Stardew Valley Expanded – Let’s Play Ep 298

Hello friends and fellow Farmers all right let’s get stuff watered here uh where we now uh there’s a weirdness there I’ve had a little bit of uh frame stuttering here I’m noticing it’s still there um what i is if you’ve noticed the day to skip forward I any snowy day I just SL

Through and I’ve noticed snow is not the great even on regular um and I’ve got had snow effects turned off and all that but it’s still there’s a bit of a stutter this is much better um another thing I’ve experimented with is I might go and get rid of some of the auto

Grabbers hello have an idea they’ll really put Pelican down on a map America day I also updated mods uh but I didn’t up none of the core ones need updating so it’s doesn’t seem to be that it just came out of nowhere we may be a small

Town but with hard work we can create a we can create a market that’s know one across fill maybe across the world what do you say uh yeah great we’ll start a small just you and and uh two other shops at first you’ll be able to Showcase your best

Three items as soon as you sell 40,000 of items we can expand bigger shops automatic restocking the sky the limit as where you become more famous you can sell more items for more money to encourage you every week I’ll reward a prize if the shop reaches the sales

Goal all right uh let’s do Fridays sure great no festivals to interrupt uh Comm Commerce Friday it is what if rains or snows cancel the market still have it I’m not afraid of a bit of bad weather yeah let’s do it anyway sure I admire your enthusiasm person I don’t

Much like the snow those are the main things we need to decide we can work out the finer points in the future okay uh no I can look at the options later kind of the screen locks uh a man of action let’s get started here’s to a very profitable

Venture um the options are fine they the default options were good okay I was so bored out here in the desert I wrote you a letter here’s a recipe for some uh soup Tom CA soup from Sandy uh my dear mod Hodge I was cleaning up my minerals collection found

This gemstone that was super fluous to my requirements but will perhaps be of some use to you regards Jasper starting tomorrow a traveling Merchant Fleet will dock at Pelican town for a yearly Night Market Market starts of 5 won’t be import for the next few days okay Lots going on oh my goodness

Hello snow people uh so yeah what I’m going to do is um I’m going to also eliminate I think some of the autographs I’m keep a couple of core ones here um and then I’m going to get rid of uh yeah some of the other ones

Let’s see here we could take these uh joer berries out of here um yeah there’s a lot of possibilities I suspect that could be happening so we’ll find out exactly what ex what’s going on whether it’s that uh like my my guess is that it’s something something that’s it’s you know like a

Tick speed sort of thing where it’s trying to do something but it can’t uh that something along those lines it doesn’t seem to be I don’t think it’s my computer because it kind of came out of nowhere and nothing had been changed um Let’s do let’s see here we still have this

Issue I’m going to go through the town we had this issue still with the mayor this is operating a lot better I do think the snow had some to do with that but what happens is every few frames sorry every few seconds I lose a couple frames and it just kind of frame

Drops and it’s it’s really weird it’s normally quite consistent but then this tiny little stutter I said the snow was seeming to make it significantly worse so we’ll see where did I put this thing a here it is let’s get rid of you oh man um you know what we’re going to

Do I’m going to keep the ores here maybe that and everything else here I’m going to just grab and dump in here I don’t need any of these things so we’re just going to put these things in the compost cuz I can’t break this thing uh I oh I

Could use a you know what that might be the best idea is yeah yeah yeah let’s try this okay so let’s go to uh our home I guess we’ll come here we’ll grab the gems and I’ll just grab these cuz what I’m going to do might leave that one that one’s

Handy uh the AL grab on the beach eh whatever the woods like I’ll take all this good stuff I you know I like the good stuff but the problem is is yeah if it is in fact causing me any grief I don’t care said grief um okay oh Island South is interesting cuz

That really does just give you good stuff so there’s a few of these um that really mostly just are good like the the stuff it gives you is really nice so not going to complain about those okay so the farm uh right and I’ve got one here oh my

Gosh okay let’s go in here and uh see what do I have chest number two what is this one oh this is my uh my grinder upper isn’t it is this where I got yeah that’s where those go okay that’s perfect all right so let’s see

Now if I have uh in my handy dandy uh traveler’s chest here Farm gifts no that’s not my gifts Livia Quest processing no shell shipping bin toolbox there we go got a few things in my toolbox by a couple of things I mean uh watch out

Everybody it doesn’t work on this oh my gosh of course it doesn’t um okay well let’s do this oh I see it only will allow me to do this once I’m overflowed so we’ll just we can axe these out but they didn’t want to seem to axe out by themselves so anyway this

Is going to be an episode where we try to resolve uh this problem uh I noticed that uh like rather than it wasn’t fixing straight up and I was like okay I’m going to I’m restarting the the the day every day I was getting Groundhog Day fatigue so I thought you know what

Let’s just try and fix it and we’ll see if we can make it happen it’s not the worst at the moment so hopefully we uh we figure out what this is all about um I don’t think it’s a movie theater it yeah it’s interesting some areas is far more noble than others

Inventory full yeah there it’s like there’s something that’s trying to happen and it cannot because of this inventory conflict or something I don’t know or was that maybe my body tried to pick up something and it was like no sir we can’t do it that’s not an option so

At any rate I updated a bunch of the mods and uh so we’ll see we’ve got uh um some good ones going um I had a long s list of suggestions so I updated core stuff and then I added pretty much all the suggestions I had um and it was

There’s a lot of subtle small things that are going to just quality of life improvements mostly um Mr Ginger I didn’t have I thought I did and uh so we’ll have that going and then uh what else do we have um Mr Ginger and I think that was the one in

The market day uh one that obious that’ll be a big one we need still need to sort out this whole situation with um the uh the red book ah you know what that’s something we can go and try right now the deed that we needed to deal with

Um to open up that farming area next to our Farm uh also that that leaves a bit of a weird it’s an odd note to our okay let’s go in here um the one comment was that try mousing uh let’s maybe not hold that okay dude

Uh no okay let’s let’s go over here let’s item Stow okay okay so is there I mean there’s a clicky Place one suggestion was that maybe there’s a bit of a map that was you know an area that was wasn’t quite working right when you’re using

The oh no we don’t want to gift him things what’s up man yeah I’m doing better if I could you know figure out your okay well the other suggestion was then to go and check out what’s happening over at the uh turn see we got

To get the property maybe we need to go get it at um up at the uh at jojamart that’s possible um yeah some areas I definitely you notice the the frame stuttering a little bit more than others but it’s it’s as though it’s trying to do something and it can’t

That’s the feeling I got okay well something’s happening here maybe this is it ah yes please come in normally we just stroll on in we own this joint so you decide to purchase more property great to hear if there’s anyone who will get good use out of that land

It’s you oh my inventory is full man there’s a ledger in this bookshelf purchase the property deed then turn it into me for approval I look forward to seeing what you do with the space now I need to take care of something come help me later with that sign

Deed okay so let’s let’s clear out some stuff here um and just in case we actually have to put this in our inventory I don’t want to have a problem okay let’s get in there okay okay so uh collection of age Scotch H I’m kind of wondering if I need to go

And now now I can go get it from uh what’s his face I can’t buy it here can I it would seem like an odd thing to buy the counter no all right well let’s go and we’ll go see if Morris has it now not Morris uh Lewis The ises Morris and

Lewis and we have our um I’ve got a grabber on the island we got a lot there’s about four or five more Auto Grabbers that I I would like to decommission just to see if it helps at all huh okay turn in the property sign the property deed and submit $250,000 using

The bookshelf in my office well how in the math do we do that sign the property deed turn the property deed to Le okay well where is the deed this isn’t the you know I it’s I’m not complaining of the game it’s game’s lovely however okay so I’m guessing I don’t

Know it’s not there I I feel like it’s going to resolve it’s one of those things it’s maybe something’s conflicting or being goofy and then down the road it’ll be like oh yeah we got it all figured out I’m not going to stress on it it’ll sort out

It does seem like the uh time delay on some things as well you know it it wouldn’t be surprising to me that it we’ll just take a day or I don’t know we’ll see oh I’m going to sit here at the counter yeah let’s do Biz

Man so yeah I I must it must be an object I have to get and then now I’m concerned I I don’t know man it seems like I I need to get it from Lewis and then I need to give it to Morris but I’m not sure okay let’s get over this

Way okay you know what would make this day better is if I drink some super joa Cola cuz if you’re going to have uh problems with your frames make sure you really have problems maybe they’re less noticeable when I’m moving at this speed yeah I’m like come on man just let

Me if I smash it with a no all right okay so let’s get rid of some of this stuff uh oh crud okay so we need to leave these things in our inventory and then it’ll let me drag these over this is going to be a fun exercise

Here that’s not the worst it could be worse but I guess I’ll just leave full inventory now that that’ll help us out we have another one just around the corner here so that’s good all right one down here’s another one okay this one’s not quite so bad wonder what’s TR saying to the

Ducks okay so there’s that one now I’m trying to remember where else we thre these things um there’s the the one at the beach we got that there’s one up by the mine we can go get that one so let’s maybe we’ll hit the mine cart

Here and e no that’s not it I want to go to the mines um definitely another thing I uh and this one actually you know what I might leave this one cuz this one was good it was mostly just good stuff but what I I am concerned about is whether these things just

Um do a check repeatedly like if they’re looking for stuff if they kind of ping the world and uh I don’t know what I just did there um if they’re doing that then that might be a problem I don’t know uh let’s clear the one out of this region okay let’s get rid

Of then we’ll grab i’ would rather have the uh the OM Shields I think oh I guess we could go and say hi to Lance couldn’t we because that would be hey bud okay he’s happy to see us now if I remember we’ve we’ve gifted him up completely this time

Period oh no I must have reset like a whole uh time period because yeah that’s right I did uh Hey dude I forgot about that we uh because I slept a bunch of days so we’ll see if uh this all helps again because this problem kind of came

Out of nowhere I assume there was some sort of more like kind of obvious explanation as to why it was happening um and I the only thing I could think of is that the amount of autog Grabbers and then combined with wind winter which I do find the

Snow it seems like it’s intensive I don’t know that’s true but I thought maybe with everything checking stuff and yeah Etc I don’t know might be nothing at all maybe it’s problematic I updated drivers anyway it’s I thought I would again do an episode uh where it’s mostly

Functional just to uh a cuz you know I’d like to keep going here but I I don’t think anything’s wrong with the game itself I don’t think we have corruption or anything um it’s it’s one of those weird things I definitely in trying to research what

Might be the problem found a lot of people have this problem so I thought I’d also try to play through in case anybody has any uh good suggestions another one is setting CPU priority higher um like telling it if you go into settings you can tell the game of the uh

The computer to uh in your task manager that uh set if you go to details you can set the game to be high higher or highest priority and then you can also get rid of one of the other settings and those things didn’t do anything uh for

Me that wasn’t a specific problem so that’s why it’s kind of leading me to think it’s a mod issue uh and it’s just something’s not happy but these problems are yeah hopefully just goes away um I don’t I’m going to have to look back I don’t think

It was season change because I think it was it was a little bit into winter which made me think it was a snow issue um because I don’t know that we’ had a snowy day previous because I got snow mostly turned off it’s pretty faint but it’s still a

Thing uh okay so did I put one let’s go see if I put one at the base here I have no idea where I put these things anymore like we dumped a lot of them out here oh Leah’s out here what you up to Leah I’m going leave all that stuff

There okay I didn’t put one out in the other area Okay so bus stop Community Center uh East scarp deep mountains undercarp Forest Northwest yeah let’s do that because then I can go from here oh hey I I is kind of like a potential the fly situation as I teleport directly into

Abigail I suddenly know how to play the f it’s crazy uh let’s see here yeah like none of this stuff is you know these ones aren’t giving me any like really important things anyway so that’s fine said the mountain one I noticed when I checked previous like it gave it

Was mostly ores uh that it picks up so I was like okay that one’s not bad some are better than others definitely not all essential okay one more down and I do wonder if some of these autog Grabbers trying to grab from really large places are problematic because it’s I don’t know how

Effectively they work programming wise like if it’s if it has to run a you know a check in the area and if has to check all tiles or something or is it I have no idea like when something spawns in not sure what it’s doing um I’m assuming it’s resources

Intensive though maybe not this might be for not but we’ll find out so we’ll keep on gifting here hopefully um we must be close to our 10 star or eight hearts sorry stars stars Hearts 8 10 they’re all the same with um with Lance uh we got to be pretty

Close okay now I had yeah see I an autog grab over here Um right and this one I was using previous anyway to grab um all the stuff we we need I mean this one’s fine and it’s not overfolded overfilled so that’s okay and I’ve got the one in the island that I can’t really do anything about at this

Point uh let’s dump all our stuff off Here okay and then what do we have here we got some more ore let’s dump those There uh I guess we’ll put this mysterious pelvis in here as you do okay uh and I’m going need to go to the desert cuz the other one I was thinking is that this chest might be trying to continually um that’s full isn’t it yeah see I’m wondering if that

Gave me a full thing as cuz it wants to put the wine away but I’m wondering if it’s trying to continually get seeds or something so that got me thinking about that too if there’s if this is an issue um I don’t know we’ll find out oh it’s stacked I was like what’s

What’s that about what’s going on there let’s see here what do we havep yeah all told this seems uh better I know maybe I’m just getting used to it now it doesn’t seem as it’s still got a weird lagginess to it but it’s not quite

As Extreme as it was it I think let’s put those there I don’t even know where my impossible bile of chest here where do we want to put stuff okay good I’m storing those things there wow uh I guess I could just store my cuz my grass is not going to grass

Seed so I can maybe put it in there that’s fine uh I also installed a uh a Decay um thing for the uh should actually take a look at that for um the farm tiles so we can set the amount of uh Decay that’s going to happen uh that was a good

Suggestion I appreciate apprciate that um which one is it if I remember what it’s called um I had to look up anything that one uh for this yeah this should be interesting so it’ll show loved and liked gifts so if we Mouse over them uh it’ll show us that right

Away um most of the stuff I don’t think I think that’s all fine we’ll just leave it as is um M immersive passible crops there we go til soil Decay so dry rate delay I’m going to leave this maybe on it’s default so on the island I see we can actually drawing

Rate chance that tilt soil will disappear okay so it’s normally point one uh delay number of consecutive days of the pat must be without water before it can disappear during the night okay point so is this chance that tilto will disappear well so it was sent

Higher is that what I want or no trying rate is because if it’s 0.02 point so it’s a one one oh drawing rate of zero okay so zero rate okay let’s try this because that was is mostly the island was my uh my issue yeah we’ll see if that works so

All these little things add up um it is interesting to see how they all work together and everything let’s head out to our shed uh the fact that there’s you know I don’t I haven’t run into mod conflicts and stuff yet is absolutely baffling to me given what we have running in this

Game so it’s it is a testament to uh how well done this whole thing is okay hold the phone yeah we could use more crops that’s interesting so we actually we we’re not even totally full in here at the moment uh we are keeping more than keeping up at this point that’s

Surprising okay and now this is all about to flip over uh I think I’m just going to pop that in there this time again we’re going to get a whole pile of stuff soon now out here I think maybe I did have another one of those autog Grabbers

Didn’t I yes I did so what does this one give me yeah see nothing nothing too I’m not too concerned about any of that stuff it’s going to be a little bit of time I think before I find them all it’s an Easter egg hunt where did I put them

On myself I don’t know put the bombs away so I’m not packing these things CU that’s just that’s not going to end well dump this autog Grabber here come put our wine for sale uh so yeah I’m going to be intrigued to see exactly what heads up

Or what heads up what uh the outcome is with the all of this um yes so we can go crap it’ll tell us what’s in there does it tell me what this is It’s a comfortable chair now do it tell me about this I think it’s most going to be chests and

People I have a feeling no anyway that’s uh it’s all mysterious kitty cat I’m sorry my little buddy got to give you some water does that tell me anything deadly cat inside Terror of the lands don’t kick this ball it’s not actually a ball it’s filled with concrete

Let me in let me in okay let’s just double check the basement here and see if there’s anything going On okay we we’re about to have some more turn over here that’s very good oh right I don’t have a little sales table here how’s this one looking yeah plenty good uh What did I break why is it not grabbing why is it not grabbing that I suspect it is

The I love it when you do update mods then you get a whole pile of like uh things not working automate yeah that was it so as the wood pathing wasn’t picking up there we go all right so we’ll see how tomorrow goes worst case again if

It’s sleeping I we might just sleep through the the day and then keep on going if that in fact is helping out see you all next time though till then bye-bye

There’s some new mods and in hopes of clearing up a little bit of visual lagginess in the game I try removing some of the autograbbers – turns out the issue is that the greenhouse needed a seed refill and the frame drop will resolve completely next episode. Weird!


  1. For the deed book… were you right or left clicking with your mouse? That might make a difference.
    – The snow effects can make a difference to how the game runs, that's for sure. I turn it off because it's too much on the screen, but I've seen others have issues leaving it on. So maybe turn that and rain off.

    – Perhaps your problem isn't with the autograbbers themselves but with them being left completely full so that there is no way for them to "grab" new things. Removing the more remote ones is probably not a bad idea.
    – I still think it might be a good idea to put a shipping bin next to some of them so that they auto-sell as well. You might need a chest between the grabber and the bin to make it work… don't know for sure.

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