Casual Farming Friday | Stardew Valley – Part 7

Hello hi Vita yes uh yes I did say I was going to change it over to be genin but at some point I gotta be real because if I if I did do that today uh I wouldn’t have stopped with the quests because they all like hang

Together and I’m pretty sure that if I um like I I I don’t want I don’t know so I’d rather have the time to do them right after one another in peace and quiet and not in a rush to enjoy them more uh than do them right now because I can’t do anything

Tomorrow because I’ve literally got like maybe three hours between work and more work and I don’t want to stress myself too much so I’d rather have some me time tomorrow between work and more work because I’ll be busy from 7 in the morning until 1 at night or in the

Morning again uh which is just a lot and I need to also sleep tonight um and and I’ll be pretty tuckered out for Sunday and Sunday I already have plans and I don’t want to overshadow the plans with my friends with my plans for the

Game I like you know I I need to be a little bit more healthy about my time spending and next week I don’t have as much School uh so I’d rather push like the sumaru plans like the plans of going further with the main story a little bit back um because this

Event with the lantern R it stays on and it stays um active for at least like a little less than 10 days um so I have time I don’t need to rush it’s open till the 26th at um at 4:00 a.m. because that’s one of the server

Resets I know this because I’ve once stayed up till 4:00 a.m. playing engin and then it told me hey thank you for logging in I was like [ __ ] so yeah um I have time I’d rather do it in all peace and quiet next week because this weekend is just so

Busy more work yeah so I have the morning shift on the market uh from 7 a.m. till 100 p.m. so I need to be awake by 5: and then I have a little a little bit of a break and by 7 I need to be

There that doesn’t mean I need to go or get ready then I need to get ready by 6 and be there by 7 p.m. and then work from from 7 till 1:00 a.m. as a waitress at a carnival event because I said yes and I didn’t expect to actually be

Working on the Saturday because it would have been fine if I were able to like sleep in but I’m not able to sleep in because I’m working the morning shift sh which is 5 a.m. waking up getting ready getting there by 7:00 and then working there in

The freezing cold uh standing up for 6 hours 7 hours six hours and then laying down afterwards for several hours because I know how my back is and after standing for that long I know that last time I was limping I was limping through the apartment after

Standing for so long because my lower back could not handle it so the evening activity the waitressing will be a lot more walking and a lot more standing um so I don’t even know like I’ll probably need to put painkillers in my purse in my bag whatever uh because I will not be

Able to stand by the by the end of it um I said yes I can’t go back because they don’t have a replacement for me especially not this late and um I would have had to work tomorrow morning anyways I’m actually quite lucky that I am on the market because otherwise I

Would have been I would have had to go there to the actual Bakery like where I usually work and that would have been me being there by 5 not waking up by by 5 I need to be there at 5:00 which then in turn means I need to be up by

43:30 so I can wake up enough to go into my car and drive down the mountain without causing an accident um which in turn means I would have already I need would have needed to go to bed like right now and we wouldn’t stream but

It’s fine now because I need to be there by 700 so I can technically even go do other things after this stream without worrying too much because I can be awake by 5:00 and I can go to bed by 1200 and it’s fine but yeah uh busy tomorrow and

That’s why there’s no stream because if I did that I would actually just do myself to die so we’re not doing that because I need to like lie on the floor for all of the hours in between my afternoon shift and my evening shift because otherwise I will actually

Disintegrate the D had to working for a bakery well I don’t even need to literally bake we bake a very little amount we need to just prepare a lot um and that means we need to be there by five so at least on the market I just need to

Stand in a fully packed up car and just need to sell I don’t even need to do anything but clean up at the end so oh damn going to work you to the Bone truly truly at least I get compensated goodly I mean relatively it’s minimum wage for the uh waitressing

Job in the evening I haven’t waitressed in like two years well I did the same gig last year it’s not that bad it’s only drinks the one thing I’m really like anxious about is like food but I just hope I will remember everything and I just need to

Take it slow I I think not too cold last time I I mean I need to still layer up like pretty [ __ ] damn tightly because it is cold uh it was snowing a few days ago so I’m going to I’m going to actually just look at the okay today it

Was 12° yesterday and the day before that was three to minus one we were dying uh tomorrow it’s actually going to be all right it’s cloudy but 13° C which is fine it’s actually almost warm but I still need to layer up because I’ll will be standing in the cold it’s

Just an open vehicle I have a door to my right that is on constantly open I could technically close it but I just kind of it feels rude to my stall neighbors that I just closed the door but it’s cold man so I’m probably just going to close it

Like from the beginning on so they don’t even have the chance to tell me off or or or be disappointed I guess they talk to me it’s fine they’re fun uh and I’ll just empty out a chest as soon as possible so I can sit down because holy [ __ ] but technically I

Need to stand because otherwise people think I’m not there and the card is empty and I’m not I am there it’s just it’s empty ah I’m everything is just so many things yeah um I’ll probably send updates but I’ll be just dying um lucky you get snow I don’t know not while I’m

Working I don’t think it’s lucky when I’m working outside in the cold but I don’t think it’s going to be um snowing tomorrow God bless but yeah I’ll I won’t be doing so good tomorrow I hope I survive until Sunday and I’m glad that Sunday’s stream is only in the afternoon

Like at 400 PM so I can sleep in and like sleep off all of that [ __ ] and that’s why I’m not streaming anything on Sunday morning like what was I think even suggesting that so nothing there we’re going to start again on Monday as usual probably a lot of late streams

Because I’m working a lot but there will be streams and there will be a lot of kinchin don’t you worry I don’t even know if I’ll do anything else because like any other games except for stardo on Fridays because I think that’s just a thing

Now because I don’t know but not as much school probably a lot more work I honestly don’t know we’ll see how it goes but I think before oops wrong game um before I um talk your ear off forever I’m going to enter the world you you’re not seeing anything right now because uh

That is still um there there there’s names there that you don’t need to see so it’s loading you just can’t see it because my camera is here it’s it’s like right right there it’s the loading screen it says like loading dot dot dot it is there there we go I promise

Okay all right nope uh you the queen of sauce tell me tortillas oo I already know that yes so it was a rerun hello okay you’re all done oh yeah right because that’s a premium sprinkler all right so I don’t even need to worry about this yay we have

Jimins in there which is pretty cool so now oh Sunday okay I think technically my plan was according to my inventory to go into the mines but I think I’m going to quickly just hop over and see um what the person has to sell in the cart because it’s

Sunday so she she should be there around the corner also I need my my little clever book right here oh hello there chocolate hanging out on my book how dare you go away also don’t drizzle all over my [ __ ] gin notes I need those uh It Is by now

Fall leaf fall down we need to know s I’m just hugging the microphone at this point hello the 7th is nobody’s birthday good to know all right this is fine good day ma’am and Mrs Pig Cole just of the seat it’s too much um um fairy Rose Corp surprise Fred cabbage

Seeds I need those actually because I’m pretty sure yeah red Cabbage that cabbage or something well now it doesn’t even matter anyways but ah well I have some ber just make sure that I upgrade my axxe soon so we can get into the secret Woods hello any other forgea bles well we’re down here probably not got to protect the

Genin notes truly it’s I mean all of the Ascension stuff for chiao which I probably already know by heart um so it’s not immensely important to have them written down because I have all of them I just have them all I don’t even need to remember them I have them of

Collectives well most of them I need to do like I think three more geover shs but whatever I’ve also managed in the hour before I started stream to um get to level 50 so I need to do the Ascension Ascension Quest very Burpy today sorry um and then start also upgrading my

Charact or ascending my characters but probably not super soon and probably not all of them because God is it expensive um in like materials and stuff but we are playing stardo Valley right now I’m not going to start talking about genshin this is this is aring out too much it can’t bleed into

Everything I do I’m trying not to talk about it too much because I know like we I need to like chill out a little bit so I don’t talk about genin all the time even though I really really want to don’t get me wrong I really really want

To let it bleed into literally everything I do but it is just I shouldn’t because you come here for different games than just genin so trying very hard not to talk about it too much so we’re going to just take all of that back we’re going to

Chuck it out of the window and we’re going to talk about stardo Valley right now everything related to Chia is already saved to the internal memory yes that’s that topic ended we need to like I need to chill I need to chill about the genin grind that’s for later like to put refined

Quartz above the mantle please deliver sometime today yay for Pam we can do that Sunday oh yay Berry hello all right you oh bu Choy all right um let’s just see we could fish a little bit I don’t know need some winter stuff but I don’t know probably it’s best to just leave

It what do we start with is the question you go in there uh sure I only need one right find quartz put you back in here I desperately need to organize my chests oh this is just horrendous um to right horrendous okay that one’s just cooking do I have anything else in here

No h we’re also so far away from like right okay now I need to like actually look that up again uh where can I open up that’s the oh Jesus I still need to work on that Ah that’s probably what I’m got to do tomorrow is work on the Sim presentation because

That’s due for stream by next Wednesday and I have like nothing done of let me just check real quick 82 slides um and if you think that’s crazy it is uh okay uh weapons I’m just G to look explosive ammo explosive ammo I’m not going to

Look where it is just going to search for It have to comment level eight comment noops wrong game again stop that um five seven eight oh I need to fight a bunch more because um explosive ammo is actually really really really good because not only can you fight monsters with it you can also fight rocks with it

Uh which sounds really stupid but what I mean is like you it’s essentially a throwable like Cherry Bomb which is pretty good if you want to get stuff fast and if you have a really decent like um magnet ring it’s so easy to farm with that so I’m like kind of like

Working my way towards that a little bit um but my press in um combat is a little bit lack luster so um anything else we have in here that I should take with me no however you have nothing in there and all the way up there H do

We I swear to God we had one just lying about one of the refined quartzes but I suppose I could have also just used it because it is used in the spring flare ah well I’ll just look at my chimkin hello chimkin how you doing shins bungus looks really happy today

Yippe all right bongus wongus Zito you you doing good you are to feeding or are you are you not I don’t even know oh yeah fruits have an apple that’s good Apple tle I’ll take that Apple I need like two more please yay okay hello Pam Lam we’re on our way actually um

BM I have the spice Berry already don’t I that’s fall crops yes J Bridge repair we’re so close so close oh yeah I wanted to check uh I can just do that here um bullettin board fodder yeah I need two more so put the Apple in Here and then just run over to Pam to give her her whittle refined quartz have fun with that on your mantle yippe potholes everywhere this is dangerous Mr Mayor you need to make sure your town is safe for the elderly who are running around in their roller chairs rolling chairs no

Chairs and is not the right one hello Pam where are you it is 2: p.m. so there is the chance that she’s just at the bar because Usually you find Pam by the bus station because she’s the person who gives out the bus tickets um where the [ __ ] is she I don’t even know is she by the library no oh yeah she works at jojamart that’s what she does I know that I knew that hello

Bye join us Thrive no you cultists I don’t even know if she works here I just know she is here that’s the refine quartz I requested I really appreciate it here’s your payment as promised thanks all right neat ectoplasm oh well bunch of amaran bottom the bottom of the mine is I think

Like level 100 which is I mean technically attainable I could like in a day right this or is it 120 I can’t remember tell me the mines the mines how many floors do you have I forget um oh yeah it does it is 120 and that’s where we get the school

Key I love that there’s a monster called squid kid and Metal Head [ __ ] squid kid man ah bro all right hello how you doing can I buy anything off of you or is that a bad idea I mean technically it always is but basic fertilizer speed

Grow I don’t have enough to justify that so let’s not okay I don’t think I have enough of anything to go around to sell so I think we’re just going to go back because I can’t even hope to um get to the the Smith to get [ __ ] done

There so yeah sure let’s sell that spice Berry to and then let’s sleep even though it’s like 400 p.m. I just want to get into the mines let me get into the Minds it’s not great but it’s honest work all right yes let me out 6:00 a.m. that’s even

Later than I technically get up hello hello it’s Blackberry season right now the bushes are full of them I want to pick some but I lost my basket can you help yes accept the quest I will I’ll will accept that Quest baby maple syrup no who

Okay we also have honey wild honey hello yes I’ll take that and you oh hello there Worms okay black berry season which in turn means the common m mom sure hope this can go oh you’re a picking basket I forget where is that uh he has no idea where it is all right I don’t remember where it is so let’s just

See um I’m just going to go up and see if we can find any blackberries on the way is that ber it is there there it is I already found it and from there we can also just teleport over to the mines and then give it to him there all right easy

Enough see very picking hello and you and you and is there anyone anyone else no anymore let’s take that then take the mine cart bus thing up yep let’s Go into the thing you go to the m please get out real quick get to lenus and let’s see if there is anything of Interest hello have this berry picking Bush no Berry thing my basket thank you this means a lot to me there you go oh yeah

That’s the SAA thing and the train okay back into the mines we go it’s not great food but it is food nonetheless we can attempt but I believe makes like barely any sense to go be here and do this oh [ __ ] not the met head

Yes let’s just try and get as deep down as we can go as fast as we can go bless that that Munchkin is just trapped back there don’t worry about it thank you for the gold oh that one is not trapped so we need to be careful

I have so much health it’s actually scary like why you need so much health for tiny slime that’s just not right ta okay probably someone here or you here ah there we go Jesus okay what’s more 30 25 so let’s eat some cave carrots man really isn’t a lot really isn’t a

Lot I’ll take all of it just in case all right gold we like that what I want though is the last dwarf scroll give me give me the dwarf scroll please please so I’m going to attempt to get at least to level 90 we’re so close already to the

End swear to God if it’s one of the [ __ ] monsters I need to kill for the ladder to here I’m going to have a going to Stage a riot [ __ ] let me down I don’t have enough rocks to make a ladder you fuckos thanks okay don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit

Me thanks I’ll take it I’ll take l when it hits me in the face there you go scary little [ __ ] Crab Monsters I I’m like now making a lot of progress here in terms of mining stuff but I find it almost more important to get down as many levels as

Possible than it is to collect all of the stuff because it can always come back but it’s always also very important to get down quick and and reach the bottom of the mines to get to the desert thanks that’s actually pretty nice of you ooh obsidian Edge okay now you got to tell

Me 345 [ __ ] hell yeah minus one speed but plus 10 crit power H let’s see it’s not even that bad dude all right okay get down get low get low get low get low soundtrack for The Mines is also just it slaps so hard okay I also want to know how

Quickly I would be able to slay you that’s actually not bad cidi Edge is actually a really good one I don’t even know it’s I don’t want to get out the [ __ ] tier lists for the swords in stardo Valley cuz I don’t think that’s really what this game is about

But I would like to know where this one stands it slaps it does all right the true test the annoying ones yay they die so quickly okay eat is 4 p.m. if you’re wondering why I’m like plowing through that I just want to have that

Last dwarf scroll so I can talk to the guy but I suppose lock is not on my side today but we made to level 90 so I’m not like mad that we can’t get further we can get to level 95 oo strange doll that’s a rare item that’s crazy um

Anything but the third dwarf scroll huh jeez um lost my train of thought because with the strange doll man damn can he actually like the dwarf sells a bunch of good stuff as well for the mines so I’d rather find the third dwar scroll than necessarily Ascend further but or

Descend further sorry Ascend means up descend means down and we’re going down down Su We’re Going Down Swinging I don’t even know where the Flappy flaps are coming from flap flap come here die good thank you boop so nice of you one two three four five six better than like 15 two three

Nice can just Farm you guys now a lot easier than before yay we like it but we also need to be careful because of my stamina that’s going down rapidly at least there’s not like a limit to how much um it’s not good actually ah nice show how much you can heat eat

Heat more it’s really not good but oh well and there at least we might make it to 95 which I would be okay with n n n all right open up give me a ladder give me a ladder give me a ladder now it’s not even that annoying when

This happens well it is annoying but it isn’t like actually scary anymore actually I don’t want to skip this floor cuz I know there’s like coal at the end of it so I don’t necessarily want to skip this floor cuz coal is important to mine my ores One two three four five that’s actually not that bad either hello coal and there’s the ladder that’s probably also why I didn’t get any so far is just generally because there is already one unlocked egg we love egg egg okay dwarf scroll though dwarf scroll dwarf scroll for me dwarf scroll for

Me but no never D scroll for me [ __ ] yay all right don’t die Jesus biting off more than I can chew quite literally yes yes there you go come here oh there’s a squid kid hello oh nice squiding I can give that

To um to to to to to to my guy my dude the man Elliot whoop whoop okay you someone give me a goddamn ladder thank you thanks I needed to swear for it to happen but still I’ll take it take it take it that one there’s another fire Crystal

I need those actually come here [ __ ] come on come on you can do faster there you go thank you death time we love it when it’s death time and Don and donk who nice okay I don’t actually mind just give me a ladder give me a ladder give me a ladder

Please please and thank you come on say please give me a ladder or two or four give me a ladder give me a ladder beep I know I just want a ladder wait do I have enough I do not have enough not nearly enough actually come

On I don’t want to give up just because it’s late come on just one ladder and then I’ll be out of your here okay this is getting dangerous but it’s important just one ladder Just One ladder for me please please holy [ __ ] please I just want a ladder Just One Singular ladder

No you can’t this is torture this is actually evil anything no really this is this is how it works this is how you repay me really oh my God leave this is I’ll probably not not make it but H well nah nah can practically already give up here

Yep there it is have exhausted myself but at least I made it to 95 okay yes yes I know I know okay it was important yes yes how much do you need for me at least I didn’t die but it probably did tell me just like haha

No okay 150 gold is not actually the worst thing and what’s that one week from today we are we are holding the stardy Valley Fair in the Town Square it’s the biggest event of the Year drawing people from all across the country to a humble

Town if you’d like you can set up a garage gr gr display for the event spring up to nine items that best show case your talents you’ll be judged on the quality and diversity of your display the f starts at 9:00 a.m. don’t miss it all right will not miss it don’t

Worry amethyst aquamarine strange doll es Gunther at least they didn’t take any of my stuff you um um that this there there there there there there there there there you need to go here this that there technically I need some food I have some plums some of you it’s a crab

I can eat a crab nope this one do I have like anything else to eat I have the pizza but I I’d rather give that away than eat it myself um BG me n nah all right can’t make anything can I no eggplant take the blackberries sure why

Not just to have something to eat man uh this way I can get some berries on the way or rather I think it is important to actually Farm those berries so let’s just run around the place and get all of the berries why not it’s Berry season until the 11th

So we made might as well use that time to get all of the berries cuz look there’s some all over here there should be more so let’s just run around and get some Blake berries technically well no not yet cuz I need a lot more money to upgrade my axe but H oh

Well okay don’t miss that one hello hello sounds like a very good idea it is a very good idea truly uh the berry puns very good hypy the tiredness is also coming through so I don’t know how long we’ll go for today not a hugely long amount of

Time uh but we’ve only been going for less than an hour so we’ll just have to see how it goes and where I end up probably like 2 hours cuz that’s reasonable uh as a stream and it doesn’t leave you so empty and without anything

So I’d rather do a 2hour stream and then go bed relatively soon after then no stream so even though tomorrow’s going to be damn hard we’re still going to stream cuz starter Valley is relatively chill and I keep repeating that actually but like I’m not an Entertainer and I never

Prided myself to be and I’m still learning how to be a streamer essentially like my motivation to stream has been like like is and has always been that I just want to play games and just with an audience um so you guys can enjoy these games with me whether you’ve played them

Before or you want to play them or you don’t know if you want to play them or you don’t have the time or resources to play them um like or you just want to see New Perspective on it mostly like a scaredy cat perspective on most of these but

Um I it feels like a really weird like excuse that I’m I I I just don’t find myself very entertaining as a streamer my friend zek he does it a lot better and that’s why he can do it as a job because he actually is a really good at it um I

Envy him really in the sense of how he can Captivate an audience and how he can hold attention I can’t really but I think I’m at least learning a little bit especially also from him because he is in a lot of aspects especially art one

Of my like I want to say Idols but I do look up to him in a way uh him and Evan both of them are really great artists so in that sense I do look up to them in that way uh to a realistic extent

Like I know I proba won’t get to their level as quickly as I want so I’m not necessarily comparing myself to them but but um I do kind of want to pull inspiration from them in the way of like how they draw and what they do and such things so it’s [Applause] just

I do look up to them very much and yeah I kind of lost my train of thought there because of the corals but my friends are so awesome and I don’t think of myself as awesome so I’m just kind of just going on doing my thing and

I keep the audience that enjoys the thing I do and the people who don’t enjoy what I do I have enough friends that also stream where the people that don’t enjoy what I do they might enjoy my friends so I keep recommending my friends uh because I feel like it’s

Important that they also get people who enjoy their content so it’s just I’m glad I get to do this at all and I’m really really really grateful that zi is also the person who’s made it possible for me to even stream with as big of an

Audience as I have because he was the one who shouted me out at the very beginning and that’s why I was able to start out with people already watching me because Zea started out with nobody watching him um I was around for the first like I don’t want to say nobody

But like it was a lot of times where there was like maybe one person there and I started out with at least like two three four people always being there which is a huge privilege in the streamer like community in this streamer like lifestyle so I am to this day just

Incredibly grateful for all of the support that Z has shown me so I’m just kind of I keep pushing people in Z’s direction as well because he’s awesome and I want more people to recognize that because he’s incredibly talented and again people just need to see that and

Recognize that and I want my friends to also have attention look look at my friend be nice to my friend check him out he’s on Twitch he I’ve linked him under my channel it’s under friends you should check him out like right now I usually do this at the end of the stream

If you if you don’t know what to do anymore after this you can check out my friends like I don’t necessarily even tell people to um to watch my own vods I was like watch my friends so uh I don’t think I’m at the level that Z

Is at and I probably won’t be for a while or won’t be ever because Z is a natural Entertainer and I’m not because I’m more of an introvert my my instinct is to be quiet and be quiet in my own little corner so me actually speaking

This much is already just a testament of of how far I’ve grown since the beginning because I don’t talk a lot I don’t in my free time I’m just quiet I I just sit in the corner do my thing and I don’t speak for hours on end I just do

Not say a single word and I’m content with that I don’t know if Z is necessarily different to that because you know I haven’t haunted him enough to know if he is just also quiet in the corner all the time but I suppose he probably isn’t that so that’s the point

It’s like he is a natural Entertainer I’m not and I’m working through that uh and working to better myself so I can actually give you guys something to enjoy um and watch and enjoy but technically you guys are here you enjoying this are you not why else would you be

Here um so I’d rather have a small audience who who likes what I do the way I do it and have a bigger audience that I have to please all the time with changing myself faster I don’t know this is getting way too deep actually I

I was just doing a little like side note of like I know it’s not super entertaining these streams because they’re very chill and more like very casual they are incredibly casual because it’s not it’s not as exciting as the stories of genshin or as scary and also exciting as resent evil is or

As mentally like it isn’t big it is small and I like small things to calm my brain down and I R it is calm and it might not be anything big but it is nice and I want you guys to be part of it and that’s also why I

Play so much genin on stream because I also want you guys to be part of something that makes me so incredibly happy and like well it brings me personally a lot of Joy so I just want to show it to you and be like here watch

This that brings me so much joy and that I can just be so excited about um so I keep like bringing it up all the time and I’m trying not to because like I need to differentiate the different games so I can give them my full attention but ah I keep bringing up

Other things like genin and stuff kard is currently my hyperfixation so it is really hard not to bring it up but I’m getting on tangents again uh you’re too nice am I I’m not sure yes I like your funny brain waves lady thank you Sebastian yeah I was like I’m trying

To catch up I haven’t even read what he’s talking about but I just didn’t want him to run away um I’m enjoying your stream that’s good thank you that makes sense I think there’s also a sense of individuality when it comes to streaming people will stick around because of who you are exactly

Like I don’t want to become like everybody else I’m doing my thing over here and it might not be like what other streamers are doing but it might also be like other streamers are doing like I’m doing my own thing but also in the same kind of mindset as

Other people like for example Z has streaming as his main job he’s getting a side job as well is in the process of because he’s moved um so he’s getting like a job next to the streaming job this is not my job I have the bakery job

I’ve had while I was streaming I had two jobs at some some point I had three jobs at another Point I’ve been just having this as a side piece I’ve never made a single well I’ve made money off of people who were generous enough to give me money over

Donations and stuff but I don’t expect it I don’t talk about it I have it linked so if anyone really really wants to they can find it but generally I don’t to talk about money because I feel like I have it enough from my job I don’t need anything

Extra so I don’t care about the monetary part I’m just doing this for fun I treat this like a job but I don’t get paid for it and it’s fine like that because I like what I do I like doing this because I have a lot of fun with it so I don’t

Even mind that there isn’t any monetary benefit to this and it doesn’t need to be because this is fun so I also feel justified in the way that it is not perfect and it isn’t like algorithmic [ __ ] perfect or whatever because it doesn’t matter I do this for the people who

Enjoy it and the people in the Discord I don’t advertise it anywhere I’m just like here I am I’m doing my thing and then I’m I’m not out there I’m just in here so it’s it’s nice it’s contained um I think you’re very entertaining by the way not in the same

Way as that Z is but I really like more chill stream sometimes yeah I I think Z and I have in the beginning kind of um said that we’re like zeka sends his viewers over from a a very chaotic Zea stream to the more calm stream that I

Provide so it is kind of like ying and yang in that sense um but it is also just like a nice like Indulgence of the nicer well not nicer that that that implies that Zeo streams aren’t nice uh more of the calmer variety I suppose even though I do get quite uncalm during

Some of the story I’m having I’m having reconnecting Juno I made it hello Eco I see you hell yeah we’re talking with Sebastian right now yeah I know a little bit of a buffer was like talking and it doesn’t like me anymore more it’s like no stop talking start

Gaming again bro why are you disconnecting so much I’m perfectly connected to the internet what’s your problem bro what’s your problem stream OBS YouTube all of you what the [ __ ] get your [ __ ] together I’m streaming it’s yellow now but it’s still not going great it’s like bro hi hello hello

Hello stream back maybe you tell him I’m telling him don’t worry I am okay I’m just checking if there’s any more berries over here but there seems to not be so let’s just go back home with our 73 berries um bust up back yay is there more berry berry no Berry yes

Berry Boop pink all right there’s a plum over there bring back Sebastian I can’t I think he’s already he’s in bed right now buff buffering took him not the buffering it killed him but at least we had we had the text on the screen I just read it out loud for that one

Moment it’s all right he won’t die forever oh yeah I kind of want to try out the trash converter can I do two or is that no that’s occupi it okay occup put put put nothing all right bad buffering yes incredibly bad anything on the TV weather

Report ah well that’s the normal weather for this kind of season so yeah all right nine 10 um I suppose we could um till the 11th just collect more more berries so that we can take them with us on mining trips suppose that does would make sense does would make

Sense does wood make sense maybe ooh I like that this makes refine quartz this is oh that’s an artifact I didn’t realize it was an artifact this house reminds me of your Minecraft house I he unintentional I swear um everything is so full take this put that in there let’s get

Some of where [ __ ] yeah there you are oh yeah and you I have the three just need the rest okay anything else I need no I don’t think so we’re gonna hop on over into the village or city or town to get these geodes opened

Up and then we’re going to go get the very because we need to do that first before we do the rest cuz otherwise the store will be closed or the establishment Minecraft house to powerful Fage unit across games truly I mean this is kind of like

Minecraft in a way a little bit the power of an uh of a home raah indeed indeed raah are you open yet uh 8 a.m. soon let just run around see if there’s any more berries otherwise I’ll just hop on over and see if there’s any

Berries in the city oo more view block of Po Riv I need a local England to help me reduce their numbers pieces of Bone e hello I’m raging to their trash give me your trash all right it’s time for the M well technically it’s time for Clint Clint are you open no of course you’re not why would you be oh soy newspaper nice Doggo where oh yeah in the in the dog house yes we love the doggo of the Dog House hello Clint welcome hello yes geod please open up o new rock another new rock and you oh well all right thanks bye cool all right Gunther I have stuff for you donate

Uh strange doll you can go over here we have you here no rewards Nothing damn bro I think it only trigger with a specific oh I had that one huh okay all right so let’s go over to the woods to try and get some more berries maybe I can even check if there’s anything on the beach let’s go to the beach beach a tiny Duke

Please why are you doing this to me why are you doing this to me why you got why you got to be so mean OBS why you got to keep disconnecting what is this tiny dude please just a silly little person give me back my Wi-Fi I

Have Wi-Fi why are you being so mean seriously what the [ __ ] is wrong with you OBS it’s not fair buffering his back back back yeah I know but it’s not bad now yeah I think it’s just telling me to go to [ __ ] to sleep I don’t know what’s been going on

Lately it doesn’t usually it’s not that bad usually I did I did um do the little like um like unplugging of the Wi-Fi thing but usually should be fine but I don’t know shit’s [ __ ] man don’t be need no I don’t want to stream for

You guys I don’t want to deal with the fact that my Wii is having a meltdown every two seconds oh man the beginning it was so bad really oh yeah wait [ __ ] yeah there was the beginning of uh streaming I had I didn’t have a lawn cable now I do which

Makes the fact that um it is still lagging a bunch even scarier because now there isn’t really like there has to be something wrong with the actual router itself o yay um because it can’t be the cable or the PC because it has uh it has a proper lawn cable which in

Turn means it it it it shouldn’t be the connection that’s wonky it it’s something else and I don’t know what it is and it could be YouTube and it could be OBS having a meltdown themselves but I don’t know and it’s scary that I don’t

Know I just want to sweam let me sweam Please please but it usually isn’t super bad it might also just be the weather the weather also hates me generally CU I live on a mountain so the the weather does influence the cables sometimes especially the telephone poles but also just generally cables of the of the internet

Oh look we’re getting some trees in soon we’ll have a little pontage but only in a while crocodile Jenna germa moved to Las Vegas so we would have better connection well that’s some that’s surely something to do Plum Berry Plum I don’t think I’m going to move to Le

Vegas I might just get a better um ethernet cable cuz I was planning to anyways but it’s been fine so far um technically all ethernet cables should be the same right but I can see if I can get one with a better connection VA you’re the it

Wizard tell me is there a possibility that if I get a better ethernet cable that the connection might be better cuz I don’t know these things so would it make sense to get a better one or I don’t know hello what time is it I think I slept

Too much last night pat pat that’s all right dude I feel that uh they’re not the same okay so it would make sense to get a better one that’s all right uh man I just don’t know what to get then in turn I mean if it if it isn’t

Too much trouble could you tell me if there’s like a a like a brand or something that I could L out for um or specific ones that are good like I I need like at least five meters from my PC to where the wall socket is

So I don’t know but um I I don’t know what to look for but it might also be your provider having too much load in your region I don’t know if it does but it might also be that this cable is just a little trashy because it

Is like a little broken in places so it might just be that the the cable is finally losing the grip on life it might just be dying finally and and um it’s just slowly letting me know um I don’t know could be could not be all very possible okay uh you do

You I think can be made into cloth I’ll put you up here ta Plum Acorn coral and the clay can go here you can go over there we’re going to look at the chicken oh damn haha yeah like I’ve been meaning to get a different one ever since I changed the

Setup uh thingy and got a different oh look you grew up a it’s looking at little thin uhoh my bad there you go have some food um I’ve been meaning to replace it for a while now um since I got new stuff but uh yeah it’s a slow process

Unfortunately sure there you go have egg nice so oh there’s three of you oh [ __ ] all right um pat pat for the old router technically it’s a new router even it’s not even that it’s a new router technically that’s why it’s so weird that it’s like

Dead little bit of a vect contuct in that cable sort of kind of I don’t know we use startech out of our job okay I’ll write that down startech ethernet cable I’ll check that out and see if I can currently afford it otherwise I’ll just wait a few more

Weeks but yeah so now I’ll probably also just level up my [ __ ] hello buddy um my forging I’d love to take a look in your network uh I mean yes if it helps uh yams look at the yam yams yay yams um do I have more yam seeds noose wait

Yams I don’t need those no okay sure then uh it’s okay if I just do this yes great put it back in there check again quality only pumpkin and corn and you need a yam you need a yam I think this is the corn yep okay

Uh okay I’ll take these with me to my little thingy puppy yes cutest puppy in the whole wide world um bring this one back to the community center and then just surely time to get even more berries technically CU I need those for the mines the M yam we love the yam yams

Yammies No Berries every time I see this game I can’t help but just be reminded of har Harvest Moon Fair I’ve heard a lot about Harvest Moon but I’ve never played it I don’t think I will either but but I’ve heard it’s a good game very nostalgic either

Way um not for me because I’ve never played it but uh for other people which is fair um should probably look at Harvest Moon some more just to understand what it is all about can I boing this I can yay that’s actually adorable can I get up there no can I get

On there yes it’s just very funny yeah sorry not sorry that’s just funny just me alone in the rain on um on a swing hello yams please cute yes yammy yammies I think down here was it or is it in the pantry the crafts room

Yeah I need to wait for winter to get the bridge repaired unfortunat all right need some corn and a pumpkin and for right now we’re just going to get the other berries Beres or as many berries as I can also today is Jody’s birthday the 11th which means I

Need to figure out what jod wants Diamond eggplant no eggplant Parmesan actually um all eggs well that’s a little bit too late fried eel vegetable medley rubar P I suppose a diamond will suffice we’ll have to survice actually because I don’t have anything else I’m to go up here see what they’ve

Got in terms of berries there’s some worms worms there’s two worms plowing through their Garden hello worms hello any more of um Berry for me Berry for me Berry for me I’ll try to get at least to um level 100 if not 110 and the mines uh um later and that will probably

Be my final act for this stream to get to level 100 or 110 depending on where I get first well that’s obvious but like how depending on how long it takes and how tired I am by the end of it Oh cuz I’m already pretty checkered out but one and a half hours is not enough for a decent stream so we’re going to keep on keeping on No Berries there’s berries nice hello please thank you so we’re just gonna keep on chug lug lugging on is there anything in here you have

Anything for Me [ __ ] yeah look at you crazy okay I don’t Have I have apricot no or sorry orange I know what this is orange apricot we already have so we can sell all of that except for one of the oranges which is pretty neat and then we just have to wait for Big Egg big

EG big all right you you you you you you you you oh and you and then we’ll get uh a diamond I swear I God I had one oh it’s I think outside Boop nice yeah let’s get that diamond let’s go get the rest of them 280 Subs let’s

Go oh hell yeah I didn’t I haven’t even checked in a while oh we’re so close to 300 that’s insane actually I never actually thought we’d make it past R50 and now here we are [ __ ] insane is what that is and also hello Cassie yes hello Cassie what

What a way to enter the the the stream hello um Christ yeah Jodie hello Diamond for you birthday gift that’s very kind of you I love it yes you better oh man oh so many of you guys that’s crazy that is crazy goal yes goal indeed insane crazy

Even I’m excited about that hey JS how are you I’m doing all right little tired that’s all um cuz it’s been a long day today and it’s going to be an even longer day tomorrow and I’m just feeling my energy preemptively draining um 280 as the kids now say POG

Yes as the kids nowadays say nowadays say it’s incredibly poggers indeed actually do I get to did I I have a I have a h in there o i could add the Apple I could add an apple cuz I have a singular Apple we can wait for the Apple for

Marne’s thing for another day I have one apple I forgot that I could just add an apple there um I should check these things more often H damn let’s get that Apple mentally prepared Tire tiess for tomorrow essentially it’s really stupid but it is just how it is I just

Tired it’s taken a lot out of me to have streaming as a hobby next to like a fulltime apprenticeship um especially having to get up this like so early is just a lot so I’m just trying my best uh but you know you know it’s Thursday I should see maybe if

I can get like a goat cheese off of the vendor lady tomorrow just to see if I can complete a bundle but yeah I mean generally like no um going back to the subscriber thing I don’t really mind or hugely put a lot of thought and or meaning behind numbers on this

Channel um because yeah I don’t I just don’t put a lot of worth into it to avoid having it linked to my selfworth in a way because that’s what a lot of like streamers and YouTubers generally fall victim to is um assigning the numbers or or associating the numbers

That they see on their stream and stuff with their like worth as a streamer and as an Entertainer and I I kind of don’t want to let that get anywhere in my heart or in my head so I just kind of keep it away from me because I like to analyze numbers right

So keeping away from the numbers as a thing that I connect to what I do and what I am if I keep that separate that’s best so if I’m not like constantly either talking about it or um keep talking about it like I I seem like I don’t really care about it

That much and it’s on purpose so I don’t Interlink it a lot with my selfworth so I’m keeping it very separate I’m very excited about it don’t don’t get me wrong it’s a it’s a it’s big number we love big number but I like to keep it lowkey so I

Can not fall into unhealthy patterns so that that there’s that that’s the best approach to be honest yeah like I’m trying to keep it as healthy as possible also for my own brain ouch so me seeing fluctuating numbers is I I I get like W indeed I try to approach that as

Nonchalantly as possible and just not really care about it that much so I do care a lot but I try not to too much if you get it what I mean I don’t know it’s it’s confusing and I’m tired healthy Juno yes I am a hypocrite sometimes but you

Know it’s also important little kid hello kid child hello there he goes all right quick sleep then we check out the lady at the oh foraging nice mountains W seeds tree fertilizer [ __ ] yeah oh I want to see if I can make tree fertilizer actually actually

Um already brain gone uh pat pat Jun know you’re doing so well I can’t play chess I trash at it oh no me no brain for that I can also not play chess um we set up a chess club over at seus by the way y’all can join if you like I’m not

Smart enough for chess um this is probably the best thing you can do very proud of you thank you thank you okay tree fertilizer fiber and Stone that’s actually not that bad I would like to so I can get uh well I’ll try at least I don’t know I think good as

St if I can still do that that and then bunch of this let’s get to 7 five and then see if I can find another Stone somewhere should be one outside yep all right hello Juno this is a recipe of mine this recipe of mine won first place

In a cooking competition I hope you like it thanks for being a friend Jody fried Camari thank you cool all right careful sunflower honey sunflower honey sunflower honey honey there’s some more yams okay hello sir all of the yams love with some yams uh okay do I have anything else I could get

Some more yam seeds actually can I get some okay yam yam yam yam take 10 gr days to grow 10 22 and what did I sell for oh that’s actually not that bad I’d like that actually I’ll get some more yam seeds then po Uh yes oh and you and I want to make some tree ferti ier there we go and let’s see oh and que Scythe all right all right buddy where is my Scythe actually there you are hi all right Scythe that [ __ ] and Marne wants some amaranth so let’s do that too

Really I need I need an axe for that all right I’m going to get some more yam seeds to get also to where the pumpkins are thought that was a worm just then it’s not a worm okay let’s see where the lady is then also get some Amar to

M hello my lady how you doing do you have some cheese for me dark feather but that’s very very uh no it’s more than I even have right now winter route no if you had like a cherry nah not worth it morning this Juno character kind of reminds me of you no

Way no way does it now the 12 oh tomorrow’s app crazy okay put that down here it’s only four that’s why put put put so being in my inventory also does not help morning hello I’ll bring you a oh the Amar I asked for thank you so much my

Cows are going to love this thanks bam is thirsty to the bottom mayor shorts how many Hearts you can catch me at the saloon most nights fascinating okay those are the shorts that I need by the way I need those shorts for that Quest the mayor’s shorts the mayor’s shorts in marne’s [ __ ]

Bedroom the Scandal well it’s not necessarily a scandal it’s just funny or interesting rather cuz that means Marne and the mayor are fooling around yay for them hello give me yams or give me death um Yeah might have been too many um cranberry does that make sense not necessarily yeah no that’s too expensive um just take only four those to grow but I could get some more amaran AR choke art choke AR choke art choke do we even have No eight yes I just sell that back Back the [ __ ] okay whatever whatever o can I actually sell this to you directly ooh Ooh that’s actually quite sexy I can just sell it to you like this sexy holy [ __ ] okay that’s a lot of money but I need those to eat actually um uh corn eggplant grape no beach B Choy pumpkin but it takes church and tast to grow so that doesn’t really make sense H sweet jberry we I mean 13 days from this day on is the 12th so 1 2 three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 it would be the 25th 25th it wouldn’t be

That bad actually 1 2 three four five six seven eight nine 10 all right cool bye got what I wanted I didn’t know this game was so saly you can actually like at a specific day if you rattle a specific Bush at like 1:00 in the morning both of them

Jump out and are like very flustered so scanless and more more power to them truly I mean if they if they want to fool around be my guest dude what can I do tell you off I don’t even live like I haven’t lived here as

Long as they have what am I supposed to say to them pumpkin uh okay do I have anything that like a better Fertilizer I wonder falzer tell me about the fertilizer frisky yep I think there’s also like one cut scene where they’re like oh my God nobody can see us together or something like that so I think that’s just funny but let them have their little things after little Affair well it’s not

An affair they’re both single so you know whatever uh crops giant crops blue Jazz coffee beans what I want is fertilizer fertilizer crops Goods Farmhouse get started no Fertilizer I love that I misspelled that so bad ferti sir yes indeed than mhm uh Pi ah you’re too [ __ ] um Deluxe recipe Source farming level four okay so quality for l gear two not one is gear three at best so yeah it’s pretty much all we can do

Is just hope for the best with this one huh all right I’ll take it Jesus come on okay okay okay okay put this one back in here this one too and the AMS I wanted to plant back around here you can technically do another round of those and do just the Bic

Fertilizer because I still have two of these so I could plop one down here two three I can go this way this way this way this way this way some Fields O Okay bad bad bad okay bu bu okay and then uh more pumpkin and I have no more chokes so it

Is just that I can get more pumpkin seeds though there we go let’s see yeah let’s get more pumpkin seeds so we can get some more we like some more your bangs making a heart my actual bangs or that those bangs like sometimes my my bangs have

Cuz I have like a a sides part thingy it sometimes makes a heart because it it’s not normal bangs it just doesn’t like me so it makes a heart or sometimes a spad depends really okay it’s 1: p.m. you should still be open come here and on the 13th is

Yep just get like 15 yeah Pumpkin Right and I need to uh check real quick we need one pumpkin for here and then five gold quality ones so that one was essentially just luck I suppose uh I’ll put one of the pumpkins up here so I can sell the rest to Pier that’s cute yes they’re not actual bangs they’re

They’re pretending to be really um but yeah I do cut them myself so that’s why they look the way they look I try my best my my God oink and we only need one corn yippe we’re we’re close to completing that one all right let’s go

Back wait why do I have the yam on me I already have the yam in there what do I want with the yam what do you want with the yam I don’t even know this is fish I don’t have that um do you need that for anything else no

Oh [ __ ] I could have used that For duck feather she doesn’t have that right now I think uh pretend bangs pretends oh my God it’s crazy yes it looks good thank you I try yam I technically I could use the pumpkins but it’s also important to get some money so we can do things and stuff and

Things all right in there up um put you here and then we’re going to put some tree fertilizer on my Twee you try and succeed we do we do um let’s see okay grow my children okay we need so many more actually so much more sweet stuff we need a lot of

Fiber and a lot of rocks I have that I just need to look where it is let’s get like 50 that should be 155 why not uh that food is done hell yeah um Hope it tastes good hope it do good hope it taste good nice yes PL plop plop plop plop plop all right sorry no I think it’s a funny sound too don’t worry give me that sweet sweet fiber um I also love that they just become purple when they’ve been uh

Fertilized always nice to know which one isn’t or isn’t isn’t f ized by how purple they are can I oh already mature I know Sorry okay already fertilized all right you go girl be fertilized okay we got nine more so if we want to plant more trees that’ll will be all right okay okay now we’ve got everything Prepared for going into the mines for a little while so let’s do that I’ve prepared this I’ve prepared that let’s see do you have anything no Friday anything else we forgot no yes yippe Al Loom and quality retaining soil nice look at all of that money

Yes nice I think actually selling it to here might have been no actually would have been the same because I sold one of the pumpkin or took one of the pumpkins to the community guide house so it’s different okay Abigail what do you want in terms

Of gifts for your birthday do I have an amethyst I hope so okay or a pumpkin um I think I should yeah I have an amethyst there we go yippee all right by the way cheers Monster Energy yeah I got to stay awake a little

Bit you know but it is almost 10 so we got to probably cut a shirt we might actually not get to the mines today again because I am EP and I said two hours yes more stuff oh he not he n um so we might not make it to the

Mines today but we’ll give Abigail a gift at least um for her birthday and then I think I’ll just go to bed because I’m like sleepy and I need to go be up pretty early tomorrow so it would be preferable if I were actually awake for that too sleepy Jen I’m so

Sleepy it’s also not helping that the monster energy is actually not really making me more awake it’s actually making me more sleepy I owe you one order to go to bed and I will use It I will go to bed after I give Abigail a gift for her birthday and then we go to bed is this just telling me no sure let me let me let me I want in I can probably wait it is 8:30 and I also don’t know when Abigail

Will actually be outside of her room um so I’ll go over to Gunther first and get that am Arrow Head to the museum hello donate yes it’s been so long since I’ve gotten a reward I feel depraved of the reward but we’ll get there eventually hello Abigail where are you I’m so

Sorry that’s the doctor hello Abigail are you here think that’s a room where’s Abigail Abigail there she is have birthday gift my dear you remember my birthday I’m impressed thanks yes nice nice nice nice nice all right I shut off your oven of your Hearth your

Thing no oh well okay close the door behind me no I cannot all right okay so is there anything else that I can’t can do I don’t think so uh it’s 10:20 a.m. ominous birthday gifting in progress Abigail where are you H all right it might be only 10:30

A.m. but I need to feed the chickens actually I need to feed the chickens and then we go to bed in real life the epest hello oh look at them they’ve grown have food yeah I need an auto feeder this this can’t go on look a little I

Know can I actually get okay Auto feeder Auto feeder tell me about it auto feeder cuz I am not plus just a normal one please um totic feeder no okay amnal yes that cat horse wild animal attacks Jesus oh there’s a Golden Chicken crazy um slime Hutch Okay C chicken cop Um Mar Ranch autog Grabber is a thing oh yeah right I remember I know I know I know I know I know it is the deluxe one that has the feeder in it I remember it’s only the deluxe one Hello pet um oh Jesus oh nice oh very nice

Actually um yes okay sorry Community bundle goes first because then we can complete that one with the cherries I’ll keep the apple and I will sell the rest how many more genin episodes will there be can we break a 100 uh maybe but I don’t know um I’ll kind of not set

Myself a goal for that I’ll just see where the wind takes us I suppose because I don’t want to be like but you said we’re going to do a 100 episodes and then I can’t because my H fixation died or something like I don’t know and we’ll see essentially

Maybe but I don’t know where the an amino the ano will take us yes wherever the Amo Amo wherever the animals may take us um hi way um but yes wherever Chow will take us I I have already disclosed that even though I might not um be

Um nice uh be there towards like until the end and forever uh if Rees Ley ever comes on the banner again I will drop everything and try pull for him because I really really like rley and I really want him just generally carnally so I’m getting him even if my

Hyperfixation dies uho l oh don’t worry it’s complicated names oh yeah the genjin streams sorry I didn’t catch them I’ll try catching up more to them don’t worry about catching up to them buddy it’s been like so many streams it’s been like 30 streams don’t worry about it you

Can just tune into any new one you probably also know a little bit about gen if you really want to you can but you don’t need to it’s a lot of content you don’t need to um all right we’ve got some eggs we got some shrooms put you Away and I’ll put you in here actually I need you up here oh actually I need the crab crab goes into the fridge okay you you and then we go take a nap in the game and then we Go to sleep yippe okay 14 nothing yet and then Sandy we don’t know yet I’ll just keep that on in the background it’s a nice noise but yeah that’s it for today sorry it’s a short one but I am tired and I have stuff to do and

Tomorrow is a hectic day and I need rest so I hope you will forgive the short stream but it is necessary as of through the circumstances right now um but but yes I hope you had fun watching me run around doing things um but yeah uh without further Ado tomorrow is

Not going to be a stream but I think Z is streaming so if you want to check out Z’s streams uh he is linked in my channel list on my channel under friends you should check him out he’s very cool um there’s also other friends who also

Stream and do streams so you should check them out too if you’re bored or if you want to watch something you can watch my vods if you want you can watch the other vods of stardo or genjin whatever you want whatever you prefer there’s probably something out there

That you like uh you can join the Discord if you want because I’m I’m very active there and if you want any news on streams that may or may not happen spontaneous ones schedules the most I update is always on the the Discord so if you want to be up

To date with anything that’s going on the Discord is your place to be you don’t even need to talk there if you don’t want to but if you want any news that’s where you need to go thank you Vita best mod ever pat pat best bod best

Mod best man best wizard we love him here’s the link in the chat so if you want to join you can do that you’re very cool there and occasionally I even hop into VC and we can chat face to face mana mana uh hope tomorrow won’t be too bad

I’ll keep you updated again in the Discord that’s where I talk most of the time and I’ll vent about how bad my back is but uh nice stream have good rest don’t forget to drink water I’ve got it right here don’t worry I’m multiple steps ahead of you uh thank you for everything

No worries Bonk good luck for tomorrow sleep ball I’ll try uh I guess a short lurk is better than no lurk at all good things can always good thing I can always watch the VOD exactly the vods will never go anywhere except for here um the only

Ones that I can’t do anything about if if I get copyright strike and they like YouTube takes it off of the internet I can’t do anything for that but that’s why I also like streaming on YouTube even though it isn’t really the greatest platform to stream on to be recognized

But I don’t care about that anyways because it’s just easier because I can just stream it and it just stays it just stays here forever it’s automatically archived essentially which is chef’s kiss I don’t want to take care of stuff like uploading it somewhere or storing

It on my PC the poor thing is already full enough but you know siest jams are actually always happening when I have school same it’s always when I at work it’s I can’t like especially now because I got to start work at 10: now instead of at 2 because technically I could have

Catch like it caught like two hours of his streams usually but now I can’t because I’m literally at work so do check him out because I can’t um I’m also at work eco ah will you please join our us for Community Sunday I don’t think I can because I

Actually have a stream there uh cuz I have a collab plan there for balers Skate 3 with my friends which we also will stream so there is a high chance and possibility that I won’t be able to join you guys for more than maybe one round because if he starts at around 3:

We start around 4: and we start around 3:30 in VC to actually like get started and make any like changes last minute so I probably won’t be able to join you guys on that day either I’m sorry I have tight plans everywhere it’s really unfortunate but

That’s just how life is sometimes and I can’t just tell them no but yeah we’ll see I might be able to I might probably not be able to join you guys but either way I’m going to go rest up and you should too whatever time it is take a

Break take it easy eat drink stay stay cool and I’ll see you when I see you Sunday again is the ballis gate 3 uh collab with Jules and Anna so if you want to check that out it’s a it’s a pretty fun adventure we’ve just started

So you haven’t missed much so if you want to check that out be my guest and I don’t know how next week’s going to look because I haven’t gotten my work plans yet J know’s always doing something I always am doing something and to tell you a secret I’ll probably

Still stay up and play some more genin after this don’t tell my parents but yeah have fun I’ll see you when I see you and yeah that’s that’s it check out my friends check out the Discord and I’ll see you whenever we see each other the next time bye

Grinding away the hours part i don’t even know anymore


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⚰️Here’s my Graveyard Discord: ⚰️ !

Pings, Updates, Schedules, nonsense:
🐦 Here’s my Twitter!!! 🐦…

That not enough?
🎭Check out my Cosplay TikTok!🎭…

1. Interact respectfully with each other. Don’t spam etc.
2. Backseat gaming is not welcome unless I ask for help :3
3. No spoilers please, unless we’re discussing spoiler stuff anyway.
4. Requesting things is fine. Demanding things is not fine.

Thank you for making the community a nice and welcoming space for everyone! 💖

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