I Started A New Modded Minecraft World…

Hi Hi man how you doing up there hey so what would happen if you installed too many mods into Minecraft well today me and my friends found out and let me tell you this is too much even for me this was downright stupid also I’m coming to the USA very soon for

My comedy tour if you want to see me Jack manifold and bad linu in person then come to the show it’s the very funny retelling of my life and how I became a billionaire also schlatt and Charlie slams tole have cameos too so I mean come on come on come on the first

Show on March 12th is just over a month away and mate I want to see you there tiets are on sale at Tommy in.com so check it out in the description anyway I joined the server and was immediately greeted by a strange friend hello these things are [ __ ] nasty guys there’s a

Seal on the beach it’s going to die yo thanks no bake is late for the hundred bits thanks Camden Pike for the tier one up man actually he’s reading Subs he is that’s he’s been doing it for the last crab I will fully put you in a prison

You holy [ __ ] he’s not live no you’re just offline you’re farming offline thanks for the two months I actually get a lot of Subs this way and don’t please uh let me keep doing it Mr Easy Peasy thanks for the tier one you get more subs than me mate and I’m [ __ ] live

I’m running away from you I’m actually running I’m running I’m running I’m running from you mate Toby if you want a we could live we could live together but I feel like I’m going to do all the work how do I know that you’re going to also

Do the work well you know haven’t I always proved that before um oh my God I cockroach where no hey honey here here here what the [ __ ] oh God I’ll sa I’ll save you honey see I’m your hero well I guess we have to live together now and and have sex and a

Child okay what the [ __ ] to Becky run into the woods with me Pooky Run let start it this is the dream SMP good ending myself yeah no yeah no no hey hey hey hey hey I can fix you Toby traa dump Toby holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yes yes yes yes him him no

No they called each other Pooky bear a couple of times and I thought I was safer over here I’ll help you with this there you go a what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that you [ __ ] they s you go back away man your hops your hops

My [ __ ] Jack don’t tell anyone I have this tell me I have traa I tra I have trauma I need to talk it through with you okay tell me your tell me you’re a trauma tell you what the [ __ ] Toby I have trauma now are you feeling better

No the therapist doesn’t open with that I’m sorry you’re not feeling better that was awesome give me more I’ll cill you the answer is this way okay what this way though walk and never stop run and never stop right now you’ve got nothing to lose you may as

Well not be here anymore what you told me I should never be here oh wow these look amazing Cuts I said you got nothing to lose and Toby anyone looks amazing Cuts wait are you talking about penis right now anyone looks amazing C so don’t make it don’t so don’t feel

Self-conscious dude the projection coming from you right now is crazy let’s not recall the events of November 9th J it’s you don’t need to bring November 9th let’s not bring November 9th Jack manford’s house 1:00 a.m. that we’re supposed to no no no but we never say

Anything more no drunk so I please so were you you are more drunk you are more gone than me too stone cold so okay that’s it I’m going to go find Jack you build you build you build I’ll be back Jack Jack Jack I don’t think you can

Hear me jack wait Tom Tom wait wait wait Tom I’m on to see boob’s diet I see boobs I eat him hey that’s my joke you just say it louder what Jack I need to ask you a question just confirm to the chat on November 9th at your house at

1:00 a.m. tobo was also very drunk wasn’t he what are you are you telling them about what I think you’re telling them about no no more than that just confirm that too you don’t want me to say what you did no but just confirm that we were very drunk stay in the room

As well what the hell yeah he did a strange thing with Tubba at my house and he made me stay in the room for strange thing with Tubba yeah they made me stay in the room and watch sounds like a bit but it’s not that’s the worst part damn

Tobo backfired on me I’m back tobo yo there’s something I need to do Tom and it’s for your own good as your therapist I need to store you away and never get hurt ever again okay I love that where do I go and I’m building a place to

Store you away right now okay I’ll be back wait what do you mean you’ll be back you can’t leave you could get hurt Pooky bear you could get hurt if you keep making fun of me Toby I’m going to do something Unthinkable what like the

Events of November 10th okay te us up to the hey hey where do you want to go now man I don’t know where you’ve got in the GPS H well on the left here we have the big pink field you got to be careful way is saying there’s a speed up here oh

Wait okay is saying there’s a cop up the road oh yeah cop on our left hey we don’t have anything illegal on us I don’t consent to a search okay I’m a world citizen how are you do how is he doing that he’s having a seizure Jack help I’m having a

Seizure oh my god get him hi Hi man how you doing up there hey you ready for this just wait oh sorry sorry sorry yeah oh no wait no it’s happening A guys it really can’t be that bad I really think [Applause] You I think it’s done no I think it’s done CU if it’s happening to you we need some sort of medication to fix this try thisy this powder and snort it in my work if if it happens one more time I’m going to shoot you you got you got to please oh

No I’m so sorry Jack I’m going to try and give Tom lead poisoning and then get out of this marriage why did you marry that guy anyway he tricked me remember you were there I thought you knew no of course I didn’t know you put on the dress yeah

Cuz he’d already spent like 1,000 quid on the shoe that’s crazy he’s he’s a billionaire realize he’s doing a whole show about how he’s a billionaire right and you could have just I don’t know maybe maybe not married him when we divorce I’ll get half so that’s all that

Matters oh yeah that’s true you didn’t make he didn’t make you sign a prenup I was there m I think he did wait no if you signed a prenup then then it’s his prenup oh no yeah that doesn’t sound good for you actually that sounds actively terrible he said it was a

Waiver for the shoot yeah I’m pretty sure if you signed a document then then it’s it’s him saying you can’t take his stuff and you’re agreeing to that okay well thanks for letting me know manifold legal you treated be better than my husband ever did okay things settled

Down for a bit but it was at this moment a new member of the server arrived hello you’re looking dashy oh thank you thank you mind if I play you a little oh [ __ ] I didn’t know it was that kind of server oh it’s that kind of server

Wa way down lisiana close to New Orleans we’re back up in the woods on the Evergreens let’s go let’s go let’s go holy [ __ ] you gu you guys were so fire on your duet you burnt down the [ __ ] trees what the [ __ ] is burning the village is burning Millions will die

Billions will die billions must die I think Charlie might be a chud cell dude how many [ __ ] ducks are there here that’s a crazy amount of [ __ ] Ducks [Applause] Dude Charlie Charlie Charlie I’m so excited to see you for you got you got a song I mean maybe we can move away from the maybe [ __ ] quiet can I get some [ __ ] quiet please look I don’t have a case of violence against them but Jack manifold Jack

Manifold Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack that’s beautiful oh tongo tongo I figured you’d be here so I wrote a little something for you oh really Tommy in it Tommy in it Tomy in it Tommy in it thanks for invting me here tonight man I I wrote that little something for

You I know it was 40 minutes late just cuz I was working on it but you [ __ ] duck a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well come over here come over here come over here Charlie Charlie Charlie let me send you an image day in Brighton me and Molly found

Something I can solve all the disease Charlie I’m listening this is a real place and it just says we can help with blocked stomach headache skyaa Mal position arthritis infertility PMT anxiety sprain insomnia impotence irregular period constipation stomachal miscarriage sore throat I don’t think I’m going to give these last four shot

Do you think that the Tommy in it song was oddly similar to the Jack manifold song yeah but I’ve not seen it him in like [ __ ] months I figured he you know he taking the time oh my God [ __ ] I don’t know how to tell you that what the [ __ ] just

Happened what the [ __ ] just happened there’s a page two stiff neck eczema IBS back pain stress cough cold sore hay fever frozen shoulder the rest of it if it’s frozen you’ll need to find [ __ ] you’ll need to find someone else but the shoulder we’ve got a guy female urethal

Syndrome woman do you have a urethra and would you like to not anymore we’ve got just the plan for you premature ejaculation we don’t have a plan for that yet but it’s coming soon Virus Infection all of them every virus scrotum ache chest pain there’s one more

Isn’t there you’re ever out with your pals on a weekend the lights are blaring the music’s loud you’re having the time of your life and you just cheer a little too hard why don’t you come here because we can cure whoop what is whoop medical term a loud shout

Tom can I just say I’m so excited to be on the server I could just Charlie no I think you’ve got it I think you no no no let me beat it out of you you know that if you beat a Whooper you become one right that can’t be TR oh

No yeah yeah yeah that can’t be yeah yeah are you having a good time tonight that’s the sound of the police but Charlie you haven’t you haven’t got the flip have you I’ve started getting the flip the check this [ __ ] out I don’t want to do if you see schlat and

You why is everyone panicked cuz you did the whole Jack this this is in Brighton actually only minutes from your house this is a real real shop with this in the window there’s some at the top there’s like bonus ones at the top have you spoted those ones Tom I I haven’t

Wait what what at the top her miscarriage they cure it Jack once that’s done that’s done as far as I know I know think you can fix miscarriage my God they all got it too I don’t got it bro I don’t got it I’m chill why don’t

You play me a song for myself play me a song Wait I’ll sing along I’ll sing along you ready do it okay yeah okay ready 3 2 1 Lord I can change won you fly and free birn cold sore which is again just herpes wait you can’t cure

Herpes yeah they is incurable that’s the whole thing not with that attitude either way you have chest pain and who Jack we have to cure female uretha syndrome it’s gone UND disputed for too long wait apparently Tom if we have the ring of Odin it boosts your max Health

We have to ring OD Jack we have to cure female urea syndrome with the band of Mana look at the new textured block I’ve added yeah it looks silly it looks like dick flesh looks like the Flesh of a pen look at that that stripped log looks

Like dick flesh look like there’s a big [ __ ] sha man I you it really does look like from stream it wasn’t meant to be dick flesh man I feel stupid I actually feel I jack I hate myself I really do Jack every morning I wake up look in

The mirror spit on it and think I don’t deserve any of this sometimes I hope it goes wrong sometimes I hope I just say something that ends it all anyway guys can we have some primes yeah guys how about Subs keep it going Jack sometimes I hate you

So much that I want to blow your brains out I’d rather you didn’t well I won’t but sometimes I really do thanks man for restraining yourself I always do I always have to schlatt’s one minute away from creating duck BG no no no no he’d just call it

Duck that would be enough said he wouldn’t even be the president himself one of the Ducks would be that’s so okay okay that’s actually so good we’d all go to duberg and he’d go schlack can we do this on your land he’s he goes I don’t

Know I need to consult the president he go Mr President can they come here and he’ll stare at a duck silently until eventually it goes and he goes ah he says no and then he shoots us oh thank on be quiet Jack oh sorry hello we’re

Not here hello hi we need things to heal people like what we need he is broken we need your I think I’m fine but ah a oh look who it is look look here Tom Jack yo is it just me or could someone go for some chunky chunky right now no

They don’t um Jack Jack I think I think these two have been on this island for too long [ __ ] a [ __ ] word hey guys is it is it hot out here or could a guy go for some chunky chunky dude the logic does not track dude it tracks They know what I’m saying

They know what I’m saying I wish to answer your question about the chunky chunky I am from the United Kingdom oh dear theic does not just no no no we have to go save schlat we need to have schlatt on our side oh my God oh my God leave me alone stop

Stop no no no no no that was all my stuff no no where is schlatt help me help help me they’re everywhere help oh my god I’ve got bigger fish to fry right now help there’s so many okay how do I help how I don’t know I don’t know them them I

Don’t know what to do they like bread they like bread okay I’ll get some bread I’ll get some bread go get bread just wa that Tom just out I’m going I’m I don’t know I feel weird I feel I’m not ready for this I’m having a panic

Attack so [ __ ] many of them all right you’ve done well thank You guys look there’s one right there you can have it for small price did you find my things please I need [ __ ] help [ __ ] chunks Jack we had all the obsidian did you find it no Tom he took four chunks what is this about chunks you you know of chunky chunky right

Right bro I’m going to blow chunks in your [ __ ] mouth I blow my disgusting that way [ __ ] that way he’s about to [ __ ] chunk his load I got take’s going on what’s going on chunky chunky chunky chunky chk chunk that’s the chunks no oh [ __ ] Are we going to the nether already

Told not to rush I didn’t tell you not this isn’t rushing dude see you later alligator whoa what the [ __ ] is whoa uh Jack Jack who’s this throwing [ __ ] at us don’t worry Tom I’m going to deal with him I killed him good Work it’s real come on oh wow oh no oh wait for you I have a parachute oh yeah where am I I’m going to go land on him you wait [ __ ] I he Tommy in it I don’t know that I boys wait what the [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] was that hello what the [ __ ] was it Tommy I saw Tommy in it achieve the achievement we need to go deeper and Tommy in it achieve the achievement Strange World in it achieve the in it achieves a lot of well what don’t put the don’t put water in

The clothes you go to the welcome Charlie it’s to Heaven it’s beautiful hey where the [ __ ] are we high five I’ve never seen this in my entire life wait how do we get over there we have to speed Bridge oh that’s what I was going to say look at me go look at

Me go look at me go look at me go look me go I’ve never seen oh and I also forgot my mate Harry average Harry was meant to join in the server but because he had work at his minimum wage job he uh he he logged on

Late where is everyone I want to hang out with my friends hello Hi man um I think schlat was just do I actually want to leave this building but we can go elsewhere going what the [ __ ] is that a gun I’m going to kill myself his last

Words were is that a gun hello you guys didn’t have too much fun without me did you I mean I think everyone’s had their fun for the day I mean Toby got a dinner reservation yeah yeah but you guys haven’t like come up with any like inside jokes while I wasn’t here which

I’ve missed out on have you I mean you know about chunky chunky right no what Harry look at me where are you oh he left now guys we’re going to have fun Chad look there’s still people online foolish Gamers might get on maybe Carl Jacobs no listen Chad people are

Going to get it back on h

I leave in just under a month, so come see me in Person in the USA baby!

just… just don’t feed the ducks.

friends in vid:

Follow my Twitter – @tommyinnit
Follow my Instagram – @tommyinnit

Edited by @spokyash
Thumbnail by the one and only tedsattic


  1. For Jack Manifold: A Moa (pronounced more) Is an extinct Aoteroa (New Zealand) Flightless bird. People would hunt the Moa For food. They are taller than humans, bigger than ostriches. Ok thanks, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  2. I know you’ll probably never see this but thank you SO much for putting subtitles in your videos, me and my buddy like to watch your videos and since he’s deaf the subtitles help a ton and YouTube’s subtitles are questionable at times. I know subtitles is such a small thing but it’s nice being able to watch a video with my friend even though he is deaf and we will both be getting the same words whether is spoken or in subtitles thank you tommy I hope to see you in the America tours! 🙌

  3. 1. After all these years I finally defeated the enderdragon in vanilla so im gonna try to play with mods in a few days.. Let's see if this inspires(scares) me (?

    2. 7:36 sitcom claps

    3. 15:58 the ducks are carriers…

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