The Ultimate Guide to Weekly Events in Stardew Valley

There’s a lot to keep track of on a week- toe basis in sty Valley even I tend to forget what days the gift limit resets or when I’m supposed to check the special orders board so to fix this problem this video is going to go over

Every weekly event in the game well the ones that matter you don’t really need to know things like the desert Trader offering three hay for one Omni geode on Mondays yeah that’s a real trade there’s a couple of different categories that these weekly events can fit into and

What I consider by far the most important ones are the weekly resets for instance a very important one to know is that on Sunday your gift limits reset you’re only allowed to give two gifts per person in one week it’s a little weird that this resets on Sunday because

The game usually considers a week starting on Monday important to note if a villager has a birthday on Tuesday through Saturday they can get three gifts in one week since they’ll always accept a gift on their birthday even if they’ve already gotten their two gifts Sunday is also the day that all

Forgeblacksmith so make sure you do a pickup run on Saturday if you want them to a lesser extent artifact spots are mixed up a bit more on Sunday each night a certain amount of artifacts are deleted and added and on Sundays this procedure is done three times so they’re

Just more likely to be in new spots on Mondays a new special order for both the board in pelicant town and the Walnut Room will be available often times the deadline is 1 week so they’ll be due on Saturday that’s not always the case though you may be wondering what day the

Movie theater resets it’s actually not on a specific day it’s just 7 days after you previously watched a movie and if you go into the theater but don’t watch a movie you don’t have to wait the seven days at all other important information to know includes what days stores are

Closed and while it’s usually advertised sometimes it’s vague open most days well gee thanks obvious one here is closed on Wednesday but will be open if you either complete the community center or if you took the JoJo route obtaining the key to the town from the Walnut Room he’s

Technically open every day in there it’s just you can’t get in on Wednesdays as a trade-off when you complete the community center the blacksmith will now be closed on Fridays since Clint checks on the boiler room that day and yes that means the JoJo rout is technically

Better because if you get the key to the town both stores will be open all 7 Days in addition to having access to Jojo Mar a few hours after Pierre closes now for the rougher ones the sum days that Marne is closed is Monday and Tuesday unless

It’s raining in which she’ll be open the Carpenters is also closed on Tuesday due to aerobics unless it rains although it should be said if you absolutely have to buy something from her on Tuesday you can briefly when she walks by the register at 9:40 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

She’s the only shop that works like this and I have no idea why and while the carpenter isn’t closed on Fridays it’s worth noting that she closes 1 hour earlier to go to the saloon Willy’s store will be closed on Saturday as he goes out fishing unless it’s raining of

Course and finally in a Twist the traveling cart is only open on Fridays and Sundays every other store is open regardless of what day of the week it is now all of this doesn’t account for weird happenings like the doctor’s appointments or the store clerk heading

To Ginger Island so keep an eye out as I mentioned before not all weekly trades are created equal but there are a few interesting ones to keep note of at the desert Trader you can trade emeralds for cheese on Friday a very popular healing item on Thursday you can trade three

Prismatic shards for the best buffing food in the game magic rock candy and on Sundays there’s the famous one staircase for One Jade the favorite trade of anyone who hates mining I’ve talked about this before but it Bears repeating if you put Jade into a crystarium it’ll

Produce about two every 3 days and that can make this trade very overpowered very quickly on Tuesdays you can buy an omn geod from kobis for 300 gold which is the cheapest price it’s available for throughout the entire game he only sells one though if you need more you can go

To the Oasis on Wednesday where she sells three for 1,000 gold each and then once again with kobis on Fridays if you’re really swimming with money you can buy an aridium sprinkler for 10,000 gold and then on Thursdays at the Oasis you can buy Deluxe speed grow for about

Half the price you can from Pier’s General Store and while I don’t find this next one quite as useful as the deluxe speed row you can get quality retaining soil on Saturdays once again add a huge discount to what Pierre sells it at there’s a lot of times throughout

The week where a bunch of people gather together at one place and it can be a great opportunity to give out a bunch of gifts all at once first on Tuesdays all of the older women gather in the General Store for aerobics class they are still giftable even while working out on

Friday nights the saloon will be filled with a whopping 14 people and to a lesser extent on Saturday nights eight people and once you’ve unlocked Ginger Island East as long as it’s not raining there’s a chance that a group of 1 to 10 people will visit Ginger Island every

Day then finally we have the TV channels these aren’t too bad if you miss them but it can be good information to know living off the land is on Mondays and Thursdays this channel gives you a bunch of tips that aren’t explained elsewhere in the game so I heavily recommend

Watching them when you can on your first playthrough it’ll give new tips up until year 3 Queen of the sauce airs on Sundays and it’ll give you a new recip reci every air until year 3 if you ever miss a broadcast you can watch it on Wednesday where it’ll give you any

Recipe you missed if you get a recipe you already know you’re all cut up the weather and luck channels are always available to watch every day and fibs is as well once you complete Pam’s special order wow that sure was a lot how could you ever remember boom chart I’ve

Organized each item by day and within each day by type so you can see at a glance even without reading what you need to pay attention to Gatherings the TV or otherwise it’s been a while since I’ve made one of these charts as usual

You can find the image on its own in the description if you’re wondering why something wasn’t covered here it’s most likely not tied to a day of the week everything on the list will always be true with very few exceptions there’s also quite a few things that aren’t

Worth listing like every day at the carpenter there’s a random list of furniture that’s available but it’s all available for free in the furniture catalog so it’s really not worth keeping track of it hopefully this bring some order to the chaotic weeks of stard Valley thank you all for watching see

You in the next one and good Night

A lot of things change in the valley day by day. Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of it all, or even figure out what day things happen in the first place! Here’s all of the important days of the week, along with a checklist to wrap it up!

The checklist:

0:00 – Intro
0:30 – Weekly Resets
1:39 – Store Closures and Openings
3:22 – Useful Weekly Trades
4:36 – Large Gatherings for Gift Giving
5:07 – TV Channels
5:47 – The Chart
Here’s the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:

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  1. The simple, baseline reason for the Robin day off purchasing is the same as the ice-cream horse. The game determines if a store is open or not on if an NPC is in a set range of tiles. Most NPC paths are set so they never enter these areas unless they're supposed to run their store in those hours. Robin's house is just so narrow around the entrance that Robin has to go through her shop range.

  2. Getting the UI Info Suite mod made a few of the easy-to-miss things like birthdays, the traveling cart, and the Queen of Sauce a lot less likely for me to miss.

    That plus the Lookup Anything mod are the cornerstones of my currently ongoing "I'm going to get a Perfection run, I mean it this time" playthrough.

  3. You actually have full access to shop menu at the blacksmith as long as Clint is present anywhere in the building! This usually doesn't come into play until after you get key to the town (though I did once wait in the shop from 4pm to 1am to get him to open some geodes), but it's amazing once you get it! Even if he's asleep he'll do his job!

  4. You say that Sandy sell Quality Retaining Soil for a huge discount compared to Pierre, yet the video shows Pierre's offer being way better? You show Sandy selling it for 200g each compared to Pierre 150g each, at around 4:32

  5. I don’t know man…Marnie’s not at counter on Mondays and 12 hay for 36 omnigeodes could be a good deal in a pinch…especially if you’ve been spending too much of your winter doing Skull Caverns runs to remember to buy hay….

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