I Survived 100 Days as a DEATH WARDEN in HARDCORE Minecraft

On day one I was a small death Warden searching through the underworld with my sole best friend Grim we made it to an ominous Temple H we really shouldn’t be here it feels dangerous I know but I have to keep searching I’ve been the only death warden in the Underworld and

I’ve been lost other ones have to be somewhere down here too we stepped inside and began to search around until Grim came across a huge abandoned skull what is this thing Grim touched it out of curiosity causing the entire floor to shake Grim we should go now but my

Friend started to float upwards as black Essence and a dark Aura surrounded and completely encased him it Formed into a massive skeletal being what a pure soul has finally reformed me again after eons of imprisonment I will Feast upon all the souls here and be reborn no no the skeleton snapped its

Neck towards me on day two I ran through the abandoned Halls as the skeleton tore through the hallway behind me you there there is no point ah because of the pain I shot out and Unleashed a soul boom attack causing the ceiling to collapse and separate us Grim his body is in that

Thing I have to save him but how just then the being burst through the rubble but thankfully I found a tiny crack in the wall and narrowly escaped ah wait is this a small Ghost Town it was full of Underworld Spirits please help me someone something took my friend like a

Monster a monster took your friend get aone of his soul this sounds crazy but it was too late an explosion of rubble erupted from nearby as the skeleton crawled into the cavern on day three the being started wreaking havoc through the town as it ate a soul killing it how is

That even possible all of the other Souls saw this and began to panic everyone run what even is this thing no You released the Soul Leader wait you know what it is yes it’s the scariest being in the Underworld it’s not a soul or a SP spirit it’s a Mindless monster

And with it back the entire underworld is at risk but what about my friend the Soul Leader he has him the spirit didn’t listen and made a break for a tunnel hey get back here I followed it as we escaped the chaos in the town from there

We were venturing up high through the underworld tunnels hey I’ve never been this high up before where are we going it didn’t take long for us to reach a weird exit what the as I stepped out behind the spirit I realized the underworld was much larger than I

Thought it was more than just tunnels and caves it’s like an entire world it is an entire world and if you have any hopes of not being eaten you should get as far away from here as you can the the spirit then started to Flow Away wait

You’re just going to run what about my friend I then looked out and spotted a ruined Ancient City wait more wardens on day four I sprinted into the ruins hey hello anyone here other death wardens they had to have built this place right I continued to search around the area

Until I Came Upon A Deadly looking claw there on the ground as I went over and picked it up something began to happen my claws grew and my soul surged with power I feel so much stronger what the heck just happened to me suddenly a couple of hellhounds appeared encircling

Me well well well a lost soul roaming into our territory look I’m not your enemy okay a soul eating monster is destroying the underworld world we don’t care took our chewing claw give it back what no no way they both howled into the air as more hell hounds emerg from the

Ground below they tried to rush in and attack but out of instinct I slashed at them with my new claws taking one down wo Retreat all of them started to leave hey no not you wait H don’t hurt me I I uh know something that you want to

Know yeah and what’s that you came here to stop that Soul eating monster thing right well I know a guy who can give you all the answers you need if you let me go then I’ll take you right to him don’t hurt me on day five I journeyed through the new terrain with

The hellhound we then made it to the edge of a river and on the other side was a large Mountain the Golem guy you’re looking for is up there okay seems easy enough I went to jump in the river but the Hound hit me back wait you

Idiot ah what I then looked over and started to hear sounds is that yep that’s the stream of lost souls it’s made of souls that couldn’t really find their place I can relate to that well how do we cross the hellhound walked up to the edge of the river and kindly said

Yall are looking very nice today because of this a platform appeared in front of him yeah you just got to make the souls feel good you know say something nice uh you guys are pretty cool after a moment a burning Soul flame shot out and knocked me back ow yeah you weren’t very

Convincing oh really I then looked and saw that he already made it across the river just use my platforms you big liar thanks I made it across and up the mountain where we found an old tomb the person we’re looking for is here we entered to find an ancient groom hello

Hello but no answer until Flames ignited revealing the old soul Golem why have you come to disturb my rest I I I’m sorry but I need answers about shh I sense it the day has finally come the ground shook as we all ran outside there in the distance a massive pit opened up

As the Soul Eater crawled out and roared before continuing deeper into the world the Soul Eater its return will only bring pure horror to the this world what is it it has my friend yons ago the Soul Eater roamed freely between the underworld and Overworld it’s hunger

Made it the ultimate Predator to all beings those brave enough to stand against it soon learn the consequences and the Beast is unkillable unkillable why no one knows but a curse was put upon it the curse forced its Consciousness all the way down down to one lifeless skull but as soon as my

Friend touched the skull the Soul Eater used him to empower himself back into its weakest form and continues to use it to grow stronger and stronger well I have to find out how to save my friend I have to stop this thing before it’s too late it’s impossible no one is strong

Yeah well how about a death Warden on day seven the three of us left the the Golem’s tomb and found a secluded looking graveyard this place has been abandoned for a while it should be safe great with that we all got to work building each of our own homes to fit

Our style it wasn’t long until I finished mine you know not so bad I walked around our base and saw that the Golem had built another tomb and the hellhound had built up a dogghouse for himself wait I thought you were going to go back to your pack and what miss this

Show no man I’ll stick around with you and plus those guys are a bunch of freeloaders anyway um okay suddenly giant Thorn weeds burst through the ground wrecking our entire base area hey what the heck because of their presence everyone was being poisoned what is causing this on day eight I followed the

Path of weeds as I was led to a shoreline that overlooked an Ocean City but the weeds had also overrun everything here too yeah and it sucks wait what oh uh ghostfish yeah what’s so confusing buddy I’m shocked to see a death Warden you know wait you know about death wardens

Before he could answer though the ground shook below us as we heard a distant scream get this stupid thing off of me ah we have way too much going on here hey wait up I ran after them and saw more ghostfish being hurt by the invasive Vines wait you guys aren’t

Causing this us nope we hate this stuff with a capital H it just keeps growing here and drinking all of our water it seems to be coming from that swamp over in the distance was a creepy swamp huh look look what do you know about death

Wardens wo ho ho I just got a little little idea you know we’re too small and cute to explore that swamp you want to know more about the death wardens go find and get rid of the source of these weeds and then I’ll tell you everything

I know on days 9 to 10 I made my way into the swamp but as I went I heard strange Whispers all around me uh hello anyone there huh continuing to follow the trail of weeds I found a clearing in the middle of the swamp and there was

Even more of them but as I looked closer I noticed that they all had various items wrapped around in them are they stealing from the underworld I die huge weeds erupted from the ground around me and started trying to grab me ah what the heck I ran through the weeds

Trying to dodge their attacks as something caught my eye a Strang looking Warden heart wait is that from another death Warden but before I could react a weed slammed down causing both me and the heart to fall into a chamber below I had fallen into an area covered in

Roots is this place the source of the weed’s power there in the center opened the eye of the weeds hiem Dead Route you invade my home with an intent to destroy that’s what you and your weeds are doing to everyone else good everything should be covered in my power its branches

Reached out and struck me head on ah I tried my best to fight back but he was so strong and more Vines kept growing oh no I began to run around the room and that’s when I saw it the warden heart but dead rot caught on and attacked

Again and knocked me aside ah no it was crawling up and was about to finish me when the ghostfish from before came out of nowhere hitting it back with a spear hurry up you don’t got all day I used the opening to grab the heart and felt

Another surge of power in my soul I was now much stronger and gained more Health with that I was able to unleash a powerful Soul boom eliminating the Dead Route oh that was close thanks yeah I’m cute it all right but I’m also Fierce on

Days 13 to 14 the ghostfish and I were walking back to his City when we saw from a distance that the weeds were gone yes okay I held up our end of the deal now what do you know look it’s not much but those Warden body parts you’re

Finding they are from previous death wardens I’ve heard that there are five of them in the Underworld that are known to enhance your spirit I think people call them the deathly remains so there were other death wardens before me wo suddenly a massive Roar echoed from the

Ocean City oh no once we made it inside we both saw the Soul Eater was there devouring more and more souls he’s growing even stronger no no my PE the Soul Eater noticed us and began to slowly crawl in our Direction on days 15 to 16 it launched Landing right in front

Of us you that little soul I saw all those days ago the one that set me free no my friend’s soul is what set you free so let him go oh in my anger I Unleashed another Soul boom attack but it just moved right through it what oh that was

Your friend would you like to talk to him confused I watched as a soul was momentarily pushed out of the Soul eater’s chest moo his power it hurts help me Grim I will no matter what I will I believe in you your friend now belongs to me and my plans to return to

The Overworld will succeed it began to charge right at us and I was ready to fight but before I could the ghostfish summoned a splash of water that blinded my vision on day 17 to 18 we were both now safely far away from the Ocean City hey why did you

Teleport us away I have to fight that thing I have to save my friend are you kidding me man you nearly died to that tree monster that Soul Eater thing would have eaten you in one whole fight yeah I know I need to find out how I can stop

That thing what did you say those Warden body parts were again the deathly remains well I need to find the rest of them so I can take that monster down from there I brought the fish all the way back to my base and quickly made him

A fishable home to stay in wow thanks you know after everything I really have nowhere else to go yeah it’s the least I can do as I turned to go towards my home the soul Golem was standing there waiting for me you saw it again didn’t

You yeah and he showed me Grim he’s still alive I’m sorry but it’s important you stay focused nothing matters more than destroying it no matter what now come with me hey where are we going in the Golem’s house there was a soul flame just floating in the center this Soul

Has been speaking nonsense but they mentioned a deathly remain really what’s going on I’m I am lost I have almost no memories except for something about a deathly remain I don’t know what’s going on that’s okay how can we help I faintly remember a forest of bamboo if you help

Me travel there I think we’ll find answers for both of us did someone save the bamboo forest on days 19 to 21 I traveled to the edge of the bamboo forest with the lost soul and the hellhound oh I used to love this place I would come here and chew the bamboo all

The time oh boy this entire Forest it feels so peaceful this is amazing we then found a dark passageway leading down uh that’s scary right yep let’s go he dashed in without a second thought hey wait up inside we found a room with a dormant ritual Circle once I stepped on it

Flames throughout the entire room started to to ignite oh this is definitely the right place but we’ve made it all right now what can we do to help when I so can’t remember who it is it’s because they left their memories in the Overworld you got to retrieve them

For me from the cemetery wo whoo wo the Overworld but how and what exactly are we looking for you’ll know it when you see it just find the cemetery and hurry and remember you can only visit the Overworld temporarily temporarily how temporarily but before they could answer

The ritual Circle activated as I was teleported out on days 22 to 26 we were teleported into an Alleyway of a human City yeah this is definitely not the underworld there were regular people everywhere we don’t stand out do we go okay we do we should probably stay

Hidden ah you think come on I can smell something this way we navigated through the city eventually reaching a cemetery wow your nose led us right to it we probably don’t have much time where are those lost memories as we approached the gates I overheard the security guards

Patrolling the entire place and make sure none of those punks are around here I’m not scrubbing another ounce of spray pink tonight looking around I finally spotted it a faint glow that was coming from a crypt on the other side that has to be it we stealthily moved across

Hiding behind tombstones to avoid being seen and thankfully I was able to reach the Crypt aha there you are I carefully picked the orb up but then hey Anie some of them pranksters are dressing up like ghost get him on days 27 to 29 the security guards were chasing us around the

Cemetery armed with their batons they started hitting me this cemetery is closed okay any day now we’re ready to go back please as we made a break for the exit gates one of the guards hit a switch that caused the cage to trap us great okay all right which prankster are

You huh Freddy Jimmy is that you Michael I’m not a prankster man I got frustrated and shot out my soul boom breaking open the cage what the what is that D the guards sprinted out of the cemetery as I felt a weird sensation and we were safely brought

Back to the underworld oh thank goodness the real world is a scary scary place you know I toss the glowing orb to the lost soul and because of this they transformed into a completed Soul yes my memories I remember it all quick follow me on days 30 to 32 we followed the

Newly revived soul to his small Tombstone home and there was a motherly ghost waiting for him Jake is that you yes I remember you I missed you so much mom and I missed you too son as they were reuniting together I saw past them inside was a skifi object is that the

Skull Shard a deathly remain it’s my mother’s most prized possession please take it I have all I need now I went and picked it up causing me to become even stronger again my claws grew even more and now I could burrow through the Earth and summon a reaping Scythe to attack

Sweet okay man that’s that’s pretty cool it’s so good to know a death Warden is back back yes they haven’t been seen for eons not since the last time the Soul Eater was here when it fell so did they wait did the Soul Eater destroy all of

Them but before I could have another thought a bright explosion caught our attention what just happened on day 33 to 35 we ran towards the loud noise and there was the Soul Eater is he chanting and from the looks of things he was being fueled by Soul

Essence before him a Dark Castle rose out of the ground and storming from it were Soul eating minions in a final surge of energy the Soul Eater evolve into a more powerful form he’s getting stronger finally my old hope returns to me followers because of my power you

Live and I TK you with just one thing bring me more souls especially the death wardens he cannot succeed in his plans from there the death minions dispersed and started to search the area there could be something in that castle that can help us stop him and I need to find out more

Are you kidding me those things are all trying to kill you specifically look I’m already dead you know what I mean I don’t have time for this I have to try on days 36 to 39 I slowly entered the castle alone and it didn’t take long for

Me to find a long Corridor filled with lava platforms held up by chains stretched across it leading to another side there has to be something here I better be careful though while I leapt between the platforms and made it halfway across I saw a lifeless Viking

What are you here to question me now what no I’m not the Soul Leader dude I’m here to take it down H good luck with that I don’t need it I’m going to do whatever it takes to destroy him and save my friend do you even know what

Happens if you kill that monster what do you mean before he could answer a group of the death minions stormed into the corridor oh no uh hurry you’re coming with me before they could hit me I burrowed into the ground with the Viking to escape on days 40 to 44 we emerged

From the ground safely back to base saved me yeah because you know something we don’t what happens if I defeat the Soul Eater as I said this we heard more patrolling death minions in the distance how about the Viking team those creatures captured me to find my

Crew lead me back to them and I’ll tell you everything you need to know okay fair enough before leaving though I went and reinforced our defenses with fortified walls with more of those death things out and about I have to make sure that we’re all safe my thoughts were

Then interrupted by a loud laugh and then I said that fish is way too small yeah this guy isn’t funny okay um I’m ready whenever you are dude uh very well I will lead the way on days 45 to 47 I was being led by the Viking

Traveling through a dense jungle hey do you even know where we’re going it wasn’t long until we reached a clearing that revealed a massive lifeless Viking Camp I guess you do sorry yes my people I chased after him into the Camp’s Central Courtyard oh good to see your

Back watch out a monster is chasing you no wait I’m with him come on tell them no he is a monster take it down all the Vikings ran into attack I was trying to defend myself using my new found abilities but they were starting to overpower me then I heard a loud horn

And suddenly a cage slammed down around me that was made of skull looking down from above was their Viking leader and his helmet had death Warden horns attached to it what the let me go now listen to this Beast how dare he those horns you’re wearing they belong

To me not you he used the horn blasting me with its power ah put this beast in the arena I’ll handle it myself on days 48 to 52 I was thrown into the center of the Viking Arena this can’t be good it wasn’t long until the Viking leader broke down the

Opposing doors you disrespect me you will pay the consequences we clashed as our battle began I tried you using my abilities but he was surprisingly fast and strong that helmet he’s wielding the power of the death wardens your people’s horns you wish to know why I have them my original helment

One that has been passed down for Generations was stolen in Anger he Unleashed a barrage of attacks throwing me back ah he ran in to take me down but I countered with my sight knocking him back stop I don’t want to fight then why

Are you here I just want to know how to kill that Soul Eater okay or what happens if I do ah so you want something well me too if you can retrieve my family’s helmet and bring it back to me you have my word that I will tell you

Everything I know about that monster on days 53 to 56 we were sailing the deadly sussies on a Viking ship so how do I know that I can trust you I mean your men already betrayed me once you know all right you have a point surprisingly

He handed me over his Warden horn helmet because of this my soul became more powerful I gained five more hearts and now my my horns gain the ability to sense any nearby souls in the area wo you have your people stupid horns back now bring me my helmet back to me all

Right all right I will we finally docked on the shores of a dangerous looking Pirate Island so Pirates stole your helmet not just any Pirates I traveled deeper into the island until I saw that the stealing Pirates were skeletons but they all were acting mindless must keep

Fueling fueling what I watched as they gathered barrels and supplies and headed into a room inside the skull of the mountain the helmet it must be there once inside I saw what they were fueling the Pirates were tossing supplies and were fueling their large and scary

Skeleton king what is this a newcomer on my Island yep and I’m here for one thing I then spotted the Vikings helmet amongst the rest of their treasure horde there it is ah so you’re here for my treasure no only the one that you stole from the Vikings we are the deadliest

Crew on the seven soul s please no one can demand anything from us he rushed in attacking me with his sword and Powerful fire flames I was just narrowly dodging his hits when I finally was able to hit him but wait you’re not taking any damage what the My Fire Burns so bright

Not even a warden can stult me the fire that’s it I focused on the pool that they were throwing all of the resources is in I got to extinguish it what are you doing no some of the skeletons saw what I was doing and tried to keep me

Away just as the King was about to reach me I Unleashed a soul boom right at the pit extinguishing the fire because of this the pirate king instantly became weak no my flame my flame around the room all of the skeletons seemed to break free from his

Control yeah thank you with this flame gone we here be freed how can we repair um no problem I just want one thing on days 60 to 63 I returned the helmet to the Viking leader you did it his men cheered as I returned back and gave him back his

Helmet because of this it empowered him with the power of his ancestors yes finally I feel like my rightful power has returned to me with that we started to sail back to their Camp look you’ve returned my most prized possession sir I believe I owe you an answer you wish to

Save your friend to kill the monster and free the souls it has devoured right yes and I will do anything it’s my fault that my friend got captured to begin with I have to save him if what you say is true killing that Beast might be the

Worst thing that you can do wait what what are you talking about but then a horrifying Roar shook the air just as we docked at the Viking Camp there before us was the Soul Eater it began to immediately Devour the Viking souls and because it was Stronger it can now take

Multiple of them at once causing it to grow even stronger everyone run Vikings tried to flee but as they jumped off the ship the Soul Eater cut them off and consumed their souls too it let out another defening no I charged at it aiming for

Its chest and I hit it dead on the Soul Eater was actually stunned no stop I didn’t listen you are going to pay for everything you’ve done H the stronger you grow the better your soul will tast shut up I jumped up and tried to hit it

Again with my Reaper Scythe but as I Unleashed it it hit me back with the powerful blast ah F you can’t destroy the Beast what why not because if you do not only will it kill the monster but every soul it has collected even your friend what the Soul Eater came in for

Another blast but a group of the Vikings ran in to distract it YouTube get out of here we’ll hold it off the Viking leader and I reluctantly ran away leaving the rampaging monster to destroy the Viking camp on days 69 to 73 we barely made it

Back to base there the soul Golem was waiting I’m so glad you made it back safe is it true if I kill that monster does that mean all the souls within it die too yes all of this time my goal has been to be strong enough to take it down

And save Grim but now what what am I supposed to do it is the only way without destroying it then all other Souls will be lost as well no no there has to be another way I’m not just going to accept that suddenly I heard a scream ring throughout the base hey hey

Everyone wait what’s going on I found it I actually found it found what exactly something incredibly useful to us well more you and maybe the palace with the final deathly Remain the death Warden catacombs on day 74 to 77 I was led by The ghostfish Heading deep underground

It wasn’t long until we arrived at the death Warden catacombs not that long ago I didn’t even know more of me existed and now I find out there’s a whole catacombs made for us yeah man I’m just as surprised as you but uh here they are

Good luck okay I may need it hello hello the vast underground chamber was completely empty besides one thing at the end was a large tomb and a Burning Flame is this it I went up and collected it but because of this my vision was blinded by white

Light where am I I found myself in an ancient city wait is this that one I saw before but it’s different and around me was a group of other death wardens my people where are we the past a time when death Warden Souls existed in peace existed what happened in eon’s past when

The Soul Eater was at its most powerful Only the strongest of souls could stand against it the death wardens its goal was always to gain enough power to break through and into the Overworld but we were the last line of defense we will not let you through a battle took place

A battle where we realized our strengths were completely matched this caused an explosion like none other this not only destroyed our souls but reduced the soul eater’s power down to a single skull the hero those who stopped the Soul Eater it was you it was all of you the death

Wardens look I’m lost I need help my friend he’s trapped and I know that I need to stop this monster there may be a way to destroy it and save your friend but you’re not going to like it on days 81 to 885 my vision returned to the

Catacombs where the flame on the tomb had moved hey wait up it led me to a magnificent chamber and the warden’s voice rang out from it stand there okay what are you doing suddenly death Warden Spirits emerged from the floor merging into me ah what the more

And more of the spirits followed ah it hurts what’s happening all of us Fallen death wardens are uniting with you giving you the strength you you so desperately desire the strength there is only one way to defeat the Soul Leader while saving everyone else well then how by your

Defeat what before I could react the final Warden Spirit merged with me causing me to grow my soul transformed into the strongest death Warden ever I feel so powerful but my defeat what do you mean on days 86 to 90 I was headed back to my base when the ground began to

Shake wao Over the Horizon I saw the Soul Eater standing before his Dark Castle soon my Ascension to the Overworld will be complete with that he Unleashed a wave of Soul energy that caused his castle to rumble and Rise into the sky for eons I was trapped but

Now I’m so close to being free followers keep watch for that pathetic Warden his death minions were on high alert in the entire area no I’m going to need all the help that I can get on days 91 to to 94 I quickly returned to my

Base and I knew what I had to do all of my friends had gathered all around me is everything okay not exactly I talked to someone another death Warden and they told me that my soul is now the strongest in the Underworld and that if I want to save everyone you must

Sacrifice yourself right yes but only when he’s at his weakest and that seems nearly possible right now but if anyone is strong enough to do it it’s got to be you big guy but you’re not alone we will fight with you for as long as you let us

I looked up to my friends I’m so glad I got to know each and every one of you now come on let’s do this together on days 95 to 99 all of us made it to where the Dark Castle had risen from the ground you really just came all this way

Just to die why I’m here to stop you and I don’t care what happens to me so be it give power them his army Rush forward to attack wait what are you doing guys we’ll cover you you just focus on getting close to the castle they all

Charge forward clashing with the army of the so eater my friends fought fearlessly and made an opening for me to run past this is it I used my reer Scythe to take down a few more of them before making it to the foot of the castle now what suddenly floating rocks

Started to appear before me making a pathway I’m getting too old for this go no I jumped all the way up the path before turning back to see my friends no my family fighting all for me thank you with that I headed inside of the castle

On day 100 I made it to the innermost Chamber Of the Dark Castle the wardens before you couldn’t defeat me what says you’ll be any different because I made a promise to my friend one that I intend to keep well why don’t you just join him

The Soul Eater roared as it began to charge at me every single one of his attacks withered thed away at my hearts but I wasn’t holding anything back I was using every ability at my disposal come on I just need him to get weak enough you’ll die trying with the powerful slam

Of his hand I was brought down to low Hearts take this we were across from each other both weaker than ever this is it with you out of the way no will be strong enough to stop me and everything will be def he rushed in towards me as I thought

Back to everyone I had met along the way I never knew my place in this world never knew my family but I know now he reached me and hit me with his strongest attack yet yes my soul was being devoured but because of this it was tearing him apart

Yes in a massive burst of energy both the Soul Eater and I were destroyed releasing all of the souls he had eaten including my best friend grim

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Death Warden! I had to save Minecraft from the evil monster, the Soul Eater! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


  1. Hey I really like your video this also makes me think you could also do another video that involves dragons I haven't seen a video where whoever it is who makes it plays 100 days as a Death Dragon similar to this one where you play as death Worden for 100 days so what do you think is that a pretty cool idea plus I haven't seen any new dragon videos as of late.

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