EXPLODING The Twins AND Skeletron Prime! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.10)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough you join me for the first time in this series in the underground desert the reason I’m down here is because I want to make some Scarab bombs make myself a super easy elevator so we got easy

Access to the underworld and I’m going to be doing a bunch of soul farming because the ultimate goal today my friends is to take down the remaining mechanical bosses that is the Twins and Skeletron Prime so yeah we’re down here we need to get ourselves a bunch of scar

Bombs and the key to that is Desert fossils we need as many of these bad boys as possible and would you look at this my friends we actually have a magic conch in the first desert chest we spot down here I mean come on that’s pretty

Good going isn’t it the only thing is we don’t actually need it anymore not unless I want to go to the right hand side ocean for any reason but the fact of the matter is this I’ve already got an ocean Pyon so yeah the magic conch

Don’t really need it if I’m honest as we continue to do this I just want to say a massive thank you for all of your wonderful support throughout this series I really do appreciate all of the love and the form of the likes comments and subscriptions lately if you want to

Continue supporting this series and the channel here I would of course very much appreciate it if you’d head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a like hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content

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15% off your Terraria merch order anyway ladies and gentlemen check it out we’ve got ourselves 9 sturdy fossils already and of course we can start building up our supply even further with some of these here desert fossils you know what it’s what 9:30 p.m. it’s actually

Nighttime right now do we or do we not think we could take down the twins right now I think we might I think we might be able to you know all right let’s go ahead and give it a go there’s only one way finding out for sure if we are ready

For this thing let’s go ahead and put down this Bast statue as well make sure we’ve got the ammo effect get a little bit of this get a little bit of this and believe it or not we already have a Mech eye so here we go let’s see what we can

Do shall we using the good old classic mega shark and I’m hoping it will do the job I mean it kind of is already isn’t it absolutely wrecking shop the damage over time from the good old Frost armor you got to love it my friends I mean come on it’s beautiful a

Yeah all right little bit of dashy dashy now we go a little bit side to side and we keep this thing going yeah all right $63,000 I mean strictly speaking a lot of the time people consider this boss to be easier than destroyer and well if I’m

Being honest I don’t really have any reason to doubt that any minute now we should have the green eye go into second phase any minute now there we are 16,000 Health remaining on the green eye and then well the red eye is actually relatively easy to avoid the green eye

Though is very much a pain in the butsy Doodles so yeah ladies and gentlemen we’re absolutely absolutely wrecking shot though I don’t know what else to tell you oh Easy Street the mega shark with explosive bullets with the frost armor damage overtime effect you got to love

It you got to love it haven’t you 2,000 Health any minute now this guy will be dead and make that pres attemp he is dead all right now time for the red eyee and I tell you what we pretty much just got a Time La this because I’m

Sure you guys have seen me take the twins down many many times previously and ladies and gentlemen with absolute ease although that actually was a little bit close there with absolute ease we took down the twins I mean yeah that was pretty simple I don’t know what else to say it was as

Simple as anything I’ve ever done beautiful absolutely beautiful all right time to go ahead and get ourselves some more sturdy f boys let’s get ourselves an extract anator out and let’s get this thing underway once again I’m thinking a time lapse is the way to do this thing so

Let’s do it let’s see how many sturdy fossils we Get he ladies and gentlemen here we are all the sturdy fossils are now processed we have a grand total of 64 a full Minecraft stack of sturdy fossils so popping on over to our crafting bench we can now make ourselves a bunch of Scarab bombs although do we even need to I’ve

Got quite a lot of them on me and in a small world you typically don’t need too many more than 30 Scarab bombs to get yourself down to the underworld and here’s the thing I’ve already got air way down in the world just from when I did the whole biome shielding project so

Yeah we probably got more than enough here all right a new fresh day has arisen we’re going to use this Terraria day to make the quick elevator and we are going to get ourselves down to the underground hallow actually that is what we need to do because we need more souls

Of light I believe it’s three Souls of light per Summoner for Skeletron Prime so yeah should be relatively straightforward wow we’ve just gone through an underground mushroom biome so that means we’ve got nice easy access to a mushroom biome so that’s fantastic actually means we can get truffle worms

With absolute ease ah I keep getting dudes drop in on me and they keep nearly killing me I’m not about that life all right excellent we are now at the underworld folks beautiful all right so the Hallow is on the left hand side hereit not by much actually it’s only here

Like probably only 100 blocks to my left that’s hilarious so if we’re wanting to farm out hello dudes this would be the place to be my friends amazing super easy access to Souls of Night and light fantastic absolutely fantastic right let me just do a little bit of a pit stop to

Get rid of a bunch of garbage in my inventory and then we’ll get ourselves back down there I just realized something some of you guys were quite rightly reminding me about the existence of the beautiful Dart rifle it’s something we don’t currently have but is as we discovered in the Forgotten play

Through it is an absolutely amazing weapon to have it truly truly is so maybe we might have some alternate uses for these Souls Souls of Night are what we’re going to be needing if we’re wanting to try to grind out some Crimson or corrupt mimics anyway here we are

Maximized spawn rates yeah baby oh we got Red Devils now that’s right ah because we taken down one Mech boss that’s right these guys spawn in now got to be careful of that oh no way we got a magic quiver okay well if we want to go for an

Archery SL Bowman build then we now can a aren you beautiful little hallow mimic the only thing is this guy will be able to oneshot me at this particular point in time also he’s in the lava I would not recommend that oh I also wouldn’t recommend getting rebound shot from this

Guy okay right this guy’s probably going to go berserk mode yep there he is oh boy come on now very little Health to take down and there we go and gave us a crystal V sh which we’re not allowed to use well that sucks doesn’t it all right

Battle potion is now done and dusted we’ve not done too bad in terms of our soul Supply up to 14 now all righty Skelly prime time ehy let’s see what we can do we’ve got apple pie regen iron skin Bast and ammo conservation from the ammo box bada bing bada

Boom by using explosive ammo I’m hoping we’ll be able to do maybe a little bit of Splash damage against the arms in that we may be able to hit multiple at once that would be pretty awesome what isn’t so awesome is the fact that we’re already having to use ourselves a health

Potion but oh well it’s neither here nor there I think we can still do this shouldn’t be too difficult so here we go 44,000 health health draining away very very nicely here I mean come on you got to love the good old OG Mega Shark haven’t you come on

Look at this guy spinning his way over to me ain’t going to do anything son ain’t going to do anything 35,000 Health oh jeez all right you know what I think as per the previous boss fight we might just time lapse this you’ve seen Skelly Prime

Fights loads and loads of times over the years from me presumably so yeah let’s just get this thing Bolling shall we 30,000 health Happ well my friends as ropey as the beginning of the fight was we quite easily bought it back I mean honestly I didn’t even break a sweat oh dear as I keep saying the mega shark one of the alltime OG greats in this game all right opening it up we got

Ourselves some Hal bars there’s The Souls of Fred of course we we got a Skelly primee mask that’s pretty cool all right let’s go and do ourselves a favor here where’s the Little Minecart kit there it is we do a little bit of that yeah and now we have a mine cart

Sweet see the interesting thing is we could quite possibly use the mega shark and the exploding bullets even against planta because these bullets Do Splash damage it means we should wind up doing quite a lot of damage to all of the surrounding little planta Grabber dudes

Right thing is though I don’t want to go into this next boss battle over confident because with planta I feel like I always do that and it winds up biting me in the butt after a while so ladies and gentlemen I will keep on with the goal of trying to get myself the

Dart rifle okay so what that means for us is we need to grab ourselves back out these Souls of Night and actually while we’re here why don’t we go and do some stuff we’ve got some Souls of Sight might and for right what we’re going to

Do is we’re going to whip out all of the Hallowed Bars of which we have a whopping 94 of them wow we’re going to make ourselves the pickaxe axe got to love it then we can actually go for the goal of getting ourselves chlori armor

If we really wanted to and in terms of other upgrades we’ve got ourselves the hallowed repeater of course and hallowed armor I mean do we really want to make hallowed armor just so we can replace it almost immediately with chlori armor I feel like that’ be a waste I think I’d

Rather save these Hall for the Pumpkin Moon medallions later down the line however I will go ahead and make myself a hallowed repeater because why not we’ve got 11 additional bow damage that’s pretty good going if you ask me folks all right little bit on the expensive side I will say but I’m

Looking for some speed I mean even that would do 8% speed that’s not too bad going I would say all right very very good let’s go and put all of these Souls away we’ll put the bars away and ladies and gentlemen we’re going to get right back down to the underworld corruption

Area of farming epicness all right underground corruption let’s do this thing there’s the water candle there’s the battle potion and now the absolute ponage Fest begins yeah Souls of Night Galore my friends already up to 15 in fact you know what we’ll have it on a

Hot bar so we can keep track of how many we’re getting I just realized something f FKS we’re killing quite a lot of birds with one stone only we’re getting cursed flames and cursed Flames are used for making quite possibly the best ammunition for the dart rifle cursed

Darts I cannot wait to be reunited with a dart rifle I just hope that we get lucky enough to get it first time rolling or at least to the point where we don’t have to grind out 50 million dudes to you know get it oo got a love a

Regular mimic my friend friends what was that a cross necklace hey not a bad little defensive accessory that bad boy so quick progress update after the first battle potion we’re up to 36 Souls of Night that is going to be enough to summon in two corrupt mimics are we

Fancing our chances with two corrupt mimics if I’m honest no we’re going to go for another one oh God it’s a rune wizard uh-oh uh right corrupt mimic located if I could maybe get myself down to the underworld uh oh God I’m like literally stuck here I can’t get through

Uh this is quite bad actually what am I going to do here ah I’m just playing leg it away from this dude all right well this is a little bit better I guess I mean you know Finding regular you know natural corrupt mimics that could be a little strap that works

Out quite Nic niely uh that’s a Clinger stab darn it not what we’re looking for yeah Run hat Rune robe that’s pretty cool we could be a wizard Ranger that makes no sense whatsoever but I mean why not oh no way I just got a corruption key the unfortunate thing is it’s going

To give us a melee weapon isn’t it the scourge of the corrupt ah it’s another one of these guys ehy all right come on then let’s do battle son come on be gone foul beast and it’s a hook wow some really great loot there Terraria oh God this is dangerous Red

Devils corrupt mimics it’s all going on here prioritize this guy cuz he can literally onot me with his Unholy Trident and then we focus on the corrupt mimic come on and wait what’s that there’s a bone sword down there interesting oh wow another worm hook going absolutely above and beyond

With a loot today me old son wow all right battle potion has expired but we are literally one Soul under being able to get ourselves four corrupt mimics come on now just the one Soul that’s all we need there we go beautiful 60 60 Souls of Night all right here we

Go I guess four corrupt mimics about to go bybys mimic number one done and Dusty chain Gilles obtained not what we need all right here we go my friends number two is about to go down this time we got a s a worm hook not what we’re looking

For good grief all right Third Time Lucky with our manually summoned in corrupt mimics come on come on Third Time Lucky what are we thinking folks it’s a Clinger staff big fat now this is our final attempt number four come on Terraria we’re looking for the T rifle No what the hell man I’ve taken down a grand total of seven corrupt mimics in today’s episode and we didn’t get the dart rifle I think we need to take that as a sign we’re just not meant to get it in this series fine I mean I don’t mind rolling

Around with my mega shark with explosive bullets has been absolutely wrecking shops so far I see no reason to deny that any further ladies and gentlemen we’re going to be doing planta with the mega shark with exploding bullets because screw it the game clearly wants me

To oh dear oh dear oh dear Soo my friends it is time to wrap up today’s episode of course I want to thank you guys for watching if you have enjoyed today’s episode and of course you’re excited to see more do be sure to head down below the video and spend a second

To drop a like I’d really appreciate it folks hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now there we go all Mech bosses done the mega shark with explosive bullets absolutely wrecking Shar I mean

Were you guys surprised at that I wasn’t I always knew that it would be a deadly little combo that but anyways thanks for watching have a great rest of your day thanks for all of you loving support and I’ll see you guys in the next one bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – The INCREDIBLE Terraria mechanical boss pwnage continues with BOTH The Twins & Skeletron Prime falling victim to the exploding bullets we’re using! Enjoy!
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This is Episode 10 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. Python! Glad to see you back! Now that you have access to the souls of fright, PLEASE try out the flamethrower. I'd go so far as to say that it matches the megashark in single-target dps (with the right reforge) and excels in crowd control scenarios. If you want an easy way to decimate enemies and bosses above ground, I suggest pairing the chlorophyte arrows with the daedalus stormbow- the arrow type nerf to the daedalus doesn't apply to chloro arrows, and they home in after one bounce, essentially counteracting the inaccuracy of the bow!

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