Playing as a DIREWOLF KING in Minecraft!

Wow I love being a direwolf King in Minecraft look at me I got some scary ears on I got a tail and I even have this awesome sword and I also own this entire castle look how big this is this is so awesome oh God but I am kind of

Getting hungry my stomach is rumbling and the only thing that I want to eat is lamb so I got to go outside and find some sheep and I know the best spot where there’s a bunch of sheep always oh sheeps where are you H I’m not seeing

Any yet where are the Sheep’s hiding they’re usually in this area but I need to sneak up on them so you don’t hear me coming so I can eat them oh my gosh what is that I see a sheep it’s a red sheep wait what and a blue sheep oh my

Goodness they look so yummy it looks like a whole family of sheep all right let me go sneak up behind them they’re going to have no clue that I’m here oh oh gosh I’m getting really close I see one 2 three I see three sheeps right now

Oh my gosh he’s coming really close he doesn’t even know I’m here he’s so stupid what are you doing are you guys ready to die no wait what is that my daddy Johnny is that you wait who are these people hello it’s me Daisy and who

Is this blue sheep obviously it’s me Sky all right so there’s three of you but we’re missing Gooby where’s Gooby at hey hey I’m behind you I’m stuck in this tree what the heck Gooby come down here I can’t I’m stuck Gooby you need to jump

Right now or I’ll come up there and eat you I’m too scared here look I’m just going to break the leaves eat the leaves uh-oh uhoh better come down here there you go oh hey you look a little funny I know Gooby it’s because

I’m the king wolf look I got ears on I got a tail you like my tail wow that’s a nice tail but the thing is the king wolf is super hungry so one of you were going going to die so I can eat you not me oh

No don’t kill us please well you guys are a bunch of dumb sheep you’re meant to be eaten by wolfes like me well you know I don’t want to even be a sheep anymore I want to be a wolf like you I want to just okay Gooby you sound stupid

That doesn’t even sound like me that doesn’t that’s not even a wolf I I can make a better wolf noise oh I’m a wolf that’s the same wolf noise oh Gooby the thing is you look like a fat sheep not a wolf you’re pudgy well I just got to you

Know swim off some of this wolf fur and you know get some cool ears like you have and some claws Gooby you’ll never be a wolf just face it oh man well can we prove it to you I still don’t want to be eaten well I don’t want to get eaten

So you guys go first all right Gooby you’re going to die what no I would run you too where are you guys going no no guys oh gosh come back here right now I don’t want to die I want to live I see you gooby help help I’m on that butt Gooby

Come here no no we got to get into the castle and close the gate I need help I need help hey guys get out of my castle it’s not meant for sheep I need some helps Gooby run faster no no on your butt please please guys where you going

Look at this Castle so nice hey I’m just trapping you guys in here what are you doing where you guys are so dumb you trapped yourself inside of a gate oh dang it my that wasn’t my fault I’m a dumb sheep you said to follow you well

Yeah and you guys followed me into a cage the sheeps even have brains cuz you guys are the stupidest sheeps I’ve ever met in my life yeah I have a brain and I’ve eaten a lot of sheeps I got a big sheep brain yeah and we’re smarter than

You stupid wolf I don’t think so that’s why you guys are trapped and I’m not right uh yeah he said well we should have a contest to see who’s smarter the sheeps or the you what Gooby I already know that I’m so much smarter than you

But sure if you want to have a contest we got have a contest yeah if you think you’re so smart then you should be us no problem and how about this the worst sheep is going to get eaten by me no wait so I just have to beat one

Person exactly Daisy but you’re going to have to say bye to one of your sheep friends well it’s not going to be me because I’m smarter than everyone all right well everyone one follow me this way I have the perfect idea come on guys he’s definitely going to eat us all

Right now that we’re far away from my giant castle you guys are going to have to compete in a house building competition o I’m going to win am I supposed to build a house I’m a sheep well that’s the thing you need to build a house that a sheep would build because

I definitely don’t want you guys living in my amazing castle that would be so easy so you’re going to live all the way over here on this island okay I can do that I’m caiming this area everyone pick different Corners what are you doing I’m going to

Make mine in all here in the water what Gooby you’re not going to build a house in the water why not cuz that’s not what a sheep would do all right fine you could do whatever you want but if you have the worst house then I’m going to

Have to eat you okay well I’m a blue sheep so I need to go near the waters all right are you guys ready to start yeah I’m ready all right everyone start building your house now go go go and I’ll be watching every single block that

You place down why you going to be weird like that Daddy if you mess up I’m going to eat you no why you’re scaring me let me just build in peace all right Daddy I’m watching from up here ooh these houses are looking like something here um Gooby what the heck are you

Doing I’m building out the base this is actually looking terrible at least everyone else kind of has like a structure I’m working it’s a process I’m in the water ooh Daisy yours is coming out pretty mid it’s not mid it’s kind of mid it literally just looks like a box

Right now that’s because I’m still working on it Daddy you literally haven’t even started yet you stop making fun of me hey Daddy nice pillar he’s bullying me Daddy I could do what I want I’m a wolf he’s bullying me the pack could beat you up if we wanted to no you

Guys can’t oh yeah we can I don’t think we could I could take all of you with one swipe of my hand and I could hit you in the head with one of my kicks hey wow daddy this is coming out really good thanks hit it

Okay let’s see what sky’s up to ooh okay Sky’s actually building probably the best one so far obviously you have some nice walls you already have some like gates for Windows is looking like a good sheep house but it’s a little too big for a sheep I think um obviously I’m a

Popular sheep so I have to have space for my guests for guests all right well I’ll just let you build and we’ll see how you do let me see what Gooby is up to Gooby you’re putting diamond on your house house yeah it’s is nice you know

It’s what sheep’s like but sheeps are really poor what the heck now you’re putting blue wool yeah just like me um Gooby you do know where this wool was made of right uh like from the store or something no Gooby it was made from a

Sheep just like you it was yes this is other sheep’s fur you literally had a kill sheep to get it this is sheep’s Furs yep so you have dead sheep on your house good job Gooby uh I kind of like it what Gooby okay you’re actually weird

It looks good this is the worst house in the world it’s got a swimming pool in it a swimming pool he you could go a little go for a little swim okay what if a shark comes over here and eats you yo there’s no sharks over here well you

Don’t know that could be maybe but probably not all right well I’ll just let you build this trash house it’s going to be the best one you see all right let’s see what Daisy’s up to ooh okay Daisy starting to build a roof well

Yeah I have to have a roof on my house this is looking very similar to my daddy’s house are you guys copying each other wa she’s copying me it doesn’t even look like his house M it looks exactly like it copy cat mine looks so much better daddy yours is really small

Though yeah but it’s kind of cool kind of cool this is terrible here Daddy I got something that will make it better get some skulls there we go why are you doing that there we go get some blood are you trying to scare me maybe it’s

Not working hey this is going to be you soon if you don’t start building better okay Peg I’m going to step it Up all right we’ll see ooh Skye yours is coming out pretty good thank you but I got a little surprise that can make it a

Little bit better um what is it oh nothing no way you just spawned wolves in my house they’re just a bunch of baby wolves I thought that’s why you were building it um no this is for my sheep friends hey don’t kill my wolves really Skye out of here all right

Have about this everyone listen up we’re changing the rules of the competition because I’m the king wolf and I can say whatever we want uh-oh the new rules are you’re actually making a house for my baby wolves wait what so make sure that a wolf would absolutely love the inside

Of your house dang it I got to change a lot of things up exactly Daddy it’s not for all your sheep friends it’s for my wolf family now well that makes everything a lot more difficult what do wolves even like I can’t tell you that would be cheating I think they like

Rolling In Their Own poop hey Daddy know that’s Sheep No that’s definitely a wolf thing all right let me just get my wolf family oh yeah they’re looking really good right now yes now I have a pack of wolves let’s go what Gooby what are you building now this is actually looking so

Bad oh this is my beach house see you go inside it looks like a little pool here you little puppies can swim in there and then you go up top and this is the like Cabana Place see I put some chairs wa you’re putting chairs down yeah just

So you can sit up here you know I don’t know if my wolves are actually liking it I think they’re actually hating it they’re sitting they’re already sitting on them I guess they are yeah they do like the chairs look that one’s sitting see they like chairs everybody like shs

And I guess they could look out on this nice Ocean View yeah it’s pretty nice see and I’m even making a third level wo a third level yeah what’s should uh maybe maybe I’ll put something cool up there I don’t know what yet but it’s

Going to be so good all right all right I’m actually starting to like Gooby build a little bit yeah see it’s good it’s a little ugly on the outside but inside it’s kind of good nice all right wolves let’s go into Daisy’s house come on ooh what is this well I was building

A house for my and then you said I had to make it for your wolf family so I added a whole bunch of meat and some beds for them to lay on um Daisy you do know that this is dead sheep right here yeah I’m aware but you wanted to eat us

So I figured all the Wolves likeed them that all right all right that’s a good idea but uh why do you only have three beds I have a lot of wolves well I didn’t know how many wolves you had but I can add more I mean we could just

Count them 1 2 3 4 5 I have like 100 wolves but the floor is so soft so they could lay on that too what do you think my wolves are peasants we are Kings Daisy we must have beds to sleep in okay fine I’ll add more beds all right you

Better make this better in here when I come back Oh Daddy oh hi uh wolf kid what the heck are you doing in here I am making a cool house for you and your puppies Daddy this is not a cool house for puppies what do you mean it’s so

Small in here well I was anticipating making it for me for a few little my sheep friends but now you have a whole pack of wolves daddy you got to make it bigger too small okay fine I’ll make a basement ooh that’s a good idea daddy

Why is there a furnace down here do you think that we actually cook um maybe if you wanted to teach your dog survival skills no Daddy we don’t cook any of our sheep meat we just eat it raw okay well now I’m going to have to make a basement

And make it huge and make a big storage thing so get out come on Wolfie follow me you guys are good Wolfies what the heck Skye what is this why is there a bunch of sheep in the front obviously they’re my friends well you do know that

My wolfer is going to eat them better them than me I guess well at least this means that your house has fresh food every day yeah let’s test this out oh go go go attack attack yes kill the Sheep kill the Sheep ah oh yeah good job

Wolves just a couple more bye sheep see you later Oo we got eight pieces of raw mutton thanks Skye you’re welcome I guess maybe Skye’s house isn’t so bad after all who wants to eat some food here you go let me just feed you guys up

You get one you get one wait what the heck oh my God I said a baby wolf I had another baby wolf we’re having babies my family is expanding this is so awesome hey go you want to say hi to my new baby wolves I just had sure look at them

They’re so cute and small I’m just building out my little balcony over here let I’m coming here where are you I’m on my third floor ooh look all the Wolves they jumping all over yeah they’re jumping everywhere they’re really cool they’re having a great time on this

Balcony they looking out oh God this one’s about to fall off do not fall off into the water get back on there um Gooby you’re kind of missing a roof though that’s the skylight what Skylight yes you can see out wow so you can see the stars when you’re trying to go to

Bed yep you can sit on these chairs and look up at a sky so nice and pretty wow this is actually pretty cool then yay well guys you only have five more minutes to build so what Ed your finishing touches now this is not enough

Time yes it is it’s plenty of time not when you’re threatening to eat me H whose house should we check in next what see the inside of Sky’s house she’s been doing a lot of work ooh okay anded a bunch of beds that’s not bad you guys

Like this house no my wolves are saying no oh my gosh how can you not like this house there’s so many beds what there’s only like six beds here what are you talking about Sky do you see how many wolves I have um six beds is a lot well

Since you guys are a bunch of animals I wanted to make it look like a barn what we are not a bunch of animals thank you very much we are actually King Kings and some Queens you look like animals to me well you look more like an animal than

All of us Sky that’s because I’m a sheep okay so far you have the worst house how about that whatever loser you better hope that someone has a worse house than this because if not you were going to be eating don’t worry I see goobies from

Here I’ll live hey you like my house you got something to say about it it looks horrible my house is so good look at it it’s blue it’s got all these cool little levels different stuff on him and they got all these things you literally have

Stairs in your house and he has baby wolves they can’t even climb them God you guys are so annoying stop arguing I can’t wait to eat one of you so you can just shut up uh I never talked mm-m Gooby I heard you talk you just talk

There uh nope Gooby you just said a word I never said a word no no more oh my gosh okay whatever well guys guess what time is officially up so all sheep come by me right now oh no this is going to be so scary hopefully I I wasn’t the

Worst house all right Gooby come up here all right do I have all of you good all right we’re going to inspect my daddy’s house first uh come on wolves everyone inside let’s see if you guys like it all right you added some meat ew Daddy it’s

Cooked ew ew e you like cooked no we only like raw meat daddy oh you’re not going to like what’s in the basement then uh-oh what’s in the basement what the heck e Daddy okay hear me out me here hear me out I can’t even see the

Only reason I put cooked meat in there is so it didn’t spoil didn’t spoil yeah so it didn’t go bed so you wouldn’t get sick we don’t want you getting sick we want you to stay really strong and powerful and the almighty king daddy we love spoiled meat it’s the best time to

Eat it when it’s spoiled and green and nasty ew you wolves are something else daddy how many beds do you have one 2 three four four beds seven seven I have another floor with beds daddy even with seven beds I have like a 100 wolves no

You don’t I only counted seven guys this is a terrible house my house is so much better this is actually trash daddy there’s no way that my wolves are going to be able to live in here nice it’s so super small it’s too small maybe I could

Fit like half my family inside your house maybe hey that means you could use it for something huh huh all right I guess let’s move over to Daisy’s house my house is so good okay let’s check this out ooh you got a bunch of raw meat

Here but e cooked chicken e e e e sorry I didn’t know but I also have a basement ooh what’s in a basement everyone go down in the basement let’s see ooh okay Daisy this is pretty cool wait a minute did you add cake that is actually

Terrible for wolves wolves hate cake no it’s made out of meat it’s raw meat cake wait what you made your own cakes made out of meat of course I did I knew you’d like it you’re psychop let me try this ooh this D tastes pretty good wow

My wolves would love this and you even added more beds okay Daisy’s house so far is looking the best let’s go daddy your house is looking the worst hey we’ve only seen two houses let’s go look at Sky’s house to see if it’s better than mine okay you’re right you’re right

I’m bet it’s way worse everyone upstairs come on wolves ooh um this is my refrigerator ooh looks like you added more sheep for us to kill H die die die uh uh yeah take that well that was horrible to watch that’s going to be you guys soon

If you don’t make good houses okie dokie then well Sky give us a tour just wait until you check inside wait what what’s inside oh my gosh there’s so much meat let’s go woo think it as a housewarming present this is so awesome here you go wolves everyone take some meat share it

Around this isn’t even the best part I made a doggy pull outside wait a doggy pool no way hey that’s copying me I made a pool Gooby the pool is your ocean yeah see that’s bigger pool ooh they can even stand in the pool without drowning wow

That’s actually smart because some of my babies don’t know how to swim yet so now they won’t drown and die it kind of just looks like lamb soup when Sky stands inside of it o you’re right I kind of want to eat Sky why you say that Daisy

I’m sorry it’s just what thought of now he’s going to throw us in there eat us not me he liked my house all the sheeps come on into the water it’s nice in here I don’t want to go in there come on guys n oh whatever you guys are no fun I’ll

Jump in the water ooh it’s nice Gooby get out of the water get out he’ll eat you ooh Gooby I think I want to eat you no no no no no you didn’t even see my house yet all right I guess you’re right let’s go check out goobie’s house next

Oh yeah all right so it’s uh super blue okay so you come inside there’s like there’s a pool and and is a place to put all of your Meats ooh ender chests yeah they make a cool sound they’re literally going to drown in this pool no look

They’re having a good time already look that guy’s liking it all right well let’s go up the ladders and see what you got up here boom then you go to the second floor this is like your like chilling area you got some chairs and some tables and on and you got you

Can look out at the ocean view look at that view okay I like it now what’s up here and then you go up to the third floor and this is like you can go out on the balcony and like talk and be like oh

Yes that was a very nice day we had H very good and you can look wait Gooby uh I have a question why did you add no beds where are my wolf supposed to sleep uh you can sleep right here it’s very soft wool right up here so I mean I

Guess we do like sleeping on other dead sheep so I do like the wool hey you told me you didn’t like my wool floor well Daisy his floor is way better than yours look how soft it is whatever here wait let me just test it out real quick so

Fluffy uh-huh I could definitely get some z’s here kind of looks scary sleeping Daddy I’m not scary all right I could just rip you to shreds whenever I want see that’s so scary that’s scary all right well now that we looked at all the houses it’s time for me to make my

Final decision of which house was the best and which house was the worst all right right well I think that my daddy’s house was definitely not the best it was really cramped so probably the worst house here wait no oh no all right Daisy’s house wasn’t the best but also

Wasn’t the worst so maybe in the middle somewhere but Sky’s house had actual sheep for me and a bunch of space inside so I think Sky house was the best you there is no way Johnny that this Shack is the best house wait a shack yeah she

Was going to make a barn and then then she turned it into a big Shack for wolves this is not meant for a royal king like you you need higher standards yeah I guess you’re right and the floor is made out of grass my house is all

Made of like diamonds and special blue stuff so it’s better than just regular wood yeah I guess but these aren’t even real beds they’re just sheets on the ground you’re right wait a minute I think Sky house might be the worst oh yeah no it’s perfect for dirty animals

Like you hey don’t go all as dirty sky are you trying to die um no well you know what now goobie’s house is a lot better than yours and even my daddy’s house Sky you had the worst house well before you eat me I have something to

Say run wait what hey Sky come back here no no come here Skye stop hitting me come here come on wolves attack attack run run run Skye slow down I’m going to kill you gotcha oh no I just witnessed a murder ooh I got some blue wool add that

To my collection a different color wool oh you can put it in my house just like all my wols exactly all right guys well that was a fun challenge are we ready to move on to the next challenge wait you’re going to eat more than one of us

Um yeah uh-oh uh-oh I’m just playing with my food but my house was the best you can’t eat me I sh my house was the best yeah same well actually guys I could do what I want because I’m a king oh no oh yeah I forgot how about this if

You guys do really good in the next challenge then I won’t eat you how about that let’s go okay but this next challenge is going to be super difficult if I win I want to become a wolf like you what no you are not becoming a Wolf

Come on I don’t want to be a sheep no more all right fine let’s just move on to the next challenge all right everyone follow me all right guys for the next challenge you guys are going to be doing a little bit of doodling I like doodling I know how to

Doodo no I said doodling oh doodling oh I did you know that this challenge is called doodle or die you guys are going to have to draw what I say and if you don’t draw good enough then you can say bye to your life I don’t want to say bye

Uh-oh yep and oh it looks like we have an extra canvas here because you know I ate sky get rid of that don’t need that anymore all right everyone take a pallet here you go Daisy here you go Gooby and uh daddy here you can have this one okay

Why wait why is it blank wait what do you mean Daddy is it blank with no colors on it yeah uh are you going to give me one with colors oh dad looks like you need to use uh just the the dry paintbrush to make something I’m going

To lose oh I I would not want you to get eaten Daddy can I borrow one of your pallets real quick no what why cuz I need it you don’t want to help out a fellow sheep and need I don’t want to die all right fine daddy you’re going to

Probably end up dying with colors anyway so here you go yay all right guys everyone go up to your canvases and get ready to Doodle I’m ready what do I make the first thing you were going to Doodle is me as a wolf and you need to make me

Look super handsome and super buff uhoh this is going to be hard okay I can do that you got to make me and it needs to be something good enough that I can hang up in my castle okay I’ll try and I’ll be watching every every single paint

Stroke that you make daddy why you jumping I’m excited all right are you excited to die cuz that’s what’s going to end up happening daddy do I draw yes draw what are you doing I didn’t know look Gooby already started oh no it’s not good well Daddy time is going down

Quick because you guys only have 5 minutes it’s a speed doodle test that is not enough time yes it is Daisy if I can become this amazing wolf King and build this entire Castle in one single day then I think you guys could doodle a little painting in 5 minutes uh I don’t

Think so ooh okay I’m seeing some hair on daisies that’s looking pretty good what the heck Gooby this is actually coming out amazing you’re going to be super strong all right I’m liking it I’m liking it but Gooby I think you need to make my socks color yellow not blue oh

Yeah whoops I made my socks all right let me see yours Daddy what the heck daddy mine is not looking buff enough it’s difficult to draw from imagination I’m sorry wait what does that mean Daddy you’re saying in real life I’m not buff no no I didn’t say that I I didn’t say

All that you better not insult me Daddy no I didn’t insult you I think you look really uh big today Daddy I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you while you’re distracted doodling okay don’t bite me don’t bite me in the butt all right Daddy just make

Sure your drawings really good I’m trying I’m trying ooh Daisy I’m liking this one a lot wait really yeah I got my little propeller hat on I got nice arms that are nice and big but the thing is my arms kind of look like sticks so I

Need a little muscle on them oh I’m not finished yet all right good all right guys you have 2 minutes remaining you better hurry up oh no oh no oh no I got this ooh Gooby I’m liking the way yours is looking it’s going to be so good I’m

Looking nice and big and fat but not fat because it’s all muscle yeah it’s all muscly uh you kind of messed up Daisy there you go I’m fixing it I’m just letting you know don’t mess it up guys I’m not trying to ooh okay okay this one’s looking good daddy yours is

Looking pretty okay I guess guys you need to remember to make it look like a wolf right now it’s just looking like me so make sure to add some ears a tail and maybe give me claws I’m doing that I’m doing it wow this one’s looking crazy Gooby yeah it’s going to

Be super good you have a sword and you have some ears wow you even have a tail that is looking so good ooh daddy yours is starting to look like a wolf yeah baby I don’t know about my mouth though I look kind of boring I’m trying to add

Some stuff I need to look like a god daddy make me look like a God cying I’m trying to make you look like a wolf what the heck Daisy what are you doing what it’s your tail no my head looked kind of weird why because the ears are covering

My hat now so far I’m liking yours the worst well then where was your ears go I can’t help you that’s cheating all right guys one more minute remaining you guys better hurry up right now this is your last chance to add the final details I

Got this I think I’m I’m almost done all right good Daisy are you almost done I’m trying hurry up ooh I like that tail and I definitely like the muscle you said to make you look strong all right guys 30 seconds wa Gooby you’re adding my family

Too no way yep they going to be sitting there like ooh look at our King he’s so good that is so awesome aome I actually really like that a lot all right guys 5 seconds I’m done 5 4 3 two one everyone paint brushes down paint brushes down

I’m finished scoby back up from your painting right now good boom all right time to inspect let’s start with daisies all right this is looking pretty good you definitely fixed the ears gave me a lot of muscle and what is that is that a rat no that’s like one of the Bab baby

Wolves no that looks like a rat whatever overall I think I’m going to give this painting uh 6 out of 10 that’s not that bad but it’s also not that good oh I feel like I don’t even know that it’s you well that yes it does it looks just

Like me I don’t see it all right well let’s move over to Gooby painting wo I really like Gooby painting a lot check it out actually looks pretty good that looks like baby wolves and I also got a cool sword yep and I I also like how strong I

Look in this painting that sword probably weighs like 500 lb and I’m holding up with one hand yeah I don’t know the the underwear kind of looks like the background and the tail kind of looks like my pee pee oh goodness why would you say that I’m just saying Daddy

I think you looks stronger in mine uh maybe because I have more muscle I think overall I’m going to give this one a seven out of 10 I think I like it a little bit better than daisies oh what that’s pretty good so far Gooby in first

Place Place Daddy Let’s see yours okay Daddy what the heck is that woof woof I don’t like it what do you mean I don’t like it I don’t like it Daddy you got the tail you got the fangs you got the little ears I think it looks great my

Eyes are super small I do like the propeller hat though that looks really good but everything else is like not proportional okay like I didn’t know this is my first time P you know how hard it is to paint with Hooves daddy you made me look dumb I didn’t make you

Look dumb you look scary and menacing like a royal king would be and daddy that’s not even the right color straps right there it’s red and orange look I didn’t know I couldn’t look at you use your eyes daddy use your eyes I couldn’t look at you you were running around too

Fast and my eyes were just all all over the place all right well I think it’s pretty obvious that my daddy’s painting is a zero no it’s no it can’t be a zero you’re getting eaten it’s a zero daddy you’re going to have to get eaten I am

Not getting eaten you’ll not kill me Johnny no oh yeah little baby sheep then what are you going to do about it well you know what what I challenge you to hide and seek in the castle wait what daddy hide and seek oh yeah you have to

Come and Chase all of us and if you end up tagging me I become a wolf just like you an ugly stupid scary wolf ooh that sounds like a lot of fun I love chasing my food hey that’s not fair Marty had the worst painting he deserves to die

Not us well Daisy I guess you just got to run really fast and not go anywhere near me wait I want to become a wolf wait you you want to become a wolf yeah I want to be a wolf instead of a sheep all right how about this if I catch you

Then you become a wolf and you have to join the Dark Side I’m going to be so dark and scary but the last person that we tag that’s the person that I’m going to eat uhoh and then we’re all going to eat you and have a big Feast well how

Much time you going to give us to run and hide uh maybe like 15 seconds 1 2 3 4 five you guys better run I see you uhoh hi this is going to be so easy they’re probably going to hide like right up there to the left and then I’m

Going to be able to eat all of them all right you guys have like three more seconds okay I’m going to hide so good all right ready or not here I come come on wolves follow me we got to go get some sheep where are you guys at I’m nowhere

Right now daddy you’re obviously hiding in the castle no I’m not and I’ll have you know if you’re not hiding in this Castle then you’re cheating and you’re dying 100% I’m definitely in the castle I’m pretty sure I’m in the castle I’m not really it’s kind of like half

Outside half in the castle kind of thing all right Gooby that’s fine ooh is anyone hiding in here hello nope no one in here guys where are you wait a minute I smell someone I know they’re hiding somewhere here I know my wolf smell it

Too do you guys smell that smells like a nasty sheep wait a minute what the heck Daisy you can’t see me um Daisy I can see you get down here right now you lost if you close your eyes and you can’t see me what that’s so stupid I’m not going

To close my eyes you have to Blink don’t you Daisy how’ you even get up there all right fine if you’re not going to come down I’m just going to come get you uh-oh all right just climb up here wait what the heck Daisy what come down here

Right now but I don’t want you to eat me Daisy I’m not going to eat you you’re going to become a wolf and you’re going to join the Dark side I don’t want to be a wolf they eat things well it’s fun being a Wolf come on but I don’t want to

Have to kill anyone all right how about this you won’t have to kill anyone I’ll do the killing you just need to do the smelling can I pick flowers what no no wolves pick flowers how do you know all right how about this um if I turn you

Into a wolf you could be a pink wolf okay all right well that was easy all right come down here I’m coming hurry up hurry up all right all I need to do to turn you into wolf is just dab on the haters all right dab dab dab dab oh yeah

You feel it working wao what was that lightning it was just my wolf Powers working from God and now look at yourself you’re a pink werewolf wait I’m kind of cute yeah you got ears on and you got a tail I look awesome um no I definitely look cooler oh yeah that is

Not true all right Daisy well now that you’re on my team let’s go find Gooby and my daddy come on where do you think they are I don’t know you’re the one that saw them last um they actually ran away from me wait what all right Daisy

Then they’re definitely not over here so let’s go in this direction oh Gooby daddy where are you guys uh I’m just somewhere where I got a nice view can you give me a hint no why you got to find me all right Daddy I’ll smell you

Out don’t worry you can’t smell me yes I can daddy wolves have the best spell in the game not what I’m as far away Gooby where are you uh I’m kind of near some water water I’m near water it’s like super hot water this looks like it

Springs a little bit okay I feel like we’re near you gooby cuz we’re near a bunch of water don’t worry I left you guys some signs so you can try to find me wait signs yeah um okay I definitely don’t see signs let’s go this direction

I keep forgetting how big my castle is yeah this place is huge you go literally run forever all right Daisy I have an idea that can help us find him faster okay what is it all right just stay there for 1 second check this out it’s a

Splash potion of swiftness wo now we could be super fast like real wolves oh guys where are you did you find the water yet wait daddy you see us yep by a fountain wait you actually are looking at us right now daddy yep I don’t think you can see me you must be

Up in the sky somewhere no well Gooby we still don’t see your signs ooh maybe he’s up here on top of this Castle all right ooh what’s over here let’s go up in this Castle he said he was near water yeah Gooby where are

You um get out of my way ooh here’s a lot of water and look it’s smoking hot wait Gooby didn’t you say the water was hot yes I see blue signs all right Gooby we’re coming um let’s see what these signs say wait what does this one say Gooby was

Here Gooby I found your signs all right let’s read this on close what does this sign say almost there check this cave all right let’s check this cave it’s kind of scary in there turn around oh Gooby gooby found you gooby you found me well Gooby check it out look at your

Sister she’s a wolf she’s a wolf that’s so cool I want to be a wolf it looks so awesome all right Gooby do you want to become a wolf yes all right well follow me out here so I could do my special Powers okay all right Gooby come right

In front of me are you ready to become a wolf yes all right well I need you to say pretty pretty please let me become a wolf pretty pretty please let me become a wolf all right here we go time to do my special powers and and wolf

Wa yeah you’re a wolf now Gooby check it out did it work did it work yeah look at yourself you’re a wolf uh how do I oh my look I’m I’m a wolf yep you’re a wolf you look super awesome wolf I’m a wolf woo and guess what Gooby there’s one

More sheep that we need to hunt and it’s my daddy oh yeah okay let’s find him all right he said he was over here in this direction so everyone follow me fine where are the Wolves now all right guys since we’re wolves and there’s a wall in

Front of us we could dig underneath it we like to dig into everything oh I like digging as a wolf oh yeah yeah all right now let’s just dig up here go up here a little bit Oh Daddy we’re coming for you nope you haven’t found me yet so you

Said you were in this area huh what area right here can you see us oh you found Gooby yep we found Gooby daddy now where are you uh you’re looking at me I’m looking for a red sheep I don’t see him I’m just in the sky can wolves fly wait

Guys I see him wait where wait what oh my God I see him too what no you don’t I don’t see him anywhere he’s all the way at the top of our Castle guys come on look getting up here Daddy we’re coming and when we get up there we’re going to

Eat you no you’re not you’re the last one to get found till you’re done for I didn’t know that was a deal well I just made it a new rule uh-oh I got to get out of here guys are you following where are you going I’m following Gooby wait

Gooby I got to give you some speed oh wow all right now we’re super fast come on come on I can go so fast speeding we need to figure out our way up on this Castle don’t you live here yeah but it’s really big so I I forget where all the

Staircases are that’s fair all right go this way oh God we’re outside ooh guys I found the staircase this way come on come on come on I’m coming I’m coming I think we’re going the right way everyone look for the staircase STS STS STS Oh Daddy oh we’re going all the way up

You’ll never find me aha wait I think this is the wrong Tower what a bunch of idiots looks like a big cloud uh-oh who’s underneath me oh no one Daddy Johnny is oh Johnny come here Daddy where are you nowhere are you on top of this thing still no guys he’s still up

Even higher I think I found the staircase where where are you um I’m running up oh hi Gooby I jumped to the other Tower what daddy where wait I see him he’s running no you didn’t Gooby where Gooby he’s running oh guys I see him I see him he’s

Running down the stairs wait he just ran past me Daisy kill him you told me I didn’t have to kill anyone oh my goodness you’re so annoying daddy where are you get out of here I think I’m lost come on Gooby just run down the stairs

There’s so many people here this I don’t even know whoa Gooby where is he I don’t know different Tower we lost him it was a bath to wipe my butt in here he’s in the bath guys we lost him where is he I see some cannons Daddy maybe we inside

One of these cannons I’m not in the cannon well Daddy are you still in the castle uh yeah well if you don’t want to come outside then we’re going to force you to come outside guys everyone get TNT in your inventory TNT everyone start placing TNT

Everywhere okay okay Daddy if I were you i’ would come outside right now uh no why would I do that I don’t want to die all right fine daddy whatever you say all right just need a little bit more TNT guys place the TNT every everywhere everywhere yes every single hole needs

To have TNT all right daddy you’re going to be in one of these rooms no I’m not if I were you I would seriously leave this Castle right now you want me to leave okay I’ll leave all right guys I think that’s enough TNT okay let me just

Do a little bit here oh yeah it’s going to fall all in the dining room we got to get outside all right daddy here’s your last warning are you going to come out or not oh yeah I’m not coming out all right daddy fine fire in the hole everyone back up back up

Wa that’s crazy oh oh oh my gosh that’s a lot of TNT man that was something else you guys did a good job that was where are you hey Daddy’s looking at what we’re doing guys what that’s it put some TNT on next blow up take that Daddy take that take

The TNT I’m getting out of here come here Daddy oh no there’s nowhere for me to go no blow the TNT up blow it up I found him over here all right daddy Time to Say Goodbye you’re in a perfect area to have a feast well don’t kill me

Stop yay yum yum this is good meat all right now let’s just take his meat are you guys ready to eat oh yeah I love eating everyone take a seat now we get to enjoy a nice meal all together like one big wolf family let’s go well if you

Guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now [Applause] bye

Today, Jeffy plays as a DIREWOLF to be a great KING! But Jeffy’s friends are SHEEP! Will Jeffy EAT them? Or turn them into DIREWOLFS? Watch to find out!

#minecraft #minecraftmod #jeffy


  1. Johny-jeffy just to no wen you
    gange YOUR NANE in to your real name or your
    First YouTube name and
    Your AVATAR from minecraft and
    Roblox That usernane same in to
    Minecraft and your real brother -freddy
    That all

  2. Jeff, I got a question if you don't like Daisy, then why do you call your girlfriend and Riz simulator why did you say girlfriend I know you ain't talk you can't be talking about any other girl because Daisy is the only girl in the game with you. Why don't you like Daisy that's my theory😏

  3. 😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😱😭😭😭😭😭😱😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😭😭😱😱😭😱😭😱

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