I Beat Terraria With ONLY 1HP

I challenged myself to beat Terraria with 1 HP and defeated the Wall of Flesh however now that I’m in hard mode the challenge only gets harder from here and let me tell you I will never recover from the trauma PTSD and insanity if this game has caused me seriously I

Can’t walk 30 ft without dying so buckle up and prepare yourself as I cry my way through hard mode opening up my wall of flesh treasure bag I activated my Crimson heart that gave me an additional accessory slot and also acquired the Clockwork assault rifle as well as the

Melee emblem but most important of all I received the pawn Hammer let’s go break some altars on my way to the corruption I located our hollowed biome inside our corruption however before I could break an altar I stepped on a thorn bush and exploded down in the corruption I broke

The altars and blessed our world with Cobalt mithil and titanium with splunker and Mining potions activated I descended into the caverns and mined a bunch of cobalt during which I had a panic attack as we encountered the terrible evolution of giant worms diggers leave me alone

Please I just I don’t want to die die right now worms then I crafted the Cobalt pickaxe with the Cobalt pickaxe I returned to the caverns to mine mithil at the same time I also discovered our underground corruption that spreads throughout my entire elevator we then encountered the bane of my existence

Giant cave bats and I handled it like a mature adult and totally didn’t freak out at all oh there’s giant bats leave me alone please I don’t want to die searching for more mithril I faced off against a world eader and let me tell you this moment alone encapsulates the

Entire challenge no man worms why why worms thank you for all the support these videos take a long time to create so seeing you support and enjoy the videos means more than the world so if you enjoy this video like the video and comment down below your favorite slime

Color mine’s blue in the caverns I spent a year slowly shooting a mimic so we’re going to be here for a while killing the mimic not only did I get a ridiculous amount of gold but I also acquired the magic daggers which helps considering everything kills me but what do I know

Since I immediately died to a giant bat no don’t oh and lost all of my gold oh I had 20 gold finally mining more Mythril I went to search a water chest and was curb stomped by an angler fish listen these feral fish managed to destroy me

Every time at the surface I turned my mithil into bars and crafted the mithil Anvil however I didn’t have enough Mythril for a pickaxe so I returned to the caverns but before I could mine more Mythril silt fell on my head and exploded my brain we died to silt we

Died to silt silt fell on our head and exploded our brains collecting more Mythril I finally had enough to craft a pickaxe it was time to collect titanium and I had a plan to make sure it went smoothly and oh boy it went nothing but smoothly my plan was to travel to the

Cavern layer just before hell where you can usually collect a bunch of titanium however remember how I said our underground corruption has spread throughout our entire elevator well yeah I think you can guess what happened to die and when I did manage to make it past the underground corruption I

Repeatedly threw myself into lava since who doesn’t like a hot molten bath that burns you alive right after having my neck snapped multiple times I was getting a little annoyed why why cleaners why is everywhere corruption after even more searching I located the underground hollowed I would be kind of

Excited except for I know I will be spending way too much time in this biome but that happens later in the present we were unexpectedly attacked by a chaos Elemental and I totally didn’t cry or wet myself in fear not so soon after I found a crap ton of titanium I also

Found the wizard NPC however he was being attacked by a skeleton archer so I valant sacrificed my life to save him let’s grab our hell Forge and let’s turn that into a titanium Forge now that I had a titanium Forge it was time to go and mine even more titanium finding a

Bunch of titanium I finally had enough to craft the titanium pickaxe now all I needed was the titanium armor you’re probably wondering what’s the point of crafting armor since you get one shot by everything even sand well the titanium armor has an awesome effect where it generates a defensive barrier that can

Block attacks and considering I can’t get hit that will make a huge difference towards my life expectancy I forgot how high chaos Elementals could jump and I was brutally dissected once again on my way into the cavern a possessed armor traveling faster than the speed of freaking sound nuked my ass collecting a

Massive amount of titanium however for some reason someone must have put out a hit on me since every enemy in the hollow swarmed me from every direction and tore me in half I’d play the audio from the clip but I don’t feel like it and it has nothing to do with the fact

That I screamed for my life and cursed repeatedly now that I had collected enough titanium I crafted the ranger version of the titanium armor I was running low on storage so I quickly expanded my base and built more s tier NPC housing like seriously wouldn’t you

Want to live in a 3×10 block cozy and compact house let’s ask the merchant you love your house right please please help us we can’t escape Wow Let’s Pretend you didn’t hear that it was time to begin preparation to kill Skeletron yes Skeletron in part one I decided to

Defeat the Wall of Flesh instead of Skeletron it wasn’t because we suck at the game or a skill issue all right it wasn’t that at all anyways if you want to know what happened go watch part one I’m not explaining so like any rich and tyrannical real estate developer I

Bombed the underground hollowed created a spawn point and continued to bomb the underground hollowed starting the construction of my home followed Farm to collect Souls of light I died a lot to summarize the next 2 hours of my life I’ll just play this clip we’ve died

So much and I mean like so so so much after some time passed I found my leftover Dynamite from the wall of flesh fight and exploded myself I also acquired the marrow and let me say this weapon is so undervalued honestly if it wasn’t for the marrow I probably would

Have quit this challenge since the marrow singlehandedly carries me through early hard mode however even though the marrow is amazing it didn’t stop me from blowing my house up no once the construction of the hollowed Farm was complete I began hunting the creatures of the hollow into Extinction

And after fighting for my life for what felt like a century I collected a crap ton of Souls of light so turning my Souls into keys of light placing the key of light into a chest I summoned a hollowed mimic with my extremely lawn Arena and the marrow I easily defeated

The hollowed mimic however I didn’t get the dataless stormbow so I defeated it again and again however I didn’t get the dataless stormbow on the bright side as a result of farming I was no longer poor so I reforged my marrow to unreal I then discovered our pylon Network had been

Destroyed so upon searching why I discovered our entire desert had been corrupted because why not right I can’t fathom a reason why the game would take pity on me so I quickly built a house in the snow biome and placed the snow pylon I could once again teleport to the

Dungeon determined to get the dataless dorbo summing up the hours of my life I will never get back I’ll create a highq please somebody help they are surrounding me well too late I’m murdered so changing Focus I went up to a sky island to farm harpies and wyverns

To get the angel wings since I’m tired of using rocket boots a wyvern spawned in and the marrow came in clutch I EAS IL defeated the wyvern and collected The Souls of Flight however I needed to defeat a few more so after nearly being sneak attacked by a wyver I collected

The Souls of Flight and crafted Angel winds I can now fly just in time too since a Pirate Invasion spawned I even defeated a pirate ship and acquired the black spot Mount once I defeated the Pirate Invasion I decided screw getting the datus stormbow I have a date with

Skeletron and I’m going to take him down that sounded bad so I buffed and summoned Skeletron and he shot an equally thick mini skull into my beautiful face it wasn’t looking good however I could do this summoning in Skeletron I easily defeated his hands as his thick skull charged towards me I

Dealt massive damage and then it happened and just like that we beat him that super difficult boss that was impossible to kill in Pre hard mode we finally freaking beat him let’s go just as Skeletron spanked my ass in the past I spanked his thick skull twice as hard

I got my revenge traveling to the Jungle I constructed NPC housing and purchased the jungle pylon so it’s time to set our sights on destroying the Destroyer get it destroying the Destroyer yeah I’ll admit it wasn’t my best joke so traveling to and Mining the meteorite my yellow booties touched a smidgen of

Meteorite and I exploded after collecting a bunch of meteorite I was met with an interesting surprise that’s not a good surprise he spawned in and it took less than 10 seconds for his steel SC all ass to death laser me now that I have enough meteorite I crafted some

Meteorite bars I then purchased a mini shark from the guns sler and crafted the star cannon and of course it’s an awkward star cannon because why wouldn’t one of the most damaging weapons in the game be awkward so reforging the star cannon into a murderous star cannon it

Was time to acquire the magic conch since the magic conch will be crucial to defeating the Destroyer so I set out to our corrupted desert to find the magic conch and I have a few words to say firstly this purple spewing floating stupid douchebags how am I supposed to search

For anything if I can’t move more than four blocks without getting blasted by purple fire next up Dune splicers I hate hate hate hate hate hate Lo entirely these sand biters deserve to go to hell finally let’s give an honorable mention to sand I don’t have much to say about sand except

For oh so much suffering to sum up my hours of suffering I quit looking for The Magik H and change plans since the corrupt desert is a death trap speaking of suffering for hours 98.5% of everyone who enjoys the videos are not subscribed so for every subscriber this video gets

I’m going to mine 100 blocks with a copper pickaxe in a brand new world oh and by the way there are only 20 mil1 160,000 blocks in a large Terraria world so I could end up having to mine an entire world with a copper pickaxe beginning my new plan to defeat the

Destroyer I bombed a giant tunnel through my world and after dying repeatedly I constructed our massive tunnel of Doom preparing my star cannon and collecting way too many falling stars I had to go collect lead since why wouldn’t I have lad this late in hard

Mode now that I have lead we crafted a mechanical worm ready to fight I Reed my star cannon and summoned the Destroyer well that didn’t work but I was determined to win so collecting more souls of Knight and at the same time cursed Flames I crafted another mechanical worm slept until the next

Night and summoned the destroyer and I’ll admit I was a bit overconfident so could you believe it when my perfect plan didn’t work and I got lasered to death I freaked out and crashed the game this would turn out to be the worst decision I could have made since I

Didn’t have autosave on so all the progress I made in this world was lost but this gave me a chance to update my pylon Network so I constructed a house in the ocean and purchased the ocean pylon on I then moved the forest pylon and my pylon network was operational

Besides the jungle then I started constructing the new tunnel of Doom but to keep the story short and sweet I got my ass kicked it was clear the plan wasn’t going to work so it was time to go back to the original plan but first I constructed a house in the jungle and

Set up the pylon but a werewolf decided he’d like a taste of My Flesh and killed us plus the dry had got decapitated by a flying frog so at least I wasn’t the only one getting my ass kicked I needed a magic con and there’s no way I was

Going to go and search our damned desert so I created a new world and died honestly I’m starting to think maybe the desert isn’t so bad and I just suck but there’s no way I can be bad at the game right so digging down I found a magic

Conch now that I have the magic conch I roped up at the ocean and constructed a house for NPCs this would prevent wyverns and harpies from spawning however I just like to say to all the wyverns and harpies in the world why can’t you just leave me alone so finishing constructing the house

Everything was set to destroy the Destroyer you’re probably wondering what the plan is well once I spawn the Destroyer I will teleport to the ocean and fly up to the house as the Destroyer flies over to me I blast his ass with the star cannon ready to go I summoned

Him in and the plan went perfectly just kidding I got probed so after collecting souls and falling stars for a freaking Century I crafted a mechanical worm it was time for round two buffing up I summoned the Destroyer traveled to the ocean and started blasting oh oh it worked oh it worked we

Just defeated the Destroyer after being lasered and probed countless times the Destroyer had been destroyed it was time to defeat Skeletron Prime and his extra thick skull but first I opened the treasure bag now that I have acquired Souls of Might it was time to get the

Mega shark so I purchased some illegal gun parts from the guns sler traveled to the ocean and drowned myself I started to farm for Fins and at the same time the steampunker moved in after collecting five shark fins I crafted the mega shark now that I have the mega

Shark I purch just way too many bullets and crafted cursed flame bullets since they do a crazy amount of damage and will help to defeat Skeletron Prime grabbing a bunch of rails I had collected I left for the ocean and started constructing my Skeletron trap building 76 rails across 36 diagonally

Up an 11 rail buffer 36 diagonally left hammering the end of the rail so it launches is off I then built one over and 36 diagonally with a 15 rail buffer on the other side however this would turn out to be wrong so I fixed this later with the Skeletron Prime Arena

Ready to go I decided to raid the ice biome for frost cores to get the frost armor since it was storming finding an ice Golem it shot a frost beam faster than light and murdered me so to defeat the ice Golems I broke a single wide

Block Gap above me and used my new mega shark with their zero brain cells the ice Golems could not compute what was happening and defaulted to spinning like a BL blade killing the ice Golem I then farmed two more ice Golems I now had three ice cores however we needed

Titanium so I traveled into the caverns and mined titanium if you think that was a little too easy you’re right I died a lot returning to the surface without an arm and a leg I turned our titanium into bars and crafted the frost armor even though defense literally has no effect

The damage increase the frost armor grants is an extreme upgrade I then got not one but two surprises this was a great chance to test the arena so teleporting to the ocean Skeletron spawned in and the trap worked terribly his extra thick skull smacked me harder

Than a truck however I chose to leave this to bad luck on the bright side I got the shark tooth necklace I then slept soundly and dreamt of having more than 1 HP while suspended thousands of feet in the air waking up refreshed and ready to go using a mechanical skull I

Collected from farming in the hollow I summoned Skeletron Prime and it was going fantastic however once again he spanked my ass so hard I exploded remember when I said the arena was built incorrectly yeah well the left side of the Arena was too long and resulted in

Our death so to fix it I rebuilt the arena by building 32 diagonally and 15 over with the bumper with the arena fix it was time to curb stomp Skeletron Prime’s extra thick skull but a Blood Moon spawned however I wasn’t going to let some stinking red moon stop me so I

Summoned Skeletron Prime and we just beat Skeletron Prime without getting hit once woo let’s go the arena worked perfectly without so much as a scratch I defeated Mr metalman sorry I meant Skeletron Prime since it was still night I decided why not fight Mr metalman again however I was quickly

Impaled by a death laser it was time to defeat The Twins but this time I needed the datus stormbow so traveling to the underground Hol it took no less than 5 minutes for a hollowed mimic to spawn and after battling for my life it dropped the dataless stormbow ref

Forging the dataless stormbow we Farm STS a flight to craft the Frozen winds since I got an ice feather while farming crafting Frozen wings I could now fly even faster setting my sight on defeating the twins I needed teleporters however I had to locate the mechanic so descending into the dungeon I quickly

Found the mechanic and my spine was ripped out by water back at spawn apparently without a spine I perched the wrench wire cutters six teleporters and a whole lot of red wire I then started constructing the array of teleporters in a six-pointed star this will allow me to

Easily evade the twins attacks however I was de gloved by a harpy de gloved what does the gloved even mean oh dear Lord that is terrible anyways after having the layers of my skin torn off there was a tree in my way channeling my inner Lumberjack I chopped

It down now that the tree was out of my way I continued to assemble the array of teleporters I was then dive bombed by a wyvern the whole process of creating the array of teleporters was extremely tedious I’d construct a teleporter then get sniped by a harpy and I repeated

This process honestly I’m waiting for a moment where I am not constantly in danger and can relax but I have a sneaky suspicion that will never happen also I’m officially broke wires are a lot more expensive than I thought completing the teleporter array I was ready to

Fight the twins so preparing my potions and cursed arrows I summoned the twins I’d like to say we constructed the teleporters Ron or my keyboard sto working but the truth is I just stood there as the twins turned me into a slushie at this point I’m fairly certain

We just suck at the game crafting more mechanical eyes it was time for round two so going AFK until the next night I received another surprise and the twin spawned in and spaz Lord himself spewed me with green Flames round three I summoned the twins making sure to kill

Reizer first I switched teleporters the second they got close to me honestly I was on edge the entire fight the twins have always been the worst mechanical boss so I wasn’t taking any chances Oh I thought we were just about to die woohoo just like that the jungle

Grows restless we just killed all of the mechanical bosses without getting hit that is freaking awesome opening the treasure bag I now had Souls of Sight I also got a Dev set but I liked our yellow booties and gloves so I didn’t equip it then I crafted the pickaxe axe

All of the mechanical bosses have been defeated and the jungle grows restless so it was time to remove a chunk of the Jungle in preparation for the planta fight I also constructed another tunnel of Doom the plan was to fight Phase 1 Plantera in the arena then I fall down

The massive tunnel in theory the plan was fantastic in reality it was terrible and resulted in long-lasting trauma that I’ll be talking to my therapist about for years I was running out of planta bulbs and the jungle was starting to get on my nerves so I decided that oversized

Plant can shove it and initiated operation beat plant Tera to death and you may be wondering how are you going to beat plant Tera to death oh just you watch buying the sickle from the merchant I devastated the environment and collected an ungodly amount of hay however it wasn’t enough and after

Depleting my world’s hay we created other worlds and decimated their environments just don’t tell the dryad after collecting a bunch of hay I crafted 100 Target dummies however since I had 54 silver to my name I needed money and I needed it fast so diving into lava I mined hell dry of hellstone

Collected obsidian and crafted a smack ton of hellstone bars selling them I made a quick platinum coin it would do for now it was crucial that we have a flare gun in order to defeat planta and of course I didn’t after a few minutes of mining I didn’t find the flare gun

However I did find water walking boots this was amazing since I was one step closer to achiev the ter spark boots and no more than like 2 minutes later I located the ice skates I’m telling you whenever I play Terraria the game helps me find everything I’m not looking for

At the moment continuing to mine I found the flare gun and little did I know the flare gun would prove to be the key factor in defeating the moon Lord but at the moment I had an oversized plan to jump Excavating a portion of the Jungle I placed our 100 Target dummies and

Built a house for three NPCs I would now begin the arduous journey of collecting High blocks to craft hives and let me tell you it was actually impossible to do with 1 HP something always went wrong in this case my flesh was eaten by the bee queen however thanks to all the

Chlorop FY I collected while creating our useless jungle Arena I managed to collect a bunch of Hive blocks and keep my organs inside my body so win-win crafting hives at the surface which by the way can only be crafted using a heavy workbench in a graveyard biome why

You have to be surrounded by dead people to craft hives I don’t know all that was left with is a good melee weapon to beat planta to a pulp with get it cuz you can turn plants into pulp okay I’ll stop so I traveled to the

Dungeon to find the mamasa since I am going to craft the true Knight’s Edge collecting a golden key I opened a chest and acquired the mamasa then seconds later I kamic caade into a spike at the surface I crafted the blade of grass with my materials from the jungle now

That I had all the blades required I went to an altar and crafted the knight’s Edge back at home with my Souls of Might sight and fright I achieved the true Knight’s Edge since I didn’t want to have to locate another planta ballb I turned off autosave and created a save

Point just before planta oh and I purchased 1 th000 flares with everything ready I placed all of our hives broke a Target dummy and summon planta and it failed see the plan is by placing 100 Target dummies and bees I can hit the max enity limit this makes it so planta

Doesn’t have her tentacles thorns and so she cannot move but of course something went wrong because even though I’ve died a bazillion times the Terraria Gods refuse to take pity on me so after some problem solving I discovered the solution collecting more Hive blocks the true Knight’s Edge rendered the bees

Useless at the surface I turned our Hive blocks into more than 100 hives and I was ready to go if you’re curious what the solution is you need to place and break 100 hives so placing all 100 hives and breaking a Target dummy I summon planta and it worked planta was stuck

And all that was left was to shoot 1 th000 flares to hit the projectile limit so planta can’t shoot Thorns at us now that the flares were shot I whipped out my true Knight’s Edge and we’re ready to beat planta but my sword wasn’t working and planta shot a thorn killing me just

When I thought it was over I respawned and planta was still there this is so stupid how am I supposed to kill this thing that’s a great question if I get too close I get blasted but I made a crazy Discovery since the flares were not close enough to plantra it was not

Canceling the projectiles so I tried to get some more flares unfortunately we died and she ran away like a wimp summoning in planta again this time I had prepared even more flares shooting the flares next to planta the flares worked and planta could no longer attack

Us however once again my sword know work it was then I realized that it was because the true Knight’s Edge does projectile damage and since I maxed the projectile spawn the sword wouldn’t work it was over once again the plan failed until I realized I had one weapon left I

Could use the mythro warax this is going to be Fun never in a million years would I have thought I would beat planta with an axe but after beating planta to death for a century yes with an axe it happened we just defeated planta without getting pit I opened up our treasure bag everything in the bag was useless except

The jungle key since I could now enter the jungle temple and kick Gollum Stony ass however before I can do that I am in desperate need of more movement speed or else Gollum will beam me down so I went in search of the laa charm to craft the

Terra spark boots and I stepped on a geyser the suffering never ends not so soon after I found the lava charm back at the surface I crafted the frost bark boots lava waiters and achieved the teras spark boots with my new teras spark boots equipped I collected hellstone obsidian bought the Pirate

Invasion and crafted an Unholy amount of hellstone bars selling my hellstone bars I made two Platinum coins I now had a net worth of four Platinum with my newly acquired Fortune I reforged my mega shark starting with locating the jungle temple mining Through the Jungle collecting any chlorite along the way I

Continued Mining and Mining and more mining until I found the jungle temple and then died sorry I meant turned into lawn pig after making my way back to the jungle temple we built a spawn point with nothing left to do I entered the jungle temple okay listen as bad as the

Desert was as bad as the corrupt desert was as bad as the sky was and even as bad as bees are why oh God dear why are there so many lizards like the traps I can deal with but the lizards why are there so many like look at this where

Are they coming from how are they multiplying wait a minute statues they’re not multiplying at all they’re freaking self-replicating sacrifices worth it was indeed worth it however I just want to point out this for Prosperity but you guys watched three deaths three I died over 40 freaking times in this Temple anyways

Now that I have conquered the jungle temple it became clear that there was no way I could be Golem inside the temple so I’d have to get them outside at the surface I purchased two teleporters and wire returning to the Jungle I tested out how I am going to get Gollum outside

The temple in doing so I trapped myself in a wall purchasing Dynamite I began constructing our Golem Arena once it was large enough I placed a platform hammered it into a stair and placed a block and hammered it then holding down I clipped into the wall then you just

Hammer every other block to propel yourself forward however you have to do this on the side you want to clip through to so repeating this process I messed up and once again trapped myself in a wall oh please oh God I buil built our platform with teleporters connected

On each end however a solar eclipse spawned and isor lasered me into itty little bits on the bright side I killed a Reaper and it dropped the death CLE with the desle and my enemy grinder I made easy work of the solar eclipse and once mothron spawned I easily defeated

It once the solar eclipse was over I was ready to defeat Gollum So I entered the temple summoned Gollum clipped through the wall and Golem chase after me the arena was perfect he couldn’t hit me or so I thought until one his Fireballs bounced off the ceiling and pegged me in

The head so I raised the platform and expanded the roof of the Arena so his Fireballs can’t hit me now all I needed was ammo so back at the surface I crafted some chlorified bullets at the temple everything was prepared every possible problem had been solved so I

Summoned Gollum and his fat ass landed on top of me you know what I’m not angry you know why because I’m going to defeat him how can golum be this hard so I want once again raised the platform and he punched me so hard I exploded back at

The surface I crafted an Avenger emblem for more damage and reforged my accessories for additional movement speed so I could outrun gollum’s laser beams all that was left was to defeat Gollum so I summoned him in with the extra movement speed I easily dodged his lasers with his last 1,000 HP my

Adrenaline was rushing my heart was pumping and I ran like hell 900 oh and we beat Golem oh I did it I beat Gollum honestly it’s unbelievable that I’m celebrating defeating Gollum opening the treasure bag I didn’t get the pixa however I did get a bunch of useless

Garbage before I defeat the lunatic cultist I need to prepare our armor for Moon Lord in advance so you know what that means that’s right if you thought go and defeat queen bee you’re right I’m actually not joking I need the tiki armor from the witch doctor however in

Order for the witch doctor to spawn you need to defeat the queen bee so I collected Hive blocks bottles of honey and crafted a be minations summoning the queen bee I squashed her like a bug it was so nice being able to easily defeat a boss I hope the rest of the bosses

Would be as easy but oh I Was a Fool once the witch doctor spawned in I purchased the tiki armor if you’re wondering why I need the tiki armor well I need it for a particular summon but I won’t spoil the surprise I also went ahead and crafted the yo-yo bag since I

Realized I was stupid for not using the eye of cthulu it was officially time to defeat the lunatic cultist so at the dungeon in order not to get hit I constructed two teleporters 86 blocks apart with a light switch instead of a pressure plate so I can right click

Whenever I wish to teleport I built a lawn platform of wood to block incoming attacks with everything ready to go I slaughtered the cultists and hopped in my teleporter and immediately died to a fireball he must have rolled a at 20 or something because I’ve never been hit

Harder in my life also ever just have those moments when you try to react to something but you just stare at it like this yeah me neither round round two I started off strong but then a wraith sent me 6 ft under after dying a few

Times I finally managed to have a good run the lunatic cultist will repeatedly follow the move set of fireballs ice lightning fire ice summon so following this pattern he summoned higher than my death CLE could reach and I got snapped in half by a dragon but I could

Improvise so I removed the top of the roof this time around I used the eye of cthulu and it was working amazingly but wait no what are you doing please well that’s sucked getting the lunatic cultist into phase 2 I had no bloody idea what his attack pattern was so I

Teleported like a madman and dealt massive damage dropping his HP under 2,000 it finally happened I was so close I knew I could defeat the lunatic cultist so I summoned him in it was an intense fight as I barely dodged his attacks however I succeeded and we freaking did it and

Just like that Celestial creatures invaded the world not wasting any time I went straight to defeat the vortex pillar to acquire the vortex beater however I was shotgun to the face overall the pillar wasn’t super Difficult by targeting the alien Hornets I could easily Farm them to lower the

Pillar Shield however the light bulbs with shotguns did pose a significant threat but with the wyvern hot on my trail I destroyed the vortex pillar collecting The Vortex fragments I returned to my base and crafted The Vortex beater as well as the fantasm I could finally retire the marrow thank

You for your service now that I had the vortex feeder I went to challenge the other pillars starting with the Stardust pillar and with the vortex beater it was too easy by farming star cells I easily lowered the pillar shield and destroyed it collecting the Stardust fragments I

Went to destroy the nebula pillar and let me just say this pillar sucks and to all you floating brains out there you can take your laser and shove it however using the black spot Mount I could hover above the pillar and just rain down bullets and after some time I destroyed

The nebula pillar all that was left was the solar pillar however when once I destroy the pillar Moon Lord will spawn so using my Stardust fragments I crafted the Stardust Dragon remember how I bought the tiki armor well I have everything I need to defeat the moon

Lord I went to defeat the solar pillar and let me present to you flying worms if you thought regular worms were bad just wait for these 70 legged pieces of trash to murder you anyways here’s a trick to defeating the solar pillar construct an L-shaped platform with hammered platforms then build a lawn

Enough platform for enemies to spawn on the other end and voila you have a working solar pillar Farm however it doesn’t stop Flying worms once the shield was destroyed I hovered above the pillar and started blasting with the pillar destroyed impending doom was approaching my screen was shaking light

Flash moonman has arrived and it took less than a second for me to be deboned if I hadn’t already this is when I officially went insane but that was just a test run the real attempt starts now remember how I said the flare gun would be the key to

Defeating Moon Lord well preparing my flare gun I shot a thousand flares once the flares were shot and my Stardust Dragon was at the ready I buffed and summoned the moonlord with the 1,000 flares hit in the projectile cap moonlord spawned in confused and unable to attack the powerful moonlord had been

Reduced to a baby throwing a temper tantrum but he could still summon eyes so it was crucial to run and Dodge their attack and thanks to the oversized platform it was too easy boom that that’s how you beat Terraria with 1 HP as moonl Lord’s bones

Fell off screen and the credits rolled I became champion of Terraria and not just regular Terraria Terraria with 1 HP we did it however I still died to sand I guess some things just never change if you’ve watched the video Until the End you’re freaking awesome like and comment

Below and since you’re already here why not subscribe thank you for all the support I’ll see you in the next video burn oh she jumped in Sparkle

I Challenged myself to beat Terraria master mode with only 1HP, and I had to use every strategy to win. But, I will never recover from the trauma, ptsd, and insanity this challenge has caused me. I can’t walk 30 blocks without dying, and i’m not joking when I say this, but I died over 1000 times. But after crying my way through hard mode and being humiliated. I beat Terraria with ONLY 1HP, and it was the hardest Terraria challenge I have ever attempted. However, I still die to sand…

For every Subscriber this video gets I will mine 100 blocks, with a copper pickaxe, in a new world.
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0:00:00 Intro
0:00:20 Cobalt
0:01:04 Mythril
0:02:39 Titanium
0:04:45 Hallowed Farm
0:07:49 Yes… Skeletron
0:08:32 Destroyer
0:13:13 Skeletron prime
0:16:22 The Twins
0:18:58 Plantera
0:24:27 Golem
0:28:37 Lunatic Cultist
0:30:52 Celestial Pillars
0:32:36 Moon Lord
0:33:29 Champions of Terraria
0:33:54 Bonus Clip

Exhaust 1HP
Ore Excavator
Magic Storage
Instabridge +
Alchemist NPC
Recipe Browser

🎵 Music:
*I Do Not Own Any Of The Music In This Video*
*All Credit Goes To The Artists*
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

#terraria #challenge #1hp

Thank You so Much For Watching And Have An Amazing Day 🙂


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