want to sell the trash I don’t know if trash is useful maybe Al so did I water these I can’t tell they look watered no they are okay um I mind clearing our land a

Little more I assume once I get some things like coming in I’ll have a better supply of energy cuz I go through it like super fast we can Scythe a lot of stuff still there uh what am I using for that do I have to

Hoe they don’t chop so well your a oh damn okay can I not remove the bushes sh bushes shé all right what do some scon I’m assuming this will come up later try get some of these little stuff removed oh we’re already like down with energy

We don’t really need to like rush to get the farm cleared but it’s like it’s always satisfying when it’s all like cleared up also we can actually navigate around which is always nice Linguistics is interesting yeah uh getting there trash is not very useful or profitable I mean that that does check

Out that does make sense yeah can we actually fish here Or you’re starting to feel exhausted ah oh we can catch wood that’s sort of useful also is that a crop or hopefully it wasn’t what else can I uh make oh campfire provides a modor amount of Light Signs wild seeds oh okay wild horse radish David leak D oh Okay wait what else was it daffodil should I put a daffodil in last by chance NOP fish okay well that’s cool though I guess we might as well head to bed we’re out of energy pretty much I don’t know I feel like I’m off to

A very very slow start but but I am liking it so you can recycle trash and then sell it but if you put it in the bin as trash it will give zero gold ah okay okay that is probably reasonable oh got a Sakura pedals huh very

Nice I guess we want a daffodil so we can make our 10 seeds also I should probably water my crops before I just start walking away oh the Pip’s already God damn pnip no one likes You spring tuber closely related to the carrot I mean if you say so seems like an insult the carrot Though I I’m not the biggest fan of carrot but it works very well in some things pass up no no No some plants can’t be removed lots of goods sellable for on the left oh lots of good sellable forages on the left oh is It uh where are we talking I’ll go Look I should really reheat my coffee one day I was planning to do that a while Ago oh right you are left is good Tomorrow need a deffo I really want that bag upgrade though does anyone know any like any reason I shouldn’t use my first 2,000 on the bag upgrade cuz that’s my inclination But uh where do we want to Go hello Tony good to see you hope you’re doing well no corn yet no you can use the arrow button on the chest you want to deposit from your inventory to what’s already in chest oh okay nice nice yeah those are like the little things that I often just

Miss when I play a game uh on stream for the first time playing It say it’s good snow I’m never going to knock a root veg being cousins and all that’s fair enough okay so we have the Stars okay oh hello oh I didn’t mean to give you that but thanks I liked it I guess that’s good I don’t even know what I gave you

But no worries po pneps I was hoping we go down there those mushrooms oh it’s tent man how are you I’m happy by myself you know oh that’s good I don’t need new friends oh all righty went from just kind of a general statement to not so subtle wave uh yeah that’s

Fine no worries nice little fishing spot I’m kind of wondering around aimlessly a lot but uh I don’t know I’m liking it I’m not really sure what I want to kind of focus on like I don’t know should I be buying more seeds actually we just got a daffodil

Let’s go plant the 10 wild or whatever they were 10 mixed do a little local foraging nothing to see here one man’s trash one man’s Treasure something like that oh hello I’m Penny hello Penny hi oh a stranger my name is Vincent mama says not to talk to strangers but you seem okay well I appreciate that but listen to your parents Bud oh I keep doing I keep going this way the PIP shade I’m indifferent I like

Carrots though I’m not like a huge fan of carrots but yeah with some things I think cuz like you know I was um I grew up with like the very typical like um boiled vegetables and a meat kind of meals being like the standard so um yeah most of my experience with

Carrots when I was younger was always just like plain boiled carrots which not really a fan of um versus you know like very small bits of carrot that’s like cut up um in like a curry or something that that’s good stuff what else we got going on down this

Way some Fiber that I from somewhere birds all right I forgot to check out this Tower few fbl all right I was going to plant the seeds I’m going to get distracted a lot in this game that a little Farin oh I assume that’s something we can fix down the line maybe some

Rubbish a little bit worse for where by now uh I’d buy the backpack myself buy it now regret later it looks abandoned that it does but yeah that might not be a bad idea I feel like I always want the inventory upgrades in games as soon as

Possible tent man the number of times I’ve accidentally given someone Stone SL trash I was carrying and annoyed them oh yeah I probably should uh pay more attention to that in the future oh spring onion nice that’s the good stuff that’s not as good he what a

Mess spring onion though now all is right in the world love spring onion I definitely want like a fast I definitely like if there’s um food that makes you faster I feel like I’d want to carry that on me like it’s it’s not slow I just I want to be able to run

Faster I love to decorate for the different seasons huh very good all right let’s go plant the seeds before I forget about them cuz I will definitely forget about them carrots are not bad when fresh from garden chain fan of Shane then Jake uh what do we

Need all right buttons got to remember yeah uh what do we want one of those one of those oh they’re wild seeds that don’t me Spring seeds Okay I assume we kind of want to plant as much as we can for the moment just to get things rolling a bit

Beautiful very peaceful on the farm I haven’t heard any of those creepy noises in a few days so all is good now carrot belong in a blender not big on boiled carrots either unless they fresh this yeah I think like I got um something thought about a lot like I feel like

Um especially like uh what am I trying to think of I would just like a lot of the vegetables I had a kid I think I got turned off them so much because of how they were eaten like so many of the vegetables I had as a kid I would always

Be served them just as like um plain boiled vegetables one meat and they’d be like gravy maybe um but I feel like that turned me off so many vegetables as a kid versus like as an adult eating a lot more like um Asian food and stuff especially where there was a lot more

Like sources and various things like that and like completely changed the way I looked at vegetables it’s kind of interesting that like there was so many vegetables I just didn’t care for as a kid cuz there were just there was just nothing good about them but like almost all of them I would

Now eat you know just every day if they like cooked with actual like sauces or like stir fried or like things like that like I think the only vegetable I liked as a kid was potato and carrots were like neutral and I pretty much hated all other

Vegetables uh where was I oh it’s already seven damn I didn’t mind uh fresh peas out of the garden raw they’re okay for some reason sorry I’m probably going to do a lot of uh odd aimless wondering clear a little bit more and uh go to bed I

Think there’s a m for Speed oh okay yeah like I don’t know it’s just uh it feels like a fast walk and I want like a Sprint or something oh you married him in your save inconvenience forets Ingenuity true who hate potato yeah I feel like yeah when I was

A kid like potato was like the Saving Grace of my meals cuz like the carrots were like it’s fine I’ll eat them Peas I do not want to eat them but they’re on the plate I have to deal with them potato is always reliable yeah I guess we want to make

Sure we don’t really waste any energy huh oh I forgot to ask from earlier the volume is okay isn’t it just uh checking a couple hours later oh we got some maple seeds H okay I forgot to said about getting seeds from trees potato chips potato cero mashed

Potato too many things you make with it potato Che yeah I can’t go wrong all right that’ll do us off the bed oh new cooking recipe survival Burger audio is fine list in my ears okay they really should add at the End i’ like to apologize for joking about your grandpa’s old Cottage when we first met it’s a really nice little house however you might need some more space someday that’s where I can help if you bring me some raw materials and pay a fee I can expand your house the first

Expansion I offer includes a kitchen with a kitchen you’ll be able to cook any recipes you’ve learned anyway I hope you’re starting to F at home in s Valley well that sounds good but uh I want me some bigger inventory more than anything oops also should I be I don’t know if I

Want to be selling these or using them for energy cuz I do want to sell them But I suppose I’m probably better off to sell them to get more seeds to start out that’s might be better probably should finish greeting people too games like this I bounce around a lot or wonder aimlessly cuz I don’t know what I’m doing even though I have some

Idea of what I’m doing but then I forget and do something else it’s fine got the peaceful Farm life it’s no worries um yeah I might just sell Them ah why Not I don’t know should yeah I probably should just get some some more seeds for now shouldn’t I I feel that’s probably Worthwhile oh got some new uh stuff popping Up I guess these reset every couple Days we spent 3 days making that potato salad 3 Days I think I wrong with potato salad boil them stuck them in a stew stick Them I had um I had a weird dish with potato last night cuz I had left over silver side and I was going to fry it with onion but then I had some boiled potatoes left over so I fried the uh Silverside onion and boiled potatoes but I also had some

Pasta that I forgot about these vegetables beef pillow thingies mini ones so I ended up cooking those and putting that together and then I made a creamy sauce out of um uh tom yum soup mix and milk feels very good kind of weird way too filling but the potatoes are very

Tasty hello um the weather’s interesting today you think very I may have forgotten where I was going this way I knew that uh what do I Want I don’t know what’s good potato takes six days m potatoes and harvest I don’t know what would be the most profitable yet 10 days are mature but keeps ring after that um couple of those probably worth getting Then we get four Bean starters and I’ll get another 10 of those that’ll be good all right we’ll get those planted and maybe some greeting or reing a couple forage places wonder who the wife will Be uh do these matter where we put them that’s fine probably ah that almost worked out you go here how many uh romance options are there in the Game I assume uh I assume any of the ones that say Single I mean if so there’s Fair few Huh okay all good I don’t know what of these I want to be like selling or so I guess I can still make uh wait what do I need for the seeds Uh what am I doing yeah Okay let’s grab those I get one more of them I can make 10 more mystery seeds or spring seeds I Mean anything uh regrown over here not Yet all right let’s go wand up this way Then ah flowers why you’re out of the reach you could be tasty or Profitable we talked to you so are any of you um actively playing SAU at the Moment like I mean not necessarily literally right now but like uh like an active Farm you’re Playing what is over there or can we not get there at the Moment oh can we go up and around you are Jake a Riverland Farm okay oh adventurers Guild huh proven adventurers only oh I see how it is I See guess then we got to fix that at some Point Okay I’ve got two of them playing at the moment looking for What’s up how’s it going I was just peering down to this old M shaft it’s been abandoned for decades still there’s probably good ore down there but a dark place underst served for so long I’m afraid ore isn’t the only thing you’ll find here take this you might need it I thank

You fre swords are always nice okay it’s Rusty that’s still good I guess name is Marin by the way I run the adventures Guild right outside I’ll keep my eye on you prove yourself and I might think about making you a Member okay I’m assuming we have to be going down here for getting a tool upgrades doesn’t seem any working oh is it m uh elevator okay ah it’s probably not good for my sword okay I can’t go that way yet all right I need another deido which uh which Farm type do you

Like the most uh you guys I mean to say tempted to play with mods oh yeah do any of you play with mods normally or cuz I imagine for a game that’s as popular as this there must be some pretty uh pretty crazy mods out there along with a lot of good uh

Quality of life ones I’m Sure oh hello Grass I’ll take some stuff oh ah inventory okay there’s got to be a way to drop things from there right okay well that works actually one of the seeds but okay one problem at a time hello how are you would you like a sword my sister is so

Weird sometimes I wonder if we’re actually related I don’t know who your sister is but fair enough nice to meet you it’s an odd first thing to say to someone but no worries sand did you go to crazy as an understatement uh what do we need Oops it’s want a dandelion man although I guess I can craft one already can’t I I assume for the like I assume at a certain point you don’t want to go too crazy on farms cuz it’s more and more watering but I assume at the start here

We probably want to get as much planned as possible Right beautiful get those watered good stuff can I like uh what we got can I like not place these in specific spots like I can’t drag them around guess not what does that do type oh I guess it’s those

Devids is that make a difference like if I craft with one of them or is it just wasteful uh what else did I need oh that I need to learn the hot keys what is the crafting menu hot key Journal I assume there is one maybe no no either

Way try and get out Empire going AKA buying a backpack best marriage option for Mana question mark I guess I got to meet everybody first Leah Emily than calara so redheads Penny seem to be some uh mixed opinions here oh I can move stuff around in this is there am I missing something

Here like can you drag things or am I is that not I’m assuming not uh let’s see sword can go the front let’s put those there uh yeah something like that that’ll be good damn 6 p.m. uh what else what else do I want to sell any of

These I don’t really know what’s worth selling I like to Ho things if I sell things I can always be more foraging and more selling means more money more seeds more money then backpack Al how do I get rid of these bushes sword oh damn The Swinging oh okay so swinging actually

Uses energy regardless of if you hit something I didn’t realize that ah okay okay I was planning to greet more people today but it’s fine we’ll do a little scon and head to bed and we’ll uh we’ll greet people tomorrow probably should finish greeting everyone what else do we have in here

O oh getting started done nice explore the mine there’s an old mine shaft in the mountains north of town there could be valuable minerals inside but Marlin Maron but Maron H that it might be dangerous Le five in the mines Marlon Marlon I patch man as you gain experience you discover new crafting

Refes and to increase profit and make life easier a scarecrow for example will prevent crops from snacking on your precious oh crows will prevent crows from snacking on your precious crops makes sense so I have that option yet uh do I not oops reach farming level one I am

Okay do I need to craft that elsewhere um yeah I have a penny all no Penny Le then okay you’ve been a range Mana no choice in the matter now run Mana comes available tomorrow okay gotcha gotcha I don’t know who uh who do you guys normally uh

Marry or do you go like different uh different playthroughs or who’s your go to uh hello going a bit low on energy now use up Ah that’s probably good enough can I get rid of that stump wait can we get rid of this one H probably don’t want to use

That oh really need the Backpack all right that’s good okay I need to stop accidentally swinging things oh yeah level one farming since you leveled up today I believe yeah yeah already 8 a.m. off of the Soul mine watering C proficiency hoe proficiency always good to be proficient with the hose new crafting recipe basic fertilizer okay oh

Damn okay they would that gave us a bit 35 G’s each huh all right not bad not bad good profit ratio haly for the win oh the one who uh mentioned her Sister ah blondes for you Aceway all right better get uh that is not a watering Can choose crowbs am I saying that correctly that I don’t know if I’ve met that Person okay we’ll get to the greeting after we water oh and uh oh we got a bunch of these today Nice BR maner I believe you need to take your coffee heating that up would be a good idea some point okay maybe we water then coffee and then greet people that might be an Idea man could use some rain today I wanted to marry the wizard and moded his portrait but I still couldn’t Pebble for him Oh Chain O Leo uh I don’t think I’ve met Shane yet have I met Leo I’m only friends with Abigail and Maru since I married Seb oh Okay okay seems like there’s a quite a bit of variety Not seeing too much overlap for your guys’ choices would not let me marry the fish I catch Feels Bad Penny seems cute though yeah I’ve still got a lot of people to meet I guess all good As we sell those and let’s See um I feel like making those uh those seed packs are really good guess we go for a wonder and see if we spot anything we can grab down There and he grew up in a trailer go after to my own heart oh is that like the trailer from over that Way yeah I assume um that um mod for like map movement I assume it shows these kind of icons for everyone or cuz that does seem really useful oh there’s One cuz I mean value-wise crafting like 10 seeds from these that seems pretty solid at the Moment all right we left some uh mystery seeds here too I guess I should probably go down this way I think that’s where I haven’t greeted a lot of people did I greet you I don’t remember did you know I was an Allstar quarterback in high school it’s

True well good stuff Bud see this little star on my jacket here that proves it Okay that’s Cool uh my head nice to meet you Pam as Shima is this penni is that like her mom or something or is that an unrelated trailer hey stop that yuck hey got to do what I got to do man it’s a good season start thinking about gardening even for us Non-farmers I feel like I should just reinvest in more uh seeds Pass up though that’s rough pretty good Prof ratio though I’m try and get some other ones h i don’t have talk to you have I oh hey taking a break from work or maybe I have I love animals Mr Mana if you treat yours well I’m sure we’ll become good

Friends uh don’t you walk out trying to greet you yeah I know a lot about the people living here that’s one of the benefits of being a bartender oh okay makes sense makes sense free food don’t fish it you can try hey farmer hey Goku the tree looks nice today don’t don’t

They so why did you become a farmer I want to make tons of money it’s more real than living in the city they following Grandpa’s footsteps I want to escape my old life pretty much that yeah that’s pretty much the reason I came here too yeahuh all good

Stuff just don’t M hey stop that yuck don’t judge me Maintaining a household is difficult good work but somebody has to do It I want to be just like my big brother when I grow up okay Bye yes nothing just saying Hey budget lug Pam the drun as Penny’s mom that live in silver trailer in town Okay so is how many people have I greeted oh damn 21 out of 28 oh okay more than I thought so where have I not been I haven’t been to the blacksmith of joim mod I don’t Think redhead’s a best No around good I don’t know if I’ve been down this way oh blacksmith here okay okay all right yeah first time I tried to go here it was too late wasn’t it uh shop oh you can buy all as well okay o two grand each man that’s backpack money right There hello there welcome to the sju valley archaological office uh this is embarrassing but the previous curator made off with the entire collection we don’t have any artifacts for display but I’m hoping to remedy that soon hey if you find any artifacts or minerals out there would you let me know

Sure bud no worries Okay I think we will go and grab some more seeds cuz right now I feel like it’s probably just the way to go want the farm to be manageable more longterm but right now it’s probably the best way just to get a good cash Infusion and these only take four days so we’ll just go for It did I talk to you I think I did we sell a few over the coun of medicin at the clinic before free to stop by if you’re feeling exhausted I know that being a farmer is pre- tiing work don’t ever do it oh no I hadn’t talked to you then

Huh I wish Abby wouldn’t spend so much time in a room all right we’re at 22 haven’t been in the clinic of which no one’s Around Uh where else was I going to go I don’t know where like I assume the um foraging stuff will like respawn like randomly or is it every certain amount of days I do wish I could organize this manually that’s probably the only thing I I really want right now otherwise like

This game is a lot lot of really good like quality of life stuff yeah I do wish I could organize that though need my hole just going to go with one big plot for now it’s fine a mystery seeds and a lot of these things they ain’t tasty but they’re

Profitable so I’ll take it okay you can’t walk over them okay reminding me of dham beautiful Farm no worries can I like hold this down sort of I feel like the water watering can is probably going to be the first uh tool upgrade I want I’m also just assuming you can do

Larger areas with upgrades hopefully we get some rain and damn 5:00 p.m. though oh wait do we have a enough to craft some more what else do we need I don’t know if anything like that’s probably like cuz the gold star is that probably just worth

Selling oh we don’t me to leak anyway okay o energy getting low H all right got a moral back oh really need to clean up the ground it’ll take a while to get everything clear but it be nice to just be able to walk around I didn’t actually look in here either didn’t

I oh okay I assume there’ll be some significance this later oh so did like this wasn’t here so does the stuff like regularly just keep growing back okay oh there’s so much well we can Scythe at least all right I probably should make a scarecrow shouldn’t

I that would probably be a good idea oh there stuff I can forage down here too clear what we can and one day I’ll hit my coffee up how we getting there slowly cleaning up the place uh I guess we’ll plant those come own Mystery seeds be something tasty please uh so let’s

See did I go in the Wizard’s Tower I went there I didn’t think I tried to go in did I all right I can check here they are okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay I assume that’s the Wizard and I think I saw you somewhere

But I must have talked to you okay how come so some of them have like gr hearts what is the significance of that oh is that all the ones that you can Romance I’m assuming that like you can max out the Friendship but with those those hearts go into a relationship or

Something uh one thing from Carl Island which would be good ql is multiple Harvest with the Scythe oh yeah so wait does the scythe um are there scith upgrades what are we 800m I just using a little bit of energy in head the bed we’ll try and finish grading everyone tomorrow seems like a good idea very good play things will be so much better when I get the back backpack upgrade how much do a fish sell for uh anything

Else like got these worth selling maybe slowly figuring things out we’ll see what we get for him and good Night whoops wrong Island hello Grayson good to see you hope you’re doing well this island is uh presumably a tad more friendly I I hope although some of those sounds I heard earlier are rather concerning I haven’t heard them for a few days now though which I I I don’t

Know if that’s more concerning or less concerning it should be less concerning but yeah it’s been a handful of days actually now H but uh we’ll get these watered and then we’ll see if we can find the last six people to Greet and my coffee one day that’ll be nice o bit more of a job to water like this but the profits will also be Nice is um is farming like this like the main way to make money or I mean I guess without spoilers cuz I want to figure things out I’m just kind of curious cuz it just made me um think of like um Fay Farm where despite being like Farm

It it really was not the most profitable at all to uh Farm the uh The Dungeons and getting ores and stuff was like way way way more profitable which Speaking of we should probably go down to that uh mine at some point eh bunch of things to do actually Cuz I mean I guess we can go get ores and stuff but we don’t have enough cash for a while I assume Oh we must have got a bit then I forgot to look at the breakdown all done rip coffee here a little Bit All right I assume also is there a bug net I should be Getting I’m assuming something like that Exists farming is by far the best money-making scheme in early game later becomes the Banana Jam Empire oh right cuz there is like um there is like wine and stuff isn’t there I feel like I’ve heard that in passing or like brewing and stuff uh I’ve not been in here oh it’s 12 Crap where should I be going to find people oh right I haven’t been to the jojamart have I all right you can technically make banana Jam assume there’s people to meet in here welcome to jjim M how are you doing today I don’t believe we’ve met I’m Morris joia customer satisfaction

Representative when you decide you want to become a geia member I’ll be glad to help make your transition a joyous experience sure you will Joya Cola wait you sell pup seeds that are more expensive wait why is everything more expensive here H okay 25% more expensive 20% no wait 20 20 25% more

Expensive h Shane’s hard at work he doesn’t seem interested in talking does that count as greeting Maybe oh we got five less all right wizard I don’t know if that’s counting as him probably not maybe I have to greet him off the clock Mana welcome to late Sage free market capitalism well I feel like they’re not really doing it right cuz I mean aren’t

They meant to undercut the businesses in town feel like they’re kind of going the wrong way to uh you Know it’s not usually the big corporation that has a more expensive than the little town shop but it works true angler has respect for the water don’t you forget that I’ll stick with Pier thank you joa Corporation my nephew Shane has been staying at my place the last few

Months he helps me out with the chickens so I’m not complaining still 23 nice shoes uh are they made made out of plastic okay I I don’t know how to respond to That Sure I’ve got to actually look at this it’s locked ah fair enough where have I not been there’s five people that they shouldn’t be that hard to find oh I know for sure there’s the wizard so I guess we’ll go that Way probably some of these houses too Don’t Judge Me Oh free Cola delicious more free caller no only one bin caller today oh wait did I talk to whoever’s in here here uh are they closed 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. most days that’s very non-specific fair enough let see we can get a few extra seeds and go visit the

Wizard are we going the right way looks like it I think I don’t think I went in here did I no I’m pretty sure I didn’t it’s locked you can hear someone in inside though ah okay I guess I can’t talk to you right now no

Worries H is a [ __ ] but s likes that Shane is definitely meaner have I talked to you oh I think that was Jass wasn’t it yeah 1 2 3 4 oh no I messed up again all right I’m slowly going to learn names yeah I guess they’re not open or I

Don’t know most days is not very specific man such a mess down here as well plant these few more seeds oh right I was meaning to make a scarecrow as well so I would still like to try and finish greeting everyone I do kind of wish um that the

Crafting could access your chests that that’ be nice wood coal and fiber I always think that’s a nice feature when you can uh do that oops ah it’s fine uh we need Woods fiber Coal how much oh how does this uh I don’t know how much it covers I guess I’ll just put it there for now beautiful as you gain experience you discover new crafting recipes to increase profit and make life easier a scarecrow for example will prevent crows from stacking on your pres crops thank

You Robin the local Carpenter lives North in town exchange for raw materials and money she’ll construct new buildings on your farm you’ll need her to build a coper barn so you can raise animals oh okay nice that I do want true but I just trust Jake to mow Shane

Out uh let’s see it’s 400 p.m. yeah I think we’ll go up that way cuz I think there’s at least a couple people we haven’t met there and then tomorrow maybe we’ll check out I guess we have a couple options I mean the mine maybe maybe the community

Center I don’t know what’s going on there I assume that’s combat related the community center or hello tent man all right did I go in here I don’t think so hello humans no oh you’re not going to friends with Sebastian enter his bedroom basement Huh fair enough oh I don’t think I’ve talked to you hello this Valley is a very vibrant and diverse ecosystem that’s one reason I was excited to move here cool cool that’s 24 so I assume oh no Shane did Count okay I didn’t know if he counted cuz he

Didn’t want to talk when he was at work we have the wizard plus these three you look like blacksmith maybe didn’t I talk to you or maybe something else definitely talk to you you’re a an interesting fellow hello rabbit yeah so who else there be okay you got uh maybe

Shopkeeper did I not talk to the blacksmith I was sure I did I guess it didn’t count cuz he didn’t I don’t know try this Lun at night for the blacksmith oh okay okay yeah cuz we didn’t really talk it just like brought up a shop menu so okay that makes

Sense well it is 6:00 p.m. I don’t know what counts as night but uh Saloon might be a good option anyway as for the wizard I don’t know I couldn’t go into his place where was the saloon is that down here yeah uh have I talked to you I think

So exercise is important for staying healthy I always make sure to set some set some time aside for it as a parent I don’t have much time to devote myself so I try and make every minute count that’s good no one judge me oh I already checked that one I need a little warm me up to be ready for another cold night on the ocean fair enough bud what what do you want go away all right Mr tud hey gus give me another round hi please relax and enjoy yourself I work part time at gusta Saloon he pays the bills

Hi please relax and enjoy yourself hey G give me another round okay you’re just going to you’re just going to keep having rounds fair enough okay no Wizards to Greet oh no blacksmith either oh he’s on his way how’s it going if you want me to upgrade your tools you have to give me the correct door fair enough that’s 25 so we have glasses man Bal guy person and wizard okay I’m assuming maybe wizard is uh comes out at night or

This place anything you want to sell in the shiing box next to your house can do uh do we go in there it’s locked fair enough fair enough I’ll take a clam [Applause] then okay it’s getting a little bit late I was hoping to finish greeting people but we getting

There I don’t know where I’d find use random house or what have I not been to uh the ranch blacksmith I I haven’t been up there have I I don’t think how to keep track freeola nope no garbage call today TR to think where I haven’t been we met that

Guy com show I don’t think we’ve actually been in there have we so maybe one of them I know anyone else should up in here I’ve talked to all you all right think we can head home for the day and maybe we’ll greet everyone tomorrow I we agree to most

People no garbage Coler today extreme tag I mean hey free Coler is free Coler and let’s see uh I don’t know what I should keep what I should sell we’ll sell the clam oh wait oops as we use up about energy how we doing on time 344 okay nice still got plenty of

Time we’re up to 1,000 gold so we’re getting there and I guess um oh yeah I guess we go with C I want to see how much the house upgrades cost cuz I don’t really know what I should prioritize I want the backpack for sure and then I don’t know the watering

Can’s probably number two Maybe that might be good rain damn hello hello Mana you see this cat here I do I found her sitting outside the entrance to your farm I think it’s a stray Polo thing I think it likes this place hey um do you think this Farm could use a cat

Sure uh does anyone want to name the cat Ry gatley goooo TT chatsy [ __ ] that is that is certainly a Name all right I’ll be back in one sec guys I’m just going to put the kettle on maybe but uh let me know if you have any uh cat name suggestions I’ll be uh I’ll be super quick And the back sorry about that I was just flicking the kettle on but uh liquid removal was required great cat best choice do we get a cat name me the cat is a big Choice Harry Morana from St five chibi m is are acting strange pixie baros H tough one Mor’s not Bad baros baros from ortic cats pixie Ricky that’s a name cash some interesting names in the randomizer chibi bers jamming h i don’t mind Mor actually yeah I think we’ll go with Morana yeah since I have been playing Persona recently that works for me well little Morana you be a good kitty now

Okay very good don’t know where you’ve gone but no worries got some water in to do I don’t know what all these plants are quite a few mystery seeds going on here oh we got a t nice oh we got a cou potatoes very good Moro is a good

One yeah I think it’ll be good wherever they’ve gotten off to got an orange cat in one of my Farms named to Garfield that works what I what do you guys normally go for the doggo or C yeah I was wondering when that was going to come up but uh yeah

Cuz it’s uh day 10 I don’t know is that random or is it always day 10 and yeah I’m definitely thinking water and can upgrade is going to be priority after the backpack does it let you play with fire I would help get rid of some stuff is picking the potatoes

Murder uh it’s profitable so either way he X fre strange and me about a previous owner with no tongue that’s rough sure it’s fine probably I’ve certainly had no bad experiences with a certain orange cat on a Monday that may have been the last hello Rescue Squad good to see you

Hope you’re doing well our Tes in now so we have the rat thingy SPO the mines raising animals I guess we’ll go up to the carpenter uh wait I don’t know if I went up there okay we’ll go this way first and then yeah maybe the Carbar just want to get the greetings done a little Forin on the way I think we can go this way I mean I can’t tell like is can we actually not get up there at the moment ah damn it railroad I tried to go up there no okay maybe you can’t get there

Yet and can I get okay I’m trying to on the map where I can and can get to from Where okay this connects to here okay slowly learning you have any of you been uh started new games this past week or anything or did anyone play anything much from the uh steam Nextfest all right who are we looking for all right bold glasses you and wizard feel like saw one of them where do we cross over was one of them at the Museum Thingy was it one of them in here oh no that was You anyone else hanging around Here I caved in right back in the gungon oh Okay did you uh end up doing like getting a 100% I think last time you mentioned you were trying to get something for like the very last thing you needed Or where have I not been only four People where are you Bal man what are your Secrets all right I was going to go to I was going to go to the carbon shop wasn’t I where do we go uh straight up pretty much playing a quick Vision novel about witchcraft on Steam it’s mid okay hopefully it uh gets better the last thing I need is super rare and I don’t have the patience for it sadly okay assuming maybe one of the people

Are up here but either way I can check the prices on stuff am I going the right way is visions of mana on your list Manor uh oh right that sounded familiar you know there’s the uh yeah I do still want to play um the remake of Trials of

Mana but yeah that did look good I forgot that’s one I I looked at the trailer of when does that come out oh it just says 2024 at the moment yeah hopefully it’s going to be good what are we talking pricewise 10,000 gez okay on Tuesday and Thursdays I work at

Harvey’s Clinic he says he likes having me around in case his medical equipment goes Haywire you’re probably growing a lot of interesting plants on your farmer uh yes nothing suspicious No one oh wait one of them was new huh oh it was that girl okay so we just need bold glasses and wizard okay where have we not been actually well we know where the wizard is obviously I just don’t know when he comes out of his

House maybe I have check there at night time so it’s bold and glasses Okay feel free to wonder in houses and Stuff um been playing Green by Bart Bon it’s a puzzle game where you can play on mobile oh okay I have not heard of that glasses at the store and Bal is the house next to it Clos on Wednesdays oh I see you Alex is my grandson have a told you that already no this actually the first time we’re speaking huh speak up I’ll I’ll leave you to your TV Bud no worries uh glasses at the store which store are we talking that one or over here 27 out of 28 oh there’s a bunch of people today times have been tough lately I got laid off my job as a bus driver if I got that job back I could drive you to

Calico desert Calico desert what did you say it’s 400 p.m already my goodness indeed Goku how’s it going did you watch the game last night oh wait do you even have a TV set I I do what do people think of me just cuz I’m going through the trash cans

Think I don’t have a TV I see how it is don’t judge Me uh definitely going to check out I’ll check out other games red blue orange um really good pu what type of puzzle game is it do enjoy a good puzzle game here and there I added Legends of Crystal I will pop it open and have a look after I haven’t heard of

It what have uh what have you been playing lately Ry Squad anything new or did you uh try anything out part of the steam nextfest or anything I didn’t really get around to any RPGs for the Nextfest he but he’s closed on Wednesdays got watch and I’m guessing the Wizards either coming out on suay or at Nighttime well we greeted most people maybe tomorrow we’ll go to the community center the rat problems one I keep thinking that’s a person there are way too personally which is definitely a word and what else do we need one of those feel like these are a really good value

Craft I’m getting into a lot of watering but we’ll be getting to the profit I want my backpack yeah I think um batpack water and can and then I actually have no idea any suggestions for what’s most worthwhile um after backpack and watering can uh where can we put you beautiful totally

Symmetrical guess we’ll go to Pier tomorrow hopefully find glasses man 7 p.m. where are we at down that way all right let’s go see if wizard comes out oh sorry I didn’t catch a mute in time to cough I’m just realizing I haven’t like sipped a drink in like 3 hours that’s not

Ideal not at all um kind how to explain they just throw you in and need to figure it out okay is that on steam or is it a mobile game specifically axe pick theno pickaxe for mines probably oh yeah what it simple you need to turn the green uh screen green somehow oh

Okay Lords of Exile releases tomorrow uh sounds familiar oh yeah yeah I like the art style for that is that one you’re plan to get it’s locked you can hear someone inside though H all right I don’t know about that guy yeah pickax now anything about it

Yeah I guess that makes sense for the mine so that’s uh yeah what about the sword is that uh worth any priority believe the whole collection is on Steam oh okay nice you’re getting it okay awesome awesome yeah I really like the art style of it it reminds me of another game like

That I kind what was there was the one I played a demo of like quite a while back well I think we’re good for today uh may as well use up our energy got a few rocks haven’t really cleared many of those oh I do really want to get the

Barn guessing that’s going to be more costly what is that something in the way 15 getting a bit dark we buy swords can’t upgrade through smithing oh okay okay gotcha good good oh nice 80 each for potatoes not bad not bad at All Cavin of Dreams get a switch release uh cabin of Dreams that’s definitely something I’ve looked at before why can I not place it oh that’s that U oh right yeah cabin of Dreams oh they got a switch release nice yeah it’s like Nintendo 64 style 3D platformer but like they actually

Captured the N64 style like really really well yeah I was looking at that again recently missing I lost my favorite axe if you find it please return at ASAP I having a tough time without it there’s 250 g if who finds a thing oh I do like cash money Robin lost a favorite axe last time sh was using it she was cutting wood south of marinees ranch oh cool sounds like cash to me all right I guess we’ll uh see about that plenty of Pips I keep thinking at turnips both bad but Prof

Comtable I think that’s all it’s ready oh hello Cat I was wondering where you went you need your water bow fil huh fair enough I can do that for You good kitty yeah we go and find that Axe and then yeah maybe go to the community center since I have no idea what’s going on there but there was a strange green creature yeah cabin of Dreams that’s um that’ be a cool one for the

Switch have you guys uh seen Cavin of dreams I’ll link it in chat they really got the N64 Star down like really Well I haven’t played it but just uh yeah it looked really good I mean if you like the old school 3D platform anyway how you doing Kitty just hanging out that’s cool 1,500 ooh we’re getting towards that backpack kind of a pain watering so many

One at a time but it’ll get us the uh backpack and water and can upgrade sooner than later although I guess that’s the reason we probably want to go the mine don’t we cuz even though we don’t have the cash yet we’re going to need that for uh upgrading the watering

Can it’ll be good to check out cuz I haven’t got there yet we’ll try and find that axe though I assume that’ll be hopefully an easy 250 and yeah with the uh pmps we should be able to get the backpack tomorrow that will be good I don’t know why exactly but I

Really really enjoyed mouthwash just weird enough dialog on point yeah I think it was really well done I’m I’m really curious about that game like what it’ll be at full length cuz like the demo was kind of strange in terms of like how um like if it jumped around or not I

Couldn’t really tell like I don’t know if it’s going to go back and forth or like if we kind of saw like the beginning but also a later part of it or yeah very very weird one that CU yeah the developer has um where is it yeah the developer has another game that’s

Free which is called how um yeah how fish is made as linked in chat also a weird one uh where was I going right think we can find that missing axe get a few things out of our way okay Lords of egg style is uh Castlevania style yeah Yeah yeah the art style reminded me of um something else I played like a year or two ago I feel like e it smells why is it locked I don’t know explore the sewers do you I think Gunther is the key Professor Guna the man runs a museum

Why do you think he has it I saw a big Rusty o key full out of his pocket one time a creepy SE door like this has to be a match for that big Rusty o key make sense well that’s a bit more concerning there something moving around in

There maybe we leave that locked or go look in there that’s fine I love the Chrono Trigger expression okay probably want to stay away from this there right I assume there will be an axe around here somewhere they did say uh South right south of the

Ranch the wizard is in a tower in the map just south of your farm far of the way West he’s awake through 11:00 p.m. oh okay I mean I went there um I went there a couple times but it didn’t he wasn’t out it just said uh I could hear someone

Inside but I couldn’t go in do I have to go there like really late at night or this is larger than I thought oh there it is you found the Lost Axe yeah I didn’t know if the wizard was like only out at certain times Or and I assume I have to go give this to Robin Directly reminds me of harvest Island yeah and this this two abandoned Farm down Here yeah the uh I know check the wizard while we’re here oh so many Obstacles it’s locked you can hear someone inside though I assume I have to either do something or I have to come here really late at night or Either way we got the axe that’s Something no idea where Robin is but uh where does Robin hang Out ready yet who’s Robin I’ve learned I’ve only learned a few names so far okay you’re Robin Huh FBI open up go pop these away better go to Pier hopefully find Robin I think you just walk in the tower could be wrong uh yeah when I tried to click it it just Um um just popped up yeah like I can hear someone inside but I I couldn’t see him to walk in so maybe I do need maybe I need to do something before I can walk in I’m not sure hit the community center as well oh your glasses

Do I have to talk to you when you’re off work oh right I thought I’d seen you before Oh Okay um right where the hell is Robin you’re not Robin are you not quite hello Mana okay maybe it’s Quest first sorry it’s all good it’s all Good walk behind the counter I Happ to buy any produce from you I’ll give you fair price of course huh well there we go oh interesting yeah so the wizard doesn’t count huh giving gifts is a great way to build friendships learn each person’s individual taste and you no time give someone a

Gift huh yeah so I guess the wizard doesn’t count for that huh to a a is on sale oh nice yeah that uh I like their developer stuff try the Batcave not sure what Batcave counts of in this Case I wish there was more information here oh wait can I click Them where we at Robin uh nope I have no idea where she is how does one and find a Robin I want my 250 and Community Center I mean hey I guess free axe if she doesn’t if I can’t find her that’s something any Robins in here what about you strange creature oh you just disappear okay also that does anyone know where Robin is cuz I feel like I’m going to aimlessly wander around a lot if I don’t

Know where she is she that’s a big save yeah this place ain’t looking the best H even mushrooms growing okay we we’ll come back here she’s in her house in the northeast map through 300 p.m. uh where are we at oh the carpenter shop oh okay thank you thank

You didn’t realize the car car shop was considered a house right Robin has a carbry shop hey you found my axe what a relief I almost chopped my toe off with the other one I was using thank you no worries howow in friends explore the mine oh the

Uh oh the community center thing went away huh I assume there is more to it obviously damn 7.m found right when I sent the message oh I still appreciate it uh yeah 700 P.m. guess I’ll just do a little bit of the farm and go to bed then and tomorrow maybe the the mine cuz we can get our backpack tomorrow too so that might be good uh can we craft any more seeds not yet oh hello cat uh what do we want to

Clear use up a little bit more energy I was don’t few trees I’m assuming that cave is going to become something later seem a little concerning a little bit suspicious I don’t know probably fine I think the sewers are more concerning ah leaning forward oh man the energy really goes fast is

This something like you can upgrade or anything o keep accidentally hitting things uh anything we want to sell oh we got two seeds that to plant uh not fish that is not planting oh that’s exhausted bad time for you oh hello C no bad no bad enough to cover our backpack

Nice oh we have uh quite a few of these to sell today quite a few all right we’ll sort these out and yeah I guess we check out the mine oh I mean grab backpack on the way nice should cover a bit and hopefully we get the uh watering

Can upgrade in a day or two I think we’ll uh we’ll wait to replant more stuff stuff once we get that maybe I’m kind of just guessing is the next one going to be able to do like a line or something or I mean I’m just assuming that cuz of other

Games maybe it’s only more capacity in this I don’t Know also actually does anyone know how much range the scarecrows have should I build another one in the center Maybe cuz I feel like that’s I don’t know if it gets that much range seems like a lot I haven’t seen anything attack my crops yet

But I may not have seen it may have happened though eight tiles every direction oh okay nice that’s eight uh it’s eight huh well that worked out nicely although it wouldn’t cover to there would it so maybe one down here would be best one at the bottom I mean

Yeah what do we need uh all right let’s put those in the cell first I don’t know if any of these are worth keeping or just sell for Now think that’s what we Needed beautiful very fancy Farm here my sources tell me you’ve been poking around inside the old Community Center why don’t you pay me a visit my Chambers are west of the forest lake in the stone tower I may have information concerning your rat problem M rasmodius wizard Uhhuh dear Mana tomorrow we’re holding the egg Festival in the Town Square you should arrive between 9:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. if you’d like to attend you wouldn’t want to miss the egg and your leg Hunt is that today or was that I don’t know if I missed that Yay I’m assum I don’t know if that would I’ve I missed mail I’m assuming that is tomorrow let’s check the calendar Uh egg Festival gotcha uh what El I doing Backpack finally the good stuff yes please you got the lunch pack your inventory space increase to 24 oh that’s good I thought we were getting both rows but still good ah I mean yeah still good just not as good I thought 24 was like adding on not upgrade to but still

Good still much better and what do we need for the watering can let’s check the blacksmith real quick like do I just need ore I have to make BS I I have no idea just’s check real quick hello what are we what are we talking c bar okay Goa c a trash

Can I’m trashing an it you claim 15% of the value huh all right no idea how to make bars but no Worries meet the wizard oh yeah we need to meet the wizard too we go check out the mine Though which is that Way I feel like playing this it’s uh it’s crazy how many things I feel like coral island copied I mean I mean I guess in some ways this game also took from like other ones before but it feels like more like a lot of games took a lot from this even though I

Don’t know cuz obviously there’s definitely features from this that have been in other like Farm Sims but I feel like Stu Valley kind of rebirthed the genre more so away from some of like the the the few main like AAA ones or whatever whereas like Carl Island feels

Like so many of the features are like exactly the same I don’t really like coral island but like yeah but I I guess like I haven’t played enough of the older ones to be like certain um how much this has taken from those cuz I mean like the statues for like

Fast travel and I there’s a lot of things I don’t know I feel like more probably have taken from staru than staru took from anything else but I don’t know I don’t even necess mean in a bad way like uh there’s certain features that just kind of make sense that you’d

See in you know various ones but yeah I feel like Carina in particular like it’s a really good game but I feel like I I can’t think of many things about it that’s unique when I look at others before it oh I mean I’m even seeing like right now the

Uh this is the exact same System you found a geode the Lego blacksmith can break it home for you who knows what you might find hidden inside I assume like a random rock you find like say yeah it’s exactly the same as coral island but I I don’t know if another game had that before this

So like that same kind of setup oh my God am I exhausted already ah I did not realize I had that little energy when I came here damn okay bring food to the mine that makes sense definitely bring food next time but yeah I said I don’t know how

Much this bored from other games before it like some of the uh earlier like um Harvest Moon and stuff like that I mean yeah I know hard to judge does seem like some of the more recent ones are a bit too similar to staru though cuz I guess like coral island has

The um yeah underwater exploration but I feel like almost everything else is like the same as staru but like 3D although I guess I haven’t played the 1.0 release so I don’t know how much changed over time H why didn’t I bring Food can I eat a rock this has minerals is a Mineral O I assume you want like actually a pretty good amount of food for the uh the Mines don’t judge me um why are you digging in the trash Reasons um why are you digging the trash cuz I I need something to eat man I got to do what I got to do yes I’m eating green algae from the bin what of it don’t worry about It Hard Times Hard Times Uh let’s see whoops I was see tab through them okay yeah I don’t know if any of you played like um some of the older ones this was inspired from like I’d be curious to see like how many features kind of match up versus like what others have like taken from our Stu

Cuz I feel like there’s so many things that like become so standard in farm like the uh the bins and things like that I a lot of them makes sense just uh yeah I think especially actually having played this now it’s like crazy how similar caral island

Is or at least the earlier version I played so I don’t know how much they’ve uh added from then to 1.0 uh yeah I guess we want to save some food then if we want to be going on the mine uh Al how do I actually make bars

That is probably something I need to Know can I do that here or do I have to actually do that at the blacksmith maybe I’m guessing maybe the blacksmith I guess we go see the wizard since I don’t really have enough food to be on the mine or time but now I

Know so I guess like yeah for the mine you really want to probably prepare the night before and use the full day for it oh yeah I want to check how much it cost to get the barn too but too many things but we better visit the wizard first oh

Hello I’ve got a little bit of everything take a look yeah you sure do okay are you just here sometimes or all right nice to meet you strange but nonetheless oh I am off to me a wizard so no worries ah come in what’s up I am rasmodius seeker of the Arcane truths

Rasmodius mediary between physical and ethereal master of The Seven Elements Elementals Keeper of the Sacred yeah you get the point and you Mana the one whose arrival I have long Foreseen here I’d like to show you something behold an apple creature you’ve seen one before haven’t you they call themselves The junimos junimos Mysterious sprit Spirits these ones for some reason they refuse to speak with me I’m not sure why they’ve moved into the community center we have no reason to fear them

H you found a golden scroll written in an unknown language most interesting stay here I’m going to see for myself I’ll return shortly oh okay you are in fact a wizard but you came back through the door I found the note the language is obscure but I was able to decipher

It we the junim mo are happy to Aid you in return we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with the forest then you will see the true nature of this scroll I do have a forest Farm does that count H one with the forest what do they mean sniff

Sniff okay okay aha come here okay I don’t know if I trust you yet my cauldron is bubbling with ingredients from the forest baby Fern Moss scrub caramel top toad St can you smell it I don’t know if I want to here drink up Let the essence of the

Forest permeate your body is that is that a good idea that’s safe oh we got energy not sure it will cost things are getting a tad green uh what were the ingredients you said were in that this is fine Anu you alive what’s the wizard doing to you you’ve gained the power of forest magic now you can decide for the true meaning of the junimos trolls okay did he hurt you we good maybe I believe the towns folk are afraid of me understandable you brought me into your

House teleported away teleported back outside walk through the door for some reason then you drugged me H I don’t know how to feel about that first impression rip playr drugged by the wizard see he’s Ruger but looks 50 Zelda Vibes never mind I don’t remember a potion in Zelda that do

That yeah I don’t know if that was a good or bad thing I don’t know if I trust that wizard mainly because he teleported away but then came back through the door that was uh that was a very specific choice either way we’ met the wizard out and gained some sort of strange

Powers no worries I should we’ve met everyone now although I don’t know if there’s more that aren’t on this list cuz there was that person like in the mines over to the right not sure: 45 8 p.m. um trying to think so I want to go to

The mines but it seems like really do need a nice pile of food for that we have some forage stuff I guess I could keep some of these can we uh split the stack oh yep all right we’ll keep 12 of those uh is that like worth using or can

I like cook them or anything to make them better what else do we have uh morals we could take some of them maybe yeah that would do uh what else cuz I do I do want to go to the mine I think that’ll be fine remind you of that game we had to

Fight Santa and be friends with the Pirates oh exhausted i’ be very curious if you can like upgrade this or not I feel like that would be very worthwhile H yeah think we’re good to just go to bed hello C oh farming level two we have become more proficient when dealing with

Hose Stone Fence mayonnaise machine oh spring sprinkler hello oh that is what I like to see okay what do we need for sprinklers that is very Appealing pop a bar I am bar ah okay I assumed it would be something like that which I don’t quite know how to make bars yet so there is that problem but we’ll get There uh how worth um how worth it is to actually upgrade the water and can or like can we get into sprinklers quite Fast cuz I was thinking watering can but I I didn’t expect to be able to have access to sprinklers so soon Uh let’s put some of them Away guess we’ll take those we’ll go to the Mine oh wait wasn’t there a egg thingy Today Watering can is Worse is the egg Festival something I want to go to or I mean I suppose it’s something new I don’t know about it so probably I just thought I want to go straight to the Mine well that’s probably worth checking out Uh I guess I may as well craft some seeds Eh what do we need for that we got we got one Leak still it’s probably worth it uh what else was It one of those yeah she also have one right here is there anything else growing back over here come on thing that I need nope I’ll take that though don’t water it I assume Um I I definitely see the water can being worth but I’d love to get to sprinklers if that’s uh an option some seeds I like that you can t through these very good all right I guess we’ll just see for today then we’ll go oh yeah egg Festival has

Begun CU it seems like uh it’s wor having the full day to go to something like the mine so we go check that out I assume the egg festivals are for like items and stuff or something our heads have been working over time prepare for this Festival as

They have the best tonight bowls full of sweet yellow corn hello tent man no one really talks to me me I just come for the deviled eggs fair enough oh yeah strawberry seeds huh takes 8 days to mature and keeps producing strawberries after that H wonder if they worth Getting oh you found it it was called Kung Fu Legend oh yeah that was a that was an interesting one I guess we’ll get a couple of those I don’t know how worth they Are nothing to say is there any more food uh I yes egg what a strange thing to eat yeah I put some something nice into the punch of course you did spring is a busy time of year so it’s nice to have a day off to catch up with Friends ab’s always loved the egg hunt ever since she was a tiny girl even with my bad leg I never miss a Town Festival eggs definitely have a place in the well balanced diet true true do you think everyone’s ready for the egg hunt not yet well wel to the egg Festival compliments of my wonderful wonderful brood of hens this fruit punch is usually good unusually good Vincent loves this Festival it’s

Joyy to see him so happy just you know keep him away from the punch I’ve been up since stor coloring eggs so always my favorite part of the season I always look for to these gatherings it makes the value feel like a real Community I hope I can find some eggs

Before Vincent takes them all when do the acon start I’m so excited the TR are be looking forward to this festival for weeks just you know keep them away from the punch they went good what’s everyone so happy about eggs yxg this Festival has been a tradition for as long as I can

Remember tradition connects us with both the past and the future it’s Comforting uh do I have to start it by a certain time oh no the time’s gone okay we used to do a rotten egg toas me was putting into that pretty quick I like that you can’t talk to them again like afterwards like I mean on one

Hand I like when you can in case you miss something but I like it that it like kind of ticks the Box off so you know you’ve like talked to them I know allergies sergeon vs is like going on a treasure hunt that that’s true taking breaks from work can make

You more productive in the long run also True oops as should take off my doctor’s hat for the time being well might need it if the kids get in the punch this Festival is all right but what I’m really looking forward to is the flower dance I try to wa at least three eggs every day H fair

Enough I need that protein for my legs okay bud man I need a Drink what if the kids want to drink punch well Pam is going to be in trouble sh that’s just between you and me kid okay okay that’s fine the festival are a great way to talk to everyone for friend points oh Yeah have I spoke to everyone sometimes I hide egg too well no one finds it well until summer rolls around and the hot air starts to bring out the rotten smell yeah that’s not ideal oh yeah I was making a coffee at some point wasn’t I that was going to be

Nice all right I’ll be back in just a Sec uh yeah minute 2 minute Stops And I’m back thank you for waiting s that was a little bit longer uh just putting J WR uh I’m finally home I must have missed a lot welcome back Jess wait you be tired tracking will resume shortly always happens when I stream like late like I always stream but temperature seems fine then I get up and I’m like holy [ __ ] it’s gotten Cold okay that’s Better almost I do not know how I was still in short some t-shirt this whole Time okay much better upgraded to jumper and trackies and coffee oh that’s Good is very good all right we are egg Festival do you think everyone’s ready for the egg hunt uh sure I don’t know what I’m doing but assume I’m hunting eggs it’s time for the highlights of today’s festivities the annual spring egg hunt calm down now kiddos you’re going

To need all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take him the exclusive prize now is everyone ready maybe s prob first oh so good the air gun begin go away kids my eggs I don’t know where to look or what I’m Doing damn kids get away from my Eggs I don’t even know what the prize is I know I want to win Though oh it’s only it’s like 30 seconds oh [ __ ] Okay I don’t know what kind of numbers I need but we’ll see egg egg Egg go go go Ah wow look at all these eggs now if only I could get you kids to pick up Littlest efficiently we have the cleanest town on this side of the sea G wait now now if only I could get you kids to pick up L this efficiently we’

Have the cleanest town on this side of the gem sea and now the winner of this year’s egg hunt Mana nice here’s your prize enjoy oh a straw hat nice well that’s it for this year’s egg Festival thanks for coming everyone oh damn I didn’t know that kills the whole

Day I mean still worth it got a sweet hat Oh you should die your real beard blue Min I would be interesting is this Easter the best prize St is fit imagine if you didn’t win well that would be unfortunate to lose the whole day didn’t uh didn’t actually expect that well I guess we uh all right I can plant

These at the very least some strawberries bit dark uh let’s see yeah I guess we may just use up our energy and head to bed yeah I think we’ll go to the mine tomorrow Mogi warana is the um is smelting Ingot something I do here Or will I figure that out cuz I mean if sprinklers are only one copper and one iron like that sounds cheap coffee turn my M see coffee how we doing 77 let use what we can get rid of VI rocks we’re slowly clearing up the

Place 1 a.m. all right we won’t push it too much that’ll do us Good hello morgano all that’s good Coffee all right got to uh keep your water full huh all right let’s sort our Crops and I guess we yeah we just craft some more I think Maybe and Now well h I really want to get a watering upgrade but I should keep stuff Planted uh we’ll see I’ll see about how much uh like ore and stuff we can Get I was pretty set on the watering can which I’m sure it’s probably worth it but I’d really prefer to go over sprinkles if we can but I’m guessing iron ore is further down oh Out of Water uh what do we need we put those we’ll keep them on us I guess uh you’re right there C Relaxing uh am I forgetting anything no idea we got a sweet hat we’re fine yeah I think we’ll just go to the mine see if I can make some progress or yeah at least get enough for an upgrade or Something but I’m assuming I either have to smell to the blacksmith or I’m going to unlock something ah that coffee is so satisfying I really have not been drinking enough the stream uh am I going the right way yeah it’s up here right slow Lear on the map that also looks kind of

Concerning okay I assume I’m just smacking looking for that oh that’s copper okay oh I’m guessing I can’t even mine iron yet probably Right probably takes the next pick or something I want to be doing that oh Earth Crystal oh right enemies exist down here don’t they I may have forgot about That silly crab that I think is a crab oh crap oh my God how much health do you have okay you were a lot stronger than Expected I’m assuming I’ll get access to the elevator at some point so damn just burning through the energy is there a quick way to eat well guess it does its Job paper oh is that a is that Iron okay you can spam pretty well sap and slime damn they take a lot more hits that’s what I would expect damn yeah can I mine this oh it’s quartz I’ll take that oh have you met Sebastian uh have I oh yeah I have I’m still learning like who’s who but yes met

Sebastian oh man ladder o eat up definitely going to need some uh better food down the line not the highest energy options o not even much luck I guess stones are useful oh my God where are you ladder I was trying to avoid over here so I have to fight

More oh my God ladder why why do you not want to be found lder is this Ser going be like the last one oh my God yeah like two rocks left o well I reached level five that’s something no copper oh can I use this now Okay that is good how am I doing copper ORS I got 12 I’m assuming it’s like five to a bar or something oh I’m guessing when you can like cook food and stuff you get a lot better options all right I think we’ll head up for

Now got a bit of an idea things there blue uh blue Mana meets black Mana friend of mine says you’re both Shane and Sebastian combined uh is that a good thing I don’t know them well enough to know if that’s a good thing or not I believe I take up their worst

Attributes coffee coffee is Good ah very nice wel I have an idea of what the mining is like now that’s good uh I do need to see about making bars wait the blacksmith’s uh yeah 400 p.m. ah Still cuz they have this thingy do I need to use That something gu I have to wait till tomorrow on that unless I can just craft Balls not sure on that yet how many do we need uh for the upgrade I think it was was it five the next watering can oh bream why you throwing out good bream or brim what a waste that’s good fish yeah you can’t like days feel real

Fast when you go somewhere like the mine a u I’m just thinking I should probably like cuz it be good if you get the kitchen or can you cook without that or do you have to get the kitchen to cook I know if you can cook on the campfire oh field

Snack Acorn Maple seed pine cone 45 NG that seems all right H going need some more chests I’m seeing too uh all right what can I craft let’s grab those those that that gives us 40 seeds nice is that a use energy okay so planting doesn’t use

Energy I don’t know what I’m planning but it’s easy profit hopefully at waterings that two each is it okay guess we’ll eat some more of these good good Bastian is a freelanc no yep he’s a programmer too oh okay I saw he lived in a basement don’t know too much about him

Yet not a good thing oh I to take care of something how we doing uh pretty well pretty well got a sweet hat a small trip to the mine slowly learning things planting a lot of mystery seeds does uh does all the months go to like 28 days I’m assuming

Uh what else what do we want to sell like are all these star things just worth selling uh I guess I still need a I guess I worry about that when I get the copper yeah I think we’re good there a bit of day left but that’s all right foraging level

Three oh mining level one did you know that you can rest on your bed to gain energy um it didn’t seem like I could that that came up earlier briefly is that like do you know is that like a co-op only thing cuz it kind of seemed that way I I

Didn’t seem to have anything happen when I tried to just rest prefer the onen but it’s far away uh hi there good morning I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks open and finding a that’s good if you want to get the most out of the ory fine you need a

Furnace just so happens had an extra set of blueprints lying around yeah I would you have Them learn how to craft a furnace the furnace allows you to smell metal bars bars can be used for crafting construction and Tool Upgrades when you smelled a few Coba bars consider having me upgrade one of your tools it can make work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home take it easy cheers bud What do we need for that o 20 copper or okay Robin here I know there’s a lot of stone scatter on your farm if you have a surplus you might consider having me build a well for you Wells can be placed all over your farm and serve as a

Convenient place to refill your watering can a swing by my shop with 75 stones and 1,000 G’s when you’re ready for it I mean I kind of have like water all over the place so I’ll save my cash for right now I see you’ve been exploring the oine

You’ve Got The Adventurous spirit that much I can tell if you can slay 10 slimes you’ll have earned your place in my adventurous Guild be careful Maron hello dear I know you’re getting just getting started as a gardener so I want to give you a little tip most crops

Only grow in one season when summer arrives your spring crops will die out so plan ahead okay okay No no just press noow and wait till you close your eyes oh okay I’ll have to try that then maybe I just yeah didn’t do a probably then H that is potentially very good to know some potatoes does it take up much Time cuz I mean that’s probably something worth doing after uh watering then Coffey slowly getting through it still have your soda stream on it yeah yeah I haven’t used it as much uh lately mainly cuz I’ve been lazy and haven’t refilled the uh or got refills for the the gas Canister but yeah love sod stream always good to have yeah I need to go uh replace the canister sometime soon it’s about empty I Think I guess we’ll I don’t know maybe we’ll go back to the mine then so we get the furnace at the very least where to get that Going and yeah I guess I’ll stick with the water bucket I really want to get the sprinklers but I mean the watering can I assume it’ll be worth the upgrade for a while sprinklers do sound good though although I guess it depends cuz I don’t know if I can mine iron or

Not cuz I guess I’ll need a pickaxe upgrade to get iron potentially which means I couldn’t get sprinkles at the moment anyway uh what am I taking oh damn the leaks of 40 energy o 72 for the gold damn that ain’t bad what else uh I just take those I guess sell the

Tes if you’re you’re lazy to keep clicking your mouse can press C for watering or using any other tool oh okay did not know that but yeah so how does this work no I assume this is resting no energy gain so far yeah time just went up but no

Energy do you have to wait like a while uh what about you JoJo do you still use your as much not sure it doesn’t seem to be going up maybe have to wait a lot longer uh man it’s already 11 and go through a lot of eny doing that

Damn think we was trying and get some cobers we get the furnace or uh yeah we’ll do that is it um is it or per Ingot see if we can get enough for an upgrade while we’re here Co I believe really my bad oh good all

Good I wonder why it’s co- up only if it is Though also can I harvest these guess Not be Coop be wary people going destroy your Crabs I have heard of such things Occurring H wait do I want to go straight to Five I assume there is more resources down lower oh I got copper out of that huh how necessary man there is actually a lot of things to fight down here isn’t there I always feel the need to like avoid finding when there’s like a time crunch especially when these guys

Actually have a lot of Health I assume it’s uh you know gets better as you upgrade the sword this is a rusty sword probably not the Ideal tool oh wait what they can turn into the ladder okay wasn’t expecting That we’ll try and get at least uh 20 then I Guess yes some undestroyed you oh damn Crabs not getting much so far do they get more plentiful as you go on or does it change like iron andan hopefully we can get H what do we get before 12 are we can get enough for the furnace and like the uh one tool upgrade that’ll be good for

Now going need a little more energy There depending on how much luck I have finding the ladder Nice where you at Copper ooh that’s it that’s the good stuff that’s what we want is that significant that thing has a star on its head oh the ladder’s just open Here any other copper I guess you can buy all too can you not that it would be worth it for me yet Obviously yeah so I guess the ladders are just open Sometimes oh copper Get a little extra from the Rocks Then what am I at 09 Okay do these flying ones not attack you they don’t seem To we get to 10 at least that’ll be good exhausted eat up are we doing the community center uh not right now but I assume I mean I was just kind of planning to do everything I don’t really know what’s worth uh doing or not at the

Moment cuz I went to the wizard and learned to uh well I pretty sure I got drugged and leared to read that language so that’s all I know about the community center right now so yeah I’ll probably just uh try and do everything I guess see where we end up come on

Ladder just one floor 10 please e up yeah um what do you get out of the community center like is that a completely like separate thing or oh my God ladder please having very mixed luck on finding ladders if we get the floor 10 at least that’s uh that’s

Good I would kill this St slime oh sorry I read that late didn’t I why do you not want to be found ladder I see how it is hello welcome crators good to see you hope you’re doing well oh leather boots you receive leather Boots I think that’s probably good yeah no words being late appreciate you subbing in the town gets upgrades but there are two ways of going about it joining Georgia or doing the community center oh okay hello tent man sounds like those raccoons are back at again filthy

Vomits ah you turn up at the right moment son could you do an old man a favor could you go around the corner and scare off those raccoons for me they be causing a real mess thanks make sure you give them a good scare so they never come back it was me I’m

Sorry no worries I find a lot of hot fresh food in these cans stuff that will go to waste if I don’t take it I’ve been there I found perfectly good fish earlier and cola do you think there’s something wrong with what I’m doing Nope no but you should get a job and stop leeching off others yes it’s illegal that’s George’s private property no just shame food to go to away yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] thanks Mana I knew you were an open-minded person I feel good about what I’m doing I’m not harming anyone

Yeah more power to you bud you can go on home I promise I won’t robbing Jin George’s can anymore you can tell him he scared off the raccoon for good H wait I know what you were doing lanice if you need food ju just ask I

Don’t want anyone in Pelican town to go hungry here I got a basket of zucchini Frid is for you just made sure you dip in some spicy marinara go on take it oh okay see I guess like is this like little cut scenes that happen every so often like h

You guys think s Val need a HD remake or sequel be interesting to see what a seel would bring but I guess he’s working on that uh is it haunted choler or something next be c yeah be curious to see what a sequel would bring more updates will be nice direct

Sequel H yeah I know I guess there’s always room for updates with something like this cuz I don’t know how much different you could really do in a sequel like versus maybe like larger expansions being like maybe better I don’t know put our boots on all right yeah we can make the furnace

Now very good uh I guess you can go here for now um how do I how do I furnace oh we need coal as okay is that just is it like one at a time have you been coffee my good s not as much as I should be so was that five or

Okay so you can’t load it up like you have to do one time lonus more like lenux lonus is my bestie Gus feeding us good man yes when you increase hearts with the Villagers you get cut scenes oh okay got would you rather play Minecraft or S Valley for a whole week

Uh I guess I couldn’t really answer yet CU if you’re talking about right now this is the first time I’m playing staru Valley so I would choose staru Valley since I’ve played absurd amounts of Minecraft but if I’ve played this for you know a long period of time then yeah probably be

Minecraft but right now i’ definitely choose this cuz it’s new guess we need a few more not too far off an upgrade though moving on out oh I need a Stretch anyone try power world or fa F yet uh played a good bit of power world really like it but uh you know I keep like saying kind of thing is uh if you like Arc you like power world I think that’s pretty much how that goes the Pokemon side’s cool but yeah

Very Ark likee game fa Farm fa Farm was okay but undercooked uh I think fa farm would have done like so much better with like more play testing and taking feedback like there’s not many games where I’m usually like I want Early Access but I feel like fa Farm is

Actually a game that would have been beneficial under Early Access for like a year or something cuz like you can’t listen to everything players say but that was a game where like there was just it lacked a lot of quality of life features and uh it wasn’t balanced very well with how

Farming like yeah it just wasn’t balanced properly I think was the biggest problem dear neighbor I hope you’re feeling settled in your new home I’m rying to let you know that PS store is now selling fertilizers why don’t you swing by and see if you can afford a few dozen boxes of

So yeah I think balance was a huge problem with Fay Farm like farming was nowhere near as profitable as it should be and like I it was kind of weird how they put such a hard limit on how much you could sell in a day which directly like impacted how

Profitable farming could be so yeah there were just like things that I feel like the majority of the people playing it would agree on that Disney changing which yeah most like balance and quality of life though I do think it also really could have expanded on the Fay side of

Things I I feel like it kind of was a bit lacking on the fa stuff uh what am I doing cuz that’s all sorted oh we got a few to harvest those are still good B Farm felt like any other farm game for me yeah I think I think it could have been

A lot better than it was but not like I think fa Farm was a spot where a little could have went a long way uh what am I doing so we need not too much more copper then uh what are we taking I’ll take those and

Those yeah we’ll go to the mine again real quick I think CU we only need a tiny bit more for an upgrade and all right so we need to do the green slimes deeper in the mines it seems that the mine elevator is still functional it allows you to

Quickly return to any elevated doors you’ve discovered a deep Expedition might be in order oh reach level 40 now okay un Haven deliver what fa Farm could not yeah I could see that I haven’t played it but yeah I get what you mean from what I’ve

Seen I think yeah like I think the difference with something like fa Farm is like they seem to have done pretty well supporting it so far in terms of like um fixes and stuff and I’ve adjusted some balance but I I feel like it’s just that

Difference of like Stu is a game that was like developed with passion behind it whereas fa Farm feels a bit more like they just wanted to make a Farm Sim as a product to sell like full stop kind of thing like I’m sure there was still like developers you K and stuff

But I don’t know I I think games like this they they can be improved a lot with Community feedback and um like passion from the Developers like fa Farm wasn’t like it’s not like a soless thing or anything like it’s not like bad it’s just they weren’t really pushing any boundaries

And yeah it definitely had some balance issues and just yeah the quality of life side was definitely not the best and obviously it didn’t help that it’s like double the price of some games I don’t know I feel like it could still be really good just yeah you just needed developers behind

It that wanted to support it More whereas I think they’re more focused on supporting it in the sense of like um bug fixes and some balance tweaks But ultimately it’s going to be like paid DLC that expands on it less about uh you know slowly adding things and quality of life changes and

That kind of stuff which I think is what what it needs the Most P far remind you of a discount version of Animal Crossing what about my time at Porsche or paleo never played my time at Porsche paleo is good But I don’t know pale is one of the ones I would prefer to be a single player game and if but in its current form I would want to play it a lot if I was playing it like yeah I don’t know because it’s like an MMO light even though it’s single

Player in a lot of ways in the way you actually play it’s just it’s a weird balance it’s one of those games where I kind of want to go all or nothing with it but I feel like that’s not an ideal way to play that type of game

Either like it should feel very casual to drop in and out of a Farm Sim I feel like like you can binge it certainly and like but it should feel very like yeah play it as much as you want and not matter whereas I feel like with

P like I would want to play it a lot even though you’re doing like stuff in such a kind of single player way it still feels like you end up getting behind if you don’t play it kind of thing but I mean that could be a me issue Oh 15 I got really addicted to fa Farm but I felt like it was very shallow yeah I think it still had just a lot of potential was just it it needed yeah it needed Community feedback and updates Uh what am I doing yeah I don’t know Farm just needed a something I needed a few things but I think it’s just um like if if it was released and that was like the base and it was going to be updated like how stari gets updated or things like that

Like I I think it could have been really really good but without that it’s always going to be just kind of a bit average especially for the price like it’s one of the higher price farm team games around har a Stell never played that star Dev rolls at updates with no prise yeah

Yeah and it’s not like you have to do that for years and years and years but I feel like faay Farm like if they just did that for like a year or something could have made the difference between being kind of average to being like a really good Farm

Sim but yeah my biggest takeaway is that they really need a community feedback though to help shape things especially on the Quality quality of life side I think it would have also helped fa Farm if they developed the um NPCs a lot more cuz that was probably where it was

More shallow and it would have helped it a lot cuz once you get past the initial stuff you get like a bunch of the NPCs where they just have generic dialogue and they literally repeat between characters which makes them feel like they have less personality well it’s 5:00 p.m. time

Flies getting a bit more copper though want to play Harvest Ella more Harvest Stella is that I don’t I don’t know it’s uh it sounds familiar but I can’t place it let me uh let me see now it doesn’t seem to have the best reviews o it’s $90 here $499 to unlock

Moreana uh 6:30 H we get down to 20 that’ be nice might be pushing the time a bit though is today a long stream or CU it’s almost 6:00 a.m. also ah uh not sure didn’t realize it was that late already honestly also coffee

Uh I was hoping we get to 20 but they might be pushing it [Applause] please go away you uh we probably got enough they’ll give us another six ingots ah if we get a tiny bit more that would be nice think we have do we have

Four tiny bit more and we’d have enough two upgrades that’s probably all right paleo was uh interesting I do like paleo I think there’s a lot to like about it just uh yeah it’s just a type of game for me where it’s like an All or Nothing in a sense

Like I don’t necessarily think that’s a paler issue as much as a me issue but yeah like I think p is one of them games where if it was you know x amount of years ago I probably would have played it like a ton oh let me uh oops want to fix this

Slightly cuz I’m not quite even now that there’s a uh health bar uh something like that I’ll do for now sorry of seasons is basically Harvest Moon yeah I’ve only I’ve only played a couple of uh story of Seasons oh need coal pop a few things away hearing some weird noises

Again what do we got uh uh almost enough not quite there do cash anyway so uh did I put the coal away whoops actually don’t have much coal do we I don’t know would it be worth getting the watering can upgrade or the pickaxe upgrade is story of Seasons worth

Playing if so can you imagine a switch version of it h there’s a few story there I think there’s two or three story of season games on uh twitch I’ve got the uh doramon version which is pretty cool run factory I think Harvest is RPG farming

Sim so I remember playing down with it on my switch yeah it looks interesting when I opened it up on Steam just then I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it before but forgot about it but uh the reviews seem quite mixed and like yeah $90 here that whole letter to the fans are

Basically hey since you supported us th far here’s a present which you have to pay for yeah I the monetization is a separate category for me to talk about with paleo I I think they could have done it a lot better yeah they yeah adding pets like

They did was a really dumb PR move move for them too they really shot themselves in the foot there no h i mean I wonder if there’s a mod for like organizing chests cuz I I really want to be able to move these around myself don’t forget the depositing chest

Button yeah I got to remember that you enjoyed story of Seasons tree of towns I haven’t played that one watering can all right I think we’ll get the uh watering can today then oh wait we have enough cash which I don’t think we quite do

No can we sell manually at the shop or do I have to use the box cuz I would like to go and get that upgrade if we Can uh what do we want to sell those and I don’t know those Maybe if we can just sell to the store we can go get our Upgrade I know are there any um Farm Sims coming out uh this year that you guys are looking forward to oh my God it’s Wednesday dang I assume there’s no way I can get money Then you can sell fish to Willie oh yeah about That that may be worth it Then ium I don’t need many I only need 150 Worth Moon so important switch that’s uh is that next month wonder why I was take a weird way to get Here yeah ium we need a couple of fish for that oh what are you oh [Applause] muscle are those berries in the bushes well they look like berries but I couldn’t seem to harvest them so I wasn’t really sure unless I was just using the wrong thing didn’t seem like I could Harvest

Them though [Applause] damn oh ah o that is a that a little awkward not too bad yeah next month sberry season it is Wes Wednesday my dudes good food for the mines okay you have to shake the bush ises that is that a tool or I I thought I’d click them with multiple

Things but maybe I didn’t try empty-handed how much the fish sell [Applause] for am I like making this way more Awkward than it is like it’s it seems super awkward like it drops so fast am I supposed to just Spam click or something it’s different than it like

Reads to me cuz it says to keep it behind the fish but you got to keep it on the fish right o oi I don’t know if I’m just really bad at that or what I find that super awkward no okay a couple more just want that

2K yeah I guess I’ll have to go around and shake the bushes in if I can get the berries I got to figure out this fishing that that’s way more Awkward than I expected Ed I feel like I’m not quite doing it properly like you do have to just keep

It on it right but it says to keep it behind it on the instructions before Oh behind Okay no misunderstanding the language the fish was extremely difficult for me until I got a better run oh okay ah nice which actually how much is a better one which I guess we have the

Bamboo oh interesting training Rod it’s a lot easier to use than other rods but can only catch basic fish I guess we can’t get a better one yet okay we have a challenge I assume uh is better Rod like faster or just uh like more forgiving I Assume uh for now let’s get our watering can upgrade Hello thanks I’ll get S on this as soon as I can she’ll be ready in a couple couple of days are you serious well that’s inconvenient ah crap I didn’t know that now I can’t water my crown HS Ah that’s rough I like Willie keeps himself digs mermaids bigger green bar oh

Okay oh damn I can’t water my crops that’s inconvenient Huh crops won’t dying they just weren’t growing okay let’s good to know they won’t die but I do need the profits okay yeah I see dang I would have at least wed them today if I thought about that cuz that’s going to be like profit on pause for a couple days

Take this time to Go Berry hunting how much uh 25 energy okay not too bad not too bad there’s a few around our place yeah I guess it’s pretty easy food good for the mine which yeah I guess we’ll get a pickaxe upgrade next probably most worthwhile uh yeah we’ll see what else

We can sell damn Farm’s looking a bit dry all right what else we’ll sell that we’ll sell that that oh we had a fish there to sell we’ll sell you uh what else geod blacksmith can break open okay bug meat delicious Maybe oh may sell That uh so what do we need oh we have enough we just need a two coal and we’ll have enough ingots for the pickaxe don’t have the cash but still I don’t know where I got the coal was it from these oh yeah we’re a little cleaning

Up so fun to be here with both jig and sway the folks here from live Beginnings that’s true I appreciate it grab those yeah assume that’ll make the uh mine a bit easier oh actually do um is it literally a couple days to get the watering

Can or does he just like say that but it’s going to be tomorrow yeah I guess we’ll just take those to the mine next trip uh what do we uh want Those may as well craft some seeds not that I can water them but it could rain tomorrow so might as well plant them on my beautiful Farm I assume these are until if you don’t use them from what I’m seeing beautiful symmetry no worries yeah we’ll get our 2K get the

Pickaxe and then I don’t know maybe save a little money after that I don’t really need any of the other tools too immediately that I’m aware of what else do we have here uh all right green slimes get the 40 in the mine oh right got to give someone a gift

Right uh you’re right there cat maybe uh what can I give someone sure someone wants a daffodil I’m sure oh Done all right another 2K we’ll get our pick Manor is almost 200 viewers past my join number Manor loving your first time play Common Sense game are excited to play this game game again soon now oh nice nice well I’m glad uh I’m glad this is

Working out cuz uh yeah I imagine a lot of people have uh played a lot or watch watched a lot of this so didn’t know what it would be like actually watching someone play for the first time so hopefully it’s not uh too bad and I hope oh I need a Drink I really have not drank enough today I was trying to say hello hope you’re doing Well I completely forgot my drink from the first 3 hours of stream that has not Helped we’re going to give a daffodil to I assume it doesn’t matter for this thing would you like a daffodil thanks I don’t know if he liked it but he seems fine giving gifts to a great way to build friendship learn each person IND tastes and we pop through a new

Time yeah I’m really liking it so far I feel like I’ve had a very very slow start but I mean it doesn’t really matter in a Farm Sim there’s no need to rush things obviously and have you not played for a while then or

We’ll just uh I don’t know if we get the watering can tomorrow maybe just sleep yeah I mean energy is low yeah I think we’re good oh level three farming be house nice Farm as a lunch yeah I’m glad uh watching a first time player seems to be going all right so Far hopefully that’ll continue oh it is raining that’s convenient dear Mana how are you doing sweetie I’ve missed you so much since you left left I hope the farming life is everything you hope for love Mom I sent your favorite cookies nice o 90 energy I’m assuming our do our tool

Upgrades get delivered in the mailo Haley likes daffodils what do we need for the uh beeh house wood coal iron bar and maple syrup okay been about 2 3 years but looking forward to starting fresh when the new update comes out oh okay nice nice well uh hopefully I can do it some

Justice in the meantime pop up will show for your tool upgrades no be sure to pick up your tool oh okay I’m assuming that means it’s not ready yet I didn’t know if him saying a couple days was just like saying that or it really would be multiple days

Well look I really need more energy stuff I guess we can get some more berries CU I mean it’s more food and I guess it counts as foraging XP too so that’s probably good man so overgrown I I can’t even get to some of them bushes can I maybe I

Can I guess we can do a little faring don’t remember it’s two or 3 days oh okay that’s rough least it rained that’s that was convenient and damn that’s a powerful fire apparently tent man knows his stuff so um have any of you done a like um heavily modded playthrough at

All or uh mostly you guys play vanilla I guess depending on the platform you just play on it uh only not as much choice in that matter what am I doing this slimes oh how come the health bar like goes back and forth I didn’t notice it was off again

Cuz it was outside and we still had it on I guess if you start the day again it goes away let’s see if we can join the adventurers Guild I do remember the frustration that Clint just closed on Fridays you have yes time to expand is great after playing through vanilla turn oh Yeah ah damn Rock oh that’s convenient there’s actually a bit of copper on this floor go away you on a slime oh let me get my copper I originally played on switch but now that I have a steam deck I’m tempted to get more oh yeah have you uh played star expanded JoJo

Or hoping for more slimes no wait you’re not a wait are you a slime I guess so I keep thinking apples when I see them they look more Apple than slime well while we here I guess we might as well try and go down lower if I have any luck while we have

Energy I can’t toate playing without the mod that allows you to adjust your walking speed anymore the character walks too slow yeah I had been feeling that like it’s not too bad but it it feels like a fast walk instead of like a Sprint was how I was thinking about it

Earlier I I definitely would like to move faster I think especially cuz the days are pretty short too having a bit more speed to be nice um I also really like the idea of that mod that shows the NPCs on the map that actually sounds really nice especially after playing

Now that just seems like a really nice convenient thing oh that doesn’t look good go away no one likes you flying thing oh why you going to have so much health yep expander was great Elliot tended to my cat and made me coffee every morning sounds like you doing

Well how many are we at oh did I complete that one oh no 18 there’s also a tool delivery mod okay yeah I think at the moment the only things I would really want if I was thinking about like changes so far from like kind of First Impressions would be

Yeah to be able to move a bit faster um to have NPCs show on the map and to be able to manually organize chests think that’s about all I mean I’m sure there are other little Quality of Life mods that would be nice but like they’re the only really things that

Like have come up to me so far uh I [Applause] think I mean even the movement speed is not too bad it’ just be nice to be a bit faster and NPCs on the map that’s more of a convenience it’s not really a big deal I would really really like to be able

To um manually sort chests though for sure I’m kind of surprised you can’t unless I’m just somehow missing something it seems odd to not be able to do that damn this is a much larger floor going to need some food does um does mobile have like the same mods

Or I assume it would be a more awkward but I I assume at least on Android you can mod I me I’m assuming I don’t call if I’ve been told yeah it’s too bad switch can’t do [Applause] mods excuse me all hopefully we can get down to

20 do I need to reach the center or guess we’ll see FY there’s a bon of aut stack items in the chests oh yeah uh I’m sometimes remembering that exists Jake mentioned earlier but I’ll probably forget it a few times so reminders will probably be helpful yeah I just mainly want to be

Able to reorder the chests like just manually drag things around like like how you can in the inventory like just just be able to do this in chests which again maybe I missed some like maybe you have to hold a button or something or cuz I I don’t yeah not a big

Deal o full small magnet ring uh what else can I drop we can eat some of the algae maybe why not hopefully find a ladder it’s 8:00 p.m. there’s a mod for everything Community is really passionate I like the ql expanded game content NY ones

Yeah I I would imagine there is a lot of variety with the game like this oh steel small sword nice very nice can I break these chests okay I can disappear yes ah sword upgrade though that’s nice what’s that uh 2 to five 4 to8 plus two speed nice instant Barrel aging was

Amazing think that was a pretty good Hall I mean didn’t get a crazy amount of all but got a few more slimes got a new sword got a ring slightly increase your radius for collecting items sounds good and save money not having to buy the EX sword upgrade also

Good hopefully we we get our uh watering can tomorrow or rain either one’s good oh man it’s 620 getting on a bit uh what did I just put away that’s all good pop that away but yeah I don’t know am I missing can I like shift drag or or is it just

That it made it organized but like I don’t know I like to be a like space things out in chests and stuff I said us to and I’m sure they probably is a mode for uh that if I really wanted it uh I think we’re probably good for today anything I want to

Sell ah probably good oh combat sturdy ring bug Steak that’s that’s something your coppering copper watering can is ready nice oh but it’s raining convenient bam Mana I have a request for you I need fresh cauliflower for a recipe I want to make could you bring me one maybe is that just like an open thing no time to get our watering

Can oh that’s my drink empty um yeah I guess uh we get a watering can but we don’t need it for today at least that’s always thing with these uh type of games it’s always like super convenient in the early game when it rains saves time and energy it’s locked oh right

Oh fine I’ll scavenge random things while I wait Don’t Judge Me So my fa you guys throw out good Cola and fish any other berries around we can grab algae not sure if B algae is great but is nutrition probably with some risk though when’s the next uh okay flower dance

Okay it’s very quiet out here I guess uh not many people outside when it’s raining oh yeah I hadn’t come back here have we I assume we can read that thing now or we still there where hell are you crafts room reward Bridge repair oh okay let’s See do place that okay okay like the uh shrines in caral Island although I’d probably be saying that in Reverse if i’ played this first okay well that’s simple enough that’s bit more complicated so what horse raddish leak and Dan I guess we as a grab those it says reward Bridge repair I Assume is that that one maybe the rain I dislike I knowing this is uh I know it’s kind of quiet peaceful covers the crops I do prefer the nice uh bright day though for sure and it’s more like an early game thing when it’s uh convenient doesn’t really matter as much

Once you have like sprinkles and stuff we may as well do that what do we needed uh one of those one of those and one of those hopefully we start clearing up more of our place just need more uh better source of energy but I feel like I I probably want

To aim to aim towards getting uh sprinklers as soon as possible cuz the sooner we can get sprinkles the sooner we can uh you know not have to use energy in the morning for watering cuz that way we’re can have more and more crops without having to worry

Just got to get down to the iron Uh nice bundle complete oh seeds oh reward Bridge repair that’s for all of them oh okay I thought that was just like showing the next Reward ah okay I’m assuming is that correct like I have to do all of them to get the uh Bridge repair that one’s similar enough although I assume I can’t get hardwood till I get a better Axe and then just got to wait for seasons on those this one bit more over

Place H yep okay Oh okay is that your house okay bye-bye oh okay oh I want to make sure we’re on this then before uh Springs up okay is that a similar kind of Thing okay I have to get one of each of those then what about you oh fish bundle Okay yeah I guess we want to make sure we have uh everything planted cuz we’re we’re creeping up a bit towards the end of the month not sure if we have every water we have planted Welcome to PS how can I help you PS AEM Come and Get It folks kubon 50% off for your joj M 50% well any Tak that’s Rough but I can’t match those prices i’ be selling at a loss it must be so difficult for you to lose your lower customers like that that but can you blame them JG Corporation is clearly a superior Choice soon the whole town will realize that it’s farmer Mana yes it

Is I had a lot of field snacks early on can craft soon maybe with nuts and seeds like a trail mix that’s canola oh yeah impossible cauliflower takes 13 days unless you have some already I did have some I sold them I don’t know if any are growing hopefully they

Are H I’m just going to grab them in case for right now I have to check yeah I sold a cauliflowers previously hopefully some of the mixed ones were growing I feel like they might be have to check yeah we have a couple caulif flowers going hopefully they’ll be there by the

End of the month then and just in case yeah as long as they were planted a few days ago which they should have been but I think we’ll be able to cover that and yeah so like these bushes like can they actually be removed uh I guess we may as well spring

Seed yeah I guess we may as well plant these I guess technically if any of the M cauliflower we may not make it but probably no reason to hold on to them to next spring and it’s raining so that’s convenient although crap I need to go and pick up the water and

Can let’s grab that first before it hits 400 p.m. yeah that definitely makes me want to move faster hello gang hope you’re doing well you can I join I’m new to this game but multiplayer sound fun uh I’m new to as well only first time playing it but

Um at the moment I’m just doing a single player world when I learn the ropes H watering can thank you got that a bit close forgot about that did you uh only get Stu recently or have you me in the mine very briefly I made a couple of small trips

There enough to get a copper watering can and five ingots more need to get some uh better Food Supplies I think hearing a couple weird noises around here again sure if I trust this place probably would want I probably want to focus on the mine a bit really

Cuz as soon as we can get to uh iron the sooner we can get uh sprinklers CU this Farm’s getting a little out of control could probably use some uh structure not sure about these uh I don’t know if they’re covering enough on not I we probably won’t keep planning

This whole thing but for right now it’s fine a little clearing while we’re in it I assume all of this just continually grows back I feel like a lot of these little trees have popped up still slowly getting a bit clearer you can check what you need for

The community center bundles from your inventory there’s a golden button on the top right oh I see I see okay okay that’s useful thank you definitely makes things easier o yeah is this just like um can you properly like clear things forever or do they always grow

Back I mean I guess good supply of wood but I want the F to be nice and clean man the energy goes faster I’m sure we’ll need the wood anyway and sap get rid of some of this ground stuff so we can at least walk around a little easier

Oh I forgot to check back down here too anything’s growing H that’s one thing though yeah this area is kind of the messiest at the moment now 25 and 12 that’ll cover us suspicious sounds again just going to ignore that oh probably don’t want to pass out

Good uh was there anything we want to sell uh most of it’s probably fine oh cave car’s one we needed for one of them too wasn’t it oh it does a it moves when you hover over something you need H that’s cool o yeah we hit zero I think that’s probably all

Good kitty by the fire ah the rain was very convenient for a couple days oh okay that’s how that works okay okay definitely faster also yeah is this like Dinkum where Uh like if I exit does it save or does it save when I last Slept like if I just want to see how that works okay L slipped last okay that’s good to know just got bad family news guess is my week of [ __ ] I’m sorry to that JoJo uh 640 yeah I probably should have about rra up here for the day shouldn’t

I getting towards 7: a.m. so probably shouldn’t push my limits too much um yeah this is probably a good point to wrap up we uh we got our watering can upgrade got a new sword well crops are crops are happening I have a bit of a path forward

What to do got the bundles to work on get some money get our pickaxe get some sprinklers going yeah I mean there’s a lot there’s a lot to do house upgrade people yeah and I’m getting tired yeah thank you guys all very much for hanging out I appreciate

It they’ll grow unless you place down floors oh okay yeah I wish it was a bit earli cuz I would have kept going but 7 getting towards 7:00 a.m. usually means I should probably wrap up what do you think of the game so far yeah I really like it I think I’m still

Very like early stages for it I’m still kind of learning things and all that but uh yeah very good first impressions I would say couple of quality of life mods I wouldn’t mind so like the speed uh organizing inventory and showing NPCs on the map but very minor things can definitely see

Um can definitely see a lot of coral island in this all the other way around type of thing so I think in that way I’ll I’ll enjoy it a lot either way cuz I do like that um yeah I know I we’ve been going for a

Good number of hours but it’s still very um yeah I still feel like I’ve only just kind of started so yeah definitely good first impressions I’m sure there will be many more hours to come thanks for streaming H sir hope you sleep well it’s great to be back here it

Is appreciate you all hanging out it is uh it is good to be back streaming again yeah thank you for being here sway thank you for the stream thank you for being here Jake glad you’re able to be here thanks for stream we stream again tomorrow thank you for being here Jess

And yeah yeah I’ll be streaming tomorrow thanks for streaming Mana thank you for being spu thanks for streaming thank you for being here Kelly glad you’re all able to be here I appreciate it it’s good to catch up good to uh start something new love watching this thanks

Mono good to have you in spirit to be back in Saddle be well as chat uh be well as can be chat friends you’re all bright light thank you for being here JoJo hope uh everything goes okay for You I will uh try to be distraction if needed cuz I should be pretty much streaming every night uh this week I imagine I don’t I don’t think there’s any reason I should be uh needing to have a we day off or anything so that’ll be good probably um probably play more Stu

Tomorrow night maybe um and yeah I want to get back to tears the kingdom see you around thank you for being here Grayson thank you for playing thank you for being here Emmy here’s question when will the Q&A video be uh hopefully soon I’m just been delayed on it uh I couldn’t really give a day yet though um yeah I’ll hopefully be recording it quite soon Though yeah thank you all very much for hanging out I uh I definitely need some Sleep oh hello K yeah so um yeah tomorrow night we’ll either do more Stu or tears of the Kingdom probably more sty though I think that’ll be good oh I’m definitely tired my brain is just kind of like ready to turn off yeah I really appreciate you all being here though Bingo catching

Up and uh yeah I’ll probably I’ll try and start maybe a tiny bit earlier tomorrow night um not like too much earlier but I’ll probably try and like tonight it was like 12:40 I’ll probably try and start a bit closer to 12 tomorrow maybe

So we can go a little bit longer if we want To yeah I just appreciate you being here is z to come Wait oh man I’m like so tired all of a sudden honestly like I just feel like I just drop into Bed I should probably do that uh just thank you again I really appreciate you all hope you have been having a good week hope you have a good rest of your day and uh I’ll talk to you guys soon Bye-bye

Hello hello! 👨‍🌾 Tonight we are starting a new farm life in Stardew Valley! 🚜🐄🐐🐏🐓 – “You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home?!”

💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/Ezg6ZhfaSB
🦆 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ModdedMana
💰 Patreon: https://patreon.com/ModdedMana

🎶 Music 🎶
Just Breathing (Instrumental) by NEFFEX
Staycation by Corbyn Kite


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