This Terraria Mod could be the FUTURE…

This terrario mod I found is something we all need to keep an eye on in the future it has insanely unique weapons and some terrifying looking bosses let’s check it out so I hopped on team mod loader scrolled to the middle and downloaded a random mod and it just

Happened to be a really good mod out of nowhere and that is this malignant mod the description of the mod was really cool but I’m very excited to check this out I literally grabbed some random weapons from it and it looks super dope let’s get to it as you can see it’s

Pretty small but I think I really enjoy smaller content mods that just add in quality content you know what they say quality over quantity so I’m going to grab a bunch of weapons from here we might as well check out all the weapons because like there’s not a lot of them

So you might as well grab everything that you can so what do we got here we got depraved blast beat increased in power with each Target you hit let’s check it out it’s got a nice little recoil to it I don’t even know if regulatory weapons have that little tiny

Recoil but but uh you know it’s got a nice little recoil to it nothing too crazy of a weapon except for when you kill something okay it’s not when you kill things it’s after what shooting it for a while so let’s get a tankier enemy and let’s shoot her a bunch of times

Boom boom pretty sick I mess with that we got a whip it’s a whip you don’t see too many crazy things when it comes to whips in both just regular Terraria and terrario mods it’s a whip till this day I still question why they chose whips as the uh secondary weapon for Summoners

Other than it being just like a reference I don’t know then we get to Darkness fallen and it says this mod is still alive hey just in case y’all were wondering this Mod’s still alive what the heck sword Summoner play through hold up let’s do that again bring in the

King slim the summoning the swords and let’s let it rip on them so we pretty much shoot swords at people this reminds me of that one sword from Elden ring that like you could throw at people that’s what this reminds me of it’s not really that similar but that’s the thing

That comes in mind when I use this we got a cursed Fireball staff shoots a ball of cursed flames right click to make it explode early so I can bust early is what you’re saying let’s just see the regular left click as you can see nice little projectiles and then

They explode when we right click damn that’s a pretty solid weapon bro they explode they drop more cursed fireballs and they do burn damage that’s like four things in one after that arterion Soul does magic stuff making DNA strands all right hold up let’s bring in Queen Bee

Let’s hit her with the DNA strands I hate testing on the queen bee because she’d be moving fast she moves too fast to test weapons on her especially outside of the Jungle death’s bite shoots a very hungry skull now look at this when we use this bow look at the

Character animation so beautiful very simple it kind of looks a little cursed but I mean it’s ter but I still appreciate it let’s go ahead and see what it does yo so it shoots pretty much a a skull an animal skull here that just chews on enemies pretty sick and then we

Got bursting artery shoots a blood burst that explodes on cursor hit it’s got the same animation let’s go ahead and let’s see it explode where’s the explosions at oh it’s a little it’s a little baby explosion nothing like crazy and then we got Hearts SK Shan I don’t know summons

Five shans skin around the player decapitates The Wretched so this is a melee weapon ah damn this some uh vampire survivors ass weapon right here and we can also shoot it just like the swords we had earlier cool all right so we got this one next flesh

Blazer God damn bright ass weapon this is it looks like it’s like a type of flamethrower honestly and I don’t even know is this the right animation very bright and Vivid we got Mars hell right click to shoot out some cool crosses oh cool crosses oh damn that is pretty cool

Little like grenade launcher with crosses and then this itself is a shotgun now this mod also has this demon shots what what type of bullets are these yo what the heck that’s a sick little like spreadshot animation the little fire that burst out after King

Slime get hit by this demon shot now I wonder does the fire behind it do damage it looks like it does very interesting weapon let’s go ahead and shoot some more crosses up we got Cross of Our Lord 88 summon Dam damage will [ __ ] someone

Up damn even the mods is swearing is got to do something crazy then come on show me what you got what is that I don’t even know what the hell that is is that another cross what is that I can’t tell I’m just going to summon a bunch of them

What are they there are just a bunch of crosses amen we got the crucifix Constructor throws a hammer so Bonk the [ __ ] out of people right click to throw a pointy crucifix that sticks on the flesh sounds painful let’s change it up I’m going over here hold up is this a

New structure but let’s change up the the scenery let’s go ahead bring in our boy the brain and let’s see this thing in action okay so it’s kind of like a paladin hammer or a possessed Hatchet type of attack is this thing shaking my screen when I throw it and then we have

A right click to throw a pointy crucifix so let’s kill all the creepers and let’s throw the pointy crucifix so you can throw multiple it’s kind of like uh the bone javelins that’s what this reminds me of nice little throwing weapon with a couple variations in attacks we got the

Holy great sword what it do just a sword that’s it but it’s holy we got TI t t ttan does extra damage to Unholy foe now I’m assuming this Mod’s talking about wretched it’s talking about holy foe Unholy foes I’m assuming that’s going to be the theme of the

Bosses and enemies from this mod cuz that is the theme of The Mod overall so I’m assuming that’s what they mean when it says stuff like does more damage we got Tranquility War Blade of light now that’s a sick name for a sword there’s a little one two and then a little throw

With a little explosion on it we got the new your staff what does this thing do what is this what the heck we’re like charging up something I don’t know what this is doing am I supposed to aim this at it I have no idea this is an

Interesting weapon to say the least we got the last couple weapons here forgotten Frost this shoots snowballs which took me a while to figure out oh what is that little ice spikes around me how does that work this pretty much another like vampire Survivor type weapon but instead of around you it’s

Around your cursor we got a ice sword I probably don’t expect this to do too much she got a little different swing animation we got web tone let’s do the webtone last let’s do these other ones first staff of spider eye so this just shoots little little tiny I don’t know

Spider eyeballs poison projectiles we got fanged deceiver so just another shotgun so if you like shotguns good bit of shotguns in here and then we got webt shoots cobwebs that’s it this thing had a cool little color to it and a cool name like look at this look at the color

And it does a lot of d damage it just shoots web I mean I don’t hate it cuz you see the little web shoots out like little poisonous stingers and stuff and then we got the two weapons here that were literally glowing so I saved these for last P3

Guitar yo the power of music strikes this is sick this is a sick weapon this reminds me of U obviously this is a more new thing and I think this was made before the death stranding 2 trailer with the Dude using the like electric guitar as a weapon that’s what this

Reminds me of and it’s pretty sick and then we got the bger gun let’s see the Borger gun it just shoots the burgers that’s that’s literally it not as cool as the guitar but now let’s get into the stuff we all want to see here and that

Is the bosses and also this structure is this structure a part of the mod it is Grants an extra 50 life for each boss beaten that’s kind of cool fruit of the garden is there any other structures or is that it this is a fairly I would say

Early Access mod it’s like Early Access equivalent to like something El steam this early access there’s another structure I spotted over here in the snow biome is this also another good weapon oh look at that summons cockus my favorite boss cockus so I’m assuming our first boss here is this guy cockus or

Cetus Keeper of the cold where you at bro you keeping the cold but where are you keeping the cold at oh damn my boy looks scary you not scary since he’s like glitching out there you go you got past it this dude looks sick we are

Master mode right so we should be seeing the full potential of the Boss 8 health so that’s got to be like a pretty early boss right there’s no health bar so maybe this isn’t like a full-on boss maybe it’s more of like a mini boss yeah he’s shooting the snowflakes he got the

Little projectiles he’s shooting at us what else do you got for me damn those projectiles home the little snow projectiles are homing they’ be a little dangerous early game he made a noise he enraged a little bit what is that my boy placing the gigantic crystals that little ice Spike shooting everywhere

Okay this is not bad if this is supposed to be an early game Boss this is not bad at all for a fight the music’s also bumping I just hope the music ain’t copyrighted that’s always my worry with music from any mod yeah nothing like too

Crazy but it’s still look cool it still had a decent amount of tax it does have a boss bag so what’s in the boss what you got for me that boy just dropped damn near every weapon yeah I can definitely tell this mod still fairly you know being worked on with some of

The things are working but let’s see here what is the next boss we have a couple of bosses here let me just look at their health and try to figure it out like that arterion the infector that’s got to be like a crimson boss right my

Boy arterion yo that boy spawning in oh shoot this has to be his bond there’s no way he goes anywhere else so he’s spawning in a little tiny like needles tongues I don’t know I’m thinking Crimson so it’s like tongues teeth you know look at this like the caves right

Next to us the little teeth in there the caves he looks cool looking he doesn’t really have any animations but he looks sick so once he gets a couple animations and things he might be a little scary dude but what else you got for me bro

Those needles are easy to dodge give me a platform and I’ll Dodge them what is that flying heart that thing just like literally spawned on me ew what the heck that thing is nasty get that thing out of here yeah look at that that thing literally just like teleports to you

What else do you got he made the little angry noise what the heck my boy shaking my screen what is that he putting a bunch of balls down you got to avoid the balls and on top of that it looks like there’s a meteor little baby meteor that fell out

He’s got these little blood things he’s shooting out he picking it up a little bit 129 or 12,000 Health not 129k there a lot Health 12K Health this got to be pretty hard my boss has to be but he’s for sure picking it up here as we do

More damage as I expected any Terraria boss cuz I feel like it’s a little boring when Terraria boss is as you go through with the fight they don’t really change or adapt or do anything new so it’s always nice when any boss does that whether it’s modded or vanilla but that

Was Aron Now we move on to the last two here one has 60k Health one has 29k Health this one is vasera Primal Hunter this also has to be a crimson boss so let’s bring it in it probably better if I summon it like normally boom okay we

Got the little screen shake you know I’m a sucker for screen Shake damn he was moving this thing is nasty NY looking remember like a video or two ago where I said I hated the Crimson incorruption themes because of how nasty they are yeah this doesn’t help the case nasty

Nasty so he got this similar attacks in terms of putting the little spikes on the floor and he’s shooting little like blood everywhere what else he got for us okay shooting out little balls so he does the same little Spike attack at the bottom let’s do some damage though oh he

Got a lot of Health I might have to actually use the zena here let’s get him to that half Health point where he potentially enrages and does a little bit more I’m thinking this fight is more on the unfinished side and still work in progress cuz he really isn’t doing too

Much so I think we could uh take him out but it’s nice to see some ideas and where they’re moving hold up you got a phase two or something he he’s just here now he’s he’s not disappearing this is his phase two pure intimidation Factor he’s just going to stand there the rest

Of the fight and then we move on to our last boss from this mod Warlock the infector again I have no idea if this dude’s going to be finished or not he’s shooting out bubbles we switching up the theme this dude looks cool he a little

Tiny for my likes I don’t like when T bosses are tiny is there something about them being less intimidating when they’re tiny but this dude he got a couple more attacks he looking a little bit more complete let’s do some damage he does have a lot of Health here

Warlock the infector so maybe this is like the Crimson side if that’s what they’re doing you know Crimson and Corruption them dudes I can understand that the Crimson and Corruption are very wretched very nasty I like his attack so far though I don’t know what’s up with

The bubbles that might be like a placeholder attack my boy thinks he’s SpongeBob square plants blowing bubbles okay what else we got oh what the heck so it looked like he was going to shoot like a demon scy but it ended up turning into a bunch of cursed flame shooting up

Pretty sick I think that’s probably all though I think we’ve seen all his attacks again mods are work in progress so it’s going to be exciting to see these bosses and enemies and everything in like full potential what is this thing there’s some scary looking things here we got Cur occultist the Sprites

Are sick this dude look like Jacks from League of Legends uh we got cursed roller okay nice little uh Crimson or corruption themed enemy so I think my guesses were right and then we got shrier look like the one dude from uh Diablo what’s his name the angel dude

Murder screaming murder bro not actually screaming though that’s actually a good thing I really didn’t want to get my ears screamed into but looking at this mod from the outside it’s definitely got some potential it’s not too crazy yet but but looking at some of the things it

Really look like it’s got some potential we’re going to have to wait and see though because obviously it’s got a lot of work to get done but the Sprites are great the weapons were pretty sick it’s definitely got the potential it’s probably only like one dude working on

It one person working on it maybe a sprider on the side helping out that’s always something we got to understand with terrari mods but still it’s something to look forward to something cool shout out everyone that’s working on the mod let me know what y’all think

About this mod in the comments could be a nice little mod to throw into a bigger mod pack that you just want to have some extra content in yeah make sure you guys leave a like subscribe turn on notifications all that good stuff videos will be popping up on the screen so make

Sure to check those out I’ll be seeing y’all in the next video

This is for sure a UNIQUE Terraria mod that we all should keep an eye out on!

Playing a Giant Terraria Modpack on my Twitch, follow it here! –

Malignant Mod –


  1. looks like great upcoming mod, hope the development wont stop, really thankful that you do mod showcases – even though I stopped playing Terraria I really do enjoy seeing whats new going on in the modded scene as it brings a lot of new life to the game

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