Terraria Xbox – My First Night [1]

Hello this is stampy and welcome to a let’s play of a game called terraria this is a game that’s been on pc for a while uh but it’s just been released on the xbox 360 and playstation 3 and yeah i’m about to start playing and the

Reason i’m starting off in the menu is because i’ve never played this game before so i’m gonna create myself a character and load up my world and i’m gonna spend my first night in terraria and i think that the way that most people describe this game is like 2d

Minecraft which i think is a bit unfair because it does do quite a lot of things differently than minecraft but and yeah i mean there are a lot of similarities and you’re gonna see that uh once we get started but first i guess i gotta i gotta make myself a character um are

There like loads of different hair types okay is this this all my choice here um what kind of hair should i go for i kind of want kind of like an afro here we go that’s me that’s what i look like and uh it’s kind of like brown sort of

How my hair is i guess kind of that kind of color um i don’t know it kind of looks very orange on the color wheel but um yeah i’ll go for it like that eye color i have green eyes um i might make them slightly brighter than they are in real

Life uh skin color um i could go orange so i look like my cat in minecraft i guess um i don’t know if that’s a little bit too orange there there we go that would do that’s kind of realistic hair color uh shirt color um actually not i think i have normal

Color skin can i can i go back here we go i can switch between them if i have kind of normal skin there we go kind of slightly pale and then i go for an orange top um should i go for something like that that’ll do uh undershirt color okay i

Can have different color sleeves what about like white sleeves that look alright or red sleeves black sleeves i don’t i don’t know what goes well for orange that looks all right doesn’t it whatever color that is and then what color pen shall i have i might just go for jeans just standard

Jeans there we go that looks just like me of course i was looking into a mirror for a second there uh standard black shoes lovely jubbly uh difficulty and what’s the difference here okay so we got normal where when you die you drop your money uh difficult drop all items hardcore

Death is permanent no thank you mate i won’t last long like that uh yeah i think i’ll just go for normal for now while i’m getting used to it and yeah i i am a male 1 another little different sounds it makes okay yeah okay sorted that that’s my character that’s that’s me

Um let’s go uh enter character name i think i think i’ll go for just stampy just so it’s not too long in case it’s written anywhere there we go character name stampy there’s me now let’s start playing so i’ve never played this game before this is all

Going to be completely new to me i know a little bit about the game because um i have seen a bit of gameplay from the pc version but this is my first time ever playing so i might as well do it online and invite only i’m actually playing this game

Before it comes out so i don’t think there’ll be anyone else playing it right now i’m actually need to thank 505 games for sending me this game so i could make this video although sadly there was an embargo so i couldn’t actually um yeah i couldn’t actually upload this

Video before the game came out so you’re seeing this on the day of release and you can actually choose a world side which is kind of different to minecraft and the small world is massive the medium world is like extra massive and large world is like extra extra massive

And i think i might go large i don’t see any reason to pick a smaller world because i really only want to make one world and i can imagine everyone’s going to sort of join into my world and build houses and stuff so yeah let’s make

Myself a large world oh and i can call it something um i’m putting the spot here uh stampies oh god i hate having to type in videos i really need to get keyboard so i can do this better yes stampies wonderful world there we go instead of stampy’s lovely world stampedes wonderful world

Stampese wonderful wow i love the music in the background as well sounds really epic stampede’s wonderful world beautiful just generating it adding in some sand i’m gonna have some dirt i’m gonna have some rocks okay so i might as well explain a little bit about what this

Game is as i said it’s been out on pc for a while it was developed by re logic uh it’s been ported over to uh the consoles by 505 games uh if you’re thinking about picking it up uh it cost you uh twelve thousand microsoft points i’m sorry twelve hundred uh microsoft

Points on xbox which equates to about 11.99 on the playstation network that’s pounds that is um i think it’ll probably be about 15 and probably about 14 euros i’d assume and yeah i mean people do compare it to minecraft a lot and you’ll see why it does do quite a lot of things

Different there’s probably a bigger emphasis on combat than there is in minecraft there’s a lot of bosses you’ve got to go and fight and it’s all from a 2d perspective so that kind of by itself changes a lot of the rules and there’s a lot more weapons and items than in

Minecraft you can get like like shotguns and flamethrowers and jet packs and all sort of crazy stuff and i mean it is very similar to minecraft but i think it does and nothing’s different and it’s got enough new additions to sort of make it its own game i’m just really looking

Forward to playing i’ve been waiting so long to get it and i couldn’t play it on pc because i don’t have a pc i have a mac so i couldn’t actually play on mac it’s not available yet they might be adding it on mac which would be kind of

Awesome and yeah let’s just get going as i said i’ve never played it before and what i’m actually going to do is i’m going to spend my first night as a complete move so hopefully things will be a bit more exciting that way of me not knowing what i’m doing and then

After i record this video i’m going to go and do a playthrough of the tutorial because there is actually a proper tutorial so i’m kind of kind of going to go in as a noob first because i think it might be a bit more fun and then once

I’ve done this first video i’m going to do another video of me playing through the tutorial so i’m going to leave that as a link in the description if you want to watch that to sort of find out a little bit more about the game and all the different features and they’ve

Actually added uh some new stuff to the um to the xbox version and the playstation version that wasn’t actually in the pc but anyway here we are into the game play sorry it took me like six minutes to get into the gameplay but here we are this is

Terraria and who’s this guy there’s just a random guy here uh this is zach can i speak to him press b i’m here to give you advice on what to do next it is recommended that you talk with me anytime you get stuck okay that’s useful um

Right there seems to be a little slime down there i can press the right trigger oh i got a sword already oh look i’ve got a few items i got a copper short sword i got a copper pickaxe and a normal ax so let’s cut down a tree shall we

And i actually believe it’s different to minecraft it’s got different tree physics so that i think that once you get rid of the bottom block of a tree it should all just come down and uh there we go i don’t think this axe is very good i

Don’t know i’m gonna attack my slime get out of it oh it’s actually going for me oh come on i’m not getting killed by slime in the first second there we go okay so i need to find out a bit more about the controls so why brings up my inventory i

Can see everything here that i’ve got i guess this is how i equipped things there’s me there don’t i look awesome look at my massive hair uh housing i know you can actually build houses and have people like move in like ai characters and i guess here this is

Crafting i assume then this is everything i can craft uh there’s not much i can make right now um i guess i should try and get some more wood and oh no zack’s getting attacked by the slime take that you slide take that you feed it’s the most pathetic little stab in

The world look i’m just trying to poke it come on come on i’m not getting killed by bloody little slime i really need to get used to the uh the controls like i’ve seen a few videos from um websites where they’ve shown move this little gamepl around so i can be

More exact and okay i can push in the left analog stick to jump i can switch through my stuff with the uh l bumper and the r bumper i don’t know what left trigger does okay x throws things x-rays through my sword that’s going to get awkward when i’m

Trying to um trying to craft and used to minecraft controls i’m going to keep dropping everything by pressing x and i need to build a house it does work like minecraft in the same way that when the sun goes down when it gets dark that is when the googlies rule

The land and there’s going to be a whole load of nasties coming out thankfully no creepers in this game i assume but um yeah i do need to be careful so i guess i need to to start gathering some wood and then i’m going to go and try and

Start building my house okay have you got something else to say zach what’s going on oh wrong button i have a feeling i’m going to keep dropping a lot of stuff uh greetings stampy long nose is this something i can help you with yeah tell me how to craft um

You haven’t really helped me mate you’ve kind of just brought me back to the menu i’d already found that um okay let’s explore for a bit you haven’t sort of wandered around oh here we have some stone i might as well grab that so i can possibly make some stone tools or something

I don’t actually know if your tools break i can’t actually see um like how like good the condition of them is but you’d assume that it would come up and this is this is quite a wonderful world it does look nice i do like the art style of this game everything does

Look quite cool and all what’s this here i found i found a thing was that a healing potion did that say a healing something or other i don’t actually ever have a shovel yet so i don’t really know what i can use to dig i guess i can use a pickaxe

Yeah i think you might have to just get dirt with a pickaxe because the normal axe doesn’t work okay well i got myself some dirt might come in handy i’m gonna get rid of this tree because it’s massive and should give me like loads of wood

And then i’m really gonna have to start building a house soon because i can see the sun there and it is still midday now i don’t wanna spend too long just sort of wandering around having fun and then the night comes down and i immediately

Get killed i don’t know if i can make a bed and sleep through the night like i really don’t know how it all works um okay let’s pick a nice place to make a house then i got quite a lot of wood and so let me just try and get rid of some

Of this ground here if i can i might as well get rid of that one tree that’s above me because that’s going to really annoy me otherwise yeah so i think basically the way the controls works is there’s like an easy mode where you can just sort of

Generally attack things in the vicinity and then you push down the right analog stick if you need to be exact and like destroy a specific block and there’s a bunny hello bunny oh can you be my friend i know you can get pets i don’t know how

You do it though oh how do i get you as my pet oh please be my pet are you gonna be my pet bunny okay i’ll just kill it instead oh that was horrible i regret doing that like broken off i’m sorry buddy oh i feel bad now

Okay i guess the way you get pets isn’t by stabbing them in the face i’m learning i’m learning oh is it there’s like a like a mushroom here yeah i’ve got a mushroom can make some mushroom stew there’s so many trees around there i might get rid of some of these more

Massive trees and i get a bit more wood i don’t know how i don’t know how to build i’m assuming it’s going to be left trigger if right triggers attack and i also need to think about getting some food saying that i don’t even know if i need

To eat to survive i look at all these trees um i kind of just want to want a bit of flat land without any um without any trees there so i can start building and almost down here i’m going to regret going down iran i don’t know

If i’m going to be able to get back out or i don’t want to go down there i don’t even have any torches or anything right can i get back out you can jump quite uh quite high it’s quite easy to get around on this game and i know there are lots

Of ways you can fly as well like as i said earlier like jet packs and stuff so uh like i think moving around should be quite easy right can i do what i do in minecraft and jump and press blocks under me um how do i place blocks do i need to like

Turn this wood into like wooden planks or something um okay sorry i know i’m a total new but i’m getting there i’m getting there uh a work bench i guess that’s basically like a crafting table a wood platform there we go so these can be placed and uh i need to

Put it up i think on your inventory basically this top row is like your quick select bar so i guess if i now jump i can press blocks under me can i oh there we go yeah i know is this right trigger to build i know there’s a blue slime there

Here we go i’m kind of i’m kind of getting my way out leave me alone slime i’m trying to escape yeah i managed to escape okay i’m getting there and i really need to start building my house so i’m gonna get one more tree just to

Get a bit more wood and then i’m gonna find a nice place to build my first little house i don’t know if i need to get any like coal or anything to make any torches there’s just slimes everywhere though um the world looks very similar so far i

Don’t know if there’s like separate biomes and stuff like there is in minecraft but i kind of like this very bright colorful land um come on where’s a good place for a house oh there’s something else down here what’s this stuff is that is that minor ball what is it oh

Iron ore just like lying around on the surface jolly good maybe make some iron tools another mushroom is this more iron ore iron all just lying on the surface i know that that’s just stone oh come on where’s it guys i just want a big open flat area where i can build a

House oh there’s so there’s something down there look there’s something kind of like glowing there under the surface do you reckon that’s like copper or something i reckon it might be let me try using the exact mode okay i guess i need to get rid of that tree to

To get rid of that that block there come on tree destroy i need to get a bear axe it takes ages with that rubbish axe all right let’s go wherever this stuff is and then i’ll finally start building my house yeah here we go i found some more copper

I’m doing all right i know i’m doing okay my first ever time like i really need to play the tutorial to be fair and i think it might actually be getting darker now now be careful don’t die oh there’s a nice little pool there’s a

Fish how can i kill the fish i got a goldfish yummy i’m gonna eat that later on i’ll leave it with my mushroom i have fish and mushroom right here we go this is where i’m gonna build my house just because um yeah it is actually getting

Dark now so um yeah i need to start building right okay so let’s just get rid of some of these trees i’m gonna level this land and then i’m gonna start building oh no look the music’s changing oh no look the music’s changed is that because it’s getting dark is that

Because all the googlies are about to come out right oh what’s this oh they are what’s that this was that a little eater eater of souls oh go go away leave me alone don’t be my house yeah i’ve only got my little rubbish sword i know that there’s loads

Coming oh why did i start building early i don’t was going to get like this no no i’ve already got a half a heart no run away run away stampede look i got killed i was slain quick i need to respawn wherever i’m back here i’m back here

Okay right i just need to build a house here then i’ve still all my stuff i’m okay i’m okay uh it seems to be quite lenient if you die when you’re on normal mode right let’s start building and i guess can i not just start building here there we go

Here we go this can be the wall of my house i guess oh what a lovely little house this is gonna be too right um okay i don’t need too high a ceiling i guess i think you can only place things like when they’re quite close to you uh

I can’t build through that tree let me just get rid of this tree i wish i built where i was building my house earlier i quite like that little area with my little pond next to me my little goldfish pond and i mean i’m just gonna take a while

To get used to the controls like it was obviously built for pc you can tell like the way this cursor mode works that it should be on pc but i’m still glad that it’s on console because as i said i got a mac not a pc so i know of a way to

Play this game and plus all my friends play on xbox i can play all of them right okay so let’s just carry on uh building this round here let’s just make something safe so when i’m attacked again i have somewhere safe to be there we go there’s my nice little home

I’m just going to level up the ground a bit i think and then i might put down some uh some flooring just some wooden flooring it’s a bit weird building in 2d it all kind of seems a bit a bit strange like i don’t think this game has like

Quite the same emphasis on building amazing things as minecraft does i think a lot of it is about uh surviving and just sort of gathering materials and stuff and there’s also bosses there’s a whole load of bosses which apparently are really difficult to uh kill and you

Kind of like they’re quite difficult to get as well you need to like summon them the one i saw you had to go down to hell and it was a boss called uh like a wall of flesh and you had to like throw like a voodoo doll

Like down into some lava in hell and it’s summoned like this massive boss that you could then try and take out and actually believe there’s some uh some bosses and other content that’s exclusive to the console version uh so that’s quite cool it’s nice that they’re

Being nice to us like that okay so let me just fill in that bit of dirt have i got any dirt on me there we go there’s a dirt block there oh is that all dirt there i think i built my house out of dirt oh this is a dirt house that’s not

Even wood right i need i need to make some torches then i guess um i can’t even see anything right how do i make torches do i have anything that i need uh crafting torches there we go i made some i what do i need i need

I don’t know what i’m using to make them is that like slime i’m using to make them there we go i’m holding some torches let’s put some of these up oh what a lovely little dirt house i’ve made ah and poor zach’s there stuck outside are

You all right zach do you need to come in the house i need to make a door and stop throwing my tools on the floor how do i make a door crafting workbench can i make a workbench um i don’t know where it’s out here we go ingredients if i press y

Do i need uh uh this is this is confusing okay i think i need to make some more some more wooden blocks i really should have done the tutorial first shouldn’t i uh wooden platform i guess that’s that’s what i should have used to to build my

House out of i can’t make the workbench um okay so where’s my wooden my wooden planks then or wooden platforms okay there’s my wood there i kind of want to replace the dirt with all the wood and there’s my goldfish consumable oh that gets my

Health up can i just eat the goldfish as it is um yeah i kind of want to replace my walls with um with wooden walls actually all right let me get rid of this here i’ll be careful of that slime i can take care of the

Slimes i can deal with the slimes those other flying things that destroyed me right yeah let’s get all this dirt and let’s put some wood down there instead shall we um come on zach do you want to come in you can come with my house sack

There we go welcome to the house this looks nicer this looks nicer than the dirt and oh i’m just placing it everywhere okay i might just do it like this and then i get i get rid of that dirt in the morning because i can’t really reach it from here

There we go i just get rid of this little wall here and place this with dirt and hopefully no googly’s gonna rush in the second i open it and i’ll go to all my torches as well i need to put them back down we’ll just show one of

Them down now oh i think i just punched zach sorry zach go and put the torch down it’s quite cool that you can kind of just hold it i know things are coming there’s a zombie there’s a zombie quick level up fill it up fill up pull it up there we go

There’s a zombie at my door and a bunny as well i think that’s the brother of the bunny i killed earlier just came down have you seen thumper he was around here a second ago and i can’t find him i’m sorry bunny okay well here we go my

First night in terraria i’ve already died once and look at my house doesn’t it look so lovely okay so what i’m gonna do i’m gonna end the video here and as i said earlier i’m going to go into a play through the tutorial and hopefully learn

A little bit about the game i don’t know that bunny died as well it was killed by a zombie no luck for bunnies today no luck for bunnies and see you later guys you can’t get in i’ve even got a door you have no

Way of getting in oh yes as i said i’m going to go play the tutorial uh hopefully learn a little bit more about the game and then i’m going to go and do a part two of this let’s play and so hopefully you enjoyed watching this video despite the fact i did absolutely

Awful and i also want to thank 505 games for sending me this game and allowing me to make this video but that’s the end of it now thanks for watching and i’ll see you later bye

Part 2 – http://youtu.be/2GhrhK548Ng

Tutorial Walkthrough – http://youtu.be/X-KA1bp9r3Q

Welcome to my Let’s Play of the Xbox 360 Edition of Terraria. In this series I will learn how to play the game while I have fun in my wonderful world. I will go mining, build things and eventually try to defeat all of the bosses.

In this video I start up a new world and spend my first night Terraria.

My main channel – http://www.youtube.com/stampylongnose

Twitter – @stampylongnose

Facebook – www.facebook.com/stampylongnose

Podcast – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/stampys-lovely-podcast/id590290102?mt=2

Email – stampylongnose@hotmail.co.uk


  1. Stampy I know you won’t see this but I loved these when I was younger I’m now 15 but I watched these sooo long ago just decided to watch it again feels so nostalgic thank you for a good childhood

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