Maizen and Mikey FAMILIES were BURRIED ALIVE in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV)

Mikey I checked the whole house and there is no one I’m shocked quickly come here look there are four fresh Graves and four were missing need to check we were hired by a masked man and gave home as a reward this is all time has flown

By so quickly that it’s time for us to pick up our children from school I’m shocked it seems like it was just morning and already dressed I’m shocked let’s take them home and go play and now the lesson is over we’ll be waiting for them here I hope he got a good grade

Today it’s a Pity that when I was at school I didn’t study well Mikey they’re still not here this is weird they’re usually the first to come out let’s go to class to get them H they are not at school maybe it was your wives who took them go home I think

They are there exactly we will go bye I’m really shocked they never disappeared like this I hope they are home I’m very worried let’s go quickly Mason this has never happened before hm H and here we are let’s go check it out and then we’ll go out and talk just

Don’t talk to me about M nothing happened to them I’m just worried What oh No I’m shocked they are nowhere at all now I’m definitely starting to get out where did they go Mikey I checked the whole house and there is no one I’m shocked I checked everything too and I don’t understand where they could go need to check the stores that’s for sure

Let’s go Mikey and here is the store they usually only go here I hope they are here hurry up Mikey H they are not here I’m shocked I think we need to go to the hospital maybe something happened to them and here is the hospital I don’t understand

Where they could have gone but I hope they are not here but you need to check there’s no one here and no family came to see me so go away I hope you were able to find them Mikey we’ve already looked a lot and haven’t found anyone I hope that at

Least someone here will say something hi policemen our family is missing four people and we can’t find them do you know anything help us no we don’t know anything and so far we don’t have employees to look for them but we’ll get to it I’m shocked they don’t even have

People to find them fine then we’ll have to wait a long time I’m shocked I didn’t think we had such helpless police officers H hey Mason quickly come here look there are four fresh Graves and four were missing need to check let’s go quickly Mikey I don’t think this is a

Coincidence I hope it’s not them and everything is fine with them I hope it’s just a coincidence and they are not there but there’s a small chance that it all would coincide like that I’m shocked Mason is your son here it’s really them and on the left it looks like my family

Why are they here I don’t understand who could have put them here I hope they were buried alive and are just sleeping I don’t want them to die we need to dig them up hey how dare you open the graves we need to bury them right there so they

Wouldn’t tell anyone get away from us stupid Bandits Mikey needs to fight back I don’t want them to bury us huh huh they really thought they could beat us they are stupid you need to bury them separately they definitely won’t be able to get out from under the

Concrete now we have two houses and we can live in them and have a great time and no one will know lay him down need to hurry up I don’t want anyone to see this we finally have a home now too bad they didn’t have a car it would be cool

To ride on it and now it’s time for us to go we were really lucky that they came [Laughter] here where am I I don’t understand anything stop it looks like I’m underground exactly I remembered everything stupid Bandits buried us here I need to dig somewhere looks like

There’s Stone everywhere I’m shocked we need to figure out how to get out I don’t want to sit here I hope I can get out of here need to dig to the side I hope I can get out after all the oxygen may run out and then I will definitely

Die stop it’s Mikey here too I’m glad need to dig it up hey Maki wake up get up we need to get away from here I’m shocked good thing they didn’t kill we are underground and we need to get out concrete at the top so we can’t get

Out like that and you need to dig to the side we can do it okay Mikey let’s dig we need to dig to our family I hope we are digging in the right Direction Mikey look it’s your son we are going right wake him up Sun wake up we are underground we were buried by Bandits and now we will look for your mother don’t worry everything will be fine All That Remains is to find the others and get out of here I’m really

Shocked I didn’t think there were bandits in our city I hope they go to jail for this let’s go don’t worry they will definitely be jailed it’s a shame we don’t have the tools it would be much faster that way still digging the ground with your hands is not Convenient look Mikey is it your wife we’re definitely going in the right direction and it’s cool hey wake up we are underground we’ve been buried by the bandies and we’re looking for a way out so don’t worry everything will be fine we need to get out of here I didn’t

Think that someone would bury Us Alive we can do it don’t worry now we will dig up my family and get out of here and everything will be fine with us but first you will need to go to the police I don’t want to be buried again you’re

Good at digging so don’t get distracted and dig we need to get out as soon as possible this is my son I am very happy we finally got there hey son wake up I’m glad everything is fine with you Bandits buried us underground so now we are here

I’m shocked it’s scary here but we will definitely get out of here so I’m not worried let’s go get out I’m glad you’re not worried now it’s time for us to dig we’ll be home soon and those who buried us here will go to prison and we will

Live happily Mason only your wife remains so you need to hurry up and get away from here so hurry up Mikey I’m already in a hurry digging is not that easy so shut up just a little time left and we will be free and here is my girl finally the

Last person wake up I’m very glad to see you don’t worry soon we will be home and everything will be fine what’s going on here I really don’t understand anything how did we end up underground Bandits just kid kidnapped us and put us here

And now we need to get out of here and we can do it so don’t worry we need to dig in this direction there will be a way out I think so you need to dig a lot to get out of the cemetery Mason I’m shocked I don’t understand why you have

So much energy to dig you are doing great hooray and here comes the sky I’m very happy to see him we finally managed to get out now it’s time to go to the police and tell them everything so that they would find an arrest that’s for

Sure it’s good that you reminded me I almost forgot I hope that they will be able to find the bandits let’s go we have little time wooo and here are the police I’m very happy we were lucky that we didn’t meet any Bandits there is no danger for us at

The police station hey hi police it was we who came to you then and asked about four people we found them they were in the cemetery and then the band BS came and buried us there please find them we don’t want this to happen again fine we

Will help you first we need to go to your home and look there they could be there thank you very much I really don’t understand why they decided to bury us I hope this doesn’t happen again I hope you manag to catch them I don’t want

This to happen again and I wake up in a grave go I want to come and have a good rest I haven’t had a good rest for a long time and here is our house finally we have arrived I am very happy you have to

Sneak in quietly to take a look hey they came out on their own we need to catch up with them and arrest them don’t worry we will catch them we are good cops and we will succeed stop those stupid Bandits catch him you will succeed you can’t let them Escape stupid Bandits

That’s what they need faster you need to go and help the police so that the perpetrators are definitely caught let’s go quickly we have little time he’s on the second floor so you have to wait until he comes down here stop you stupid Bandit you can’t escape

From us there are many of us and you are alone beat him please don’t hit me I’ll tell you everything stay still I do not trust you you definitely won’t succeed do you really not understand that you are trapped haha you’re really stupid now he definitely won’t run away

Anywhere son stop beating him looks like he’s starting to wake up what do you need from us please have mercy on me we were hired by a masked man and gave home as a reward this is all so you’re just an ordinary homeless person I’m shocked

Who is the man in the mask and why does he rob us speak up or it will be bad I really don’t know anything else please don’t take me to jail I really don’t know anything else no you will go to prison just like your friends and you

Will sit there for a very long time because you decided to Rob us I’m very glad you were caught Mason I’m very glad that now we can sleep peacefully and no one will disturb us this is great they put him in the car and now it’s time for

Us to go to bed it’s already late tomorrow we’ll go for a walk and have a great time I really like walking I’m glad there are no more Bandits now I can calmly go to school and not be afraid it’s cool yeah that’s cool good night

Son I hope you have a good dream and now it’s time for me to sleep too I won’t even eat even though I want to we’ll eat tomorrow good weather you need to go to Mikey and talk to him about that man in the package maybe he knows something about

Him I don’t even understand who it could be but we will find him come on Mikey hurry up we don’t have much time hi Mikey yesterday I spoke with the priest and he said that some man gave them our house in a bag do you know him Mason I

Don’t know him but I think we need to go to the police station and ask the prisoners wo woo and here comes the police station it’s a Pity that we don’t have a car and we need to walk hi policeman we want to talk to the prisoners I hope he knows

Who this man is there is no one else to ask don’t worry I think they know hey hello prisoners are we looking for a masked man who is he and what do you know about him just don’t be silent no one knows what he looks like he wears a

Mask all the time and no one knows his face so you won’t be able to get it you don’t even have to try it’s a Pity that you don’t know anything this is very bad hey mikai I have an idea we need to take two suits then we can get into their

Lair when we find it this is a good masing idea this way no one will recognize us and we can reveal it this is great now we look really cool need to walk around the city maybe we’ll see something it will be cool if he accepts

Us as his own and then we can get close to him and he won’t do anything to us let’s go mikai we have a lot of time woohoo and here you are I finally found you sit down I’ll take you to the owner you will talk to him go you arrived

Quickly well done I hope he wants to talk about something good and here we are thanks for bringing us here now it’s time for us to go good luck to you and bye looks like we’re there you need to find the person in the bag and then find

Out who is under the mask that that’s for sure but first we need to find him he must be here somewhere I think he’s in the backyard get ready and here he is I’m shocked finally you are back I’m very glad I’m already tired of waiting for

You I think it’s time for us to attack him now we will find out who you really are come here stupid masked man Mikey needs to take off his mask I’m glad we made it shoot quickly Mikey look it’s a policeman I’m shocked I don’t care if

You know who I am I will find you and take revenge for everything you have done this is really funny Mikey needs to catch up with him you still won’t run away from us stop a few moments later oh no they’re chasing us again I

Need to get away from here ASAP I don’t hope they won’t find us I’m tired of them they ran somewhere here we need to find them urgently look and here they are now you definitely won’t be able to escape from us please stop touching us we didn’t do anything to you we will

Give you all the money just don’t hit us we are in a lot of pain we will beat you because it’s very funny you are really very weak and can’t do anything to us just don’t cry and here you are you stupid Hooligans now you definitely

Won’t run away from us return here all the money you stole please forgive us we will never touch them again just don’t tell our parents we are very sorry to you Mason needs to call the police because they beat them like that every day let the police deal with them that’s

A good idea Mikey oh no they are running away we need to catch up with them you still won’t run away from us Mason urgently needs needs to catch them and take them to the police I am tired of this I don’t want them to run around

Them please let us go and we don’t want to go to the police I will tell my parents everything and they will find you so haha I’ll be looking forward to it the police will deal with you and your parents will be called lucky that the police station is nearby now we will

Laugh at you and here comes the police station soon you will be scolded very much and you will regret that you behaved so badly sorry but we don’t take care of children so look for another place but I need to go to work for now and what

Should we do with them now it is very strange I don’t want to just let them go something needs to be done with them Dad I think we need to build a prison for them and they will sit there and think about your vision it will be cool this

Is a very cool idea and while we are building a prison they will sit in our basement I need to teach you a lesson and here is our house good thing we have bars hello these are Hooligans who hurt our children and we want to build a prison for them finally you you

Found them you really came up with a very cool punishment for them I hope they stay there for a long time our parents will find and take revenge on you you will really regret this we will still run away from you I’m really angry we are very glad that they will be

In prisoned now we can calmly go to school and not be afraid of anything I am very happy now you will sit here and think about your vision I’m sure that you already really regretted touching them you had to think when did it and we

Will go build a prison for you and then you will sit there bye-bye they definitely won’t be able to get out of the basement let them sit there for now and we will go build a new prison for them goodbye everybody let’s go Mikey I hope that we can quickly

Build a prison I need to come up with something complicated Mason look there is a clear clearing here I think it will be perfect for building our prison we quickly found a place this clearing is really huge I didn’t think that we had such an area in our city soon there will

Be a very cool prison here Amon I am very glad that no one will touch our children anymore they have been saying for a long time that they are being offended soon they will understand that they can’t do that we’ll keep them in prison until we figure out where we can

Go and tell them about it because the police didn’t want to help Us you can quickly come here we are very hungry and we want to eat give us something please we’ve been eating for a long time certainly now I’ll call Mom and she’ll bring you food mother they’re hungry I think we need to give them the spoiled food son you need to bring them

Some very tasty food they were very hungry we’ll be right back with food wait here you have already arrived Mom I don’t understand why give them delicious food I didn’t realize it was a joke this is really very funny you deserve only this kind of food you still have no

Choice so eat this one there is no other go away stop teasing us this is not funny at all I thought that at least we could eat normally we won’t be able to get out of here one etern later we have finally completed our prison and now we need to

Move them there and they will live there I’m very glad that we succeeded Mason we are very glad that you have finally completed it and they will no longer live in our house I’m tired of them you won’t see them anymore since they will never come to our home again you

Definitely won’t get out of this prison let’s get out and tell everything to our parents as soon as they find out about this they will take revenge on you this is really very funny I can barely contain myself they definitely won’t find you wow the prison turned out to be

Very cool and big I’m glad that they will finally be punished that’s what they need they will be tested inside and we will watch them and then we’ll meet them at the top let’s go very very interesting to watch don’t worry they definitely won’t get out of there there

Are very strong walls there I told you I would punish them this door is locked and it looks like we won’t be able to open it this is really very bad we need to get past this stupid obstacle course I really hope that we can get out of

Here I don’t want to sit here it’s very damp and ugly here I really want to go home H we need to jump through these stupid traps I don’t understand why they did this it would be better if they just put him behind bars and now we need to get through this

Without stepping on the slabs or he’ll fry us but I don’t want this so you need to be careful I really didn’t think that we would be forced to go through this but I can do it and it’s very cool I didn’t step on more than one slab Yahoo woohoo

Oh no now we need to go upstairs I really don’t want to do this I am very tired I hope this is the last test I really want to relax there is light which means that all that’s left is to do this and we’ll get out of here and

This is very cool oh no there are bars I already thought there was a way out but we still need to get up there left just a little bit I am also tired let’s climb the last step H finally you are up now you will sit

Here I told you I won’t let you go so even hope and you won’t be able to escape from here you sit here and we go home good luck getting out although you still won’t succeed now we will mock you and you will endure all this and will

Not be able to do anything and I hope that you will finally Understand Hey look it’s the police what do they want here weird hello are we looking for missing children haven’t you seen them we really can’t find them what kind of building is this no we didn’t hurt anyone and just stream the prison here I hope you find them I’m really

Sorry we can’t help you we have a lot to do bye it’s time for us to go good luck in your search we believe in you it was very scary it’s good that they didn’t notice anything I already thought that we would be discovered lucky go home and

Mikey and I will guard the prison so that no one finds them H8 a.m. I don’t believe them at all it seems to me that our children are there and we must save them need to blow up the door it seems to me that there are no more options we searched the whole city and found nothing so just

That the passage cannot be made oh no they are coming here hey what are you doing don’t you dare touch our prison get out of here otherwise we’ll call the police get away from here they damaged it a little but everything seems to be fine it looks like they still suspected

Something Mason is all here so I think I need need to go home they won’t come here anymore anyway so let’s go home there is nothing to do here I agree with you I’m fine too so let’s go home I think they definitely won’t come a second time we’ve been building this

Prison for so long and they just took it and threw Dynamite at it I’m really tired of standing here let’s go home I really want to sleep I hope no one attacks our prison what I want to sleep as well and here is my house I want to tell

You everything our prison was attacked by that family who drove up in a police car they blew up the prison wall Ma and look it’s a helicopter and it looks like he’s flying towards our prison this is really very bad I need to run there Urgently now we can finally take our children I hope everything is fine with them come here quickly I’m really glad to see you I’m glad everything is fine with you and now we need to go down to earth it’s a Pity that I can’t blow up

This prison and here you are now you definitely won’t go anywhere you will answer for the fact that you destroyed our prison it is you who will answer for touching our children come here I will catch up and lock you in prison did you hear me get away from us you won’t catch

Up with us it’s Mikey this is great Mason we will help you get out of here and don’t you dare touch our friend Mason we really arrived on time thank you very much for coming to our Aid we definitely couldn’t have done it without you you I think we don’t need to do

Anything else we taught them a lesson and if they behave like this again we’ll put them in prison again I agree with you Dad now let’s go home it’s already night soon and I really want to sleep today was cool a few and here comes the school I hope

They learned their lesson and won’t hurt you again bye get a good grade hello we are very glad to see you we want to ask for forgiveness and we also want to be friends with you we won’t do it anymore uh this is very cool we also want to be

Friends with you I hope we never quarrel let’s go to class

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen and Mikey FAMILIES were BURRIED ALIVE in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV)

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