I Found the Rarest Blocks in Minecraft Hardcore…

Some blocks in Minecraft are so rare that you probably didn’t even know they existed like look at this one or what about this one or do you know how to get one of these well today we’re going to be collecting every rare block in Minecraft starting with the easy ones

All the way up to the ones that you’ve never even heard of now according to every YouTube comment ever deep slate Emerald or is the rarest block and I already have one of them in my world same with deep slight Cola in fact in this chest I’ve got loads of them and

What about the snowy grass block that that’s pretty rare isn’t it no no it isn’t I’ve have already got one of them and in 1.16 I was constantly breaking them cuz Enderman kept placing them all over my house yeah back in that version if you lived in a snowy biome this block

Was very very common but what about the pigling head well that ladies and gentlemen is the first rare block that I don’t have despite 1.20 coming out 8 months ago for some reason I I just never got around to collecting it and to obtain this item I’m going to need a

Thunderstorm to get a charge creeper but that means I’ve be waiting an average of 6 hours for a thunderstorm and I haven’t got time for that but I wonder yes I’ve got an idea I’ll kidnap this Charged Creeper from my mob collection and use

Him to blow up a piglin to get a piglin head what could possibly go wrong my plan is quite simple I’m going to build a portal right here and connect it to a portal on the other side above the Bedrock then I’ll build a platform to

Get a pigling to spawn and Chuck him in a boat then I can fishing run him next to the portal and build a glass cage to trap him in now for the risky part I need to lure this creeper through the portal then I’ll go through a different

Portal and I now carefully need to destroy the portal break the boat and then very carefully ignite him blowing the piglin up and dropping his head and with that I’m also going to fly to the raid Farm to swap the creeper head so that I now have the full collection of

Mob heads in my bedroom and there’s actually a mob head even rarer than this one which is the S sp737 Blockhead only not. 1% of people have this one and you can too in real life I’ve teamed up with Blockheads to turn this design into a plushy and he’s even got sunglasses that

You can put on too they’re only available for a limited time the timer is sticking so don’t miss out go to the link at the top of the description and make sure to check it out and the next of the blocks that we’re going to be getting is the Headless piston every

Time you break bedrock one of these is created for a split second but we are going to get a permanent one it’s going to require an end Crystal as well as obsidian Redstone a lever and of course a piston next I need to build a platform

Of obsidian with a piston here a piston here this in the middle and a lever to be able to power them then I need an end Crystal to go right here and to set the ground on fire right next to it now this setup will make this piston headless but

It’ll be a horizontal one but I don’t want that I want one that’s facing upwards so I’m going to break it and instead place the piston in the ground like so then connect it all up using Redstone I’ll have to set the ground on fire again because it burnt out out now

I stand back flick the lever and there we have it we have a headless piston and as long as it’s powered it will stay headless if I was to turn this lever off it would go back to being normal so the smart thing to do now is go underneath

It place a redstone block so it has to be powered forever then this lever can be flicked off I can break the Redstone I can mine up the obsidian and headless piston has successfully been checked off the list and the next two blocks that we’re about to get are meant to be

Impossible to obtain you can’t get them with silk touch you can’t collect the in any other way unless you use a cobweb so let’s grab 64 of these and head out in search of these next two blocks I’m actually going to need to go to brand

New chunks to find this which is why I’m having to fly so so far away and once in the new chunks I either need to search an ocean or a desert hey look at this guys I know it’s not so rare of a block but it’s free wheat which is always

Worth taking when you see a village just to annoy the farmers really I’m pretty sure that I am now in New chunks and an ocean ruin is just what I need with a threee natil shell as well they’re kind of rare aren’t they but they are nothing

Compared to what I’m going to be what the heck two in one ruins okay that is actually really really rare but it never happens when I’m actually trying to find them does it anyway now we can focus on getting this block and we need to kind

Of dig around a little bit in fact I could do with just flying over here to grab a bit of wood cuz we we are going to need some blocks then we’re going to build a little border around here and here you’ll see that I have two

Suspicious gravel now if I grab a torch place it down and drop gravel on it you’ll see it becomes an item however if I do that with suspicious gravel you’ll see it just breaks so how do we obtain it well that ladies and gentlemen is where the cobweb comes in we are going

To stack a load of these cobwebs underneath the suspicious gravel I’ve got a little bit Overkill here I didn’t need this many but then we simply break the block and we drop the entities onto the cobwebs and watch what happens if a block Falls for more than 30 seconds yep

It pops off and you get the item look at that we have suspicious gravel in our hand this should not be possible to obtain I could place this if I wanted to but for obvious reasons I’m I’m not going to waste it I’m going to keep it

Keep it good if I fall and and break these C is this really an effective way to do it I’m not entirely sure all I know is though that it did work and I think yeah there’s another suspicious gravel there let’s Okay I didn’t mean to

Do that yes they’re very easy to break if you’re not careful but there’s another one here this time I’m going to be much much more careful and I should be able to do it by only placing four cobwebs I’ll do five just to be sure let’s break that block they are to fall

And after 30 seconds they become an item and with that out of the way now I either need to find a desert or a warm ocean ruins so that then I can get the suspicious sand this right here looks promising yep I can cover this one on

All sides and then do the exact same thing again there we go it’s as easy as that and whilst I’m here I might as well get a second one for good measure and the other thing I should do whilst I’m here is kill a chicken let me explain

You see I can use that feather to make a brush and with this brush I can do some archaeology because another rare thing to get in Minecraft is every single Clay Pot I can’t for the life of me find the ocean ruins I was just out but but don’t

Worry we can find a new one and if I pop back home you’ll be able to see the shards that I’ve already got but if I want to get every single one of these decorated pots I’m going to need four of each Shard there are 20 in total so I

Better fly far far away and get busy searching the world for areas that I can excavate and as it happens I’m actually in one of the biomes that can have Trail ruins yes the old Birch Forest Aha and there is one here let’s see what shirs

We can get well I found an armor trim they’re actually rare than the Potter shirt you just can’t write it can you anyway we have got the first one here and it’s danger which is a brand new one and I also love how danger is a picture

Of a Creeper cuz there’s nothing more dangerous in Minecraft also it turns out I’ve already got two dangers but we’re up to three we need four in total so it’s a good find nonetheless here we have another one and it’s called friend I wish I had some of them in real life

Oh wow look at this I’ve got burn it really is all starting to come together a music disc very very nice that is the ruin entirely excavated I can put everything that I’ve found into this Shuler box and look at that I’ve now got six friends that’s definitely something

That I I can’t say in real life and I’ve now got every single shirt from Trail ruins apart from sheath and how so right now the priority is to search all the other structures and get even more new ones and of course I’ve also got to search the warm ruins cuz there’s six

Exclusive shirs to be found there ladies and gentlemen I present you the world’s smallest Mesa what on Earth is going on here I have absolutely no idea to be honest with you I feel like I’ve done nothing but search but this is the final one that I need to have Every Single

Shard from the cold and warm ocean ruins also got a load of sniffer eggs from it too and so next I need to find a desert because the remaining shirs are in the desert temples and the desert Wells this Village has more wheat than I can ransack and it’s not exactly what I’ve

Been searching for but I’ve just spotted a trail ruins which does still have a couple of shirs that I need to find and this might be one of them what have we got yes sheath and that right there is the how one which is the final Shir that

I need so there’s no point hanging around here I can now aim 100% to find a desert this is the biome that I’ve been looking for I just hope that isn’t the world’s smallest one aha I’ve found what I’m looking for now once we’re in here

We need to go to one of the here we go and we can start brushing already found the first Shir as well as a couple others and this Temple has been fully searched and now fully blown up as well and the search continues is that a diamond I didn’t even know you could

Find them in here well that’s very nice indeed isn’t it and that is the final one I need and as we’ve collected them they’ve been getting rarer and rarer but I’ve still not got a single one of the rarest shirts in the game because to get

One of them we need to find one of the rarest structures which is proving to be no easy task at all aha oh well I have found one and it’s what’s inside the well that is most important cuz there is always two suspicious sand and these can

Have a 25% chance of a shard in them so let’s have a look okay we might have just got two which is fantastic two of the arms up ones so we still need to get six more of these which means doing even more searching I found another one and

Just to clarify when I said 25% chance of a Shard or sh as the game calls them I mean 25% chance of each one so you get 50% in total of getting one of these you can see we got a rubbish brick in this one and this one a suspicious St are you

Kidding me is it even a good one it just gives me night vision all right why did they die broad daylight anyway I’m going to keep busy and keep searching for the Wells and that is all of them I think I’ve got every single one yes indeed I have every single shirt that I need so now I can build a portal go above the nether and fly back home next I’m going to going to get busy crafting every

Single one of these and then I have just a place for all of these to go if I head along this blue ice Highway we can go through this portal and arrive once again at my collection of every single block I also just heard lightning which means it’s a thunderstorm which means I

Could get more charge creepers and I think I’ve got to go for it but this is where the collection ends I’m just going to put this here for now and then quickly grab my channeling Trident vot all the way back head to spawn turn off the mob switch and then mobs will be

Able to spawn around here there’s a creeper let’s strike them with lightning get them in the water so they don’t burn to death and then they can go into a boat the Thunder has stopped and I now have loads of charge creepers scattered in boats all over the area and this one

Right here is going to be name tagged and carefully lured back into the mob collection and I’m going to use this one to come through this portal and get another piglin head and as I was saying this is my collection of every single block but I haven’t updated it since

1.20 came out so it’s missing quite a few now to solve that I’m going to first expand this Corridor and then I can begin placing down every single new block there we go I have to say it’s looking pretty cool isn’t it but there is still a lot of 1.20 blocks that I

Need to add which is why I’m expanding the corridor such as every bamboo block all the Cherry ones hanging signs and then finally the sniffer egg the calibrated skull sensor the Chisel bookshelf and finally the two new plants so the collection is once again complete until the next update and after that

Little side quest we can now move on to the two next rare items and one of those is the wool from a pink sheep you see a pink sheep has a n.1 16% chance of spawning which means in order to find one we have to search an average of 642

Of them so now you can see why they are pretty rare and on top of all of that every time I see a pig from a distance I’m going to think I found one and then be very very disappointed when I get nearer well Brown sheep only have a 2.8%

Chance so they’re kind of rare but nothing compared to the elusive pink one and I’ve got to be so careful that when I do find one I don’t mistake it for a pig still no pink sheep but I found a woodland Mansion what are the chances of that and interestingly this actually

Might contain the other rare block that we’re going to be getting you see according to this video other than the dragon egg the diamond block is the rarest block you can find in Minecraft I’m not sure I agree with that but as far as naturally generated blocks in the

World it is the rarest and we need to find an obsidian room this obsidian room is not in every single Mansion which is why it is so rare and I’ve had a good look around and it seems that this is one of the ones that it is not in maybe

This is one of the rarest blocks anyway I’m going to focus on finding that pink sheet apparently I’ve just found the rarest structure it’s this random Sandstone thing on land for some reason they game things that were in Ocean well we are we’re certainly not I can find

That but can I see a pink sheep anywhere oh no finding that is going to be much much harder I’ve flown over 10,000 blocks so I’m thinking right about now might be a good time to repair these elytra and then once again the search can resume

Oh my goodness I found one I’ve just found him this is it one of the rarest mobs in the game probably never going to need one of these ever again so give me your wool I really hope I don’t in the future decide to make a collection of

All the rarest mobs in Minecraft cuz then I might need him but anyway that’s not today’s problem let’s put this safely in the ender chest and now to find that diamond block in the Mansion I want to find a village here we go now just need a load of budding workers to

Help me and some wood from your house sorry sorry sir yep he’s not going to be doing that job for long anyway now to get four of these laid out and here you go sir have some paper and I’ll be back when I’ve successfully managed to get

Loads and loads of glass that’s four stacks of sand next I need Cobblestone and coal for the furnaces and whilst the villagers are peacefully sleeping with their eyes open all of this glass will be smelted throughout the night and now with the glass panes I can upgrade the

Villager even more and craft compasses to get the Woodland Explorer map four of them should do it you’ve been a great help thanks gentlemen and I can now get out of here and track down the structures the first one was pretty close does it have the OBS I think it

Did I just get all these maps for nothing I might have just found it already ladies and gentlemen inside this obsidian there should in theory be a diamond block there is according to that video the rarest block in Minecraft other than the dragon egg well these

Were a waste of time I spend all that money for nothing which is kind of the Story of My Life anyway now that we’ve got two more of the rare blocks we can head home through this portal and instead of having to fly 16,000 blocks

Back we only have to travel 2,000 and I feel like can have the issue that despite me collecting up all of these rare blocks I don’t really have anywhere cool to put them and I can’t really just keep them all here no I need to build the collection somewhere very very

Specific and the collection will also include these two suspicious blocks I I I just can’t place them down yet the place that I’m going to build the rare block location it’s going to be at the God particle farm that I built in the last episode you’ll soon don’t see why

But first I feel like I need more XP so if we go ahead and go like this although I have no furnaces on me that’s an oversight good job this chest is full of them let’s put them in the off hand place them down and if you didn’t see

Last episode this yeah gets you unlimited XP as you can see it’s also a great way to repair all of my items and with that every single item is now successfully repaired and now I’m going to gather up a few more levels cuz I am on an eventual quest to become the

Hardcore YouTuber with the most XP level I don’t actually know what the record is but if somebody does know then please let me know in the comments and that is level 11,000 reached okay that is that is quite insane there was that much excess XP that my player is still

Picking it up I’m just about getting to the end of it and as I said before the area where I’m going to put all the rare items is going to be here but I think this area is quite ugly it doesn’t need all of this here now I think I can get

Rid of a lot of it so I will mine it all up but I have kind of run out of inventory space at this point so I’ll drop off these items items and then I can collect up the rest of them leave me with just a platform with the furnaces

On and of course this still does work absolutely fine still gets me loads and loads and loads of XP so you have no need to worry about that and now to grab all the materials that I’m going to need for This pretty sure I’ve got every single thing so let’s begin the project starting with a brand new headless piston since that’s going to involve blowing stuff up I I thought I’d be best starting with that first so just like you saw me do before an end crystal is

Going to be pushed into fire as a piston extends like so and we get a headless one and then before I remove any of the Redstone I just need to remember to power it with a redstone block and it’ll be a headless piston forever so rare block number one is in the collection

There’s going to be 35 in total so I’ve got just 34 to go and then around this I’m going to have gold blocks and these gold blocks are kind of going to be the stand that all of the rare ones go on top of should work pretty well also what

What are you guys looking at well as long as they stay down there and I’m up here I don’t mind right here I’ve marked out where each block is going to go and now I’m going to add slabs as a bit of a pathway in between so that I’ve got some

To walk on and I like it being a slab lower cuz it makes it feel like the blocks that are on show are a little bit higher on their stand and so you can kind of see how it’s going to look let’s add some more rare blocks such as the

Woodland mansion’s diamond and the pink sheep’s wool that can go right there the diamond right here and then the gravel and the sand can go either side as well five down just 30 to go and they’re going to get a lot crazier than the ones

I’ve just done and right at the end I’m going to show you how to get the no textures block which let me tell you is very very rare but before that the next blocks I want to get is floating water and floating lava they shouldn’t be

Possible but we are going to do it I’ll start with the lava and it’s going to be above this block here the method involves sticky pistons and slime and I think when you see it in action you’ll find it pretty cool so the way this this

Works is we’re going to make it so the Pistons can retract but they can’t pull the slime with them because there’s obsidian in the way doing that is pretty simple and pretty straightforward and now for the Moment of Truth watch what happens when I put lava in the middle

All right looks pretty normal doesn’t it but I flick this lever it stays I flick this lever and it still stays I flick this one and it doesn’t it doesn’t retract but then I flick this one they both do and still it doesn’t flow out finally we can move

This one and we have a floating lava in the middle of this machine doesn’t it look cool I bet you didn’t think it was going to work out did you but yes because the Pistons can’t retract I should say because they can’t pull the Slime back the game doesn’t really

Register that a block update has happened and so the lava just just stays floating now let’s do the same for the water all the Pistons are in the water is down and as I retract them all I have floating water as well and now we’re going to get the rare blocks that

Involve using update suppression this is where things get a little bit crazier I got got these glitched Shuler boxes that you can’t open in the previous video the one where I built the fastest XP farm that gets you 89 million XP an hour and these glitched shers act as update

Suppressors and you can use these little update suppressors to create more glitch Shockers and just to demonstrate what happens with these we’ve got a comparator going out of it if we break this you can see it’s it suppressed the lever floats and I need this suppressor

To go all the way down here so bit by bit I’m going to extend it to do that we’re going to need a lecturn with a book and quill on a trapo then we’re going to point this into it you can see it glitches a little bit we do it a

Second time we open the trapo then we break this and we need to replace it with a Shuler box I’ve got loads of spare shers here so that is what we are going to be using so let’s do that place it down and now we have another update

Suppressor it’s a glitched shulker and how do we extend this well we just do the exact same thing again isn’t it great using an update suppressor to create more of them I needed two of them and I’ve got them right here so what we’re going to do is place a lilac here

And a rose Bush there then we’re going to update suppress the bottom of them by placing comparators and then if I just go and grab myself a deep slight brick we can break this look at this we’ve got a floating thing we can place a block under there have you ever seen plants

Like this little a little half plant look this is just a small plant and once I box this in we have what looks like a very unusual and very rare block but this is only scratching the surface things are going to get much crazier as we go further and further down now I’m

Going to do the same thing on the other side but that means I’ve got to extend the update compressor to go all the way along here and then around the corner and then I can do the exact same thing with these two plants and one of them

Looks very very strange indeed when it’s done like just look at that it looks like some hairspray or some it doesn’t really look like the top of a plant it looks it looks very very strange indeed this one’s a little bit more noticeable but anyway the priority is we’ve now

Done 11 out of 35 and for this one I actually need two of these glitch shulkers side by side let’s go ahead get this one and then what we do is we just just move this so that the Le turn is one block closer and then we do exactly

The same thing again and right here I’m going to present to you the glitched glass we’re going to just place two of them like normal but then we’re going to place down these suppressors we’re going to break this one and oh it it it goes back to normal it didn’t work well

Ladies and gentlemen watch what happens when you place a block here and then you break that block now it thinks it’s connected to a block there but it isn’t and this time I’ve put three of the suppressors in a row and I’m going to place down three fences then some

Comparators behind and then what I do is I I break this one I break this one put this here and we’ve got a fence that thinks it’s connected but it isn’t right here I’m also going to do the same for iron bars and also a wall now this one’s

Quite a cool one we’re going to take a piston and we’re going to power it then we’re going to suppress the base of it break the back and you get a pistonless head here we have a headless piston and here we have a pistonless head two very

Very cool opposite ends of it indeed and right here I’m also going to get a pistonless head but this time with a Twist a Twist that’s a complete I’m actually going to need to go home to get something for which is thankfully pretty quick through the nether I’m actually

Heading to where my giant Diamond tunnel bar is not because I’m here to get Diamonds oh No but instead because well there is actually diamonds little side quest not intention oh there’s loads by the way that’s convenient I’m actually here because the machine is broken in

This part so I’m going to mine up the ancient debris and I’m going to need a grand total of 36 there there we go and now to smelt them craft the ingots and then a block of netherite what on Earth am I going to do with this well I ladies

And gentlemen I’m going to create the world’s first netherite piston and whilst I’m at it I’ll create a diamond piston as well and this next one’s pretty cool cuz it’s going to involve a bed I’m going to place it like that suppress the head of the bed break that

And now we just have a half bed and funnny enough I did actually find one of these naturally spawned in my world it was in a village where a chunk for some reason cut half of it off and it was very very cool this one’s another simple

One but one that is very cool the half door and for this next one I want to make the locked chest now this was only present in an April Fool’s update well it was an April Fool’s joke in beta Minecraft and I’m going to remake it

Here and I reckon the best way for me to do that is to do something like this so we create a little suppressor there and then we can use that to turn this we don’t want to fall as we’re saying into a locked chest now this as you can see

Is unopenable no matter what I do I cannot get into this chest it is completely locked and then speaking of chests we’re going to need a couple more we’re going to place them right here then I’m going to get my comparators point them into it and I’m going to

Break this chest and it looks like it’s gone back to normal doesn’t it until you do this and then when you relog it’s a half chest look at that how crazy does it look yes you’ve got a a half double chest have you ever seen one of them

Before the real question I want to know is could you sleep in one of these beds and the answer is sadly not and now for these next ones I’m just going to use the flowers again it’s very very simple and instead of it being the top halves

That I’ve got over here I’ve got the bottoms so these fellas are are very separated from the ones over there and then right here we’ve got some more simple ones we’re going to have a floating lever and floating ladders by going like this and once we break it

There you go and these next ones are quite cool cuz we’re going to do some floating blocks that shouldn’t be possible starting with the cactus ladies and gentlemen this is what it looks like on the bottom of a cactus right here I’m going to need my cuz we’re doing some

Farming we’re going to grow those potatoes grow those carrots and doesn’t this one look so weird just to have floating crops and then in these ones we can keep it simple with a couple of floating torches with a floating dripstone right here and we’ve almost done it we’ve almost got every single

One we’ve done 34 out of 35 and many have called what I’m about to create next the rarest block in Minecraft but let me tell you it is not and we are going to get it very very easily first let’s perform this Tity Swap and then do

Another one and now now I’m going to place a grass block right here can you guess what I’m about to do we’re going to place a snow layer on top oh we’ve got a snowy grass block let’s go ahead and suppress it and break the snow and

Oh it it it didn’t work oh wait it did work we placed a block next to it and we have what many called the rarest block of Minecraft now in a collection that’s 35 out of 35 for in here but there is one left and that is the missing

Textures block possibly the hardest one for me to get this machine and system I’ve been using it is completely powerless to get the missing textures block no in order to get it we’re going to have to do quite a bit more hard work but before that I I want to make this

Place look a little bit nicer so let’s go ahead and build up some walls I’m also going to make this bit look nicer by changing up the room quite a bit first things first I’m going to remove all the comparators and then very carefully change the floor to be quartz

Apparently removing one of these comparators lost me a furnace is it gone forever the XP oh that’s sad that is that is very very sad I can put these let’s get these comparativ back as soon as possible and all the other ones still work fine thank

Goodness for that so that that is why we have so many of them because if one of these accidentally breaks we do have spares and I’m adding obsidian in between just to give the wall more reinforcement and there we go that is the build completely finished what do

You think I think it’s a very very cool area isn’t it full of very rare weird and wonderful blocks let’s get this portal Li so that’s the way to get back easily and in here you can see is the XP area I I’ll probably I could actually

Get all of the XP into that furnace again but it would take like 35 hours so I I probably never will I can always get more from the other ones although I need I need furnaces to replenish it can’t be forgetting that can I and remember if you’d like to download the most

Up-to-date version of my world after every episode I put it on my patreon which is linked in the description and now we can wait no more we’ve got so so many rare blocks but there is one final one to get and the only way to actually

Get this one is going to be to downgrade my world to 1.9 admittedly it’s quite a few versions back but it is necessary for the plan and I’m also going to have to put all of my items in here because they just can’t come with me that also

Includes everything in the Ender Chest everything’s got to come out and as a replacement I need some new diamond tools and new Diamond Armor All of which I believe I can find in here yes the tools I’m used obtain oh look at this this is fantastic all of it can come

With me and then there’s just a few other items I need to grab this right here is absolutely everything and the fact that it’s night time is absolutely perfect I’m going to grab an extra perra just for a good measure oh and don’t forget about my Blockhead doesn’t it

Look great in real life as well anyway the final things I need is a little bit of obsidian and some flint and steel now in the nether we need to fly to some very specific coordinates they’re not that far away they’re at 776 889 and the reason for this is because every time

You downgrade a world the seed changes to seed zero so I know where everything is and I know on the other side of this portal there will be a desert not right now there isn’t quite clearly but once I do the downgrade there will be so I’m

Going to save and quit the world and to change these four files in the world saves region folder to be read only and here we go let’s load up the world okay we are we’re okay we’re a lot higher up than I expected but the reason we wanted

To be in a desert was for Enderman now I’ve got to try and get this guy into a hole and then I can box us both in all right it’s me and you now buddy I do need him to put that sand down that he’s got in his hand he will do eventually

And in the meantime I’m going to set a cactus off growing right here and it needs to get to two blocks tall also add more space around him he’s got more oh okay I didn’t mean to make him mad oh no I’m sorry mate he’s not going to pick

Anything up now without him I think in this version if you put him in water oh well that went wrong didn’t it so now it’s time for take two and this time I’m going to be quite a bit more careful well the good news is he’s now put the

Sand down and the cactus has grown so we’ve just got to wait for him to now pick it up and when he does this is how we will get the glitched textures block and he’s done it he’s picked it up and now all I have to do is first get rid of

This cactus and and make sure it’s not in my inventory and then I need to take him out don’t teleport away there’s nowh you can go you’re stay in here and we have got it and just look at the size of it by the way it’s absolutely massive

But yes this is the glitched texture Block it’s basically a cactus with a different data value so the game doesn’t really know what to do and and doesn’t know what texture to give it so it just doesn’t give it one now in my opinion it is very very cool indeed you can get

More of them if you go and grab a cactus and Chu it there now all of a sudden you’ve got two of them but there is some sad news there always is isn’t there this block will only survive up until 1.12 if you upgrade your world to 1.3

It’s fixed and the block is just a normal Cactus so I can upgrade my world back to 1.20.1 which is is what I’m going to do but when I bring the glitch block back it it sadly won’t work so let’s go ahead and now change these

Files to no longer be read only and as we load it back up into the new version you can see I was telling oh my goodness it’s raining animals okay well I I don’t know what to make of that it’s raining chickens anyway I wasn’t lying oh what

Did I do oh well it slightly broke my world but they’re now just Cactus again so they are they’re a rare block of the past that we got to experience for a brief time if I downgraded my world again with these in inventory they just stay as normal Cactus so I will leave

Them here as a momento I can travel back home and that was a very very cool episode where we got some of Minecraft’s rarest blocks and don’t forget to check out my new blocked the link is at the top of the description ion

Buy my NEW BlockHead here! https://blockheadz.store/products/sb737

►89,000,000 XP/Hour Farm: https://youtu.be/C9h-OJ2GJZg

►Download My World Here! https://www.patreon.com/sb737?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator
►Or play the world on my server!
JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

please follow these thanks
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sb_737
►Discord Server: https://discord.gg/xjFUEuFnXB
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realsb737
►SB737 Merch: https://sb737.store

In this Minecraft video I survive over 8256 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

Missing Textures Block from Rays Works: https://youtu.be/HSo1hpKE4Tw?si=R0iISjM-iNHM5L5T
Shulker Suppression: https://youtu.be/f4ty-PZcvrI?si=ZxxN2hnZazdlF9My

0:00 Rarest 1.20 Blocks
11:25 Rarest Natural Blocks
16:09 The Impossible Rare Blocks
26:47 Missing Texture Block


  1. I never got how pink sheep are so rare. I find them in literally all my worlds that I play lol bedrock and java. I know another YTer also finds them often during his gameplay. I just never knew people considered them rare.

  2. I remember when SB was starting his world I was looking on youtube for some new 100 days vids and I found him so I just started watching every new episode… I cant belive its been over 2 years now…

  3. Gg SB. I recommend adding floating top snow block as well, these blocks can spawn naturally but are rare. I think u can figure out a way of doing it artificially ? Pls do it! Love ur videos 🐧

  4. what happens when u leave the no texture block outside of your radius like really far in a chest or something and then u go back to 1.20 mode? maybe u will have it

  5. If you die in your hardcore world you should make a full movie on it and I’m mean like every minute in the hardcore world even if you have cut a part out in one of the videos

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