These Terraria Bosses are Finally Back…

You guys remember playing Terraria back in the day on mobile or console and you remember fighting bosses like turquoy lepus and Akram well the console Laria mod is a mod that adds in all those bosses and then some back into the game let’s check it out so here we are 1.4

Consularium mod you love to see it as you can see I got the nice setup going on here we got the master mode relics of course all looking beautiful we got the trophies up here we also got this right here soul of blight yeah if you guys played old Legacy versions of Terraria

Either on 3DS console mobile phone you might remember fighting some of these bosses and if you’re like me you kind of wish that they did like a little update where they added these guys back to the game like come on they deserve to be in the game yeah the console Mario Mod has

All the goodies for us it adds in a bunch of weapons on those Legacy versions it has in a bunch of vanity from special time to events and it also adds in a bunch of its own stuff to go along with the things that are added in from previous versions that aren’t in

The current versions of Terraria but yeah let’s get to it here let’s go over the bosses obviously we got the three bosses leapis turkor ocarim we’re gonna start with leapis I am on Master mode so we’ll see what type of new attacks they have let me actually bring out a weaker

Weapon because I feel like the uh Zenith in my insta kill all right leapis let’s get it oh I like the intro and the music sounds bumping boss portrait though that boy got some buck teeth yeah I don’t know how much they improved the leapis fight I don’t think I ever fought lepus

On an older version of Terraria I think the only one out of these guys I thought is awkward and I thought I’m on like PS3 but as you can see this fight looks intense he’s got a lot of minions coming in and of course he has the egg and if

You don’t break that egg guess what happens yes sir a second leapist pops out this looks like a dangerous fight one thing with this fight that is really crazy is if you don’t control the eggs that hatch the big leapis’s like I’m Legit fighting two of them now yeah

Let’s go ahead and let’s do some damage here and uh let’s see if we can see more attacks because like I said consolaria does add in all this missing content and old content and it also expands on its own adding either new items new armors you know new accessories and stuff and

Obviously new attacks to go with National Action yeah this fire looks cool it seems like just like a really cool King Slime fight like something you expect from like King Slime all the bouncing around slamming it does it’s really cool not to mention just a bunch

Of Easter egg bunnies trying to kill me yeah let’s go ahead let’s take them out it seems like you do actually got to kill all of them so make sure you keep those eggs controlled crowd control the eggs you don’t want too many of these dudes hopping around boom leap is dead

Like I said we are in master mode so we get the treasure back we get the Relic and look at that also drops its spawn again so you can fight it straight up again all right next up turkor turkor is actually one of the tougher ones I think

He’s the one I struggle with the most how does he spawn it you know I probably should have spawned him like actually we’re put all right I’m gonna use the actual spawner to spawn them in we actually do need a pet equipped very unique way to

Spawn a boss we gotta have the turkey pet equipped boom there he is and now there we go yeah turquoise when I play with consularion this is always the boss that I have trouble with it’s a tough boss his neck has contact damage I believe so you can straight up just get

Like spammed by his neck bones yeah look at this attack he’s doing he’s spewing feathers up in the air let’s go ahead let’s do some damage what should I hit his head he has head okay don’t want to kill his head but we actually do have to kill himself and now

That he doesn’t have a head he’s kind of like shooting missiles everywhere okay they definitely changed his fight up from last time because I don’t remember all this so now I assume we just attack his body body taking damage and then look at that okay this is pretty crazy

Of a fight they change this a lot this is very unique now he’s got two heads so he’s kind of like a Hydra in a way yeah we go ahead let’s take out the heads again he’s gonna go ahead and shoot more feathers at us until we damage him and

Boom bada bang it goes again now he has three heads hold up turkey about to give me head three times I’m messing with this ball boom all heads gone yet again and I believe we go for the killing blow here yes sir that so far is probably my

Favorite fight last but not least we bring in ocarim I don’t know if it needs to be night time I’m gonna assume that it needs to be nighttime boom Akram where is he why why the heck do they spawn all the way over here am I really

About to sit here and wait for him all right we got our cream you know what hold up let me get rid of him I wasn’t recording when I spawn to me he’s got a cool little like dropping animation they kind of all do look at that that’s sick

All right this fight let’s see how it is okay you got a lot of lasers this kind of looks kind of hard to dodge a little speed on you I’m liking this fight so far I really don’t even remember the OG Akron fight at all like I think when I

Beat him on PS3 shoot that was like 2015. it’s been a minute yeah let’s go ahead let’s do some damage to him he’s got some cool attacks popping off here uh I guess we can actually usually see this once because this is a big boy he has 85k Health on the phase two

This is definitely got to be like the top five ugly boss of all time I don’t know if ocram’s ugly on purpose or if that’s just how the Sprite looks but he’s definitely up there this looks insane some of these attacks look insane you’re gonna have you’re gonna need a

Lot of speed a lot of room to dodge your own 85k health is also wild where where is he on the boss list so he’s right before golden all right let’s go ahead and let’s do some more damage to him here see if there’s any other attacks if

Not let’s go ahead and take them out the laser is getting crazy yeah I’m gonna go ahead kill him now see you later cool fight I like that one a lot they definitely have added a lot to McDuffie way more fun let us go through all the

Weapons now there’s a good bit of Weaponry in this some are boss drops I think like majority boss drops that are enemy drops let’s grab all of them we got this one right here albino mandible now there is a couple of enemies from the mod too as we can see good bit of

Enemies that are in older versions of the game so I guess we’ll go ahead and test some of these weapons out on those enemies shoot I’ll buy I know mandible let’s use on the albino ant line what’s up bro I guess I should hop out a god

Mode please don’t do a lot of damage to me okay that’s a decent amount that’s a good chunk yeah this is pretty much uh inline reskin I don’t know if any of them are gonna have unique AI because if we’re being honest you know when these

Guys are in the game they legit we’re all just reskins most of the time yeah this instead of being a sword it is a boomerang very cool very nice next up great drumstick I can assume you know where this drops from covers enemies in oil hold up I’m trying to get hit by

This set oiled enemies on fire for extra damage I like large fries but not fried turkey shout out whoever wrote that I don’t know there’s a reference or something let’s see it in action let’s hit my damn he doesn’t want to get hit he doesn’t want that oil on him

Understandable so if we do a little combination here what would I set something on fire with I don’t know man I might have to whip out something else that does Fire Let’s whip out a flamethrower give me some people to oil up shoot all right just get more hand lines

Go ahead let me oil them up and then hit him with that I mean I it’s a late game weapon I expected to do damage but I’m assuming we’re just doing more damage than usual because you know they got oil on them unique concept I like it all

Right next up we got the tazona the tezona and the tombow Geary these are like OG weapons you you’ll definitely remember these if you played them back in the dead let’s bring out the albino charges here hard mode weapon oh you’re shooting out a little skull a little

Curse gold makes an interesting noise next up tombow Geary a legendary Japanese Spirit coded in venom oh I like this attack it’s like when the old one army weapons right got a lot of range let’s bring out okay we’re not bringing that guy up I I need something like kind

Of weak flesh mummy not that weak they got 750 Health but good enough I guess I could get hit by winning no sandwich damage wow I know I’m not wearing armor but 155 all right next up we got the egg Cannon do I need ammo for this I don’t

Think so this is another classic old school weapon uh do we have any weak our giant albino and lion go ahead and bring him out it does some cool little damage you know it’s an early game of it next up Roman Candle this one shoots

Fireworks oh look at that I like this I like this a lot it’s really weak but that that’s a good knocking back you can really control somebody with this all right after that we got the sharanga another OG weapon shoot spectral arrows speak about spectral arrows I have those

Right here these Pierce tiles and enemies would dissipate quickly in the air let’s see okay they’re not wrong and it goes through tiles which is always such a unique concept I like I like that thing with spectral weapons yeah let’s go ahead let’s hit him it’s piercing

Them obviously there we go really show it off our next up Vulcan repeater turns arrows into Vulcan bolts and I believe Vulcan both yes sir right here these are just strong arrows it looks like let’s see them in action oh they bounce and leave a little like a little they’re not

Really bouncing but they look like a string of Fire that’s really cool let’s bring in this Easter Bunnies nice okay maybe something stronger that flesh slime hit me 57 not bad now I get hit by that all right next up here dragon’s breath this obviously a flamethrower looks really

Cool let’s see it in action who’s getting killed next dragon Hornets dang calm down you’re trying to kill me all right next up here we got the fiery cracker let’s see this in action here look at this little firecracker cool little throwing weapon uh I wonder if it explodes on

Contact we’ll see let’s bring in the flesh lines it does leave like a little fire behind I’m wondering if the fire does damage now it doesn’t look like does this thing even do damage period maybe this is just to light things that are oiled on fire it damaged me what the

So we got this spicy sausage covers enemies in oil set oiled enemies on fire for extra damage so hold up if we do a little combination here let’s bring in the Shadow Monks we do a little combination here does this work how I think it works

Does this just not do damage I don’t know hey this is this spicy sauce all right next up we got our Summoner weapons turkey staff some is a weird turkey to fight for you let’s see how weird okay that’s a little weird I’m not gonna lie this is actually really cool I

Like summons that have a little connection to makes them very unique let’s go ahead let’s get myself some summon slots so I can bring in a bunch of them nice cool let’s bring in an enemy dragon skull get them nice next up eternity staff some is an eye of Eternity to

Fight for you oh is this Ascension no it’s not regular Summit cool next enemy Shadow slime get them oh man I like that they got lasers and then they shoot the size too Shadow Hammer kill it before it kills me that did some good damage in that single hits

Feather storm cast feathers from the Skyler seal okay spectral mummies something nice and slow that I could really use this on expect your mommy’s oh my God was that almost 200 damage you just hit me for all right next up we got the eye of Aku does it say anything

Laser is what I’m expecting lots of lasers okay let’s bring in some more enemies here A bunch of enemies that once hit him with the lasers I like this a lot afraid of using his eyeball we are straight up using his own attack against enemies all right next couple weapons

Here a little dangerous we got holy hand grenade and holy hand grenade too uh the Lord’s chosen weapon goodness gracious I really don’t trust these I might have to use you know what we’re gonna use these at the end of the video I kind of don’t trust them like this literally says

Goodness gracious all right quickly before we check out the remaining weapons quickly like flash through a couple oh my God these dudes hurt quickly flash these enemies as you can see they’re very strong when it comes to being in master mode but we got some real big

Boys some really lengthy boys we gotta check out here I can’t even hit this guy the game won’t even let me hit him oh there you go the lengthy boys being the arc wyvern and the mythical wyvern let’s see the mythical one oh my God look at

Them so beautiful so long okay I’m gonna take that compliment back and then we got the arc wyvern these two wyverns I feel like they should low-key be in the game I think it’d be nice to have some variety in the wyvern area you don’t have to make them do anything crazy and

They give them like one two new attacks boom make them drop the same stuff maybe a extra drop a rare drop for killing them yeah that’s pretty much a majority of the enemies I’m gonna be like a handful we missed or like one okay hold

Up Orca moving on armor sets got a lot of cool armor sets and as you can see they also got the ancient versions and ancient versions are usually the OG old Sprite I believe there’s like two armors here this right here the Summoner armor obviously Summoner armor didn’t exist

When awkward was out or maybe it did but who knows what it was like back then so they added in their own sum they’re set to go with it yeah we got this set here first this astara set which is a drought from lepus people lost that bonus and

The gates fall damage cool nice little nice little set lots of wear to perform up to five bunny hops okay what is a bunny hop okay so it’s just like a momentum hop you know get a little extra bounce here and there I’m thinking like well Mario 64 bunny hop speed running type

Quickly let’s go ahead and let’s just put all these on because if we want to get to you know we got to get the video going what was that using range weapons triggers a recoil blast is that what that reload noise was oh okay and then the reloading those plays

And I’m assuming we get it again and I’m assuming the blast what probably does damage right yeah that’s cool that or you just you know get away from enemies that get too close all right next up we got the dragon set here boom it says set bonus

Creates a burst of flames after taking damage let’s see it go ahead bunnies hit me I’m in god mode go ahead bunnies hit me where’s the burst of flames oh my God this oh there you go I was about to say I’m not taking damage all right next up

We got this set the phantasmal set boom whatever you need to step on the seconds man out of nearby enemies look at this look at this like cool effect that it has when does that go away boom there you go okay so it’s siphons Mana from enemies so pretty much you know if

They’re in the range you get Mana back I wonder if there’s a special effect for it let’s see all right there you go you see the little like beans coming towards me honestly not bad at all you know the only thing that ever really affects the

Mage class is legit just Mana all right last but not least we got the Warlock set here and as you can see set bonus enemies killed by minions heal the player I don’t really need to shut that one off I feel like you you’d understand that one yeah all these new Sprites they

Gave these look amazing all right next up as you can see a lot of vanity to check out here a lot of cool vanity let’s go ahead throw some on real quick a lot of these are very nice a lot of them are also referenced to other games

And other media like I believe this stuff is from Dagon rampa however you pronounce it very cool this is probably my favorite fit and then we got the horn God set which is always a cool set you know we got the there was this George’s tuxedo set Willy Wonka looking ass cool

A lot of cool stuff all right let’s blaze through the remaining stuff here we got accessories Boomer Stars GIF enemies have a chance of living chocolate eggs on Death eggs drop life hearts and Mana Stars when broken cool we got Valentine ring give it to someone special slowly regenerate life increases

Jump high I wonder if any of these have any looks oh look at that they do nice what about this one anything from this one nah it’d be kind of hard to show enough Sparkly Wings let’s peep the wings boom they are sparkly and then we

Got a really special one here Horn of Plenty horn and plenty which serves 100 life it is filled with the inexhaustible Gifts of Celebration fruits this is pretty much an infinite 100 life potion which is very very cool I like it I like how you actually like take a bite out of

It too after that we got this Shadow bound exoskeleton no idea what this is but it seems like it gives us a nice little Dash and it also allows us to rocket jump double tap up whoa and then obviously we can Dash question mark I don’t know what’s the

Damage for is it the damage for the Rocket Jump itself let’s see oh I like that a lot that’s a unique way to do damage hold up Rocket Jump only play through after that we got weisenbrows something like that wheezing brow none doesn’t user from damage taken but also reduces damage inflicted nice

We got red envelopes here we go ahead bust these open look at that we got firecrackers we get lanterns we get the mythical lion set we’ll go ahead and release the lantern shout out I’ve got golden carrot here Chris is all buffed Time by 15 seconds very cool

After that we got a wishbone enables all minor seasonal events for one day before I pop that we got some random crafting stuff in here in spawners let’s crack the wishbone perfect and last but not least for stuff in the mod we have a bunch of pets to show off a bunch of

These OG pets I remember getting a couple of these I believe when I played on PS3 let’s start with this one we got the beeswax gives us a little Hornet we got the brain gives us a pet zombie we got the broken heart this is a light pet

Oh it’s Cupid this I believe is from like the 3DS and mobile versions uh after that we go ahead we got the Cabbage little guinea pig we got the I already did the zombie we got the golden Lantern damn that’s cool that’s definitely a custom one I like that one

A lot after that we got this golden Turtle hey we got Alpha shout out Alpha we got our pet slime pot of gold leprechaun look at them oh it was a little scary I’m not gonna lie he low-key tall as hell at least his hat is

And then we saw the turkey earlier we got the wolf here we got the vile blood which something is in a little bat and then we got our Master mode of pets here of course let’s go ahead let’s see the leapest one legit it’s just like a

Little tiny lepus after that we have the turquo one which is what a light pet no what is this this is a mouth what the they trying to serve me up oh hell no I promise you I might not be delicious well I don’t know I don’t know

And then let’s go ahead and see what this one is Chris Fang oh wow they’re all different things so you could rock all of them at once this is so cool I like the little tiny ocher sick all my master mode goodies but yeah there you

Go there was the consularium mod in its most recent version very cool very fun it’s the consolario mod man I feel like if you don’t have this and play these you’re kind of missing out yeah last but not least I know you guys been waiting for me to throw these holy hand grenades

Let’s see him in action they’re gonna be destructive but I don’t think they’re gonna be that destructive I don’t know am I in god mode I guess that answers that right when I was about to check all right so that was the regular holy hand grenade what is this one gonna do this thing is about to blow up the whole world look at it it’s got like a whole different shine on it oh God

Okay it wasn’t that bad it’s a little bit more uh cinematic a little more theatrical but uh it’s not that bad yeah make sure you guys check out the mod shout out all the developers coders everything spreaders hey while you’re here you know you might as well head on

Over to such Gamers on on go ahead give that a follow you know I’m gonna be streaming some Terraria content all over there you know I got the Terraria balls only play through going on in the labor love update and then we’re gonna stream some other games like

I’ve been playing slime Rancher too so go ahead hop over there drop a follow and if you ever miss any streams go ahead hit up the second Channel because that’s where I’ll be posting all the streams that you guys missed but thank you again for watching I’ll see y’all next time

Lepus, Turkor and Ocram can be fought once again, thanks to the Consolaria Mod and Tmodloader 1.4!

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  1. The first and only time I killed ocram was way back on early mobile, I bought a cannon and a **lot** of cannon balls and killed ocram before he could even finish his first attack

  2. Damn I remember most of these from grinding Terraria Mobile back in the day. Wish they would officially add these back in to the game, especially Turkor. That horn o plenty carried my ass from pre to early hardmode

  3. I don’t like how it adds new stuff I wish it was only the old stuff I mean the boss relics are nice and the trophies are as-well but apart from that I don’t like any stuff that didn’t already exist.

    PS: Ocram is Post-Golem/Pre-Lunatic

  4. i remember the leprechaun dropping actual money as they walked around.
    I made keep jumping and i made sooooo much money. also who remembers the duplication glitch when buying something back off an npc on mobile

  5. What I really love about your mod reviews is that your reactions are very genuine unlike other reviewers whose reactions can get a bit overexaggerated.

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