My PET BORK Is BACK In Minecraft! (Squid Island)

Welcome back to Squid Island well actually that’s Squid Island in the background because I’m walking this way yep it has been quite a journey and honestly if you’re new here I don’t even know where to start all I know is that we are heading out into the Wilderness

Also don’t worry we might be heading back to Squid Island in this video at the very end for a quick sneak peek so definitely hang about for that but uh yeah I think I’m just going to go this way and keep going until we find a good

Place it’s a cool home I yeah I think our plan is going to be to put some Roots down hey there puppy hey wait a second I know exactly what we need this is the return of BK hey buddy okay don’t walk off all right okay okay

I I actually did have I think some bones here somewhere let me just uh yep okay hey buddy hey bky Bor hey he these bones yay yay oh my okay this is great this is exactly what we needed for any of you don’t remember Bor is an old friend of

Ours and um this is the return of bork hang on a second I this is all that random stuff I got um we need to get you uh one of these name tags set up all right you just wait right there okay bud oh okay this is not where I expected uh

Things to go straight away but uh here we are B There we go got a name tag hey vlk has returned let me just use the right pickaxe look everything has kind of gone to disaster but knowing that Bor is back with us is already going to make this so

Much better yeah Bor uh all right you and me we’ve got to find a new place to call home we tried to make Squid Island a better place but uh Hey it wasn’t meant to be it wasn’t meant to be whoa okay I think this is going to be a good

Place to uh set up our house now some of you guys might be wondering like what is happening is this the absolute just end of Squid Island and it it definitely isn’t all right I just tried to save Squid Island and it might have just gone

A bit crazy but for now I think we’ve all had to go our separate ways I do want you guys to let me know though in the comments what you think we should do uh in the future but for now we need to set up our home get some Basics uh some

Supplies maybe get a little farm going you know that sort of thing all right Bor I want you to sit right right there behave you can watch over the pigs okay and we are just going to start building the basic uh infrastructure of the the house nothing too crazy just enough to

You know get ourselves off of the streets and also get like a good supply of food on our tables and in our bellies we could do with getting some Stone as well but anyway yeah I got distracted I want you guys in the comments to let me

Know what you think we should do moving forwards you know there’s lots of different options and things we could could do personally I think that we need a bit of a reset I don’t want to leave Squid Island you know I think we could go back but look I think we’re going to

Have to do some work because that place is an absolute mess right now okay let’s get some Cobblestone we’ve got our own little Quarry just so we can get everything that we need to get up and running all right the house is coming together we’re going to need a lot more

Wood though what is it with these like big trees I honestly if there was one thing I could remove from Minecraft it would be large trees they have no place here I want to destroy all of them uh anyway yeah thanks for the wood I think

It would also be a good idea to kind of go through all of our supplies we do have an Ender Chest that has a bunch of different items in there uh so doing a little bit of a review of everything that we have would probably be a good

Idea I think that jelly and Karina they definitely lost a lot of their supplies um which you know sucks for them but uh at least we’re okay careful I also do want this house to be a nice place honestly uh with with what’s going on with jelly and Craner we

Have no idea how long it might take to ever see them again or ever return to Squid Island so I want to make sure that we’ve got a a nice home that we can use as our base you know as the future moves forwards all right there’s the roof

Coming together we’re just going to grab some sand and uh so we can get some windows there’s nothing quite like the therapeutic experience of building a house in Minecraft especially after everything you love just burned down to ashes yes all right get our windows installed and I’ve even put like a little Skylight

Type thing up here wow I am an architectural genius oh yeah we need need to change the floor that’s an important step now it might not be the biggest house but it’s it has pretty much everything we need and that’s what counts I mean

Look at all this stuff by the way I have all of our supplies and stuff can go in this chest it’s kind of a bit annoying having a bed right here um kind of like walks on top of it all the time but hey that’s just part of it maybe we’ll move

This somewhere kind of a bit worried that this is going to get destroyed if you don’t do it with a with a uh silk touch pickaxe it breaks into obsidian which means we would lose access to a lot of other things so hopefully that doesn’t happen right so that is that set

Step sorted out now let’s figure out what we’re doing out here I want to build a farm that’s going to be important bork is watching all right yeah we do need a hoe for this actually we’re trying to get all of the basics done we don’t even know what the basics

Are all right there’s a hoe I think that’s probably a a decent size Farm oh no oh no I’m walking on top of it I’ve just realized that we need some water for a bucket do we have a bucket of water oh we actually do nice all right let’s put that

Here we could probably go a little bit wider excuse me bork thank you excuse me there you are go it’s bringing back so much memories to just say bork you remember the bork gang bork yeah good times good times now with that set up we just need to put our

Gates around it and we can start planting seeds and then the farm will be checked off of our list of things to do we’ve only got three seeds in our inventory so um I think we did have some more though yeah we got a few more all right we’re

Going to have to uh do some lawn mowing okay let’s do it let’s get some seeds wait is it better to do it with a hoe does that increase your chances I actually don’t know there’s something very satisfying about planting seeds in this game just living out the Old Farmer’s Life all

Right all of our seeds in and the last step is to make bork a cute little dog house I think we’ll put it just over here and we just need to get some materials and then I think we will have finished our little Homestead and it

Might be time to pop back over to Squid Island and just you know check in a little bit see if anything is changed I have a sneaky suspicion stuff has how are we going to do this I think we’re just going to make it real little just a

Little little guy’s house little guy house I mean the problem with blocks in this game is everything just looks huge like that is not looking like a small little dog house and there you go there’s our little bork house borky B come on time to check out your new crib

Damn oh don’t be shy buddy don’t be shy you can come in and join me whenever you want but for now you’ve got this house over here come all right come on buddy come on there you go BK gang yeah I don’t know how to get you out of here

There you go bork hang on a second we don’t have a sign for you I’m so sorry bork yeah wow it’s so good to have you back borky bork all right well it looks like we’ve uh We’ve made ourselves a little home here I’m pretty uh pretty happy

It’s time to drop the supplies off because we’re going to go on a little bit of an adventure we’re going to just go back check out just see what’s happened with Squid Island and see if everyone has gone so here is the destruction of Squid Island the Utopia

That I once thought was a Utopia but now isn’t I can’t really see any other signs of anything happening there’s a lot of stuff that has just like been destroyed I don’t know when this happened I guess everything’s starting to just kind of fall apart what is that building over there

Hang on a second I think I see something that looks a bit different yeah what is this okay someone has built some I thought everyone had left so I don’t know what this is about the House of Friendship hello there if you stumbled upon the House of Friendship you are

Hereby invited to join me in it what uh I prepared gifts for the next time we all log on let’s have a chat Craner this whole thing will make sense trust me what where are the gifts he said that they said there was gifts hm okay well it seems like Karina is

Suggesting something to to repair our friendship okay well um I guess we’ll find out if we uh play again together but for now it looks like everything else is the same anyway let me know in the comments what you think uh we should do next and uh anyway it’s time to head

Back and and and find B the future is going to be very interesting indeed

If you’ve been following Squid Island, our #minecraft survival series, you will know that a lot has gone down. Well, it’s time to re-build and I have some very exciting news… my pet dog Bork is back in Minecraft!


  1. So what you should do find crainer and jelly bases leave a sighn saying that we need to start again and send them like place we're they have to go
    Or go to squid Island delete everything thing and don't make a king or something like that it will end like this again so everyone can be happy love you slogo

  2. I think what needs to happen is a new system. Not just one person in charge, but more like the US government. Have multiple branches so they can make sure one does not get to crazy with power

  3. In future. Just remember: If you don’t want Jelly to be Dictator Then don’t make yourself one🤦🏻‍♂️ don’t do things to others you don’t want to happen for yourself

  4. Slogo I love the series! Keep the good work up!
    Btw to your question of what you should do: Trying to rebuild is didn't work. But maybe try communicating with crainer and jelly like crainer suggested with that building on squid island. Find out eachothers problems with everything that's happened now and resolve them. That way you could rebuild your bond and trust.

  5. Slogo your dog is still alive in your old house behind your stairs. When jelly put lava on top of your house he put your dog in a cobblestone cage behind the stairs.

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