NOOB vs PRO: SECRET BUNKER House Build Challenge in Minecraft

Me and my brother are under attack from this Army of zombies can we build a secret bunker to stay alive or will the zombie army find us and eat us like candy we should get started building already and I think I have the perfect plan we need to make a top secret base

So the zombies don’t even see us and walk right on by if the zombies find us we’re doomed yeah we totally have to build a base let’s go I say we should definitely start building the base over here oh I want to build my base over

Here Milo this is a way better spot I think this is really the better choice no this spot has a really bad Vibe I’m going to build my base over here whether you like it or not okay I guess we’ll just have to build separate bases Milo

I’ll still make sure to support you but I really hope my base survives Well mine’s going to be way better no way because I’m digging this pit really far down my strategy is to go so deep underground the zombies won’t even be able to find me and I’m going to build a

Huge huge spiral staircase that goes all the way down later on I’m going to make a top secret door that’ll cover up this big entrance but I can’t do that now first I just need to make sure that this goes down deep enough and that we reinforce the walls I’m not going to

Leave these walls as dirt forever that would be a terrible idea I need to think of a block that I can replace them with oh I know exactly what I can use ion Is So Pro and I’m definitely a pro so I obviously am going to use iron I would

Never use anything else other than maybe orange concrete or maybe obsidian I would only use Pro blocks though I would never use anything silly like dirt well I’m using Pro blocks as well really what Pro blocks are you using Milo dirt Milo that’s not a pro block dirt is really

Silly and wo you’ve already made a big ball that’s cool I don’t know how you did that so fast I’m building really quickly I’m actually really smart when it comes to building Hills yeah you really are I guess dirt is your specialty and grass blocks basically are

Mostly dirt so I’m confident in you Miler I’m going to build a a big hill which means that when the zombies get here they are not going to know that I’m just under the hill that’s a great idea wow we’ve both chosen really good options for hiding in secrecy I’m hiding

Underground and you’re hiding in a hill this is great Milo hopefully the zombies won’t even see us she totally will not see us but they might smell us oh that’s a good point I know you can be pretty sneaky sometimes but it’s okay so can I

I think we need to make sure our bases are extra secure just in case they do smell us and try to come inside well I have a solution for that chip what’s your solution Milo I’m going to put some really nice smelling flowers all over my heill that’s going to totally distract

Them from my smell um I was more thinking like making more big rooms underground just like I’m doing now by digging out this massive room I’m going to use TNT to make it super huge this is going to be my first of many many defenses I’m not just going to hide from

The zombies I need to make sure that if they do get inside my house they’ll never want to come back back again wait you’re using TNT without me can I come and watch chip okay you totally can just make sure you don’t accidentally miss anything up I’m placing TNT in a row

Just like this this needs to be really safe so I’m going to light this and then place blocks of iron that we can stand behind it’s really we going to blow wo that’s awesome it was such a big explosion it even broke some of my iron blocks I bet place these back quickly

Before the zombies take advantage of my weakened base chip you’ve taken so long long money at this whole area don’t worry Milo I’m almost done see I’m leaving okay now that this room is empty I need to turn this into a massive TNT pressure plate room that’s why I dug a

Couple blocks down I need to grab some lava lava is so important for this room because once I place all this down it’ll be the final floor that anyone that falls through the TNT pressure plates will land in oh this is going to be so

Good this lava is going to take a while to place though oh gosh I wish Milo didn’t leave it would have been so helpful to have in here I only have a little bit of lava left to place this is so good it’s going way quicker than I

Thought it would first though I need to grab some obsidian to make a big ring around this iron door just like this oh yeah this is looking great we’ll also make it extend out one block this way perfect let’s also mine that hole and this looks so cool already normally when

You place a bunch of TNT in a really big layer like this the TNT will all ignite and destroy the whole room which means that you have to make it out of things like obsidian and bedrock which are really really difficult to see in there’re such dark colors that if the

Whole room was this it would be basically pitch black and Pitch Blackness is where the zombies will spawn in that would be terrible it would give them a huge Advantage but this TNT is special once this TNT ignites it actually repairs the blocks around it this means that it won’t destroy the

Walls and it won’t give the zombies another passageway in if the TNT could blow up walls that would be really bad because eventually it would blow a hole right to the surface the zombies would definitely make their way in through that and we would be toast this new

System should totally fix that I can’t wait to place all this TNT and then cover it in sand and pressure plates hey Milo how’s your build going it’s really good I’m starting to dig into the hill now and build my epic security room wow I’m so impressed I don’t think I’ve ever

Heard you come up with an idea as awesome as this one your Hill base is going to be so cool yeah I’m a really good genius yeah you totally are I’m really excited to see if it survives the zombies I hope it does because a lot of

Your bases normally do not survive very long at all hey that’s not true um Milo it definitely is your submarine totally broke your airplane didn’t work your train not to mention your helicopter well yeah yes sir but I’m really trying my best to get better yeah you

Definitely are as long as you learn from your mistakes you’ll totally get better and I have faith that your base now will definitely work I just want to do my part to make sure it does I couldn’t live with myself if I let you die to the

Zombies Milo well lucky you don’t have to worry this is going to be really awesome yeah I bet it will now I’m going to Place sand but it’s not just going to be regular sand I’ll also Place red sand as well as orange concrete powder this

Is going to look so cool it’s like an amazing Design This way I will be able to write my name in this TNT room that’s going to be so awesome I don’t think I’ve ever done that before I’m going to write the big letter C for the first

Letter of my name actually I think we might have to move is a little bit to the left this way we’ll have enough space to write the rest of the letters as well I don’t want to give myself not enough room that would be embarrassing

Then I have to make my name look really short and silly now I will make the letter H I’ll build it just like this and it can even go right here in the middle oh perfect I need to break that extra sand that I placed at the bottom

Though that could be silly now I’ll make the letter I I’m going to make it a capital I though even though I would normally write my name with a little eye by doing this it makes sure that it is a symmetrical work finally I just have to

Make the letter P oh this is good but oh no it’s not going to fit I just have to make this wall one bigger luckily that TNT from before did most of the work but I should be able to do this really quick perfect now we just have to get finished

Making the letter P I think it looks just like this yeah this is my name it says chip wo that is so cool I love this already now I’m going to surround each letter with orange concrete powder this needs to look like it’s popping out of

The ground so I definitely need to do these colors really really smartly I almost missed a spot here though that could have gone so bad Milo are you doing anything with your name in this build what no I don’t want the zombies to know that I’m here after all oh

That’s a good idea I’m doing this because I want the zombies to be afraid of my name I think the more they die to the name chip they’ll be really afraid to even try and find me maybe that’ll help us survive more zombie apocalypse attacks but I don’t know I think the

Number one thing I can do is to make my base so awesome and and deadly the zombies don’t survive that’s why I’m adding even more sand above these TNT places this way there’s a huge area where if a zombie stands on even just one block they’ll fall through into the

TNT and into the lava the TNT will also repair which means the zombies can step on it an infinite amount of times that sounds so cool champ thanks Milo I really agree oh yeah this is coming along so well I just have to place all this sand over here and I’ll basically

Be done with this room I do still have to make the walls though I have to think about what cool block I might want to use for them maybe red concrete because this is a TNT room after all I want the zombies to know that when they die it

Was because of TNT as well as chip that’s why I’ve written my name and it’s why I’ll be placing red concrete all over the walls let’s also get some red terra cotta to get a bit of variation we can place a ring of red terra cotta

Around the bottom like this I’m going to have so many different rooms I can run into this way no matter where the zombies come through we always have somewhere else we can retreat to that means we have a really high chance of surviving in our secret bunker are you

Building multiple rooms in your secret bunker Milo um not really it’s just going to be one huge room honestly wait only one room Milo that sounds like a bad idea how are you even going to fit one huge room inside a tiny little Hill well you’ll have to find that because

It’s going to be the coolest thing ever my build is probably going to take a while I hope I have enough time to build it before the Zombie Army arrives yeah me too oh absolutely Milo I think you’re probably going to be done with yours quite quickly once you are done I think

I definitely am going to need your help here I know we’re building separate bases but I’m going to need all the help I can get to make my base super duper big yeah you probably need help from a pro like me uh Milo I thought I was the

Pro you’re right what you don’t think I’m the pro no way I’m clearly the pro Milo you build everything out of dirt and sometimes wood I’m the pro cuz I build everything out of iron obsidian and diamonds sometimes too yeah loser blocks hey diamonds are not loser blocks

Diamonds are some of the coolest blocks in the entire world that’s why I always use them and Milo I know we’re fighting about being the noob and the pro but if your base doesn’t work I’d be happy to let you stay in mine no need I’m going

To be just fine in my base uh okay yeah I really hope you are Milo I think if we both have bases that survive that’s definitely the best outcome I am so close to being done with this amazing red concrete TNT room once I finish this

Room though I need to get started on the next one I have a really really good idea about what it can be I have lots of cool ideas like that like putting iron in the ceiling here ion is such a strong block and by having it above all this

TNT we can help block out a lot of the noise that means the zombies might not even hear that there’s a bunch of TNT going on down here that would be perfect because if the zombies can hear me down here they will definitely want to come

Inside and eat my brains oh I hate even thinking about it my brain is so precious to me and I don’t want it to be eaten by a stinky zombie that’s why I need to come up with even better ideas than just putting iron on the ceiling oh

I know like having a laser room I say once we finish this TNT room we can get started on a massive laser hallway that the zombies have to run through in order to reach the next part of my bunker zombies hate lasers they are so slow so

If a zombie get stuck inside a laser they won’t be able to escape they’ll just be slow walking out of there and by the time they escape it they’ll totally be fried oh yeah that’s the best idea I think I’ve had all day even better than the TNT room which is really saying

Something because this TNT room looks awesome so far I cannot wait to add the Finishing Touch of placing all the pressure plates down once I finish this iron roof of course I cannot let the roof still be made out of dirt and stone that’s terrible design and look we

Finished the iron block ceiling now it’s time to place the pressure plates down but we have to be really smart about this I do not want to mess up my beautiful spelling of my name so I’m going to be really careful on the blocks of white sand I’m going to place these

White iron pressure plates that way they don’t mess up the writing too much by making it a different color that’ll be really hard to read perfect okay I just need to make sure I place these iron pressure plates along every single one of these white sand blocks now I need to

Use these Acacia pressure plates on the dark sand blocks this way they really stand out I’m not going to place any pressure plates on the orange concrete there needs to be some sort of way for people like me to get through this room without totally getting destroyed by the

TNT if the TNT is everywhere then there’s no escape and it could be a real disaster I need to make this room at least possible to go through that way if Milo needs to retreat into this room he totally can get through without dying

Like a noob I might die as well but I’m a pro so I can handle really really difficult parkour I’m going to make a big big walkway here that does not have any pressure plates on it that way if you’re really careful you can walk right

On through and you only have to make one big jump at the end I’ll make the entrance to the laser hallway right here but first I really need to finish placing all these pressure plates down if I miss a spot the zombies might have a better chance of walking across and

That would be just terrible now that I’ve made this awesome room I can totally get started on the laser hallway I say we need a cool walkway passage here maybe we can make it out of white concrete it’ll look just like another part of the TNT themed walls oh yeah

This is looking awesome let’s also make the entrance white concrete too oh I’m so excited to figure out how awesome we can make this laser hallway room I just have to go inside really carefully so I don’t accidentally step on this TNT now I’m going to dig out a huge area to make

This awesome laser hallway Milo do you have anything cool like lasers protecting you from the zombies in your base yeah I built lasers ages ago wait really you have lasers too that’s awesome that gives you a better chance of surviving you need to catch up you’re

Right Milo I definitely do I need to go so much quicker digging the room for this laser hallway if I leave it too long the zombies will definitely arrive and it’ll give me a worse chance of surviving than even you do I need to really make sure I put all my Redstone

Skills to the test here though by making levers that can turn the lasers on and off I really need to think about how I’m going to do that luckily I have a really good plan all right I totally hope this works first we need to get a laser block

From security craft and now we also need a lever not to mention we also need a color lens and we need some red dye and finally a crafting table let’s grab the crafting table as well perfect we can put it down right over here but wo not

Too close to the TNT pressure plates I almost totally lit them that would have been really bad we need to surround the lens with a bunch of red dye this way it’ll be totally red perfect oh this is already looking so good right now the laser is white which doesn’t look like a

Very scary laser let’s add red colored lenses to every single side and boom the laser automatically becomes red that is so awesome we can use this Universal block modifier to figure out that we can add a harming module by adding a harming module into this laser we make it hurt

Anything that comes through wo look at that now if a zombie comes through it’ll take so much damage let’s make a bunch more I want to fill this whole room with them I’m going to bury them inside the floor this is a really good strategy because it means the zombies won’t be

Able to see the lasers coming and they’ll probably walk straight into them wa they already had the modules inside of these ones that’s perfect now we just need to add even more colored lenses to make sure they are all the right color a crazy scary Red now that all of these

Lasers are bright red we can actually get started on the walls I think we need to make this entire room out of white concrete white concrete makes the lasers really stick out it just makes them look so much scarier which will really help stop stop the zombies from wanting to

Come through here I think if they’re afraid of this room they won’t want to set foot inside this room is pretty long but luckily I am a really really Speedy Builder so I’m able to blast through it in no time I really hope Milo is able to

Do the same Milo are you building really quickly as well yeah I am actually building really quickly I think I’m nearly done wo nearly done already I’m not even halfway done I still have so many awesome traps planned are you sure you’re going to have enough traps to

Make sure theom IES do not find you yeah because I’m a pro I guess you just got to get in my legs buddy hey if you’re the pro that would make me the noob and that is not true Milo I’m such a pro that’s why I know how to build lasers

And TNT do you even have lava pits yet yeah I actually do my lava pit is hidden under my TNT pit well I guess that’s pretty good then thanks Milo I’m just worried that your base is not going to be Pro enough and it’ll cause the

Zombies to attack you that would put you in a lot of d danger and I don’t want that oh chip you don’t have to worry I’m feeling really safe really okay that makes me a lot happier I’m adding so much white concrete to these walls it

Looks so cool I wish you could see it too Milo yeah I wish I could see it maybe I’ll come and check on you soon oh yeah that would be so awesome I need to make sure that this laser area is done before you come and check on me so it

Looks extra impressive it’ll also help me get it done quicker so that the zombies do not have a chance to come inside these zombies have feeling mean if I see one I’m going to punch you hey Milo don’t get close to the zombies remember we cannot go to fight them if

We have to fight them we have a lot less chance of winning our best bet is to stay super hidden in secret so they don’t even know where we are what happens if I turn into a zombie champ Milo if you turn into a zombie I will

Not know what to do it would be a disaster I’d probably have to come save you would you still be my friend oh of course I’d still be your friend but I’d want to keep you behind a glass Lo wolf first if I had to touch you as a zombie

You’d zombify me too and we would both be Undead yeah that would be really fun we could have us in parties what that doesn’t sound fun that sounds terrible Milo it would be really bad I don’t think an undead potty would be fun at all we’d only be able to eat brains well

You’ve never been to one have you no I haven’t but I think that’s cuz nobody throws them cuz they probably suck the energy in them is probably really dead that’s actually so yeah I don’t really want to party with the zombies we better stay really safe exactly Milo luckily I’m almost done

With the walls of this laser room then I just have to make the Redstone before you come to visit of course you better not surprise me well I might TR and scare you what you’re going to try and scare me Milo are you really sure that’s

A good idea when we should be focusing on protecting ourselves from the zombies yeah that’s true I probably won’t scare you but it’s always the possibility oh my I don’t like that that makes me really worried but I guess there’s nothing I can do all that I can do is

Make pistons above every single laser this way I’ll be able to turn them on or off at the flick of a button I also need to link up all of these Pistons I don’t want to leave a single one unlicked it’ll also look really really cool and maybe seeing how Redstone Advanced my

Base is will scare the zombies the entrance to my next room is going to be here and it’s going to be a huge room so I need to put the lever that controls the lasers on this wall I also need to go behind and start placing in the

Redstone we have to clear out this big area this way if I see a single piston around here I can totally place redstone on top of it otherwise I might miss a couple and that would be terrible okay this place is now looking pretty good I

Think it’s time to start adding in the real Redstone Dust let’s add more over here and once we make it up to the top we definitely need to link it to all these Pistons let’s add a repeater or two this way the signal goes really really far and won’t miss even a single

Spot okay I can totally hear these Pistons activating that is perfect we need one last repeater to go over to this section we need to add torches if zombies spawn up here they will join the Zombie Army and be able to mine the Redstone from above that would totally

Destroy the Laser Maze uh-oh if that happened it would be terrible all right all the Pistons have now attached to one of their laser blocks wao Milo that wasn’t much of a surprise you just sort of tried to scare me what I really wanted to do a good

Surprise and are you holding a grass block have you been building with grass yeah I’m building with lots of grass very very good that’s pretty cool now that you’re here I really want to show you what I’ve built so far this is the TNT pressure plate Zone make sure you

Don’t step on any of the pressure plates it’ll cause a chain reaction real bad but I really want to step on them no Milo it’ll make TNT explode and you’ll fall into lava trust me you do not want that that’s right I’ll just come over

Here then this is my laser room and I’ve designed a a redstone Contraption I really hope this works if it doesn’t that would be so embarrassing this is really cool how does it work to well in theory if I flick this lever all the Pistons should go up and the lasers

Should totally turn off uh uh-oh I said the lasers should turn off oh no it doesn’t work oh chip you’re such a dumb Dum see I told you that you were the noob and I was the pro what okay if that’s true why don’t you show me your

Base and we’ll see who’s really the noob okay get ready to be jealous where is your base anyway is it still on that Hill well see if you can find it cuz it’s such a big secret I found it right away Milo oh wow I guess it is a little

Bit obvious but the zombies won’t find it wao there’s lasers in here as well I guess we can walk through them so we’re totally safe but this place looks crazy yeah no zombies going to want to come in here but wait a minute Milo I see a back

Entrance can’t the zombies just walk walk through here without touching a laser no because this is my emergency exit it also could be the Zombie emergency entrance and what’s down this ladder well this is where I hang out hang out Milo You’ just built a cozy little sleeping area and why is there

Lava dripping from the ceiling wow we’ got a couple of leaky problems but don’t worry about it Milo if the lava sets fire to these chests or the grass this place could come burning down I guess you’ve made a couple of good points um and I actually need to ask you help with

Something what is it Milo well see how I have a turret up here yeah I really don’t know how to walk it and I was wondering if you could help me oh this is a fireball turret you need to use explosive powder to power up this thing

It’s really cool you just fill the whole turret with it and boom the second a zombie comes in here it’ll start shooting Fireballs at him all right thanks for helping me chip you’re the best brother ever you’re welcome Milo but I’m a little worried you didn’t know

How to do that on your own this whole base is a little little rickety if the zombies get through I think you’re toast I really think this won’t work and you need to come live with me don’t you call my base rickety you’re rickety get out

Of here okay I better get back to building we don’t have much time left so I better really make sure my base Works especially if the lasers aren’t already working I just have to try extra hard in the next section what a rude boy we better get started making the Next Room

Quick I’m a little worried this room needs to be huge and inside this room I also need to have a secret entrance that will go into Milo’s base this way if Milo gets trapped I can swoop in and save him we’ll have to escape through the secret bunker into my base but

Because we’ll have a secret bunker the zombies might be able to get through it into here that just means this room has to be the most dangerous room we have built so far this room needs to be absolutely huge so I think this is a pretty good size I also need to grab

Some blue concrete I also need to grab some light blue and blue concrete not to mention sand as well I know I’ve used used a lot of sand building this place already but it’s important that I have it for this area as well we also need a

Bunch of water this whole area is going to look like a giant ocean I say we can drop down into it from the laser section oh yeah this will be so awesome I just have to clear out a huge area I also don’t want Milo to see this place just

Yet if I show him too early then he’ll be able to see me constructing the secret tunnel that would be bad because Milo can never admit when he’s the noob he will not want to have a secret tunnel that leads to my base he’d be too embarrassed he’d instead want one that

Goes from mine over to his he would totally break the tunnel or try to block it off that would be bad because we wouldn’t be able to save him once we do hide it though it’ll be totally fine I’m going to do such a good job of keeping

It secret that he’ll never find it now that I’ve cleared out this whole room it is time to start placing the light blue concrete it needs to look just like a normal daytime Sky if I want this room to look like a super crazy Beach it also

Needs to have a super crazy Sky cuz I don’t think there’s any indoor beaches that’s why we really need to be careful we place all this concrete really smartly now that we’ve built this back wall it is time to build one more layer of light blue concrete underneath it

Because underneath this light blue concrete is going to be real actual dark blue concrete this is how high the ocean is going to be it doesn’t need to be very deep because I really don’t want the zombies drowning in it that would be so bad probably the worst thing that

Could possibly happen if they break through the other rooms they’ll just make it through but but if they break through this room and become drowns and gain the ability to swim and breathe underwater oh gosh I don’t think I’d ever be able to fight them back now

Let’s Place sand next to the dark blue stuff oh yeah this is already looking great it really does look like the ocean now that I’ve placed all this sand down it is time to place the next layer the beach is going to go upwards it’s important that we do this and it goes

Pretty steep because the steeper the slope is the harder the zombies will have to fight to climb up it that way they’ll burn all their energy and they won’t have much left for fighting me and eating my brains we just have to place this lost layer of sand and I think the

Rest of the room can probably be quite flat beaches only have a huge slope right at the start where you really touch the water once I place the sand I think this is going to be the area that I build my secret entrance to Milo’s Bas

In we have to be really sneaky with it though I do not want Milo finding out that would be such a disaster not only will he block off the secret entrance causing his Doom but he also might throw a tantrum and scream which certainly we do not want the zombies will absolutely

Hear any Tantrums that Milo has and they’ll try to come quicker so in no case should Milo be able to throw a tantrum now that the sand is finished I need to grab a trapo not just any trapo though I’m going to grab a Birchwood trapo because it’s the most similar

Color to the sand we’ll place it right over here and we can even build a little water cooler over here we’ll fill it up with water nicely and uh oh the water’s spilling now underneath this trap door we need to dig underneath the sand I just need to make sure I do this

Properly this could be really bad if I mess it up I think this is a pretty good area for the tunnel to go I just need to look for Milo’s name tag and okay it’s right above us I need to be a lot quieter than I’m being at the moment

I’ll dig over here and wait where’s he gone oh no he’s moving I’m going to follow him I bet where he’s standing will be where the center of his base is I think here’s a pretty good way to dig up let’s go up slightly I need to grab

Ladders as well if I can place these ladders and break the stone blocks at the same time it means we’ll go really slow and have a great chance of him not hearing us uh-oh we’re being really noisy I really don’t want Milo to find us right now that would be such a

Disaster okay I’m getting close to the top and oh we’ve reached the grass layer wait we’re underneath bricks oh no I hear Milo touching ladders as well where did we go oh no we LED right into Milo’s base this is bad we need to think of a more secret entrance wo luckily we

Placed that brick before Milo could come down and see us we need to break these ladders and dig slightly over this way whoa what is that noise Milo is doing something crazy with electricity I do not want him to be mad at me if he has electricity in his hand that would be

Bad he totally try and zap me okay okay I think I made it to a good area over here but H there needs to be more that we can do let’s grab tall grass and place it on the inside of his base hopefully he thinks that his base is

Just growing wild but we really know that it was actually me placing it all along let’s grab more little grass to blend it in this way it looks a lot more natural and a lot harder to see oh no Milo has some kind of taser I really

Need to place these and get back down before he sees me he better not tase me wait where is the entrance oh no he’s getting to the ladder quick we better go down and inside oh thank goodness I managed to escape before he could tase

Me I just need to get back to my secure base before he sees my name tag all right I think I’ve basically made it now that we’re over here we need to add some ladders so that we can climb back up this trapo area just like this few we

Totally made it that’s perfect now we can actually start filling in this area with more blue concrete and water this is the the ocean build so it needs to be really awesome now that I’m back in my base as well I think I can definitely ask Milo what he was doing earlier I

Could not say anything before and if I reveal that I was so close I could hear him he’ll totally know I was building a secret tunnel so I have to be really sneaky about this hm what’s a good excuse that I can use to trick Milo into

Thinking I was not in his base oh I know hey Milo what the ground is really thin over here so I can hear some crazy noises coming from your build a you using a taser or something yeah I’m just getting some taser practice in do you

Want to see uh okay yeah now that I’ve built my secret trap Milo can come here and he won’t suspect a thing I’ve closed off the trap door so he won’t be able to see in I can invite Milo over to my base now and nothing will go wrong hi chip

I’m here to show you my Taser wo that looks crazy and how does it work oh no Milo the TNT quick let me grab these blocks before they trigger too many more things uh-oh Milo this is making lots of noise I better place place these back

Before the zombies come if we make too much noise the zombies will arrive early and we’ll be in a lot of danger I’m really sorry chip I didn’t mean to do that that’s okay Milo now how does this Taser work well it works like this um I didn’t see anything but I definitely

Heard that that was crazy you should spawn down an animal so I can show you uh okay I’ll spawn down a silverfish because I really don’t like those okay here’s a test subject yeah walk’s getting tast um Milo I don’t think it’s doing any damage I think it’s just

Stunning him but wait you pushed him into the laser that’s really cool I love tasers yeah uh that’s awesome Milo you keep doing that I’ll keep working on my ultimate secret base sounds good to me I’m going to make all these walls full of light blue concrete and then I can

Get started on making the inside decorations I’m so excited to show all the awesome things I’ve planned to put inside here this is almost complete I can’t wait to see how awesome it looks once I place these final few light blue concrete blocks and wo this looks epic

Now we can really get started on building the traps inside first we need a real trap these bear traps look so awesome and we definitely need cage traps as well wo look it locks the silverfish inside that is awesome let’s get rid of these ones using some lava I

Don’t want them roaming around my base let’s add some cage traps around here wa that already looks so awesome I love how I can’t go inside them these cage traps are only for mobs although we better dig them two blocks deep this way they’ll be

Able to trap zombies and I I know baby zombies can get trapped in a one block cage but we need to make sure that any zombie that comes through here can get trapped equally let’s have a bunch around here near the shoreline whoo can I put them in water wait I definitely

Can if I can bear trap the zombies inside the shallow areas of the ocean oh W that will be so awesome I’ll also add some cobwebs and wait a second that gives me a great idea Milo had a viable turret inside of his build and it had

Explosive powder inside so I’m going to grab a fireball turret and explosive pwder too after I make some cobweb walls we’ll be able to make some turret towers that the zombies will definitely struggle to get through ah this is going to be so awesome I’m really loving these

Ideas so far and now we can actually get started on our turret Tower I’ll need some magma blocks as well as some stairs but these won’t just be any stairs we need to grab mossy cobblestone stairs zombies love to spawn in Dungeons and dungeons have mossy cobblestone I think

We’ll need to grab that as well as these Mossy Stone stairs that way having a mix will look so much better that already looks awesome and because these turrets are going to be fire themed we also of course need a giant firewall let’s also put the turret right on top we need to

Fill it with explosive powder as well otherwise it won’t really work perfect we’ve made one now let’s make one more in the opposite corner we’ll use mossy cobblestone stairs and mossy stone brick stairs as well this is awesome hey Milo that turret that I helped you with would

You leave a positive review for that or should I think of something different as well well it’s pretty good I haven’t really used it yet oh okay I better add something else to add to it as well I do not want to just have turrets especially

If we don’t know if they work very well I’m going to make some spikes everywhere spike traps are so overpowered zombies do not like spikes they take so much damage inside now I’m going to spawn Spikes all around here wait a second I just heard a TNT explosion Milo is

Everything all right over at your base yeah nothing’s going wrong here I can’t tell if you’re lying to me do I need to come there and check it out Milo I would never Li to your chip okay I don’t really believe you but I guess I don’t

Have much of a choice I just need to place down as many spike traps as I can so the zombies can’t get through but we still can I think this whole room looks pretty awesome but I need to add some glass clouds on the ceiling I’m just

Going to add a bunch of Glowstone to try and make it look like the sun and we’ll put it right in the middle a this looks so nice I would totally stay down here now that I’ve made this room super awesome I’m going to add a mysterious

Orange square right in the middle of it I need to to line it up correctly I don’t want it to be weird and lopsided okay this looks pretty cool now I’m going to dig out a little bit more of these spikes this orange square is the

Most important part of this room now we will also Place orange all along the roof right over here orange is my favorite color that’s why I wear it every single day whenever I see it I get so happy and I need to be happy if I want to survive this thing let’s mine

This place out one more block to the right this needs to be a proper Square okay this looks pretty good so far now I just need to fill these walls with orange concrete before we build the water trap that’ll lead into the dropper luckily placing this orange concrete

Should go pretty quickly I’m excited for when it’s done I think we need to design this base to be really easy to build from this point on we have to clear out all of this Granite right in the middle perfect okay this is looking pretty good so far actually let’s Place obsidian as

The floor obsidian is such a strong and powerful block I think it’ll strike fear into the heart of any zombie that manages to make it this far I’m going to grab an acacia sign as as well as a water bucket by placing Acacia signs all around here we can make sure that the

Water does not flow through them that’s what signs are really good for I’m going to leave a little message that says chip was here so anybody reading it knows exactly who made this sign okay that looks pretty cool it looks a little silly but when we add the water it will

All make sense okay it didn’t merge that’s perfect that means we can add the water on every side now any mob that goes through here will flow right over to this section I actually have a better idea if we place one sign in the middle here we can break every sign on the

Outside that means the zombies will get pushed over the edge and start to fall down perfect now we can really start digging out this dropper let’s grab some explosive netherite arrows as well as a bow to fire them this will help us dig out the dropper area really really

Easily look at that explosion we can just keep making more and more of them go really far down wow this is so awesome boom okay that should totally be enough now I can definitely start filling this area in with all the obsidian we could ever want let’s build

The obsidian a couple blocks down that adds a couple layers of Defense between the water part and The Dropper part this dropper needs to be so awesome I think we can have traps in between the dropper and the Final Ground where the zombies will try to aim for it’ll make it a

Really deadly dropper but it also needs to be possible because this is where me and Milo will need to retreat down as well in case the zombies manage to find us and chase us through the first few sections of my secret base okay this is looking pretty good I’m placing so much

Obsidian right now now wow that looks amazing let’s continue digging down and place obsidian on every single one of these sidewalls because this dropper goes so deep into the Earth I need to make the floor out of deep slate we’ll have one little water area at the bottom

That will be the only safe part to drop down into if me Milo or any of the zombies land in any other spot they’ll totally go Splat I don’t want to go Splat and I know Milo definitely wouldn’t either so we need to make sure

It is easy enough for us to get through but hard enough that the zombies won’t all managed to make it oh wow that looks awesome I’ll make a little bit of water not in the middle but here oh yeah that’s a great idea it’s going to be a

Little bit tricky to get into the water but I think it’ll be possible let’s try and see if we can get down into it from the top and oh yeah that’s totally easy I’m going to add some cobwebs all around that way the zombies might get stuck and

We can totally shoot them down but it won’t be me trying to shoot them down I’m going to add a couple extra turrets that will be able to Target the zombies while they are stuck in the car webs this is going to be so cool I love this

Idea already hey Milo I’m going to finish this drop a section so soon once I do I really want you to come see it you’ll see how op it is and how you should totally live here with me all right I guess I’ll come and have a look

At it if you think the dropper is awesome then will you come live here um probably not what Milo oh my goodness okay fine I guess then you don’t want to be super safe I don’t care about your stupid base I really like my epic one

One and it’s way safer okay Milo we’ll see about that I’m just adding more turrets to the walls they’re the same kinds of turrets as before the fireball turrets they’re so powerful and they’re really good against zombies let’s just add Spikes all over the bottom wo this

Is going to look so cool if I was a zombie I definitely would not want to fall down into here after this dropper is going to be the final safe room before the emergency exit so it needs to be really really good that’s why I’m working so hard on making all of these

Defenses absolutely perfect I’ll place down as many spike traps as I can okay Milo I’m almost done start coming over so that when I finish these spikes you can test out this dropper okay yay I think you’ll really really like it look at all the spikes that we have and once

Milo manages to get down into this water and once I manage to as well we’ll be able to go through here into the final Secure Vault room I’m not going to build that just yet though I want to show Milo this awesome dropper first I wonder

Where he is though oh look he’s still coming through the lasers come on Milo you can do it I’m really excited to see this chip thanks Milo I’m so excited to show you so here’s the beginning room you have to get through the beach area and then you find this Square what is

This Square why don’t you drop down and see but be careful you need to land in the water and if you don’t you’ll land on the spikes wo I just got stuck in the spider web but hey I really did it wo you really did that’s so awesome Milo

I’m really proud of you and what do you think of this dropper it has spikes and cobwebs and turrets inside if I’m being really honest I think you’re being way too op it’s giving insecurity what too op and hey I’m not insecure I’m so secure that’s why my base is secure and

Milo op is better it just gives me a higher chance of surviving I think you’re a try hard um Milo you’re saying this while you’re running around on spikes yeah and they don’t hurt me if you had spikes in your base you’d know not to step on them Milo have you built

Any extra defenses in your base since the last time I checked yeah I actually do have spikes in my base if you even care I do but Milo I don’t think you have many defenses hey don’t put signs inside my dropper whatever I’m going back to my place I think Milo you better

Go home and build so many more defenses I really think you’re going to need it all right thanks for your help buddy you’re welcome Milo this final room is so important we’ve got to make this the most secure room of all that’s why I’m going to build it pretty small the

Smaller a room is the easier it is to protect it’s going to be at the end of this 10 block hallway we also need to line the walls with obsidian obsidian is such a powerful block and we’re going to use it in this super secure final room

It is going to have so many layers of obsidian on the walls that way we get maximum protection by making sure we have at least one obsidian filled room at the end we really give ourselves the best chance of survival all right now now we just have to mine out this area

And fill it with obsidian all right we just have to mine this room a little bit upwards and then we can get started on really adding in the walls I really like this shape and now we just have to add the obsidian I’m going to fill this

Whole thing with it it’s going to look like a normal Square room but it has super cool angles of obsidian all around it protecting it from zombies this room is really important because it is the final room but it also leads to an escape room we’re really far underground

So escaping is not going to be too easy that’s why we need a super complicated Redstone machine to help us Escape I think I know the perfect one an awesome TNT launcher let’s add the final obsidian to the roof and the floor and then we’ll be able to build it oh I’m so

Glad we made the bottom floor out of obsidian as well TNT can be really destructive I also need to provide armor stands with fully Enchanted netherite armor I can even put them in here a room where we can grab so many books of blast protection for let’s put the Anvil down

Down we need to grabb a bunch of this stuff I think we need to combine the helmet with it first and then do the same for every other book Let’s place down three armor stands right here this way there’s one for me one for Milo and

One for use in an emergency in case we both need to reuse one all right now through here I will make the TNT launcher room first I need to make a pretty big area it can’t just be little otherwise it won’t work very well although we don’t want to do too much

TNT even though we have blast protection armor we’re still not Invincible we’ve got to make sure that whatever we do we’ll be able to survive it we need to dig this whole chamber all the way to the top of the world I’m pretty sure this is quite far away from the original

Build as well so we’ll definitely be able to dig straight up and we’ll build a wall around it so the zombies cannot just come back in let’s dig this whole area all the way down to where we’ll build the TNT launcher I also need to fill every single Gap in these walls

With obsidian I built the obsidian surrounding all the stone and dirt and ores but I think it also needs to break the air if we get launched by the TNT launcher and get smacked into this wall we won’t be able to go the full distance upwards okay I think I’ve managed to do

Quite a lot but it’s still not enough we need to make this obsidian platform a bit taller but first I actually need to make the real TNT launcher it needs to be big enough that the TNT can really send us upwards we also need one block of obsidian right here let’s grab a

Bunch of dispensers and fill them with TNT oh yeah this is going to look so cool this way we can use a super cool build hack to click on the dispenser and place all TNT dispensers all the way around without having to fill up every single one it’s such a cool life hack

Now we need to grab some water buckets and place them all around this little ring if we do this it makes the TNT less painful and it also means the TNT won’t blow up the dispenses if it did that that would be real bad now we just need

Some redstone dust as well as a button it’s important that we have a button and not some kind of lever because buttons can be activated again and again and again again we’ll loop around the Redstone just like this okay I’m really nervous to see if this works I hope this

Launches me really high oh no the TNT is so loud oh no that did not launch me very high at all I better add a few adjustments instead of having one button I think we need to make a contraption that will trigger the machine many times

Let’s give this a go I really hope this works wa yep I think it’s working wo that launched me way higher than it did before but oh no that TNT did a lot of damage luckily I did not use regular TNT I used my super cool repairing TNT for this so it should

Totally undo the damage wo that is incredible I am so happy we decided to use that and not boring regular TNT that would have been an absolute disaster to help make sure that that TNT does not get stuck outside the water again though we’re going to place a wall here this

Way when the TNT is spawned it will drop right into the water where it can’t blow anything up oh except except for that one oh whoopsy daisies but wao that totally worked it launched me really really high now we just need to grab a Blackstone slab it looks just like the

Obsidian and if we add all this Redstone back oh yeah this should totally work there should not be any leftover TNT this time and would you look at that it’s totally working we just have to stand in the middle and wa it launches us really high that’s perfect it’s even

Higher than the first test Ah that’s amazing now we can really make this platform huge and get started on the next Next Level now that we are officially too high for any zombie to reach over because this hill was being a real problem we can make the next

Platform I need to place a chest with an elytra on it here we go we’ll have two of them and we’ll need a couple different elytras with a couple different fireworks that way if me and Milo want to come up here we’ll both be safe let’s fill this whole top section

With elytra and then add fireworks on the bottom bits we’ll do the same on this other chest as well because once we get up here we are going to need to fly to the final platform I just just need to grab a bunch of stained glass and build really really high up this

Platform is going to be so high in the sky you won’t even be able to see it from below and speaking of Seeing Things From Below Milo what are you doing what is this this is part of my secret base it’s the emergency exit this is really

Crazy chip I can’t believe you built this yeah me too Milo and I can’t believe I’m building this gloss platform all the way up in the sky we’re going to need elytra to get to it that’s how high up it’s going to be but I’m not very

Good at flying with the lightra I know you’re not Milo luckily I’ll make this platform really really big so there’s plenty of landing area just like this I’ll make the whole thing out of glass as well I know glass can shatter but it won’t break it’ll be really strong tough

Glass it doesn’t even matter though because I’m going to be perfectly safe in my base I don’t know Milo I have a really good view of your base from here and while it is pretty secret there is a camel outside and I remember going inside there was not many defenses there

There that Camel is my defense his name is Simon Simon the camel Milo how is Simon the camel going to help you he’s going to spit at the zombies uh okay sure while you’re getting animals to spit on the zombies I’m going to add chests up here with the final weapons

That we will use I’m going to grab a bunch of different kinds of arrows we can grab Soul torch arrows as well as freezing arrows and we can also definitely Place tracking arrows that would be so cool as well as vexing arrows those can travel through blocks

Let’s also grab a slime netherite Arrow I love the netherite arrow so much and we also need lightning arrows those are so cool finally we’ll get magnetic Diamond arrows and a bow and stop putting them inside these chests CH do you know something about Simon uh what

Is it about Simon Milo well you can fit two people on a camel’s back which means he could be our final Escape wait Milo your final Escape through a field of zombies is is a camel yeah of course Simon is really cool and smart uh I’m

Sure he is but Milo you have to be a lot more than cool and smart to survive a zombie attack that’s not what I heard what did you hear Milo I heard that if you’re cool and you’re really awesome then the zombies won’t want to gu you

Okay well there’s nothing more cool and awesome than the arrows I’ve just made I’m going to break this class because the platform needs to float once we get up there we’ll grab bows and arrows and shoot the remaining zombies all the way from Up there will take down the Zombie

Army once and for all I’m totally going to shoot them yeah that’s a great idea Milo and I’m also going to go over to my initial area I’m worried that your defense will not be enough so I need to make this area extra secure for the both

Of us not for the both of us I’m not going anywhere near your base when the Zombies come out okay good luck with that Milo I will make sure that you can ENT here if you need to I just have a feeling the entrance to my base is going

To be so small and sneaky first I need a lever as well as a sticky piston let’s grab this one right here we’ll also need some Redstone not only Redstone Dust but also some Redstone repeaters we also absolutely need some observers and I can just use grass blocks to make it since

They’ll blend in really well with the environment first we need to place our lever right here let’s go directly underneath it and we’ll test that we’ve lined it up right by powering it on oh yeah look it totally works now let’s place a grass block here this looks like

It’s totally sealing Us in but it’s actually not this is part of the entrance we’re going to have a slime block Piston machine that will push it on once we power that redstone block it will go around and power up this piston which will totally push away that block

That just means we will have to place an obsidian right there to stop it from pulling down that other grass block okay we’ve got the first part of the machine already built but now we need to work on the second part luckily the second part

Is way easier we just have to add a couple Redstone repeaters over here set them to be really really long timers so they take a while before they go off and Link it up to the Redstone oh this is perfect we can make them a little bit

Quicker I think I waited a little too long with them and finally after so much tinkering I have managed to make this entrance almost completely undetectable look you just drop right down I’m going to add a little slime block platform right over here so when we fall we’re

Not going to take much damage that is so perfect now my base is Totally Secure one thing I am going to do now is grab a camera and I also need to grab a camera monitor I’m going to hold the camera monitor on me but I need to go place the

Camera monitor over on Milo’s house he knows that I don’t really trust him to survive so I need to make sure we have eyes on him this way we’ll be able to see and make sure that he’s properly surviving wo this is the camera view it looks awesome perfect now we know

Exactly what’s happening at least to his front entrance I guess that’s why we need to make another camera right over here it’s a little hard to see through all the tall grass but we should be able to do it here is camera number two I really hope he doesn’t see he cannot

Know that I don’t trust him that would be so embarrassing all right it is time to activate this lever and go inside before the sun sets and the zombies arrive I am now safe and secure inside my base and I think Milo is too but let’s check the cameras I don’t see any

Zombies on this camera but maybe if we check the next camera there definitely will be some all right I don’t see any on this camera as well I know that the zombies are coming though so we need to keep checking I can feel that they will

Come for Milo first I just know it he is not built a very secure base at all where could the zombies come from though I do not know oh no there they are there’s so many zombies and they’re all attacking Milo this is bad I guess I

Really have to go there and save him oh goodness I need to grab my Emergency Equipment from underneath the Slime I have Ender pears and water buckets I need to quickly go get armor as well they’re banging down my door help me oh my gosh oh no I can hear it it sounds

Terrible I need to check on the cameras as well and oh no they’re making their way inside I need to be even quicker this is Bad Milo I’m coming to save you CH help me oh my gosh I need to make my way through my own defenses I need to

Grab my netherite armor and put them on right now this is my blast proof armor okay I don’t want to use my TNT launcher machine but I do have ender pearls I’m going to try and get out using them oh goodness I really hope this works wo it

Totally did now I can make my way over to Milo using my secret entrance I’m so glad this came in handy I just hope I have enough time let’s check the cameras again quickly to make sure Milo’s still alive oh I see the zombies he’s running

Around we really have to hurry oh no this is a horrible situation Milo I’m coming okay don’t be mad but I built a secret tunnel underneath your base you what oh chip you’re such a trickster I’m going to shout at you when you get here

Oh gosh uh Milo I didn’t bring a sword do you have any spare oh you do thank goodness check the chest thanks Milo I did I need to come up up and save you I think we need to run away come on I have the perfect place to go we’ve got to go

Into my bunker a chip I think we might be surrounded Oh no you’re right quick I need to eat a golden apple ah there are so many zombies attacking me right now Milo hey get away from my brother zombies oh Milo we’re going to need to run through these lasers and into my

Base a chip we got to run you’re right Milo the zombies are coming we have to get out of here get on the camel quickly okay I we need to unleash it first though oh he’s taking forever to stand up CH pop on wao the zombies are trailing behind us this camel was

Actually a good idea and Milo you’re going in the wrong direction I was I don’t know where to go there’s a hole in the ground it’s just over there Milo what are you doing oh my gosh we need to run this way Milo we need to jump down

This hole right now okay let’s go quickly all right quick and oh no I didn’t get a chance to flick the lever this is bad it means the zombies can follow us us Milo we have to run run quick and don’t step on these pressure plates no Milo and don’t fall in the

Lava it’s okay I’ve picked you up you do not have to worry I can even give you some water as well but wait a second we both ate enchanted golden apples so we’re immune yeah and oh no Milo more zombies are coming we have to run

Through this place now get past the raes we don’t have time wo there’s so many we need to go through this Beach area I think they will struggle to follow us here y I nearly hit the bed trap all right it’s time to go down the dropper

Are you sure you can do this again Milo I hope so at least I got a practice run yeah all the rest of my base is blowing up so more zombies are bound to come down soon I did it chip let’s go oh no Milo the zombies have found their way

Down look the turrets are handling them and hey get off the spikes they’re really hurting me oh wow there’s so many more coming at least the turrets are working but Milo we won’t have this place secure for much longer you need to grab an enchanted netherite Bloss

Protection arm set all right let’s do this oh gosh some of them are getting down quick we need to use the TNT launcher machine Milo this is pretty complicated and I don’t think I can hold them off for much longer we need to go right now okay come on let’s go we got

This yeah we’re going to make it ow I did not make it Milo oh no I have to come up there to you really quick before the zombies find a way up here too CH what are you going to do I can’t make it

Without you but wo I have an endel oh oh no oh no this has to work okay I really need to do this this time okay I have a good feeling about this Milo CH you made it out I did now I just need to make it

Up to the top of the tower could you stand on that chest Milo yeah I can stand on that chest I’m going to ender pearl onto you what hey don’t end the B onto me sorry Milo it’s what I had to do because uh-oh more zombies are coming

Out there we need to get further up what how do we get further up we need to use the elytra and fireworks in these chests I have one final defense area up there but we need to get to it quick I totally forgot that you said we had to use our

Lra goodness gracious I’m scared it’s okay Milo we got this we only have one shot so we better make it count all right let’s fly up there okay I’m going to eat an apple first good idea Milo that’ll really help you okay the zombies are making their way up we need to go

Now let’s go all right you got this Milo you’re doing such a good job I’m right behind you I’m flying with my eyes closed because I’m so scared you need to land on the platform Milo you need to be careful this is scary okay you did it

Now we need to grab the bows and arrows from inside these chests they are so overpowered we should be able to grab one of every single kind which one should I use oo that’s a really good question I’m going to use the lightning netherite Arrow so you can use anyone

That’s not that I want to use the lightning oh sorry Milo that one’s mine now we need to fly down back onto the obsidan cityan platform that way we’ll be close enough to take out these zombies and reclaim our home yeah let’s protect it all right there you are Milo

We just need to land carefully and safely and oh no you fell down Milo oh no there you are you made it CH I will I’ll use my lightning arrows wo they’re damaging all the zombies at the same time just don’t hit me with it please I

Won’t okay now I need to use my magnetic netherite arrows what does this do wao it pulls the zombies towards it hey I can hit them now wao but be careful Milo oh no because you’re wearing netherite it magnetizes you too help me I was just stuck that was really scary okay now

I’ll try using the vexing netherite Arrow this one can be shot through blocks so if I stand Here wo I can shoot them through the obsidian that’s really cool oh chip please hurry up and kill them I’m really feeling scared okay I’ll use the freezing Arrow wao it totally

Put snow everywhere but it didn’t freeze them at all maybe the tracking netherite Arrow this will track the nearest mob and go right towards them wo look at that it’s so cool I think you should use the lightning again all right I’ll use the lightning Arrow to take down these

Final few zombies oh yeah look at that Milo we’re vanquishing them yeah get them and take that oh Milo I think we got all the zombies wow we really did it chip we saved the day and we survived the Zombie Army by using my amazing secret bunker good job Milo ho

Milo and Chip are in big trouble and now they must build Secret Bunker Houses to make sure they are safe! But what happens when the zombies find them?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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