Minecraft but Furnaces Get Weirder…

This is Minecraft but what’s this furnace today our furnace is going to be getting weirder and weirder and well you’ll see at the end of the video from a furnace that cooks anything to literal wide furnace to even the mother of all furnaces my goal is to cook things in

Every furnace possible but every time I cook something the furnace is definitely going to be getting weirder so what furnace is waiting for me at the end stay tuned to find out so this right here is a completely normal furnace but when we click upgrade furnace it’s going

To change into the wide furnace oh my goodness and then that’s only 5% fish progression where when we open it it looks a little bit weird I know what you’re thinking what theck is this Arrow well pretty much we’re going to go get some coal and iron and show you what

Happens when this cooks and our goal is to smell the unmeltable object which is bedrock I don’t think we can smel to Jess yet with that one anyways there’s a cave right down here and we got some iron right there oh and coal all right let’s get mining that should be good oh

There’s an emerald oh a skeleton spawner yo oh oh oh oh gosh okay why do they not have bows what is this okay this video and servers is already curs what is going on I don’t think they’re supposed to not have pose what I just need to

Smelt okay let me just grab what’s in the chest okay there we go a bucket some more coal nice and some gold nice oh oh oh oh okay how’s it going guys there we go let’s get some more iron there should be enough okay instead of cooking this

Thing what I’m planning is real quick let’s make one coal block and I was told we were going to need a lot of fuel so let’s put the coal Block in first now let’s put the eight iron and look at it go oh my goodness that is cursed what

Wait it’s not eating the iron is this a limited iron yo weird furnace now smell 1,000 emeralds to upgrade oh oh my guys it’s not going to stop what all right let me turn this off real quick okay it’s done for now but we were told now

To get emeralds to upgrade it yet again cuz I’m going to guess we press that button again and we were given it a silk touch pickaxe luckily we know where an emerald is if we just run back here and look straight up there that should be the emerald we need also with that

Little bit of time we already have a stack and 12 iron inot this is insane already okay let’s go up real quick grab that Emerald or and now I need to get 1,000 emeralds probably won’t take too long okay I have a little bit of a plan

Just cuz it’s going to spit it out what if we real quick add a little area underneath here just like this right here go back to the crafting table and we got to make three crafts first we got to make double chest cuz we’re going to need that then another chest and then

With the other chest we’re going to be making one of these oh wait how do I make this there we go we need a hopper and with the hopper we’re just simply going to grab everything that goes from here and put it in the double chest wait

That is cursed just like that and now we should be good to go had to put one Emerald or here oh and it’s working yo look at it go wait is the oper not working oh no I got to put one there too hold on let’s real quick make one of

These now with this good furnace we should be able to catch everything oh we did it upgrade available wait how many emeralds are we going to have in here yep that is a lot of emeralds I’m going to borrow a stack just in case we need

It later that being said now we can upgrade the furnace again and what Abomination is about to happen oh here we go oh it’s like nine furnaces but it’s only one yo and now we’re going to smell the required items a diamond pickaxe and enchanting table wait is

This like a bigger UI oh my gosh that’s curse guys we’re now cooking two things to get two things out huh so we got to get the following items we’ll be right back buddy we got your Arcane right there one book there we go Diamond one

Two oh and three and four now we can go ahead and get one good old diamond pickaxe one more Diamond to go nice now for obsidian all right we got obsidian here and now we got the obsidian all right let’s real quick do one of these and now that should complete both things

We need all right big furnace it is time let’s go ahead and put the pickaxe right there and one anciant table and now we get to cook it oh it’s cooking what came out oh an efficiency 10 fire diamond pickaxe yo oh and now we’re going to cook the furnace blast furnace and

Smoker well luckily we can go Ahad and make one furnace oh and I already have two smooth Stone what did I get this oh it’s these guys okay all we need is Cobblestone which cuz this has silk touch we got to use this guy all right let’s start with the smoker which is

Pretty much going to be this there we go One smoker then we got to make two more furnaces cuz now we can go ahead and make the blast furnace which is I think I think this oh yeah there we are and now when I open up the UI oh my gosh

It’s literally three things that is so cursed it’s still 20% though so let’s go ahead and put one of each where we put the smoker the blast furnace and the normal furnace and we’re cooking furnaces what is this going to make oh a smelter amalgamation what the heck is

This thing I got it and it’s not giving me an upgrade option do I got to place this thing down first all right let’s place this bad boy down oh gosh wait what’s it doing um yo it’s a giant furnace smelter blast oh combine meat

With raw gold do I go inside okay it’s literally blocks so I’m going to try to go inside all right let’s figure this out oh wait it’s Hollow oh there’s stuff inside okay so I’m supposed to combine meat with gold and there’s gold and a lot of mobs okay let’s make sure they

Don’t escape what’s up here more furnaces normal ones oh my God blast furnaces too okay so smoker furnace blast furnace and every mob in Minecraft so are these like special oh what the heck is this a smolter it has so many slots I guess we’ll put the stuff here

And then it’ll cook over here let’s get some gold then I think I need the real version so one sec that should be enough and let’s get one of every meat this pickaxe is insane all right I just seen mudon there we go oh and some coal

Blocks nice let’s just grab a lot of you perfect and now we can go ahead and do the weird cooking where we can go ahead and put some blocks of coal right here and then the raw gold there and I guess do we just go ahead and put a meat like

This oh it cooked and we got golden beef huh okay can we get Golden Chicken oh my goodness we’re going to get gold of every single thing guys what is the molter this is not one of the weird furnaces it’s like a side quest all

Right and we got all all of them should I just make a lot of it let’s just make a lot of it that should be good can I eat it now oh now we can return to the furnace oh it’s like a golden apple get that’s complete and so does that mean we

Can upgrade this guy again oh wait no now we got to make full diamond armor did we get more slots oh yo now we have the 2 by two furnace this is so broken and Goofy all right so we got to go back to focusing on this thing where we got

To get that many diamonds all right the diamond Journey Begins let’s grab you and you oh wait I can super mine with this oh this is great well that’s going to be a lot easier right now look at that number five cuz in 3 2 1 and now we

Have 24 oh actually have 25 oh wait I got I got to mine all these hold up there we go okay so now that we have everything let’s go ahead and put in the helmet the chest plate the pants and the boots and so what happens when we cook

Armor oh it’s now burning armor yo are you sure this is safe to wear it says oh gosh I don’t like the sound of that anyways let’s go and grab that oh and now we got a new Mission oh I think I already have all that okay well before

We do that let’s real quick put the armor on and so what what does it do do I do anything can I shift right click what if I hold a sword oh yo oh that’s sick I don’t know what I’m doing but we have cool particle effects I have Flames

Defending me now amazing that being said though we got to get some more cooking done with this right here being a oh my gosh it’s a 5×5 furnace this is so goofy you know what we already have all the stuff though I have the gold we have

Some Diamond some emeralds some coal and iron and literally one coal will cook all five sure oh it’s going what is that the ore amalgamation and I got to place it um do I like place it right here oh wait wait where’s it going oh it’s going

Over there oh it’s going far oh what is this is it Hollow like last time oh it has so much ores in it yo enjoy the rich ore deposit there’s so many diamonds okay I’m going to keep this right here there’s even a m shaft above there but

This will definitely come an Annie let’s go back to the furnace oh and we already have the next mission now we got to do steak pork mutton chicken fish and rabbit okay we have raw chicken raw mutton and that’s it so let’s get some pork real quick there we go now we just

Need salmon and rabbit oh we have salmon right here there we go now just rabbit oh a cherry blossom biome nice where rabbit there we y that should be all them done and now back to Mr furnace we we’re going to go ahead and put this guy

This guy one there one there chicken and salon and is this going to make me like the ultimate food or is this again the food amalgamation it’s a 3×2 furnace it’s so curs oh here we go oh and it squished it all together the food of

Mation oh gosh okay no new Mission I think we got to place it again okay where is this going to go oh it’s going this way oh my gosh huh what is that it doesn’t look very coed it kind of looks raw do do do I break inside of it again

I don’t think it’s edible right now oh punch all the mobs out of the ball what the heck is this guy okay wait so do I just like punch him with my fist or do I hit him oh okay okay okay I don’t like this one I swear I did not put this

Inside of the guy wait so every time I punch him more mobs come out let me put on the armor real quick and go attacks oh this is sick that’s how you take those guys out all right what other mobs are going to come out oh my gosh no oh

Oh this is bad this bad this bad this bad okay okay fire attacks do your thing do your thing do your thing oh my gosh they take so much damage no no no no no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m

Going to die no no no no I only have one life oh my gosh we’re going to be line it be line it be line it be line it I am going to real quick do this right here and now we should be good to go back

Inside oh my gosh okay round two oh wait that was it nice let’s real quick take care of the blazes and it looks like we got a new upgrade uh an enchanted glistering slice what is this infinite food source oh wait is that what I got

From this oh yeah wait it fed me immediately it gives me saturation that’s sick well might as well grab these blaze rods and now let’s go upgrade the furnace one more time so from this furnace alone we got that thing that thing and there used to be a

Thing there anyways it’s upgrade furnace again let’s see what it makes here we go is it going to get weirder huh what the heck is this wait this is like an illusion yo what is this oh my goodness it’s a backward furnace so do we put

Stuff in here and it gives us something here or do we put it on this side hold up let me let me try something out what if we just put water here and coal here it made ice what okay we need to try more things hold up oh wait so smelt a

Spotter to make a zoo oh I might know where we can get a spotter well right here earlier we found the weird skeleton spotter let’s just go and grab that with our silk touch pickaxe let’s grab some of this also cuz we’re going to need it

And just to try it out some of this too okay cuz why not let’s put iron ingots here oh it makes it into raw iron yo I got of mess up the F but that that’s pretty cool now for the main thing it’s asked me now to uncook a monster spawner

This is going to be so cursed but okay let’s put in the monster spawner and then a coal what does this make oh huh a zoo the heck is a zoo this is about to be so goofy all right again 30% progression furnace is already very

Weird but let’s go and place this down somewhere oh where’s it going that way oh oh uh hello horse oh my gosh it’s literally a zoo with the zoo sign okay it’s not letting me upgrade the furnace yet so I got to go and unlock and fill

The enclosure first we can do that all right I am now entering the zoo uh what exactly do I do in here do I start with the horse so do I do something with the horse do I ride it oh oh my gosh oh we’re supposed to move the along with

The horse yo this is sick so suddenly for the furnace we are just Mo a zooland this is amazing we got to name the horse though go and give the horse a name in the comments down below cuz this horse is insane don’t mind me just mowing

Everything down and it looks like we don’t really have animals everywhere besides this horse I mean that should be good do we just leave it here oh we got a good job and we get fresh beef from that don’t really know what this is for

I’ll take it oh and the next area I think is for the pig for the pig challenge do I just go on this oh build a pig where the heck am I now and there’s pink concrete okay um I’m going to build the smallest pig in the world

Oh oh maybe I should take off the armor okay if this is going to be a little small Pig we’re just going to do this real quick right here this is going to be good goofy but it will work okay so it’s going to be this little dude right

Here we gave him the tail already oh gosh that is not a pig face this is so goofy hold no hold on hold up I got this i got this i got this this is my pig yeah oh wait it’s shaking again did they accept my pig they did nice build I feel

Like that’s a lie but it’s all good let’s real quick grab the fresh pork Oh and now we’re doing the salmon challenge oh remove the Axel uh where are they oh wait they disappeared all right here’s the plan guys I refuse to kill the ax so

What we’ll do instead is grab them one by one it’s going to be a bit of a challenge but we can place them in a hole just like right here and that’s what we’ll do another one two aelott and the last one look at all the aelott oh

Wait it’s shaking again and we’re back this time we got fresh salmon nice all right let’s grab that and on until the next challenge let’s do rabbit next oh defeat the robbit wait what do you mean defeat the robbit oh hello how’s it going buddy did we just like race up oh

Here we go 3 2 1 oh my gosh we’re doing this apparently the the robbit just died immediately huh okay hold on I missed one of these let’s real quick use this this and this will make it a lot easier oh so I’m guessing I was supposed to

Race the rabbit and it literally just found lava well on the bright side our new goal is to not fall in lava let’s real quick just jump and jump and jump oh my goodness all this were a furnace oh what what’s this way oh is it a maze

Now yo okay okay okay I’m literally racing myself right now though through here I I’m insane at Maes yo I’m crazy wait did we complete it oh we did oh and it brought me all the way back here all right now that we’re back let’s go on to

The next thing which is the chicken these challenges are so weird uh chcken challenge is next oh here we go yo what’s it going to be flppy bird what is going on yo wait I got this feather and you guys can see me from over there oh

That’s sick oh my gosh wait so when I right click the feather guys it literally makes me jump like it’s Flappy Bird okay okay okay let’s let’s just uh play this a little slow you guys know what Flappy Bird is it was a great app game it’s it’s a little ancient

Depending on when you guys got your phones but we’re doing it right now in Minecraft okay the whole goal is to just get through the little pipe things and uh in the actual game you would have died if you touched the pipe so right now we’re just going to make it to the

End oh nice and we’re Shing again all goodbye by side view and we’re back very nice and from that we get a fresh potato oh no fresh btry never mind that’s not a potato oh and the only one we haven’t done yet then is the Sheep oh here we go

Again survive five rounds of block party oh wait we got to figure out which color it is then hello fellow sheep oh stand on Orange 5 Seconds okay let me just go on here oh gosh oh no all the Sheep okay now we got stand on purple okay wait uh

It’s this one okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re chilling we’re chilling I’m quick with it oh well it looks like another set of sheeper gone it’s literally just that guy oh oh I’m going to come save you I’m going to come

Save save you come on get up get up get up get on the red get on the red no my friend oh well that sucks it’s just me lime green okay right here hly the 5 Seconds I’m pretty quick with it I’m crazy all right nice and I think there’s

Only one round left and finally black right here we did it I think it’s only five rounds right oh it’s shaking again and I think we did it nice okay and that should be the last food is this for like a furnace thing I have no idea oh wait

What if we’re reversing all the foods to get the animals back that might make sense let’s go back to the furnace real quick all right uh sheep get out of there any anyways back to this weird furnace we can now do this where if we

Put in the beef right here and then put coal it gives us a cow yo wait so does this work with everything for example pork oh my goodness that that that’s insane we can do it with sheep we can even do salmon all right I mean we also

Have chickens I guess give me the chickens amazing and now with all these mobs we can go ahead and fill the zoo all right horse you’re already there the pigs we can now spawn all of them all right pigs there you go your brand new home all the sheeps will go in here

There we go now for chicken chicken go in there perfect the salmon one is pretty goofy oh oh oh oh oh yep yep go in there guys go in in thank thank you thank you let me let me push you in oh gosh uh oh there you go and now finally

The last one the cow uh this feels wrong I feel like the rabbit goes here huh well that works and now if we go through here oh and now upgrade available time for another weird furnace oh my goodness how is it going to get weirder than literally a backwards furnace well let’s

See what happens with a good old upgrade and what’s it going to become huh is that a frozen furnace oh my goodness it’s literally a frozen furnace smelt hot items use ice for fuel oh well that’s why that ice worked then and now we got to get lava buet magma block fire

Sword flint and steel and torch okay so the first thing we do have is one torch now we need everything else let’s begin now we got some magma let’s real quick grab you that’s two down oh and is this going to have anything good oh blint

Steal that works great we also got the lav bucket that’s four down now we just need a fire sword hm hold on I’m inside the giant ore and I never saw these before but it says loot me so could there be something like fire oh there’s

A chest what the heck is this literally a fire sword maybe I was supposed to get this earlier then and oh my gosh we got Fire Two Buck I’m going to grab this in case we need it for the actual thing but that makes things a lot easier wait what

Does it do oh it has like a little fire effect this makes sense in a furnus video anyways now that we have this we can finally try out the ice ferce that’s in blue so what happens if we freeze lava do we get something glass oh wait

What’s going on find the exit of the maze I swear I already just did this maze what well now we will do super fast mode of completing the maze yet again guys that that was record time all right well that was lava what about magma block so let’s put one magma block and

One coal and it’s so cool how it does that oh we got ice wait oh no we’re shaking again what’s going on invade the obstacles with your boat wait what hey y there’s snowman oh gosh okay okay these guys were not here before Oh My Gosh

Okay we got to avoid the TNT please don’t shoot me please don’t shoot me they don’t do any damage but they push me we have the skills guys we have the skills oh man going on ice on a boat in Minecraft is so much harder than it

Looks oh no oh no oh no let me get out real quick and are we good yes we made it oh my goodness now I guess fire sword all right let’s put in the fire sword and I’m going to miss this guy but please give me a better sword oh we get

The ice sword yo what does it do oh oh oh we can now got to use it against a lava Golem where is he is there lava Golem oh there he is hey yo okay let’s use this attack oh my gosh it makes me

Run at him oh my gosh oh my gosh thank you melon this thing is the only thing saving me oh gosh I got to get out get out get out okay I got to avoid those little attacks from him this guy is huge let’s go in again and we got him oo oh

My gosh and we’re back did I get anything from that nope I Lally just had a fire sword luckily the melon heals us up real quick and next up let’s do the flint and steel okay we just got to put the flint and steel in and so what is

This going to make us an ice pick that doesn’t even make sense oh where are we going now cold nether oh we just got to find the Portal home okay well I guess I’ll keep the eyes pickaxe let me see what this does here oh what the heck did

I just throw something oh yo I can like break stuff when I right click it that’s sick anyways this place is a little bit creepy there’s Lally nothing going on in here oh another work I’m going to against that’s a portal but let’s check what in the chest first oh pretty much

Nothing all right let me try right clicking right here then with this would this work oh it lit yo that makes no sense but let’s go in and now we’re back definitely a weird one only one thing left to do with this weird furnace though by the way reminder this is only

40% let’s go ahead and add the torch is the torch going to be the probably the weakest one what’s it going to give me oh snow torch blizzard incoming clear the blizzard wait what do you mean blizzard incoming oh my gosh wait there’s only blizzard and Mr stabby the

Heck is this guy oh my gosh I wish I had the fire sword right now okay okay this is actually insane hey you I’m surrounded okay okay you know what it’s time to use the fire pickaxe attacks oh my gosh there’s so many how do I kill

These guys they just never stop what if I use a snow torch does the snow torch do anything it just throws snowballs guys my armor is going to break oh my gosh oh my gosh come on oh wait I got another one oh nice I’m getting them now

Oh no my Armor’s breaking oh my gosh get over here you guys oh oh guys the Armor’s gone all the Armor’s gone let me just eat this real quick oh wait I forgot I can use this attack go on let’s CLA all of them destroy this thing oh my

Goodness that was a lot of work but now we can finally upgrade the furnace yet again we got the cold furnace what type of weird ungodly thing is about to become here we go what’s it going to be and um what’s going on am I being pushed

Away huh is this a furnace Village find the lava tools okay so we first got to find some magma tools before we talk to these guys where could I find that oh wait there’s a chest right there with Magma is this the magma tools oh lava

Tools here okay oh my gosh wait and this is everything we need I guess lava axe lava shovel even a Lava Bow a pitchfork and boiling water bucket what is a boiling water bucket oh that’s what a boiling water bucket does what about the

Bench Fork oh I am so sorry Mr Cow and of course the Lava Bow amazing well let’s go start helping people what about you smelt these cows huh let me try this cow they me baked potatoes what is going on how does that even work sir are you

Happy with this you know what he’s happy with it I’m not even going to question it next up we have this guy who wants to smell some clay from the river that should be easy should be some clay here all right so do I just use a shovel like

This oh that worked and we got clay all right sir here you go that’s to done say clay and now let’s do this guy right here he has a bunch of pillars smell some sand from the river oh wait I already did this too so lowkey we can

Just do this right here with our new fire tools it’s like a portable furnace anyways here you go smelt it that’s going to be three done now we got our farmer guy here I’m going to guess I got to use the hoe smelt some potatoes oh

Wait is this going to give us baked potatoes give us baked potatoes there we go it worked nice all right how’s that farmer nice that’s 4 out of be done on to the next what tool do we have to use with this guy right here smelt some wood

From some trees uh wait like like this do I do it with this guy wait no there’s a furnace what about this tree oh yo we immediately get charcoal oh that that’s broken okay well that’s done and do you prove he does that’s five out of a done

Who else needs some help oh guy right here smelt some iron ore hm maybe the pickaxe okay let’s go in this cave right here and what about this yes instant iron now sir that’s meion complete six out of eight done next up we have this

Guy in here smell you huh how do I do that guess sword would make sense oh and now he’s burned amazing everything’s cooking in this Village only one more to go now looks like we have a guy upstairs what does this guy do Smelt the zombies underground huh uh like right underneath

Here oh hello zombies hold up let’s real quick try our new weapons Lava Bow very nice oh and we get burnt flesh from them okay everything’s cing here did I eat this probably not a good idea well anyways let’s go ahead and give the evidence to this guy your zombie problem

Is done and now that’s the village complete which means we’re about to get a weirder furnace well let’s see what we get next by doing this real quick and oh gosh what’s going on now oh my that’s our next furnace the mother there of all furnaces okay so do I just go inside

Have all the furnaces inside smelting simultaneously wait how do I do this are there furnaces while we do parkour let’s check oh yeah there are furnaces okay so what we can do then is let’s get our coal ready and we’ll cook iron ore in each one and we’ll make sure to do this

Parkour on time which way is the furnace oh it’s under every one of those things so technically this is going to be our first one right here and I’m just going to put one Coal’s worth oh gosh we got to be quick okay next one let’s put this

Here perfect is that one still lit it is okay other Corner let’s go cool let’s go let’s go let’s go my biggest worry is that furnace right there still it okay I think we only got to do one more in that corner over there okay let’s just jump

To it oh gosh is this all four done I think that’s all four right oh it opened yes still need those and now we get access to complete the puzzle what is this okay we have an arrow right there and four item frames and a chest okay

What’s this puzzle going to be oh it’s literally furnace puzzle pieces hold up so will this go there another puzzle piece right there another one there this should be the front one and I completely missed this one okay let’s get these guys ready and now I think it would go

This this and and this yeah that’ll be a furnace oh it’s open okay now what do we do here unscramble the word puzzle oh okay uh I’m going to guess it’s the word furnace let’s write it down right here f r goes here u n a t and e oh there’s

Furnace and does it do over there oh my gosh I just opened the door on to the next room and what do we have in this for finish the Redstone pirate with the furnace oh oh that’s fun actually so what we can do is real quick cook some

Stuff there and that should give fuel once we get these guys right here all right redstone repeater right there oh I got to put put them here okay let’s put one there one here might be smart if we mine some Redstone there we go oh we

Need more Let Me Mine all these now we finish this oh my goodness this is going to be a long trail luckily we have some more of these guys right here all right I want to put one of these guys here let’s just connect this all the way and

Why not right there okay everything is connected now I just got to figure out how to light that Redstone wait maybe we use this thing I’ve never actually used a redstone comparator hold up what if we just put it like that oh wait it’s giving power hold up I need to cook

Something uh beef is that going to work you know what guys plan B there’s a block of redstone right right here we’re doing this the old fashioned way come on is that going to give a strong enough signal oh wait no I just got to move

This a little bit back okay let’s just put this right here and yes we opened it that furnace challenge was too difficult that’s why we use the Redstone Block oh and now furnace Golems light them all on fire at the same time oh um how can I do

That does that work oh he got lit on fire okay let me just light all of you on fire then and I’m going to guess they do something to get that key over there all right let’s light you and let’s light you is that all them done well

That didn’t work what about the sword oh that’s lighting them on fire hold on you get L on fire you you you and you is that is that is that is that working oh they did it yo find the key and smelt it I mean it was right there I just like

Shoot it come here key oh we shot it and now we get the key which I think we got to smell oh wait there’s a furn really in the corner of the room that works okay let’s real quick go to this thing and what are we unlocking with this

Thing anyways well we’re cooking the key and we now get the smelted key oh and that disappeared do we use on that thing key oh yo that’s sick now that’s upgrade available nice we got to get all the way back down there I have an idea idea

Watch this it’s going to be crazy but it’s going to be worth it oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh we’re insane we’re insane we’re insane that’s how you get down in style all right big ferus thank you for what you

Did but yet again we get another upgrade and I’m feeling like we’re getting close to the final 100% ferdus what’s this one going to be oh let’s moving what the heck is this thing this is the 100% furnace it’s a circle the furnace portal what’s going to be inside the portal

Though all right let’s try it out here we go oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh furnaces of the end huh oh no they’re back the normal furnace the blast furnace and the smoker summon the furnace Dragon power the furnace first oh gosh what the heck am I doing here

Then well first we have this giant furnace this this is just wild cool the levers oh this is kind of cool okay let’s make sure we don’t fall cuz I don’t feel like I should trust the thing at the bottom okay let’s not fall and

This is going to be level one now three more to go number two number three number four and this is the hardest one but I think this should complete it number five is all of them done oh furnace powered Now find a way to power the blast furnace let’s go to that one

Last furnace okay how do I go inside this thing do I just like break in oh wait never mind the door’s open what are we doing here some Cobbs is there like a thing that happens maybe we got to go up is there something in here oh wait so to

Power this it’s like a lava puzzle yo okay how’s it worked though I mean I’m just removing it oh wait it’s filling up as I do it then so if I do this one again there oh it keeps going up let me keep going I’m L just going to fill

Everything I can oh my gosh it’s following me this is sick we’re powering the blast verice come on lava oh my goodness it’s going on way over here okay let’s keep going let’s keep going okay it’s going another one there and there and now this should flow all the

Way down yes that should be good okay let me go downstairs real quick and see if it worked oh my goodness everything’s lava what do I do here okay let’s block that and blast for is powered I just broke out on to the last one and that’s

Going to be the smoker uh does this just open again when I get close to it Mr smoker oh there we go and what do we have going on here do I got to shoot these guys going to guess that’s what I got to do oh there’s so many of these

Okay I’m just going to run around shoot the targets and then and that should power up the smoker as long as we don’t get cooked inside okay there we go and this is all to summon a furnished Dragon of all things don’t know if I want to

See that another one let’s get that Target down right there and looks like there’s only two more unless there’s one all the way up oh yes smoker powered all right let’s get to the top oh wait no not function escape the smoker oh no okay let’s get out oh gosh oh gosh I

Knew this is a bad idea okay Dragon furnace champion of the smelter of Bedrock oh this is how I smell the Bedrock I forgot about this oh there it is Hello Dragon furnace all right let’s take this guy down we have the Lava Bow and the Pitchfork oh gosh oh gosh okay

My attacks are fighting his attacks that’s kind of cool oh my goodness we’re doing so much damage to him uh yeah he’s got of all all the way over there looks like we’re going to take him down with a fire damage oddly enough and that should

Be it very soon we did it uh so how do I cook the Bedrock price smelting that unmeltable object on what though did it drop something oh wait we have something right here oh the final furnace I think the dragon furnace okay that is curs I guess I can smelt the unmeltable object

Here all right let’s put it right there and it made a sub cribe button the developer of this mod had too much fun with this okay well let’s get the Subscribe button guys and that is the final mission go ahead and subscribe okay well with that being done guys

That’s going be Minecraft where the furnaces get weirder so with that being said I hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and new video just like this one bye Guys

Minecraft but Furnaces Get Weirder…
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🎨 Thumb Inspo: @Spifey

🎉 What was your favorite Furnace moment in todays Minecraft, But?

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