I played OVER 300 days of MESSED UP Stardew Valley – Archipelago Randomizer Mod [FULL MOVIE]

I played over 300 days of messed up stardew Valley I’ll explain properly what this all means in the first video but we’re doing a Perfection run with the archipelago randomizer mod I’ve put all three videos together into a full movie because I know many of you enjoy

This format I watch this sort of stuff whilst I work and sleep or whilst I’m gaming myself and I know many of you do the same I hope you’re ready for some chaos because now we’re ready to begin I played 100 days of messed up stardew

Valley now what could I possibly mean by this well what if your house wasn’t your house what if it were the witch’s Hut are they trying to say something and what if you fished up your next house upgrade Nothing Is What It Seems thanks to the archipelago randomizer mod and

I’ll leave it linked in the description along with a little setup tutorial if you want to give this a go yourself this mod had me completely rethinking how to play the game my initial goal was just to complete the community center but you’ll see how quickly my plan got

Derailed hit that like button if you enjoy a bit of chaos and without further Ado let’s begin I woke up in my house to two boxes this time one with a telephone which was weird and the other with mix seeds no pnps for us because it’s summer

I stepped outside ready to get those planted but wait this isn’t the farm this is the community center uh oh my God I wanted to go back inside and just process all of this but I’m locked out once I leave the house each morning now I can’t re-enter until I get the

Community center cut scene which will be several days later oh and um excuse the different microphone I I was using a headset one with my other PC so if it sounds a little different to what you used to that’s why I walked myself over to the farm to see the summer we

Received in the mail then I wanted to know what was occupying my house instead and as I mentioned earlier this is the witch hut I made sure to pick up the Magic ink then check out where the warp goes first it was to the cave then to The Witcher swamp it’s all very

Backwards and because our friend the henchman is blocking the path I can’t check out the door ahead till later I recovered from that distraction and cleared some space once I placed down a chest I planted my mix seeds and it’s looking like these will all be forage no

Crops for us nearly everything in the game is unlockable somehow so we’ll have to keep playing to find out more but at this point I don’t know much about the mod at all I wanted the element of surprise now was the time to explore and to try and meet everyone so here’s a

Little tour for you and there’ll be no easy seed buying for me because Pier is actually Harvey’s I went looking around town to see if I could find Pier and just to know what’s behind each door this is so weird the buildings still do have their normal opening times too so

They might not match what’s inside free mushrooms from Louis’s house will be nice for sure and Pam’s trailer it’s Caroline’s tea room now and yep I’ve got that cut scene not that it matters just yet because I don’t have any forage seed recipes with everything going on in the

Town Caroline’s tea isn’t seeming quite so strange anymore the library is now rubbin so at least I can build stuff easily but in their basement they’re hiding a golden Walnut it’s mine now they didn’t know a loot Goblin was moving to town clints is now occupied by

Haley and Emily and the jojima is now the community center which is pretty ironic as you can see all the bundles are technically unlocked but at this point I can’t speak junimo so we’ll need to try and find the wizard I grabbed my first artifact at the beach then it was

Up to the saloon which is now Clint shop instead so I won’t be able to get to him before 12:00 p.m. now I just want to quickly show you the Friendship tab too you’ll see a new bar on top which is the friendship will be earning I got it set

That every two hearts will be some sort of an unlock and these don’t contribute to the actual friendship at the NPCs the real hearts we have to unlock two it’s hard to explain but you’ll see what I mean as we play through Jody’s house is

Now man’s still easy to get to and next to that is this random area of Ginger Island which is useless now that I’ve grabbed the walnuts inside man’s Ranch is the boat room does this mean we can work on getting to Ginger Island early it was weird seeing this cut scene day

One but I trust nothing I did somehow grab a loone only spring onion here don’t think we’ll find any more now then coming back up through the farm I wanted to see if my cave was any different and here we have the sewer so we have early

Access to kobus the usual weigh in from town is still the same as the vanilla game I almost found that weirder than anything else Robins is now the rain gem puzzle so I just grabbed the free warut and left and it looks like Sebastian is now using a tent to disguise his

Underground lair as fun as this is I can’t help but notice I have nowhere to buy seeds nor did I find the Museum but there are a bunch of places we’ve not unlocked yet so I’m excited to see what these will end up being since I’m loed

Out of my home I burned off energy on Farm clearance to force the pass out I headed straight to the farm on day two to collect the mail which included the tea sapling recipe I also got the mail to meet the wizard and an invitation to collect my fishing rod I got everything

Watered then wanted to check in with the wizard only to find out it’s Elliot’s house great on my way back over to town I got level one foraging except I didn’t get the level I got this and I don’t actually know what effect this ended up

Having I ignored that and went back to the joa center to see if I could Now read the bundles but no I still can’t so I do need to find the actual Wizard’s place at some point if Harvey was the bus tunnel I wanted to see what was

Taking up its location and for us this is the Pirates Cove rubbish maybe I should just go collect my fishing rod I skipped the cut scene which I usually do and instead I got the skull key no fishing rod for me so I thought maybe I

Could buy one except Wily shop is now my farm cave I do feel like so far I’ve got quite unlucky with the location rolls really but I took a minute to make note of all the useful ones so I don’t waste time checking each door when I need

Something then I wandered around looking for any locations I haven’t found yet with no luck so I returned to the farm to clear more space and I did leave tree trunks to allow tree seeds to spread well when I remembered to but once again I had to make myself pass out I began

Day three by picking up my chair for some Mischief later I don’t have to water today given the Drury weather but I did have Clint on my doorstep with the furnace blueprint as I picked some copper up clearing up the farm yesterday to get Clint of my property as soon as

Possible I skip that cut scene most of the things we unlock come in the mail the next morning so here’s that skull key no idea where skull Cavin is yet though I’m going to be using my chair to skip into the secret Woods I usually wait for the ax upgrade to do this

Nowadays but in this play through I have no idea when I’ll be able to get it and for all I know this location could have turned out to be somewhere important in this case it’s still the secret woods so I left because I didn’t feel like fighting slimes with the Scythe I wanted

To forage at the beach but there was not a single thing there there was however a single Mushroom in Louis’s cave I decided to put myself through completing that music memory puzzle this day just because I thought it would be funny to have it done on day three plus it’s nice

To have the early War nuts in case I suddenly need them but it definitely took me quite a few tries to get there the rest of this day went on Farm clearance again on day four I slashed through all the weeds next to my house

To make it less ugly but I was hoping for more mix seeds which I didn’t end up getting but I did have two to plant still from the previous day I gave everything a quick sprinkling before checking out Robin’s shop which is looking a little different as I hover

Over each item you can see what I’ll unlock with each purchase and I wanted to see if the crafting recipes were shuffled but thankfully those remain the same I was also relieved to see that building my shipping bin would in fact unlock my shipping Vin because you do

Still need to provide the materials as if you were actually building one the reason this was such a huge deal is because without Pier I had no way to sell crops and forage and I don’t have willly shop or even a rod to sell fish either but now I just did a foraging

Loop of cindat forest and cleared more debris from the farm which earned me level one mining but instead I’ll be receiving a pirate sword tomorrow I had just enough energy to be able to chop enough wood for the shipping bin but I made sure to pick everything up before

Making myself pass out again on day five I ignored Louis’s request for an octopus even if I had a fishing rod I am not doing that rather than going straight to the farm I wanted to check the traveling cart which is not there yep I got to unlock her too

I collected my pirate sword from the mail which seems to have come with a littery warning it wasn’t me I swear I’ll take the weapon though from this point I’ll stop telling you about every watering I did this daily you probably know this by now but after that I headed

Up to the newly opened mine area where I found out that Harvey now lives in this cave and I still can’t access the adventurers Guild yet I bought my shipping bin at Robin which thankfully I had enough money for after all those passing out bills and I was also making

Sure to chat to everyone I passed to chip away at the friendships I visited the secret woods again now that I was armed to hunt for fiddlehead ferns and begin the slow grind on the combat level then I returned to the farm to gather more wood for another chest and break

More debris to pass out again on day six I was happy to see my shiny new shipping bin ready for use but then I was immediately grossed out by demetrius’s request for a puffer fish let’s just pretend that doesn’t exist I started selling some stuff for shipping

Completion today if I felt I had enough of them then I skipped that community center cut scene because I just wanted to check that I now had access to my house the door is now unlocked so no more Force passing out for me whilst I was there I rearranged things because I

Prefer my bed next to the door and I also discovered that the TV has no channels either so thank goodness for UI infosu replacing some of those I accepted a request for an amethyst even if I don’t know when I’ll get one I did try the trash but no luck there so after

Getting some daily chats in I came back home to set aside some future Community Center donations which is highlighted by UI info Suite so this will avoid me selling or losing them like most days I chop trees again because working on any levels will help us unlock stuff or in

This case get some useful items and here’s a quick look at the people we’ve not even met yet and at this point I was taking a minute just to try and work out when I might be able to meet them because ignoring the wizard these people

Don’t have all that long outside where I can access them each week I was completely out of energy and I didn’t feel like using my limited food supply so I spoke to a couple more townies and headed to bed ridiculously early our first free night sleep and our first

Time actually making some of that money back on day seven I went to check the queen of source recipe completely forgetting that I can’t do that I started building in a little dumpster diving detour on my way to the farm each morning because nobody is around so it’s

An ideal time not to get caught though I did wait outside George’s house that morning to meet him on his way out for the day and hung around even longer for Pam to leave the trailer too so now all I have left for the introductions Quest

Is Pierre who only leaves the store on Fridays when I got to the farm I grabbed the coal from the mail then I wanted to see if I could access the bug lay yet but of course it’s still locked for now this then became yet another day of farm

Clearance and when I ran out of energy I dropped into the secret Woods to slay the slimes with my basic axe I can’t chop the stumps here but the slimes have a chance of dropping mahogany seeds which I can then grow and chop down with any axe for a source of hardwood I

Wasn’t lucky enough to get one today though before I went to bed I I foraged at the beach and tracked down everyone I could bit rude Clint moving right along to day eight when I hung out by the saloon door because I wanted to catch

Gus on his way to Pier with a birthday gift this is the one day a week I can interact with Gus so I’m happy it falls on his birthday my forage from the mixies was ready today I was happy with my first harvest but then it occurred to

Me that I don’t have anything to replant these spots with so now we’re left with a measly four crops all of which are more forage I used up all of my energy chopping down more trees again then when I was out for my daily socializing I

Gave away another sweet pee to Jazz this time because her friendship often lags behind for me this was on my way to grab the day’s Beach forage where I hit level three foraging wow the island Farmhouse so useful oh well at least there are more mushrooms for the taking today and

I continued around the whole map foraging and chatting because at this point there’s not a whole lot more I can do to lay unlock more areas or better tools on day N9 I finally got a bulletin board request I could actually do and look there’s even a sweet pee at the bus

Stop I salvaged some trash bread for later I still don’t have an amazing source of food but in Louis’s bin today I got an octopus looks like someone else came through for Louis’s request on day five and he just threw it away it’s mine now ah and there’s Alex to collect his

Sweet pee I didn’t get the gold reward instead I’ll get a different item tomorrow morning my next up was the secret Woods for some slime squashing still no mahogany seeds for me though then it was back to the farm for my routine of chopping trees and building

Those friendship points and I had a vegetable medley from the trash on a previous day for Lewis but he went into his house right before I could hand it over and I have no idea where his actual house is another day I guess on day 10 I

Planted my mushroom seed which I don’t think I’ve ever done before I’ve just had them randomly spawn now and again but I’ve never planted one myself with no watering to do I headed to the beach for forage and struggled with this dig spot which was a little embarrassing so

I fled the scene to find more Towes to chat to again I also checked manies to see if I can loock anything from her but no luck there then I was back at Robin’s again to see what to prioritize next and this has to be the cheapest house

Upgrade ever for 75 Stone and 1,000 gold I looked at Clint 2 and again instead of the toall upgrades we unlock other stuff not that I had a reliable source of copper yet or money for that matter but the other tear in the future will also

Get you something new on this day in the secret Woods I actually had an amethyst dropped from a slime so now I have it ready for any request you probably know by now what I did this evening yep chop more farmwood though I did gain the odd

Mix seed from fiber too I then thought I had a brilliant plan to turn on monsters for the farm since I have the witch hut right here because this will allow me to gain more combat XP but I completely forgot this need is a strange bun so rest in peace to that

Idea day 11 was the L out but at first I was determined to give L that vegetable medal I’ve been carrying around since this is a loved gift I could finally meet Pierre but it looked looks like I got a bit of a boost with a couple of

Other villagers somehow because I got several things here I did the rounds with every villager and dropped a basic purple mushroom to the pot because it was the best thing I had this made for a pleasant soup and with a small boost in friendship I reached two hearts with

Shane which gave me two hearts with Gus instead if I got the best response from the governor I would have actually got an extra Award of some sort but I need to do better so here’s the next time on day 12 I gave lonus some Gres for the

How to Win Friends Quest and it looks like I’ll be receiving a sor C for this on a little foraging run I found this little bit behind the JoJo Center full of fiber which I’ve literally never noticed before then Alex was a bit rude

To me when I got to the beach where I realized it’s currently crab mating season and I should be taking advantage of any extra forage despite Alex’s Behavior I still gave him a gift getting enough friendship points to get two hearts with Emily instead I then realized I hadn’t actually been to the

Farm yet today as usual starting with collecting the previous day’s rewards and some of these males are just brilliant I I harvested two bunches of grapes the farm is still looking really sad then I chopped just enough wood to contribute to the beach Bridge which I wasn’t going to fix today because I

Wanted to squeeze in a few more gifts some of that wood was also for a request from Robin which rewarded me with the Leo Hearts then I continued working on friendships and foraging again for more gifts but the highlight of the day had to be getting that mahogany seed from a

Slime that evening and I actually got two now I just have to wait an age for them to grow on day 13 I collected my fancy new hat from the mail and put it straight on my nuggin definitely suits the look I’ve got going on with this

Character don’t you think I was going to hunt down Alex with a gift first thing but then I realized he won’t be leaving till much later with the rain so I burned off most of my energy progressing the farm cleanup and reached level four foraging there were a few more bits of

Coral for me on the beach then I invaded Emily’s dreams on my quest for more friendship points there is actually a hint feature so I tried to get the location to meet the wizard but I apparently didn’t have enough points not even close to enough so so that plan

Goes out the window time for even more foraging then for the next few days I just sort of fell into a rhythm of searching the trash on my way to the farm watering the few crops I had decimating every slime in the secret Woods oh joy a stone chest talking to

Every village I could find completing quests and gifting where I can so instead of telling you the same thing pretty much over and over again I’ll mainly let you know if I unlock something new on day 15 I got a trash can upgrade for slaying slimes for Lewis

Then on day 16 I Mr Key’s Walnut Room for reaching two hearts with Louis kind of cool even if I have no idea where it is I also got my first mine elevator with vincon that day so it looks like when I do find the mines it’s going to

Suck I also added a new thing to my routine which was learning how to Clay Farm because I didn’t really have a proper way of making money yet with no crops no fish and no forage seeds I didn’t know how to do it properly though because what I didn’t know is even if

The next part doesn’t give you a piece of clay you’re supposed to just continue the pattern so I was just getting frustrated with it breaking all the time and burning all of my energy restarting the entire thing I’d don’t learned this for quite a while though so this really

Didn’t end up giving me the Boost I so desperately wanted on day 17 man was waiting for me on the farm with a cat needing a home and what compliments the chaos better than an orange cat with an unsatisfyingly unmatching name Sam got a joa cola for his birthday granting me

Huns with kobus and with Abigail requiring a red mushroom I finally got an actual usable foraging level right after that I also got the rusty key for reaching two hearts with her two a pretty successful day on day 18 I bought all of kobis mix seeds since this was

All I could think of to be able to actually grow stuff you can buy these on a Thursday at four hearts with Alex I’ll be receiving an iron trash can upgrade tomorrow but then he immediately got in the way of my already incompetent clay farming efforts this is so painful but I

Managed to actually get myself a sort of decent amount today testing out that Rusty key the town entrance just goes back into into the sewers which we knew but the forest entrance now houses joj and yeah they definitely belong here a smelly Underground Market here you can

Buy any seeds you’ve unlocked which for me at the moment is none but anything sold at the JoJo Mark can only be bought in larger packs than the singles you’d be able to buy at Pier’s I had the option to buy a JoJo membership which would have given me some quicker

Progression but this isn’t in the spirit of the challenge so Morris can suck it day 19 started with some mixed up friendship points and I got another all right clay haul at the Beach which I ended up selling directly to Robin I did debate buying copper ore from Clint for

That furnace Quest at 75 per ore it wasn’t cheap but I wanted a new way to progress so I bit that bullet but it was so worth it because this will unlock the special order board tomorrow I even had enough in my chest to get my first bar

Smelting resulting in a second mine elevator I checked that special order board upon Awakening on day 20 only to find I can’t do either of these thankfully we’re only a couple of days out from reset on Monday I managed to farm enough clay to sell to Robin to

Afford the CP purchase this got me hearts with Shane but I didn’t quite understand how these unlocks work because I then wanted to try and build one but obviously I can’t because I need to find it out in the world somewhere I think I was misled with the shipping bin

So I just went back to all the usual stuff day 21 was a pretty routine one but I didn’t get anything new and on day 22 I stole my first Healy from Caroline’s trailer I was disappointed to find that I couldn’t really do either of these special requests either but I

Still accepted community cleanup on the off chance that I managed to dig 20 pieces of trash out of the well trash none today though but I did get some Pam friendship from Haley these are kind of annoying right now whilst I’m hunting for other things to unlock but the end

Goal of this series will be Perfection so I’m still going to need all these hearts that night I opted to sell some of my spare forage so I was no longer totally broke since I still completely suck at clay farming this was all about to change on day 23 though because I got

Some wheat seeds in the mail for reaching level five foraging my first actual crop prop for now I only had one seed so I went back to Clay farming again and this is when I found out about continuing the pattern even if some tiles don’t drop clay and it just felt

So much smoother the beach was looking interesting by the time I was done with it but with a personal best of 61 clay I did not care in the slightest this got me just over 1,200 gold on day 24 the priz for Wily’s friendship was a potato

Seed it’s nice to start seeing some crops I got a pathetic amount of clay before running out of energy today but then I remember that the JoJo might exists except I didn’t pick up any seeds because I was worried that the wheat might not grow in time and I don’t know

What season is next on day 25 I made use of a beach totem to bring Willie some green algae he requested the reward for this was a geoc Crusher recipe so yep even the special order rewards will be randomized this day looked like many of the others but I did remember to come

Back and harvest my forage on the farm and bought some mix seeds ready for whatever the next season is and uh we’re going to completely ignore this reward for two hearts with lonus on Day 26 I got some Peppa poppers from Shane in the mail which I tried to give right back to

Him but I’ve already given him two gifts this week Robin asked for a spice Berry today which unlocked me the Earth Obelisk but I’ll still need to access the wizard to be able to build it I don’t even want to talk about my clay farming efforts today they’re

Embarrassing but the Silver Lining was a bit of friendship progress and just because I felt like it I fetched the Walnut from the Pirates Cove on day 27 it seems that the wizard was happy to see me Harvest some wheat we also progressed something the first time we

Harvest each crop too I somehow messed up the clay farming even more than usual this day forgetting about continuing the pattern so I left to go back to all my other usual Antics we’re nearing the end of our first season and you might be thinking huh there really isn’t very

Much progress but just you wait things do begin to ramp up a bit as time goes on the default settings say that there will be a check for an item or unlock every four Hearts but I’ve got it set to every two hearts so that should help

When I went to bed that night I somehow got hearts with Emily and Demetrius which went towards other friendships instead no idea why this happened I was happy that it did though because I now had access to the top floor of Harvey’s which was just Professor snail’s empty

Tent Yep this is exactly what I wanted in this moment totally what I was hoping for I passed the day chatting with the entire town or you know whoever I can access but I wanted to actually stay up a bit later today because tonight was the dance of the Moonlight jellies and

In trying to get Elliot out of my way I got two hearts with Pam attending the festival meant I could chip away at the friendships including people that I can’t talk to you very often it’s all so worth it because I got a farming level from Shane and since there’s no

Performance rating for this Festival I’m guaranteed an unlock of some sort and for this I got an upgraded backpack easily the best thing I’ve got so far and I was very much appreciating the easy win after the grind that was this entire season I was so ready for

Something new but when I went to bed the game asked me what season I’d like to go with next and the only option was summer so I guess I need to unlock the other Seasons too yo help me here we go again on day 29 I collected my bigger

Backpack from the mail a loot Goblin’s dream any amount more space is good space I had 14 mixies to plant and I was pleased to see that the wheat is now included so I guess it’s forage plus anything else you’ve unlocked from That season which is awesome I taed 15 spots

So I was determined to fill the last one I slashed some weeds and found three more in a dig spot so I immediately gave up on the full tidy Rose to plant them all whilst I really didn’t want to I decided I really had to shop at JoJo Mar

To be able to make more progress with money and farming levels the wheat seeds are very cheap so I ended up choosing to buy 100 seeds you can see how I went back to purchase the second pack of 50 but I did immediately regret the decision as soon as I realized how much

Manual watering I was going to have to do every single day without the foggiest clue on when I can get sprinklers this better all be worth it as you can imagine day 30 began with lots of watering and as before I’m not going to keep telling you about this every time

Now you don’t need to go through the same pain that I did and I also work on a lot of similar stuff as last season to for two hearts with Evelyn I got better ammo for Journey the prairie king which is another thing some of my unlocks will

Be Milestones on those arcade machines not only have I never completed either of these games before I still have no idea where the saloon is you know what though I’m happy enough pretending those don’t exist at the moment the special order board was yet another bust but

With all the grapes I’ve been finding I reached four hearts with Vincent for an early boost with Sandy who we’ve not even met yet I think the game was trying to be mean as well by giving me debris for friendship with Sam but jokes on them my Farm’s already a mess an

Earthquake Was Heard overnight into day 31 which signaled the opening of the railroad new places I was shocked to be met with this cut scene with the wizard because we don’t usually get this till after completing the community center so this is either by Design with the archipelago mod or it’s because we’ve

Already got the the Magic ink from The Witch’s heart and met the henchmen either way I was happy to see something new I first checked out the bath house which is now the casino and I found it hilarious that it was disguised this way I didn’t have enough money to want to

Gamble just yet so I swiped up some of the fiber around here and visited kobus to ask about the dark Talisman they kindly unlocked that part of the sewer for me and I was excited to pick that item up and find out what’s in the cave

By the railroad but actually this is the mines it seems at first that I get the rusty sword from Marlon but no it turns out to be an enricher which we’ll get in the mail tomorrow good thing we’ve already got our pirate sword because this is incredible the mines are

Basically in my back Garden I decided not to venture down there today because I didn’t have much energy or food I’d rather wait till I can make a lot more progress especially since the elevators aren’t unlocked in the usual way I still gave the railroad cave a try but

Obviously this didn’t work so I went for a bit more Farm cleanup and a gifting spree on day 32 I put my useless enricher in a chest I’ve never used one of these in my life I found a fair few mushrooms in Louis’s cave today and in

Terms of unlocks I found the Slime Hutch for the next friendship Milestone with jazz but not going to lie I’m going to forget about this for a good while I wanted to attempt the mines today and despite having a couple of elevators already unlocked I forgot about this and

Went straight for the ladder it was a good thing I did too because it didn’t take me long to reach level five and got yet another elevator for getting there I also leveled up my mining for 20 bonus clay and in leveling up my combat I got

A mining level instead very welcome in the circum ances upon reaching floor 10 I got a permanent movement speed bonus which is nice to have without the right food or drink and inside the treasure chest I received some Alex Hearts instead of some actual loot bit

Disappointing but as you can see the Min is providing us with lots of opportunity for progression i c it a day after reaching level 15 which I’ll be receiving a magic rock candy for but this was a very successful day don’t you think and being able to craft cherry

Bombs is definitely going to help us on day 33 I shipped that pack of clay for a cash boost maybe the game G is making fun of me for my absolute lack of clay farming skill harvesting all the wheat helped progress my farming level so I’ll be receiving a lightning rod in the

Morning in time for tomorrow’s storm I even got level two today which unlock radish seeds another crop that we can actually plant I kept a few wheat but ended up selling most of it this was very much worth the tedious watering i’ now managed to smell several copper bars

So I have these ready to potentially spend at clints later but he doesn’t open till 12: in this playr so I rumag the bins to find another vegetable medal for a perfectly timed gift to Lewis as he left his cave for the morning I passed some time with a bit of slime

Slicing then once Clint opened I used those bars and some gold on a copper hoe upgrade which was actually just two hearts with Maru these actually take effect same day and speak of the devil I could also give her a gift to reach four fake hearts giving me a free Hopper the

Reason I wanted to unlock hearts with Maru is because I wanted to check this side door here which turned out to be Mr Key’s warut room the quests in here are usually designed for endgame though so both of these were a no from me this

Week I also wanted to know where I’d go if I were to use that door from inside maru’s room and you end up at The Treehouse which we’ve not even unlocked yet I planned to use the rest of this day on the juicy bugs quest for Willie

But it didn’t take me long to realize there was no way I was gathering enough bug meat before the deadline but I did manage to slay those 10 slimes for Marlon I got 30 key gems for this and I was hoping to see what was behind that adventurous Guild door but that’s hidden

Within a different Milestone that night I made a good couple of grand from all that wheat it finally feels like we’re getting somewhere on day 34 I got my first radish seed in the mail alongside that Hopper and 30 key gems I also unlocked a traveling Merchant day which will be

Every Wednesday having reached two hearts with man yesterday I was wondering how this worked I set up the hopper with my furnace I might as well make use then I shoved that radish seed in the ground and harvested a lonely wheat which lagged behind the others I

Must have missed this watering one day I bought a pack of 50 radish seeds from the JoJo Mar because these should be better than wheat both in terms of money and farming XP the rain today was definitely an added bonus so I wanted to take advantage of the extra energy by

Hitting up the mines but not without saying hi to kobus who granted me the unlock of pumpkin seeds I started on floor 15 today which was where I left last time and it’s the lowest elevator I’ve unlocked too spiral floor 19 was kind to me with a nice early ladder so

At floor 20 I got the fairy dust recipe and in the chest was a painting which I’ll get tomorrow I don’t know how to feel about this I kept going knowing there was no way of returning to these floors at the moment we still only have the elevator to 15

But I still wanted the chance to unlock as much as I could today o a mini fridge I even made it to level 30 with the last of my energy but all I got was an extra life for Journey of the prairie king so I was not impressed at all day 35 and

There was no watering again for me I collected all of my rewards from the mail and it was so weird getting this painting which you usually get at the night market in Winter I added a couple more chests then took some time to reorganize because we were getting a

Little bit cramped then I checked in at Mr key shop because we’ve been accumulating gems from other activities grabbing a deconstructor in case I need it and also a key to the town a fantastic find for this early in the game I was in the mood to hang out in

The mines today where I found my first special slime of the save it dropped me some rubber boots which are let’s be honest pretty terrible but they’re better than nothing I knew I wouldn’t get much further down in floors than yesterday so I was really just here to

Farm copper and push for a last itch effort on the juicy bugs Quest on the day it’s duee in typical ADHD fashion I did get another magic rock candy for level three mining this time but since most of my brain cells got used up on farming bug meat I barely got a copper

Today I won myself a bonus CK though but I’d rather have had something I can actually use I passed out slaying bugs that night I knew I wasn’t making it to the drop off box for this but I was being stubborn and wanted to tell myself

I got that 100 bug meat and I did just in the nick of time what a pointless achievement on day 30 6 I quickly plucked a sweet pee from my farm and ran off to wait for the saloon for Gus’s second birthday of the year I realized I

Was far too early and quickly checked that special request board to find Robin asking us to gather a thousand pieces of stone without the fishing rod for the other Quest this is the only one we have any chance of doing a very very slim chance I successfully handed over Gus’s

Birthday gift then returned to the farm to deal with the remaining forage I also spotted my first fully grown mahogany tree so here’s our start to Gathering hardwood for the boat I left the stump in the ground to allow more seeds to spread so now it’s just a matter of time

Despite having barely any energy I spent this afternoon in the mines again to Begin work on that 1,000 stone for rubbin and with just a small handful of cherry bombs I barely made a dent when I reached the spiral floor I stuck out the long trik to the middle and was super

Thankful to come across a small glow ring from the crates here we’ve now got these ready for the dark floors and the mines but it will also help a bit at night a lot of the copper I got today went towards more cherry bombs and by

The end of the night I gathered 17 9 stone which is actually not too shabby and look our beautiful little gloring hard at work so much better day 37 was just a repeat of trying to get more Stone floor 17 was infested today but I couldn’t help but kill this next special

Slime which dropped a small magnet ring this will go nicely with my glow ring I ran out of bombs and energy by the evening I somehow don’t think this Quest is going to happen I went out on a gifting spree instead hitting two hearts with Clint for an apricot sapling then I

Gave the casino a visit that night completely forgetting how expens of the coins are when you don’t have loads of money I only gave the slots a few spins intending to come back at a later date when I could buy more coins and bet 100

At a time on a rainy day 38 I planted the apricot sapling from the mail with no idea as to when it’ll actually bear fruit because this is a spring tree I stopped in at the Carpenters to give Maru another birthday gift but I got

Roped into some lab work I can’t say no on a birthday can I things got a bit weird with Demetrius when Maru left the building and usually I’d be truthful as to what happened but I couldn’t remember if this loses us hearts with Demetrius so I said nothing this time because that

Friendship progress is crucial annoyingly this then spawned me outside where the house would usually be so I had to walk all the way back down Penny was now hanging out outside and with a quick gift and a chat I’ll be getting a Galaxy soul I wanted the Boost of a

Loved birthday gift so Maru got one of my magic rock candies and for that I got a fishing level it was now time for our first traveling cart visit since Wednesday is the day we’ve currently unlocked she’s selling one normal item alongside one unlock each week and each

Day of the week we’ll have a total of three possible things to unlock so I need to check back here until I have all of them I wasn’t interested in the fishing TV channel and I couldn’t afford it anyway so not the best start I was still some time away from harvesting

Those radishes so I gathered a funny number of clay from the beach to be a bit less broke with an extra, 1400 is gold I spent sum of the next morning trying to gather more Stone from the mines for the special request and as

Soon as I ran out of energy I used a beach totem to teleport straight to our second Lu I did the rounds as usual gaining some money Hearts from Robin then I added a basic purple mushroom to the soup because I still had nothing else better feels like deja vu except

This time the Boost in Friendship got me Buck Choy seeds another mine elevator and friendship with Sebastian so honestly this is probably one of the better Seasons to be stuck with just for the Friendship progress alone on day 40 I was horrified to find a crow snacking

On one of my precious radishes without the usual starter Quest directing me to craft a scarecrow I completely forgot these even exist Ed but honestly I think my crops had F pretty well so far really I haven’t lost many at all I plucked my first radishes from the ground happy to

See that my first way of obtaining actual fishing XP will arrive in the mail tomorrow and on top of that I unlocked a shed for level three farming even better I hit level four farming 2 so tomorrow I’ll finally have a fishing rod never thought I’d be so excited to

See one of these this made me want to replant radishes but I was just 59 gold off being able to afford them no seeds for me so I had handed a gift to Clint then remembered I have two real hearts with man so I Saed right in and picked

Up the shorts I decided it wouldn’t be so wise to mess with lwis because I want that progress now and because of that I got a mining level and a combat level but when I finished talking to LS my game crashed so I had to redo all of

This no it took me some time to find out why but it was UI infosu getting upset from the simultaneous level UPS so I’ll have this mod disabled for a little while I will bring it back later though oh and that fish in my Art Bar I got in

The trash this time it was too early for Louis so I’ll come back later because I wanted to try get all of my crab pots and my fishing rod from the mail anyway you’ll also noticed the unlock for the shorts quests are already in my mail because on the archipelago server and

I’ve completed this now I reharvested all the stuff on my farm again with anything from those farming levels already having been applied then I slapped those crab pots down in my pond at this point realizing I was missing a key ingredient bait I can’t have this

Till the game gives me level two fishing and I don’t have access to Willie to buy it either Lou was back outside so I could give the shorts back again then believe it or not my mind was actually set on fishing and the first one I

Caught turned out to be a carp for the unlock of the golden Scythe seems you get something new for the first time you catch each fish so the rainbow trout will give me a deluxe scarecrow and apparently I got slimed for level one fishing how lovely I got a deluxe fish

Tank for catching a chub then for the rest of the daytime I tried to fish at the beach and caught nothing at all really I did get a fishing level for a bream though so now we’ve got to level two bait is on the horizon and look at

All that gold on day 41 I collected my golden Scythe from the mail so now we know in advance the statue in the Quarry cave will have something different for us I was a bit less excited about the deluxe scarecrow and the fish tanko was originally going to throw away but I

Just left it in a chest just in case I end up wanting it I fished in the town river for a Shad who granted me the next two hearts with kobus and I managed to catch a red snapper which kindly brought me some Demetrius Hearts I thought I

Could try for the small mouth bass at the Forest Lake here but I didn’t realize you can’t get these in summer so I wasted a stupid amount of time considering how rubbish the bite rate is on this rod for actual fish I turned to tree chopping as soon as I got sick of

Railing up trash to utilize my remaining energy and when I got tired I caved in and set up that fish tank in my house I thought the mini fridge would be cute too but nope you can only use these when you built a kitchen where am I supposed

To keep my beverages now on day 42 I waited outside georgees for him to leave for worship so I could deliver the copper bar he asked for I didn’t unlock anything new this time so it seems I’ve completed the max number of fet requests to give me

Something new so from now on I’ll be getting the gold again as normal I embarrassed myself with Alex at the beach though honestly I blame his throwing then I tried to fish for a few sardine for willly but I’m guessing this Rod won’t allow me to so I just got so

Much trash at least I pulled up some joa Cola for Sam after dropping stuff off at home that evening I realized I still have nothing really planted so I returned to the JoJo Mar now that I could afford those radish seeds but I went to bed without planting them

Because I thought I might have passed out trying on day 43 I accepted the Aquatic overpopulation special request now that I have a fishing rod and I know for a fact I can actually catch the rainbow trout before doing anything else I got those radishes down then made a

Start on the fishing as soon as I could because this gives me a reason to grind for the XP with level two fishing I got another fishing level which means we’re actually now level three I also caught my first ballhead sometime later which leveled up our foraging I got quite a

Lot of free bait with it too I inevitably got bored of the fishing by the early evening so I tracked down Willie because he also put up another fishing request for three cart this time and being my first fishion request completed I unlocked the grape starter

On day 44 I got my first star drop in the mail as a reward for reaching level six foraging yesterday the extra energy will be nice but it’s the taste of pure chaos for me my first round of crab bot stuff was ready two were trash but I did

Get a snail which opened me another mine elevator I then proceeded to go on a gifting spre with friendships being extra important in this playthrough and as soon as clints was open I bought the traveling Merchant discount since I had a bit of gold to spend I call it an

Investment with the day full of gifting I had a few hours left before the rainbow trout would despawn for the day and I sought help from this bubble swap I got an extra life in junam moart for level three fishing but I didn’t catch any more rainbow trout today so I used

The rest of my energy on farmwood chopping on day 45 the traveling cart sold me a coupe for 650 gold but I was yet to figure out how to get it a lot of this day was for gifting and chatting and of course fishing for a rainbow

Trout though not enough to complete the quest today in fact I carried on into day 46 to find out I’ve only caught 5 so far I was there all day and entered the evening on 9 out of 10 someone please save me from all this fishing on day 47

I came back to the witches swamp to reel in some void Mayo for the henchmen which I handed right over to our Goblin friend in exchange for a heavy Tapper recipe I was relieved to see he still moved out the way so I could access the door and

This turned out to be George and Evelyn’s house I walked in on a medical appointment so I skipped that cut scene because that’s none of my business I made it over to a passing train today but all it dropped was a handful of wood better than nothing I suppose I

Literally left midw watering for this I reached six hearts with Demetrius today which means I’ll have a red cabbage seed tomorrow then it did take me a while but I finally managed to catch that final rainbow trout no gold reward but instead I got a foraging level which is even

Better in my books I rewarded myself for all that fishing by hanging out in the mind’s the evening on the hunt for more copper not only did I reach level four mining upping my friendship with Lewis but I gathered enough copper for Clint’s mining quest for a little boost in gold

With plenty of time to get back to bed on day 48 Willie presented another easy fishing Quest two chubs should be no trouble at all I put the newly acquired cabbage seed in the chest because this won’t grow in time at this point then it

Was up to the lake for some chub fishing where I also reeled in a dinosaur egg I’ll be keeping this till I can hatch it for more unlimited eggs I caught the second job I needed a few fish later and thankfully since it’s a Saturday he’s

Out and about a lot earlier to hand it in only gold this time though my afternoon was back in the mind again because this time I wanted to navigate the dark floors I was seeing some good clusters of copper but I was disappointed that reaching level 35 only

Got us some more Stone I’ve already been Gathering rocks down here I stayed late in there tonight reaching level four combat for another magic rock candy they seem to be giving these out like candy but also got down to floor 40 unlocking me the hot pepper seeds and in

The chest a bone Mill I only did this for the unlocks today because as you can see on the elevators the deepest I can skip to was only 25 the morning of day 49 was a radish Harvest which got me to level five farming for this I got two

More hearts with the wizard who I still haven’t managed to locate yet radish has only take 6 days to grow so I have time to plant one more batch then for some reason I moved the crab pots to the lake here because I guess they were annoying

Me or something I don’t exactly know what was was going through my mind here I went for more mining again that afternoon but this time for just enough copper for Clint to inspect again I don’t mind me some extra gold back on the farm I needed to make a couple more

Chests to house the museum and Community Center donations since I have nowhere to donate them I’m really stockpiling them at this point then I rounded off the day by burning my remaining energy up with my axe on day 50 Willie was asking me to catch a pike my training Rod could never

I also accepted the cave Patrol quest in case we get some some sort of Miracle unlocking loads of Minds elevated this week for skeletons there’s no penalty for not doing it so why not a perwinkle brought me more friendship with the wizard on my way to the farm and when I

Arrived I found Demetrius waiting for me wanting to talk about the farm cave since I already have Louis’s capap for mushrooms I chose the fruit bats this time plus all those fruits will make great gifts when the cut scene ended though I was stuck in the wall I

Panicked here and all I could think to do was burn energy and pass out but then I remembered we have an unstuck command and the game had the audacity to tell me to be more careful I was just trying to get back onto the farm I caught Gus on

His way back to the saloon with a gift which unlocked blue Jazz seeds for reaching four Hearts then I moved those crab pots again to the beach this time for different varieties of fish to catch making sure to leave a chest with some bait in it so I don’t have to remember

To bring it because we all know I won’t no Emma you still have the bait okay yeah there we go I checked him with a key Quest this week I’ve not been doing this every week because they’re mostly things I can’t do and this week was no

Different but whilst I was there I looked through the shop again just in case I missed an unlock here and I haven’t it’s all just the usual stuff and before bed that night I stopped in at Caroline’s tea trailer to rob the tea leaves there on day 51 I had a couple of

New Crab Pot fish to collect the cockle unlocked another mine elevator and I’ll be getting a new ax upgrade tomorrow from the muscle a gift to Alex raised my friendship with Robin who I actually managed to catch passing her counter before she leaves for the exercise class

I was here to buy the well blueprint which actually unlocked a house upgrade for stupidly cheap only problem is I still haven’t figured out how to get it built or anything that’s another thing that will come in time today I got eight hearts with Maru so that’s one less

Person to track down the reward was friendship with Sandy still got no idea where she is yet I even got hearts with Kent from George I attempted to fish in the mines for new stuff but it didn’t seem to like my rubbish Rod so I hung

Out in town instead just working on my fishing level for the rest of the day I reached level five that night which teleported me somewhere random thankfully it was really close by I was so confused for a minute on day 52 a crab kindly offered me Mr Key’s hat it

Will arrive tomorrow with the next day delivery Willie got his next birthday gift and I got a gift myself of unlocked pineapple seeds from the mail today came the coppera upgrade which means I can now destroy every stamp on my farm because a I need the hardwood and B they

Were annoying me here the traveling cart brought me some Palm Hearts today you’ll also see that she barely sells anything at all expanding her stock is something we have have to figure out unlocking too and I wasn’t going to miss out on clearing out on the secret Woods got to

Ship away at the boat materials but also this is decent foraging XP the result of today’s socializing efforts was a barn unlock and it was nice to be able to replenish some of the gifts along the way too I also found out that night that pet friendship counts too jojola though

Really on day 53 I slapped Mr Key’s hat on my Noggin and collected the remaining rewards from the mail I kept up with my hardwood grind before ridding my farm of more ugly debris two hearts with Caroline unlocked us the garlic seeds which was fun still being in year one

But also we already have the tea sapling recipe we’d usually get for this sort of time and for eight hearts with Demetrius we got another 30 key gems on day 54 I was blessed with rain and Leah was asking for an iron bar on the board

Which luckily I had a handful of or to be able to smell that was going to take a bit of time so I planed to just fish for a bit but it seems I just wasn’t noticing the fish biting today hello Emma anyone in there I wonder wanted to

Bring a gift to Sebastian in his tent but when I got there he seemed really busy working I hung out to ask what he’s working on which seemed like the right call because he was getting pretty sick about people not really taking his job seriously I asked him a bit more about

His career goals since it’s something that looks really important to him and I can definitely relate to wanting to move away from the corporate life but hopefully this magic rock candy will cheer him up and I got some boots for the Journey of the prairie king whatever

Those do I still have no idea how that game really works my iron bar was done by this point but Leah will still be inaccessible in her home for a while so I fished some of my day away actually paying attention this time so I could

Catch her on her way to the saloon whilst the tasks themselves won’t give me the same progress they do still give extra friendship which this time got me a master slingshot it wasn’t until the evening that I remember to check the crab pots today and with this shrimp we

Can access lower floors in the mines so now we can go down to floor 35 I did want to see if I could get down a few more floors but I burned all my energy Gathering copper and left earlier than I’d planned I’d rather save my food for

Another time on day 55 I caught my first oyster which got me something to help in Journey the prairie king though I didn’t really care about that right now because waiting for me on the farm was the last batch of radishes and I was itching to

Get back into the mines again the iron floors weren’t all that far away so I was determined to come out with a quantity of iron or today even if it does take a while with my basic pickaxe I managed to hit floor 45 for a coupe upgrade and I really thought I would

Make it to floor 50 today but I ran out of energy on floor 48 with no more for Cherry boms either way I got what I came for which was some iron to smell except I didn’t smelt it and I have no idea why day 56 was the last of this season but

It was the start of a new gifting week so I rushed around town sweetening everyone up to see if I can unlock literally any other season I had no luck on that front today but I did get a combat level from Clint a mining level from Lewis an oil maker from Jazz which

Will arrive tomorrow along with another star drop from Vincent once I gifted everyone I could I Revisited the casino betting 10 at a time till I got a decent win there and as you can see I just clicked the button again not really even realizing for a second what happened I

Had a look at the prize counter because I couldn’t remember if there was something to unlock here but it’s just the same stuff as the vanilla game so I carried on a little while to build a little balance in case I want it for something in addition to the rarecrow

Later but I quickly got bored of that and ended up heading to bed completely forgetting about the dance of the Moonlight jellies no bonus friendship for me I bet you know what’s coming up next though day 57 and I’m getting sick of this heat I cleared up the new Season’s debris

From the farm then munched on a tasty breakfast of the stardrop I was ready for a field of crops again so it was off to the smelly JoJo sewer to pick up some seeds this time I went for a pack of hot peppers and a pack of red cabbages since

Both are new to me for this playthrough I also got that single pineapple seed planted too and I only ended up planting half of the red cabbages because this is already going to be a horrendous amount of daily watering whilst we’re still sprinkler lless with the crops were

Happy I was now out of energy so I was back on my gifting spree getting this useless TV channel from Abigail that really what do we expect from someone who eats rocks maybe she took the name of living off the land a little too literally four hearts with Pam wasn’t

Much better though I really don’t want more joj Cola on day 58 I got the cut scene with a special order board being fixed I guess this would be the usual number days in a vanilla playthrough but in this one it was already fixed did someone break again overnight I promise

You it wasn’t me brand new from scratch liar I moved my crab pots to the river since I was missing one of the freshwater fish before bringing some seaweed to Linus that he asked for it took a single spice Berry for me to hit Level 7 foraging the bonus scarecrow

Will save me some materials then armed with some snack algae I pushed through the mines again which were teaming with copper today so we didn’t take me long to reach level five mining seems Robin was pleased with my progress all that copper went into Cherry bom BS but even

With all of those it still took me most of the day to get to level 50 but hey at least I got there which will get me a new watering can upgrade and a coffee machine now this is some loot I can get on board with on day 59 I proudly

Displayed my coffee machine outside I’m looking forward to the Daily Free cup and don’t worry this model is weatherproof I bought an egg from the traveling car not even perceiving that fishing channel and whil I was over there I cleared out the slimes and stumps from the secret Woods I have been

Doing this pretty often I just don’t always show it I then had a brain wave and finally thought to check out the actual construction menu at Robins this is where all those buildings go the first ones are free when you unlock them including the upgrades then after that

They cost the same as the normal game I better get that Coupe started they’re still built in the same way with Robin working on the farm for a couple of days after another full day of socializing I wanted to help with the town maintenance

A bit so I came over to the railroad to clear a lot of this area up not all of it though because I want to let the fibus thread so I can keep harvesting in that here on day 60 I rushed to find Sebastian with an amethyst he asked for

And as a thank you the bus will be repaired overnight now we’re talking give me some new places to explore eight hearts with jazz will be getting me another free Galaxy soul 2o you can see how extra important birthdays are in this playthrough then I came back to the

Farm to chop wood and make space for all the free buildings I want to build plus I want space for the animals here is the beautiful sight of the bus being repaired without having donated a single thing to the community center so after tending to the crops on day 61 I bought

Myself a bus ticket and yes the bus still does go to the desert I dug at any wormies and grabbed all the forage the desert Trader seems to be exactly the same and it looks like here that I’m mad that I forgot to bring the quartz for

Bombs but then I seem to have forgotten the effects of this mod because I was so ready to meet Sandy but nope this is now Leah’s house I forgot again immediately after that because I had complete tunnel vision for Gathering aridium or in skull cavins but in this cave I found luses belonging

My plan was foiled I need to rethink how I’m going to obtain the aridian bars for the boat now and whilst I was pondering I chopped down some Farm trees and took a little stroll around the forest my field was looking nice and spicy on day 62 with my first pepper Harvest I

Leveled up in foraging as well as gaining hearts with jod for reaching farming level six I kept quite a few for ingredients and gifts but it’s nice to know we’ve now got some regrow money on the way I delivered a radish to Shane he requested and of course I shared a hot

Pepper from the farm as a thank you I’ll be getting a much needed pickaxe upgrade tomorrow with the coupe now complete I summoned Robin Services again to upgrade it so I could have that incubator but it was definitely hard trying to decide which build to prioritize next with all

These free ones it’s nice not to have to burn through all my wood though just yet because look what we finally unlocked overnight summer forage seeds we made some decent gold that night but the money making is about to get so much better here I am collecting my shiny new

Copper pickaxe on day 63 it’s been rough not getting an upgrade to our third season I had a little moment of forgetting what I was doing then I headed over to man to purchase my first chicken I mean dog what a good little barely visible feathered puppy I worked

On friendships for the new gifting week getting hearts with Sebastian from Evelyn a charcoal Kon from Harvey and some Penny Hearts from Emily to replenish some of my gifts I took a trip to the secret Woods for more fiddlehead ferns and obviously I’m not leaving

Without the hardwood too on my way out I planted the mahogany seeds just south of the farm now that I’m wanting to plan out building and stuff for the evening I made my first 50 forage seeds but I only decided that I’d tolerate an extra 30

Crops to water for now the rest of the seeds went into 10 tea saplings which I was just going to ship but then I changed my mind and planted a couple of them because why not eight tea saplings will still get us 4 grand on day 64 I accepted Robin’s hardwood project which

Should be a nice easy win though I wouldn’t be able to access Pierre to do his special order anyway I waited outside the saloon to give Gus’s third birthday gift of the year then brought a red snapper to Pam to rub on her elbow I made sure to pet the dog on my

Way to incubate another egg which means our Coupe upgrade is now done we’re not giving Robin much rest because I asked her to work on my free house upgrade and I do love the way the dialogue box has changed here to say someone’s funded it the other big news of the day was

Unlocking the island Obelisk from a crayfish though we still can’t get this built until we find the damn wizard I was also meaning to buy some path recipes from Robin earlier but I completely forgot so here’s an overly aggressive reminder for next time she’s done building I was also supposed to

Move the C too on day 64 I relocated my crab pots again because the only fish I haven’t caught with these is now the lobster the next Harvest of hot peppers had arrived no new farming levels today though I brought the few magma and Omni duers ah had to Clint because these two

Have a chance of containing aridium or and this was the only way I could think of to get it and here we did manage to get a few today I stopped up at Robins right after with the 80 hardwood I already had so now all I need to do is

Chop more to satisfy the quest and I won’t have to worry about forgetting to hand it in after the building closes at the end of the week although actually thinking back I do have the key to the town don’t I I kept Sebastian company whilst he was maintaining his bike

Before digging up an ancient seed right outside Sebastian’s tent not that I can donate it to the museum since we still don’t know where it is I finally remembered to check my fruit cave for the first time in a while too some of these will be great for the community

Center but also gifts for those friendship unlocks coming out what is usually willly shop had me in the mood for fishing so I stayed up late doing just that am I feeling okay here on day 66 I brought an apricot from the traveling cart I have no idea why I did

This because I already have the fruit cave and it’s not like I can immediately use it for a community center bundle at least I can make the money back with all these red cabbages and the first one I plucked from the soil would be gifting me another CK I planted the other half

Of the seeds we got in a slightly different spot because the old section is where I want some of my animal buildings going forward I found a bubble spot whilst I I was in the secret Woods Gathering hardwood for Robin so I scored myself a wool planter and as many carp

As I could be bothered to grab since we can’t catch the wood skip with this Rod I unlocked a couple more things after that which were some Penny hearts and a resource pack containing 5,000 gold but the best gift of all was from the witch

Who kindly left us a void egg thanks day 68 was our third luau of the year I did the usual rounds then bought another purple mushroom for the soup but this time it was gold quality which made all the difference look at everything we got today this progress is huge as well as

Collecting all of those rewards the next morning I had a ton of cooking recipes from those friendships I was most excited about the Horse flute though as well as the ancient seed but I won’t be planting that just yet because I’m not sure what’s coming in terms of other

Seasons I unlocked kale seeds with level seven farming whilst harvesting the next round of peppers then it was over to Robins to buy some path recipes ahead of working on my farm layout I did spot something else in the shop too but first I had to come home to pick up some

Materials because buying the B blueprint earned me a farming level and the Big B blueprint will get me the steel pickaxe upgrade I also remember to remove my Cee but annoyingly dog was right where I wanted it so I’ll have to put it over here instead I did also want to ask

Robin to build me a barn since she’s available but again dog just didn’t want to move so we’ll have to work around him I then returned to the farm to clear trees from this area because I want to keep it free for the animals to graze

But I made sure to save some energy for hardwood Gathering which paid off because we’ll be getting a seed maker for finishing Robin’s special request an incredible day when you can also see that we’ve now unlocked the basic sprinklers at long last the weather took

Care of that for me though on day 69 it was a relief to also get the steel pickaxe this morning and we’ve now got the seed maker ready which will help us out later on Alex got an early birthday gift from me since we can actually access this house now and speaking of

Houses we unlocked the next house upgrade for reaching eight hearts so that’s one less person to track down for gifts and stuff now for the rest of this day my my priority was to gather as much copper and iron as possible for sprinklers though I had to just work my

Way down the floors because I still don’t have direct access to floor 40 for easy Iron farming any Omni geodes will also be a bonus for the chance of getting a ridore with the help of a newly upgraded pickaxe I made it all the way down to floor 55 for some friendship

With Clint I gained a combat level from floor 59 which gave us foraging instead then just about made it to floor 60 which increased my movement speed and in the chest was another key to the town good to have a spare I guess it’s easy

To think I wasted a few key gems here but I am happy that I bought the item earlier because it meant earlier access to buildings I raced to get the ORS into the hopper but I ended up passing out right next to it and for level five foraging I opted for The Gatherer

Profession for extra gifts and forage seeds on Day 70 I crafted another furnace to double my smelting output then harvested my forage whilst the Bars were being made I hit level eight in that skill so tomorrow I’ll receive a quality sprinkler and I cannot freaking

Wait I got out 10 of each bar which I thought would only make five sprinklers but actually it made 10 I got so used to the doubled prizes from the one life challenge so this was a nice surprise it took me some time to get these all laid

Out with the help of UI info suite and for now I picka spots which won’t be sprinkled on so I don’t accidentally plant there I now had enough forage to make another 100 seeds which I planted in those spots so grateful not to have to water these well after today that is

And I had plenty of seeds left over for a good quantity of tea saplings to sell I didn’t end up leaving the farm all today working through Sunset to start getting some paths down day 71 marked the start of a new week so I chose cave Patrol for this week’s special order

Because we’ve got easy access to grubs in the mines a new baby chick hatched today but I think the game made a mistake because clearly this is a cppy Bara look at the little cutie with that free quality sprinkler from the mail I just chucked it near the cabbages for

Now because it will still help water a few spots but I need to wait for space to take full advantage of it with my first pineapple came another ancient seed then I just got on with with harvesting the rest of the hot peppers another mushroom tree had now fully

Grown I never even knew that these spread till this playthrough but this one is just going to be in the way the paths I want to lay so this will have to go that pineapple also went into more seeds too because they’ll probably be super expensive to buy my plan for this

Day was grub squishing with a quick break to let Clinton inspect some copper rolls then I got back to it but that night I got taxed for hitting level six mining wonderful but I did manage to knock out that cave Patrol Quest before the end of the night gaining me

Friendship with Leo another person we’ve not even met yet on Day 72 I bought a pair of junimo chests my first ever actually I had plans to use them to transport stuff between the farm and the mine since I don’t actually live on the farm I began the hatching process on

That void egg which I forgot to do yesterday and got another five sprinklers down then I continued to work on the farm layout by placing more paths I also smashed all of these big rocks to refill on all that stone I’m using plus some of them were also very much in my

Way I still need to get the bomb moved but I was glad to have an initial layout going with the clear paths to each exit on day 73 I foraged in the desert because these are loved gifts for a few Villages plus the extra foraging XP is

Nice this meant I had a fresh cactus fruit for Sam’s birthday which earned us a rare grow for reaching full friendship I lined up the C with the barn whilst I was at Robins to ask her to build me a free shed I wasn’t really sure where to

Put this yet so I just plonked it here we’ll move it later a lobster was hanging out in the crb pot which means we’ve unlocked the bean starter and now that’s all the Crab Pot fish caught I do still refill this now and again for a

Bit of extra fishing XP I grabbed all the beach forage too then reached 8 hearts with Vincent so tomorrow the beach bridge will be finally fixed I can’t exactly remember what we got for giving the 300 wood over there I think it was just some friendship or something

Nothing exciting over at man’s I bought a duck-shaped bear and a cow-shaped bee as two new additions to the farm before reaching 10 hearts with Demetrius gaining me some friendship with George my evening was then for adding add in a bit more to the paths and making my

First Mayo machines now that the eggs were coming in on day 74 I gathered a few fruit before being baffled by the still broken breach bridge look at all that stuff I need it maybe it’s because I need to see the mail first so I’ll check back there later I wanted to deal

With the farm TS first and reorganize this area here which I think I like the look of better with another day of gifting and chatting I unlocked a slingshot from Haley just the rubbish one but I got two hearts with Elliot from Leah now I can access his cabin and

It’s just the bath house I mean cute to have a spar SES right on the beach but I need the freaking wizard it was time for my annual health check with Harvey but it seems I really didn’t want to do it at the time because I was just trying to

Make a break for it upstairs but no matter how much I was walking into the door it just wasn’t budging I have a bad feeling about this oh no I managed to escape with a quick bribe of coffee so I got a Bonus mine elevator thrown in at six hearts

With Clint I gained friendship with my pet so I guess this is also relevant for Grandpa’s assessment too then I mind my evening Away In A desperate search for more sprinkler orws now that I’ve got the level 40 elevator for easy Iron farming this means I managed to get the

46 of them in a matter of a few hours day 75 was the next cabbage Harvest which brought me to level eight farming another CK I can’t even use these yet but with that area now cleared of crops I could improve the layout of the sprinklers a bit I managed to make a

Couple more to chip away at filling out this Zone any open spots got planted with forage towards more tea saplings and even though this friendship is full I still brought Demetrius an ice cream for his birthday my next order of business was to catch the bus to the desert to visit

Leah at home because she asked for a rainbow trout to put on her pizza and I wanted to top up on desert forage but the place was simply deserted what I could now grab was a plethora of beach forage thanks to the now fixed Beach Bridge some of which I

Kept but some I just sold with all the cabbages too we made almost 8 and 1/2 Grand that night on day 76 I added to my collection of useless cks then I wanted to move my shed up by the greenhouse but I forgot to clear out the trees since it

Didn’t cost me very much I also bought the silo blueprint which gave me friendship with lwis but I forgot that I need to find the actual Silo unlock out in the world somewhere for the rest of this day I continued with some iron mining to take advantage of this good

Luck day and I also had a quest to slay Frost jellies for LS I sadly had to leave the mines much earlier than planned after running out of energy and food on day 77 I got my next few Omni GEOS open with Clint and with a couple more

Aridium more I was making extremely slow progress on those five bars I need I had a field full of stuff to harvest and all that forage went into 80 more seeds but I wanted to make sure I still had a few sweet peas to use as gifts especially

Because today is the start of a new gifting week I also needed to shop man store for a milk pale for bee and before I left I reached six hearts with Shane increasing my friendship with Clint Louis got hot pepper too and for eight hearts I’ll be getting another magic

Rock candy then I ended up returning to monies later on to get a chicken sized elephant the afternoon and evening were pretty laidback with some gifting and foraging those friendships are still key day 78 and it’s refresh day for the special order board for reasons I couldn’t tell you I accepted the Curious

Substance Quest we still have no idea where the wizard lives to hand this in this was another gift spree type day and with those friendship Gams I got the magic bait recipe from lonus more hearts with George from Abigail a ing level for full friendship with jazz and a mining

Level from Caroline then when my social battery was empty for the day I returned to the farm to chop trees with that fishing level came the recycling machine recipe so maybe I can put that trash to good use and for level five mining I chose the minor profession more

Sprinklers please on day 79 my void more rat hatched welcome to the CPE you little weirdo I had a few more gifts to give out for the week then it was another round of mining for this good luck day which should be better than the last one since I’ve now got the minor

Profession given me an extra or per node and this time I alternated with the copper floors too but I did use a lot of that copper on bombs since in typical dinger’s fashion I forgot to bring any food and was just living off anything edible dropped by the monsters I exited

The mines at night with 72 iron ore much better than last time on day 80 the peppers were ready once again and I was so relieved to have a break from watering them today a birthday gift to Willie meant I got hit with some Darkness although I don’t think this

Actually worked but it’s fun to see that this mod sort of trolls you a bit too the traveling car now has a bit more stock so I shoed for a couple of bits then I ran back to the farm because I realized I’d not filled the trust with

Hay for the rainy days with plenty of bombs and energy this was another mining day the iron would be nice but what I was really here for were Omni geod for that aridium or these are however very few and far between so despite spending all day down here I got barely any at

All though I did reach level seven mining unlocking the water Obelisk I passed out for the night with six Omni JS and these only have a 5% chance of containing aridium or so this is going to take a while but at least we made back the pass out penalty from those

Peppers that night on day 81 I started incubating that Dino egg we got quite a while back let’s see what hatches from this one the first only geodo opened that day had a single nugget of Aid all and that was the only piece I got from all that geod farming I popped into

Louis’s mushroom cave together what was there because lonus was asking for a red one so he can have one that’s nice and fresh then I use some of my iron and money to buy some fake upgrades from Clint the two I bought today only gave

Me friendship but I needed to do this to reveal what’s available for the next is though I didn’t see anything particularly exciting just yet it was then back to the mins for the third day in a row on the hunt for more Omni geodes do you think we got higher or

Lower than yesterday if you guessed higher you would be wrong because I ran out of energy with just one lonely geode so instead I made a few recycling machines and processed some newspaper in the hopes of obtaining cloth at this point I felt like a needed to do

Something about not being able to find some of the more important locations as well as the slowing unlock progress so I used this chair skip here which I’ve never actually tried before to get around to the Quarry cave desperate times call for desperate measures and

Now we can have a go at the Quarry mine my weapon wasn’t really good enough for these skulls so I avoided reaching the skeleton statue for now I couldn’t figure out how to leave the way I came so I had to use the cave exit here which

Put me in Sandy store after meeting her for the first time I found myself behind the bouncer so I tried to leave but it teleported me in front of him with a bomb I guess this is how I access her shop now leaving via the front door put

Me in the jungly part of Ginger Island so I checked out the Treehouse which actually turned out to be the volcano leaving the jungle brought me to the usual South part of the island which already had the option to restore the resort but as you can see both Turtles

Are still here because we haven’t forly met Leo yet so at the moment I was trapped nothing to do now really except pass out which I exhausted myself for because I was too impatient to wait a tiny bit longer till 2: a.m. I awoke in the doorway of the ginger Island House

On day 82 hilarious leaving the house put me in willly shop where I put my hand in an unknown substance and once I stopped relentlessly vomiting I checked out his store where I found two rods for sale these will actually unlock something else we know at this point we

Get the actual rods from other means like many things both of these things I wasn’t really interested in but I might as well grab them whilst I’m here the front door of wily shop put me out outside leas so whenever we get some real hearts with her we know where to

Find the fish store coming up through the farm I found a nice lot of forage to harvest meaning I managed another 100 seeds some of which went into 28 more tea saplings I did have plans to buy The Big C blueprint from Robin but I didn’t

Realize till I got there that I didn’t have enough money so I’ll come back another day because this will give me the fiber seed recipe I came back to the Min today where we did the chair skit because I wanted to see if I could set up a permanent solution for getting in

And out there’s a sort of trick to this bit here where you can use use fences and Gates or something to hop back out again but I just couldn’t seem to get it right with where it was letting me place the chair or the fences and stuff so

Yeah I’m stuck in the query area again I reattempted the cave with some coffee this time in the hopes I could just try and race past all those skulls and I managed to make it to the Statue which unlocked the inventur killed a new door

I tried to use the chair to get out again which of course didn’t work so we’re back to having to go through s’s to Ginger Island again I picked up the forage and the fiber this time and now I’ve got the mummified for ready for later I was also hoping for some Omni

Geod from this artifact spot but there were none here today so it was time to make myself pass out again on day 83 I gave Willie a gift in his store on my way out I found Emily waiting for me on the farm to give me access to her sewing

Machine now that we got a couple of pieces of cloth from the recycling machines I won’t be using these for tailoring at least not yet because I’m saving any cloth towards the M blueprint from Robin today was another hot pepper Harvest and even though I’d usually

Start watering these on the 27th of a season I was wasn’t sure if we’d even unlock another season with 2 days to go so I might as well give myself a chance of an early Harvest next time I tried to make the chair work again to no avail

And I made my way through the Quarry cave again well no idea why this time I was pleased to find an omni geod on the island beach today though and this was the day I realized I could have just used the boat to get back to the valley

Without passing out better late than never I suppose I can’t get back on the boat from here but at least it doesn’t cost me any money to go there now I checked out the adventurers gild that evening which is now home to Penny and Palam useless I’m having such atrocious

Luck with the locations on this save I swear on day 84 I took a foraging walk around cindersap forest with a tiny sliver of hope that maybe just maybe tomorrow might not be summer anymore I even had more forage waiting for me on the farm too and again no replanting

Just in case I still made another 180 seeds though and clearly I was having some doubts because I did end up watering the hot peppers again I then hunted for spring sprinkle ores in the mines for the afternoon because I wanted to start another little crop area ready

For next season then it was time for the Moonlight jellies again I wasn’t missing a second one in a row especially now I could afford the seafoam pudding watching the jellies tonight might have filled me with determination but we had nothing new unlock this time around so I

Just enjoyed the show and headed to Bed on day 85 I slightly rearranged my newly upgraded house because a couple of things felt really out of place this week’s special requests were kind of a tough choice because both of these I can actually do but this time I went for the trash one I took a detour down to joj

Mar to purchase seeds for this month and since we already have the hot peppers in the ground I just bought some cabbages again but I did choose to plant a star fruit seed I just got from a fruit purchased at the lual and a couple of

Coffee beans I looted from the mines I took a quick break from planting to deliver a spiceberry to Pam hitting eight hearts for 40 key gems then in addition to those cabbages I also filled out an entire area with forage seeds and took the rest of the day to get

Everything watered on day 86 I was grateful for the watering I’ve been doing because we’ve already got some hot peppers to harvest again then it was time for some trash fishing in a regular playthrough I would use floor 100 of the mines but since we don’t have an

Elevator there at the moment floor 20 it is I only caught two pieces and a whole load of algae before I wanted to change a scenery so I fished in the sewers but I ended up catching a few carp instead let’s move to the desert first making

Sure to pick up any for for gifts but since both the desert fish have a higher difficulty rating than I can catch with a training Rod I’m guaranteed to only catch trash and that night I got everything I needed with enough time to

Drop it off at the bin but all I got was a shuffled inventory I’m so glad it was basically empty on day 87 Pierre requested a pike if it wasn’t too inconvenient it’s very inconvenient Pierre I have no idea where you are and I can’t even catch these fish yet no

Pike for you but I still accepted the request out of Spike then headed to the mushroom cave to grab everything I made this day a gifting day since I’ve neglected that Duty a bit this week resulting in the unlock of spangle seed from Emily a farming level from Evelyn

And Demetrius Hearts from Mani I then paid a visit to Sandy because now I can work on her friendship too and since we’re here on a Wednesday this is when she sells a few Omni each week plus I got a Bonus one from this artifact spot

I got them all cracked open but no aridium for me today I guess at this point my main goal was to fix the boat so my evening was for hunting for more Omni Geo with only my pickaxe this time because I was now out of bombs but

Despite staying in here till 2: a.m. I didn’t get a single one on day 88 I gave Jazz another birthday gift but she’s already at full friendship so this had no effect I hit pure tunnel vision for those Omni geod again today but I also brought some staircases to see if I

Could progress more floors on floor 65 I got hearts with man then on floor 70 I’ll be getting 10 key seasoning and from the chest I got a return scepter a 2 million gold item for free I did also push through to flor 75 for an extra mining level before passing out shortly

After only for Omni jards but I’m still happy with all the other progress today man was waiting on the farm the next morning to ask for a cave carrot to help train her goats I should definitely have one of those lying around somewhere but first I must grab the big prize from the

Mail I would have eventually bought the return scepter anyway so saving me a couple of million with the time save of warping to the farm is going to give us quite the Boost the next round of hot peppers was ready to go and I definitely forgot about the eggs in the coop for

Quite some time I somehow wasn’t sick of the geod hunt yet and this time I had plenty of regular bombs with me because of that mining level we got yesterday so I was hopeful for a bit more progress but even after an entire day once again not a single geode kind of sucks

Considering the sheer quantity of iron I’ve spent on bombs today on day 90 I squeezed in a few more sprinklers on this field before being sent some monsters for level 9 farming it took a few seconds for them to actually show up but we got an aridian bat and a void spirit

My weapon wasn’t exactly the best for this but I persisted to try for some Meridian more of which This Bat dropped none this is true disappointment but I had to move on from that pretty quickly because I needed to take advantage of the last day of this gifting week

Reaching full friendship with Vincent gave me two hearts with George I got a couple of hearts with Maru from Clint an axe upgrade from Robin a hoe upgrade from Haley and five mahogany seeds from Elliot so it was very much worth all the running around today on day 91 I dug out

A scorpion C from the trash ah yes the well-known for crop I got straight on with this new gifting week including taman’s goats which because this is actually a quest unlocked cauliflower seeds I got what I came for so I’m just going to leave this on the floor and

Carry on with the gifting then for eight hearts with Harvey I got another random teleport whatever must he have thought even more surprising though was getting a dagger from Penny of all people but the Cherry sapling for full friendship with lus was quite lovely as well as the

Fishing level for four hearts with kobis this meant I could choose a profession that night so I chose the Trapper one since I don’t usually pick this and I’m not all that fussed about selling huge amounts of fish day 92 and look at all of these crops I hit Level 9 foraging

Which gave me a combat level instead and I actually got a gold quality pineapple today which I’ll be saving for the Lu I ignored both of these special requests this week since I can’t hand either of them in then it was time to Ambush Gus with another birthday gift gifting me

French it with Vincent I also hit 10 hearts with Pam today which unlocked spring yes by finally we can soon be rid of this Endless Summer bring it on this did sort of dull the excitement for any other friendship progress on this day no actually no the fish pun from jod is

Pretty good to be fair back on the farm I was reminded that I hadn’t replanted the forage yet so I took care of that and found even more I hadn’t even harvested yet just below whoops but hey I did end up making another 68 tea saplings which you’ll get us another 34

Grand for selling them a new baby lizard hatched today not sure what that dialogue is talking about though because clearly this is a bunny can’t you tell from the scales for the rest of this day I chopped a load of trees because pretty soon I want to get this area organized

On day 93 I caught rubit in passing on a day off to ask for that free fish B to be built I added it towards the bottom of the farm but I’m not sure if this will be its final home yet I reached full friendship with lisis gaining me

Hearts with Sam then I hit the mines for a bit of copper hunting for Clint who was requesting another inspection I went back to the mines right after on the hunt for more Omni geodes where I reached level eight mining for hearts with Gus no new Omni geodes today though

On Day 94 I ignored maro’s birthday because I know we’ve already got full friendship with her but because they’re not the same type of Hearts I still get the alert for it I brought Georgia hot pepper for his knee rewarding me hearts with ls and Kent this time I actually

Understand his complaint here because we’ve definitely had this to do for a while being another Wednesday I visited Sandy for the weekly Omni Judes but of course I also brought a gift and now we’ve got the volcano no Bridge repaired after grabbing another geod from the

Beach I went to have a look at this bridge but it wasn’t repaired yet because I need to view the mail the next day I still decided to attempt this dungeon now because sometimes you can find Omni geod nodes here my weapon was definitely going to be a problem though

This was also a good chance to gather more golden War nuts but unfortunately my rubber boots just weren’t holding up to all the beefy monsters so I was really burning through all of my food and my two row backpack was giving me true L Goblin problems having to prioritize what to bring home

I did kick myself for not entering this place sooner though because I completely forgot this was my access to a rid of nodes even if they were pretty rare in here this would still get me more a than the pure pain of the Omni geodes it was

A struggle but by some miracle I managed to fight my way through to the top and even ignore the extra treasure here because I was almost out of food and I really didn’t want to die today instead of the pre prizy I unlocked a new day for the traveling Merchant to visit so

Now she’ll also be around on a Saturday it’s a good thing I came back to the Farm after that though because I seem to have forgotten to water the peppers and harvest the red cabbages thankfully I still had enough time that night to drop into the joia sewer buy another big pack

And get them in the ground in addition to everything we achieved this day we also made a decent profit too Not only was day 95 a hot pepper Harvest it was also the first Coffee Bean Harvest so I unlocked amaranth seeds on top of that

Was our fourth and final low hour of the year I hit eight hearts with Shane and got jinxed what does that mean I have no idea what this meant in terms of this game because I couldn’t notice anything really happening I got a farm computer from Abigail 2 then dropped a farm grown

Pineapple into the soup because I’m sure the town is getting sick of those mushrooms by now and it turned out to be a hit with the governor no new unlocks from this today though not even from Friendship hearts on day 96 I opened all of my Omni geod with the first one

Revealing a small handful of aridium but this is all the already I get from these today so we took a trip to Ginger Island again to dig some up at the beach and find some to mine in the volcano again this chest over here ended up being

Totally not worth the risk I don’t want these eight tarot tubers though I suppose there was a Warner in there too my next one had a bunch of pineapple seeds and the one after that had a major weapon upgrade with this dwarf dagger I can finally start fighting for more loot

Starting with this mango sapling I finally found some aridium on the sixth floor but half of it ended up in the lava pretty upsetting but at least there was another on the next floor which made up for it I had to abandon this treasure chest for fear of being overrun and the

One on the ninth level slapped me in the face with even more tarot tubers I was surprised to see the chest still at the top of the volcano but when I opened it it was empty uh let’s just get out of here that night I felt like visiting the

Pirates in their tunnel for a few games of darts I might as well grab the Walnut since I have access to this place and it didn’t take me long to get through all three games on day 97 I collected all the beach forage for crab mating season

A lot of which I sold for the extra cash since I already have some stored away I had a look at what the merchant has brought for her first Saturday visit and her first archipelago item was a resource pack of 10 aridium ore yes please that will arrive in the mail

Tomorrow I still headed to Ginger Island today though because those darts games gave me the last few walnuts I needed to trade for the beach resort I was hoping to access the east side of the beach but once the parrots worked their magic I found out I’ll be receiving a beeh house

Instead well I guess I’ll return to the valley and move my shed up here and ask Robin to build that free slime Hut which I situate just next to my Greenhouse the main thing I was waiting for now was the arrival of the aridium war tomorrow so

For this day I worked somewhere on the farm layout you’ll also notice I’m ignoring Alex’s birthday because like Maru I’m already full on friendship points I can earn but UI info Suite goes off the number of actual Hearts which I have to unlock via other means it also

Didn’t feel good cutting down this grass with a weapon I’ve still not unlocked The Silo so no free hay for me after lots of Tiding and path laying I was happy with my basic progress on the farm decoration though does this really count as decoration I don’t know but I did

Also work on some other parts of the farm too something about the act of adding Parts is just so therapeutic to me and this space here will now become our Oak resin Farm in prep for whenever we unlock kegs on day 98 I raced to my mailbox to collect that aridium more and

I suppose I should deal with that bee house too I placed it over here because I had a spangle growing then harvested my first star fruit containing another golden Walnut since I’ve not unlocked the seeds for these yet I Chuck this one in the seed maker before for getting

That aridium smelting and harvesting my hot peppers for this new gifting week I hit 10 hearts with Clint unlocking a new mines elevator but for eight hearts with Leah I’ll be getting a golden egg usually you can’t get these until you achieve Perfection my aridian Bars

Were done at this point so now I had all the materials for the boat each individual repair came with its own unlock so I got some Shane Hearts the ARA choke seed and an extra life in junimo Kart we’ve worked all year for this there was a bit of Hope viewing the

Boat repair cut scene overnight though on day 99 I brought some metal bars to Clint to purchase some upgrades I got some lower tier ones done to reveal the next ones and bought some of the ones that I was avoiding earlier like I’m not so fussed about a pearl or hearts at the

Moment the eggplant seeds will be nice for later though I didn’t really appreciate being frozen in place here the final thing I bought was an extortionate solar panel but hey that was quite the Boost in progress I walked back home where Marlon was hanging out

Now that I had the Slime Hutch he wanted to bring my first slime egg which I wasted no time in incubating the other thing that I incubated today was my shiny golden egg I so excited about this one I got the next coffee and forage Harvest done once again forgetting about

The lower half of the field while struggling to milk bee and it looks like I forgot to replant it too because all I could think about was the mine I’m not looking for Omni Doods this time just hoping for more progress down the floors I did actually get down to floor 880

That night for some jod hearts but I did receive the Sumer from a special slime on the floor after and I’ll be switching between these weapons to decide what I like better I used a staircase to reach floor 85 which leveled up my farming skill on floor 90 I got hearts with Ken

And a fishing level and I just squeezed in floor 95 in the nick of time for another farming level this day ended up being really quite a breakthrough in progress because now I can craft preserves CHS some bubbers I can’t really use yet and finally I got to

Choose a farming profession of course opting for Farmer on day 100 I realized my little oopsie with the forage and quickly got everything harvested and replanted then with some of the spare forage seeds I crafted another 53 tea saplings to ship my slime should be hatching soon so I placed down a

Sprinkler to fill a water bow for me then I was off for the next gifting spree receiving a mini Obelisk from Full friendship with Haley Evelyn Hearts directly from Evelyn the island Trader from man who I can’t actually get to yet and Poppy se’s from Willie I also

Remember to check out the boat this evening and despite it being repaired I still can’t actually use it got to unlock that somewhere else too I guess I made sure Sandy got a gift too then I really wanted to visit Wily’s shop soon so I decided on passing out on the

Island so I could access him via the island house completely forgetting I probably could have just used Leah’s door now willly shop was obviously my first stop the following morning because I wanted to check out what the aridian Rob purchase would get us and it was just something for Journey of the

Prairie king which wasn’t quite what I had in mind so I also bought some trout soup in case I need it later oh and that mini Obelisk unlock yesterday you only get one and amazing so useful once the hot peppers were plucked I made my first

Few preserves jars to turn some of them into jelly it was Sam’s birthday but again I’ll be ignoring his too I did give some other villagers a gift though like Robin who is now full on friendship but I wasn’t too impressed with the weapon reward I was really here to buy

The big Coupe upgrade to unlock fiber seeds now that I was mass-producing tea saplings then it was back to the gift grind I now have full friendship with Emily the magic bait will be usedful later and for four hearts with Elliot I’ll be sent another three crab pots

Somehow this reminded me I have access to the ginger Island fish so I thought I would try just for the lion fish which is the easiest in my opinion but not according to my rod because I didn’t get a single bite of any actual fish can’t

Say I didn’t give this a proper try though so instead it was off to the farm to chop wood which continued into day 102 you can never have too much wood I added another tally to my many afternoons in the mines but this time I

Was here to slice up bugs for the juicy bugs Quest this might sound familiar and yes we did a attempt this earlier in the year but I didn’t actually manage to hand it in I was determined not to repeat that mistake this time and for my

First day of this grind I gathered 70 bug meat which is a very good start adding to that we’ll be getting a free crystarium for five hearts with green but judging by the lack of mail it won’t RVE for an extra day here we have our next red cabbage Harvest where I hit

Level 10 farming but this leveled up my mining instead and a lot of these cabbages I’ll be keeping for pickling I got full friendship with Penny today giving me hearts for Maru whilst I was on on my way to Robins to purchase the Slime Hutch blueprint because this will

Open another mine elevator even though I wasn’t finished laying bugs for the special request yet I still dropped off 100 bug me I already had to the barrel to prevent the issue we had last time but then it was straight into the mines from there to carry on I did take a

Little break in the middle though because I realized recently that I’d been neglecting my one and only chance each week to give Pierre a gift which is when he leaves the store to go to The Saloon on Fridays then I resumed the bug squashing and once I had officially

Collected 100 bug meat I unlocked another traveling Merchant day so she’ll be here Tuesdays too and with that out of the way I can start clearing Farm trees again day 104 began with some mushroom foraging then I went to say hello to the traveling Merchant who this

Week was selling me a worm bin I might as well grab it to guarantee something new next week I placed that crystarium from my pet and immediately got a jade going for more staircases hopefully this helps me even with the regular mines not going to lie at this point I was

Starting to get sick of these hot peppers but I took care of them anyway before finding my first summer spangle had grown I debated leaving it there for the honey but this was my first one to harvest so the reward was another lightning rod not bad having realized I

Forgot to replant the red cabbages I filled all the spots with forage then decided to move the machines at the top because I was planning way into the future for aridium Sprinklers and to fit them this crop area will need to be five tiles tall so I shifted the path one up

And don’t worry I did remember to water all those crops this was also the day I started growing of Viber which thankfully I won’t have to water though I did miscalculate the number of tiles and I was out of mix seeds to fill them

What an eyes saw having used up a lot of my bars recently this evening was spent in the mines Gathering o for more some extra coal was also nice because on day 105 I made a few more preserves justar to double my output but because of all

Those paths we’ve been making I was also low on Stone I did make a few more paths out wood though to stop these trees spreading when they grow up I needed help from the desert Trader for the first time in a while and traded loads

Of quarts for bombs as well as some jads for staircases and for my other Sunday duties it was time for the next gift spree I got a banana for six hearts with kobus a combat level for six hearts with Caroline and a farming level for six hearts with George on checking my cou that evening I found a Golden Chick attached a quaca chick obviously that farming level we got today was really important too unlocking the cheese press and the quality sprinkler without easy access to Gold though it’s going to be hard to make large quantities of these just yet

On day 106 I made an early delivery to George of a cave car he’d asked for before visiting Emily and her home with some shiny rocks for the rock Rejuvenation special request but all I got was 10 key gems for another gifting day I got 35 key gems from Sandy but

Since I have a lot of villages I don’t have to worry about anymore I had plenty of time for more Farm deforestation which meant I could sell more tea saplings on day seven I bought a tuna from the traveling car and the archipelago item which gave me hearts

With Sam the next big batch of forage had come to fruition and they made sure to start at the bottom here so I couldn’t forget about this section our hot peppers were also ready too even though they won’t grow in time I did refill the spots with more forage seeds

Just to hold the springler spots because we should be starting next year with the new season we just unlocked I only got friendship Parts here but I bit the bullet on a couple more upgrades at Clint just to get them out the way then I made this another mind day with my

Primary focus being on smashing dust Sprites for coal but I wasn’t going to ignore any ores or gems which meant I hit Level 9 mining or two more hearts with Willie I was also here to top up my Stone Supplies I got my first blue slime egg that afternoon and in even more

Slime action I slay the special slime which dropped me a better magnet ring replacing my diddy little one immediately on day 108 I picked my first poppy unlocking the island mailbox I’m fine it it’s fine I’m totally fine after incubating the blue slime egg I finally bought that stupid fishing channel from

The traveling cart because this I think was the lowest price we’ve seen for it and that’s all the archipelago items we can buy on a Wednesday taken care of an even better find though was the sturgeon sold by kobis only 200 gold too and today I did finally buy that stardrop my

Mind was filled with thoughts of chaos just sounds like a regular day really this is sort of a repeat of yesterday I was in the minds again but this time I brought my staircases with me and I had a bit more luck on my side I found a

Mushroom floor on 83 but my invent T was patch full of other stuff so this was a bit of a struggle but I continued my descent eventually making it to floor 100 for two hearts with Sandy and 100 key gems then floor 105 for a peach

Sapling but on floor 106 I forgot about my health levels and died no Maru dragged me out of that place but luckily I didn’t lose anything too important though the staircases were a bit annoying day 109 and it was time to pickle some more cabbages I was surprised to find there were already

Some golden eggs in the C but I wasn’t surprised about the crowd of fruit cave because when it’s all the way at the beach it becomes pretty forgettable oh hey level 10 foraging or actually an extra two hearts with Sam I bought another Hopper from Mr key shop with my

Abundance of key gems because I’d crafted a third furnace so I have one each for copper gold and iron then I ended up fishing at the mountain lake for the first time in a long while to hope for some progression via our fishing level there were the limited

Types of fish we can catch most of which give low amounts of XP this is going to be quite the task it took until almost 10 P.M to gain a level and for that I’ll get an axe upgrade on day 110 I collected that gold axe upgrade from the

Mail then check Clint to see if the aridium level was available and what that would give me a drought why would I want to pay 25 grand for that I did buy the gold pickaxe for the Haley Hearts though just to get it done I chose to

Fish in town today for a little bit of variety plus I’d be near PS to give him his weekly gift that evening except he doesn’t go to the saloon when it’s raining I resume the fishing late into the T night but didn’t get any more levels today on day 111 I bought the

Next archipelago item from the cart which unlocked the well can’t actually remember building one of these in any playthrough I also nabbed the summer spangle to use as a gift for Caroline and the fairy Rose I’ll turn into seeds I was relieved to see this will be my

Final hot pepper Harvest I can’t tell you how sick I was of watering these by now and we had one final batch of Summer forage here too again replanting simply to hold the sprinkler spots all the fiber was ready to cut as well I will never get over how satisfying this is

All of those went straight into another 90 tea saplings but I only had enough clay to replant 16 fiber seeds which was a bit rubbish but better than nothing that afternoon I was back at the fishing grind again till suddenly I remembered something Robin’s materials were going

To get super expensive soon so I wanted to grab some stuff but I was also there to buy the deluxe C blueprint for rhubarb seeds except I just about overspent it’s sickening watching me resell some of it back to make the difference but I was not walking out of

There today without that unlock I could now focus on the fishing again and even after another entire evening of pain it still wasn’t enough for a new level we made 60 Grand that night though so now I’m no longer broke day 112 might have

Been the last day of the year but it was the first day of a new gifting week the Wizard and I had to separate a fight between kobus and the dwarf and this cut scene was interesting for me because I’ve never viewed it before getting the dwarvish translation guide and as you

Can see the dialogue here is still in the other language I thought this was a cool little detail when I made it over to S with one of her weekly gifts I also wanted to pick up the rubub seeds as we’ve just done Mo spring but it seems

She now only sells a limited quantity at a time I still bought all of them I was reluctant to fish more for my last day of the year but at this point it was the only thing I could really make any meaningful progress with so I just

Needed to grin and bear it and in a weird twist of fate today this was the first time I caught a sunfish the stable unlock is nice though so I ran straight to Robins to to ask her to build it next year we’ll have a horse-shaped friend

But uh leave a comment as to what animal you think this will really be I didn’t give up on the fishing yet either and I was thankful for that when I hit level seven fishing which will get me another seed maker it wasn’t long before it was

Time for the dance of the Moonlight jellies again I said hello to anyone who needed more friendship points and bought another seafoam pudding even though they’re expensive it’s nice to be able to have more than one this year then together with the town we gave the year

A send off and even though this event doesn’t belong here it was nice to have a sort of peaceful New Year’s Eve vibe to reflect on all that progress and prepare ourselves for what’s to come which for us is finally going to be our first spring I played 200 days of messed

Up stardew Valley and actually this is our full second year if you have no idea what I’m talking about watch the previous video first you really can’t be missing a single second of this chaos last year was an absolute scorcher so from now on I vow no more summer summer

Is bad so let’s see how far we can get this time the wizard and Pierre are still MIA so it’s our mission to find them safe and sound as a reminder our end goal will be Perfection and the settings I use for the archipelago setup can be found to Linked In the

Description so hit the like button for a bit of good luck and subscribe for all the chaos ahead and without further Ado let’s begin on day 113 I stepped out into the fresh air because spring has finally sprung can was waiting at the farm for me to introduce himself so we’ve got a

Brand new friendship to progress but of course from all of last year’s unlocks we already have eight real hearts with him his family must have really been talking me up whilst he was away here’s a reward seed maker from last year and whilst I start tidying up the farm you

Might spot Rin working on our new stable I can’t wait to unveil which animal will be our mode of Transport I don’t have every crop unlocked yet so we planted more coffee a blue jars a couple of ancient seeds that rubab I got from sandies and uh here’s the rest of my hot

Bar I won’t waste your time listing everything I grabbed the free snacks from the forest on my way to the joja Sewer where I bought even more seeds mainly cauliflower for the profit but I also found packs of rhubarb seeds here and topped it off with some potatoes

Because why not and I was really excited to get some sprinklers down in this little patch too because I was so done with the masses of daily watering we dealt with last year I left the farm again that night because I’d not destroyed the log here yet no more chair

Ski into to the secret woods but I wanted to come here for the new Season’s forage so I can make more spring seeds to fill some open Sprinkle spots on day 114 I tried to use a hint to find the Wizard and I definitely did this wrong because this response was

Basically the opposite of what I wanted but hey now we’ll know we’ll get a combat level whenever we find him I grabbed my first apricot which will reward me with some quality retaining soil this is actually trash now that I’ve got sprinklers in place Shane was

In quite a state when I found him that day so I helped him to the hospital then fished at the forest lake for a small mouth b a solar panel yes please I checked on my animals who all needed food and the C was fluttered with eggs

But at least this is good for moreo I had a quick look at my friendships to remind myself who still needs gifts and as you can see we have so many filled up now from last year’s gifting but our work isn’t even close to being done here

Yet so I made a bit of progress with today’s gift spree but nothing new was unlocked the true gift of the day though was our new h-shaped friend but I think you’ll actually find that this is a pigeon the best pigeon ever for the rest of this day I hung out

In the mines but I’ll be completely honest I really can’t remember why and I even stayed till I passed out I paid an early morning visit to the traveling car on day 115 to grab the puffer fish since I can’t catch these yet but I didn’t

Realize I already had one at least I have a spare I guess because one of these I handed to Demetrius for his quest which leveled me up in mining I only just remembered to ask Robin for that free well again I just dumped this in a temporary spot then I ran to the

Beach to reel in some new fish because I had no idea that I could never have caught the Sardine in summer literally the only season I was stuck with last year I also caught an anvy and a herring all of which earned me more friendship speaking of fishing I accepted the

Legendary fish key Quest I don’t know what wave of confidence I was riding but I think I actually intended to do this with a training Rod the first one I attempted was the Legend 2 with the logic that if I can manage this one I’ll

Be able to get the rest and if I can’t do it there’s no point even trying the others I didn’t end up even hooking it though so I guess it’s not meant to be on day 116 Kent got his first birthday gift which got me hearts with Evelyn

Instead then I spent literally all day at the lake fishing again but I’m only now realizing as I’m scripting this that I’m pretty sure my bbba doesn’t even come close to where I need to be to catch that Legend too at least it forced me to ship away at that fishing level

Even if I didn’t gain one today on day 117 I unlocked Cactus seeds for harvesting my first garlic but let’s be honest just the presence of the garlic alone was reward enough I turned this one into more seeds to replant because I don’t have space for 50 of them at the

Moment so this time I’ll get two more I still have one spot in my coue so I got another golden egg incubating then it was another four day of mountain lake fishing still no level up though day 118 began with a fresh apricot delivery to Emily though I was hoping for more than

A junimo Kart life but in better news I finally leveled up fishing today after days of grinding and tomorrow I’ll be receiving the dwarfish translation guide so soon we can make progress with the dwarf at first I thought this was an immediate reward though so here I am

Giving a wasted gift for the evening I deforested the Forest being pretty low on wood bringing home over 500 more of the stuff to make my first haers for the Oak Farm my tulips have bloomed on day9 which will get me a free pressure nozzle

I also had my first K and potatoes so here at some jod hearts and a traveling Merchant metal detector whatever that does I kept most of the potatoes for pickling and on my way to the joja SE for more seeds I found my rice was also ready I’m looking forward to another

Stardrop in place of the potatoes I opted for kale because I don’t usually pick this and I wanted did something different now that I could actually speak dwarfish I gave the dwarf a first official gift but in spamming through the dialogue I accidentally bought a cherry bomb I do this way more often

Than I’d like to admit whilst I had the shop open I bought the rarecrow and the path recipe as well as 50 bombs to help me in the mines which is where I ended up next I hit level eight combat for another free Hopper and I slayed enough

Dust Sprites for the monster Slayer go but I still don’t know where the adventurers Guild ended up to collect that burglaring I was hoping to try and get down further in the floors today but I couldn’t beat my previous record of 96 so no new Milestones there on day 120 I

Felt a little bit taunted by the special request board with both of these coming from The Wizard where are you my breakfast came in the mail today nothing like the taste of Chaos in the morning then I turned my attention to the forage Harvest which of course just went into

More seeds it was also time for a new batch of fiber plants with a scarecrow this time because one of them did get pinched I then helped the saloon with its financial troubles I’m relying on this establishment because I need access to these arcade machines some of the

Things I need to unlock are milestones in these and I’m going to be honest I’m terrible at both so this is going to be interesting I gave up journey of the pr King pretty quickly due to the lack of coordination so I guess I better try junam moart again according to my

Husband this game is and I quote harder than the bosses of Elden ring if you know you know this went about as well as you could expect at first but slowly I started to get the hang of some of the jumps and figuring out that clicking

With the mouse is so much easier than using the spaceon it did take me a good half an hour of real lifetime to even pass the first level and you know what at this point I was definitely appreciating all those extra lives we’ve been getting I also

Learned that your cart does not have to be on the track when you pass the checkpoint for it to count which didn’t feel legal but I’m not going to question it and I don’t know if it’s just me but I find this second level easier than the

First the painting is not what I was hoping for though the bubbles in the gravity of the gem C giant level was the next thing to trip me up though but I was just happy to have got past the first level today I bought all the

Recipes from gusses before I left and a few salads too then I visited the beach Spa because I think I got a comment on the last video trying to tell me to use the other door in here but of course we can’t get into the other locker rooms so

I just took a dip for a bit and came home to switch my tuna Pond for a sturgeon one on day 121 I brought the pigeon out for a ride to help me collect some spring onions and today was the day I caved and bought a pack of 50 garlic

Seeds I just can’t help myself okay I knew I couldn’t plant these all at once but they’ll be great for something with a short growing time that can hold sprinkler spots for me I will be needing a lot more sprinklers though so today was for farming copper or in the mines

But as soon as it got to the evening I was over at the piff fishing hoping to catch the eel having forgotten that the training Rod just isn’t capable of such a feat on day 122 I got my first blue Jazz and surprisingly I remembered to grab the honey before I picked the

Flower and here I unlocked the deluxe scarecrow recipe I had enough gold for just a few quality sprinklers so I started a new crop field and stuck around on the farm today to clear the explosion of trees and debris that sprouted with the season that was just

Over a stack of wood just hanging out on my farm on day 123 I found out I’ll be receiving a Galaxy dagger for harvesting my first green bean gosh imagine if that was just a vanilla thing pigeon helped me deliver some gifts and when I went to

Collect more from my fruit cave on the pit I found Willie standing outside with some sort of predicament what have you been doing with my fruit cave Willie oh my goodness how did this happen they’re everywhere I hope they haven’t pinched my fruit Gus joined us shortly after and

Offered to take them off our hands but Willie you need to find somewhere else to breed your crabs leave my fruit cave alone I think they took all the good stuff too because there were only a few rubbish forageable left some of the others I’ll have to find something else

But elyn got a diamond reaching full friendship for 30 more key gems probis got aoid egg bringing us to eight hearts instead raising my friendship with Pierre who we still haven’t found and for eight hearts with jod I unlocked a barn upgrade which I wasted no time in

Ordering from Robin that reminded me about the egg we had incubating and today we hatched a sparkling golden potero who gave you the audacity to be quite so adorable now that it was spring Robin could finally lose her axe so I could bring it back to her which will

Get me a trash can upgrade which I receive the next morning along with the Galaxy dagger Evelyn seemed happy with the gift I gave George today but this could never be a new mine elevator from hitting full friendship with money I’ll also be getting more fiber seeds from

Sandy and more traveling Merchant stock from gust 2 whilst I was at the saloon I couldn’t help but give the Journey of the prairie king another try I can’t put it off forever in some miracle I actually made it past the first level and it seems like the levels themselves

Don’t give us anything new instead you got to fight your way to the shop lady and the upgrades you can buy are what give you the rewards which are not ideal but you can see down in the bottom left the upgrades we’ve already received by other means the third level ended up

Getting way more crowded than I was prepared for and it doesn’t help that I keep backing myself into a corner but this was the furthest I ever got so thus began a new hyper fix I’m glad that in single player time doesn’t move in these arcade machines if

Only real life was like this because I spend a good 45 minutes here so I managed to Come Away with another mini Obelisk a free keg a pack of fishing bait and I guess we do unlock stuff from the bus levels because for this first

One I unlocked the silo there it is I did also manage to get through the next level and with my purchase I end a Galaxy soul but at this point I decided to take a break and come back to this later because this machine will save your progress to do something else

Productive I hunted for forage and waited to give Pierre his one weekly gift for his fleeting appearance and from him I unlocked the next house upgrade definitely worth the wait on day 125 I had some early morning visitors the first was Leah to give us whatever

This is and the next was Gus with his flaming pot of sauce here to give me a mini jukebox what a weird morning I was excited about placing my first keg from the mail and that sculpture from Leah I’ll just put it over here where we

Don’t see it very often but my first cauliflower Harvest I’ll be sent some key seasoning and the big batch of kale was ready too I wanted to make sure I had as many spots free as possible ready for the strawberry seeds from the egg hunt though I have no idea what led me

To believe I’d come home with any of those today because obviously this is some other unlock instead no strawberries for me but instead I unlock yam seeds I warmed up my legs walking around the town square greeting everyone I needed friendship points with because today I needed to win the egg hunt the

Only way for me to get any reward from this Festival was to smash the competition and because of all of those permanent speed boosts we’ve earned I gathered a whopping 18 eggs before running out of time this turned out to be one of the most important egg hunts

Of my life because with this I won the entire season of fall so yeah don’t worry this isn’t going to be an entire year of spring I did end up rushing over to the JoJo SE that night because I had a lot of empty Fields without the strawberries so that’ll become space for

More rubab instead speaking of rubab my first harvest came in the next day and for that I’ll be getting a fishing rod upgrade thank goodness I’m so done with this training Rod all that rhubarb got replanted with more rhubarb because it’s a really good money maker I made use of

The first day of the gifting week but I didn’t unlock anything new from this today then I felt like giving Jenny the prairie king another go but this run ended just one level later I stayed here for about an hour or so today of real lifetime the next ammo upgrade will be

Getting me a coffee bean which we already have plenty of the gun upgrade actually gave me what I paid for but the gun upgrade after that I’ll be sentent another seed maker instead the pricey super gun upgrade was super worth it because this will unlock the mine cart

Since we pretty much have the mines in our backyard this will mainly be great for a quick shortcut to Rubin I also beat the next boss which gained us a rare Crow as the prize the next Zone suddenly ramped up to way out of my

Skill level though so that was it for me today I am proud of my progress though back on the farm I made another 86 tea saplings to sell so including some of the rhubarb and a few other bits we made almost 50 Grand today on day 127 we had

The next forage Harvest then it was time for for our first big salmon Berry Gathering when I got to the secret Woods I used my brand new bamboo Pole to fish up my first wood Skip and here we’ll now have access to Winter that’s all of the

Seasons now unlocked I picked all the salmon berries on my way to different fishing locations and over at the mountain lake I caught my first largemouth bass which brought me the dark Talisman I only managed to acquire 70 salmon berries today so I just handed

The dwarf a gift and headed to bed on day 128 I snuck a leak over to Evelyn so she could give it to George which resulted in a traveling Merchant discount that reminded me I should probably actually check the car and it was a good thing I did because today she

Was selling a blueberry we’ve not unlock these yet so I’ll be chucking it into a seed maker and saving it for ginger Island because we are absolutely not enduring another summer I also brought the next archipelago item which was another rarecrow now that I had the dark

Talisman I was ready for a new location what’s inside this cave is it the wizard is it Pierre nope it’s just Jody’s house Sam’s cut scenes can go away no time for for socializing I’ve got salmon berries to pick and new fish to catch the ghostfish actually burnt me and the

Stonefish took ages to show up but when it did I was rewarded with a crystarium oh so worth it on day 129 my barn upgrade was done so I bought a zebra and a sloth they may look similar to goats but don’t be fo definitely a zebra and a

Sloth my garlic was ready for replanting when I arrived at the farm and after handing out a couple of gifts I wanted to make another attempt at junim mocart which I really do now think is harder than near the prairie king though that being said I did make it past the gem

Seed giant today unlocking starf fruit seeds which we’ve definitely already harvested last year but then it didn’t take long at all for me to lose all my lives at Gastly gallion so I left it again for the day I went back to gifting instead and unlocked Caroline seeds from me

What I went back to gifting instead and unlocked melon seeds from Caroline and I won’t say it again but any summer seeds will now just be saving for ginger island or if we get the greenhouse first no more summer and for other non-summer activity more salmon berries on day 130

I stole the mushrooms from Louis’s cave and continue with my spring foraging Obsession for the last day of salmonberry season it was then over to Robins because it was time to ask her to build my free Silo I can finally make use of all this extra grass on the farm

And when I got back there I shipped off another 54 tea saplings I visited the dwarf in the cave and hit two hearts unlocking fairy seeds then spent the rest of the day in the mines for iron and coal on day 131 I struggled with fishing in town because it’s raining so

The catfish is around it took me a while but I did manage to catch it which upped our friendship with Abigail Pierre was asking for some jojola for a pizza and as questionable as this is I accepted it because it’s Friday today and Pierre usually goes to the saloon I had to go

Home and grab it ready for later and whilst I was there I moved my preserves jars to the shed making sure to leave one outside so I know when these are ready I also grabbed a couple of supplies to check some things off my journal I got some Shane hearts for the

Crispy floor fish and I guess this cauliflower wasn’t up to scratch because jod decided to burn me when I handed it over I then proceeded to get drenched whilst waiting to Ambush Pierre with a special gift along with his joj Cola but because he’s too good for the rain he

Won’t be leaving the store today I was really counting on that board request has nobody heard of umbrellas here in reality though the rain was actually a good thing because I successfully caught my first eel I’m okay with another free chest I suppose then I carried on

Fishing for the night to slowly work on that fishing level on day 132 I incubated another slime egg and cleared out the Slime I do this periodically and I know it will be easier to fence the slimes off but honestly I couldn’t be bothered so I’ll continue to struggle

Annoyingly for the foreseeable future I was ready to give Journey the prairie king another go and after another hour or so through the power of luck and the sheer amount of items I was getting I successfully reached the final level fought that boss and won what was the

Big reward for beating journey of the prairie king another life in junar which actually I was pretty relieved to find this is something I never thought I’d be able to do so with this is my first ever Victory I’m pretty proud of myself even if I did have a head start with some

Upgrades the harder version can go away though absolutely not because I need some remaining brain cells to make use of the extra junimo Kart life clearly I needed the all for the 40 minutes I spent here and somehow I held on long enough to reach the end of Gastly

Gallion all of that just for a painting and I wasn’t expecting red hot roller coaster to go quite this hard I literally lost all the lives before even reaching the first checkpoint I did give it a couple more goes and this time I experienced the horror that is glow

Shroom Grotto no thank you bring back red hot roller coaster I think I just got the two most unfair mushrooms ever on day 133 I received my very own journey of the prairie king machine which personally I can’t see myself using at this point I feel like Pierre

Is taunting me with all these request or maybe it’s a sign that we might find him this year who knows it was time for another garlic planting then I took a cuz I to a lot of this grass to get the silo filled up making sure to stop once

It got full for this new gifting week I earned some fairy dust for reaching 10 hearts with kobus a star drop for eight hearts with Sandy which arrives tomorrow as well as a reward for delivering a dandelion to her and finally a traveling Merchant discount for full friendship

With Jodie with any remaining hours I literally just Cho wood on day 134 I collected My Rewards from the mail including that star drop from Sandy I am loving all the chaos here and I hope you are too I harvested my final batch of spring forage for the season and since I

Didn’t have enough time for another round I put the remaining garlic in its place even if I didn’t have enough for every spot I then handed out all the gifts I could and for 10 hearts with George I unlocked parsnip seeds impressed with the timing with it being

The last week of the Season that was my only friendship unlock of the day so I took some time to think about a more permanent spot for the stable and the well but obviously it’s now too late in the day to actually get them moved day 135 began with a little Forest foraging

On my way to the joia Sewer to buy buy my first pnip seeds I haven’t got much space for many of them but of course Joo only sells them in packs of 50 so we didn’t have much choice this reminded me I really do need a lot more sprinklers

So into the minds I went for the day to stuck up on copper day 136 was the flower dance my first stop was the shot to buy the tub of flowers recipe and a fishing level in place of the rarecrow I said hi to whoever needed the Friendship

Points and got friendship with Abigail from Kent and for my flower dance partner this time I decided to ask Maru because I never have before I needed to make sure I asked someone to be able to get a reward and for this I got the quality Bubba recipe plus I didn’t have

To stand all awkwardly in the corner though I am really out of line and I haven’t been given the costume not sure what’s worse really on day 137 I bought some bombs from the dwarf because I wanted to try for more min’s progress but it took way longer than I was

Expecting to get through the floors than I would have liked so I passed out on floor 95 with no new Milestones Hit on day 13 I incubated my first red slime egg from yesterday’s mine Adventures before harvesting some rubub in the Rain the final set of garlic was also ready so in those spots I put some rice shots and spare parsnip seeds because I’m less bothered about losing

Those to hold the sprinkler spots I had nowhere near enough to cover the whole area where the rubub was so I ended up just chucking some spare cheap stuff in the seed maker to use which took me till the evening when I decided to head to the joju to prepare for next season

Seeds as you can see by my purchases we’re skipping that summer and picking for neck but I only bought pumpkins because I didn’t want 50 of everything else and we still have the Single Seeds we got from the mail on day 139 I harvested my first pnip well over a year

After we usually would I got the cone hat from the getting started Quest and unlocked sunflower seeds from that first harvest just in time for fall the next step for this starter Quest was to craft a scarecrow for which I unlocked a coupe upgrade it was then on with the final

Rubub Harvest but I’ll have to figure out something to plant here to hold the spots because today’s coffee beans are nowhere near enough forage resets tomorrow so I checked the secret words for Morales and I feel like my stardo saves are conspiring against me because both of these today are gold quality and

If you’ve been watching the one life challenge you know I’ve been in desperate need for one of these definitely check out that series if you haven’t yet anyway I asked Robin to get the free Coupe upgrade going then I just sort of threw down whatever seeds I

Could really because I didn’t want to have to buy more just for them to die soon and that is when I realized I missed all this rubar this morning asid for some general Farm chores I made sure to clear out the C and get some food down ready for Robin to start upgrading

The place this ended up being a really good money day mostly thanks to the rubab but we did sell quite a few other things too when I woke up the next morning the rising animal Quest had cleared itself because we of course already have our coup so I got a couple

Of kobis Hearts I collected the cone hat from the mail I often forget about this one but it’s going to be the look for the foreseeable future I proudly rocked that new hat for the next little gift spree nothing new unlocked today though then I hop to the desert to make some

Trades I fished for the sandfish 2 unlocking the deluxe fertilizer recipe but I didn’t manage to get hold of the Scorpion cart this time then that evening I caved and bought some new sewer parsnip seeds to sacrifice I’d rather this than deal with the time and energy on retailing and watering

Tomorrow and tomorrow can’t come soon enough because it’s going to be our first Fall besides all the Fall colors the first thing I noticed on day 104 41 was my ancient fruit having come to fruition interestingly we didn’t unlock anything for harvesting this plant but obviously I just turned these back into seeds I have quite a lot of new things to plant

This season and most things I just went with the Single Seed you get in the mail except for the pumpkins as you saw we bought lots and lots of pumpkins because these are great for profit plus I just like pumpkins but it seems I didn’t buy

Enough I ended up getting 50 each of bok choy seeds yams amaranth and artichoke instead just for a tiny bit of variety and I work my way through through all of these as the season progresses I hit four hearts with the dwarf today which got me more ancient seeds those will go

In the chest with the ones I made earlier but for the rest of the day I rode around with pigeon on the hunt for fall forage on day 142 I had more pickles to make and gifts to hand out before fishing for new fish at Ginger

Island I got a hoe upgrade for the lion fish and I stayed for the day hoping for more new ocean fish but I didn’t get any this time I did get a couple of golden walnuts though and when I returned to the farm that night I added more paths

To plan out the new crop fields I really can’t believe this but I started day 143 with even more fishing I caught my first tilapia which leveled up my mining skill and the first albore which got me more ancient seeds I wanted to catch man on her first working day of

The week because I wanted to add to my Coupe a fluffy longed shark a fluffy longed Rhino and a fluffy longed chinchilla if you think they look like rabbits your eyes are deceiving you this is the day I got round to moving the buildings though even then I still

Wasn’t really happy with how they were I’ll rethink this later before I left I checked to see if I had any free builds waiting and here we have the last house upgrade so I asked Robin to get that done for us then just outside I fished

For the tiger trout which got me more ancient seeds and a salmon which leveled up my combat those were just a warmup to catch the angler no idea how I managed this with the bamboo pole but I’ll take the extra friendship with Demetrius turns out that combat level was level

Five so for my profession I chose fighter since the other one doesn’t really do much for us I spent the entirety of day 140 before fishing and for good reason my first SE cucumber unlocked the boat repair I got the actual ancient seed recipe for level 9

Fishing and that was really it for unlocks but we still got to work towards level 10 right on day 145 I picked my Bok chy which increased the traveling Merchant stock size since I still haven’t got enough for forage I started chucking common mushrooms in the seed

Makers to make those four seeds because I really wanted to get some planted I fancied a bit of foraging in the secret Woods then I wanted to confirm that the boat to Ginger Island now now works and yes we can buy a ticket but I won’t be

Doing this because we have our own slightly more creative way and more importantly free route to get there I brought Penny one of those box chys for a request and this one is truly Farm Fresh then I returned to my half-finished task of planting more forage on the farm that evening I

Decided you know what I’ve taken enough free boat trips home from Ginger Island so maybe I should at least buy one ticket today though I completely forgot that you have to view this unskippable cut scene so I guess I also PA with my time I can’t exactly remember what it

Was that I wanted from the volcano but I got promptly beaten up so I chickened out for the day day 146 and we had another full crop it was the eggplant this time which raised my friendship with gust kind of funny timing because he also mailed me that morning to bring

Him a lobster and for that I got another foraging level I wasn’t going to leave the saloon today without taking another shot at Junior mcart and after many attempts I managed to complete slump stomp for the first time which removed the island West Turtle that’s huge huge

A whole new section of Ginger Island to explore this distraction was enough for me to lose all my lives I just had to check out the new bit of Ginger Island except I have to wait for the mail tomorrow on the bright side this meant I remember to check the traveling cart

Today and it’s a good thing I did because we now also have the volcano exit shortcut I did still have to go back to Ginger Island again today so I went VI a Sandy store plus if you didn’t know you can get free milk from Sandy on

Saturdays but I was really here to pass out because I found out we do not in fact have any real hearts with Leah so to get to willly shop I need to pass out here having got some comments on the last video asking me to check Wily’s

Bedroom that was the first thing I tried on day 147 but I think that’s just in the expanded mod no access for us here it was straight back to Ginger Island after that to check out the newly opened bit I haven’t got the walnuts to buy anything from these parrots but the

First door I tried was the island Farmhouse which brought me to the spa locker rooms then the museum the reward for finally finishing the archaeology Quest was five useless warp totems but at least I know where to bring the artifacts now but now I just worked on Gathering all the easily accessible War

Nuts from this area and when I got to the Walnut Room door I found skull caverns inside I obviously wasn’t going to go this day but I still used the key to get some Evelyn Hearts you’ll be pleased to know I remember to check the Frog’s cave which is actually the

Wizard’s basement and climbing that ladder brought me to the Quarry I didn’t look in the memory puzzle cave yet so we’ll see that another day because I realized it’s raining on the island so I should really attempt that gem puzzle through the sheer power of trial and

Error but without seeing a single gem bird I had no successful guesses this evening plus I really wanted to leave some time to get through to volcano level 5 now that the shortcut is open I picked up the recipes from the dwarf there too and the parrot is here now so

I spent the walnuts and unlocked a fishing rod upgrade I used that exit to access the north part of the island and before going back into the volcano entrance I wanted to see what was in Professor snail’s T and here is the adventurers Guild it was about time I

Could retrieve my staircases and collect rewards from Gil including that all important burglar ring the parrot that usually repairs the digsite bridge unlocked a mine elevator instead then after grabbing the outdoor walnuts it was back into the volcano for the bath house entrance and hiding out in the

Locker room was The Wizard this is where he’s been all this time oh and we got a combat level from him too so that’s cool give me that funky Tre juice I’ve been waiting far too long for this I also got that Podium unlocked so now I can build

All those free obelisks the only one I need need to find now is for the desert the last place to check in here is the trap door at the back and here we find out that Pierre has been operating out of the Wizard’s basement but first we

Have to help Abigail with some Journey the prairie king it was nice going into it knowing I actually have a shot of making it through the level with her and give my recent Victory we actually did unfortunately it was too late in the day to check out Pierre’s Wares but I could

Look inside Caroline’s teer room which is now home to Leo instead has he just been trapped in here I’m concerned but hopefully after I’ve made this very dark Discovery Leah will be free to roam a bit I befriended the parrot too which increased my farming level on day 148 I

Struggled to collect all my mail rewards because I gotten over excited and prepped loads of seeds for ginger Island oh and there are the recovered staircases too I put the seeds away for now to sort everything out because also my first amaran was ready so now we can

Access beet seeds another full crop I replanted those with pre-ore Arch choke seeds and I had some spare yam seeds for my single aridium sprinkler bought from kobas I forgot till I got a comment on the last video about how I’ve had access to kobas since the very start so I could

Have bought an aridium sprinkler at every Friday no I was now more than ready to set up the ginger Island Farm though I did forget my axe so I stubbornly worked around the woods so I can prioritize planting the three crops for the old frog for whenever we find

Him I also planted all of my tarot on the other side of the water it took me some time to clear out all the nonwood debris and set up the remaining sprinklers I had but it wasn’t until I struggled with the fruit SA that I gave

Up and went home for my axe when I got back to the island I helped with encouraging Leo to move out of Pierre’s shop so that lonus could teach him some life skills then my evening was for removing the rest of the debris on the island farm and collecting more golden

War nuts but before making the journey back to bed I did check out the memory puzzle cave which is where I found Louis’s home a mare who lives in a cave out of town on day 149 I stepped foot in the joa center for the first time in a

While because we can officially speak junimo so all the bundles are unlocked the these are all completely random not cohesive in the slightest and of course we have our first hint of the random reward here since most of the big important things we’ve already been

Given it took me a while to find out where all my stuff goes and with the she amount of items I’d saved up it was going to take quite a few trips to get them all in here back on the farm I found my first AR choke meaning I’ll be

Sent Pi’s missing stock list then it was back to the joa center with another backpack for to locate the spots for all the donations I completed the Crab Pot bundle which will give me some fairy dust then I remembered the Vault doesn’t need items but it is more expensive so

Here I bought a mine elevator for 3 Grand I increased the traveling Merchant stock size for 30 grand I unlocked cranberry seeds for 12 Grand and got more key Jones for 6 grand with the Vault room now unlocked I can now build a mill with the next backpack full of

Mostly fish I got a crystall Arium for the adventurers bundle I had most stuff for most bundles but annoyingly the majority of them are sitting with like one or two items to go a lot of which I definitely have in various chests at home I took a break to pick the odd

Blackberry here and there but I didn’t feel like Gathering every single Berry this time I wanted to save some for lonus now that I was giving him his Berry basket back and in return I got another extra life in junim mocart break over back to lugging stuff over to the

JoJo sender and this time I completed the geologist bundle for an apple sapling The Artisan bundle which got me the last backpack upgrade the winter foraging bundle for another golden warut and the Exotic foraging bundle for a solar panel yet another backpack full and I I’ve definitely lost count of how

Many times this is now but for this lot I completed the ocean fish bundle for some Elliot Hearts the night fishing bundle for some Demetrius hearts and the animal bundle for Pierre Hearts I did go back one more time with a few ons at ends to complete the Dy bundle for jazz

Hearts and finally the enchanters bundle for some Alex hearts and that’s it for today what a huge burst of progress the wizard did not make this easy as you can probably imagine day 150 began with an absolute Avalanche of mail to open I have no idea how the male person managed

To cram everything in here and shut it in fact who even delivers the mail around here it’s got to be the wizard surely who else would manage this and apparently in that giant list of rewards yesterday I missed that I got a watering can upgrade but here it is after way too

Much reading and way too many paper cuts I discovered I didn’t have any open spots to plant my cranberries so I sacrificed a forage plant to make way for them I then took a trip to Ginger Island to visit the museum I had a backpack full of artifacts and I’ll save

You from listening to me read out every sing a reward so the most important ones here were the Traveling cart visiting on Mondays a luck bonus and an ax upgrade all of the others were also important for perfection in some way really but these are the most exciting to me at

Least when I came home for the next load I delivered man’s amaranth getting me a pomegranate sapling then the highlights of the next round of donations are a mine elevator a shed upgrade and the Island Resort from there I headed to Robins for my next free building and

Refresh my memory of what I still need to purchase from her I actually grabbed the m blueprinted today so I’ll be sent another keg the mill was the building I asked her to do for me today but not because of the purchase we unlocked this from completing the Vault room yesterday

I then found a reasonably priced museum piece at the traveling cart maybe this is what the metal detector perk does if you know leave a comment is this why I’m seeing artifacts and minerals here I then fought my way through the volcano to visit the wizard and this is when the

Magic ink completion triggered so now the dig site bridge will be repaired now into the basement for pier and I realized that since I’ve unlocked the backpack upgrades surely buying them in this store will give me new stuff the first unlocked rare seeds but I didn’t have enough money for the second one

Today plus I was here for a bouquet for later anyway and whilst we’re here notice how Pierre only has a limited quantity of most things so we definitely need to shop at the JoJo sewer anyway and for the evening I just gave out a couple of gifts on day 151 I was happy

To collect my axe upgrade amongst all those Museum rewards I also got that Kake in the mail and immediately started juicing a potato to use for the community center my first grape had grown and for my first Bunch that hadn’t just come from the ground I’ll be

Getting an extra thousand gold there was also my first yam for more hearts with Maru I had a few more things to plant on Ginger Island including that first rare seed but I’ll come back later with a sprinkler and I made sure to plant the pomegranate sappling too I said hi to

Sandy today and reach full friendship so tomorrow I’ll be sent my own sewing machine funny that this time it still happens to be Loosely linked to Emily in some way but what I was really here for was some Deluxe speed grow and beet seeds with so many other things to do I

Forgot until now to officially greet birdie so I could start that quest line then with the beach resort now repaired I could access this area for its War nuts and to find out what’s replace the Pirates Cove and this is now home to the froggy front still got to wait on those

Crops to grow for now there was also a new Parrot in the volcano so I fed it five walnuts for another mine elevator it took me some time to get through to the shortcut exit on the fifth floor to access the dig site armed with a bomb to

Free Professor snail but when the bomb exploded I unlocked r shoots instead he’s going to have to remain trapped until we figure out where the heck we can free him I planed to fish up The discus here but I kept getting anything but fish so I gave up on that for now so

I could get a few more sprinklers set up on the island Farm before I could forget you’ll be pleased to know I did finally check the Shipwreck tonight which is now home to the mutant bug I feel like it fits but instead of the dark Talisman in

Here I found another seed maker on day 152 I cooked a pale broth and a survival burger for the joia center but the reward for the specialty fish bundle was a disappointing two key gems still had to be done I suppose I rode all the way up to the railroad with pigeon to

Disturb Kent in bed because I wanted to give him the warm momento with the Tomato salt he gave me I made a bridge in the volcano over to the saloon to bring Gus this special ingredient which he traded for the stardew valley Rose luckily Sandy isn’t too far away pretty

Much next door really and in exchange for the flower I got a TV remote I walked home with my return scepter because I get to George’s VI the Farmhouse and you may have noticed I struggled to hit the warpstone here because I’m so Speedy now but I go

Through the front door then the little cave then up through the witch’s swamp and into the heart to give over the TV remote for that I got an Arctic Shard for the wizard bit more painful to get to I literally had to run from so many enemies to reach floor five of the

Volcano because the turtle’s still in the way this is my only access to the north of Ginger Island he gave me the wrigly Worm for Willie but for whatever reason I decided to save this final step for later I did want to visit Pierre whilst I was here because I had an

Amethyst for him that he requested anything to increase that friendship plus a little bit of extra gold is always nice I could now afford what would have been the last backpack upgrade but instead I got a lupini painting very thankful I didn’t have access to this till now it wasn’t till

Midday that I began tending to the farm and in place of all that forage went more forage I wanted to occupy some time before I go to find Willie later tonight so I went ghost hunting in the mines because I had the ectoplasm Quest on my

List for this this week but after many hours of trying I didn’t find it today and I wanted to make sure to give Willie the worm on his way home that night so now I have the pirate socket ready for birdie I then took advantage of the late

Hour by fishing at the mountain lake for my first midnight car the reward for which was an extra 5,000 gold on day 153 I emptied my sturgeon pond because I wanted to breed the midnight carp here so now I don’t have to fish for more the furry roses had now grown so tomorrow

I’ll have a better pickaxe then I whis off to Ginger Island to return the Pirates lock it to birdie and for that I unlocked tulip bulbs I also got given more war nuts so I used them to feed this parrot to unlock the aridian fishing rod which will come by mail in

The morning not bad for just five Warners I set up my crab pots on the beach here because I didn’t want them on the farm anymore then it was back to the mines to try for the ectoplasm again with way too many hours and way too many ghosts it finally dropped close to

Midnight on day 154 I removed a rainbow trout from my tank and turned it into Sashimi ready for pier at some point it was wonderful seeing all way pumpkins ready on the farm but first I wanted to clear out the C before I could forget any longer it’s a complete mess in here

And I really needed some of these as gifts my first pumpkin got me another 50 iron all and once I gathered all the pumpkins on the farm I replenished my pumpkin seeds in the JoJo sewer so I could plant another batch because this really is my favorite crop with those

Dealt with I could get on with the new gifting week which also included giving in the ectoplasm for some Abigail hearts and the sushimi to Pier which got me the bone meal recipe plus a Mayo machine for reaching four hearts with him whilst I was in there I bought a milli Obelisk

Recipe from this parrot here then I returned to the valley to make some music with Abigail and fish for the walleye since it was raining which boosted my luck having sold most of those pumpkins we made quite a lot of money that night then on day 155 my

Potato juice was done so I started making some coffee at the traveling cart today I bought a bone flute for the museum and the archipelago item which happened to be a discount for this place so that would be good for the future that juice Squad added to the summer

Foraging bundle which are we foraging from a party or something here but anyway this got me another traveling Merchant metal detector I had some other bits to donate but no more bundles complete just yet my second gift to the dwarf for the week unlocked corn seeds

Then I unlocked a largemouth bass at the mountain lake to donate to the field research bundle the traveling cart will now visit on Thursdays too over on Ginger Island my first Taro Harvest unlocked the orange sapling and it was nice to make a start with getting golden

Walnuts from the crops as well I also found clams for the first first time in my crab pots which is weird because I was sure I caught all the Crab Pot fish but that unlocked herat tubers a completely redundant reward as I was making my way through the volcano to

Gift the wizard I reached level 10 mining didn’t realize I hadn’t done that yet either but I’ll be sent some desert warp totems tomorrow for it this is useful considering the desert Obelisk is the only one I haven’t got yet and for some bonus loot I got a garden warut and

An ostrich egg just got to find that incubator recipe now on day 156 I gained a fishing level from a be route and had a small batch of artichoke to harvest before heading off to the stardew Valley Fair the first thing I did was check out

The token shop so I knew how many tokens I’d need today we’re going to need the same 2,800 to get what would have been the star drop on the rro I set up my grin display and whilst LS was judging I greeted everyone who still needed friendship points which mean we hit two

Hearts with Leo for more traveling cart stock Lewis barely got a chance to return to his spot before the game revealed that I had in fact won getting two hearts with jod on top of the Thousand star our token prize I built up my balance using the wheel here and for

The items we spent the tokens on we got hearts with a dwarf and 10,000 gold with some tokens left over to get a triple shot espresso because I just cannot resist the coffee on day 157 I picked up an early corn because I only planted my

First seed yesterday and I need this for the joa center but today I wanted to make progress with the museum so I brought all of my troves and geod to open it took several trips back and forth to empty my backpack and get them all open but I did leave some omnios

Behind to trade for more artifact RS in the desert before opening all of those I noticed my first cranber were ready so I unlocked the farm computer recipe in the next round of donations it said I got a cute baby no idea what that’s about but

I was happy to see another junim moart life there the other rewards were pretty unimportant for the rest of the day I went for a volcano run on the hunt for Golden walnuts and Cinder shards for Perfection and for enchanting my tools I hit Level 9 combat in the process

Meaning the glittering Boulder will be removed I I kind of forgot about the copper pan in this playthrough to be honest the treasure on the ninth floor had something quite exciting waiting for me the dragon tooth Club will be an incredible weapon upgrade since the slammer isn’t exactly best for the

Volcano here so that went straight into the trash on day 158 I had a sprinkler full of yams to harvest and replant before bringing Kent an iron bar he requested which brought us to six hearts it was funny getting another life for Journey of the prairie king now that

We’ve already completed it now that I had an nidian Rod I felt a bit more confident in catching the stingray today I’ll take that foraging level thank you very much I continued the fishing on Ginger Island on the hunt for more first catches for my first discus I got Jazz

Hearts this puffer fish unlocked the golden clock a flounder unlocked The Weather Channel but actually thinking back I don’t remember this I must have just been distracted by the loot oh and I also got 2,000 gold for catching my first tuner I’d forgotten for a while

What was in the ginger Island Farm cave here and when I made my way through the Wizard’s basement and stepped out onto the Quarry I got the copper pan cut scene yeah yeah there was a rock here and now there isn’t blah blah blah now hand over the pan Willie I’ve got places

To be said Place happens to be the volcano for more walnuts Cinder shards and loot the dwarf dagger is a great weapon but I prefer the hammer I have so I freed up the spot for more potential future loot though I ended up leaving on level five and I can’t quite remember

Why because I kind of just wandered around I did eventually get my head straight again and fish for the Slime Jack which gave me more friendship with Clint a slimy fish for a slimy man day 159 I didn’t fancy the Rainy forage Harvest because it was a great luck day

And I was feeling some skull Cavs but I wanted to handle this parot first so I couldn’t forget at a later date this gave me a luck bonus and I was regretting not doing this earlier because I’m pretty sure this doesn’t take effect till I read the mail the

Next day but I could be wrong just outside the Walnut Room door I had a triple shot espresso and a magic rock candy and you might notice this is my only food because I actually had keys hungry challenge to do if you’ve been around the channel for a while you know

How much I’ve come to love skull cavins so I went in feeling pretty confident despite this being my first run of the save even though I took quite a bit of damage playing the one lifee challenge has also had a hand in getting me used to not dying and it wasn’t too long

Before I hit floor 25 for that first challenge that Mr key sends in the mail so my reward for that was a rarecrow I was super thankful for all the healing slimes which definitely saved my butt and I had a couple of serpents drop me a

Spicy eel ready for when we pass floor 100 I hit my first treasure floor and floor 65 and inside the chest was my first Prismatic Shard this feels like the longest I’ve ever gone without one so far having found a load of these jump holes I was on the brink of death at

This point but I wasn’t giving up although the loot on floor 73 certainly didn’t lift my spirits the seed maker a few floors later was okay then when I got to floor 89 I realized I had more than enough staircase to see me through to 100 and I didn’t want to miss out

With my terrifyingly low HP I made it there that evening and gained a foraging level for my effort and in the the chest was just a cowboy hat I definitely prefer my cone ha I took a minute to heal up before moving on which is when I shifted my focus Gathering aridium and

I’m not going to say no to more Prismatic shards I passed out on floor 139 for the night and here’s a review of the loot I kept the next morning yep those are five Prismatic shards and over 180 aridium all definitely a successful first run for me

I was however very surprised to see the maale from Mr key still containing 10,000 gold for reaching floor 25 given that we already got sent the rrow this was a lovely unexpected extra reward I tended to the forage I left behind yesterday then I went to visit the giant

Frog and ginger Island because all three crops were ready but I have no idea what realm he took me to because we seemed to hang out in the void as long as I get all the walnuts I wasn’t going to question it but none of these unlocked

Anything else new I could now Harvest these spots starting with my first melon and of course there’s a melon tax why wouldn’t there be I said goodbye to that 10K we got this morning and now I’m convinced mys key sent me that gold as a prank this made me forget what I was

Doing so I never harvested the other two crops and instead bought some Sandy hearts with some walnuts in place of the farm Obelisk which we also have to find elsewhere I left the island to bring Palmer battery and in return I’ll get that aridium snake milk then I brought

Demetrius that first melon for his crop research and for that I unlocked the fortune teller TV channel which thanks to you info site I completely forgot I even existed really for the next rewards today I took aim at a couple more new fish green seemed to be happy about this

New ice pip and for aoid salmon I’ll be getting a watering can upgrade here’s a quick look at our fishing progress by the way probably something like halfway there now day 161 marked the start of a new gifting weed which meant having to fight my way through half the volcano

Again to reach the wizard and Pierre with their gifts but I also needed to bring Carolina pumpkin to carve which got me the ostrich incubator recipe this was quite the relief since we still haven’t found out how to free Professor snail and because I had my axe with me I

Ejected this Walnut out of the tree I fished at the ocean for a while that evening though I can’t remember why because I didn’t unlock anything then I remembered to go do a bit of desert trading because it’s a Sunday and we could do with more staircases on day 162

I discovered a baby in the crib what is this the cute baby I got from the museum how did this happen I’m so unprepared and I have so many questions like does this mean when I have to unlock rewards by opting to have kids when when I’m married

Lore who named them I’m going to process that later because I want to do a new special request and this week we’ll be hunting the Prismatic slime at some point the first thing I wanted to do on the farm today is make that ostrich incubator but I was low on bone

Fragments so I left that for now and headed to Ginger Island because I had some weeds hindering my fruit saplings I said hello to my first blueberries too but all they gave me was more Farm debris and even though I had a few more tarot tubers I could have planted I

Decided against it and pickaxed any leftover spots from last time to allow more tiles for potential artifact spots to spawn I then took a trip to Clint for geod cracking and checked the upgrade menu was I was there to know what to work towards and I was horrified to find

Him selling a literal baby not only that he called it ugly and hiding behind the most expensive watering can upgrade as if Clint could get any worse I got all the JS opened and exited as quick as I could to hand out my second lot of gifts

Of the week when I reached the Wizards I hit two hearts gaining friendship with and whilst I was there I made sure to get my free golden clock belt before leaving the island for the night I hit up the dig site to gather all the bone

Fragments so I could now make the new incubator and get that egg hatching from the volcano it was a good thing I came in here too because these animals need more rain food day 163 began with another forage Harvest and I didn’t realize till after I replanted it that

It wasn’t going to grow in time but at least the sprinkler spots will be held for me the rest of my morning was spent in the desert catching the Scorpion C for a horrible fish I got a horrible reward the rusty sword I can’t wait to throw that straight from my mail into

The trash tomorrow it was then over to the mind to hunt for the Prismatic slime which took the entire day to show up but at least I got it on my first day of searching this time here I am putting that Rusty sword where it belongs the

Next morning then it was time for another half volcano run so I could hand in that Prismatic slime for 25 key gems I expanded my Ginger Island Farm a little to plant some beets as well as some fertilized poppies because I need five gold quality on for the community

Center and I changed my mind on planting some tarot because I still need some golden War nuts from harvesting stuff speaking of golden walnuts I got Clint to open my single golden coconut that evening for another golden warut then back on the farm I checked in on the

Slime Hutch for the first time in clearly a very long while and I had to say goodbye to some of the existing ones to allow the egg to hatch I set up a slime press too so I compress that slime into a bit of additional income on day

165 I donated my Prismatic shards to the museum expecting that surely a wonderful piece like this would come with some wonderful reward but no literally nothing not a single thing except some disappointment I suppose I planed to make up for that with a major win so I

Headed to the dwarf for some extra bombs and lunched on some spicy eel because today I wanted to reach the bottom of the mine and as a reminder my lowest elevator unlock is currently 75 I still need to find the others out in the world somewhere I did have some staircases

With me but I was trying to avoid using them because the ladders seem to be showing up with bombs pretty well today anyway I found a mushroom floor on floor 91 then I ended up using my first staircase of the day on 99 because screw those spiral floors I used a few more

Over the course of the night because I suddenly realized what time it was and I wasn’t wasting time on the invested floors either my next unlock came on floor 110 where I got a loom and opening the chest made me want to throw up because there wasn’t actually anything

In there I walked off the Naja to floor 115 increasing my friendship with Emily then I made it to floor 120 just after midnight and gained a farming level instead of the skull key here I got hearts with man and now that’s all the mine rewards unlocked that farming level

Unlocked The Keg recipe too so today has been redeemed on day 166 I fished a midnight cart from the pond now that they’ve multiplied to bring to the community center this completed the river fish bundle which got me two hearts with kobas I wanted to make some

More fishing progress today so I fished in cindat forest with some magic bait I was looking for the Dorado which I refused to do in summer but I did first catch a pike which shuffled my inventory and for a minute there it seems like I actually didn’t get said Pike but after

Rearranging everything it did pop up again I also caught a perch which unlocked Leo’s Treehouse because even though he lives here we still can’t get inside the next fish was a link which got me friendship with Willie but unfortunately after 20 pieces of magic bait I didn’t get the Dorado today I

Whis off to the farm to clear out the fish pond and drop the link cod in instead because this is needed for the JoJo Center as well as the request from Willie that we’ll get at some point today was also another of the handful of times I remembered to buy a sprinkler

From kobus then I chopped down the foresty looking area of my farm for more wood so I could build a big collection of kegs for the shed this meant I could start a batch of rhubarb wine on day 167 which is also when I collected the remaining coffee my last big Harvest of

The season was full of lots of forage and lots of pumpkins a dream then with the help of some extra forage from my chest I managed to make an extra 200 full forage seeds which will probably be used on ta saplings later on it was then

Over to Ginger island with the next few ancient seeds I just made and I noticed my first corn was ready which will unlock the par Express tomorrow this is a very significant one you’ll see why later I was on my way through the volcano because I needed to go to Pi

When I found these dragon scale boots these are some great boots but I was really enjoying the immunity that the genie shoes provide so I haven’t changed them yet the reason I needed to go to Pierre’s was to drop off 25 gold quality pumpkins for Pier’s Prime produce and

The reward for that was another rrow back in the valley I checked the traveling cart for another lucky find a tomato seed we haven’t even unlock these yet so I wasted no time in getting this planted on Ginger island with Spirit Eve on the cards for tonight I had some time

To kill so we fished in the sewer hoping for a mutant car but it didn’t show its ugly face today before the event started I feel like I’ve memorized the maze route at this point so I reached the treasure chest with ease there’s no golden pumpkin for us but unlocking the

Greenhouse totally blows that out of the water anyway thank you little junimos of course the first thing I did on day 168 was move my aridium sprinklers in there though I didn’t have anything to plant here just yet being a Sunday it was the start of a new gifting

Week and I guess Emily decided to gift me with an interesting performance which I only really got because I stepped into the wrong house I was actually looking for Maru with a very special gift of a bouquet Yep this is who will be marrying for this playthrough and I’m excited to

Experience maru’s marriage heart event I grabbed myself some more staircases for my collection before dedicating another half an hour of real lifetime to junam car and this Glow Room Gro level is going to be the death of me no new rewards today the rest of the day was

Just for a few basic Farm chores and when I went to bed that night it was time to choose a new season so of course I went with winter being the only one we’ve not experienced Yet on day 169 I rushed through the fresh snow to check out this week’s special request and I’ll be doing Robin’s resource rush because we’ve actually got the wood version this time and we can always use more wood I planted some fire on the farm to occupy

The sprinkler spots then did a bit of shopping at the traveling cart for any reasonably priced artifacts and an archipelago item which turned out to be the club card so now I can stop annoying that bouncer as I passed through the bus stop I scared a little Shadow Spirit but

I’ll check on them later because right now I want to hand Maru another gift I had some others to hand out for the week too and this is now going to going to get so much easier because the parot express means we no longer have to fight

Our way through to level five of the volcano to access this side of the island especially forgetting to the wizard and Pierre it also means easier access to Leo for when he’s in his Island Treehouse so today I reached four hearts for more friendship with Leah

Then when I made it to the dwarf for their second gift of the week I reached eight hearts so tomorrow that last Turtle will be removed I can finally now move freely around Ginger Island the parrot Express would just be great for shortcuts now from there I popped to the

Joo center to donate its procus and complete the spring foraging bundle for a new traveling Merchant day we’ll see her on Fridays too and before bed I came and found the void spirit in the bush I was looking forward to getting those secret notes but instead of the

Magnifying glass I’ll be sent another star drop in the mail this made for a delicious breakfast the next morning nothing like the taste of chaos to wake us up in the morning when I got to Ginger Island I found a new par asking for war nuts so I fed it in exchange for

A fishing level my sweet Jim Berry had finally come to fruition and the Harvest reward was another mine elevator I ended up turning that into two more seeds since I need more than one fruit for other things then I checked in on the key quest for the first time in a while

And decided I’ll Brave that legendary fish Quest so I get up with a few trap Bobbers and headed straight to the mountain lake with a sea Fram pudding and made a start just like last time I wanted to get the worst out the way first then I should be able to just do

The rest I actually got really lucky here because it ended up being my first fish I caught and it was so well behaved I thought there was no way it was going to to be the legend too but here it was though judging by the fact that I stuck

Around for a minute I’m not sure I was fully aware I actually had it I don’t know but eventually I made my way down to the bridge just south of here to catch M Anga then I came home to grab a new seafoam pudding from the chest so I

Could catch the glacier fish Junior which didn’t put up all that much resistance either this time I did intentionally stick around the area because I hadn’t caught the original Glacier fish yet but what was really weird was catching a second Junior one before I even saw the original in fact I

Didn’t get the normal one at all today so I moved on to the sewers to catch the radioactive carp and then to the beach to catch my first halet unlocking the last traveling car day guess she’s not so much of a traveling cart Anymore sadly my legendary fish streak ended here because I’m pretty sure I hooked that son of crimson fish Just Once By I ended up losing it I’ll try again another time on day 171 I switched out my fish pond from link to flounder because I only had one of those and I

Needed more given that we’ve only just unlocked the seafoam pudding recipe I brought another link Cod I caught to the community center to complete the construction bundle rewarding me with wizard friendship then I grabbed another rare seed from the merchant having just found out I need a gold quality one for

The community center I also bought the chip Tora because I always have such difficulty obtaining this piece for the museum that rare seed got planted in the greenhouse with some Deluxe fertilizer then I felt like giving Jun mcart another shot again very much still feeling the doubt about unlocking all

The rewards from all the levels but I still need to go down trying the end of my first run today was truly gut-wrenching losing my final life M inches away from the arrow and the second time around I got the dreaded glow shroom Grotto where I got this horrible section right after a

Checkpoint that I just couldn’t get past that’s enough for a rage quit for me today I still needed to wait for my flounders to breed to make more seafoam pudding so I bought a few trout suits from Willie instead and War straight to the beach to try and catch the special

Legendary again I first caught a red mullet for an extra th000 gold but then I remembered I can make something better than trout soup I had dish of the sea which offers plus three fishing I purchased some oil from the joa sewer then before cooking that I also visited

The forge to try for the master enchantment on the fishing rod which will give us an extra level it cost me three Prismatic shards to get the right roll but it’s worth it to me combine that with some KES and dish of the sea for a total of plus five fishing in

Total with the rod enchantment included being the quest sh day I had to catch it today and thanks to the extra boost I actually succeeded shame the reward for all of that was literally just a furnace I didn’t want to waste the remaining fishing boost so I tried for that

Glacier fish again and it appeared on the First cast maybe you just can’t find it when the quest is active or it was just unlucky I don’t know but hey I caught that little terror now unlocking the Juna Evelyn was waiting on the farm

For me on day 172 she was here to give me a garden pot and its recipe now that we have the greenhouse unlocked I bought the next archipelago item from the merchant car along with a decently priced Jasper for the museum I also bought an eggplant but I don’t really

Know why because we already have these unlocked and I literally just went home and put it in a chest I headed for manies as soon as she opened because I forgot until today that I hadn’t installed heaters for the animals but when I went to place them down I was

Alerted to the hatching of an ostrich I don’t know who told me that because it’s definitely a dragon I should probably get some food down for everyone too then I proceeded to take down all the trees in the forest for Robin’s resource Rush which I finished that afternoon the

Reward though another ammo upgrade I will not be using I use the evening to make myself feel better with a bit of therapeutic path placing a usual winter activity that I can actually do in Winter on day 173 I visited the merchant on the way to the farm and bought the

Unlockable which happened to be a rarecrow the wizard mailed me a request for an aridian bar which is a very easy win so I brought the bar with me to Ginger Island but first I wanted to check on the farm which had so many crops at the ready the most important

Ones were the puppies which I needed some gold quality ones for the JoJo Center but I did also need gold quality blueberries too so I dropped today’s berries in the seed maker for more chances since I haven’t unlocked them to buy yet I then replanted these in the

Fertiliz spots left over from the puppies got the crop sorted now I can hand over the aridium to the wizard hitting four hearts for a free aridium sprinkler and would you look at that we’ve unlocked blueberry seeds from the quest I don’t even need these now I rode

Over to the Joo center with the poppies to see if that bunder reward would be any better and yeah I’ll happily take a combat level the rest of my day was down in the mines blowing up a temporary path down to floor 100 so I could fish for

The lava eel and of course I used one of the kees and dish of the sea to help me out I successfully caught the lava eel that night which apparently is going to bring me some crows given that I’ve only got fiber planted I reckon they’re going to be pretty disappointed The Flounder

Hadn’t multiplied in my fish pond yet but I didn’t care because I wanted to swap this for the lava eel now though I can’t really remember why day 174 was a wine day then I donated a couple of artifacts I had but all I got was a char

K still progress I guess today was the day I came back to the sewers for that mutant C and it might have taken me most of the afternoon but we got it so I’ll be sent some new boots tomorrow I fished at the beach next and I just couldn’t

Get that magnifying glass out of my mind because I really wanted to start getting those secret notes you might notice I typed in the hint command wrong a couple of times but when I got it down correctly I found out I won’t be getting this item until I complete all the

Fossils in Professor snail’s tent you know the guy still stuck in the cave I pondered this for a bit while whilst I caught my first squid leveling up my combat then I asked for another hint to free Professor snail and here we find out we can buy his freedom from The

Artist At The Night Market pretty soon and yes the mermaid painting is available in year 1 I wanted to stick around to catch another squid as a spare hitting level 10 fishing before I got there which unlocked the farm Obelisk on Ginger Island it took till almost 1:00

A.m. for that second squid to show up which means I had to rush to bed to avoid passing out here’s what we unlocked with the combat level and we made a decent amount of gold from that batch of wine we sold too on day 175 I asked for a hint to unlock

The queen of sauce because I’m missing all of those cooking recipes and I was happy to see it’s one of the items the merchant will sell it just so happened to be the correct day today too so I rushed over there but she didn’t bring it with her today I still bought the

Archipelago item to stop it from showing up again and like we’ve been doing I picked up an all right pric museum piece too I collected the space boots from the mail and put them straight on for a balance of defense and Immunity I took one of the squids to the JoJo Center to

Complete the lake fish bundle which also happened to be the last item I needed for the whole fish tank our second room now complete both rewards were just more friendship Hearts but it still felt great making this progress the other squid went to Willie for that Quest

Literally called catch a squid and for that I’ll get another recycling machine I can make use of this I suppose that afternoon I handed out some gifts for the new gifting week and did a little bit of shopping at PS which is also where I hit eight hearts with Ken a pack

Of 50 ion or definitely won’t go to waste we of course didn’t forget and it looks like I hit 10 Hearts judging by the Beloved farmer achievement that’s another thing the dating and marriage Hearts aren’t Lo behind other things once you start dating you start earning the hearts the normal way with that

Person again I cleared out the dig site for materials and got this journal scrap so I wasted no time in digging up that Walnut so I can’t forget about it later I’ve also been frequently smashing these muscle rocks for walnuts and hunting for dig spots for the vertebrae but I

Haven’t been lucky enough to find even one of those yet I haven’t really been showing me doing these things either just to avoid things getting super repetitive before turning in for an early night I planted those melon seeds I bought from Pierre I guess we’ll find out later why I’ve done this because

Right now I couldn’t tell you on day 176 I checked the new special request to find a choice of fishing or fishing I went with the left hand fishing because I knew I definitely hadn’t done this yet whatever I planned doing this was going to be a fishing day anyway because today

Is the Festival of ice I said hi to anyone without full friendship then commence the fishing contest even though everyone else seemed to have a head start I still ended the time limit with six fish which smashed the competition we got the sailor hat already quite

Early on so instead I received two more hearts with Sebastian on day 177 I accepted a new key Quest and I may regret this but I picked Keys crop because I didn’t have enough spare prizes but I was worried here and you can see the hesitation because I’ve

Never successfully completed this one in time I surprised myself a lot with this run so maybe this will be different to make this happen I was going to need a lot more planting space on Ginger Island because the key fruit won’t grow outdoors in winter so I added a few more

Sprinklers here some of my fruit trees have finally matured too so we got a bunch of unlocks here then I destroyed every tree on the island to gather my first set of key beans I took a little break from the deforestation to watch a gorilla eat a banana and I was bracing

Myself for whatever random reward this was going to bring but nope it was just the war nuts by the time I chopped down every tree on the island I am Master whopping 10 key beans totally not worried about this at all instead of hunting for more beans I set

Up more sprinkler spots with winter forage and handed out more gifts for the week then I remembered I have some tree fertilizer in a chest so I chucked them on some saplings on the farm since these won’t grow by themselves in Winter walking back through the island after

More gifting that night I found I missed an entire section of trees to chop and the result of going back for them was planting five more key beans on day 178 the merchant brought me another fun artifact then I pulled out a handful of deluxe speed grow from my chest made by

My bone Mill to add some some to the key crops with just four this might seem silly but I plan to visit Sandy tomorrow to buy more I just thought I might as well squeeze out an extra day on some of these I found a few more trees at the

Bus stop for a couple more key beans on my way to the bus tunnel to begin that tropical fish Quest might as well start with the worst fish first my first Stingray popped up pretty quickly and I was expecting to be here pretty much all

Day but I was done by the afternoon got a few more exi ke beans in the process too my next stop was the pond on Ginger Island to fish for five discus then just below to the beach for the five Blind Fish and that’s the whole Quest wiped

Out in one go for a foraging level and look at the extra key beans too I’ve been enjoying my morning trips to the merchant cart and a 179 was no different I bought a big site at by far the lowest price I’ve seen it offered as well as

The archipelago item which was some friendship with Caroline I gifted the love at eel and Fire Quartz before visiting Sandy to buy loads of deluxe beag Ro see I remembered hopefully this will help us even if only a bit checking on the ginger Island Farm I got a couple

More key beans and unlocked a movement speed bonus for my first tomato I had a couple more artifacts to donate which unlocked another traveling Merchant metal detector then I gave the gem puzzle another go having just found out the East bird dropped a topaz so I had a

Much easier time brute forcing the rest and walking away with those walnuts I really wanted to make an aridian band to combine with other rings when I realized I don’t even have the recipe I checked the hints for the next combat level and I can just buy it from Clint in place of

The gold watering can upgrade very easy to solve but what’s so with the icon here anyway that crafting recipe won’t be ready till the morning so for this evening I foraged in the forest hoping that I missed a tree last season but no they’re just still frozen little

Saplings in day 180’s Merchant item gave me friendship with gust I grabbed the dolite too my next task was to bring the wizard a void Essence for his request rewarding me with another aridium sprinkler and there’s that desert Obelisk he absolutely lied about the Thousand gold though but the Obelisk was

A perfect reward really because I was right here to build it and I didn’t have have to wait for the mail the next morning I also moved the rest of the obelisks whilst I was there because I didn’t like the layout blocking some of the PA and arranged them in a very

Specific order which made sense to me at the time today I noticed the pomegranates and apples which got me friendship with Clint and a geoc Crusher and for another award soon after I donated a dinosaur egg for the next mine elevator speaking of the mines I ended

Up Gathering iron and copper for the rest of the day on my personal quest for more kegs plus the Rocks here have a chance of dropping key beans I got back to the farm that night with quite a bit of ore but only 11 more key beans still

Every little Heth and I was glad that I got back when I did or I’d have missed the newest batch of wine so here’s the profit from that plus a few other things on day 181 I placed that next reward sprinkler and harvested the first few key fruit in the greenhouse every single

One of these went into seed makers to grow The Collection then I handed Willie A Link Card for his request which earned me another golden egg clearing that was super convenient today because he was close to the merchant car where I brought a couple of artifacts and a

Lobster to keep for whenever I need it I brought those two artifacts to the museum where I didn’t unlock anything new but these were the last two artifacts needed to complete the entire collection I really wasn’t expecting that at all especially the lack of reward I finally got around to making

Myself the aridium band I had to go for a volcano run because I was lacking in Cinder shards to combine it with another ring oh hey more key beans when I got to the dwarf I sold a few gems for backpack space and topped up on bombs to help me

On my way to the top I was pretty thrilled about the treasure I found on level 9 the kybans were great but the mermaid boots with their five defense and eight immunity the space boots were instantly sent to the trash with an extra 39 Cinder shards I combined my

Burglar ring with my aridian band and until I have something better my second slot would just have a glow ring for now I use some of my spare shards to add some attack damage to my Hammer as well as some defense I feel like I don’t use

This feature enough day 182 began with more key crop expansion and since I now had more than the greenhouse sprinklers would fit it was time to start using the ginger Island farm with Deluxe speed grow of course I wanted to go trade for some stuff at the desert today but I was

Starting to feel the faults in my Obelisk layout this isn’t the desert I will move these at some point to make it a little bit more practical but let’s see how long it is until I stop being stubborn about my choices here I grabbed some triple shots spicy eels and

Staircases from the trader then I took advantage of the extra trees here for the wood and the CU beans I got a good few from this artifact spot here so I thought maybe what I should do is search for the valley for more dig spots for more chances since they are much more

Common in winter but there were no beans inide maybe the dig site will help clearing the whole thing only gave me one so no I wasn’t giving up though I still planted what I had and still had enough time to squeeze in some gifts for

The new gifting week day 183 was a great luck day so I was feeling a trip to skull cabins I was excited about the potential for loot but also these rocks should hopefully get us a few more key beans to plant I didn’t meet my first treasure floor until 993 where I just

Got some cranberry seeds pretty mediocre but I carried on down to floor 100 hoping for an archipelago unlock instead of the idium snake milk except when I got down there it was just another treasure floor which would have been fine if it wasn’t just some energy tonic

You see I need to find the secret note to get the cut scene and for that I need the magnifying glass which is the reward for completing Professor snail’s tent but to free him I need to buy a painting at the night market oh wait that opens

Today I should probably go I checked the Merchant’s boat first and found an aelo item leou approved of and the painting today wasn’t the one we were after but we need to pay for them all to get every unlock here I definitely do need the extra junim moart life though and I

Can’t leave without grabbing the free cup of coffee I got my next 16 key beans in the ground on Ginger Island then I race back to the night market real quick to do the mermaid show which unlocked tomato seeds I had a scary amount of key

Fruit staring at me as I entered the greenhouse the next morning so I removed them from the ground as quick as I could once again I turned them all into to more beans since this was my best chance of growing into the vast quantity I

Needed for the quest and I think I made some pretty good progress with this today I harvested my first orange here which will send me another magic rock candy before plucking this batch of tarot in the hopes of finding more gold and walnuts but there were none here

This time I handled my second gift giving of the week but I walked into Elliot’s book reading at the library I forgot that was today sorry Elliot I just don’t have the time I skipped that cut scene looking for Leo for his gift but he literally just left for the day

Definitely blaming Elliot for this one but luckily Leo wasn’t too difficult to track down checking the Merchant’s car a little later proved to be a fruitless trip with nothing worth buying today then I said a quick hello to the dwarf reaching full friendship gifting me a heavy Tapper I also hit eight hearts

With Pierre increasing my hearts with Leo but now I better rush off to the second night of the Night Market where I found the merchant selling exactly the same stuff as earlier today I guess that kind of makes sense what I really came here for though was to buy Professor

Snail’s freedom from this dodgy art dealer that hopefully in the morning will make a new friend the second I teleported home I realized I was planning to stay at the market that evening to catch some fish from the submarine I was shocked that my first

Fish here was the blob fish and of all the rewards it could possibly bring the actual mermaid painting a midnight squid Got Me friendship with jazz the spook fish will upgrade my hoe an octopus got me hearts with Linus and that’s it for unlocks today but I passed out here just

To catch as much as I could sell most of day 185 was for working on replanting key and at this point I needed so many more sprinklers which was definitely a good sign though I was now officially out a deluxe bead grow for the last night market trip at the season I bought

Another rarecrow from the art person but the merchants boat had nothing for me today so to bag myself more rewards I donated a tomato to complete the summer crops bundle for a discount from the merchant I also donated a lava eel to the full crops bundle which just leaves

A macki roll so I headed straight to the JoJo sewer to pick up some rice before turning in for the night I made a fresh one to bring first thing on day 186 and the reward for that bundle was a combat level the only thing remaining for the

Pantry is Hots I used a hint to find out where to unlock these and I just have to get it at the Merchant’s car so let’s hope she brings it tomorrow after collecting all my fossils I ran straight up to the top floor of the clinic to introduce myself to the finally free

Professor snail and get all those donations in and as you can see I think we’re going to struggle with the snake vertebrae on this save too I got a couple of walnuts for the bat and the Frog then I did the island survey for a

Couple more I very late on this for the week but I did remember to go check the new key Quest I accepted Key’s Prismatic range because I couldn’t see myself jumping into skull cavins this week though I had no idea if I had enough of

The required item I may do that later I did a favor for Clint in exchange for another mine elevator followed by another favor for Clint unlocking the hypers speed grow recipe with some forage now ready on the farm I could get some more sprinkler spots occupied with

Even more forage being a Thursday I could now top up on speed grow from Sandy and are those to all the spots that ran out yet yesterday I then checked the dig site for artifact spots and also to see what’s in the cave here this is where we can find Leo’s second

Home I also wanted all the bones from around there to make more free fertilizer they managed to reach the Merchant’s car mere seconds before she would close for the day the next aripo item was just another metal detector but at least it won’t come up again now and

At some point today I unlocked level 10 combat so that night I chose the brw profession faster monster kills faster loot collection on day 187 I received the news that I have officially collected all the rarecrows instead of the deluxe rarecrow recipe I received another Merchant discount I wanted to

Take advantage of that right away and headed straight to the cart to find that all important Hop star to unlock for 35 Grand how much would it have been without those discounts whilst waiting for Leo to exit his treehouse in the morning I used a hint to find out where

The final Barn upgrade will be because we still need to get ourselves some pigs and not going to lie I completely forgot about old Master canoli this happens more often than I’d like to to admit Leo wasn’t coming out but I can’t just go in because this door actually leads to

Maru’s room but I don’t know why I didn’t keep that logic because I tried to find him in lioness’s tent instead forgetting this is Sebastian’s basement now and no I don’t have time to join your adventures at the moment I’ll hand over his gift later instead dropping off

Two dozen eggs to The Saloon fridge for a giant omelet no Quest completion yet though because I still have to actually pick up more fresh eggs from the coupe though I did have a coconut with me for Gus’s exotic Spirits quest which will send me another magic rock candy could

Resist a quick go at junim moart here especially now I’d racked up a total of 11 lives now I intended for this to be a quick go but I ended up hogging this arcade machine for an entire real life hour Glow Room Grotto is definitely still my Nemesis here look at this other

Attempt and how close I got to clearing this monstrosity I very much considered rage quitting for the day here but that’s not how I do I stuck it out for a few more attempts but no prices for us today by this point Leo was outside so I could present him with another duck

Feather hitting six hearts and unlocking strawberry seeds I stuck by the lake to fish I think I was looking for a sturgeon here because I left as soon as they stopped spawning for the day without having caught one and I’m glad I happened to check in on the greenhouse

Or I’ve missed out on the next key Fruit Harvest I’m still not shipping them yet every single one is going back into seeds to plant and I passed out for the night after returning to the Valley Farm for more sprinkler materials day 188 and there’s even more key fruit these are

Far too many faces for before my morning coffee I managed to mostly fill the island Farm up with sprinklers today and took the entire day expanding into every single spot including getting them all watered I just wasn’t up for beginning my day with all those creepy fruity eyes

Staring at me on day 189 so I visited the merchant first instead oh okay well there’s the queen of SCE taken care of then it was onwards to the secret Woods to feed old Master canoli appreciate the barn upgrade and I’m guessing by that look the burier was

Good too M sent me some hay in the mail which reminded me I should feed the barn animals but this was when I noticed that the silo was now completely empty so even some of my coup animals were mad at me when I went to collect the final eggs

For Gus at least that’s what I thought but I was one egg short so hopefully tomorrow that was enough to ready myself for today’s key fruit task and with every sprinkle of full I could now begin actually shipping some fruit I chopped any fully grown trees here as well for

More wood and more beans I might as well keep Gathering somewhere I can to keep more fruit out of the seed makers next on my list was a trip to Clint to open these golden coconuts getting a couple of skulls a couple of saplings and the

Golden helmet I do really like this hat but the code hat is still my favorite for this play through I dropped one of the skulls off to Professor snail then boosted some of our cash with some tea saplings add those to all this wine and this should be a very good money day

Though I have now run out of rhubarb so I’m going to have to find something else to put in the cegs next time I made sure to get the Sunday Jade trade in and dug all the worms here today mostly just got clay and stone but I can’t just not do

It here’s what we made that at night 66 Grand not bad at all then on day 190 I checked for more key quests opting for Keys Cuisine this time and also bought some magic bait whilst I was there I popped into town to quickly accept a

Special order for the week then this was another full day of working on the keys crop Quest replanting into Open Spaces that I have and any spare fruit being shipped though today I did also decide to add more sprinklers to the greenhouse because I still wasn’t quite sure I was

Going to complete this in time I crammed even more in ginger Island too can you tell I’m starting to panic a bit on day 191 I found out we ran out of hay again but I did now complete gasa’s famous omelet for another Merchant’s discount I’ll have to sort out the animals

Another time though because today was another for the key fruit grind though I did also take a few minutes that night to also set up a basic sprinkler with a speed grown Hops and a fertilized strawberry both for the Joo Center the morning of day 192 was mostly a repeat

Of yesterday with the key fruit though I did also harvest the ancient fruit that was coming in to turn into seeds ready for when this nightmare of a quest is over with with there weren’t quite as many fruit to tend to today though so I

Had time to make a start on handing out those gifts when I went to visit Maru she wanted to show me the robot she’d built but then Demetrius budged in and got quite the shock of his life no Demetrius we were not falling around this intelligent robot was built to help

Robin and Demetrius at home for whenever Maru ends up flying The Nest but mlda that’s the bot’s name by the way was designed with some self-awareness and didn’t want to live as a servant so we saw her off as she blasted away on her search for more other life forms I

Handed Robin some hardwood for a project before I left granting me a new painting and now that money was actually working I could top up on Hay and loads of it I needed a backup Supply if I run out again then I fished at a bubble spot on

The island for a while I was looking for a fossil here which I wasn’t quite lucky enough to get day 193 was the Feast of the winter star but these creepy fruit wait for No One I squeezed out as much time as I could replanting before

Rushing off to the main event I said hello to anyone who needed friendship points and hit four French it with Kent for some Alex Hearts then I delivered a diamond to my secret friend Mani since this is a loved gift I unlocked a watering can upgrade my Gift Giver this

Time was Pam who brought me a pumpkin pie oh what I do for a pumpkin pie in real life right now I’m not even kidding my stomach is actually rumbling even though it was late my work was not over somehow I managed to cram in replanting

Pretty much all the key fruit tonight as this was the last chance for another Harvest I was very relieved not to have to replant these anymore the next morning just grab and go thankfully after harvesting everything that was ready on Ginger Island I now had more

Than enough to get me over that finish line I came back to the greenhouse to put a lonely Cactus seed in a pot don’t I need to water this though why didn’t I plant it in a space with a sprinkler what am I doing I guess we’ll see what

Happens later but now I was happy to be able to get all these ancient seeds and pineapple seeds down because that Keys crop Quest really does make any farming profit grind to a halt I managed to dig up a couple of new fossils for Professor snail so the biggest piece is complete

But once again it’s those stupid snake vertebrae being my last pieces to find I handed out some gifts and reach eight hearts with the wizard for a trash can upgrade and bought some extra Oak resin from the Merchant’s car before finding a batch of forage on the farm I’d

Completely forgotten about I replanted another set not sure what season I was picking next but if I go with a different one it means the sprinkler spots will be ready for the new crops for the evening I hung out in the saloon first bringing Gus the albacore he asked

For which increased the merchant stock size I wasn’t going to leave without a couple more Jun M Kart attempts too but no new victories today I also checked in on the Slime Hutch before bed which was in severe need of a cleanout and not going to lie it was really satisfying

When I did make it to bed I got the confirmation that we’d finally finished Keys crop a quest that fully took over my life here for a while and all I got was a Tapper it wasn’t even worth it on day 195 I wanted to clear more key

Quests so I brought a random assortment of stuff to the drop off box for key Prismatic range it took me till today to realize that each color doesn’t need to be 100 of the same item as long as there’s 100 items of that color it can be any amount of each literally just

Scraped together whatever I could including a few things I really didn’t want to part with but hey we did it that farming level will be worth it since I already have the club card I figured we must get something else fun for that secret note Quest so I dropped off all

The items in the required locations and on checking the lumber pile at the farm I found out I’ll be getting another pomegranate sapling though nothing brand new my Greenhouse had one lonely sweet gem Berry ready and thanks to the deluxe fertilizer it came out as a already in

Quality I ran to my donations chest to pick stuff up for the Joo Center because I thought I was just waiting on a good quality one to complete another bundle but I found a gold one just hanging out here in the chest so I just shipped the aian one for shipping completion the

Sweet gem Berry was needed to complete the full foraging bundle and was the last item to complete the entire crafts room I got friendship Hearts as both the rewards but that’s another entire room complete the winds weren’t over yet today because I also found my first

Snake vertebrae just one more to go to finish the tent then that night I finally had enough with teleporting to the wrong places with the Obelisk so I spaced them out more because if I can walk between them I’ll know which one I’m aiming for and of course I help

Things a little bit more by adding some parts in between so I can see where the gaps are it’s nice having the feeling of things starting to come together on the farm now so I took the opportunity to map out some more new crop areas especially since I was about to unlock

Aridium sprinklers on day 196 I came looking for another new Merchant item and all this torch was going to do was burn me but I bought it anyway to stop it showing up again that’s one way to warm up in Winter I got today’s gift rounds done before getting my first

Crafted aridium sprinklers on the fields and some areas still need coverage by scarecrows too but I couldn’t make all the sprinklers I wanted right away because I ran out of gold bars this made it a good time to stop procrastinating on catching that sturgeon the reward for

Which was a straw hat then I cleared out the dig site whilst doing a bit of panning it’s a good luck day today and I was hoping to grab a lucky ring but the rivers didn’t bless me with one this time it’s the last day the season 2 so

Now I need to decide what’s next we’ve learned this year that the night markets paintings have some unlocks we need to get through and I was really enjoying the snowy season after the endless Inferno that was last year so let’s do it half a year a winter at least this

One’s my choice this Time on day 197 I grabbed the four precious stones key Quest since we have the whole season to do it and for the special request I picked biome balance believe it or not I would rather fish than dig up 100 Ginger I shopped at the dwarf for some more bums because today

Is another good luck day and I was itching for another skull cavins run plus I got to give myself a chance to get those prizes too I had two magic rock candies so I had high hopes for this day with a few mummies here I hit

Level 10 combat which gave me a mining level instead my first treasure floor today got me a cowboy hat and rather skipping the prehistoric floors I used the opportunity to bordo through these dinos because the pepper monster Slayer goal is notoriously frustrating when you leave it for later

I got a top up of bombs on floor 28 another cowboy hat on 45 more bombs right after followed by another prehistoric floor skull cabins really said bombs hats bombs dinos and hats today that we did break the street with some omnos later but then more bombs I

Finally got my first prizy of the day on floor 83 and I’m not even going to perceive the treasure a few floors later the purple slime egg definitely made up for it then on floor 100 another freaking cowboy hat leave me alone I only want my cone I threw down

Staircases for the next few floors begging for some different treasure and I’m glad I did because here I found my first Auto Grabber of this save I passed out for the night on floor 111 with two Prismatic shards so halfway with that key Quest that mining level we got was

Actually level 10 so for my profession I picked the blacksmith one so bars will sell for more first thing I did on day 198 is put all of my loot away and here is the overall loot review for that run with all the unlocked luck bonuses and

Two magic rock candies not going to lie this is pretty terrible the auto grabble will be good for the barn though so now I don’t have to milk the animals checking on the cou I found a new sparkling golden baby hatched a shiny new Lemma that is hopefully soon I can

Get another Auto Grabber from the CP so I don’t have to pick up the eggs and stuff too just waiting on M to start selling them now that the barn is upgraded I got my second round of gifts out for the week hitting eight hearts with Leo giving friendship with EVN then

I wanted to top up on Triple shots from my spare coffees and was absolutely baffled that it went into a separate stack I really couldn’t figure out why at the time but one of them is labeled as fresh for the keys Cuisine Quest I definitely forgot I had this by now most

Of the day was then spent fishing at the ocean on Ginger Island for the biome balance Quest I just wanted to get the fishing out of the way but by the evening I needed a change of scenery and moved to the East Beach Pit I used magic

Bait here so I could catch the Crimson fish unlocking another mine elevator then I caught my 20th fish of a bit later on rewarding me with a dress spinner my fishing day wasn’t over yet because I didn’t want to leave without a super cucumber but all I got for that

Was an ambush by a couple of monsters wow that super cucumber was still super important though because on day 199 I donated it to the blacksmith bundle and completed the entire Boiler Room I got another movement speed bonus as well as the next mine elevator and now we just

Have the Hops to go for the pantry and five quality strawberries for the bulletin board to complete the entire joa Center I also found a couple of extra prizes at home to make four in total to drop off for Mr key and for my valuable items I

Got a weakness debuff really I now had some more bars ready to add more sprinklers to the farm ready for whenever we want to grow crops again then I checked on Ginger Island to find more ancient fruit to harvest as well as the strawberry and the Hops both were my

First harvest so I got a deconstructor and another mine elevator maybe today is still a good day after all I brought my seed makers over to Ginger Island so I could turn the ancient fruits back into seeds to replant here and I also planted two more deluxe fertilized strawberries

To speed up getting quality ones I donated the Hops to the joa Center for more friendship hearts and with the pantry complete that’s just one bundle to go the rest of the day went to farm prep I didn’t have enough seeds for every spot so for now I just planted as

Many fiber seeds as I could on day 200 I forgot that we buy things in packs of 50 at the JoJo sewer and accidentally bought an entire stack of wheat seeds when really I only maybe wanted a few hundred I just wanted to make less of a

Loss with Key’s Cuisine this was one of those did that really just happen kind of moments I shook it off and carried on to s’s to buy loads of speed grow and spent this entire day getting as much wheat planted as possible on Ginger Island I will say though all those speed

Boosts we’ve earn have actually started to hinder me at this point with the amount of tiles that got skipped and I had to go back and fix them just let me walk in my neat little rows please on Day 2011 I bought some very expensive friendship Hearts from Clint before

Asking for a hint for the monster must recipe apparently I need to buy an aridian fireplace and not going to lie I had to look up where you can actually get this because I don’t think I even knew this item existed looks like I’ll have to wait for the night market so

Glad I checked on this now thanks to some late planting last season I already had some forage to harvest then I upgraded some Fields with a few more idium sprinklers to replace the quality ones and got all of those spots planted up with more forage seeds on day 202 I

Set off an assortment of wine with a few of whatever fruit I could scrunch together to up the kegs that morning I collected a pel from a keg so Pam could finally quench her thirst apparently to lioness’s Delight then I sprinted off to the Walnut Room for a day in skull

Cabins I was looking for another Auto grabber for the coupe and I was just having loot withdrawers in general and my first treasure floor of the day showed me that I was really meant to be here today even the Slime was stunned at my find once again I knocked out any

Dinos I encountered and by the night time I was worried about reaching floor 100 because I did end up wasting several staircases today and I had had a fair amount of flaws to go through thankfully I did get a lucky jump hole for the Boost so I made it just before 1:00 a.m.

Accidentally placing another one but hey I’m happy with a couple of Free aridium Sprinklers I passed out for the night on floor 106 not that many treasure floors but honestly I got what I came for overnight I got hearts with Harvey for reaching full friendship with Pierre

Thanks to comments on the last video I found out that the little boost here is because I gave Pier two gifts this week no more freebies for him now day 203 it’s time for the loot review in addition to the auto Grabber yesterday I needed the yours too I’m

Super pleased with this five prizes too I placed that auto Grabber and picked up all the floor goodies for the final time with the two sprinklers getting their new home on the field I was eager to restock my staircases after coming home with literally two from yesterday then

It was off to Ginger Island to check on the wheat and I found my first batch ready to go but when I checked my journal this was the last day of the keys Cuisine Quest so I decided to just ditch it because the flow won’t be ready

Till tomorrow and I had nowhere near enough gold just to buy the ingredients outright I spent a good while trying to find Leo on the island for a gift the map said he was here somewhere today but I couldn’t find him anywhere so for now

I got a gift to the wizard then came back down to the beach to find Gus had made his way over here I bought that tropical curry recipe felt amazing to just stumble upon him in this playthrough I thought Leo may be hanging out in the gem puzzle area momentarily

Forgetting that this is Sandy’s store but the funniest thing is that just came in with me but could not get out how have you done this pigeon how I ran out to the beach in pure confusion where I just so happened to run into Leo for

That gift I left pigeon to keep Sandy company for a bit whilst I returned to the farm to place another 30 KS then I used the magic bait to fish for the Dorado again this earned me hearts with Sam then I headed home to make some keyas and seafoam pudding and allow

Myself an early night on day 204 I willingly went to a second Festival of ice I was mainly here just to talk to Leo but but I thought why not try getting another win for the contest only problem was I only caught three fish I guess it’s fine to let Willie have the

Win this year on day 205 I gathered up some mining supplies including topping up on some bombs from the dwarf because today I accepted the danger in the Deep key Quest my eyes lit up when I found out that the elevators didn’t actually reset and this was my first opportunity

To gather radioactive or looks like I was feeling pretty lucky because there seemed to be plenty of it with that significant Head Start it only took me like half a day to reach the bottom and complete the quest I’m happy I didn’t start at the top though because a wooden

Mallet wouldn’t have been worth it in the slightest uh actually I do now have the shrine to switch the mines whenever I want now for that permanent source of radioactive or I also had 100 bone frags together for Gunther only thing is these skeletons are stronger than the normal

Ones so I put this off for now work smarter not harder I put stuff away on the farm and grabbed some emergency mushrooms then headed back into the mines again to take advantage of the good luck today and gather as many radioactive or as possible I came out

That night with an extra 35 or on day 206 Jazz brought me to Shane to show me the blue chickens he’d been raising they’re cute and all but I’m pretty sure the Cooper is already full so I won’t be getting any of these my barn wasn’t full

Though I was really here to get a couple of truffle Hunters specifically a hedgehog and a skink I needed to tend to the Regal Ginger Island crops today so that I could gain more ancient seeds to replant I left the wheat alone for now because I was intending to plant these

In the Greenhouse but before leaving Ginger Island I stopped off at the dig site to break all the bone nodes and dig at the worms for potential bone frags for Gunther this alone got me over halfway so much easier than farming skeletons I struggled with planting those ancient seeds in the greenhouse

Before dropping off 100 bone frags I already had now I just have to finish gathering them my next up was Professor snail’s room but when I got there Harvey was hanging out trying to talk to planes or something none of my business so I skipped that cut scene because I was

Excited to donate a second snake vertebrae and that was the final piece to complete the entire fossil collection and get the magnifying glass well I get it tomorrow but still I’d also be taking the walnuts and the sapling even if I was only going to sell it I also chucked

An extra 20 tea saplings in the shipping bin because I was feeling a bit low on funs especially since I was about to spend most of my gold on something profitable to plant on Ginger Island for now I could finally get rid of a lot of that wheat being careful to only cut

Down as many spaces as I bought seeds for the extra hay was nice too and all that wheat went straight into the mill so I can have it on hand for a head start next time I want to try Key’s Cuisine then for my last weird thing of

The night I crafted a farm computer started to walk away then immediately trashed it I don’t really know what went on here I’m a bit baffled too on day 207 I replanted more wheat it doesn’t take long to grow and I might as well use it

Up I could get more flour in the mill and more hay in The Silo then I asked M for a donkey for an extra truffle Hunter so it can be all grown up whenever I want to leave winter now we’re halfway through the week I made sure to get out

The second lot of gifts to Leo and The Wizard my last two friendships left then I swapped some spare prizes for a magic rock candy once I dropped that at the farm I also planted even more wheat in the greenhouse even though these spots don’t Decay it’s still wasteful to let

Them stay empty then to gather some winter wood I returned to the desert to chop down all the trees there oh and here’s a Perfection percentage update at this point because I got curious today given the way we progress in this save I’m pleased with our progress so far and

This reminded me that I still had some archers and goods to make for shipping too on day 208 I slay skeletons in the mines to get the remaining bone fragments I only got a journey the per King upgrade but at least this one’s sorted now I then planned to farm coal

For a while but got bored of that pretty quickly I had the next lot of winter forage to tend to anyway which meant I could make considerable progress on setting up more of the new sprinklers on day 209 I started a new batch of pineapple wine not enough to fill every

Keg but better than nothing I wanted to try and fish for the legend today but annoyingly I didn’t hook it until my seafoam pudding ran out I didn’t notice the lack of buff for a minute and I just don’t have the skill to catch this Beast

Of a fish without it thankfully I had the stuff to make more key seasoned of course and I wasn’t so interested in catching any other fish but this time my trap Bubba broke so I went home to make a couple more and try again but obviously this wasted time on that

Fishing buff so it just wasn’t happening today I’ll be better prepared next time maybe next time would be the very next morning it was very quick to appear on the line this time and this one I actually caught the legend the final fish for master angler the orange

Sapling is whatever the diamond was a nice bonus though with a new round of gifts I finally hit full friendship with the wizard earning me hearts with Caroline and I’m super close to finishing Leo’s too my next up was the desert to grab some more staircases and

It also occurred to me that I never used a prizy to get the Galaxy sword since we’ve had some decent upgrades thrown our away already instead of the sword though I got some more real hearts with Leo the animation might look like I got the sword but it’s definitely not here

The rain on Ginger Island didn’t stop me from harvesting my crops and the wheat being there already reminded me I also need to harvest it from the greenhouse I replanted it in both places because I still have so many seeds on Day 2011 I was happy to see the island ingredients

Quest on the special order board I’ve been waiting for this for a while and the pineapple version is a decent one I was on my way to Keys’s warut room which is where the door to maru’s room usually is when I got a cut scene with Leo integrating with the community here this

Was lovely and all but when the cut scene was over it put me at the dig site cave I guess it wanted to put me outside his new Treehouse I whizzed off home to find 10 seafoam pudding in the mail from Willie I’m guessing this is instead of

The stardrop since we obtained those via other means but I’m not quite sure what to do with these now since I don’t really want to be doing much fishing anymore when I made it to the Walnut Room I picked the skull Cavern Invasion one I love an excuse to hop in there and

I don’t think I’m mentally ready for Key’s Cuisine again yet I dropped into Leo’s cave to hand over another gift for the week before making some more pineapple seeds to give us a boost for the island ingredients Quest plus these will be good for wine whilst waiting for

The expansion of our ancient fruit crop too this was the first day of our second night market where I bought the Quarry Bridge repair and then chopped at the boat just next to that I always forget this shop exists and not only did I find that monster musk recipe I also needed

To buy the cone hat and a couple of rare crows for some other important unlocks I’m glad I found out about this now and I was never leaving the market for the day without grabbing the free cup of coffee then I happened to pass Maru that

Evening I said hi of course and she seems to have built a snowman that looks like me let’s go check it Out is that what she really thinks of me overnight I got to see some junos repairing that bridge and that farming level I bought today was actually level 10 artism profession all the way much to day 212 was spent in the volcano mining for more Cinder shards but I was also on

The hunt for another Journal scrap with the clue to another golden War this wasn’t the one though oh loot I’m also here for loot well that’s not quite what I meant and as much as I love the deluxe pirate hat I’m just too obsessed with

This cone hat to wear it I did get the journal scrap I was looking for shortly after so I’ll be able to dig this war up at some point but my priority right now was adding another Ruby to my weapon to boost its attack power so now it’s got

All three gems forged into it I couldn’t really dilly dally because I had to go back to the valley to buy the next unlock from the artist which happened to be a fishing level and this time I bought a couple of stone parrots from The Boat Shop just for fun before

Heading to bed that night I dropped some flute blocks on the beach of Ginger Island ready for whenever it rains and the fishing level we got was level 10 I completely forgot I chose a different profession at level 5 so this time I opted for LW Master since I’ve never

Used it and to be honest I’m probably not going to make much use of this one either day 213 was one with the ginger Island Harvest I had loads of ancient fruit pineapples and of course the wheat I’ve replanted another lot of wheat on the island and any ancient seeds I was

Saving for a later date because the greenhouse got more wheat too at the night market today the merchant was selling a very cheap bomb even if it was only one and the last fake art purchase of the Year got me more hearts with green for the evening I hung out at the

Saloon since it’s been a while since I last attempted Junior maart and it looks like that break paid off because I successfully crossed the finish line of red hot roller coaster getting me two more hearts with Abigail are we about to complete junim moart I think this is actually the last level here

Nope no we are not on day 214 I dug up that journal scrap warut that comes with a big egg and whilst I was on the island I checked on the strawberries which had come to fruition again today these were the last quality ones I needed to

Complete the fod bundle in the joa center for a luck bonus and more hearts with Sandy that’s the final bundle for the bulletin board in fact that’s the final bundle for the whole building our fourth season in Year too we finally did it farewell lesle jimos after rubbins I

Went from there to buy all the crafting recipes including with the braer recipes by closing and reopening the shop then I chopped down all the trees on Ginger Island to get even more wood we’ll find out what this is for later because for now I wanted to set up more sprinklers

With as many fiber seeds as I could Craft on day 215 I stepped outside my front door to find half the town out here celebrating what’s going on they all just invited themselves inside too and had a good look around including in the walls do you all mind this is my

Home leou was pleased though and as a thank you for completing the JoJo Center he presented me with a trophy whilst I continuously walked on the spot we then Heard a Voice grumbling somewhere which Lou wanted to investigate where are you going are you okay you seem to be

Limping no idea what lwis wanded off to and we seemed to be stuck so I just went ahead and kicked everyone out I had to get to Ginger Island today because it was raining it was time to use those flute blocks to play the mermaid tune

For a few more war nuts but also we had a slight hint of luck today so I wanted to handle that skull Cavern Invasion Quest plus loot all the loop duh and I have another opportunity for radioactive or along the way hats in general are a

No from me for now cone hat all the way but with this hole I reached floor 100 and completed the Quest for Demetrius Hearts I guess the life elixa can come in useful too I passed out for the night on floor 115 missing out on some meridium or there but I wasn’t mad

Here’s the loot review on day 216 see with over 250 aridium or you can see why I wasn’t all that bothered about losing a few but yesterday I came away with more useful items than overly exciting treasure not even a single prizy in there once I put my loot away I

Tendered to the next forage and Oak resin Harvest which meant I could make almost a whole stack of forage seeds so at this point all the sprinklers are officially occupied Ginger Island was also ripe with crops most of the wheat was replaced with more wheat whilst the pumpkins were mostly replaced with

Ancient seeds the rest of the ripe ancient fruit was left alone for now I was waiting for more crops to be ready at the same time because we’re very nearly there with the newest batch of wine ready I could fill up more kegs with those fresh pumpkins to turn into

Juice it was nice to be able to get all of the kegs for this time and you know what else was for tonight my friendship with Leo because overnight I got that boost from handing him two gifts this week I got Haley Hearts instead but also

50 Grand in profit too I checked on all my friendships the next morning and we’ve officially got all the unlocks from the Friendship Hearts now I also checked in with our parrot friend to find we also finished collecting the golden walnuts I don’t know why I didn’t

Just check the last one on the Perfection tracker but here’s the full update nothing too difficult left really but one thing I wanted help with was figuring out what star drops are missing according to these hints I found five of them plus the one we found from kobus I

Could be wrong but I’m guessing the last one is the marriage one I also wanted a up update on the monster s gos and these are definitely going to need some work to help with this I made myself another aridian band not sure why I haven’t done

This sooner then with a quick Spritz some monster musk I hung out in the minds though for the most part I was after some coal today the completion for the bats was just a bonus and with over 100 coal I’d say this day has been a

Success this pains me to watch but on day 218 I accepted the Juno Kart key Quest who is she with all this confidence Leo pretty much went almost straight to the saloon to get get going on it let’s try to knock Lewis off that leaderboard not going to lie I went into

This forgetting I don’t start off with a bajillion lives we literally just have one that put me back in my place my highest score of this session which was just over 30 minutes was somewhere around 31,000 I got here a few times but I just couldn’t do any better I made

Another 25 cegs for the shed and cut down some of my fiber to CHP up my supplies plus I wanted to upgrade some of these sprinklers to aridian ones but this is when I realized I hadn’t C calculated the width correctly this really annoyed me because the field

Below was going to be wrong too I just squeezed some quality sprinklers down the middle it’s going to have to do and I got these set up with more fiber seeds sometimes we just got to roll with it day 219 was the next wheat Harvest but

When I got to Ginger Island I found out some of the ancient fruit plants and the pineapples will be ready tomorrow so I put off the rest till then I hadn’t visited the Quarry yet since the bridge had been repaired so I went and did that

Then I cleared out some of the digite mainly for the clay since I’ve used most of mine on fiber seeds I also need mix seeds for these so I cut down the weeds in the jungle on day 220 I could see that the extra day was worth the wait

Because look how many more crops there are to harvest and I figured out some multitasking by harvesting the wheat whilst also making more ancient seeds all of the pineapple got shipped for the island ingredients Quest I’m still not sure I’ll make this one on time and at

This point I’m sick of the sight of wheat so I felt it was about time to to start filling this place out with ancient seeds I even switched this out in the greenhouse too the juice was also done this evening but I wanted to use the pumpkins for pickles so now the

Keg’s got another random assortment of fruit for wine on day 221 pigeon took me straight to the jojua first thing in the morning so that I could complete the missing bundle which thankfully was perfectly normal including the reward I wave goodbye to the little sewage junimo then headed to the volcano because

Having this as the entrance means I can access the saloon on a festival day I can’t get out the same way though I still needed to drop off some xer Gus to make another omelette plus I couldn’t help giving junimo car another go with that deadline looming I still ended up

Getting stuck at pretty much the same point suppose I better get to the Feast of the winter star Demetrius was my secret friend this time and he will only get the finest of strawberries it was Penny who brought me a gift and that gift happened to be a pink cake can’t

Complain I like cake on day 222 I had a different batch of pineapples to Harvest and Chip annoyingly only had five left to harvest to satisfy the quest and I don’t think there’s going to be any more fruit before the end of the week back on the farm I noticed this weird rectangle

On my field apparently I could pet it it turned out to be green hanging out over here and green had morphed into something bare shaped thanks to a hint I received in the Discord I found out this mod has a Sprite randomizer which I only just activated and it did not disappoint

I then thought it was about time that I clear out the Quarry I was finding it satisfying just smashing through all the rocks and chopping all the trees not sure if I’m using this area for anything yet though there were a few more trees that had grown up in the desert too but

I was also here to dig up that strange doll because i’ just gotten the secret note for it not that I need it for the museum anymore that reminded me I still need to dig up the treasure chest over here for a little boost in cash

Overnight the sloth gave birth to a baby panther don’t ask me how that works I don’t know either the farm was full of forage on day 223 which allowed me to Coss CFT an absurd amount of forage seeds spoiler alert I wasn’t planning on a third winter in a row but I planted

These up anyway just to keep the sprinkler spots ready for whatever season’s next over on Ginger Island I ended up breaking my rule of wanting to wait for similar crops to be done on the same day because I had some empty spots I’d missed and I was out of Ancien sees

To fill them though I only harvested enough fruit to fill the spots I need checking my crab pots at the beach had me giggling a bit because the crab pots really did say crabs we’ll just ignore the stick it’s nice not to have to refill the bait too day

224 can you believe it’s the last day of the year I started this one off with the Sunday Jade staircase trade before saying good morning to Louis I mean Leo on Ginger Island that was on my way to the saloon where I spent an entire real

Life hour on this Juno Kart Quest again but this time I got so close I could have cried unfortunately I only got to that level again one more time but the score was nowhere near as good I just had to go complain to Gus it’s got to be

Something wrong with this machine I’m sure of it since I decided I wasn’t going for another winter I made some grass STS and planted them in the animal field so they can multiply a lot with a new season and I actually got around to finally placing

Those mini obelisks one at the top of the farm and the other at the bottom this was just one of the few extra touches I added to the farm nothing fancy just so I felt like I was making the place feel better in some way that evening I rode pigeon to the movie

Theater truck to trade for a rabbit’s foot for a lucky charm then it was over to the Sewer to kick back with the movie after all that progress we made this year I do wish we could order ourselves a snack why is this not a thing oh well

It was still a cozy night of watching The Miracle of Gold Star Ranch we all deserve to chill out sometimes and I’m going to leave next season as a surprise I played 300 days of messed up stardo Valley well it’s 300ish really but you’ll see what I mean as we get

Through the year we are sticking to our promise of no more Summit for the third year and we left off last time having made significant progress towards our goal of perfection speaking of last time time you’re going to want to catch up if you’ve not seen the other videos first

This playthrough is so chaotic and you don’t want to miss a single moment look forward to a year of confusion junim moart achievement junim moart Loot and junim moart did I mention there’ll be junim moart Grandpa’s really proud of us and I hope you are too so without

Further Ado let’s begin starting off the year with four on day 225 I accepted the crop order quest for 100 eggplants because I already helped out Gus with an omelet I was greeted at the farm by the lighting of all four candles and this time I actually remembered to pick up the

Statue right away I often forget to do this I was disappointed to find that the grass did not in fact explode overnight with growth I guess it’s got something to do with the seasons being out of order not much I can do about it now I headed to Pier’s where I found George

Who’s actually Gus and now Pierre looks a lot like jazz thanks to the Sprite randomizer we activated at the end of last year I was here to buy a buttload of pumpkins to grow on the farm but then it dawned on me Pierre has a limited

Stock I really wish I stocked up at jojan now before we booted them out of town I wasn’t really sure six eggplant seeds would turn into a 100 by the end of the season either I ended up having to buy everything he had in season other

Than the grapes I just see those as summer forage and I wanted to get some beets from Sandy but today there were literally none thankfully I had some crops I could throw in the seed maker to boost my seed supplies and that feeling of slashing through a load of five bed

Definitely helped make up for things I also remembered I was storing a bunch of pumpkins to pickle so most of those will be turned into seeds now too I was trying to wait until I had all of my seeds before I planted so I could plant

Things out a bit but looking at the time that just wasn’t going to happen so it was time to multitask I suppose it makes sense for the farm to look a bit chaotic for this playthrough anyway and they ended up passing out before even being able to get everything in the ground

What a way to start it was raining on day 226 which meant I could finally get my hand hands on a mermaid pendant before doing anything else though I wanted to continue yesterday’s planting even if mostly just growing forage for now but even then I didn’t have enough seeds for

The rest of the farm I rode out with pigeon to go get a new key Quest when I found some very shady business going on under this tree what exactly is going on here the reality is it’s just Leo and lonus but what a hilarious pairing let’s

Go get that Quest from Mr Gus’s Walnut Room somehow I find this slightly more menacing I decided to give keys Cuisine another go at least maybe I’m better prepared now I know how much goes into this one then in riding through town I found toddlers just wanding the streets

This one’s Alex and Harvey’s looking a lot younger too Alex is now Pam and somehow Morris got down here except this one is Sebastian so now we have twins as for my girlfriend Maru she now looks like Sandy and the change in appearance didn’t stop me from handing over that

Mermaid pendant at the end of the day she’s still Maru on the inside few more days and will be married with some some leftover ingredients from last year I headed to my kitchen to make a start on kei’s Cuisine so I know what I’ll have to gather before the deadline plus this

Meant I could work towards cooking every dish and on this first shipping attempt I got myself over halfway already day 227 was a wine day which meant the ancient fruit was ready too though some of the crops still have a long way to go whilst I was there I grabbed all the

Shellfish to turn into sushimi for the key Quest then returned to the farm pleased to be able to fill all the kegs with valuable wine now though getting this done was a bit of a pain this week given how many different types we put in

Last time look at all this random wine I had to come back to the island after that because Lewis was on the resort and I had his truffle oil it was a bit weird to see pad change back to her original form but Lewis was looking like Demetrius very mysterious anyway I

Handed over that truffle oil in exchange for a free ostrich incubator then I spent the evening upgrading the final patch of the farm still using basic sprinklers still not really over the fact that I didn’t measure this area out properly but but you know what we’ll

Make it work on day 228 I dropped off that new incubator before adding more new kegs to the shed probably should have done this yesterday but oh well Pierre got some more stock in so I bought more full stuff again I can’t just rely on buying seeds as I’m when I

Need them I have to be prepared given the big old crop order I prioritized the eggplants but I also managed to fit in some fairy roses and some yams for the last little area I planted some amaranth that’s the whole Farm now planted up this took 4 days and for the rest of

This one I gathered iron and coal in the mines day 229 was The Big Wedding Mara was looking much more herself today and of course I won’t be standing up here without my con her nice to know it’s not working my butt off to complete the Joo

Center that made me part of the community no no I had to marry into it but whatever maru’s awesome my first crop of the year was the bok choy and all of these got replanted with various seeds I’d save from our last shopping trip some of these were more B Cho but

The rest will be fairy roses and the Y the animals had dug up some truffles for me but I was surprised they were coming out at varying qualities rather than all aridium I thought I must have picked a different profession so I popped over to

The Statue and the sewer to reset it I want those aridium truffles I took some spare gear to The Adventurous Guild tent to sell when I noticed maram was looking really quite different I’m guessing he was on the receiving end of some sort of spell but I sold off my stuff and

Checked on what’s left for the monster Slayer goals since I’m going to need to complete these for Perfection next on my list was more animals and just outside man’s I found Abigail doing whatever this is I think she got embarrassed because she left when she noticed me

This is actually meant to be Sam looks like we have another twin shopkeeper here too but here I picked out an ant to help with truffle hunting and a guinea pig to fetch me ghost milk my barn still had one more space so to fill it I incubated another Giant Egg to keep

Working on the keys Cuisine Quest I made a load more sushimi as well as a few PO with some spare tarot which should help chip away at the goal even a little bit then I thought setting up another Tree Farm in this space might be a good move

Instead of all Oak resin I planted all three types of trees for a constant supply of each tree product I went to bed that night ready for that profession change except it took me straight to the earning screen I thought something went wrong but on checking the professions

The next morning I came to a horrible realization I still haven’t found level 10 foraging I tried to use a hint but I have nowhere near enough points to show the one I haven’t found yet and I know for a fact I wasted so many hints last year

Let’s hope it doesn’t come from junam moart this Prospect terrifies me at least the first eggplants were now here so we can start making Headway on that crop order and remember that cactus plant from last year I wanted to get it actually growing so for that I’ll need

Some Deluxe retaining soil something I don’t have the recipe for yet that’ll cost me 50 Cinder shards at the island Trader but I didn’t have enough so after grabbing the banana pudding recipe I hyped myself up for a volcano run plus it’s an excuse to hunt for Loop though I

Was hoping for something that was new like please I really don’t want more golden coconuts I wasn’t upset about the extra Cinder shards here though I made it out and bought that recipe by the late evening let’s get that soil in the pot because as my first cactus plant I’m

Guaranteed to unlock something with this I was ready for some sleep after this productive day but as I was saying good night tomorrow she asked if she could give birth to a cherry sapling what I mean I know her and Demetrius work on a lot of sciency stuff but I had no idea

This was what they were up to I said yes I was intrigued but I was also pretty concerned she woke up hungry on day 231 to got to feed the uh Cherry sap thing and apparently she turns into some posts when we kiss so that’s something I was

Excited to see more crops to harvest I suppose that’s the perk of having such a mixed Farm usually at this point I just plant pumpkins so that’s only two to three harvests depending on Deluxe speed grow but now I can get this little dopamine boost far more often and since

We still have another week for ky’s Cuisine I planted some tar tubers I found in a chest because turning them into poy ends up being pretty valuable even if I didn’t have a huge quantity of them to hand anything to make a bit of progress Sundays are important for

Desert trades I will always be wanting more staircases I do this pretty consistently too so I won’t tell you about it every time I toed up on seeds at Pier’s again since I don’t really know how his restocking works I wasn’t sure if it was just a random amount per

Day or something if you know let me know but I wasn’t taking any chances I also grabbed the last grass STS this time as as well as some extra ingredients to cook with speaking of ingredients I harvested and replanted the wheat all of which went into the mill for extra flour

From what I bought today I made some more pancakes and bread to sell then added some paths to my tree farm to stop them spreading later tonight was the night we celebrated the birth of our Cherry sapling which meant I woke up to this funny bit of dialogue on day

232 I think Maru is proud of her creation on this new week Caroline requested some Island ingredients again the pineapple should be no problem this time cuz we still have all the crops we planted when we failed that Quest last year today on the farm we had some

Amaranth to harvest and replant most of these extra crops I sell some of and I keep some in case I want to process them later then my next stop was Ginger Island to collect the first round of pineapples to ship in addition to a handful of seafood to turn into sushimi

I really can’t wait for this key quest to be over for the evening I chose violence because I really needed some coal but they also alternated with some lower flaw to work on Monster Slayer goals like the void Spirit even without focusing on Dust Sprites I still came

Out with 92 Co because the void Spirits can sometimes drop them too the biggest surprise of the day happened as I went to bed Maru wanted to give birth to Emily hars firstly she’s just given birth and secondly how I mean I need it for Perfection so yeah there were even

More crops on day 233 I might start choosing to plant a bigger variety more often in other playthroughs because there’s just something about this that brings me so much joy and it was nice to be able to replace a portion of the forest with actual crots there is only

Some of them though so using some of the over a stack of seeds I just made I did need to replant more forage having burn through a lot of my supplies this was a good day to head to the Wizard’s basement to Pierre’s shop to top them up

But when I walked in the first thing I noticed was this uh that thing I don’t know what to call it a gathering of activities uh I don’t know but then over at the counter I noticed Pierre had gone for a beach day except the magical box

Has unlimited stock given me all those pumpkins and you know what I also took advantage of this day by buying the other seasonal equivalents so the melons and the cauliflowers in addition to a couple of extra things I stuffed what I could into my overflowing seed chest

Placing a couple of random things on the farm so I could fit the rest in the chest next to it for this week’s key Quest I begrudgingly accepted the junim moart one I don’t know if I need this for Perfection and I don’t have enough

Points to ask for a hint so the only way to find out is to tackle it head on it had been a good few weeks since I last played so I was about out of practice and it took me some time to get past the first jumps but for today I only managed

To get to the beginning of that third level in my best run on day 234 I bought more bombs from the dwarf because it was about time I was craving some skull Cavern believe it or not I was slightly Rusty here too because I didn’t eat my

First spicy eel till several hours in now obviously I was after some loot but I also made an effort to kill most of the serpents I encountered because this monster Slayer gold needed the most work same with the mummies I didn’t get a huge amount of treasure floors today my

Floor 100 chest just had some rain totems which could have been worse and on this very monster focused day I passed out on floor 139 I hope you will remember what’s next for day 235 even though I only found a couple of treasure floors I’m not going to

Complain about coming away with hundreds of a and seven Prismatic shards three of those went to a magic rock candy from the desert Trader and with the loot related stuff now sorted I could turn my attention to the eggplant and yam Harvest then in deciding what to plant

Next I realized I bought over 600 melon seeds for the summer I never want again that was a huge waste of money and I shov them in the shipping bin because I don’t want to look at them ever again the skull Cavin run yesterday meant I

Missed the usual wine day so I guess I’ll be doing this on Thursdays from now on and it also meant being able to harvest more pineapples for Caroline I managed to finish filling out the shed with kegs on this day which meant I could move on to lining the greenhouse

With them too because I won’t be using this space for fruit trees I cooked another random assortment of food for Mr key before working on the wheat I missed earlier this left a good space to plant some of the leftover seeds I had for chest space and get a few extra pumpkins

Down too I don’t know why I didn’t do this earlier but I then fertilized those trees we planted several days ago I had way more than enough fertilizer thanks to the Bone Mill and from the wine crops food and some other stuff we rate in over 300,000 gold seems Maru had now bed

Those friendship points for Emily because I got them in the mail on day 236 along with two letters from her I was now super close to completing Kei Cuisine so I’m not worried about that one anymore plus there were some cranberries to harvest so this was

Setting up to be a good day some of those cranberries got turned into sauce but to really make sure we’d cross that line tonight I also cooked up another 75 bread probably slightly Overkill I wanted to check what unlocks were left at Robins who now looks like Sam but

Demetrius’s science work has become far more adorable I got to say I’m not sure what this Sprite is usually Ed for for man because I don’t think I’ve actually seen it before even though I brought the materials with me I didn’t end up buying anything new from this trip yet there

Were a good few friendship Hearts here but I was really hoping for that foraging level which she just wasn’t selling and I wanted to be able to buy more than one thing at once the fish pond was one of the blueprints I needed to buy and annoyingly I only have four

Of the five aie I need probably should have thought about that before I turned most of it into soup the other day I didn’t feel like going into the mines so I tried squashing Wasing the slimes in the secret Woods first but they didn’t

Drop any so I had to go in there anyway and I finished the Slime Monster slay goal in the process I returned to the surface the second I got that algae and paid another visit to Robin to buy the kitchen blueprint and the fish pond for friendship with Alex and Lewis I also

Bought more wood to buy the shed blueprint for Penny hearts at this point I just wanted to grab all the ones I needed so I collected some iron from home to get the Jazz Hearts from the stable blueprint and that’s everything I need for Perfection from here all those

Blueprints meant I Ed more wood than I had so the rest of the day went to deforestation because I needed it to make a bunch of tree tappers here’s the confirmation that we completed Keys Cuisine tonight the reward was another mine elevator which I don’t need for Perfection but it’s definitely more than

Useful on day 237 I fancied a little volcano run I needed to slay more magma Sprites but I was hoping for some fun treasure too obviously I do not need more hats though usually I’d be excited about this dwarf Hammer here but I think the dragon tooth club would have been

Better even before I forged it this will get sold I guess this chest didn’t hear me when I said I didn’t want another hat let’s see how many I accumulate by the end of the save I’m pretty sure I’ve trashed some in the past as well I was

Not about these golden coconuts either let’s be honest all I care about is the hot Java ring now for easy unlimited coffee I never noticed the popup in the volcano but when I got to the adventurers tent I confirmed I finished slaying the magmus Sprites for that girl

And it was good to get a quick progress check on the rest quite a few of them are pretty close now using some of the cinder shards I got today I Enchanted my dragon tooth Club to get Artful which reduces the cool down on the samam attack this should help me get through

Those goals a little bit quicker day 238 was a pumpkin day there were other crops too but like come on pumpkins are the best I suppose these eggplants are important for that crop order though pretty much everything I harvested today got replaced with pumpkin seeds thanks

To being able to bulk by these while Pierre was taking a day off then I popped over to Professor Clint to I want to say adopt that quote unquote ugly baby I don’t need this for Perfection but it just felt like something I should do I harvested all the tarot I forgot

About on the island I don’t need this for Key’s Cuisine anymore but I still kept some for later use just in case then it was off to the desert to plant a load of trees I mainly want to use all this word for kegs they all got

Fertilized too not going to lie I completely forgot about that junim moart Quest till today the last day of course my brain could only handle about 30 real life minutes of dying in the same spot over and over again before iord it a day I’m really hoping we can pull this off

One day I might have failed that Quest this time but we did successfully fulfill that eggplant order raising our friendship with lonus I had a little breakfast with my wife the next morning she had a strawberry and I had a stardrop that is the last one we need to

For this week’s key Quest we’ll be doing Key’s kindness since it’s not showing a key gem reward we can see it’s not been done yet and here’s a quick Perfection update whilst we’re here I’m pretty sure I’ve done both these special orders here but I took the cave Patrol one just in

In case I felt like doing it I harvested the next assortment of crops from the farm and from that big egg we incubated we hatched a big animal who knew mammoths came from eggs to fill up the newly open crop space I emptied P stock of after choke seeds and planted some

Yams alongside them then I filled up my backpack with items to deliver so I could start handing out those love gifts but the Sprite randomizer definitely messed me up right from the start because I really thought this was George definitely need to check everyone before

I hand over the gifts now this this GI three ended up occupying my entire afternoon given how much more time it took me to identify each villager but I definitely got round to almost everyone on day 240 there was the next round of forage to tend to and this time I used

Up the last of the random seeds in the chest before I filled the rest of the space with forage again it was also the stardo Valley Fair today so I pieced together an Exquisite display and whilst Lewis was making his judgments I kept smashing that strength test till I could

Reach the top because some of you let me know in the last Premiere that this is actually a check I got two hearts with Leo for that so this was an important one I won the fan 2 but I already got everything I need from here before so I

Just walked away with a cup of coffee the dried sunflowers and the rug because why not on day 241 I resumed the gifting first thing in the morning including waking some people up in their own homes I got my last gift out at the saloon around lunchtime the beach totems were

Not great but we’re slowly rolling out all the checks I don’t need for Perfection I wasn’t going to leave this place without doing a bit of junimo C because we still have some levels here with rewards to break up how much of this game I play on one go I’ve started

Giving myself three attempts per day of progress mode just to protect my sanity and let’s be honest this is mostly because of glow shom Grotto I probably won’t go into detail or even tell you about a lot of these sessions because telling you I played junon car and unlocked absolutely nothing every single

Day will be pretty boring and repetitive I don’t need to put you through this nightmare too just know I’m working on it and at this point I was reaching the last level or two on the majority of my attempts which alone I’m pretty proud of

I got back to the farm that afternoon to tend to the latest batch of crops and with Pier at the office today I was able to grab myself a good couple of hundred artichoke seeds to replace all the non-real crots the rest of my day was then spent in the mind slaying skeletons

For Clint’s Quest whilst also Gathering iron finishing that up around midnight day 242 was an ancient fruit and wine day this also meant the pineapples were ready and these should be the last I need to ship to complete Island ingredients I like to be able to keep

Pineapples as a backup for wine in case I ran out of ancient fruit whilst adding to the greenhouse kegs I noticed the cactus was bearing fruit but all I got for this Harvest was a painting I don’t even want I rewarded myself for the wi day duties with a volcano run my only

Treasure chest was on the ninth floor and what do you know another freaking pirate hat so this really wasn’t even worth it and neither was the island ingredients Quest because all we got were 30 spring seeds we made almost 500 Grand though after dealing with the

Crops on day two 243 I shopped for some Hoppers with my key crystals with all the animals we’ve acquired I was starting to accumulate a lot of animal products to process so I decided to set up a dedicated area for the cheese and Mayo machines to make my life a little

Bit easier then it was over to The Adventurous tent to sell some spare gear a lot of which were bone swords from all those skeletons the other day whilst I was on the island I chopped down all the trees on my NeverEnding quest for wood every save it’s always the same story

There’s never enough wood I spend the whole of day 200 44 sort of decorating the ginger Island Farm I say sort of because I’m certainly no great decorator and it was mostly just paths but I did also add some toughs of grass to hide torches in because I feel like this adds

A little something on day 245 I set up the cheese making section this is what I chopped that wood for a couple of days ago we were about to enter the last week of fall so I had to be careful which seeds I replanted here and the amorath

Should be done just in time I had a bit more pathing to finish up on Ginger Island but I’ll have to come back at a later date again because I have a couple of fruit trees which haven’t finished growing yet and I’m pretty sure the paths can stop that from happening the

Rest of this day was mostly just some basic Farm chores with a touch of junam moart on day 246 I checked the special order board but these will remain untouched because I refused to do all of this fishing again the junim moart key Quest was up for grabs again I do hope

This keeps coming up because I wasn’t confident that I’d manage it this week either I gave myself a minute to mentally prepare by harvesting my cranberries but this session of endless wasn’t any different from last time really still dying around 30k I took down all that desert wood to bring to

Robins because I wanted to ask for that Community upgrade in case this had a check plus it’ll be funny turning Caroline’s tea trailer into a tea Mansion then I came back out to the desert to replant the trees for next time I need an abundance of wood at this

Point though I didn’t have enough fertilizer for most of them day 247 I was in full loot Goblin and monster slaying mode in skull Caverns I’ll save the hall for the loot review in the morning and my descent was much slower than usual thanks to all the monsters I

Couldn’t just ignore but I managed to hit the rock crab goal and please do enjoy this goofy moment with these two aridium noes here definitely the reason I got a prizy then at 1:40 a.m. I got this secret note the one to meet Mr key on floor 100 annoyingly I was already on

Floor 138 I got several other rubbish secret notes today but I’m gutted I didn’t find that one earlier though to be fair you know as well as I do we’ll definitely be back here for more I somehow squeezed in another floor and to jump hole just to pass out on floor 146

Time for the loot review the next morning this wasn’t too bad for a run not focused on loot I’ve definitely come out with less stuff when I am focused on Loot and all though I could have done better if I threw some stuff away like the single piece of hardwood and the

Magma Jed for example here I make a couple more oil makers because I might as well do something with all these truffles especially since they aren’t even aridian quality just need a couple more hoppers I then turned my attention to the farm crops with the final big eggplant Harvest and for all the

Non-real crops I stuck some forage seeds down just to keep the sprinklers occupied into the new season but when I got to the sunflowers I used up their seeds instead because I really don’t want to plant these anymore anyway and coming straight from the plant they’re

Free the Slime egg press was finally low on slime so I thought it was about time I step into the neglected slime hunch I think I’ve decided these are just not my thing I hyper fixated on Jun cart’s endless mode for an entire real life hour today I reached garle gallion

Exactly once with a top score of 43,000 this gave me a simple smidgen of hope that I might actually be able to do this not today though I grabbed those two Hoppers I needed that evening and added a few more torches around the farm in some places I thought could use them on

Day 249 I met Robin outside the newly built house I decided to remain anonymous I’ve already drawn enough attention to myself with The Accidental teleporting and stuff so Robin went ahead and said hello to Pal and Penny don’t know what they’re so excited about they must really love tea or something

Maybe this will be Pam’s substitute for beer now I went over to their place and I can’t help but notice it’s had quite the makeover Penny seems to have had one too and I very much love her new look I felt like giving the query a clear out

Then it was time to work on this week’s W day I may have forgotten last week but this week I grabbed a few prizes to trade for a magic rock candy I think I only forgot once this year so I’m pretty proud of myself for that that you might

Not hear about every trade on day 250 I harvested the artichokes i’ been ignoring for a good few days again being close to the end of the season I seated the ground with forage since I’d hoarded almost two stacks of them anyway I then brought some maple syrup to the secret

Woods because I thought the bear could use a gift on this rainy day and for that I got a hoe upgrade not going to lie I was kind of hoping for the solar panel recipe the last recipe I need to complete all the crafting maybe I can

Get it from this junimo cart Quest I think we all know I wasn’t passing it today this stupid level I hate it here so to do something else that required less brain power I hung all those lupini paintings in the house after that little break I made a start on the bits of

Crafting I could do so now I’d know what materials I’d be missing some of the items I immediately trashed but I kept some just in case I want to use them and others I kept to deconstruct and refund some of the materials day 251 was the last major Harvest of the Season mainly

The pumpkins and The Cranberries both crops to be excited about I got back to the crafting after that and it seems the main material I was going to run out out of was iron so I set up a hopper into a deconstructor prioritizing items that should spit out iron I did have some

Iron or but I was low on coal for smelting so I reduced the population of dust Sprites for a bit I was also low on bug meat so I cleared out the bug Lair but there were only a handful of bugs here so I had to continue my hunt in the

Mines really glad I don’t have any reason to wear this sturdy ring because this just seems gross that brought me to the time for the spirit Sea Festival I passed through the maze with ease ready to grab that golden pumpkin but but it seems someone else got to it first this

Is a lesson in how to anger a loot goblin not impressed at all I had the last few crops to manage on day 252 then when I went to continue with the crafting again I realized I never actually crafted an ancient seed since we’ve been receiving them as rewards

Thankfully I could bring a load of omns with me to the desert Trader because you can get the artifact version of the seed from the troves though I didn’t need to trade for quite this many for it to show up I also had to go buy the flower seeds

For the tub from Pierre I never quite prepared for this one either suppose I might as well plop it down on the farm as well it was the last day again for this attempt at the junior mocart key Quest and yet again we’ll be ending the

Week with a fail I wanted an early night tonight but before I did that I planted a blue jazz in the house because this was the last crop I need for shipping and I won’t be planting it next season because we’ll be going into winter I’m missing a good few things over there Too day 253 and my key allowed me a break from Jun mocart endless mode I might as well accept Robin’s resource rush though because I’ll be happy with more motivation to chop wood when I got to the farm I noticed I must have forgotten to place down four forage

Seeds yesterday but no harm it’s not that much of the farm in the grand scheme of things and I want to plant some winter forage as well anyway believe it or not even ignoring the solar panel recipe I still wasn’t done crafting stuff then I grabbed the tree

Fertilizer I accumulated to add to those desert trees to secure the supply for Robin’s resource Rush on day 254 I had a magic rock candy for breakfast cuz it was time for another run in score cabins as well as the Looting and the monster slaying I specifically wanted to reach

Flo 100 because this time we should unlock something new from that secret note on my descent I completed the dino monster slay go and thanks to this hole here I made it to Mr key that evening and yeah I made it down the honorable way thanks to all the luck Buffs we

Actually got the real milk in the mail in a previous year so for this one I got the solar panel recipe I’m so glad it was was here I carried on filling my backpack through the night and passed out at 2: a.m. on floor 160 being

Swarmed by bats let’s have a look at our next morning’s haul almost half a stack of aridium or and eight Prismatic shards quite a lot of gems as well all around winner this one now that I had that final crafting recipe I could make that solar panel and

Become a craft Master another Perfection Milestone knocked out a good portion of this day was for chopping down cindersap forest for Robin’s resource Rush when I noticed the trash bear was here so I took a few trips back and forth to feed them this took me a little bit because I

Had to go cook the dishes too but I didn’t have the recipe for the ice cream yet so I got my pigeon to serve me at the ice cream stand i’ probably do anything for ice cream too the sewer area got cleaned up and Dusty’s house

Got an upgrade and I was curious if I’d unlock anything for this but nope nothing new that night moris was handing out coupons to the fish when I was cutting down more trees and I guess I must have startled him because it looked like he was going to punch me for saying

Hi I left the man to his grind so I could finish off that special request for a bit of extra gold that night day 256 was a wine day and at this point I was very close to filling out the greenhouse with kegs there’s something about outlining it like this that’s

Really satisfying to me being able to add new kegs each week also means increasing our income with each batch I’m sort of just making all this profit for fun though because all the obelisks and the golden clock we already got for free I took my prizes with me to spend

After that some on a magic rock candy and some to enchant my tools at the forge I wanted bottomless on my watering can powerful on my pickaxe and my axe took several attempts here but I was looking for shaving like it literally took every last prizy but that’s fine

I’ll get more this wind day gained us another half a mil then on day 257 I used a lot of that gold to buy all the remaining blueprints at Robins even though I don’t need them for Perfection I was also now considering getting every possible check that the archipelago mod

Has to offer for my pay through but I didn’t have enough hardwood for the kids room so I’ll have to come back to this I needed 150 of the stuff so I got started on working towards this right away first in the secret Woods then with the mahogany trees on Ginger Island because

There were so many here I was surprised I could actually go back for that last blueprint the very same day I also asked for that second Community upgrade I only recently learned about these had shortcuts around town so why not the next up was the adventurers tent to

Collect my most recent rewards I also took note of my remaining goals to complete and sold off any spare gear I wasn’t going to use I was running out of coal again for smelting shocker so for the evening I smashed as many dust frights as I could and left with over

100 around midnight on day 258 I bought the remaining unlocks from Professor Clint just to get them cleared even though there was nothing really important or even any good here I wanted to give a quick mention to today’s junimo Kart attempt because this was the furthest I’d ever gotten on that final

Level I was proud but also pretty upset because it’s hard for me to even get past the first couple of jumps on that one I rested my brain after that with a bit of light decorating on the farm on day 259 I chopped up all the grownup desert wood making sure to replant

Everything for when we inevitably run out again that took most of the day and I planted a few more oak trees to utilize this dead space here for more Oak resin on day 260 Gus was up for making yet another giant omelette sure I’ll help I like me an omelette I went

To get a new key quest for the week but the door was locked completely forgot about the Festival of ice to be honest I treated myself to a couple of house decorations then I smashed that fishing contest even though I hadn’t fished for a good while I was only ever going to

Let Willie have that one single win I didn’t make much gold this day but I did ship that blue Jazz so on day 261 I woke up to the four shipment achievement and gave Maro the good news looks like it’s time for me to torture myself with junim

Karts endless mode again because my break was over the quest was back the forage was now ready for Harvest this was a day late because of the the drought we brought from Clint thanks Clint and of course I replanted more I then paid a rare visit to the Hat Mouse

For the goblin mask I only learned about this mask during stream it’s so perfect gutted that this one is locked behind full shipment though I wish I could rock this for an entire playthrough as much as I love this thing I’ve really grown attached to the cone hat for this save

But I’m just glad I’ve got it the rest of this day was another for Monster slaying partly for dust bries for coal but also alternating with getting through those void Spirits the highight though was scoring a prizy from a dust right on day 262 I had to buy a load

More hay from Mani because I forgot to cut down my grass before the last season ended I was back in the mines again today this time focusing only on the void Spirit flaw until I hit the goal that afternoon then I could return to farming coal on day 263 I was pleased

With my child pulling off that loot Goblin look got to start them off young you know speaking of being a loot Goblin I delayed this week’s wine day because Clint’s drought now meant the ancient fruit wasn’t ready on time this gave me a perfect excuse to hit skull cabins

Again I was here for the serpent laying and the treasure hunting and my first score of the day was my first Auto pet of the save I won’t spoil the rest of the loot I got today but I finally hit that serpent goal and passed out for the

Night on floor 165 day 264 and I hope you’re ready for this loot review look at that I got a second Auto pet I also got a couple of bits to sell to Marlon a load of o and six Prismatic shards specifically happy with the prizes considering I didn’t get my first

One of the day until floor 98 I got those Auto pets in the barn and the cop straight away then I made a couple more crystarium so that we can trade for more staircases each week we can now handle the next wine day and once I harvested

All the ginger Island fruit I headed back to the farm to clear out the Slime Hutch for the final time I wasn’t really enjoying using it for its intended purpose so now it’s going to be another keg shed since the greenhouse is now full I was still harvesting more ancient

Fruit than I could turn into wine this is a good thing because it meant I could turn the fruit back into seeds I wasn’t planning on going through another winter so I wanted to plant even more on the farm on day 265 I cleared out the eggs

From the auto Grabber and since I already handed in some eggs to Gus’s fridge on a junim moart trip this completed the giant omelet Quest again I popped to the adventurer tent to collect the next round of rewards and I was relieved to check the board to find that

We officially completed all the goals now I shopped at Robins today this time for a Furniture catalog which I immediately browse for floors and wallpapers before realizing that’s a whole separate catalog that one I have to buy from PI I was bored of the plain

Look at the shed so this was the first place to get a refresh even some simple Windows I feel add quite a lot to them then I moved on to practicing my decorating outside I’m not really confident in this part of the game and I’m not going to get any better if I

Don’t try but maybe in a future playthrough I’ll use the furniture anywhere mod because I want to be able to use things like this outside there’s not too much going on with this but it it will look better in future Seasons because I do like adding grass in

Decorated areas day 266 began with a desert Trader trip followed by a quick little volcano run specifically hunting for that hot Java ring floor 9 had my only Treasure Chest which just had some pineapple seeds very disappointing maybe what I need is more luck so I was expecting to spend the entire afternoon

At the dig site panning for the lucky ring but I got it literally on my first try today honestly I was a little bit stunned I took it straight to the forge to merge it with another ridian band then I had another session of making more Ancien sees for future seasons on

Day 267 I was getting desperate to end the daily nightmare that as junim moart at this point I was trying all sorts to make it easier for me including zooming out with the logic that it’s easier for me to see the whole game screen in my eyeline I really wasn’t liking it though

So it wasn’t long before I changed it back to the zoom level I was used to I just couldn’t escape this stupid game I was literally starting to have dreams about it from having made attempts on almost every in-game day the scene inside my brain was very much like this

And whilst I can definitely say I’ve majorly improved it was this last level just causing me so much issue because I just don’t know where to look next I was learning to keep my call though because it’s the anxiety and frustration that usually causes me to lose the last lives

And today with just a couple of lives left I crossed that finish line I had finally done it I completed junim moart now I know this isn’t anything close to the achievement of any one who’s done this without this mod because you usually start with three lives and not

11 hats off to all of you who have done this truly but I wasn’t going to let that Rain on My Parade today because these checks made me work for them now because the chat box got flooded with this message for this command here I

Didn’t see what I got for the last level but I didn’t hesitate to release the rest of the checks for the levels I didn’t get through because I don’t think there was any way I was going to get through glow Grotto and I’m so glad I

Didn’t force myself to do this just for a painting this is also when I found out the game has a secret level I pretty much melted my brain and all that so my day was pretty calm I transferred all my hats to a dresser then on my way to the

Secret Woods I found Elliot hiding out here practicing some speed sipping not sure what that’s for but anyway I grabbed some hardwood for reasons I can’t recall and added some torches around the farm as soon as it hit 5:00 p.m. I was headed for the night market

Because I had three more unlocks to purchase from lupini but apparently he’d sold out huh what I going to do I’ll figure it out another day on day 268 I found the reward for the last level of junim moart was just five mahogany seeds really looks like for Perfection I

Didn’t need any of these rewards I got today but I did proudly display my very own machine the next patch of forage was ready to be turned over then I kind of just wandered about aimlessly till the night market dodgy art gu still wasn’t selling anything today and that’s when I

Found out that in the archipelago mod they rotate on a monthly basis that means that to get the paintings from year three I should have done a third winter last season after the last two we did and this month he would have been selling the paintings from the first

Year again if I hadn’t bought them yet looks like I’ll need to end the year with winter which is when the ones I need will show up next but I don’t calculate this for a while and you’ll see why I should have later from there I

Headed up to the mines to get to the shrine the lowest elevator we have is 115 though I mind my way to the bottom because I wanted the ability to gather radioactive or here from now on that’s I decided to spend my day 269 Gathering radioactive or and mushrooms apparently

I don’t exactly remember why I was gathering all this or or maybe I was doing it just for fun I don’t know I guess we’ll find out in time I left the mines that evening with 92 of the stuff and I still check the night Mark even

Though I pretty much knew I wasn’t getting a new painting I would rather go and check than regret not having gone at least I can walk away with a free coffee on day 270 I grabbed a new magic rock candy before Gathering the bone frags at

The dig site the reason I needed all of those was to make some hypers speed grow for those ancient seeds which is what I also needed the radioactive or for from all the hanging out in the various mines I was now out of salads so I topped up

On those then I kind of messed up because I got up to do something in real life and completely forgot to pause my game so I passed out on the farm during absolutely nothing that evening day 271 was a wine day and once I was done with

Those duties I wanted to check out a couple of those new shortcuts rubb and opened up in town I don’t know how much I’ll make use of these but they’re nice to have though I think the one I might use the most is the one from the town to

Near the Quarry down at the beach I took another look at the SP again I got some comments on the earlier videos letting me know that I can enter the other locker room if I just keep trying here I found the actual men’s locker room never

Seen this place before why do they get gym equipment and we don’t and if I go out the other door it brings me to the locker room entrances in the volcano so I guess this is another shortcut too that does mean if I kept trying earlier

I could have found the wizard at a much earlier time but I’m just going to choose to ignore that devastating realization and build a junam moart just because I feel like it and I never had one before I don’t think I also found out that the shortcut only works one way

But it’s good to know it’s there on day 272 I waited for Robin to get to a counter so I could repaint some of my buildings everything is chaos and nothing makes sense and I wanted my buildings to match this Vibe they’re all kind of ugly and I love it I wasn’t

Making good use of some of the machines on the farm and I wanted to expand my smelting capacity so I shifted some things around then gathered some more copper in the mines but it was much slower than I wanted because this was the harder version of the mines I wasn’t

Up for this sort of grind so I was only able to make one more furnace today on day 273 I went and bought a load more copper or from Professor Clint I don’t usually do this but I didn’t want to grind for it and I was investing this to

Be able to smell more iridium at once most of which I was probably just going to sell anyway I use some of my abundance of key gems to get Hoppers for them too this playthrough is show me that even though they aren’t perfect The Hoppers are still pretty useful it did

Take me a while to divide up all the ore and coal for them though and it became immediately clear that this would mean I’ll be burning through my co so much faster suppose I better spend the day farming for more on day 274 my key reminded me that my junim moart days

Were not over yet I was ready to show him I could do it I got to that fourth level again for the second time this year but then somehow I passed that one too I was now above 50,000 points so how far can I get slump stomp is a pretty

Easy win but next glow shroom Grotto this is where it ends 73,000 points in that one single life I don’t think I’m ever beating this I got friendship with jod as my prize so at least all that pain was necessary suck it Louis the Merchant’s SC was selling the ancient

Seed artifact for six gold which is wild I’m going to be looking for these more often then I did a quick Perfection check and we are so ridiculously close now it occurred to me that I was soon going to need some grass starters for the farm so I planted a load of fiber

Plus this is more productive than all those dead crots and given how close we are to Perfection you’ll find I end up having quite a lot of shorter days and earlier nights because most of what we need I can’t get my hands on till specific days you’ll see what I mean as

Time goes on day 275 was the next forage Harvest and I replanted the spots just to keep the sprinklers occupied into the new season I then Ed the day for more nonsense decorating this time inside my house if only I did this before the whole town invited themselves in last

Year that probably would have made them all leave the decorating continued into day 276 I’m a fan of the trash can table and I decided to make some art on the kitchen floor and for this room I wanted to Showcase some random items some of which are significant for this playthrough let

Me know if you get some of these in the comments day 277 was the Feast of the winter star I don’t usually listen to The Legend but in the last Premiere I was told I probably should they were right there’s my foraging level Will’s been hiding it from me the whole time I

Gifted earlier a pomegranate which he loved and My Gift Giver this year was lonus clearly he knows I’m a loot Goblin because he brought me a ruby the main thing I had left now was friendship with Sam I begged for a hint but I still didn’t have enough points I only have a

Few checks left three are in those paintings a couple from Spring special requests and the other is in the soldier Star Quest from Kent that he’ll only mail about in summer you know the season we never want to see again we’ll just have to work our way through the allall

To find out but I’ll be doing everything in my power not to have to endure another summer on day 278 I ge up for skull Caverns when I noticed that today was wine day we seem to get a ridiculous amount of Max luck days so I wasn’t too

Worried about giving this one a Miss especially since the alternative was making a good load of profit on my way to bed I made sure to grab a backpack full of cooking ingredients I wasn’t sure when I was going to handle cooking every dish I still have a lot of them

Missing from the queen of source but I might as well begin the prep our wine day profits were now topping 600 Grand and still growing each week it’s nice to be able to do this without the pressure of saving up for things like the golden

Clock on day 279 I worked on some areas of the farm that still needed some lighting and I had a bit more prep to do for the decorating I wanted to add to in other seasons on day 280 I traded for some stuff including more staircases from the desert Trader then I headed

Over to skull cavins because this was our next MCH luck day I had two magic rock candy with me but I forgot to actually eat one until floor 20 bit of a yikes but it was better late than never you know what these days look like by

Now so I’ll let you know that because of the wild amount of jump holes I uncovered I passed out on floor 268 and before we go on with the next loot review I got asked to pick a season I have a couple of special orders to get

Done so I picked spring totally wasn’t intending for all the seasons this year to be in a correct sequence so far but we got to do what we got to do Before we go on with our spring activities here’s that loot review for you almost an entire stack of arore hello but what do we have here is that an empty backpack space I’ve definitely let myself down here but I will say it’s because that space belonged to my last

Bomb I divided all that or between the furnaces but then I needed to pop back home real quick when I got a cut scene with Maru about a comet passing tomorrow night so I’ll be meeting her at the mountains to see it together I couldn’t

Remember what I came home for so my next stop was the special order board and to my horror both the requests I need are on the board today I took the gifts for George one first that one usually takes me longer and we’ll just have to hope

Pam’s still craving the strong stuff in a future week I still bought some potato seeds and I’ll just leave these in the ground till that Quest comes up I also planted some spring forage hoping that at least some of these will grow into some leaks for George then for the rest

Of the place I had a small amount of rhubarb seeds a load of cauliflower we got when Pierre was out at the beach resort and then for the hundreds of ancient seeds I only had a couple of sprinklers worth of hypers speed grow on day 282 I planted some grass ders in the

Animal area because I forgot at the end of the last season I got lucky that a pretty big patch grew by itself but I definitely needed more to sustain them all this was also a good time to place the grass in the spaces I left for them

But some will be allowed to spread over time too and I just kind of generally added little bits to the last month’s decorating I then began my hunt for leak to try and get a head start before my own ones mature and I even checked the

Merchant’s C for one she didn’t have any though I don’t think this would have counted anyway that night I went to meet Maru ready to see some exciting space stuff and what a sight it was it was just overall a very cute cut scene too

Maru is a lovely spouse and so I wished for us to grow old together not that we really age in this game and I thought we weren’t supposed to tell our wishes never going to happen now on day 28 3 I let the barn animals out so the Truffle

Hunters could do their job and since I had a load of spare grass starters I spam them all over the ground they might as well get eaten I kept the coupe animals inside today because I wanted a bit more time for them to spread but I did have to refill the hay didn’t

Realize we ran out yet again I was after a couple more fun decorations so I brought a strange bun to Vincent’s toy box for the fogon Statue I grabbed the Stone junimo from behind my house and I brought a duck Mayo to The Saloon to get pinky lemons I know there’s another one

We can get using a super cucumber but I’m not fishing for one of those so I’ll keep checking the Merchant’s car in hopes we can get one that way day 284 went to Coal farming then on day 285 I got this tip from the TV about how

Friends won’t mind you stealing stuff I have no idea what this actually means for this playthrough because I’m not a thief in this one so let me know if you happen to know it was also the next wine day and this week I finished filling out

The Slime Hutch with kegs I decided this day to sell a handful of gold ancient fruit alongside the wine as well as periodically dealing with the animal products through the day so overnight I made a good chunk of gold on day 286 I chopped down all the wood I could find

In the valley and on Ginger Island 2 plus the handful of trees in the desert this will likely go to more kegs on day 287 I realized I missed cindersap Forest on my travels yesterday so I picked up all of that before taking all of my magma to Professor clints to open

Specifically looking for some Bassel for my lava eels which thankfully I managed to find I also opened all my golden coconuts because they often have some decent stuff to sell inside I wasn’t going to plant these saplings so I’ll just be shipping these I finally fed the

Lava eels then I got my solar panels back out just in case I want the option of more batteries in the future then I visited the pier to gather everything from the fruit cave because as you can probably tell I haven’t been here in quite a long time day 288 was the start

Of a new week and I’m pleased to report that Pam is still after the strong stuff this meant I could harvest the potatoes alongside the forage though I didn’t realize till now the potatoes didn’t have to be fresh fres I’ll have to wait till the next wine day to keg them

Though I grabbed a few different seeds from PI and all aand small stock of rubub seeds so I could replant these in the spaces with less forage ws and more crops my next stop was the MERS to drop off this morning’s leaks and for that I unlocked the next and final mine

Elevator on day 289 I got this tip from the TV about a magical clock that can change time I viewed this hint quite a lot already but I only just managed to figure out what it meant I ran down to my golden clock and gave it a few clips

And it will Fast Forward time in 20 minute increments wild no more waiting for the festivals to start or villagers to get to their counters I plucked all the spring onions on my way to the Sewer theater I wasn’t here to see a movie but I was after more fun decorations from

The crane game I a big fan of these tree decorations and I obviously needed to get myself some plushies I put one of those trees in what I call the guest room in the house the other one in this seating area and I like the idea of all

These plushies hanging out in this grass patch over here day two 290 and as a reminder at this point the last checks left to complete are mainly ones TI to future dates or ones I need to wait for processing and stuff so a lot of these days will probably be very short like

This one all I really did was check on my machines and my animals and went to bed on day 291 I bought a handful of rhubard from Sandy along with hundreds of deluxe speed grow in case I need them then I filled up on ingredients to dump

In my fridge before bed day 292 was a wine day so I could finally get those potatoes in the cegs let’s maybe not have a snci Adent with them though with the Slime Hutch now fall I needed a new location to fill with Kegs and the next

Nearest thing is the witch hut this place seems abandoned so why not right I mean it is literally on my property on day 293 I said hello to the little junimos wondering the farm I didn’t want them harvesting stuff for me it was just nice to see them out and about at this

Year’s egg Festival I was now able to buy strawberry seeds and with all those permanent speed boosts I gathered 17 eggs and secured that Victory simply because I could when I got back to the farm I raced to replant the parsnips with strawberries and somehow I had

Enough time to get Deluxe bead grow on all of them on day 294 I harvested all the rest of the crops I ignored yesterday I planted as much more cauliflower as I could but I had now run out of those so I had to switch back to

Using forage seeds and even those I didn’t have enough of I like to do things in sections so some cauliflower will stay until I can find something that can fill out the entire area I had a bit of a weird moment here because I picked up a path that broken by

Lightning but I spent ages trying to put it back though for some reason it just wasn’t having it I eventually gave up and shoved it in a chest on day 295 I accepted Keys Cuisine again the last successful attempt gave me some confidence here and it was the perfect

Opportunity to work through the recipes we haven’t cooked yet I also accepted a big cauliflower order from Lewis because we have more than enough of them on the farm I bought another selection of seeds from Pierre so I could Harvest and replant the leftover ones from yesterday

It’s another messy looking are area but at least I’m growing something and today’s Harvest will be more than enough to clear the order in a single day this meant I could collect the reward the next morning for a boost of almost 10 grand the strong stuff was ready for Pam

Too but when I went to drop it off I was met with a cut scene I don’t think I’ve ever seen before I found Pam praying in a corner of her house she was talking about how much she liked her new renovated home and then she just broke

Down right in front of me Pam wanted this to be a turning point in her life but she hadn’t been able to cut back on the beer because she was feeling some sort of void so that’s why she ordered this statue Faith was her missing piece

I was glad she was feeling hopeful and it looks like she was feeling better now after that conversation I just acted like I was here to say hi and drop off some ingredients for Penny she doesn’t need to know I’ve got the strong stuff for her right now all I got was a

Prairie king upgrade so I tried to ask for a hint for the hearts with Sam these were the last I needed to complete all the friendships but I was one point short back at home I found my youngest child now up and about so of course I

Wanted to give them them a hat but I pressed the wrong button and picked up this floor divider which because they were standing there I couldn’t put back I just handed over the new hat for now and I’ll try again another day on day 297 I fixed my floor before moving the

Time forward so that Gus would be ready to serve at the saloon I wanted to make sure my salad supplies were topped up for future mine runs I’d also been checking the Merchant’s cart wherever I remember still no luck on that super cucumber though on day 298 I worked on

Grabbing more ingredients that were missing from the fridge including needing to get another green algae from the mines due to my poor memory it took a lot of back and forth but I was slowly becoming more prepared for a mass cooking SES the rest of this day was spent Gathering salmon berries because

It wouldn’t hurt to have some Meridian quality ones to hand and when I got down to the Hat Mouse I couldn’t help buying another Goblin mask specifically as a gift to my pigeon now this is riding around in style day 299 was the first Farm ancient Fruit Harvest thanks to the

Hypers speed grown plants for this wind day I finished filling the witch hut with with kegs so I had them overflowing into the teleport cave the only thing that was annoying about the witch hut though was as I walk along holding right click to fill the kegs I accidentally go

Over some of the other obstacles in here and bring up some unwanted dialogue I’ve just started selling off the pineapples now too and today we made over 800 Grand from everything on day 300 I bought a couple of hundred bombs from the dwarf so I could hunt for loot in skull Cavin

I favored the staircases a little bit more today and I was saving this run for this week or later because I had two magic Rock C with me so I went in pretty excited about the potential for loop I passed out on floor 193 so not my best

But let’s show you what we got I kept one of each hat to show you which ones I found but I got a stupid amount yesterday and deleted all the duplicates I’m in two minds about this hul on the one hand I got an auto Grabber and an auto patter but I clearly

Had nothing else better to replace the worthless Cactus seeds after dividing up the or between the first furnes I added the auto pattera to the guest room to make sure any guest feel looked after plus I hear in the archipelago mod these are actually functional like they actually passively increase friendship

Hopefully this should stop any Decay with Maru back on the farm I had a few crops and lots of forage to harvest the forage all got turned into seeds and not going to lie I forgot about the potatoes and parsnips down here I only replanted with forage this time didn’t feel like

Buying any more seeds and these will be ready just in time for the last day of the Season all I did on day 302 was agreed to help with another giant omelet along with taking a disappointing trip to the Merchant’s car then on day 303 I replaced all my seed makers with

Crystalarium to really accelerate that Jade production I also had the next strawberry Harvest on day 304 I fast forwarded time to get the flower dance started I didn’t really need anything here I just wanted to be able to dance with my wife even if I still don’t seem

To know the moves whilst on my way to the desert Trader for magic rock candy on day 305 I noticed most of the desert trees had now grown it was almost time for the weekly keg crafting so I thought this was a good time to chop down all

The big ones making sure to replant in all the spaces I left the last cauliflowers were ready the next day again just replanting with forage to hold the sprinklers and since it was a wine day I also had the ancient fruit and pineapples to harvest too this

Week’s cegs filled up the teleport cave I didn’t go along the back wall to prevent accidental teleporting so with the remainder I made a start on filling up the barn day 307 was a little bit of sweet as it was the last straw Harvest on this save I love this crop there was

Also the last rhar but I didn’t care about that as much I dropped off all the eggs for the next giant omelet then I realized that all that unfertilized ancient fruit was never going to be done in time because at this point I knew I

Had to pick winter next to buy the stuff from the art dealer and that would mean I sacrificed all that ancient fruit to seeds for literally no reason I panic placed all my Deluxe Beed grow because that meant these will be ready a day earlier and I could get one single

Harvest from most of these plants I then headed to Pier to buy some more ingredients because today I finally made a start on all that cooking I prioritized cooking one of each dish I hadn’t cooked yet and L the more to the shipping bin to go towards the keys

Cuisine Quest it’s due tomorrow by the way but for some reason I only focused on that one of everything perhaps I was just curious about how far that could get me on its own which is not very far at all as you can probably imagine that

Meant that day 38 was a little bit of a mad rush I had the Jade staircase tray to do along with the last forage to grab and the ancient fruit to harvest before I could put my full focus into completing the keys Cuisine Quest again

I try to start with some of the more valuable dishes since I am still missing a couple of recipes to finish cooking every dish anyway to be honest I didn’t really put that much more thought into things today I just scrambled together whatever ingredients I could find including at Pierre’s cooked whatever I

Possibly could and H for the best when I headed to bed we already know why I have to pick winter here and I was relieved to hear the sound of the quest completion another round of key sque in complete thanks to all those ingredients I’ve been Hoarding day 309 was full of tilling planting and watering because it seems I forgot to place down spring seeds to hold the sprinklers for me the winter forage is going to feel even better now that I can have them be iridian quality too though for some reason I only

Planted in spots without dead crops I don’t know why I didn’t just cover the whole Farm turns out I had plans to plant fiber there instead on day 309 but I didn’t have enough seeds for the entire section below so I left that alone I checked out the key room and

Accepted the skull Cavern Invasion Quest I don’t need the key gems but I was hoping this might get us better loot there don’t know if that’s a thing but we’ll find out seems the omelets are still a big hit in this town as well because gus’ special order was back yet

Again but this is also when I found out that the golden eggs don’t actually count for this Quest I guess his culinary skills have their limits I took a quick trip to Ginger Island after that to visit Louis’s cave for the lost and found box but I seem to have walked in

On some sort of fashion show situation that’s not my kind of thing so I waited for it to be over and collected all the goodies I left at the fair I thought I was a magic rock candy short somehow it’s been here the whole time after

Putting away all of that I returned to the island for a volcano run I’m still looking for the hot Java ring but I’m beginning to think it’s not meant to be for me in this playthrough because I still didn’t get it today got another freaking pirate hat though on day 311 I

Bought an entire stack of hay from mty because I am constantly running out of the stuff having forgotten the Quarry existed for ages I had loads of stuff to clear up here because I was now considering making use of this area one of the things I wanted to do there was

Display the fun statues so obviously I had to come to the sewer entrance with a seafoam pudding to catch the aridium kober statue still no super cucumber for that last one though I’ll happily reel in statues but not the fish never the fish then I made a light start on that

Decorating day 312 was one for coal farming yep I ran out of that again too even even though the mushrooms are a bit harder to kill I still came out that evening with over 250 of the stuff and I didn’t even realize till I got back to

The farm but somehow on this day I got my hands on another Auto patter on day 313 I was ready for my next girl Cavern run and since we have that key Quest we’ve got some harder monsters trying to stop us little did they know I was ready

To fight them for their loot any radioactive or would just be a bonus though there were definitely some flaw that were beyond my limits for Monsters I reached for 100 via jump hole early that afternoon hot pepper seeds were a bit of a yikes though I continued my

Hunt through the day and look how ridiculous this group of bats were just thought that was kind of funny but I ended my night on floor 202 so let’s have a look at what we got the next day I can’t believe I got enough Galaxy souls to forge a weapon in one day

That’s wild not pictured here are many cooked dishes dropped by the crates any hats are immediately trashed and I did also get a red cabbage seed you may have spotted earlier I’m happy with my haul today that was a load of fun as I was passing through the farm I realized we

Missed another wine day in the name of loot so I guess this will be done on a Saturday now but first I wanted to finish handing in the eggs for the next giant omelette then I could get on with overdue Harvest and refilling of the eggs but since I was overflowing with

Ancient fruit I decided to just ship off all the gold ones with the wine those along with some spare eggs and a load of aridium bars we had 1.4 million gold roll in overnight on day 3155 I traded for staircases and topped up on bombs and prep for future skull cavins trips

But I came back to the dwarf right after because they kept asking about milk so I wanted to hand over some of my best and I guess they don’t like it whatever I just finished my shopping rounds with more salads from gusses and headed to

Bed on day 316 I ignored all the forage on the farm today and fast forward to time to get to the Festival of ice I know I said I don’t want to fish for any more actual fish but I’ll happily do it to win a competition sticking to only

Allowing willly one single win on day 317 I got around to Gathering those hundreds of forage but this time I decided not to make quite so many seeds only as many as I needed to actually fill out the farm I didn’t want to use my wood on tea saplings so the rest of

The forage got sold as is and I’m pretty impressed with the gold we got from this on day 318 I topped up my cooking ingredients to cook the final two recipes I needed for The Gourmet Chef achievement that’s another Perfection Milestone complete I feel like I should

Have done this much much earlier but I then headed to the Quarry to plant a load more oak trees for resin this was my main bottleneck when it came to Kake production and obviously I had to play some paths around them too followed by a few torches that I knew would be hidden

Once the trees are grown up on day 319 I had a nutritious breakfast of a magic rock candy and a triple shot espresso and I have no other food in my hot bar because today I felt like taking on the hungry challenge again I had more than enough staircases to get me straight

Down to floor 100 but I wanted to save these were a a could I felt like these chests were laughing at me today because they handed food to me more than once on my way down but thanks to many jump holes I reached for 100 before 2 p.m.

With a gift of another hat I healed up straight away and continued my descent I ended up finding so many treasure floors that I couldn’t keep at all but I passed out for the night on floor 191 and now it’s time for the next morning loot review another Auto Grabber and another

Auto patter unbelievable but at this point the crystarium is definitely the top find also not pictured here are three lots of cactus seeds I obviously threw away it’s offensive that those can even be considered treasure the only other thing I did this day was hand off

More eggs for Gus I’ve lost count at this point of how many omelets he’s made on day 321 I got straight on with the wi day duties I didn’t want to block up the entire barn with kegs so I started placing more along the walls of the coue

And the Animals seemed pretty pleased with this that’s another close to a million in the bank on day 322 I placed down all the statues I had with some pots surrounding them which I’ll plant stuff in later I still wasn’t having any luck on that super cucumber at the

Merchants car but she did have a cheat bomb today so that’s something I’ll probably just have to do without that statue so I just did what I could with the Quarry today which wasn’t very much at all on day 323 I tucked an aridian bar into the pond for the lava eels and

Skip time straight to the night market you have no idea how relieved I was to see that I calculated the seasons right because the art dealer was selling stuff again though today he just burnt me I think that’s pretty rude on day 324 I double checked that those hats with

Sound were the last thing we were waiting for just in case I missed something and yep only those remaining just a matter of time now I also wanted to buy an aquatic Sanctuary there too which I plan to display in the Quarry but apparently that’s not allowed the

Next round of forage kept me pretty busy today replanted with more of the same of course and any excess I shipped for the extra cash today’s fake heart purchase was exactly what I was looking for those final two hearts at long last so I rushed straight to bed to see the goal

Completion notification pop up and those Perfection messages rolled in the morning of day 325 I wanted to check on the farm before heading up to the summit but Sam was on the doorstep about a concert or something wasn’t really listening because we’ve got more exciting things

To do Maru was already at the top of the mountain waiting for me we went through so much to achieve perfection in the past 3 years and I love challenges like this that make me completely rethink how to play this game to say I’ve enjoyed myself would be the understatement of

The year and if you’ve not had the chance to attempted the archipelago mod yet I can’t recommend it enough you can really customize the experience and the wonderful people who made this mod are still working hard to bring us more fun things I’m excited to check out those

Updates one day I’d also really love to do a run where I also have to progress a different game to achieve perfection in Stu our time on the far away Farm isn’t up just yet though we’re still going to finish out the year plus a little bit

More even because I really want to get every single unlock that’s available even if I don’t actually need them anymore just know some of these days will be pretty quick fire the first thing I did upon leaving the summit was go grab that statue of True Perfection

How can I say no to a daily prizy I then went and purchased the statue of endless Fortune from the dodgy Casino guy so I could have the entire collection to proudly display on the farm I had one more check to buy from the art dealer

Today and my last one gave me two hearts with everyone are you kidding me on day 326 I cut down some of the last trees in the forest before placing tappers on all the ones that had grown up in the Quarry for more Oak resin day 327 was spent adding more lighting to

The house because it was still pretty dark at night and I got some prep done to decorate again next season because we won’t be choosing winter again day 328 was your average wine day then on day 329 I remembered to pick up the concern dat mask from the volcano I brought it

Straight to the basement where I gave six urchins a new hat and a new home I thought this would be a good way to have a giggle about just how many pirate hats I got this play through though it was many more than three day 330 isn’t even

Worth talking about so we’ll move on to day 331 when I went straight to Professor Clint to buy a load of coal because I wasn’t up for farming it anymore it’s pretty much an endless struggle with these furnaces the last giant batch of winter forage need attending to today with seeds still

Going in the ground just to hold the sprinklers for me though you probably knew that by now and any spare forage got sold for over1 15 Grand on day 332 I skipped through my mail so fast I missed who my secret friend was for the Feast

Of the winter star I’m just going to have to bring some universally loved gifts and hope for the best so I brought a rabbit’s foot and a prismatic Shard with me the next day and spoke to every NPC till I found out that it was Evelyn

She got a prisy since we now have a constant Supply My Gift Giver was my father-in-law if you remembered I’ve had to bring him a gift for this Festival in the past you think he might know me by now but he wrapped up a blackbery cobbler as someone someone who doesn’t

Really like blackberries I’ll probably just give this tomorrow wait maybe this was his plan day 334 was basically skipped and you already know what wine day looks like for day 335 but I did Backtrack on my plan for kegs and started cramming even more in the bun

The animals don’t mind I promise day 336 was the last day of the year and what better way is there to round off this playthrough than a finals skull cavins run with over 300 staircases I wanted to see just how many treasure floors I could find and how much fun loot I could

Come home with not like that though like honestly the majority of them were actually pretty disappointing I mostly focused on trying to keep a variety to show you rather than just what’s most valuable and over the course of 470 floors I went through 30 treasure floors

But before we check out the loot I had to select the next season with perfection now complete I have one archipelago check left and that one lies in summer I just had to okay but I’m not acknowledging the season till I step outside so here’s that loot review

So many hats so many slime eggs so many sprinklers and I just had to keep those stupid cactuses an outrage that this has happened to me yet again now I’m not playing this next season to its fullest and I’m not even playing out every day so let me give you

The highlights on day 337 I bought a variety of Summer seeds from Piet these won’t be for profit or anything more for decorating and finishing ing off the farm so even though I had limited quantities of stuff I wanted to be able to plant these in some sort of sections

I didn’t have enough to cover the whole Farm either so I’ll have to make several trips over the next several days to get this complete and since the last winter undid all my work I had to go back around the farm to replace all the grass

Iay last year that night I wanted to squeeze in the next step of my Quarry decorating I wanted to plant various crops in these pots just for decoration but I had no idea that I can’t do this so I came back right after with some tea

Saplings for them I empty PS stock of summer crops again the next day to carry on the planting then added a load of grass to the Quarry because I really do like the overgrown look here I then just slept through the day to 351 because this is the day I should receive some

Very important mail here is Ken asking me to bring him a star fruit for Jodie I’m so glad this didn’t hold up Perfection because you literally cannot get this Quest until the summer after Kent arrives which we’ve been skipping for the past couple of years so this is

The first chance he’s had to ask I tracked him down in town to hand her over and that final unlock was the Sinister signal which is a very special TV channel that we can’t access this season at all but as far as I’m aware I think it’s that thing where the ancient

Door comes out of your TV so we’ll definitely stay away from that 653 unlocks in total and our archipelago run has concluded I wanted to give you one final look at the finished Quarry go easy on me I don’t usually decorate or anything and you’ve seen enough of the

Farm really by now so I just wanted to show you the final screenshot now that all the crops have grown I think it’s symbolic somehow that we’re ending here on the season we started out with so having a farm full of summer crops after everything we’ve been through does kind

Of make me happy thank you all for joining me on this insane journey and a very special thank you to all of my channel members too I’ll see you all in the next video Bye

I played 300-ISH days of Stardew Valley using the Archipelago mod in a very messed up playthrough. Here’s the full movie of our entire playthrough from confusion to PERFECTION!

Wanna try it out?: https://archipelago.gg/tutorial/Stardew%20Valley/setup/en
The settings I used (but friend hearts are 2, not 4): https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxrcZ6GXZAMd56vA78O6R2aDtoQwNxMaqh

This video was voted on by our Blueberries and Cranberries! To be involved in more decisions like this, consider joining the berry basket at these levels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCARwpaFIK0_Fg6m0u2l5Gcw/join

How I make 100 days videos: https://youtu.be/AZGx5WuFC48

Vlog Channel: @emmalutionIRL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emmalutionYT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_emmalution
Discord: https://discord.gg/wj9umZFRWy
Business enquiries: emmalutionyt@gmail.com

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Again, please do not feel obliged at all to do this, the option is here for those who do wish to use it ❤

Archipelago: https://archipelago.gg/tutorial/Stardew%20Valley/setup/en
Lookup anything: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/541
To-Dew: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7409
UI Info Suite 2: https://github.com/Annosz/UIInfoSuite2

#stardewvalley #archipelago #100days


  1. I've been listening to these videos to sleep lately, so I'm happy to see it as one video now. I only have Stardew on my switch.. i wish i could play with mods

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