There Will Never Be a Minecraft Exploit This Powerful AGAIN.

12 hours that’s how long this once in a decade Minecraft exploit lasted an exploit of such a scale that likely won’t ever occur in Minecraft’s history again you’ve heard of Minecraft exploits before loopholes within the game or certain server plugins that allow you to dup crash the game and server or just do

Things you aren’t meant to do but these exploits pale in comparison to the most powerful exploit of them all Force op exploits this story of an exploit where you only needed two chests to destroy any Minecraft server completely an exploit which effectively allowed players to log onto any Minecraft server

And gain full admin and op permissions in mere minutes giving them ultimate and unlimited power it worked to do I just set the spawn to air as they please there has not been anything comparable to truly understand the magnitude of this exploit we need to First explore the hierarchy of Minecraft

Exploits in general and since we are investigating the damage that plugins and exploits can have on Minecraft servers it’s very important if you’re looking for plugins that you should always buy or download them from a trusted Source that’s why I’m glad that this video has been sponsored by built

By bit the largest Marketplace for Minecraft assets trusted by hundreds of thousands of server owners since 2014 every resource on built by bit is extensively checked before approval to save you from installing malicious or broken content that can lead to D server destroying exploits along with plugins they also have categories for builds

Models and even entire server setups so you can start your own server with just a few clicks I’ve personally used them to find plugins for my very own server before check it out by clicking the link in the description at the most basic most common are lowlevel local exploits

Minecraft exploits which affect very Niche or specific game functions and plugins on Minecraft servers or within the game itself you can think of these as game mod or plug-in bugs that lead to unintentional and potentially advantageous behavior in game for example the bug in vanilla Minecraft

Where you can see through walls while in F5 mode or where Pigmen drop XP despite being killed by the environment not the player or for example on my server where players were able to destroy blocks at spawn due to a plug-in bug like I mentioned these are ultimately bugs at

Their core and either pose very low risk of doing any harm or are barely advantageous in the slightest you have all likely experienced such exploits before they aren’t anything special and are normal in all games outside of Minecraft as well but then we take one step up to duplication exploits many of

You have heard of duplication exploits before methods of multiplying items Beyond feasible attainability duplication exploits are rare but not that uncommon multiple dup exploits are found every month but that happens to also be their downfall as well somewhat common in comparison to their power duplication exploits are also extremely

Limited there’s only so much you can do with duplicated items at the end of the day especially because many dupes only work on specific items or in very specific scenarios that’s where crash exploits enter next taking a further Step Up in power evident by their name crash exploits are methods of forcing a

Server to crash through various techniques such as sending too many packets or data to a server or obtaining items and entities containing insane data that the server cannot process amongst much more crash exploits tend to be rarer than duplication exploits but also tend to be more powerful taking

Down an entire server is no small feat after all but crash exploits are also extremely limited once again you can take down the server sure but that’s it and it will only be a matter of time before that exploit is patched rendering any damage done now and void and that’s

Normally where this little hierarchy of Minecraft exploits ends you can’t really go further up than duping and crashing exploits beyond that don’t really exist or are so Niche and isolated that they might as well not exist the only way a more powerful exploit could exist is if

You somehow gained the level of power you should never be able to get at the very top of the hierarchy of Minecraft exploits in terms of power and Rarity virtually non-existent are what’s known as Force op exploits a force op exploit is a Minecraft exploit where a player forcibly gains server operator status

Without the server’s actual operators and admins knowing in practice that’s often either SL op admin permissions or somehow beyond that console access all permissions which should be restricted to only a handful of extremely trusted individuals with server operator status you can effectively do anything on a server the potential for Devastation is

Unlimited but with great power comes exceedingly great Rarity in fact up until this point in the entire history of Minecraft there has never actually existed a true Force op exploit this isn’t the most most powerful force op exploit ever this is the only Force op exploit ever ignoring the YouTube

Clickbait a true Force op exploit where you can hop onto any server big or small and gain full access to operator powers in mere minutes is simply something that requires far too much to go wrong to ever logically be possible or rather should require far too much to go

Wrong just like our so-called hierarchy of Minecraft exploits there also exists a hierarchy or what we’re going to call a pillar of force op exploits with true Force op exploits the most powerful and rare of them all yet to actually exist to this day sitting at the very top

Beginning at the bottom are vanilla Force op exploits these are Force op exploits which only work in the vanilla game or more specifically on entirely vanilla Minecraft servers the last time a decently known vanilla Force op exploit existed was 2014 almost 10 years ago during Minecraft 1.8 where due to an

Oversight Mojang allowed any player to execute any command from command blocks on servers this allowed hacked clients to create command blocks with stored NBT data that could op players and much more that could be activated through a dispenser a feature which had to be patched out and never returned to the

Game since vanilla Force op exploits are for the most part entirely useless nowadays because almost no notable Minecraft server runs vanilla server software due to its abysmal performance opting to use modified server software known as spigot or paper instead moving up the pillar one step we have plug-in

Specific Force op exploits and back doors basically these are Force op exploits which can occur due to oversights in specific Niche server plugins or with plugins that have been manipulated to contain secret functions that allows malicious players in the no to execute commands at a console level

I’m sure you all know the 2b2 backdoor stories now while both of these exploits sound powerful the issue is that they are never globalized in the slightest localized to Niche specific servers or just one one single server overall they almost never cause widespread issues because the plugins and thus exploit

Aren’t widespread enough as such these tend to be isolated once off type incidents moving another step up the pillar is where things get serious here are Force op exploits in server software like spigot or paper effectively these are oversights or bugs within the custom server software’s code or vanilla

Minecraft’s code which the custom server software does not prevent that can be manipulated in gamees somehow the information on how many of these have existed in the past is extremely conflicting as they tend to be patched very quickly before anybody malicious comes across them anyways as far as is

Known publicly there has only been one major instance of such an exploit in Minecraft’s almost 15 years of existence an exploit in 1.8 where signs could be created with custom NBT data this allowed hack clients to play signs with commands to op players that could be executed by anybody including random

Players through a simple right click such an exp exploit was promptly patched and due to the exploit occurring way back in 2014 it was never that widespread I made a video about it here if you are curious furthermore other server plugins often interfere with such forceop exploits so they are extremely

Inconsistent regardless there has arguably never been a forceop exploit as powerful since well that is until now stepping up to the very top of the pillar we finally arrived at the mythical true Force op exploits a true Force op exploit is an exploit which you can expect to work on majority of

Minecraft servers in existence specifically the bigger more notable ones now unlike all the other levels of forceop exploits we’ve talked about true forceop exploits don’t take a specific form or function all that’s needed for a true forceop exploit to be labeled as such is for it to be widespread and

Feasibly reproducible sounds easy right well that’s where you are wrong in order for such a force op exploit to exist so many prior conditions have to be met first of all there has to be a plug-in or server software or just something in general that is present on and used by

Almost all big servers which the exploit is hidden away in this is already extremely difficult because any of the small selection of plugins that are so widely used also are extensively tested because they are used by so many people and pushed to their limits every single day therefore absolutely gamebreaking

Bugs almost never exist in these plugins or are patched before anybody knows what’s up second of all the exploit has to be feasibly executed suable it’s no use if the four swop exploit requires creative mode 300 players online at the same time lagging the server intentionally or other unattainable

Features to execute it needs to be relatively easy to execute by players otherwise it might as well just not exist third and finally somehow the exploit has to be found by players and malicious actors long before server owners and plug-in developers which almost never happens as the former know

The plugins infinitely better than any player does combining all these conditions together together makes it so the existence of a true forceop exploit is astronomically difficult to obtain and has yet to be found it worked the entire existence everyone’s owner of Minecraft I see you don’t have up here

Working on the so somehow I going to get into the G oh my God uh I guess I mean yeah I don’t know what you’re doing exactly but yeah I guess I mean I got enough X try one more guess other chest many checks there is not and on

The dude okay no way this works it works I got it okay wait hold on I want you to go try this exact thing on my server right now yeah we use Vulcan we do yes we use V nothing’s happening yeah no I thought it wouldn’t work on wait what if that

Worked I would have like that’s like because you realize that basically every like server uses Vulcan this one and this one and yeah I know yeah it must be something to with the default config I mean yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah on your server it’s called it’s called OG

Anti Che like that then this oh my God how you’re kidding wa that actually works okay pause what the hell is going on well you see on January the 22nd a minecra Hacked Client showcase Channel uploaded a now unlisted video called disable Vulcan 2.8.3 anti-che basically in the video

The player can open up an administrator only settings GUI by renaming two chests what you are looking at here is the GUI of the anti-che plugin known as Vulcan to explain a Minecraft anti-che plugin is a plug-in designed to well prevent cheating it’s like a Minecraft server version of vac valerant Vanguard easy

Anti-che like hypixels watch dog it’s meant to prevent players from hacking and all public Minecraft servers have one now how they actually work is very very technical there’s a good video by Intel edits explaining it but too crudely summarize whenever you are on a Minecraft server your client sends

Packets or information to the server telling the server what you are doing for example if you move forward it will send a packet to the server saying you’re moving forwards anti-cheats work by checking these packets sent by players to determine if they are doing things that are not possible in vanilla

Minecraft for example moving to fast or reaching too far that’s a very basic summary and these anti-cheats have dozens if not hundreds of these checks perfect it’s easy to detect players who are cheating then right well the issue is that there’s a lot more variables at Play Here For example players have

Different forms of movement the player’s ping or latency can vary the server itself could be running behind or lagging and so so much more therefore finding a balance where these anti-che checks aren’t too strict to the point that they falsely ban players or to two lacks where cheaters can bypass them is

Exceptionally difficult and the reason why players can still hack and cheat on servers if they find the right settings ultimately it’s impossible to find the perfect balance there are either going to be false banss or players bypassing the anti-che in general servers tend to choose the latter rather a few extra

Players cheat then innocent players get false banned after all this has led to the market for Server anti-che being extremely competitive and controversial as finding an anti-che able to be configured to be decently balanced proved difficult for a few years there was no real go-to anti-che a variety

Existed with their own strengths and weaknesses no cheat plus anti Ora and one being a popular anti-che released in 2016 known as Spartan anti-che however over time many of these anti-cheats fell short stopped being updated or hacked clients created bypasses 4 you can see how the reviews for antiche such as

Spartan anti-che are abysmal once you get past the first page with players complaining of false bands leading up to the point where in late 2020 a new anti-che known as Vulcan would release and rapidly became the most popular amongst servers Vulcan was good really good it would be an understatement to say that

Vulcan anti-che has a monopoly virtually any sizable public server uses it if they don’t have their own custom anti-che already which is extremely rare it is a plugin which is present on most notable Minecraft servers in fact Vulcan got so popular that the developer of Spartan anti-che attempted to threaten

The developer of Vulcan anti-che with a lawsuit for supposedly encouraging harmful messages and reviews targeted at Spartan which the Vulcan developer denied and then gave out free copies of Vulcan to any individuals who are using Spartan in retaliation the developers of Pera the server software most big

Servers use as well have even had some Choice words to say about Spartan’s developer claiming the plug-in is the heaviest most resource intensive anti-che there is long story all you have to know is that Vulcan is very popular now widely regarded as the best publicly available anti-che and is used

By the majority of Minecraft servers with players it is widespread okay but returning back to that video what happened well the GUI the player has opened is a special administrator only settings GUI where you can configure the checks Vulcan anti-che has for example turning on and off the check for an auto

Clicker this is a super restricted GUI not even server moderators can access it only those who have full server permissions like admins somehow the player was not only able to access it simply using two rename chests but could also configure it and disable every single anti-che check basically turning

The servers anti-che off entirely allowing anybody to cheat freely this is an immensely powerful exploit and one which is so bizarre in its nature that it doesn’t quite seem real but the craziest thing about this exploit which the video uploader and the handful of viewers in the comments at the time

Didn’t realize was that there was a significantly more powerful exploit hidden here right in plain sight make sure to subscribe by the way if there’s ever an exploit comparable to this one again you want to make sure you don’t miss it no pressure so you’re going to

Set the command to execute and op you basically yeah set punishment command so I just set it to op yourself okay it flagged it it flagged it okay let me pardon you again here and let’s doc oh my god it worked that’s insane this isn’t the most powerful forceop exploit ever this is

The only forceop exploit ever you see if you have access to the Vulcan anti-che GUI not only can you enable and disable all of its checks but you can also do something much more deadly in order for the anti-che to actually ban the player you have to set it up to execute a

Command once a certain number of flags is reached you can set this command to anything you’d like what’s happened here was that we made it so the check for K AA when flagged which is activated when somebody begins to use K AA obviously would EX execute a command to op us so

Whenever any player on the server set off that specific anti-che flag Vulcan runs a command to op whatever player we wanted oh look it actually says in the console yeah it works yeah okay so what it did is I set the command to op me and

Then par me immediately after oh it un you unbanned yourself yeah and astonishingly it worked somehow with just two chest and an anvil any player could hop onto my Minecraft server og- and make themselves up in mere minutes but how how does this work and why this makes so little sense it’s

Just two rename chess after all why is such an exploit possible well a few things have gone wrong here the reason this worked in the first place is because when the inventory is opened an event in the code occurs called inventory click event where the plug-in checks if the current opened inventory

Chest or any in-game storage DUI has the same name as the one in the config if it does then it will fill that GUI with the Vulcan anti-che gui’s contents the first mistake here was that the plug-in didn’t check if the player had the right permissions to actually open that GUI

Like being op or having admin not only did it fail to check within the inventory click event if the player had permission to open the GUI but it also failed to check for the players permissions when filling the inventory with the gui’s items that might sound

Like a very Noob thing to do but I’ve been told that managing custom inventories of Minecraft plugins is very annoying and confusing as all inventories like a player’s inventory don’t inventory or chess inventory trigger the same inventory click event so it can be hard to make sure it’s your

Custom inventory being opened not another the plugin still should have checked permissions on the click event however which would have prevented this but then the second issue was that there were no permission checks upon configuring the anti-che flags allowing players with no permissions to open such a sensitive GUI is one thing but

Actually letting them configure the plugins Flags without checking if that player has permission to do so is pretty bad if just one of these two oversized had a normal commission based check in place which they should have then this never would have been an exploit in the

First place but alas here we were currently witnessing potentially the most powerful Minecraft exploit to ever exist the first and probably last true forceop exploit Minecraft would ever see and now it was time to see with our own eyes if this exploit actually worked on some of the game’s biggest and most

Popular servers and we need a we need to get an anvil I think I I’m just to scary get on the X-ray boy all right I’ve got tons of chest so we can try stuff here’s the Anvil okay Vulcan anti and then manage space checks okay and then I put

The Vulcan antiche down first click on the other chest in your inventory okay then doesn’t look like it works then so normally you just have to like click it to open it right yeah okay so this one doesn’t work here I mean I might try a few different names though wait so why

Isn’t it working well if you recall earlier it didn’t work the first time on my server either but then we changed the name of one of the chests and it worked again for this exploit to work you have to rename the two chests to the same names as the Vulcan anti- ggis by

Default that means these two chest have to be named Vulcan anti-che the same as the name of the default Vulcan menu here and then manage checks the name of the item option which opens a GUI where you can actually edit the anti-che checks but servers don’t always have these guis

Named as default on my server it was in fact renamed from Vulcan anti-che to OG anti-che and as such we had to change the name of the chest for the X to work I reckon it’s best to let you just try newer smps I feel like the more

Established so was the less likely to have it working yeah that’s probably true and this is where things got tricky while on my server I could open up the guy and check its name on other servers where Vulcan was in fact present but had been renamed we had to basically take

Educated guesses in order to open it easier said than done these servers could have literally named it anything and this case sensitive after trying and failing on both netherite Dogg and MC complex we decided to to try another server Insanity craft do we have the

Iron yet yeah I I got the iron all x-ray works here we can just get some coal real quick here come here come here come here I got I got XP come here come down here you can get easy XP from Co okay so we’re going Vulcan anti cheat we going to

Try manage checks all right so we got the Vulcan anti-che doesn’t seem to work now does not work uh we can try a few where else would it be we can try Insanity craft anti- Che I guess maybe they just named it something simple gets banned it says

The name of the anti it’s called Insanity AC okay Insanity AC Place Insanity AC chest I’m going to hop on Insanity CRA doesn’t seem to work I mean I got enough XP I can try one more I guess why not or maybe it’s inside the anti oh yeah the

Full word okay I’ll try that might as well yeah because it’s case sensitive as well there’s so much it works it works it works I got it I got it I got it it’s a Insanity space insanity space anti Che capital a Capital C oh my God I have it

In under 10 minutes of joining Insanity craft a server which gets over 300 players daily we had managed to guess the name of insanity Craft’s antiche and access the Vulcan anti-che GUI now it was time to see if we could truly get up I can see all their checks literally

Everything disable I can disable everything I can enable everything yeah I can do it op I’m going to try duper I’ve got it on auto clicker I’ve got hacks on Pardon and op are set yeah don’t don’t do auto it’s all right fly around fly around oh a c doesn’t work

Yeah oh dude boat Fly jup Boat fly that just work easily I’ll try boat fly totally totally totally you try both fly B I’ll try both fly a no that’s got that’s by default oh I just got kicked Haack detected yeah turn off F before you obviously yeah no I don’t have

Access to I don’t have access to no but I got I I got I got what you do where are I mean oh I just got banned I got banned I think they can see cuz we’re flagging the antiche like crazy wait try autof slban just I just want to

See it oh my God you actually can oh no no no these are the social oh you can see them yeah oh you can see the SL messages no I still I still don’t have didn’t work for me I just got banned Again by the way click I click oh I got

Banned yeah oh investigation oh they want to know how you did it so while one of us managed to force up it didn’t seem to work for anybody else it was inconsistent this is not good enough as I mentioned earlier for this to be a

True Force op exploit we need to find a way to execute it consistently I spent another 15 or 20 minutes trying it with various different flags with no success the mods and staff also seem to be alert that something was a foot likely since I kept flagging the anti-che so it wasn’t looking

Promising I think they just patched it on here yeah it doesn’t work they just patched it on Insanity craft the Vulcan developer had gotten word of the exploit mere hours after he had gone public to only a small selection of individuals and had released an emergency patch oh I

Think an admin’s watching me right now that’s why yeah no admin’s definitely watching me right now and vanish okay let’s see if we can buy XP bottles that’s our goal right here mob drops no s register oh yeah you can go to the settle go to the settle it’s default

Default I open it I got banned you got banned wait can you yeah I open like I think it B you oh it works and I got instab banned that’s kind of funny they must have patched that pretty fast I think furthermore some servers had got word of

The exploit early and had patched it themselves Banning players who attempted it it would only be a matter of time until the exploit was patched everywhere and I really wanted to to get it to work on at least one server before this potentially once in a lifetime opportunity vanished from our grasp okay

This guy’s being my sugar daddy here juicing me up what server are you on purple prison okay this guy traded me keys for for $2 billion in a last ditch attempt I logged on to purple prison one of the most infamous Minecraft servers in existence containing real money pay

To Wi gambling as well as boofing their play count to drink annoying players into thinking there are more players online than there actually are a very deceptive and unethical technique I’m you need to get XP now as well a player was kind enough to set me up with some

Cash after I gave them some voting Keys a cool 4 billion that’s all ah he just gave me enough money to rank all way up to V so I can get XP okay easy besides being quite deceptive purple prison also happens to be Infamous for having the most alert staff

There is a server considered to be next to impossible to dupon crash or perform any other forms of exploitation if it works you’re going to bistic the chances of such an exploit working on purple prison of all servers is extremely unlikely there would be the last I would

Ever think such a gamebreaking exploit would be present all right what’s up big man it works it works purple oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God actually yes purle prison oh my god it works on purple prison unbelievable not only did

It work but we got to first try with the default name mere minutes after joining the server I don’t I don’t have one D the mod’s online by the way don’t do anything these the mods act super fast on This Server he went offline the mod went offline probably in vent he

Probably watching us so do not do anything yeah probably put it to up all three of us in want go oh the mods online by the way be careful don’t do anything right now just wait just wait is it the same mod or is it different

One kill Ora might be a reliable one dude probably SC but there is scareful check so yeah it’s black no I don’t have no I let’s try timer can’t really lose anything at this point I’m just going without screening it worked we oh my God I’m admin oh I’m operator

I’m operator on now I don’t take issue with payin servers but what I do dislike is unethical monetization techniques like gambling as well as deceptive strategies like fake server play accounts purple prison had it coming and oh boy did that chatter right I just killed everyone I just killed everyone

Yeah I just killed everyone he yeah let’s let’s oh oh my godone dead everyone how do I give oh my god oh look at the chat look at the chat oh wait what’s the command E I gave everyone 999 million or something I spam gave a lot of people 9 million I gave

Everyone Bedrock I gave everyone Bedrock I gave everyone bedrock in the server I give everyone barriers as well oh I just set the spawn to air set the whole spawn B to barrier I think it’s crashed though I think it’s gone everyone’s owner everyone’s owner the whole server’s owner oh oh my god

Dude oh no we’re going to have to sensor this video now everyone’s at oh I see she’s teing everyone to the middle someone keeps teleporting everyone to SP dude the server is lagging yeah the whole server is admin guys everyone has full permissions oh my

God what is going on this is insane oh someone stop the server someone figured out you can stop the server it’s gone oh my God that is that is insane it was only a matter of time until somebody decided to type SL stop now we could have done a lot more damage

With this exploit because you see the commands executed by vulcan’s checks actually execute through the console at a level above even operator status the cherry on top of this once in a decade exploit that only makes it even more powerful with console level access you can well effectively do close to

Anything it’s absurd what I’m trying to say is that if we really wanted to do real damage we very well could have but we decided not to because that’s personally alone I don’t want to cross I did in fact DM purple prison staff and server owners the fix to the exploit as

Soon as the server went down and in only 20 or 30 minutes they were back online again with everything fine and only a minor roll back you’re welcome the players seem to enjoy it as well as this kind of stuff has never really happened to purple prison or really many other

Servers before I really wanted to demonstrate to you guys the possibilities of this exploit to really make it clear just how powerful and once in a lifetime it is not to actually destroy the surface although it would be nice if they did at least stop spoofing their Play account regardless the

Exploit is now entirely patched and the GUI has been removed from the plugin entirely and won’t make its return it’s likely there will never be a true Force up exploit of this magnitude again I hope you all enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for Watching

A minecraft exploit of a magnitude so powerful it’s almost unbelievable.

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0:00 – Intro
0:55 – The Minecraft Exploit Hierarchy
5:22 – Force OP.
10:46 – The Exploit?
14:07 – Vulcan AntiCheat.
16:05 – The Exploit.
17:37 – But How?
19:21 – It Begins
25:04 – Last Ditch Attempt – Purple Prison

Music Used:
1. Discovery – New World Game Soundtrack
2. Realize – Flowing into the darkness
3. Scott Buckley – Decoherence
4. Scott Buckley – Catalyst
5. Scott Buckley – Machina
6. Lemmino – Cipher
7. Lena Raine – Rubedo
8. C418 – Flake
9. Scott Buckley – Escape Velocity
10. Outlandr & Dani King – Dynamiser [NCS Release]
11. C418 – Living Mice

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.



  1. So essentially a Zero-day exploit with root level privileges on any server that uses Vulcan. Thank god the person who found it posted about it lmao

  2. force op is cool but every one can agree that Log4Shell is the most insane exploit being able to take full control of every person's pc with one chat message

  3. Yo its kinda fucked up you didnt put any kind of warning before that absolutely fucked epilieptic seizure inducing visual at 0:52 I'm not even at risk, and it just immedietly hurt my eyes, it's fucking BAD

  4. I'm surprised that clicking items in the admin GUI directly executed code. Whenever I've made a GUI for a plugin, clicking items just runs a command in the background, which then does all the standard permission checks before executing whatever it needs to do.

  5. No hate or whatsoever but the drama part from the vulcan / spartan anticheat were kind out of subject in my opinion. I know you're passionnate about that but like the mental state of the developper of a competitor of the anti-cheat that has an exploit is kinda far fetched imo. Love the work and edit for the rest of the video <3

  6. One of the small to medium Smp that I am a mod/admin/co-owner for but got griefed by the "the mole group" or something like that via the Vulcan exploit on 31/01/2024 around 8:30 pm AEDT.

    We managed to recover within 1-3 ish days after it.

    One of the examples at the 10:24, 17:25 & 28:03 mark by the griefer who did this on the SMP I was on, plus it hits home

    but thx for covering this TheMisterEpic 💜

    Edit: I've shared this with the owner of the server :p

    i know that you wont find this but good luck on the future of ur content <3

  7. I love how Purple Prison finally gets massively wrecked for once. Though its a shame that it didn't get the hammer that it deserves being one of the most unethical MC servers to exist and with the unethical methods being built into the server's foundations. Really wished this was the last and final stand for Purple Prison to finally be taken off of the servers once and for all because Minecraft doesn't need this server with how unethical the server's methods are and how it inflates its player count which deceives everyone of what the actual player count is, making it seem more popular than it really is. If there is ever a miracle where Purple Prison actually fixes itself to be ethical and 100% legit and stops the gambling, then it wouldn't deserve to be taken down, but given it's Purple Prison. That miracle won't ever happen.

  8. I have a potential idea that could figure out any servers anti cheat name you first get a alt and get yourself banned and the anti cheat name would be in the ban message and you use that on another account to unban your alt and give it op

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