The Deadliest Weapon in Minecraft Battle Royale…

Today I was able to craft one of the most OP weapons in Minecraft Battle Royale but will this weapon be enough for me to take down the 100 other players trying to hunt me down in this giant Arena stay tuned to find out confident I’m confident I’m confident

I’m confident confidence is key we’re going to win this 3 2 one go let’s just get out of here let’s get into the trees oh there’s a structure over there to the right as well I think if I can grab some wood make a quick boat oh my heart’s

Already racing uh-oh right let’s just get out of here I should be able to craft a boat with what I’ve got right play it to my left let’s just get away from the middle oh what’s that to the oh my God there’s a massive structure over

There as well all right it’s fine let’s just get out of here we’ll grab a quick weapon upgrade to a stone sword and then we’ll go check out that structure not bad we got to wait at least safe no one’s chasing us right now that’s the main thing decent start make a quick

Pickaxe there we go there should be a cave around here somewhere uhoh hey why are you running hell no hello he following me come here uhoh I don’t have any weapons are you going to be peaceful then yes okay what are the chances pretty high I’m not going to lie don’t

Trust him I do not trust it I don’t trust anyone this structure is massive we need to get in here probably some good loot in this right let’s just quickly make a weapon you oh no oh no no save me don’t hit towards me don’t hit towards me get away

From him holy sh I need to find an animal how am I alive the kid I just said I didn’t trust literally just saved my life my heart is racing I’m out of food no no no no no the urge to slash feed right now is too high W kid no way

Oh there’s someone behind that tree there is somebody behind that tree get me out of here I’m gone I am gone bro are you kidding me half a heart clutch on stream I need to thank that kid who is that kid I’m not being followed oh my bro my heart is

Racing oh there’s so many pigs perfect oh that is a massive cave there’s some iron in there as well which would be nice I’ve got to be careful with where I go cuz I can’t drop down by like two blocks I’m dead and if people

Are stream sniping me I got to stay on the move I need to find a cave or something right is there a cave here there’s something here right get me that stone that’s and aight but it’ll do let’s get me away from the surface let’s make a crafting table let’s make a

Furnace and let’s get this pork right let’s just run where’s Arrow let’s see if we can find arrow and team up with him cuz I I’ve got no chance on half a heart right now oh my God I nearly just walked straight into that holy right give me some food let me heal

Upo we’re back on health we’ve got Health phenomenal right this cave might be helpful might have to get some iron get an iron pickaxe made oh perfect yes some iron here okay first thing yeah we’re going to need is an iron pickaxe and for that I actually

Need coal and I need a little bit of iron oh not water caves again you got to be kidding me right iron here this is exactly what I need right SL recipes Advanced iron pickax we need we need six iron well that’s more than enough here

So let’s start cooking this iron up and we should be good to go this iron pickaxe the advanced iron pickaxe will allow me to grab iron so much quicker so that is the main reason I’m going for it gives you a 50% chance of dropping regular iron mining any ores so even if

I’m mining coal I got a 50% chance of getting iron which is going to be pretty nice and I need four cooked iron right and I need some coal as well how much uh that should be enough actually so one more piece and then I’m going to

Go I just dribbled half of my drink all right uh let’s make some sticks bang bang bang bang Advanced iron pickaxe perfect okay so now any ore that I mine including all of the copper everything is going to have a 50% chance of dropping iron which is going to make me

Get in iron armor so much quicker look there we go there’s already one piece two pieces oh this is perfect for once copper might actually be useful a diamond pickaxe would be pretty nice I’m not going to lie like an advanced diamond pickaxe would be really nice oh

There’s a spawner over there we might be able to get a golden apple as well right how much iron are we on nine we got 13 pieces total I’ve got more than enough iron for a full set which is nice uh let’s just make full iron iron okay well

That’s kind of all I need to be honest right let’s just get this spawner hey stay there oh oh hey oh I didn’t realize I broke them in hey get out of my way let me break that spawner praying for a god oh if I get a god Apple from this it

Could be massive oh my God you have got to be kidding me bro I literally called it so now there is a legendary weapon we can go for which is insane called the double damage blade however we need to go to the nether to get it if I get that blade

I may have a guaranteed win because the double damage blade is so op oh let’s drop down here grab some gold I can’t believe I just got a god Apple okay so even if I get into a fight right now before I craft the blade I should be all

Right like if I pop that I should just be able to take down whoever is attacking me hopefully I can find a little lava pool down here or something and then set up a portal maybe go to the nether straight away oh there’s a lava pool there Perfect Right where’s my

Crafting table I left it at the top clearly oh I left it at the spawner there we go right let’s make a couple buckets what else do I need to craft my inventory is a bit of a mess I’ve got gunpowder which means technically we could eventually go for the explosive

Boat if we get more but it’s unlikely it’s very unlikely right let’s just Obby this I don’t know how to do the the the portal thing properly so I’m just going to have to mine the obsidian and put it in a shape this was a great start though

Incredible start well I’d say incredible start I did almost die almost instantly and my heart was racing a little bit but we it all paid off in the end everything works out in the end guys even if it doesn’t start well it’ll work out in the end remember that damn irational me

There we go Flint bada bing bada boom right straight into The Nether oh wait actually before I go through let me just make a quick iron sword all right I need blazes if I can get blazes then I can make the double damage sword okay Coast looks clear hopefully there’s a fortress

In this nether that is the main thing oh I’m at the top I got to go down okay I I might need to check my cords but I don’t want to enable stream snipers to know where I am right wait who Arrow whose team is Arrow on oh he’s with that okay

He’s on team three okay right wait uh M Arrow we teaming if we could team with arrow it would be great but people are telling me in my chat right now that apparently he’s going to try and kill me so I need to be careful if I try and

Team up with him no I trust Arrow I trust Arrow being solo in these is dangerous man cuz there’s some big teams out there also when I find this nether fortress I need to try and find diamonds cuz I need two diamond swords for the double damage blade Arrow can kill you

In two hits bro no he can’t you understand how good I am at this game I so good at this game I’m undefeated as of right now cuz I won the last game so I don’t think I am actually I I lost two games before him but it’s fine it’s fine

I’m number one on the kill leader board I am him let’s just see if we can find a fortress man this is looking like a pretty long Mountain I’m mining through or something right now that’s got to be a a Soul Sand Valley that I’m in right Soul Sand doesn’t just spawn at

This level I don’t think yes perfect right is there a fortress somewhere here uh yes here we go here we go right let’s also grab these bone blocks for food if I need food when I go back through there could be players here so I need to be careful I’m extremely on

Edge never never know who’s lurking like that guy in the forest at the start he really caught me off guard I did not expect him I saw him lurking is there a blaze Spawner in the Border I hope so okay it’s a pretty big fortress so there

Should be a spawner somewhere I need to be careful to hear people as well all right here we go come on give me a chest with a diamond in it diamond diamond diamond diamond Ah that’s not Diamond has this already been looted is the question okay

No the Nether wart is here oh no okay right that part is away oh ah Diamond horse armor but no diamonds okay we might oh there’s another Fortress over there oh there’s blaz spawners there there’s blaz spawners perfect oh oh it’s Arrow yo you chill you chill hey guys

Whoa whoa whoa whoa what do you mean guys I’m on my own hello guys hey hey Chad do we do we kill him Chad what you he looks he looks homeless hey have you got any blaze rods no don’t we wait five minutes they are well we’re working

In the Overworld well I well I just tried to fix it uh do you want to replace them can’t replace them no wait so you guys are chill yeah yeah we chill we chill guess invite me to your team all right team invite wash 4,000 okay wash 4,000 is

Crazy you can’t fell off I’ve not seen you win fell off I literally won the last game buddy but it’s all right you actually broke both spawners you guys are so dumb I got zombie spawn on me a spawner before Oh wait reys reys come here Merry Christmas hold on oh damn

Okay Merry Christmas hold up a chain oh yeah what a lovely present um I mean I mean do you want it or not it’s Unbreaking three chain mail no I actually don’t want it ungrateful that’s crazy I am ungrateful you’re right so you guys have got no blaze rods nope Dam

Maybe these too do you want to prop for iron oh what are you guys wearing if you’re throwing away all of this loot protection eight protection three protection protection four protection eight there a protection eight leather helmet okay it’s leather so it’s not that good all right we got to find

Another The Blaze spawner cuz I can make the double damage weapon if we get blaze rods there’s got to be another one here somewhere uh I don’t think so which way did you guys come from uh uh where you came from okay right so then let’s go explore the other end there’s nothing

Here where you checked D you actually us yes oh there’s a fortress there I can literally see one oh I don’t see it I see it I see the edge of it if there’s a spawner here we’ve got very lucky cuz you guys almost ruined the whole plan oh

There’s got to be a spawner here this is massive there there has to be one surely oh here oh right now we wait I have faith it won’t work it won’t work I can’t wait I’m placing five bucks I’m placing five bucks it doesn’t work right

Now it none spawn the next 20 seconds 20 seconds yeah we we hereit for 5 minutes on the other one like we’ve been 5 minutes we already this n they got to work oh bad news uh yeah I hate to be the bearer of bad news n no we’ll wait

We’ll see we’ll see it out we’ll see it out this is not pre-recorded now this is pre-recorded guys this recorded last week hey guys shut up you’re exposing me oh spawners indeed don’t work oh spawners do work now that that time was a little bit suspicious hang on I just

Asked my admin he told me why and then he realized we’ve realized the face so spawners work now there we go well it was above 20 seconds turn off oh damn nice don’t worry about it don’t worry about it wait how many blaze rods you got then zero zero oh all right kill

These I need two blaze rods yeah we’re trying and go for the magic sword that’s also a pretty good shout yeah it’s a pretty good shout you got the nether W uh we can I can go search for some there was some in the other Fortress was there

Not not ours wait so you got no diamonds I got three oh oh that’s perfect would I be able to bargain those from you and when I say Bargain would you just be able to give them me there’s not much of a bargain now I mean I can what can I

Give you in a as a replacement oh what have you got 15 gun powder I’ve got two cooked pork chop that all you’ve got yes and an egg what an absolute Legend teammate the problem is I want to test it on you but I think it might actually

Drop you yeah no no I’m good we’ll test it on when he gets back we’ve done we’ve done this before we and I nearly got flung off top of that is true right diamond sword B oh wait I need to make the blaze rods yo this is going to be so

Op oh my God okay uh wait Blaze Rod at the top powder at the bottom Diamond Sword Down diamond sword enchanted golden apple hell yeah all GG right I’m breaking this spawner wait should we not get a few more do you not need some got two laser I’ve got two yeah but what

What do you need for the magic sword oh yeah we do need you need one for the brewing stand as well oh yeah true don’t be so Hasty with breaking things there bro this is so sick I’ll hit Arrow instead yeah ow Arrow oh wait I can do it on the blazes I

Think wa it one hit the blaze oh it didn’t do it on this one no I think it’s cuz how many blaze rods have you got three and I’ve got one one powder right I think I’ve got enough I’ve got enough for it let’s break the spawner is that Arrow where he’s gone

Right did you guys bring Obby to get out of here no I got the double damage blade Arrow you got some blades rods uh yeah we got I got five two more as all got so many slime balls no we could go back into the over world and see if we can

Find a bandit Camp cuz they’ve got them all right well let’s go then do you know how we got in I to get out I have my intuition it’s fine oh it’s over for us oh god oh we we came from right here oh my we’re finished wait what this where

We where we came from no I mean yeah but where’s your portal oh I remember that as well this a this Ain the way out it is a way out of the Fortress grab these uh quarts for XP Rock don’t Arrow they are on you yeah they’re all on you just

Just keep running them around yeah do I kill it yes or no that is if you kill that you’re a monster don’t don’t kill it don’t kill it but it’s gold so you got to kill it gold is gold gold is gold you got to kill it for the gold

Unfortunately oh you hit the wrong thing you idiot a you fool now you’re going to get attacked by the piglins for like 20 minutes all right let’s grab this gold and get out of here oh they’re just running they’re leaving me behind all right now I’m getting chased by these

Things as well I think hey guys slow down oh jeppi crafted the shock wave sword you’re taking your time a you sorry yeah I was gathering a little bit gold yeah that’s what they all say no excuse to be late late we were supposed

To team up off the start you ran away oh wait let me get some of these bones so I can Farm a load of bread when we get back actually that’s a shot to be fa we need food I’ve got no food three bees of chicken left wait how

Many GL you got cuz I’ve literally got zero food I I got three this guy’s rich I I get food I I’ve already got I got I got I got a bit of chicken you can take okay I’ll literally one piece will heal me up I’m hey trying to steal my chicken

All right hopefully this is a decent P it will not be yeah it’s it’s our old cave okay right that’s fine it’s not not the worst place in the world oh nice job Arrow nice nice yeah fantastic you’re man worried about I’m good let’s go yeah ER you’re literally just obing us in

Yeah where’s Obby tra us go up here I place water Chop Chop Stop saying chop chop and you’re trapping Us in lava what do you mean bro’s trying to Obby trap us we can’t get out this is crazy right we’re still mad deep underground we need

To make sure we don’t get caught by the uh the Border all right I think we’re we’re still quite close to hope you mine you mine I think corop is like 4.1 where are we at is are we close to that I don’t know I’m confident

Boys oh look at the tab by the way now you can actually see who’s alive in our game which is nice there’s not many people alive you I mean that’s like what 40 people out of 90 that’s half everyone gone already oh oh there goes dog we’re almost on Surface it’s fine um

Okay we’re on Surface just swim up what is it water yeah it’s there it’s an ocean oh okay that’s fine I I can’t swim oh my God go there go right BR drown bro’s going to drown that’s crazy right I’ve got a boat oh is that the

Thing you looted over there oh yeah bro I saw that at the start okay this way oh look at the mushroom yeah it’s right there hey yo don’t don’t boat off too chop choc up chop ch in that mushroom sexy though I need food let’s grab some

Seeds cuz I’ve got so many bones I’ve got a load of Bones need a cow can B me a bunch of bread oh yeah if you see a cow yeah shout out don’t kill it oh one seed there we go uh let’s just do that get

Some thank okay right seeds is it seeds in the off hand you do or I don’t know you just Platinum I just use my bone okay oh people are dying by the way like quickly explosive bow we need hella TNT you guys have got wait is that the guy that just said he

Wants to team yeah yeah he’s currently being beaten up by bees okay he seems all right hello um hello hello hello you want to join us yeah I got a full diamond P2 I got a Shar three fire aspect and the gold SW yo I should you should definitely give me

That I have a fire book uh oh behind you behind you behind you watch out watch out watch out there’s another team oh wa go for them kill oh bro Slow Down slow down go yeah bro I in the middle of negotiating a new teammate here right

Well frog frog farmer welcome to the team he’s with us I already accepted him okay all right if we can hunt these players down oh they’re over there they’re running away okay they’re probably going to get hit by the border soon I might try and flank left and see

If I can block them I just don’t want to run into another team and Branch off from the whole rest of my squad some golden apples would be nice okay there they are no that’s my teammates oh they’re far they’re they’re running off oh the border the border is hitting them

All right let’s try and flank them oh there’s another player there as well he’s got the golden pickaxe oh Arrow’s killing someone all right arrow got one good work any apples or anything oh wait I didn’t check um I don’t see any there’s food though but I’ll just play play

Here death nothing death nothing kill them yeah these guys are so finished there load of un my years yeah there low is Arrow watch out don’t get caught outnumbered it’s fine that’ll never happen what yeah they’re all in Iron bro these guys are finished one of them’s behind us come on

Fro where you going oh no right okay right there was a whole team back there that they’re also now coming over here where is Arrow oh that’s to meetry no okay right I’ve lost my teammate this is not good cuz that whole Squad is coming for me oh there’s Arrow

Arrow right yo yo yo watch out watch out there’s a there’s a massive team coming they’re Enchanted as well yeah yeah Team 15 that way they’re all full down by way which is kind of concerning there’s team 20 as well uh uh we should probably

Move um oh okay yeah yeah go this way go this way wait you have any apples uh no I stack of gold pretty much go into go into the forest real quick let’s see if we can grab some I just need one oh there more oh my God yeah go right go

Right go right go right oh there’s people here play here play here he’s only Z he’s only let me see if I can shave this oak tree and just get a quick Apple One golden apple is all like that’ll help oh wait there’s there’s here wait let me get the buckets oh nice

Yeah yeah how is there no apples here man there’s an apple there we go finally right uh oh I’m getting attacked oh it’s a baby zombie wearing some gear what the hell oh he’s got a pickaxe in his he looks like you he’s got the same gear as

You yeah I mean I think those about like the same zombies uh how much gold you got 52 52 yeah oh I got another apple as well right okay I’m good I can make two golden apples I I need apples but I’m feel I’m going to be getting any just

Keep even one extra a bonus oh one here I got one okay I’m confident I’m confident yeah Windows where and frog Farm yeah I have no clue he might be fighting that is also a very good point we could just be sat here shaving trees as they’re getting beaten up right

Now yeah I’ve not seen anyone on this side of the M PL the best four minutes there was load of people over there um yeah right I got one apple for you okay I think they’re going under shroom um who oh yo even if you got feathers I can

Craft the explosive bow what don’t I’ve got no feathers I don’t have feathers we killed some guy that had it I got it he had the explosive bow right okay wait let me see if I can find some feathers okay right I don’t want to Branch off too far from these

Guys a some feathers would be great SC get scam no feathers no feathers enchants do you want a diamond SW yeah I’ll take a diamond helmet if you got what about bottom pieces I’ll take leggings as well let someone split the lapis I’ve got it hold on give me a

Sec I canch my sword as well there we go oh I got sharpness one on the double damage sword okay weage yeah yeah I mean I need like two feathers I can get the explosive bow and then it’s over let’s see if we can find a chicken play play

Wait let’s just try and kill him should we try and just kill this guy on him is he on a team uh no he’s on no bro chill please no oh you got any feathers by any chance yeah feathers Arrow N Feathers though feathers I’ll pay you 15 bucks you can’t bargain your

Life with money nice lava yo what the Unlucky buddy oh yes okay double damage Blade with sharpness right oh another player there let’s go this guy listen listen listen listen listen listen no no no listening no listening sword sword it’s time to fight there’s a lot bigger teams than you’re stacked man

You’re stacked let’s fight it out I’m not stacked I promise it’s all full enchanted diamond it’s all prop one well I need prop one so I’ll take it you want it I’ll drop it I’ll get it no no this weapon is too op he was rich he

Was rich you just lied to me oh my God okay are these people low or is this weapon wait it didn’t do that much to you though Arrow I mean i’ I’m staged me yeah true but I’ve just two hit two people I need flin and Feathers as well

Then I can make the explosive yeah I need two feathers then I need two feathers we need six Fe we can get two explosive bows right well we’re going to have to search this area for some chickens then I don’t think chick think the other teams are up there they

They’re hiding there there was a team on a tree that me and a just saw okay well that’s two more kills at least anyway a I’m sorry I just extended my lead by two a 24 kills on the scoreboard hell yeah I’ll catch up it’s fine oh there’s

Someone right there kill Mr Pizza more like dead hey pizza man running n that’s my kill oh that’s my kill what are youing my kill come here man oh there’s a B Team on the tree by way we should probably go fight that oh I’m going to

Me oh yeah watch out watch out watch out watch out oh they’ve got grappling hook as well yo carss I’m coming for you hey get away from me with that grappling hook oh my God they’re going to hit me with it they’re still chasing that guy they need to give up on this

Guy oh okay James as well what team’s he on 15 oh wait he’s a part of that okay no no no I’m not going to go for it I’m not going to engage in that on my own that is a risky play okay wait let me just quickly check recipes grappling

Hook a slime block how do you make a slime block is it nine or is it four oh it’s nine right okay I don’t have enough who’s that who are these okay that’s a whole team as well where have my teammates gone oh that’s team 14 right

Where have my teammates gone this is not good um why are they chasing that right right they’re so eager to get that kill is he still alive as well no pizza Man’s dead oh wait a second what is all of this any more slime balls no okay I want

To make sure I’m not getting jumped here there’s nothing of value there really where you at he where’s he disappeared to if they’re fighting people right now I’m going to be so pissed okay Team 15 are all up there and that is a pretty stacked team as well they’re all really

Good players okay is that Arrow yeah it is there we go finally you really really don’t have to do this no go away go away go away go away I stre I don’t want to get away from me with that oh James got the explosive boat watch out watch

Out watch out watch out one one me come on no no no hey hey they got the exposive bow watch out watch out it guys hey they’ve got the explosive bow so be careful all right good to qu ignoring me as well I’m trying to figure out where

You are that Sweat Protection four okay good right where’s now you got to slow down arrow you’re just running around way too quickly you got slow down you’re the one that’s staying behind every single time yeah he’s keep the base there’s no rush here there’s no rush

Just calm down we’ve now lost a teammate you lost me that would have been two of us gone is my py it’s fine oh there’s that he’s good okay we we could push team 50 yeah I’m about to get it frog give me some give me GW gun powder I’ve got gun

Powder yeah got crafting table I mean have slime balls got SLS okay I’ll take them no I want 2 four I’ll take them as well you know oh I have them as well you’re not getting mine wait how many have you got oh we can get one grappling

Hug then drop me two of those yo has anyone got a bow that hasn’t I can’t craft it cuz my taking durability oh uh I’ve got oh I can make a fresh bow I can make a fresh bow one second let me make the grappling hook first

This put this arm on if you need I can make you you still need a fresh bow uh hold on let me just check if this one that frog gave me works there’s some string here as well if you need it Isen I can’t the bow what what are you

Doing wrong L i’ got the recipe in front of me and I cannot craft the bow let me try with a fresh bow oh you need a fresh bow maybe it’s cuz it’s a power one B it’s power one I think oh me chop me the

Fresh one there you go I think we’ve got to push Team 15 I’m not going to lie they’re up on that mushroom James has an explosive bow so watch out for James but also if you kill him loot it don’t leave it on the floor all right has anyone got

Arrows got five are they already running off running let’s go back to where we so we can the stuff yeah we need to loot we need the loot lunar had yeah run off again let’s see what happens oh someone fell oh the me just fell wait I’ll go up

Here and grapple you guys up if you want I don’t die I think they’re going to be up on the thing I I lying oh hello there’s all of his loot wait I can fish some of his loot over what do we need we need gold there some gold you want’s iron

That’s some iron J Christ I’m going up has he got anything of value oh there’s some diamonds there I’m going up as well back up let’s go I about say fre one down G scream that so hard Jesus Christ wait we can just go in here go go go

Right just be careful I don’t trust myself to book it off here I don’t know about your own you guys but oh got the grappling hook be careful cuz they’re going to launch you off wait let me get let me get C watch I’m going to try and grapple

Them off if I can this is going to be Yeah Yeahs do it CS no son Robie come here CS watch out he’s got the explosive B yes oh no no no you ain’t killing me again race you ain’t killing me again where you going oh my God bro what is

This oh it’s getting glitched on the blocks wait wait Aven see a bit Aven yes nice oh my God he just got battered right oh my God Aven just got destroyed right James is down here James has got the explosive bow okay golden Knight that is another

Person on their team down where’s James gone wello that was such an easy kill with the grappling hook such a good weapon right who is that is that a player no it’s a birch block right I might have to go for that other water over there I’ve got 10 golden apples as

Well now now oh that that was that was three quick James dropped down here James has still got the explosive bow so be careful yeah c as well CS has got the explosive bat uh theing hook oh right okay yeah I tried to grab him with it I

That’s what I got Aven with well the grapp is actually so op up there yeah okay how many people are left there’s not that many people left there still yeah I think we won basically we just got to find them right let’s go back up I reckon they’re still going to be up

There Aven I’m sorry for what I did that was brutal I know but the game is the game okay is there anyone up here no hello anyone here oh there’s some loot here what’s this nothing of value what is an e table I can enchant These

Boots prop one that’ll do okay where is everyone there’s no way they all just disintegrated oh oh my God I’m so glad I placed that water did I win that oh my God I’m poisoned I need to drink the milk and wait wait where’s the milk where’s the

Milk where’s the milk where’s the milk that was that person has a poison blade watch out oh my God if I had placed that water I’d have been finished there we go yes nice great work great work oh I just panicked so much hey they’ve got the

Poison blade pick it up let me give me that give me that pick up the poison blade give me Hey ow let’s not be team killing why why up here up here up here up here up here you got milk oh oh you need this no I just drank it now please

Arrow please please now this is hey yo guys that oh he’s he’s oh I I hit by the explosive B watch out jump all right run up jumps that’s cool that’s fine he’s about to go down that was that was such a bad that was such a bad D that was really counter

Productive bro let go these guys are the worst teammates I’ve ever had in my life holy the teamwork is just not it well this guy should be dead in a second anyway I hope you know you’re a little you guys are the worst teammates I’ve

Ever had this is the worst team teamw work I’ve ever seen stupid I appreciate oh no M he’s dead dead nice my aim is so horrible today yeah it’s fine stop saying it’s fine man I’m going to kill you right now hold that hold that it’s fine I can’t I’m going go

Here I’m team killing you I’m team killing you you want to do this you want to do this I give you one bucket only man can we just work as a team can you stop running off and doing your own thing yo anyone got some arrows from me uh I can give

You a few yeah take those take those oh watch out Arrow coming in oh Jesus deserve bro deserve okay right you’ve got the bro why you not shooting up at him you’ve got the explosive bow as well shoot at me buy thinks thinks I can shoot at the guy that’s shooting us with

The explosive what you doing I mean surely he’s going to run out of arrows okay can can come over here can come over here yeah that’s what I thought yeah yeah they’re going have their just this this not yo Arrow I swear to God don’t try me man don’t try

Me’s just team why you guys want to run off and do your own thing let’s go up let’s attack this guy that was the for the past 5 minutes okay that’s fine but let’s just organize there’s no rush the next game isn’t going to start without us you

Know he he’s on seven bro what can I do Arrow’s just rushing because he wants to get on the leaderboard and he’s still not going to be on oh I’ll be on it you won’t be after this game there’s not enough people left oh I can’t wait to

Kill you in the next game I could kill you in this game yeah that’d be a bit cringe though you wouldn’t get into the next game if you killed me in this game a so this just blackmail I see how it is that’s exactly what it how it if this

Guy jumps down now that we’ve come up here I swear to God I’m going to be so pissed off be I think you already jumped down bad news no they’re there yo hit him with the explosive bat hit him frog hit him with frog take that bow off you

In a sec if you don’t hit these oh my right give me the bo give me the B give me the bow give me the boat give me the boat Give me the give me the bow start shooting it then if you’re not going to shoot it you want to have it or

Not I’ll take it if you’re not actually going to use it yeah I don’t have B right okay okay oh the king is back explosive bow time okay right Who’s down there I don’t know who that is actually where are they oh o almost almost oh I

Nearly fell it’s time to cause some chaos right FR let’s push I don’t think arrow and nap are actually working as a team they’re L teammates they’re going back up are they actually oh there they are who’s that is that nap or is that that’s Arrow okay right if they push up again

Hopefully they’ll jump back down and then we can kill them how many people left still whole of Team 15 is still alive you did not s not again come on oh uh oh you no way you just done that oh wo wo wo chill chill yeah I’ve

I’ve been practicing just as long chill get away from me with those c p back no no no hold up you’re so St yes car you’re so bad CS you are so bad I hit him with a two time CS will never learn he will never ever learn yo guys CS is down

Don’t worry about CS right who’s left then H3 a and theaf oh oh he’s gone all right so where are these final two people then what was that noise what was that what was motor bikes going past my house all right oh okay okay should we just

Split up and try and take the other people cuz there’s only one of each I mean that’s what we were doing you moan us all right well let’s split up then okay right honestly I’m glad this is why I’ve never teamed up with arrow this guy stinks frog you found him no

H oh Arrow found one what is he fighting him oh vas died okay so it’s H3 and AOK nap died what AOK died okay so now it’s just H3 okay I’m sticking with frog oh are they up there the water’s flowing water’s flowing let’s go up just be

Careful hello who’s that is that H3 oh it is come on H3 oh he’s off he’s off he’s off he’s dead oh well that’s backto back wins right there bro the grappling hook is too op

I’m on twitch RIGHT NOW with LIVE GAMES:

Today I decided to host a LIVE Hunger Games Event, and managed to get my hands on an incredible OP Legendary Weapon. Will I be able to use this to get myself to victory? Let’s find out!

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Edited by @Sword4000 x Jeeves
Video inspiration credit: @Laqqy @SpeedSilverPlus

#minecraft #hungergames #100players


  1. Hi sword, you have been trying since a year ago when you made the noob maze runner video and I see the amount of progress you put in to this particular game, we all love the entertainment and love you put in videos to make it fun and we very much hope that you become a legend. To Sword4000. From, zxpuxninja.

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