What is inside Bingo’s secret base in Minecraft?

Right now you have three seconds to leave your like if you are breathing leave your like and let’s get started with this video we are in a new video today we’re on an adventure in which we’re going to try to find bluey’s secret Bingo base here in Minecraft

We’re in a totally different and super cool new world and as you can see I have quite a few items that I’m going to tell you about below first what we have is a Mario hat which is very cool we also have the mystery Cape Mario’s waterspout

Also which is pretty cool and we have the Spider-Man costume so we can do these things that are cool we also have this Remo Blaster with which we can shoot enemies as you can see and be able to attack them like this little star we’re going to try to attack the Little

Star come on we almost have it Little Star there it is we attacked a little star and well that’s what happens we also have an underwater pickaxe so we can basically mine everything we can and if there’s an obstacle that appears we can break it we also have the Spyglass

To be able to look for Clues to the secret base and what would become Bingo and we also have a little bit of food in case we have to eat something see I want to attack this Turtle okay watch out I attack the turtle come on oops gave me a

Shout let’s see can I throw this oh yeah I can throw it awesome well let’s get started first of all I have an incredible gold coin let’s see I’ve been told that it’s important that it’s night time so we can find Bingo’s secret base so then basically we have to make it

Nighttime first let’s see so what we’re going to do is this we put in here time set night to make it night time and there we have it okay perfect now that it’s night time we’re gonna do the next thing we have the Spyglass which is going to

Help us to be able to look for the essential clues for Bingo the first thing I was told to look for was the following and it was basically something well a yellow colored light underwater so we’re going to try to look for something yellow underwater a light and

We’re going to go from there let’s see what’s that sure it’s like the bluey video remember in Bluey the secret base had like a blue thing underwater well so did bingos and it’s right over there so we have to walk over there in order to find what would be Bingo’s secret base

Let’s see let’s see what this is here what’s that jumping out there oh well Let’s see what is this starbit I got a star bit what is that I don’t know what that is let’s see what are you let’s see okay another star bit I have a lot of Star Bits I don’t know what Star Bits are but okay we’ve got them over here

Let’s move on let’s see there’s a mushroom house let’s go see what’s inside the Mushroom House let’s see I honestly don’t know what to do with this gold coin maybe I can use it to trade with someone or whatever I don’t know but well let’s see will this Cuppa be

Able to well this little thing be able to give me something with this oh don’t attack me okay well he gave me another gold coin perfect let’s go into the part over here let’s see there’s gonna be something strange here let’s see Hello if I jump in here

Can I have something can I have something let’s see what if I break this oh well he gave me a block okay here we have a super Leaf we also have an ice flower and we also have a mushroom okay what if I eat this okay well something

Helps me a little bit what if I eat it let’s see what if I eat this one where is it where’s the leaf did I lose the leaf where was the leaf okay guys I lost the leaf no way look I have a lot of gold coins we’re gonna steal all the

Gold coins because I don’t know what good they’re going to do us they’re going to do some good so I’m going to steal them all and we are going to continue this way let’s see where were the clues we can’t lose the clues but I’ll be extracting us with Mario’s objects

Let’s see oh look oh look I’ve got this oh I’ve got a little tail now unbelievable okay let’s see let’s attack this Koopa quickly let’s see there we attack it with the rainbow Blaster and there we have it let’s see see how the slight load okay let’s see see we are’s

A light underwater and we have to go there using the Mario Kart car so we’re gonna do it in three two one let’s go no okay all right we have to go this way we have to go this way quickly almost no almost there almost almost there post

There close there there’s there and we arrived perfect let’s see there are enemies here let’s finish with all the enemies quickly Let’s see we are on an island but here I don’t see any clue of what could be Bingo’s secret base maybe this tunnel here no where could it

Be let’s see there’s something yellow here but I don’t think it’s anything related to bingo it’s just a fungus let’s see let’s see something here there’s nothing no there’s nothing say I pan up let’s see can’t I fly now with what I’m wearing let’s see I don’t

Think I can fly because look can I do anything with this one no just let’s see with this one I do have only have to decorate I think this a okay this villager is coming up here maybe there’s something up here let’s see is that a

Cloud can I use it oh yes I can use it okay let’s try to fly with this to find some clue or something let’s see see and let’s see we’ll get out of here oh there’s Cloud okay what’s that Bluey what’s blue doing what’s Booey why is blue I go hey

I hope you find bingo thanks Bluey here I’ll give this to you look I’ll give you that and I’ll give you an egg sandwich look so you can eat an egg sandwich an egg sandwich okay you’re not gonna eat it or something Louis really you’re dissing my recipe

Really well from up here we can see there’s the next clue as you can see it leads us to the part over there where that yellow light is okay but before that I want to explore the island a little bit I want to see what’s there and what’s here maybe we’ll find

Something right Louie are you hiding something from me Bluey tell me right now please it’s just that Bluey is so mean to me sometimes okay we’re going to go this way we’re going to go downstairs Careful we’re going to go down this way with this little Cloud this way we’re going to continue and let’s see we’re in here what’s going on okay no we don’t have to save the beds watch out we’re going to attack these Turtles here okay let’s go okay we attack the turtles

And save the bents and with these turtle shells we’re going to well turtle shells sorry we attacked this Koopa oh oh it works see amazing let’s see how much damage will these shells do let’s see oh I attacked the bend no way Ben sorry okay let’s get inside this yellow house

Maybe we’ll find something in here Benz excuse me why can’t you come in what’s going on out of the way Ben’s okay okay oh another Ice Flower another these okay they’re already in the bag because I got it and look another mushroom okay perfect we have lots and lots of coins I

Think I’m going to go back it’s because I have no use for coins and let’s see we also have beds here so we can sleep in case we want to sleep or whatever well we have a secret base here that we can stay in don’t we then don’t we don’t foreign

Do I go with I think I’m going to go with I’m going to go with this one I’m going to turn the leaf because I feel bad about the leaf so we’re going to put the sheet along with your other friends here let’s see here perfect we’re going

To leave all the beds here which is going to be like our secret backup base just in case and we are going to continue here on the island let’s I was very struck by the fact that Bluey was here let’s see can I break this how

Do you break this anyway with one of these tortoise shells or what okay let’s go this way okay careful let’s attack the turtle to see if we can open the mystery block with its shell I don’t see a shell unbelievable okay we’re going to go into this Castle which is when we

Pass a Mario level so okay here’s a carnivorous plant let’s attack it perfect and let’s see we’re going to try to get in here to the castle somehow or other okay we’re here is there something hidden here or something in the castle hello is there anything weird here

There’s nothing weird here anyway why is there a castle and there’s nothing in the castle this is very strange okay well let’s continue over here any way I can refill my water from this thing no right there’s no way I think oh no I wanted to shoot okay what is it what is

This there are flowers here and if I break these flowers do I get something special oh no I just get a regular flower okay well that’s fine okay okay okay okay sway let’s get out of here let’s get out of here very quickly I’m very afraid of lightning to tell you the

Truth so let’s go this way let’s see maybe we’ll find something weird here okay there might be something here I know it I know it yeah hello hello let’s say yellow tunnel over her same old so no no mo Noah it’s always the same always the same

I’m looking for it and I can’t find it and I think oh there you see it that could be it over there okay let’s try to get over there okay let’s say it’s okay say i k k Thai Kate take okay all right let’s go this way maybe

This is it yeah this could be it oh no this is what I put in how sad this is what I put in and I can’t get in here I can’t I just can’t get in here what do I do now how can I get into Bingo’s secret base now it doesn’t make

Come on Koopas die okay good we got him and now we’re going to use their shells to attack this carnivorous plant let’s see will it work oh it works perfect okay look like continue over here maybe we’ll let’s see let’s see let’s see chili you’re not helping oh there come

There’s a yellow tunnel over there maybe it’s there right Charlie you think it’s there let’s see what does it say I do think it’s there I think it’s oh oh look out you’re summoning lightning okay I think it’s up there all right we’re gonna go up there be careful

We don’t get struck by lightning or else we’re in a lot of trouble okay let’s continue this way we attacked this carnivorous plant that is going to hit me okay I think that’s it see I think this is it let’s see it’s protected by a lot of turrets which

Scares me a lot we’re going to try to keep shifting so that the turrets don’t shoot at us otherwise they’re going to shoot at us and it has a lot of hidden cameras let’s see I’m afraid to stop shifting because the moment I do we might get hit by the turrets

What is this oh it’s a red tunnel could you get in here let’s see no okay let’s go shifting okay watch out no no don’t attack me now don’t attack okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay what if I attack the turret with this

Will that work let’s see let’s see like this it doesn’t work okay okay okay it can be shocking we’re gonna be shifting if we’re gonna get shot at we have to be very careful that the turrets don’t shoot at us there are security cameras too we still have to look for the

Perfect entrance to this place we don’t want it to be booby-trapped so we’re going to go quietly this way looking for a secret entrance let’s see this is where the turret is pointed so we’re going to go a little bit behind it okay okay we’re gonna go go like guess

Barefoot wait okay okay okay okay what do you want okay okay sorry I got upset careful I might get shot is there an entrance here something look okay if this video is very supportive let’s go into that secret cave next to the base secret and we’re going to see what’s

Going on and what’s inside so everybody leave a like And subscribe to the Channel with the little bell you already know that so we’re gonna continue over here I’m pretty scared actually but we’re going in okay watch out I’ve got this Koopa shell here okay

Okay let’s do our best and try to get in here what’s that okay I think this is Bandit Bluey and Bingo’s Dad let’s see he’s asleep look z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Sleeping he can’t be poor thing okay let’s see here we have the same thing let’s the Bandit and nothing will happen okay if I give this to Bandit will it work no he doesn’t want to take it anyway thank you and we’re going to try to go

Down this way but this way where could the secret base be let’s look maybe down here under this torch we’re going to break well this campfire let’s break maybe there’s something strange down here let’s see no there’s nothing we just broke Bandits campfire poor thing

And he’s looking at me ugly I think he’s awake now under the beds no no there’s nothing around here either where could he be let’s see can I sleep no I can’t sleep okay careful okay here under the chests can there be anything no there’s nothing here either look okay there’s just

Blocks of dirt okay this is very strange where could the secret base be here no more clues to go on let’s see here’s this see this this there’s a yellow tunnel uh yeah it’s a yellow tunnel let’s see whoa no way whoa okay I almost blew my legs out right now okay let’s

Put this over here okay where are we see what is this place it’s very strange and see what is this is this Marshall from Paw Patrol what’s Marshall doing here and what’s Rubble doing here okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I think we got the wrong secret base we

Into the secret paw patrol base actually I think we oh and come on it’s a little bit hi little Ben come here little Ben look have a loaf of bread you want a loaf of bread I’ve got plenty of these loaves now how about you want a loaf

Rubble how about you want a loaf Marshall I got plenty here I mean it can’t be we’re standing right here in a pretty weird place full of PAW Patrols this doesn’t make any sense why are there so many PAW Patrols here I must have gotten confused it’s Yoshi look hi

Yoshi let’s see would you like some egg bread Yoshi let’s see oh it’s Yoshi look he’s pop pop what is Yoshi doing here so weird why would there be PAW Patrols and Yoshi’s in a secret Bingo base it doesn’t make any sense let’s see let’s continue this way let’s go inside I

Don’t think they like egg breads so I think we’re going to rule that option out put here in the comments if you guys like to eat bread with eggs in it because let’s see apparently nobody here likes it because I cooked them and they still don’t want to eat us really how

Sad this is let’s see let’s see here you have a room to watch movies what is this could this be the secret Bingo base actually it’s very nice it’s also got a PC Gamer’s Room here so you can play games it has a yellow bed

So it might make a lot of sense that it could be the Bingo bed because Bingo is a yellow color like the little yellow orange so maybe it is maybe it is and we’re not making a mistake at this point let’s go to the top and see what we’re

Going to run into okay it can’t be what is this let’s see it’s got food in here it’s got cooking facilities in here it’s incredible it’s a complete face but let’s see Bingo is too small to be able to cook I don’t think I could be cooking

Or maybe chili Bandit and blueby will come here to help her let’s go upstairs cool he’s got a pool what’s going on are We swimming in the pool at the secret Bingo base could it be I mean crazy oops that noise careful huh we hit the bat okay look out

Where is it what was that what was that noise what was that noise oh boss tell me what that noise was oh what’s that see could that be it over there could that be Bingo let’s see watch out or it’s too small yes yes it could be it

Could be the same let’s see come on and there we have it I think it’s Bingo guys let’s go check it out this is my secret base yes guys it’s Bingo and look how tiny it is it’s very tiny and at the end we finally discovered his secret base

It’s really super mega cool it’s awesome I really love it and nothing let’s give her this as a reward look I think you’re gonna like it if you don’t like it I don’t care nobody likes it maybe you do huh look for you so finally made it to the secret Bingo base

We managed to find it after Bandit Bluey and chili gave us a lot of Clues on how to get to this place what I still don’t understand is why he has so many PAW Patrols and Yoshi in his secret base forget to support us here in the

Comments why do you think Marshall and Rubble are here at the secret Bingo base and with nothing more to say here I say goodbye remember to watch all the videos that are popping up on the screen that are great and I’ll see you in the next video bye bye

Join us on this exciting adventure in Minecraft as we discover all the secrets of Bluey’s SECRET Bingo base! ๐Ÿถ Enter this mysterious world and unravel all the puzzles and surprises that Bingo has hidden in their base. Are you ready to explore and find out what’s inside? ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ

If you enjoyed this thrilling exploration, don’t forget to give the video a like, subscribe, and turn on the notification bell ๐Ÿ”” to stay up to date on all Minecraft adventures. Share this video with your friends and let us know in the comments what your favorite part was and what other secrets you’d like to uncover in future episodes. ๐Ÿ’Œ

#Minecraft #Bluey #Bingo #SecretBase #Adventures #Exploration #MinecraftAdventures #Gamer #VideoGames #YouTubeGaming

Tags (Keywords):
Minecraft, Bluey, Bingo, secret base, adventures, exploration, Minecraft Adventures, gamer, video games, YouTube gaming, building, survival, gameplay, fun, friends, surprises, puzzles, mystery


  1. this is overall just lazy. first of all, most if not all of the mods are related to mario, second of all, the voice is just tts, and third of all, the voice doesn't even match what is on screen. it's just like and sub bait.

  2. is bingo ril ๐Ÿ˜…โค๐Ÿ˜‚and a layc bingo ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ข๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰โค๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

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