Our best friends have been turned into gold now we must make epic gold factories to make this greedy villager $ million but what happens if we fail to make them in time how can our gold factories make $1 million by making our gold factories really work and by building them super

Pro style like even using gold blocks to build the factory just like these ones I’m using to outline my Factory’s shape wow that looks cool but how long do we have until the Villager turns us to gold as well we have 20 minutes until the Villager comes to collect his money so

We have to make sure we build as fast as we possibly can well I know how to build quickly I can make it out of dir everyone loves dirt factories Milo if you make a noob dirt Factory then you are going to become a gold statue forever luckily my factory is sure to

Make us enough money just look at the shape I’ve planned out everything so we can fit so many op things inside yeah it looks okay but I’m pretty confident that my factory is going to be making all the money good luck with that Milo I really

Hope we make enough money to succeed I need to make the rest of the walls of my factory I’m going to use properly awesome brick blocks just like these ones my walls need to go up pretty high if I want enough space to fit all this gold Machinery inside that way we can

Make as much gold as possible making so much money that the Villager will never turn us to gold and he might even free Mikey and JJ if I do get turned to Gold do you promise not to sell me I would never sell you Milo then I’d just be

Lonely besides once I build this Factory I will have so much gold that I’ll never need to sell any gold ever again wait that’s so true if we build these factories really good not only can we pay off the little debt to the little villager but we’re also going to be fing

Rich oh yeah we’re going to be so rich we’ll be able to buy anything we want or at least I definitely will be I’m still worried about about your factory Milo don’t worry chip trust the process my dirt gold Factory is going to be so awesome uh Milo it’s not going to be

Dirt for long I can already see grass growing on the sides yeah don’t worry about it I’m trying to fix it all right okay I trust you Milo I really hope this works out for you though if you do not make this Factory I’ll need to make

Twice as much money just to keep you from turning into gold well it wouldn’t have to have a little bit of extra money anyway if you know what I mean I don’t think you’d be able to use it if you were a statue though only I would and I

Only like spending money on things we can do together like professional ice skating lessons well maybe if I turn into gold you can buy me a really nice display cabinet and then I can just sit in your house all day Milo that sounds like it would be really boring for you I

Mean I’d probably still have fun it would be really silly and it would make my house look so cool W I could just watch TV all day if I was a go statue hey you better not hug the remote I want to watch the cookie cooking channel yeah

Not that cookie cooking channel I hate that place yeah it’s my favorite though I don’t like Animal Planet and that’s your favorite so I guess we can share the TV but I love watching all the animals do funny things it reminds me of my family yeah but Milo you won’t be

Able to see your family if you turn into gold that’s why you need to work extra hard on your factory I’m making my walls really really high so that we have plenty of space inside there are going to be so many machines converting the gold from the mines into proper ores

That anyone can use and we can sell for a lot of money your factory is actually looking really good right now I probably think it’s the best Factory I’ve ever seen thanks Milo I’m really working hard on it I think I’m going to make the entrance right over here it’s going to

Be in between two really big chimneys factories always use chimneys to melt down the gold so by having two of them I can do twice as much and go twice twice as fast oh no I totally forgot about melting gold that means if the Villager turns us into gold we’re probably going

To get melted oh no that’s terrible that villager is evil so he totally would I do not want to get melted Milo and I don’t think you want to either maybe if we build our factories fancy enough the Villager will be so impressed that he won’t even want our money yeah and maybe

He’ll release Mikey and JJ from the terrible gold cost I feel really bad for them I really hope he does it cannot be good to have them in there for this long I hope they don’t stay Gold forever that would be terrible and besides the fancier we make our factories the more

Money they’ll make anyway because they’ll be so rich that everyone will want to buy gold from them there’s one little speck of green left on Mikey’s Tommy chip come have a look at this wait really that means it’s not permanent and we can reverse the gold defying process

I really hope that’s true because I miss them so much I miss JJ and M oh I’m freaking out Milo I don’t know if your dirt Factory is going to be enough it looks really weird and dirty and why are you adding wood hey chip don’t be

Rude I’m trying to build my factory the best I know how Okay Milo I really hope that works for you I’m just going to make my entrance a little bit bigger I have a feeling I’m going to need to build the best Factory ever because your

Factory might not work out so good he my factory is going to make us the most money in the whole world what no way I think mine probably will besides that villager already has most of the money in the world he’s so rich any gold we

Sell we basically have to sell to him yeah I pretty much just want to punch him right now yeah me too but Milo think about it if you punch him he’ll probably raise his prices and then we’ll never make enough money to save Mikey and JJ

And ourselves oh why didn’t I think of that that’s so true okay I will not be punching the Villager today good idea Milo and my build is going really well I’ve almost cleared out all the grass from the floor and I’m about ready to place down a bunch of quartz blocks this

Will be the area where I make all my gold conveyor belts it’s going to be an actual Factory that will really work so much gold is going to come from this thing that there’ll be no way I won’t have enough money in time having a floor

Made out of quartz is one of the fanciest things ever every single really fancy bank has it so if I build my factory like a bank it’s sure to have a bunch more gold than every other Factory and getting gold is kind of what I’m

Going for here if I don’t manage to get a bunch of gold right now I will have failed me and Milo not to mention Mikey and JJ I know exactly how to build a bunch of gold conveyor belts that will really mine and smelt all the gold that

We need I just need to think of other things to build like offices for my employees and also a big Vault to store all the gold to make sure we don’t totally get robbed if we get robbed and lose all the money that would be a

Disaster I need to make sure that does not happen by making sure that my factory is as secure as possible one of the most secure blocks are iron and I think if I build the surrounding parts of my conveyor belts out of iron they’ll definitely survive any attacks especially from rubbers or something

Rubbers are pretty weak because they don’t go to the gym instead they spend all their time stealing from people H I do not want rubbers inside my gold Factory so if they do come in they’ll have to fight my Legion of zombie pigmen employees and if they want to seal

They’ll have to break all my conveyor belts which I do not think they’ll be able to do because I’m going to have some pretty powerful technology powering this Factory first we need to outline the path where the conveyor belts will go through I think this is a pretty good

Route they will go right through the middle of them and we also need to replace some of these iron blocks with these Cog Wheels Cog wheels are very important because they help power the Machinery if we place these different gears upwards like this and then attach

A creative motor to them they will all spin wo that looks so awesome let’s add some more shafts along here we need to attach each of them to their very own Cog wheel oh yeah this looks just like a real factory already perfect now I need to attach these mechanical belts all the

Way along I think this should totally work just look at that wow it really spins I think items will go along this conveyor belt really well let’s test it out with this gold block it really works look at that our Factory is already starting to give us some gold that is

Perfect but we need to make it a lot more efficient if we want to win we need some more gears going in this direction we’ll give them their very own creative motor just like this although it is going in the wrong direction so we’re going to need a gearshift we also need

To grab a lever so we can power this thing up in order to make this thing work we need to place it just like this and then the creative motor here now when we power this gear shift the gear spins in the opposite direction this way the items will go along the conveyor

Belt over to here perfect now we just need to place another wheel here and another shaft alongside it now we can link up these mechanisms using the mechanical belt and wo that already looks so cool but I think we need to go a little bit faster that’s why I’m

Adjusting the speed to 32 and wo it already goes so much quicker it even transports me that’s pretty amazing along the conveyor belt we need to have mechanical arms that will actually work and move items along the conveyor belt even quicker we just need to power this

Thing up and then it will really connect to the conveyor belts let’s use a creative motor and wo now whenever an item comes along the conveyor belt the mechanical arm will move it onto the other one look at that it really works it’s going a little slow though I think

We need to do our part to make it go even quicker let’s set the speed of this mechanical arm to 50 and wo it already goes so quick Let’s test it out with these quartz bricks I really hope this works a lot faster now wao it’s already

Going that is perfect I’m loving this Factory so far and now at the very end of it we need to build a smelting station or all of the gold that we mine will drop through right from there onto the conveyor belt but we definitely need a place where it can actually turn into

Ingots I need to grab some Hoppers but what is that Milo’s doing hey Milo what are you building right now well just something really complicated you wouldn’t understand um can I take a guess Milo yeah go ahead it looks like some kind of automatic mob farm what how

Did you guess that chip because I’ve built so many of these things before I know the shape really well and um what mobs are you trying to farm I thought we were trying to farm gold I’m not telling you because I don’t want you to steal my

Idea Milo this isn’t a competition we’re both trying to survive remember yeah but my idea is feeling amazing and I want to make the most money oh Milo you’re so competitive all right I guess I can try and make money too I’m going to have some mechanical arms dotted along here

Each of these mechanical arms will take items from the conveyor belt and put them right into these hoppers these Hoppers will actually smelt down the gold into ingots let’s make one more and put it over here that way the blocks will go into all three and we can make

Ingots three times as quickly let’s also grab some blast furnaces they go so fast that nothing can keep up it’s the perfect way to smelt down as many items as possible as quick as we can once the gold is smelted it will leave each of these blast furnaces through these

Hoppers underneath and it’ll go right onto our awesome Minecart Track these mine carts will really help this Factory let’s make them a railroad made out of iron iron is so strong and I think it’s the perfect choice here we just need to mine a little more dirt these mine cuts

Are going to help move these gold ingots right into our amazing Vault The Vault needs to be very secret so I can’t build it just yet I need to wait until the time is perfect we also need to make sure that these Hoppers do not run out

Of fuel at any time so I’m going to place chests above every single one and I’m going to fill each of these chests with blocks of coal blocks of coal are the most powerful smelting item in the game they go for such a long time and I

Do not think will ever run out especially not in 20 minutes these are going to be the fastest mechanical arms I think anyone has ever made they’re going to go so quickly that no item will be left behind wa just look at those Wheels spin Let’s test it out with an

Iron block I know they’re built for gold but this should totally work wow that happens so quickly and look the furnace is already collecting the items that’s perfect and hey even some are left at the end we just have to add Basin to every single one and they should start

Working before we build the conveyor belt that will store all of our gold and the mine tracks leading into it we need to build the Second Story with a bunch of offices for all of my Pigmen to work in they are going to do a really good

Job and besides if they don’t do a good job it’ll scare away anybody that tries to rob me this Factory is going to get pretty rich pretty quickly so we’re going to have lots of people wanting out stuff let’s build a really awesome area to keep them in I think they’ll totally

Love it inside my factory I’m a really good boss and I pay them really well because we have so much gold the Second Story can be made out of smooth quartz just like this and it needs to have a lot of area to have the different

Offices in I want every Pigmen to have their own space where they can do all their jobs these Pigmen are the best employees ever I’m also going to build so much quartz over this side let’s make sure it connects up to the entire roof we can’t miss a single spot otherwise

Rain might get all over my equipment and rust it until it doesn’t work anymore that would be bad and really embarrassing Milo do you have any equipment inside your dirt Factory no not yet and I don’t even think I’m going to really use equipment because it costs

A lot of money and I don’t have a lot of money right now Milo you don’t have equipment that’s terrible how are you going to mine any gold using your factory well what kind of equipment am I meant to have bar gold mining equipment Milo that’s what’s going to get the gold

To make you the money if you don’t get your factory in order that villager is probably going to turn you into gold oh I see well lucky for me my factory pretty much doesn’t need gold mining equipment because I’ve got another tactic what what’s your other tactic

Milo well if I told you you’d still my idea I probably wouldn’t but I’m happy that you have an idea Milo I think you should follow it I’m just glad you have some plan Milo if you did not I would be really really worried and now I’m just a

Little worried which I guess is better CH you really don’t need to worry about me I’m got this handled okay Milo I trust you I think I also have this handled that’s why I’m placing even more bricks on this second floor I want it to be a different shape than the first

Floor though because my workers definitely need a balcony where they can go and enjoy the sunshine on their lunch break let’s build it right over here the wall of the Second Story will end so that the balcony can begin I also will place iron bars along the edge just like

This iron is pretty expensive but because we’re such a rich Factory we can totally afford it let’s place even more bricks up like this and on the the very top of this floor we will use gold blocks to line the entire building just like we did at the bottom of the very

First floor I also have some more rooms outlined but I’m not going to make those just yet I will make them later though before the Villager shows up they’re going to be so important for my factory if I don’t make them in time we won’t make enough money and I’ll totally get

Turned into gold which will be kind of cool for at least a minute but then it will get horrible I won’t be able to move and I’ll be freezing and what if I rust that would be even worse besides birds poop on statues all the time so if

I’m just left outside next to JJ and Mikey I would get covered in bird poop which would be so disgusting don’t worry chip I w’t pull on you ew Milo don’t even talk about that that’s gross but I guess thank you don’t worry though it’s not even going to be a problem because

Once I finish building my factory we’re going to have so much gold that we will never be able to turn into gold statues we’ll just make 1,000 gold statues of our own with all the sped gold we’ll have putting gold inside the factory really lets everybody know how rich we

Are that’s important when attracting customers Milo because they’re going to see the gold and they will know exactly what we sell we sell gold and only the top quality stuff my equipment is really good so we can only sell the best gold I really hope your equipment gets pretty

Good too at least once you do build it everyone’s going to want Myer’s gold just you wait your factory is made out of dirt Milo how can you have clean gold jewelry when your walls aren’t even clean don’t worry chip it’s just to throw everyone off and then when they

Get here they’re going to be like wow my this is the best gold I’ve ever seen wait why would they come inside your gold Factory if they don’t even think you sell gold because I’m going to advertise everywhere oh with Annoying ads uh-oh Milo that’s a really bad idea

You might annoy people and they’ll never come to your factory what oh no I really need people to come to my factory you need to do something to let them know that that your factory is a gold Factory and not just a weird dirt mob Factory

All right I have a good idea watch this chip really okay I’m so excited to see am I allowed inside Milo that seems a little weird no you have to stand outside ready for my cool trick okay what’s your cool trick there we go now they know it’s a gold Factory wait is

That all you’ve done that’s only two blocks of gold I have like 200 hey leave me alone okay Milo sorry I’ll just focus on my own Factory that’s all I can do for now the more I focus on yours the less time I spend building and the more

I risk not making enough money to make that villager happy I really do hope I can make enough when I’m rich from all the gold I’m going to buy so many amazing cars I’m even going to buy a car made out of pure gold and I’ll buy one

Made out of diamonds as well and I’ll buy an emerald jet that will be so fancy it might be a little heavy so I don’t know if it’ll fly but it’ll at least look cool I’m almost done with the roof as well once I am though I’m going to

Really need to get started on all these office areas I wanted to make the roof first so nobody got sunburned and nobody got rained on raining in the office would be terrible because all of the expensive gold computers I’m going to build will be totally destroyed I think

My factory needs to be so rich that it even has its own lab where we can research how to turn people back from gold it’ll really save Mikey and JJ for sure now that we finish the roof I’m going to grab some glass to outline exactly where I want the cubicles to be

The glass is going to be yellow just like the color of real gold we can have two cubicles back here they need to be pretty big because I want my employees to have a lot of space let’s even out the size of them though I feel like

People would get really jealous if they only had a little room and their next door neighbor had a massive room I’ll also Place some more glass over here some of my zombie pigmen employees will get balcony views which I’m sure jealous of I will be working down in the mines

Because I’m the best gold miner in all the world I can basically mine anything at least if I have enough time I’m not sure if we will have enough time though which is why I need to make sure I build these offices really really Speedy placing glass panes on top of other

Glass panes can be really difficult you have to look at just the right spot and if you miss even slightly it goes on the floor that is so embarrassing I really am a way better Builder than this I do not know why I keep making these mistakes probably because I’m nervous

About turning into gold I don’t think anybody wants to become a golden statue not even Milo and he can make some really silly decisions certainly don’t want to be a gold statue it would be terrible how would I eat cookies golden statues can’t eat anything so you’d be

Pretty hungry but who won’t be hungry is my office employees because I’m going to build them so many desks and I’m going to give every single one of them a custom cake I’m going to customize all these Cakes by lighting them with yellow golden candles the candles are going to

Be the same color as the glass and the gold on the outside of this Factory this way everybody working here knows that we make the best gold ever we make so much gold we even de decorate our Factory with it I’ll add cake in every single

One of these rooms I also need to make a desk in every single one of these rooms otherwise they would have nowhere to get their work done and we would lose a lot of money I also need to give everybody their own chair that way they can sit at

Their desks and I also want to make some awesome golden computers let me grab some golden pressure plates some bamboo signs and some paintings it’s pretty important that we grab a really good painting and let’s just place the pressure plate right here this is going

To seem pretty weird at first but if I just write gold computer on this and then place the painting on the very front boom it already looks like a computer let’s see if we can get a more golden colored painting I do not like these ones but wao this one is mostly

Yellow it really looks gold that’s perfect I still think they need a computer mouse let’s use bamboo buttons as one it is the same color as the back of the computer and it matches the gold of the rest of this place we need to give every single person their very own

Chair and computer wo that’s a huge computer screen it needs double keyboards and two comp computer mouses this is a twers job only two people can pilot this one so I’ll just place a second chair right over there let’s build computers all around this place and everybody needs a chair too standing

And working on a computer would be so boring wait this person is playing games during worktime no way that’s bad perfect they are watching important videos during work and we’ll give them a keyboard and a button this person will have the biggest computer screen of anybody in the office whoa look at that

It’s one of the employees of the company speaking of the employees we need to grabb some zombie pigment eggs and start spawning them around here look at that these employees are all ready for their first day at work look they even have golden swords they’re really into the

Spirit of things let’s just Place one last desk over here and I wonder what painting could be on this wall oh wow look it’s a skull with golden fire around it that is amazing by using barrier blocks we help make sure that they don’t try and leave their offices

We also need to make sure we put barrier blocks right here oh no they’re trying to escape Escape over the balcony let’s Place barrier blocks along the side just like this this will help stop them from trying to escape let’s just Place barriers on the outside of this balcony

And once we place these we should be done I don’t think any employees will be able to escape but wait a minute one of the employees is a baby zombie piglin and it might be able to get under some of the gaps we’ve created let’s make sure we properly block everything off

That way no one will be able to get out even the baby zombie piglin which can escape from shorter areas than most of the other employees can okay this looks pretty good I don’t think any of them will be leaving anytime soon this is perfect the piglin employees are working

Great and I think we’ll be producing gold in no time but Milo is it okay if I come check on your factory yeah fine I guess you can come have a walk okay um wo that’s a lot of chests on the side here but Milo where’s your gold

Producing area well I haven’t made it yet okay I’m still trying Milo you don’t produce gold yet that means you’re in big danger of being turned into a gold statue like Mikey and JJ unless you make $1 million of gold soon okay I’ll get started now um thanks chip you’re

Welcome Milo I am so worried about Milo I really hope he does not get turned into gold but I guess all I can do right now is make sure I make the best Vault possible this Vault needs to be really big to store all the gold that we will

Have let’s make it just like this and I can even make it a couple more blocks out the side it needs to be big so that the mine carts and every other way we will put items in can go inside the Vault we’ll also add some areas around

The back for Extra Protection this will help stop evil rubbers from taking all of our gold if they take our gold we’ll lose everything and all our money and will definitely be turned into statues so I’ve going to make sure I do not get robbed this gold vault needs to be

Really secure the first step in making it secure is making sure we add a top to the Vault otherwise the rubbers could climb over these walls and get inside with no problem then then they’d be able to take everything from us I think this looks pretty good we better also add a

Door though let’s make our doors out of brass yep that looks pretty fancy and we also need a trapo too so let’s use train trap doors they look really cool and very secure oh no I built them facing the wrong way the brass is a very similar color to gold and it’s also

Super strong so it’ll be so hard to break through if you’re not me with a key that is let’s grab a chest and start putting them all inside this gold vault we can have a bunch along the back walls just like this I don’t have any Ingot or

Gold to put inside so we need to grab some Hoppers this is important and we also need some Hopper mine carts this way there are actual ways for the gold to get inside these chests it’s a good thing we built this side area because this is the perfect way to get the gold

Inside of them let’s make sure every single chest in here has a hopper leading off from it otherwise some of them would be missing and a lot of the gold would go completely empty we’ll Place one here and we also need some hoppers on this top chest and finally

One along the side I should also plug up any holes that we’ve broken trying to make the hopper system now I need to grab blocks of iron and place them along the sides just like this by using iron blocks we help make this Railway as strong as possible at the very end of

The Railway we will have a buffer which will stop all the mine Cuts in their tracks and send them right back along but first we need to make the start of this Railway it’s going to begin underground just like this let’s get some powered rails and some regular

Rails as well we also need Redstone torches these are important for making making sure that the powered rails actually work we also need to place regular rails at the corners so that this mine cart track can turn with no difficulties powered rails cannot turn so it would break the whole machine

Luckily I knew this already so I could make sure we do it well now we can start placing Redstone torches all along the side of this Railway this will help make sure that the mine carts do not get stuck on any unpowered bits of track

Okay it is time to place our first mine cart this mine cart will go back and forth underneath this whole Track Transport pting all of our gold into these Hoppers this already looks amazing but in order to make sure that this really does work we need a proper mining

System let’s dig a mine underground where we can actually get the gold from this is where all of the value of the factory will really start all the gold that we mine underground will be transported by mine carts all the way up to the top where it will be sent through

My machine to be smelted and kept in our Secure Vault before it can be turned into a lot of money to save us from that villager trying to turn us into gold like Mikey and JJ have we need to go a little bit deeper gold does not spawn at

The same level as diamonds it actually spawns quite close to the surface especially in Mesa Biomes sadly we are not near a Mesa so we’ll have to work extra hard but I think this is deep enough we just need to make sure the roof is high enough so that I can fit

Down here and then we need to place rails going all the way up I’m going to use these powered rails before we start making the chambers inside the mine I think this works pretty good and we’ll also need to place redstone torches I’ll also connect them up with regular rails

Just just like this I wonder if Milo can see wait a minute what’s Milo doing he stop walking away from me buddy wait Milo is that a Zombie Pigman yeah he escaped somehow cuz he’s a dumb dumb he’s meant to be inside the spawner oh my goodness Milo is using Zombie Pigmen

Inside his spawner to Harvest Gold from them that is terrible I have to stop him but I can’t let him see me Milo is taking my employees and using them to harvest for their gold what an evil evil idea luckily this mine gives me the perfect excuse to sneak underneath

Milo’s base and dig upwards making sure we sneak right into the factory and without him seeing us look there’s even a cave that’s a really good sign we must be going in the right direction with lots of Open Spaces okay I don’t think Milo can see us he must be above this

Somewhere though let’s dig a chamber upwards so that we can run back down in an emergency once I am inside I need to place pressure plate traps that will actually blow up when Milo steps on them this will help stop him and break his evil zombie pigman machine stopping him

From ever doing it again and oh goodness we’re inside this place I really hope Milo doesn’t see let’s peek outside of this hole and oh gosh Milo’s enchanting this is the perfect opportunity let’s grab TNT as well as some gold pressure plates he’ll see them and think that

They’re real gold at least I hope so we just need to quickly do this I’ll place them right next to his zombie pigment area and surround them with pressure plates this better work otherwise we’re in big trouble let’s quickly sneak back down and block off this hole especially

In case the TN he reveals more of it I need to make sure we fill this entire thing in Milo could not know that we were here sabotaging his build he would be so angry and he might even steal money from us as Revenge let’s use Stone

To block all of this back off my mind can only be underground from now on I better get back upstairs before Milo suspects anything of me he’ll be wondering how I got inside and if he finds out that I dug Underneath Him He will be so so angry I need to watch

Where I’ve put the TNT to check when he activates them that way we can be as sneaky as possible that was a pretty interesting book that I just read even though I can’t really read but wo look at all this gold on the ground oh I’m so

Rich wait a second what is going on Milo what happened oh my gosh chip someone put TNT in my factory and it totally blew everything up that was me my plan really really worked but I can’t let Milo know I have to pretend that I

Had no idea this was going to happen oh no Milo that’s terrible I guess you’ll have to find another way to get gold that does not use zombie pigment that’s a really slow me down oh no I guess I better build twice as fast to make up

For it even though I’m sad that Milo won’t have as much gold I’m really happy that he did not get to use more zombie pigment that would have been really mean and I care about my employees way too much now we better go test out this gold system to make sure everything really

Works at the very end of my mind I believe according to my calculations oh yeah we’ve struck gold this is perfect now I can make this mine go out in a bunch of different directions to get as much of this gold as possible I will need some mining Vehicles though this

Way we’ll be able to transport the gold all the way back up to my factory where it can be turned into gold ingots and make me lots of money there is so much gold here I had no idea we’d find this much it is perfect more than anything I

Could have imagined I don’t want to share this with Milo though I think his Factory would just waste the gold turning it into dirt if I let Milo get all of this gold he would totally ruin it and we would make no money causing us both to be turned into gold statues that

Would be a really bad idea so in order to protect both of us it is my responsibility to mine all of this gold myself I’ll place a quartz block at the end of this Railway and put a mine cut with a hopper on it this way it’ll go

All the way up and then back down I think we need to adjust this though right now it’s just coming up and not dropping off any of the items first I’m going to replace this part with a regular rail I’ll pause this rail for the moment so we can just focus on

Building this one right now I don’t want the mine cart running up and down while we’re just trying to do some construction here now I’ll put a regular rail over here and I’ll start making it go away in this direction we’ll have some smooth quartz blocks or even better

Blocks of iron going up just like this let’s add some powered rails going up there as well and now we have to have a bunch of Hoppers every single Hopper will lead in this direction and at the very end we will have a dispenser let’s also angle this Hopper so it goes

Directly into the dispenser this way every single Hopper will put its items right where we need it to go we’ll also link the rails up to the very end and place a redstone torch right here we also need a couple more hopefully this works now anytime the hopper grabs

Something it’ll go right into this dispenser but we need to make sure the dispenser is powered here we can add a detector rail as well as one more torch to make sure it doesn’t break the whole machine this way anytime the mine cart reaches the dispenser it will activate

It causing it to drop Whatever item items it has inside now we just have to focus on making all of this gold minable and we will be ready to harvest all the gold we can get let’s get our Motors and our gears in order we need to start

Placing a bunch of drills but we definitely need to find the right ones if we use items that are not proper drills it won’t work very well luckily these mechanical drills will do the job perfectly let’s grab big iron blocks and then place them on the walls just like

This I think having some on the ceiling so we can mine downwards is perfect let’s also angle these drills down like this and start powering them up we can even make the iron blocks a lot bigger that way we’ll fit a bunch of Motors inside that can actually power these

Drills up just look at that they’re moving but not very quickly let’s make sure every single one is set really really high so we can mine this gold as fast as possible this way we make our Factory super efficient and we can earn as much money as possible in as little

Time as possible that is the key to getting enough money to pay this villager what he wants from us let’s also add a couple more drills coming down from the ceiling here this way no matter what Direction the gold is it will all be properly mined these drills

Can be the fastest ones yet spinning twice as quickly as the other drills we’ve built wow what if I set this one to the maximum that goes so quick I can barely see it moving now this mine should really start working soon but these drills won’t be doing it all on

Their own we also need to add some Hoppers that everything the drills get can go into that way the M cut Hopper can actually get the items let’s also make sure the Hoppers go into the ceiling here so it can go through the tubes that attached to the drills let’s

Throw a piece of gold into the machine to test if it really works okay the mine cart’s gotten it hopefully I really really hope that the mine cart has got as much gold as possible otherwise this would be a disaster and wo look it worked the gold was spat out of that

Dispenser it’s going along this machine really really well it’s a little slow but nothing we can’t speed up with a little time this gold is going to continue down and waa look the gold is being made already this contraption is working really well and wait look The

Claw is putting it into the blast furnace and uh-oh it’s not activating oh that’s cuz there’s a drill inside that’s a bit messy and there’s nothing inside these other ones so this should totally work look a gold ingot was placed but where is it going we need to see if it

Goes into this mine cart if there is a gold ingot inside one of these chests when we open the vault that means we’ve succeeded oh no I don’t see it where could it have gone but look there’s a gold ingot we did it and even more gold

Ingots are coming that is perfect this machine is working so well we need to make this dispenser go a little quickly it’s building up a lot of real gold inside and not spitting it out fast enough we also need to really speed up this contraption I think this is a

Pretty good speed now it’ll go a lot quicker by moving the detector rail just one block to the left we can make sure that the minecart activates twice as quickly as it did before Boom the dispenser will now shoot out two gold blocks every time the Mine card comes up

This should be absolutely perfect oh no some of the gold is falling off the conveyor belt this is bad we better add some kind of protective block just like an iron block there there this way it will not fall off no matter how slow the mechanical arm is we better speed this

Guy up a little bit he cannot go fast enough this way it’ll be really good at picking up any gold that gets through I’ll also add some guard blocks on the sides of this conveyor belt so that no more blocks fall off oh yeah this is perfect the gold system is really

Working right now I am so happy about that and these arms are not letting anything slip through them they’re going so quick it’s amazing but we really don’t have a lot of time left we need to finish these smoke Chambers on the outside of our Factory to let everybody

Know this is the gold Factory Milo what is that it’s my amazing track your track oh is it some kind of gold harvesting machine um no it’s just for awesome Vibes awesome Vibes uh okay Milo I really hope those awesome Vibes help you get the gold you need yeah they totally

Will it’s going to be really good okay I hope you’re right Milo I’m building this smoke chamber out of andesite it’s a really cool block and it’s the right color that I need need I just need to make sure it goes up high enough if I don’t build this thing tall enough any

Smoke coming out of it will spill onto the nearby Factory and it’ll make the air really bad to breathe for all of my workers and for me as well not to mention customers will not like it so I won’t sell any gold that would be terrible it would be enough to make me

Lose this and turn me into a gold statue forever now that we built the first section of this andesite smoke Tower we need to make it a little smaller on the next one it’s going to get slightly smaller with each passing step upwards that way it’s a little quicker for us to

Build and it just looks a lot cooler most smoke Towers go slightly thinner towards the top I also have to build a security Watchtower on the other side to make sure no robbers or unwanted people come in anybody coming into my factory definitely needs to only be a customer

We do not want robbers or evil criminals coming in to steal our gold all right this smoke Tower is looking pretty complete I’ll just add a couple more blocks upwards so it’s nice and high enough you can never build a chimney too far upwards and this chimney looks

Pretty good we just have to add some campfires with some hay bales underneath them a regular campfire will only send smoke up so many blocks but by placing a hay bale underneath we make sure that the smoke can go way higher before it disintegrates this really shows

Everybody that this is a smoke chimney and not just a weird tower perfect we’ve added two of them so now it’ll go really high into the air I also need to make the security Tower and I think I’m going to make it out of iron iron is a really

Secure block so by using this we can also have iron bars that the security God can look out from I’m going to use another zombie pigman as a security God every employee is a Zombie Pigman they do such a good job that’s why I was

Really mad at Milo when he used them for gold earlier I can’t believe he did that I really hope he’s changed because if he hasn’t that’s a really bad way of getting gold and he probably won’t get enough in time I think I need to check on him once I finish this security

Building it’s looking pretty awesome though once I finish these iron blocks all I have to do is make the roof which I’m definitely going to make out of andesite just just like this and aside is a stone block so it’s pretty tough any robber that wants to mine into the

Security building to get through into the main Factory will have a really hard time they’ll either have to mine through andesite iron or gold Gold’s pretty soft but it’s still a metal so I wish them pretty good luck with that but not too good luck I don’t want them to actually

Get through I’m also going to place andesite all along the bottom just like this this way the floor is not grass if we had a grassy floor they could just dig up through it and they’d get inside being able to disable my security systems in the blink of an eye that

Would cause them to come inside the factory which I do not want at all I’m also going to grab iron bars and use them for the windows let’s place them on the top one so that my security guard can look at everyone with a really clear view let’s spawn a Zombie Pigman right

Here you are now the security guard in charge of the whole building I’m going to go out the back door but I’ll just block it off with iron bars he’s not going to leave because he’s a zombie he doesn’t need sleep so he can work here fulltime my factory is looking pretty

Awesome now I just need to add one final detail before the inspector comes I’m going to build a big letter G on top of my factory this will let everybody know that we sell gold here not just some other random ore oh yeah this is the gold Factory and I don’t think anyone’s

Going to forget it anytime soon Milo I just noticed the time and we only have 5 minutes left to make over $1 million worth of gold what $1 million in 5 minutes oh gosh CH I’m really going to have to work hard I’ve been working really hard as well Milo come check out

My factory to make sure yours is up to scratch all right let’s see what you got buddy here is my security office where my amazing and famous security guard checks everybody before they come into the factory well hi Mr security guard you know you do a good job being in my

Factory hey don’t try to take him away from me I have a feeling I know what you do to Zombie Pigman in your factory I don’t know what you’re talking about in here is my metal working system we turn all of the gold into ingots look you can

See it going along the conveyor belt and hey someone’s on the floor I saw you pick that up Milo what no I didn’t look it all works by taking the gold into these basins it then smelts them and puts them onto this mine cart which puts

Them into the Vault I’m not going to show you how much gold I have in the vault though Milo I’ll only show that when the Villager comes to inspect this place this is crazy chip it’s so complicated I can’t believe it thanks Milo I also have offices but I’m not

Going to let you up here I really think I should keep you away from the zombie pigman hey don’t be rude I don’t want to see your stinky offices anyway well we have one last thing to show you down here is the mines this is where we

Harvest all of our gold from wow this is really crazy there’s a lot of gold down here maybe I could take some nope these are my Minds Milo you’ll have to find your own source of gold speaking of of which why don’t you show me your factory

Now I bet there’s some crazy stuff inside and we better look quick before the Villager comes to turn us into gold no worries chip you’re going to get your mind blown by my factory it still looks the same as when I was here last time I can’t tell Milo that I’ve already seen

It before though so I have to pretend to act surprised wa Milo this looks so cool I’ve never seen this before yeah I really built it all by myself don’t you think it looks really great uh yeah why are all these chests empty well they starting to fill up look over here Milo

There’s one gold nugget inside of here that’s not very full hey I’m working on it all right don’t you want to know how I get my gold yeah why don’t you tell me well basically I have some spawners up the top and then they fall down the

Zombie pigman of course and they fall on The Hoppers but hey that one’s escaping get back here Milo you can’t use Golden nuggets from zombie pigman how much do you think gold nuggets are worth like billions of dollars I they the most valuable thing from gold because I

Really like chicken nuggets so gold nuggets must be even better no Milo gold nuggets are the least expensive gold item if your factory only has gold nuggets you will not make much money what no one told me that oh my gosh this is a really bad situation Milo you could

Be in big trouble but there’s no time to fix it now I’m pretty sure the Villager is here no no really there he is Milo the greedy villager I can’t believe this is really happening oh this is really scary I hope we both made enough money

Yeah me too this guy is so greedy he’s going to check each of our factories to see how much gold we made and if either one of us did not make enough gold we’ll be turned into a statue I really don’t want to be a statue chip oh I hate this stinky vill

Me too wait I think he’s going to go into my factory first look at him look he’s going in chip oh no this is crazy oh wait Milo it says I made $1.2 Million worth of gold this is amazing okay thank goodness you won’t be turned into a

Statue uh Milo he’s checking yours now and you only made 42,000 worth of gold oh my gosh CH what are we going to do this is really bad I think I know what this means Milo you’re about to turn into a golden statue Milo

Milo and Chip are building Noob vs Pro Gold Factories in Minecraft! But what happens when a greedy villager comes to town?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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