Level 1 to 100 Minecraft Science Experiments

In Minecraft we all know that you can cook sand into glass but what if you were to try that in real life and so today we’re going to be testing Minecraft experiments in real life to see which ones actually work this is a gas and this is a fireball that he

Shoots at you in Minecraft and now we’re going to make it in real life starting with a Minecraft Gast fiery ball and this one’s super simple and you can follow along if you’d like and you only need like two items starting with these items right here we have a teab bag

Right here then also a lighter okay follow at your own risk But Here We Go and all you need to do is very simple open this up the teabag right here we’re going to drop it and then you’re just going to have the teab bag obviously and

You’re going to untie it you’re going to open it up and all you need to do is once you untie it you need to get rid of all of like the little like crusties inside of here and just dump them out you can just open it up and then grab

Yourself a trash bag and dump these bad boys out you don’t need any of it to make a fireball little fire charge thingy okay next get everything off the plate that you’re going to be using and and just open this up and just like that you need to just do it very delicately

So you don’t rip it but then you just need to place it on top of the plate just like so make sure it’s open up and then you just have to light the top but I’m going to one up this maybe two up it and add a couple more now we have our

Three Fireball Fire charges and all you have to do is just light the top of these I’m going to do three make it crazy here we go ready I have to do this fast if I mess it up the house could burn down here we go one

2 3 now we just have to stand back and let them fly go fire charges go go go go why am I nervous oh there goes the first one oh second one oh third one yes let’s go okay look at that they’re flying around like little Fire chargers ignore

The really dirty uh thing right there and now look just like how when you’re walking around the nether you have little like things oh and now for the iconic Minecraft note block everybody knows that when you place down a note block and you right click it it makes special noises all that different

Pitches vocals stuff like that whatever whatever the words are for it and specifically if you spam it it makes a ton of different noises almost song like noise so we’re going to recreate every aspect of the Note Block in real life and so for this next one we’re going to

Be making a Minecraft note block in real life as you know when you hit like a note block it like makes different noises you guys just saw it we’re going to be doing that in real life where each of these is going to make a different sounding note and I’m going to use

Coloring to make it a bit easier to follow along and all you need are these glasses you can do as many as you want and you know need the colors but I have them just for visual purposes and now let’s just fill these up and what you’re

Going to do is you’re just going to fill this up come on get close we’re going to fill this up very little then the next one we’re going to fill it up a little bit more you can probably tell what I’m doing we’re going to fill this one up

Even more the next one a little bit higher and what this is going to do is make different noises because of how much space is filled up in each of these cups I don’t think I’m going to have enough water I’m going to have to fill this up and using these different dyes

We’ve now dyed these different colors so you can see uh the differences in every single one and you you can use anything to hit these don’t break it obviously cuz it’s glass but these should each make different noises because of how much water is filled up scientifically I

Have no idea what this actually means I just know they make different noises okay ready 3 2 1 Minecraft note block in real life ready it worked I actually didn’t know if it would work I was really hoping it would we I have an Idea it’s like a wind Chim wait so close look at this it’s like XP someone just died right next to you and you’re gaining all of their XP right now and just like that you’ve made a Minecraft note block in real life now this here is a soul

Campfire which is blue fire and now we’re going to make this in real life that means for the next experiment we’re going to be making blue Minecraft fire in real life so right here all you need is a bowl we have a lighter once again and we have our mystery fluid that we’re

Going to be spraying all over on the inside of this and as a backup just in case we have our water that’s just a as a backup precautionary thing and we just need to spray this all around inside of the bowl we’re going to start right here

We’re going to put it inside of the bowl oh just like that it’s like lifted off the entire side this is a flint and steel that can do a lot of damage and completely destroy an entire Village and ecosystem so I want to recreate more intense version of this okay and so in

Order to create proper flint and steel obviously everying Le person watching this is like Linux you could just use a lighter and Linux why in the world are you wearing safety goggles because we’re going to be using something else to create fire we’re going to be using

Steel wool now if you guys know Minecraft steel iron basically the same thing we’re going to be using a little bit of that we have this so all of it can kind of go inside of it and then we’re going to be using a battery which

Is going to create the fire so all you have to do once you have your steel wool you’re going to pull it out you’re going to put it inside of this thing it doesn’t really matter how it goes it just needs to be straight ringy in all

Over the place so it’s breaking which is so weird it’s like Steel come look at this this is like the weirdest texture don’t put too much in there um is what I’ve just been told we’re only going to put this amount in we’re going to stretch this out and then just be

Careful keep the battery away we’re going to stretch this out stretch it out as much as you can you want the fire to be as big as possible make sure you use it correctly use in the right spots okay and once you’ve kind of stretched it out

A little bit um you’re going to make it into a light ball okay so we have our flint kind of or steel this is our Flint we’re going to light it okay supposedly this should light it I feel like I should be wearing gloves I’m good 1 million

Per. okay cool here we go three two one oh oh my gosh what yo it’s really warm I can feel it right here wow whoa that’s crazy what bro we’re creating fire look at that that’s insane it’s actual flint and steel from Minecraft in real life when

Did they update when did this update come out bro this is crazy hold on oh it doesn’t do it anymore it must have used up all of the or maybe we have to do it somewhere else maybe we add more to it bro this is so sick dude look at that

We’re making the fire come back okay I want to add a little bit more to it okay it’s still going it’s probably been about a minute it’s still kind of going I think this one ow is is still being used up so we’re going to do

It again one more time wow I lit that like 2 minutes ago now looks like fireworks okay we’re going to add a little bit more boom dude this is crazy look at that oh my that looks insane get really really close to it get really really it’s like blowing it away and

Then blowing it onto me look how look at the difference in color it started off like a like a grayish color so basically right the reason why the flame is staying a light because of the fan that is going look up real quick there’s a fan going right now so it’s keeping the

Flame Al light because it’s blowing its air onto it and it’s moving the fire from one particle to the other so when the fire is moving one particle to the other it ignites the other particle and it keeps the Chain Reaction going so therefore it lit everything in this one

And now it moved over to this one now it’s lighting everything on a fire see like when you do like that it’s all lit already and so it’s it’s just going to keep going until all of them have lit on fire in Minecraft you may stumble across

Some slimes and when you kill those slimes they drop slime balls now I found the actual recipe for making a real slime let’s just say there’s a bunch of warnings telling you not to make this for a reason and so in order to make Minecraft slime or Minecraft slime like

Balls in real life the first thing you need is Elmer’s Glue so we’re going to use this Elmer’s glue in a very specific way right all we’re going to do is just take the top off and then we’re just going to pour the entire thing into a

Bowl okay so make sure you have your Elmer’s Glue a bowl just pour it all in doesn’t matter you’re pouring the whole thing inside there we go perfect perfect so now that we have our glue inside in order to make the Slime we’re going to

Add a little bit of a green dye to make our slime balls or just the next thing we’re going to add is shaving cream on top of this so in order to break the top off of shaving cream you take the top off like that and then you shake it and

Then you you get a little bit of on top it’s supposed to look like a little bit of like a pie the next thing you need is your borax so you’re going to take the borax and you’re going to pour one tablespoon inside uh right here we’re

Going to just you know once you have your teaspoon you’re going to pour it inside now the water should be a little bit warm so it’ll dissolve it a little bit now mix The Borax inside of the water your one tablespoon and while this is dissolving here you’re going to mix up

Your little concoction that you have your a little green soup with a little bit of whipped cream on top so you’re just going to kind of Stir It Up a little bit the greenness this is the slime block and the slime ball in real life and now that you have your green

Whipped cream we’re going to add the water and borax on top of it okay here we go we’re going to pour a little bit on top very nice and now we’re going to mix it up a little bit here we go we’re going to we’re going to grab it so now we’ve made

Ourselves oh look at that it started off as like what whipped cream Elmer’s Glue something like that look at that oh ew it is the weirdest texture of all time get really close get really close let me get really close to the mic too so you guys can hear it

And in order to make a slime ball we need to keep mixing it together so don’t we’re not done yet this isn’t the end this isn’t a slime block in or slime ball in real life it’s pulling the red color off of my fingers from the elephant toothpaste and it’s adding it

Like look at that there’s a little bit of red in there on top of it right now this is insane we added a bit more green to it make it about the right color and now we have our green slime ball in Real Life Look at that imagine in Minecraft you’re

Holding the a slime ball this is what you’re picking up in real life that’s kind of crazy if you think about it look at that look at that that’s disgusting on slime blocks you can bounce um so we’re going to test that theory real quick okay here we go

Ready so when you jump in Minecraft you should be able to bounce off of it what can you throw it and catch it ready no in Minecraft there’s a command that you can use to make any mob levitate this is the same kind of effect you get if you

Get hit by a Sher shell and we’re going to use the laws of physics to make this happen in real life and so we’re going to be making Minecraft levitation potion in real life and all you need is a simple box we have an Amazon box here

And then we have scissors okay and also on top of scissors you need a magnet and then string and one more thing just wait just wait just wait you need paper clips we have giant paper clips here to show you guys exactly how to make a levit levit levo levitate levitation potion in

Real life okay so what you need to do when you have the box you can just rip off the top just have as we have here so you can see the inside the next thing you’re going to do is you’re going to grab out one of the paper clips we have

Giant paper clips here as you can see to the size of my face I’m 7′ 6 as you guys can tell and now what you’re going to do is you’re going to take your string that you have and you’re going to measure it to just about the halfway point of this

Box right here so I’m just going to rough cut it honestly I’m just going to shoot in the dark get that string off me we’re going to cut it right about there and then as as you can see it’s just about honestly you can go a little bit

Above cuz the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to break a little hole in the bottom right here and then once you have this hole in the bottom you’re going to stick the string through the bottom and once you have your hole and

You stick the string inside of it then it should come out the other side and at the bottom end this is the bottom this is where it’s all going to sit on the the counter itself you’re going to create a little knot so that it doesn’t

Go through the other side a little knot right there so that when the string pulls it gets stuck you’re going to tie the pap paper clip to the end just right here just like so and now that you’ve tied it it should just kind of float you

See how right below it’s just like that all you’re going to do leave your paper clip down and now you take your magnets that you’ve bought and you’re just going to place them on top then you take your Minecraft levitation potion boom there we go levitation potion in real life you

See that there’s nothing right here right you just let go it’s floating it’s literally floating look at that it’s going over it it’s floating Minecraft le levitation po potion bro give me a magnet okay put a magnet on my back and then put a magnet in the sky and fly why

Can’t I just fly look at that look bro are you kidding me right now that’s just crazy that’s just look at that is it moving is it flying dude this is like an elytra in real life this is an elytra in real life show what elytra looks like in

Minecraft this is what I’m doing right now a Minecraft Compass what if I told you you could make a compass for under 10 cents in real life and in order to make a compass a Minecraft compass for that matter in real life it’s just a

Compass at the end of the day so to make it super cheap instead of using your phone or buying one off Amazon all you need is a magnet a sewing needle and then a cork screw and right here we have a bowl of water that we’re going to put

Inside of and this should always point the North or South Direction which is exactly like Minecraft and so what you need to do first is take the cork screw and then you go like this and you’re just going to cut a little sliver off the end right here so you’re just going

To get in there get your knife in there and uh and just like that there we go we have the end of the cork screw that will keep it aoat so that it will tell us the right direction just like Minecraft it leads you to your bed so theoretically

This right here should lead us to our bed and the next step in the process is to take one end of this little needle right here and you’re going to tap it 50 times using one end of the magnet okay so we’re going to go like this 1 2 3 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and now once you’ve done 50 we’re going to flip it to the opposite end of this and we’re going to hit it 50 times like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 48 49 50 now that we hit it 50 times

We’re going to put it through the end of the cork screw which is right here and now you put the needle inside of the cork screw sideways just like this and now that we’ve done both sides all we have to do is just set it in a bit of

Water just like so and it should theoretically point to North which if we put it up right this is a phone that has both North and South pointed and if we point it yo wait a second wait a second wait a second okay wait a second wait a

Second North is that way south is that way wait a second we made an actual compass wait a second this is the cheapest Compass I’ve ever seen in my life this needle right here was maybe 5 cents that cork screw was 2 cents 7 cents look it’s perfect perfect yo yo we

Made an actual Minecraft Compass guys that’s all you have to do seriously follow it and you can find your bed in Minecraft this is insane this is absolutely insane subscribe this here is a man-made lava flowing Mountain but it can be found just about anywhere in Minecraft just lava flowing all over the

Place now let’s see this in action in real life so that means we’re going to be making lava flowing from Minecraft in real life and all you need is just a little bottle like this we’re going to be using this cuz this is where the lava

Is going to be flowing out it’ll make it a little bit easier to see it visually and for it to go fosh and go everywhere you know what I mean then we’re going to have these this is going to make red color dye or if you just have red dye

That works just as well so what you’re going to do to start is obviously just add a little bit of food dye in there color dye whichever dye you want going add like a couple Spritz in there couple more in here be beep be we’re going to

Add two drops ready now that we have our red dye you need something that you find in every single kitchen hopefully in every single household dish soap um we’re going to add a lot of pumps into this one because we want want a very big explosion we want our lava to go into

The sky even though it doesn’t do that in Minecraft we’re going to make lava flowing pretty intense next you need hydrogen peroxide now this is exactly what you find on the element table this hydrogen hydrogen peroxide HP as it goes by in the scientific term um we’re going

To add all enough to where it’s filled up like halfway just under a little bit under halfway hydrogen peroxide the thing that helps you breathe comes from trees hydrogen peroxide we’re going to add a little bit more there we go and that should be just about enough right

We’re going to stir this up a little bit now that we’ve made our lava concoction now we have to add real life lava which is what we’ve made right here and all we’ve done to make this is add a little bit of water warm it up in the microwave

And then we added instant yeast you have to let it sit for about 3 minutes we’re going to add a little bit more yeast to it it’s uh pretty straightforward but you just pour the yeast inside make sure it’s warm and there you go just let it

Sit for a couple of minutes let it let the concoction brew and then we’re going to pour this inside of each other and it’s going to Boom okay and now all it’s left to do is pour it inside we have people standing outside a safety crew because that’s our number one priority

Here in the Linux laboratory so now all we have to do is just pour it inside ready three two one oh it does work oh yeah look at that come close come close come close look at it it’s still coming off the top yo it smells horrible dude look how it’s completely covering

The entire outside it’s just still going look if I wipe the top off look at that y that’s so cool and you can do this on a bigger scale using that same exact method you just need a lot of all of it this is crazy look at this why is it

Like that why is it like that stinks and now it’s time to do it 100 times the SC scale that we did it in the last one so right here we have our lava and then we have our lava that we’re going to add on top of it okay

This could get really messy I’m a bit worried cuz the other one completely filled the table this is 100 times don’t know how well this is going to work the floor is already dirty so if it gets on the floor it’s fine okay ready three two

One get it all in get it all in there we go go go up there’s no way well it’s flowing it’s lava flowing it’s not very red can we make it more red by adding stuff inside oh that is terrifying it looks like someone died inside of it that is

So SC bro oh my wait that actually looks kind of crazy wait a second okay hopefully it stops there so it doesn’t get on the counter Okay lava flowing needs to stop lava flowing needs to stop get off the top this just looks so crazy

I just got it all over the counter look at my hands bro it’s so fun to mess with Bro Look at that it’s like it’s all no way oh bro nah oh dude my hands are pink bro if you’re one to pay close attention to Minecraft you know that if dirt is next

To a grass block the grass block will basically infect the dirt block and make it also a grass block this is called the capillary action and you can see it in real life in real time so we’re going to do this in real life and you’re probably

Wondering how in the world are we going to make one block go from the other and then just create a bunch of grass blocks all over the place well it’s called capillary action or that’s at least what it says online and I don’t know how true

That is or what it actually means to be honest but we’re going to figure it out together so all you need is a couple of bowls cups whatever you need to hold just a bit of water we we have three bowls here that we’re going to fill with

A bunch of water and right here I have a cup full of water AKA Starbucks for some reason and then we’re gonna fill this up and now all we’re gonna do is just put on each side one color now in Minecraft when you place one grass block right

Here it then puts all the other dirt blocks to normal grass blocks you guys know what I’m talking about so all we’re going to do is we’re going to put on one side we’re going to put a little bit of green blocks just like grass and then

We’re going to Stir It Up make this entire bit of water green and this side green just to show that it gets from one point to the other okay and lastly in the middle we’re going to put a bit of blue now this is going to be the point

That we see where the green comes and meets which is our grass block we’re going to stir the blue water so that we can tell where everything all of the grass and the blue is going okay so now that we put that together we’re going to

Take our paper towel this is going to be the telling point of where everything is going so our grass our we’ll say water for now and what we’re going to do is we’re just going to put this together put it inside we can just sit and watch

Now if the the Grass Works how grass would in Minecraft the green and the blue should meet together at this point right here now as I’m feeling like these edges right here how in the world did the water get from here or here to inside of this middle bit I didn’t touch

It or necessarily move it too much to where the water was going into this middle bits it just moved there itself okay apparently it’s called capillary action I don’t know what that means don’t ask me okay I don’t know but it just means that from point to the other

Things move okay so technically we should see the green move to the middle the blue move to the middle as well so I can already feel the water moving which doesn’t make any sense at all so I’m curious to see what the colors look like as you can see the blue is getting

Closer to the Middle look at that the blue is there the Green is right here the Green is right there look it’s all moving closer and closer to the middle okay it’s just getting closer that’s how it works apparently who added Minecraft mechanics to real life who when did this

This update get added I don’t know why when grass was added to Minecraft and then it started went from dirt to grass all over the place and one grass went to other grass how how that doesn’t happen in real life okay why does it happen within paper towels and now even more

Time has passed and as you can see the water has kind of gone all over the place and the colors have met in the middle this is exactly what happens in Minecraft basically what happened is someone updated Minecraft into real life I don’t know what to tell you guys um

Yeah the colors are moving from here to here somehow and gravity doesn’t go that way it goes that way right I mean I don’t know what to tell you guys myth busted subscribe

Level 1 to 100 Minecraft Science Experiments… 10k likes for a part 2 and @Ligeriscool will be my assistant.

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  1. lynix if you piked up that thing that can create fire and spining your hand it will be very nice its better at night (sorry i cannot talk right english because im from morroco)

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