Minecraft’s New Cave Dweller just arrived… From the Fog on LifeDrain | Episode 6

[Applause] All right and we’re back in my modded Minecraft hardcore World things are getting a lot worse making traveling down in the caves a whole lot more dangerous and it’s not going to get any easier I’m bringing back the life drain mechanic that you all love every time I

Die the game will get progressively harder as I will lose one heart of maximum health not to mention I have no Health regeneration at all how long can I survive in this nightmare of a world I have no idea so sit back and buckle up because things get a little Crazy I don’t know what I’m going to do do I go back I got to go back can’t go any further is this guy still here where is it oh no well that was scary just not go that way for now okay I can’t stay down here I got to go back

Up I just don’t know how I got back down here right I’m good dark I don’t feel like I went this way I did not get the iron though was it this way oh I don’t remember I need wood why why what is That I just got to figure out which way I came I don’t know like I see light which is good what no no no looks like it’s turning into day okay good right here wait no not right here up here please no I just need wood or logs I who was

That why do I hear a heartbeat which which way did I come in here oh that’s just oh oh oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh give me my give me it back oh my gosh oh my gosh okay where’s the way up I don’t remember stop

Seriously okay I was just in here and something just fell on me so no we’re not going that way I know I didn’t come down in a big cavern but where did I come down from I just need wood dude okay I think I passed all this first all this Shale

Stuff if I remember correctly why is it so dark down here okay hold on we got we got we got stuff we got nothing okay we’re um not doing good no this is nothing too I don’t like being down the caves anymore problem is I can’t keep going because if I go lower

In Insanity I’m going to start seeing some bad stuff or here and stuff like that is it this way I don’t know oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait there are torches over there so did I go that way okay let’s go that way oh I can’t keep being in this

Water why did I do what I did why wasn’t I paying attention stop it Herobrine oh oh oh wait wait wait o okay okay oh right here oh gosh okay guess okay let’s go get that wood real quick of those logs and not be a dummy this time got to do it quick

Though get rained on where where where’s the way up here I think it was around here no we don’t need no ominous sounds please okay just get under a tree real quick and let’s just get the logs I want to be able to make a few if I can few campfires

Okay now let’s see if I can get back to uh my spot I was at down there maybe I remember how I got in I think it’s down here no means I’m going a little nuts let’s just let’s just quickly don’t like bats not those ones

The big ones someone said I can tame them don’t know if I want to tame them quite honest with you who was down here no here Ron stay off my back I know I’m feeling uneasy I just want to get into my space where I felt safe and we’ll go from

There is it no no come on where is it through here right here right here okay okay no going to make a few of them so I can’t mess it up okay so I can just put that there got him in my backpack there I’m good so I don’t run into

It okay now we just chill and relax a juke box on this man it’s a good tune right there it’s bopping there was a way down somewhere oh no is that guy back he like one shot you man from the fog he not a cool dude

Not not very cool to deal with at all okay I got to get back out to that big open Cavern cuz I think that’s where hello I’m not liking this at all okay this is where I want to be out here sort of I need lava an easy way to get This hey hey no no oh shoot shoot shoot shoot no no no I don’t know if this is going to kill Me is it is it is It 3 seconds no no it’s not going to kill me oh my gosh I didn’t know if it was going to be fatal poison or What oh that was close okay I don’t know why I panicked shouldn’t have panicked get out of here in the fire yeah no no no no don’t need to do that don’t need to do that oh oh oh it’s the ey eyes no no no dude you do not need to be

Around okay I need to try to grab this safely as I can there how far down does this go oh my gosh that’s far down I mean I want to go down there that’s for sure this is going to be dumb and I’m going to own up to it right now

But I’m going to jump right here okay that’s good that’s good that’s what I wanted to do oh no okay that was not good that was not good that was not good no no no oh oh my gosh there’s so many things there’s so many things oh my

Gosh okay that was not the best idea I will admit that a let’s make a let like a little door here you know when I mean door I mean trap doors because uh those dweller entities they can break those wooden doors so you don’t want to really have

Those up okay I’m running out of uh suspicious stew I thought I had enough I guess not that is fine it’s one of those guys again stop still not even that deep just trying to make this safe as I can o is there a crow down here man there’s so many zombies

I mean those big guys they don’t hurt me they don’t even care about me oh there’s one guy right there is there a deep dark right there there’s a bat right there I mean I’m not too concerned about no no no no no thank you okay so that’s like the deep dark I

Don’t know where to go I want to go lower but I can’t really get there oh it’s not like I can go down anyway look at my sanity okay just going to I don’t know what I’m doing here I I don’t I don’t know we’re going to what what dude

What I keep keep coming fall down what I don’t even know what this say I don’t know what mod that is sometimes I just add things that you guys ask me to add and I have no idea what it is okay I’m down now I’m down now and I’m running oh oh oh

Oh um okay oh no I want that oh my Gosh no why am I down here where is that coming from that’s an ancient city should I go into the ancient city I can find some good stuff in there you know what things don’t really spawn in the ancient city except for the warden right I can handle the warden I

Think oh no I didn’t think about this one I’m not going to have any light if I can get a swift sneak like right away I’ll be golden probably make a hoe though cuz I’ll be able to break things faster okay I need to get the wool I’m going to need

This okay sh quiet oh wait wait wait wait wait is it is it sheers make it go quick I I can’t remember yeah okay here we go we’re in business now we’re in business now I only have one issue is that even though I’m holding a torch my sanity is still going

To go down and um it’s not a good thing I think this has a chest on it I think honestly if I get Swift sneak I don’t even care about making noise cuz I can move quick while sneaking and uh I don’t the warden I won’t bother the

Warden yeah I got to be careful protection okay oh that’s protection too shoot can you stop setting off things please like I can put a disc In oh yeah now I’m feeling this one there you go okay it’s taking a weird turn it’s getting a little weird now I got to go back to my jam that’s where it’s at yeah just oh hello no there should be nothing down here okay um guess we go

Down yeah be a little quieter than that next time okay whoa okay Alex is here that’s cool she looks a little uh little different this insan this Sandy thing is not going to be great I mean I I’m going to using all my campfires cuz my sanity just goes down too quick down

Here okay ancient sapling what’s that b of arthropods kind of garbage man where’s the good loot I don’t know this ancient city just looks different like to me maybe it’s not I don’t know what’s that why is there spawners in here oh I knew this was going to happen I got to get

Somewhere I’m going to place this down and I sure hope there’s not nothing next to me please please please okay there wasn’t just stay right here oh I hate those sounds they give me all the time there’s a spawner there I don’t know what’s in that spawner I don’t like

The idea of there being a spawner but if it’s what I’m thinking it is is that if I get if I get too close to it it’s going to burst out a bunch of mobs I think I think so let’s just try to ignore it and go over here let’s

Not let’s not play around with stuff like that okay and I thought there would have been a chest up here maybe it’s on the other side nothing on that side what is this got to make sure I’m well stocked up on this stuff you know I keep hearing it out

There there’s something out there it’s a dweller but I didn’t think they could actually spawn down here like nothing can spawn down here except for the warden right oh unless there’s like an opening somewhere I I don’t know but I keep hearing him he’s out there and I’m sure he’s

Watching me I don’t like it I don’t like it one bit because if they can spawn down here I’m in trouble cuz that Warden will be popping up 100% cuz I’ll be running okay so far so good haven’t heard him in a while I think I think I’m I think I’m safe to

Continue oh okay I guess I’m wrong still here still here somewhere why did it get dark why did I have Darkness okay there better be a chest here somewhere why am I missing something okay just going to have to chill here I guess yeah I don’t know it’s just creepy

Oh just peeking over the corner that’s that’s not creepy at all yeah I don’t know I I don’t know why I I’m not seeing many chests down here I’m starting to wonder if it’s even worth it what does that does Herobrine set those off that’s not good oh there’s a chest right

Here now here’s the problem with me oh my gosh the frame rate over there doesn’t like it uh here’s the thing with me I get a little lazy and I just need to check and I think I was good ooh ancient Tom I don’t know what that is regeneration

Too I’ll take that wish I’d find something good though I want a diamond diamonds or something you know I might just go strip mining to be quite honest with you cuz really finding anything down here just go into one of these walls and just go crazy just strip

Mine all the way to the world’s Edge you know have to worry about nothing Le I don’t think I’ll have to worry about anything you know what I think I might do that I’m just not finding any chest here I found like three with absolutely nothing in it

So we’re going to pick a direction and we’re just going to go okay I think that’s the best thing I can do really run out of logs eh I got to stop putting crafting tables down and not picking them up think that’s my problem do you hear that

Noise I don’t know what dwellers spawn in they could spawn in a 2X one I have no idea I never paid much attention most of the time when I encountered them it was all like in the open so we’re just going to cover it up if we have to what is that

Noise what is that there’s always new sounds to hear in this I tell you that’s not good I’m just ignoring it okay we got more deep dark please don’t be around a shrier oh oh we’ll just uh fill that up at least I know I can go that way I

Think that’s kind of where I came down I don’t know no no why was the warden there why was the warden there I don’t I’m I’m starting to think there is no diamonds in this world if I’m going to be quite honest with you like I’m deep enough there’s no reason

Why no it’s okay don’t need to be whistling dude I like this tough stuff it’s really fast to break satisfying you Know what it was like a I don’t even know infested Herobrine I guess yeah let’s go back and start poking holes cuz going straight is obviously not working out for me at all what The what is that oh my gosh no no no no no No no no no no he can’t get in here right right he’s still there excuse me sir I would like to continue this way oh my gosh why is he so Loud is he gone is he gone okay he’s gone my gosh that was freaky okay we’re going to pull coals and hopefully we don’t get too many other people sneaking up on us I mean is there just like is there just like no diamonds got to be kidding

Me I’ve been down here for like Days no diamonds yet not a single one okay well we’ll just uh do the other side I guess I don’t know this is ridiculous not one feel like I’m mining for netherite wait is that diamond is that diamond oh my gosh it is Diamond do I

Have efficiency on this no yeah I do have efficiency I meant like Fortune two three four five 6 7 eight diamonds I can make a chest piece okay okay that’s good that’s a win I don’t know I I kind of want to take that as a

Win and get out of here it’s eight diamonds you know if I die down here there’s no way I’m coming back down to get it oh what’s in here what’s what’s this any diamonds down here okay so here’s a little trick with with all this stuff here sometimes there’s

Ore underneath it and if you got something that’s really oh that’s my sanity going down I’m okay for a little bit oh wait I can get a lot of experience this way this is like this is awesome okay let’s do this see there’s lapis there it’s also very satisfying you know very satisfying

So yeah there’s lapis here that’s good some red Stone don’t like that guy problem is I don’t know which one that is thought I got rid of him I thought I got rid of him why is he still in the mod pack he should not be in the mod pack I got tired of his cheap kills okay oh

Okay we’re going back up the way we came I got to hit up some of those campfires yeah I think it was this way this is my door Yep I remember where my campfire was I think it was pretty close actually the Shader makes it so bright down here during the day stop dude oh my Insanity right my sanity is going down where was that where was the spot where was the spot right there it’s right there it’s got to

Get over to it I got a couple I’ll be fine be all right did I just see something no not at all I just heard something that’s it there’s no creepers in the ancient ities all right I’m good just got to chillax here I’ll be fine who what was

That oh my gosh guys just let me do my thing what is what oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I thought he already fell oh don’t you climb don’t you climb don’t you climb don’t you climb you can’t climb up on this you can’t climb up on This go away gosh I need need my sanity back I can’t do it how do you was he just up on a Ledge somewhere that’s why he got in he fell in must have no okay I need can can you stop for a second I’m

Trying to say something I need to get my sanity back okay I got to get back down oh man is he still there down there probably not was the how get down yeah doesn’t look like he’s here now can you please leave me alone maybe I should

Go to the other one where there’s no hole to worry about yeah this is the one okay let’s get over there think I can run on this right just not other Stone other blocks okay let’s use this one chill here for a little bit where did I come in I came

In around here somewhere don’t remember well hello sir I’m leaving your space don’t you worry about it getting out of here I’m done with it not finding anything anyway okay I have a crafting table around here somewhere it’s where I came down I jumped down so I really don’t know how I got

Down here I don’t know if this is the best course of action or not I’m going to be quite honest with you oh what no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh oh go go away go away go

Away oh my gosh he’s let the warden out where’s the warden no no no no no we are good thank you we are so good my gosh get out of this oh my gosh let me out of here for a second jeee get my bearings that was crazy okay let’s get

Back okay let’s just ignore that I see the light I see it get me out get me out I don’t want to be down here anymore got hurry up I’m going to go insane I’m [Applause] done what is that what was that am I going nuts like was something chasing me okay no let’s get let’s get going before something else decides to chase me oh oh my gosh that’s that scared me uh I’m not liking the snowy area I’m just going to say that right

Now what is going on right now oh no okay where’s my compass compass is going this way let’s just try to get over the snow without falling in the snow please I would be grateful I think I’m going nuts I think that’s what the problem is with all these sounds let’s

Just get back without hurting myself too much home sweet home let’s get back our giin friend’s gone but that’s okay nope just stay on track Shadow just stay on track okay okay sure all right let’s just get back safe and sound of course you got to start raining

Of course you got to start raining yep here we go come on get back get back come on what what all right and that’s it for this episode if you enjoyed it please subscribe it means the world to me and it really helps me out bless it helps

Notify you anytime I drop a new video and if you want to watch more scary type of videos consider clicking on one of the videos on the screen and with that shadow Mech out

This is the 6th episode where Herobrine has emerged from beyond the fog again and didn’t just bring some of his cave dweller variant friends with him, he brought a whole lot of scary monster into my Hardcore World. Do I have what it takes to survive? Please enjoy! #Minecraft #herobrine #intothefog #ShadowMech

Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/gM1PASdKKqY

Or maybe start from the first.
Episode 1: https://youtu.be/TGUjgu73CxA

MODPACK: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/from-the-fog-lifedrain-edition

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Video Related to Includes:
100 Days Minecraft
Players Simulate Medieval Times
Players Simulate Civilization
Hardcore Minecraft
Horror Minecraft


  1. I started ur series last night and it is so entertaining! Thought I'd need to wait a few days for the next upload and the vid is here🎉
    Btw use more torches below and in your base it is so dark😮

  2. Oh yeah after the wait comes the reward, I love your series shadow….
    I really love them❤❤❤❤, I'm waiting for the next chapter of the plague

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