EVERYTHING You Need to Know About the SLIME HUTCH | Passive Money-Making in Stardew Valley 1.5!

The Slime Hutch can be bought from Robin  for the price of 10,000 gold, 500 stone,   10 refined quartz, and 1 iridium bar. After the hutch is built, Marlon will visit  you and give you your first slime egg,   and from now on all green, blue, red, purple,  

And tiger slimes now have a 1% chance  of dropping an egg of their color. But how exactly are slime hutches  going to make us any money?  You would think that maybe killing them for their  high-valued eggs and other drops would result in  

Some cash, but after killing 300 of each of  the slimes to see what each kill was worth,   well I’ll save you some time and just  let you know this isn’t worth it. So let’s look to another means  of profiting from a slime hutch.

Your hutch will produce one slime ball  overnight for every five slimes that live there.  So, if you have 4 slimes, you won’t produce any,   but as soon as you get that fifth  one, you’ll start making one per day. You make profit off of these slime  balls because when you harvest them,  

They produce an average of 15.1  slime, as well as 0.5 petrified slime. Slime on its own can be sold for 5 gold apiece,  but if you put 100 slime into the slime press,   it will produce one of these 4 slime eggs.

Side note: I wanted to know if the wiki’s  data was up-to-date with the 1.5 update,   and after looking in the code, it turns  out these drops rates haven’t changed,   and as such there’s no chance  of getting a tiger slime egg.

Still though, because of how much these  eggs are worth, we’ll be able to make a   pretty penny by turning the slime we get from  the slime balls into eggs and selling them. Since there’s a maximum of 20 slimes per building,  

You can get up to 4 slime balls per day, but  only if there’s enough water in the troughs.  But that won’t be an issue because as of  the 1.5 update, sprinklers can now be used   to fill the water troughs in your slime  hutch without you needing to do anything.

This is the exact reason that slime hutches are  actually worth having now; no one wanted to deal   with watering their slime hutch every day just to  make less money than you could by planting some  

Crops there, but now you can leave it alone for  a week or more and rack up some passive income! So then, let’s talk about how exactly to do this. Hey if this video ends up helping you  out leaving a like helps it do a lot  

Better on YouTube, and if you’ve liked a  few of my things, consider subscribing.  I also stream live at twitch.tv/unsurpassablez  and I would love to have you there. I should also say that it’s possible to  raise slimes outdoors using the incubator,  

But since they won’t produce any slime  balls outside, we won’t be looking at that.  We’re going to eventually want 20 slimes, and when  dealing with so many in close quarters, it becomes   very helpful to have the slime charmer ring. Although it’s not necessary, when you wear it,  

It will prevent slimes from hitting you and it’ll  help you out a ton while you’re setting things up.  To get it, you need to complete  the Monster Eradication goal in   the Adventurer’s Guild by killing 1000 slimes. This is a little tough, but like  I said, this isn’t a requirement,  

Only something to save you a headache. Although filling the troughs with water  is a requirement to produce slime balls,   the slimes don’t need to be able to physically  get to the trough to still do their job.  This means you can fence them in anywhere  you want to where they’re out of the way. 

Plan out where you want your slimes to be,  and either corral your existing ones to that   spot and trap them with fences, or start fresh  and have your perimeter enclose the incubator. You can make more of these incubators if you  want to, but I don’t think it’s necessary.

It can be nice to have a double  set of gates to gain access to   the pen so that slimes can’t accidentally escape. Slime ball production has nothing to do  with what kind of slimes are present,   and I haven’t found any benefit to having  a particular kind of slime in the hutch,  

So you can just use 20 of  whatever kind makes you happy. You can either put slime eggs into the slime  incubator to get your 20, or you can wait   for them to repopulate naturally to fill up. Slime eggs take 3 days and 6 hours to hatch,  

But if you have the coopmaster profession,  they will only take 1 day and 15 hours. If you want them to reproduce you  need at least one male and one female,   and as you can see the males  have this little antenna.

I had an issue for a while in my own  hutch where I would have to go into   the pen to retrieve the produced slime  balls, but there’s a way around this.  Slime balls won’t spawn where there’s  flooring, so all you need to do is place  

Flooring down within the pen to prevent  you from ever needing to enter the area.  Like we said, we’ll want the troughs  to be filled up via sprinklers,   so either place 1 iridium sprinkler towards  the middle, or use multiple smaller ones.  That’s all that’s necessary, but  if you want to step your game up,  

You can house the slime presses  that we talked about here,   as well as a chest to hold your slime  charmer ring, slime, and petrified slime. There’s also a random event where the witch flies  over your slime hutch and turn all of the slimes  

Into black or transparent ones, but if you want to  prevent that you can place a wicked statue inside. Once you’ve set all of this up, you  should be able to just leave your slime   hutch alone for around a week at a time,  stopping in only to collect your rewards. 

So how much money can you expect to make  from having a slime hutch? Well you get 4   slime balls per day and each of those produce  15.1 slime, giving you 60 slimes per day. This is equivalent to six tenths of a slime egg,  

Since you need to put 100 slime  into the slime press to get one. If we take a weighted average of the prices and  rarities of the different kinds of eggs you can   get out of the press, we see that the average  slime egg is worth right around 1500 gold.

Six tenths of an egg per day at 1500 gold per egg   reveals that we can expect to make 908  gold every day from our slime hutch. When we factor in the extra  petrified slime that we get,   we can see that it’s actually  closer to 991 gold per day.

Is this the fastest money-making method? No. But the flexibility of only having  to check it every once in a while   makes it worth having on your farm if  you want a more passive means of income.  Sure, we could instead use that space to grow  starfruit and make around 1.8 times more profit,  

But this game isn’t always  about being 100% optimal.  I think that if you want the full  Stardew Valley farming experience,   you should have a little bit of everything  on your farm, so why not have a slime hutch? But if you’re a hyper-efficient machine  when it comes to playing this game,  

Put some kegs or preserves jars  in there and call it a day. I truly hope this video was helpful for you   guys and I wish you luck on your  slime hutch journey in the future. Thank you guys for all the support lately  and I will see you guys in the next video. Peace.

Thanks to the Stardew Valley 1.5 update, the slime hutch is now a very valid means of collecting passive money on your farm! In this video, we go over everything you need to know about the slime hutch, from how to unlock it, to how its set up, and finally to how much money you can expect to make. If you’ve got any more tips, make sure to share them in the comments!

Brandigan’s Slime Hutch Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p3bwkuyDN4&t=1s

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0:00 Unlocking the Slime Hutch
0:19 How Can It Make Money?
1:59 Getting Your Slimes
3:12 Optimizing Your Slime Hutch
3:55 How Much Money?
4:58 Outro

Music from ConcernedApe

Edited by UnsurpassableZ

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