Hello everybody welcome back to the channel today we’re back on some Terraria beekeeper class now I believe in the last episode we beat the A cthulu and the King Slime I don’t know if we did the desert Scourge but I play a little bit off camera because I wanted

To get a few things done cuz early game is a little bit boring and that gave us an access to a bunch of new things but first things first I have Vic tide armor and every single time I attack every I believe 10 seconds I will shoot out a

Like seash shell or something it’s really nice I also got these honeycomb things that like shoot out different types of be uh this one dropped from the bra cthulu so if you do any damage with it it kind of disorientates the uh the means like it adds the confusion buff so

They’ll start like tripping out and stuff and I also got this gelatinous honeycomb which basically it kind of homes onto enemies and it summons these like red bombs it doesn’t do as much damage but I kept it in my inventory just cuz of the Homing thing and then I

Also made the WASP armor set this thing right here it doesn’t really do much the defense is definitely higher you make this after the B cthulu but the set bonus is that coordinates no longer deal contact damage and their Stingers do half damage which I don’t really want

Anyway with that being said here’s the goals for today’s video I was kind of hoping to get the Arms Dealer now the reason why is cuz we’re kind of looking at the next thing that we kind of have to do so we can get the stinger Scimitar which requires a enchanted sword which

I’m probably not going to get but the next armor set we need to get is called skeletal bee armor as you can see it requires bones and bwax and hellstone bars I did not know that so since we just beat the brain culu we have the deathbringer pickaxe which means we can

Get hellstone apparently you can make something called the Hellfire bee Blaster requiring the honey bee Blaster which we’ve already made before and hellstone bars that will be the goal and then hopefully this episode we can fight off the queen beam and Skeletron boom I mean off to go get some obsidian and

Hellstone oh wait wait wait stop stop wo wo wo you can actually see this confusion ability in effects and that’s a king slime one too as you can see boom boom it’s not that good but compared to um anything else that I have it’s the only homing thing 10 heal done from that

Not bad all right let’s get some of this ooh that was a good one o I think out of any ore in this game ore excavator makes hell Stone the easiest to get also on the main Channel I was uploading some Elden ring with fall whole time a lot of

People seem to enjoy that I got a lot of comments and people saying like I can’t believe they got to Mar on like the first try or got him half h HP on the first try which if you don’t know is the first boss of Elder ring I don’t know if

People know but I did say that I I I’ve never beaten the game but I played the game like me and Waffle played a little bit very very minuscule so I kind of know the patterns that doesn’t mean I’m good at the game though like I just know

The patterns of what’s going on wait these rooms are missing walls I understand that but I hasn’t stopped any of you guys before let’s replace the furnace with our hell furnace look at this nice and dandy hellstone bars Baby Oh wait we’re playing Calamity I keep forgetting we’re playing Calamity anyway

We need some more pollen I don’t know why but every single weapon I get is destroyed the I’ve gotten these ones out of Like Hell Fire be Blaster what does it look like oh my God five honey holy crap this is it this is the weapon that will kill Skeletron you freaking fly

Like soldier from freaking boom I already know this class are going to be absolutely broken we are doing an insane amount of damage at our level oh my God wait we can fight crabulon what does crabulon drop for us the crab youcom fires truffle bees when do we get access

To oh we need to fight the perforators ow oh my God what is that damn it maybe we should fight them now actually what am I doing arms dealers here that’s real nice I mean look at that wait they’re homing the F the these be not only does

The Hellfire be Blaster a little bit of a tongue twister there shoots blazing bullets from hell but it also sh shoots homing bebs I can’t believe it see what I did there boom all right there we go holy mother of God our damage is insane

Oh boom damage is not an issue HP is though we have like oh I forgot Big Worm comes out oh no we’re running out of honey oh my God no good thing the shotgun if you fire and you [ __ ] can fly with it oh oh my God this worm no

We’re we’re about to die no no one more shot yes absolutely too godamn easy why is every weapon I get a bad prefix what is this annoying honey comb okay it’s not bad actually it is pretty bad compared to my shotgun dude all right well we now have access to aerialite

Which means oh we can get this weapon now the nectar rifle we need all these like I think after this uh we can probably fight queen bee honestly damn this class is insane and then we can also use our be thing to fly look at our map how much

More horizontally we go I got they have like nodes up here but they also have Sky Island it’s so Heavenly up here it’s a B1 wait that’s real nice wait this actually really useful wait there’s a b chest in here oh a bizor we we might need that for the queen be fight

Honestly I think I might beat out having a band of regen w oh an enchanted sword can’t we make that one weapon I I forgot what it was the the Stinger Scimitar we can we just need like um Stingers oh my god dude we are on a [ __ ] roll dude

We are speed running we are we are zooming past we are the complete opposite of thorin’s [ __ ] year-long playthrough dude we’re doing this [ __ ] in a day we’re speed Runing a year and a day love that guy by the way if you guys don’t know who he is he does um one

Terraria world for one year one month is dedicated to a specific phase of the game and then that gives him like ample time to build so he’s not rushing anything so it’s really cool take on a series you guys should check it out he’s doing it or I believe Calamity now cuz

He finished his regular one a while back anyway what do we need aiel oh we need feathers and boom the nectar rifle you can’t tell me this [ __ ] looks insane or doesn’t look insane wait what one of Jen’s old toys rapidly fires charged concentrated beams of nectar and spawns several bees on

Hits let’s over here and like uh let’s uh let’s make a little platform baby cracking on a platform I think the shotgun is better it’s just slower which isn’t necessarily bad because we have to combat the honey usage I guess it pierces I think that’s

A good one oh but come on I mean look at that why use that when you get the Hellfire be Blaster oh my God I almost had adrenaline boom boom what is this royal jelly permanently increases maximum money by 15 I will take that and then we got oh

My God holy crap wait what we got first we got the needle shot wait this is like a three round this like an M16 and it gasses them out holy crap what is this thing I got the uh Queen’s charge oh it’s a shield for charging or it’s a it’s a shield of

Cthulu but for bees oh my God we we fly dude how are you to compete queen bee I am the real bee all right let’s like let’s put all of this stuff back in the chest we got so many things oh yeah we got this The Sting 100

Wait I just saw something crazy I just read something insane conjures a mini queen bee that attacks the mouse cursor there’s no way we’re going to die anytime soon I’ll catch you later can you believe this is happening get it this is beyond my wildest dreams

I can’t wait to kill myself what’s up Skeletron I’d fight you right now but someone’s been a little upset I only can come out during the night time yeah yeah yeah excuses you just don’t want to go outside I assume assume this is the way

To the sulfuric sea and if this is we can set up a sulfuric pylon if you guys didn’t know that all right now we have access to the sulfuric sea and I guess we’ll Farm here for a little bit I want to test out this sting item queen bee

Item H I’m not going to lie folks it’s not that good I think this will be really good if you want to like oh this will be really good against the wild flesh or like the Golem or something like that yeah it’s really good against like still enemies but why would you use

That when you get to use the Hellfire be Blaster I think the hi pack does actually buff it cuz I feel like every time I use the high pack I’m just infinitely stronger oh no it definitely does look at the bees that come out they’re a little bit bigger compared to

The small ones that come out right here see you see that you see the right I got bored I left I don’t want to do the acid rate event anymore I guess it’s time to make a uh Magic storage system boom that’s all it took

It took me like 10 seconds to make that made a little basic area but we do need some silver clean area it out of red mushy round beef all’s my little ground beef squish omatic Hut None Shall enter and none shall see the light of day If

Thy does enter all right let a bed and then sleep till night time so I definitely want to get a goblin army sometime soon so we can get some rocket boots but don’t think oh it’s night time already all right let’s see let’s get the check mark down and going um we need

Rocket boots eventually make some Frost spark boots we could make some Arrow spec armor but with the dude the amount of damage we’re doing it’s like why would you do that maybe I should have played on Master mode oo that would have been nice all right let’s do this buff

Up bam let’s fight old man show me what you’ve got oh this one actually might be the one for this fight cuz it kind of pierces through both of them it’s real nice oh we ran out of honey he grew back his hands oh my God I’m dying boom that

Was a little close I’ll give you that every time a jam skele come all right I get I’ll take it I guess what does this do waa wao it like slashes them press right click to fire a cursed skull that’s really cool I’ll actually use this ooh the slices are nice imagine

This on the wall flesh o I guess while we wait for the Goblin Army you know if it ever even comes I could always f for the slime God I assume this fight wouldn’t be crazy oh my gosh there’s so many meteor heads here [ __ ] off unless I

Get rid of your home country I pull an omn man on you please leave me alone oh a goblin army yeah yeah throw this down I can’t believe I haven’t gotten a crimson heart yet can I have a crimson heart from that I can’t be a crimson

Hearts I’m just going to seal that up yep I was hoping it would be though you know I had trouble with this phase but you can just kind of see where it goes on the map I don’t know where it died are you kidding me I’m not going there that was

A waste of a brain thulu fight I needed the team Knight there’s so many enemies man come here you’re getting a lot of Honey pollen pollen honey from this though all right now we can find the goblin tinkerer if we could find him


#adrian #ayejae #terraria #terrariaclass


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