Empress Eevee Live Stream 82! Stardew Valley Crowd Control!

My seem It’s May know only then make so I’ll yippe you me your tax refund belongs to you not an identity thief over oh that’s not the button there we go oh my gosh hang on why am I floating get rid of that there’s my VC face why am I so small there we go just

Technical difficulties like [Laughter] usual how’s everyone doing on this fantastic evening sorry if that took me a minute I um I was snacking on a salad also I saw we got some wheel spins we got one from uh who did I see first uh let’s see we got Mike first and

Then we got did I see one from May hold on I see Sammy try to do one okay yep okay we got three let me uh go ahead and do that real quick but how’s everyone’s day been going and I cannot speak today who’s this Mike I’m sorry Mick Mick the Famer the

Impostor making me speak a bad accent ENT all right mate uh here’s your spin oh my gosh my accent’s so bad I’m sorry my accent uh who was second it was Sammy it’s not even British all right Sammy that sound more Australian you get to pick my

Model and we got May with a spin the Pew was perfect you thought it was the wheel stopping Croy oh no no May you’re making me eat a bean oh no GB e okay uh hold on where’s my VC face there’s my VC face we go with GB today

Boys I haven’t used chibi in a while oh my gosh I forgot how zoomed in it is can I adjust hang on let me adjust no that’s not the button and then let me just move Over I’m trying to scooch there we go and then there we go hi B welcome to the live stream it’s good to see you I hope you’re fantastic evening big old chibi yep no no spicy bean uh let me get the bean SP hope it’s not a funky one I just had salad

Blue the blueberry toothpaste nice refreshing Mint or blueberry right after my salad nice nice nice all the spice no no spice extra funky no all right oh mint a nice toothpaste after my salad not bad let me switch this back to normal be gone wheel tasty toothpaste yes

What was in the salad it was a cob salad so it was lettuce cheese bacon bits Ranch oh is the server down right now also let me go ahead and start playing uh English put the game up uh let’s see yes I need that that that uh move you over here you over

Here why am I having that why is there connector error excuse me oh select game Mo that’s why start Valley does everything have to break when I Stream oh you’re trying to fix the depressed hunger thing okay hi train Master welcome to the live stream I hope you have a fantastic evening thank you for stopping by uh I’m currently battling with crowd control is not W to work today where is there’s that pull up all that again there we

Go uh crowd control come on it’s you booped me you change your profile pictures just like the Canadian national GE e t44 AC oh that’s cool that’s a cool looking train actually uh games games games this button this button games I need my St where’ it go there it

Is I’m not no steam don’t update excuse me hang on one momental pu I am sorry guys and then let’s see I swear everything goes wrong when I try to stream not any other time just when I’m streaming oh everything’s stying to pop up no go away go away uh

Music here we go till the next ad at least come on Snappy see why are you having a connector ER connector fail to load click to reload I’m clicking to reload oh I didn’t see the filter what filter did you use when happens to your you might say is ludicrous no that won

Fix oh my gosh I need to get Spotify Premium hi Sean welcome to the live stream thanks for some by I hope you had a fantastic evening um I might not be able to do crowd control it’s acting up for some reason uh like usual it’s probably my computer this is

Something about memories so I I got to go in and clean it resp sponsor no well how you been uh Sean I hope you’ve been having a fantastic evening it’s okay regular star do is fine well I’ll still be able to do it U modded it just won’t be crowd control

I hear it it’s popping up it’s just crowd control doesn’t want to work oh and I’m floating hold on me move me down there we go potato tomato same thing a potato and a tomato are not the same thing one’s a tubular and one is a uh a

Fruit this is what you get when you eat too much candy you should excuse me it’s how I stay so sweet uh yeah no crowd control is not going to work I’m GNA have to look into that later sorry guys it’s going to be regular old modded

Stardo with 69 mods that need to be updated and I eat other stuff other than candy oh my gosh that’s loud Hurry up a loaded so I can turn that down that’s so loud I’ll melt in the rain cuz I’m so sweet come on sppy I know you can do it good old 600 mods and stardy yes no I have 69 Nice no you don’t Adit it Empress I do I I literally scarfed down a solid right before Stream yippe yippe yes all right come on stardo noise perfect number of mods I don’t know I think stard is struggling oh you want to work it’s thinking about it it’s struggling there it goes Sean you have 200 poke Puffs you’re rich yes cuz you haven’t been watching Sean welcome back

Mike oh I need to sip real quick yeah my crowd control is not wanting to work um I can try pulling it up again now that I got stardo up it might have been just the loading stuff and let me put that down NOP that’s a negatory that’s all right we’ll just

Play some regular old modded stardo I know we were trying to get blue chickens from May help you set it up for lethal uh sure it’s Blackberry season I’m trying to remember all the buttons uh oh let me move you guys over here so I can see there we go yeah tab there we go throw you in there oh we got pizza oh that’s right it was for Shane wow we have a lot of cranberries here we go uh anything up here no did we need Cranberries for a bundle no uh I know we need honey for a bundle though shaneo is wanting something actually it’s not true he’s more of a recluse a depressed

Recluse no no no no wait wait wait oh no se it’s what you get for not [Laughter] watching yes you get more just by hanging out there we go wrong button oh nice roll Sammy uh these large eggs regular white regular brown okay no we need a large egg for a

Bundle oh we did get a large egg oh cool we can put that in a bundle do we have a lot of stuff in throw in a bundle uh no we just got a couple things it’s good to it’s good to see you too train master

All right Shane where are you uh oh wait you might have we gifted him for his week okay we only got him one all right Shane you in here there you are oh you got the green heart nice oh I don’t let me turn the volume

Back up so you guys can hear that there we go I forgot I turned it down trash Bread anything over here crafting L trash in the water I don’t remember what lonus gives us I’m not sure on that one oh why in the face Sean that’s a weird [Applause] face St fist cler um don’t think we need any of those oh that was the wrong

Button no wa I need need the fish there we go no we already got the CL that’s so weird [Applause] Sean it’s a it’s a puku I forget how to pronounce I actually had a shiny one um on sun and moon it was green they so cute I don’t like you

SE um it should work the bot is up unless it’s just taking it s all time oh wait it’s not Li it’s stuff I forgot it’s it was Different e you bumped me wait did the bread work I don’t know if I I saw it right oh I missed no hang on [Applause] so many [Applause] yippies oh I see the head Pat okay the head Pat works oh no not the nose Oh we want any [Applause] more will Eevee catch her her Fish I won’t recommend wow it doesn’t recommen recommend me catching it I see how it is yeah no it’s just keep give me seaweed [Applause] fine I don’t have a shovel throw command yet I need to make one wait there’s a top a top watch hour I didn’t know that that’s

Cool I need to make a hype command too hang on to do make hype and shovel throw command a thank you for the hug um do I need these for a bundle no I can sell them I didn’t check the weather be sunny spirit this are those two different commands wait which

Ones which commands Mike the to-do uh yeah there there two different commands that I want to do Unless let sunny day I didn’t mean to fish my TV not sure if you’ve been upgraded or downgraded there’s a lot of mic going I’m sorry would you like me to call you Famer instead so the spirits are dis pleased today uh holding the stardy Valley Fair

In the Town Square it’s the biggest event of the Year drawing people from all across the country to our humble town if you like you can set up a a gr gr display for the event just bring it up to nine I I can’t even read today just bring up

To just bring up to nine as best showcase your tal that’s a weird way to say it you’ll be judged on the quality and diversity of your display the fair starts at 9:00 a.m. don’t miss it may or lose nice rle May Empress bullying people again shame shame I do not

Bully I am not bullying him water plants I always bully you but it’s okay I do not bully you old man our CHS already I don’t think we need them for a bundle no kids today no respect back in sha day the young whipper snappers they respected their elders got some love this

Growth what is it you guys wanted oh peaches that’s right I think I had a tree growing all our milk tanks you guys got food oh we got Mike with a wheel spin all right hang on one second where’s my Wheel there’s my wheel and where it stops nobody

Knows you got to make me talk like a Pokemon back in Mond day naughty kids lost all their candy yeah well touch my candy I’ll get the shovel CR crowd control is not the only thing that’s broken right now my English is apparently broken but spicy is coming no it is not Oh speaking of Mick milk in the M cow like syndic Quil okay I can kind of do syndic Quil cind Quil cind s [Laughter] Oh wrong way okay there we go you’re a cow too yes yes you are well not not a cow you’re a mil tank we found another trash

Bread oh did we get the eggs out of here no tomato potato that’s like tomato yeah tomor Empress has real skill to be able to play with no arms wait what what do you mean by that I have arms my arms are longer than my body no it’s just my keyboard’s lower so

You can’t see it that’s why my arms look like they don’t they’re not moving one of these days I’ll make a PNG so it looks like I have like a keyboard or controller in front of me one of these days I’m not doing anything else uh we need a large mil in

There wait does this mean I’m I’m uh I’m slender I sit on my keyboard excuse me WiFi hiccup oh no don’t you dare Skynet I will punch you to the Moon buffer. exe uh let’s go to cave we should go this way actually it’s a little quicker operation steal empress’s arms

Go you will not take my arms excuse me I will fetch my shovel as this old people say for it’s for the birds is that like one of the saying like um go eat crow or something like that loads Empress hunting musket fetch me musket wait no I played power world the musket

Sucks I have a bunch have you seen that Throne yes my lovely uh throne of shovels you’re British so you know so we know you have one of those I believe it mhm oh thank you for the head Pat yeah no I believe it in every British household you guys got a musket

Just just right above your door Boop oh you pooped me and we’re at 25 oh we’re still on the bug level no I despise the bug level and me long sword yes oh May with the wheel spin all right hang on one second uh where it land nobody

Knows oh Sammy with the wheel spin too all right may you get to change my model which one shall I wear and Sammy oh is it going to be a bean boozle another Bean Boozle oh no no spicy I swear Mike don’t you dare manifest it okay we’re just getting

Yellow so that’s going to be buttered popcorn or rotten egg neither of these are good so ah it’s the buttered popcorn oh that one’s so gross puke flavor one no the puke one it’s bad but it’s not that bad it’s just a a little bad the butter popcorn one

Sucks oh also May uh what model should I change to oh oh it’s a Diglett it was a Diglett she probably doesn’t have much left she eats them by shovel only my good ones I still have a whole Lea container and some small ones I still have a bunch of the

Spicy you don’t know which one also I just realized my uh my wheel was still up hang on one second I’ll pull up the uh all the models I have so you can pick we got hoodie version Chili Pepper version OG version spring uh dress version Valentine’s version mini me we

Got virus we got Clover uh chibi we got Pride we got Sur fluffington we got Mochi we got summer we got slender we got my Punker one uh my fall ghost Kitty one Angel my dragon cat Eevee Christmas Eevee pink Angel and Melody fig she would eat those like Tic

Tacs I actually do I like Tic Tacs surely nothing bad comes from excessive candy consumption oh no I I already feel the effects but I’m an adult so you know I I suffer from the consequences yeah I I uh was it uh I know the consequences also you said Valentine’s

All right there we go we’re Valentine’s make sure I’m just uh good to go okay adult and I am too an adult I may be a child at heart but I am an adult beetles ow a thank you for the hug I still need to add a um like a PNG

Or something to that I think it’ be cute oh did the barrel roll not work excuse me why didn’t that work no I need the bot test why is not working edit oh wait why is that not on my let’s play hang on uh excuse me why did that change um that should

Be oops no e that’s weird hang on let me change this real quick that shouldn’t be that that should be on uh excuse me where is it there it is I don’t know how that changed that’s a PE me see face ignore your spellings nope I will

Not ignore them just like you said not to ignore the feet also No also wait who yeah Mike you that was a bad roll button button there it is that button that button that button just a couple More this one and then nice this one yeah I don’t know why this one got messed up oh does that mean my filter one’s not working what a b okay this one should be working now there we go barrel roll works now oh thank you for the hydrate I’ll go and

Take a sep for my water bottle uh I mean this is this working why are you not working oh there it goes head snap those ones all work what about filter are you working okay filter is working and then what was the other one that’s like that the

Flip yes I think flip is messed up yeah okay um same thing real quick no not that button that button and then PC face edit uh let’s play oh that’s why you’re not working my OBS messed up hi e welcome to the live stream thank you for stoping by hope you

Have a fantastic evening sorry we’re having hiccups right now okay now that one’s working all right we’re good now sorry about that all right let’s get back to the game oh that dropped two ladders oh no is my colored one messed up too I going to break something no don’t break anything hold

On that says the let’s ah okay the Green Works Green Works red why don’t you work though test okay there it goes I don’t know why I didn’t trigger for you then you’re wait you’re looking around live streams and you’re looking for someone to eat a PB and J Live Well I

Would but I don’t o purple I don’t have a peanut butter sandwich at the moment I have a [Applause] salad and I have uh candies I’m eating it right now munch munch I mean it like I said it’s off to the side I didn’t finish it I’ll try to scarf it down before

Stream how are you doing M thank you for stopping by by the way I can finish the food no I’ll finish it when I get done with the oh there’s a ladder oh there was a Poliwag oh I he beel [Applause] no nothing can stand in the way with this upgraded

SW no the Slime I half regret making that God coffee coffee coffeee I haven’t had coffee today that actually sounds really good no wow why are you saying wow wow cuz I didn’t have coffee Puffs that only works on my uh my room scene I haven’t added it this one yet

The rubber Roots rubber Roots R rubber [Laughter] boots rubber Roots guys oh it’s only one immunity that’s not good W you [Applause] missed no nice roll M place for the ladder oh finally R out of the bug uh area also there’s a ladder oh I wonder what they made the stone golems

Oh it’s so dark there’s a ladder need an escape rope I you can make staircases oh that works what a bottle oh thank you for the hydr I’ll go ahead and take a sip it’s so dark oh the Golems didn’t change that’s okay oh no

Sammy that was a bad roll Mike steal the good luck the family strikes again I missed there we go you got an overhead phone holder to Time Lapse you assembling models that’s that’s awesome M I can’t wait to watch them oh Golem where’s this ladder oh it’s

Midnight oh I didn’t realize it was midnight run uh this way and down this way we only got an hour oh okay we made it I didn’t realize it was so late Roots platter it should be here this weekend nice oh good roll May going be sunny day

Tomorrow and Spinner taught us how to cook tortillas uh no I didn’t need no not that button that’s the button make all the bait for That famble to stammer yeah apparently that’s what that means famble is a word like an actual word a famble around while I’m adding that to my dictionary that’s awesome oh wait I can you no probably need it when we go talk to Abigail to stammer or another word for a

Hand ah yes this is my famble hand my feble I use it to write with wait is that Why I’m not gonna say the word but huh I wonder if that’s the reason for that word here this is my hand oops I didn’t mean to throw it I’m wait here we go I meant to organize there we go a double and famble I have two Fbl There we go Oops I meant to hold that longer oh Well oh all our corn is done well I can’t tell if it’s all of it no all of it is yes we need gold I know that I’m pretty sure ah it so nicey uh oh no we already got our gold okay so we need gold pumpkins or gold

Melons who is in my garden gimber you’re lucky I didn’t sell your chicken to the farm uh this one I think Shane yeah okay we can’t give him any more presents till next week some corn and eggs for some reason they don’t need be fed I guess they keep finding random patches of

Grass I need water there we go oh it’s air I don’t know why the red is being touchy unless I’m not spotting it right away we should make some more of those I keep pressing the wrong button wood Stone and coal I think we got that oh do we have

Enough can we make uh okay here no okay so make more of these wood Stone Co oh we don’t even have enough Wood I just nice roll M yipp exactly yippe hi Corb how you doing it’s good to see you thanks for sto by I hope you have a fantastic evening we are playing stard Valley modded uh unfortunately crowd control did not want to work today uh Stone and wood uh oh I need more

Wood see we can get some more wood Oh I forgot the train goes through yippe yes yippe every time’s a perfect time for a yippe Boop you booped me oh can I get through here we go tree give me your wood oh I can’t get through nope there we go go no no spicy I’ll get you your wheel hang

On a thank you for the head pad all right let’s get that wheel spin oops OBS come back to me and no spicy you going to make me stand all right I need to stand anyways I was sitting down all day I need to up that from five minutes

To like me like 30 minutes or something darn right wow wow I see how it is you guys are happy that I’m standing oh I’m standing had more time to the wheel yes uh all right we are making jars here we go add you and You no don’t eat the Blueberry who’s knocking at my door excuse me oh it’s Corb yellow someone’s knocking at your door we better go answer it water bottle oh thank you for the hydrate I’ll go ahead and take a SI it’s not you the who could it be at my door yeah you should let your mother in

Mike unfortunately my crowd control is not working today uh little chalice well welcome thank you for stopping by I hope you have a fantastic evening remember smile I hope you are remembering to smile that beautiful smile of yours unlike me where I can’t English [Applause] today nice yes

Nice oh I didn’t get the treasure chest Duls seaweed she dropping new stuff off uh to make your eggplant pesan that sounds [Applause] delicious I haven’t had eggplant in like since I was like we [Applause] Eevee a droopy tat wait when did they add taty to this mod I’m sitting down they added droopy tatti that’s so cute wait that means I can get a shiny I

Actually have a shiny tat um I got the a kitty no it’s not a kitty it’s a t goody um but I have a shiny version of the yellow variant where it’s orange with stripes that one needs to that needs to go on a fish [Applause] tank we found another Tatti oh and now I am bright blue more I wonder how much just pyy SS for oops we got the stretchy one that’s the one I have the uh shiny variant of yippe yes yippe I hope we can find the shiny one that’d be [Applause] cool more Ty that makes me wonder what’s going to be in the the winter fishing also nice R Sammy with a 97 a horsey another t uh I’m going to go try fishing in the river I want to see what’s in the [Applause] river happy and perceiving I am happy are you joking

Yeah I am super happy today oh my gosh so much garbage In this River oh we got a lum minion no me that the creepy face okay more luminan and alga see if we can go to the pond over here more trash bread oh oh we’re getting a Shan cut

Scene wait before we do the Shane cut scene we got a joke two parrots are sitting on a perch One turns to the other and asks do you smell fish oh cuz perch is a fish that was pretty good all right uh oh just a heads up

Shane’s cut scenes um some of them I know the later on ones can get pretty heavy cuz he he’s battling with like depression and stuff so that is a warning to everyone up late huh I’m always up late I never sleep here have a cold one as long it’s not beer Beer’s nasty

But knowing Shane it probably is life yep Also may I’ll get you your wheel spin after this you ever feel like no matter what you do you’re going to fail like you’re stuck in some miserable abyss and you’re so deep you can’t even see the light of day sometimes

I just feel like no matter how hard I try I’m not strong enough to climb out of that hole no I’m poor Shain it’s okay wow that gave us so much energy fast Drinker huh woman after my own heart ah I can hold my liquor just don’t make it happen you got

A future head of you still so do you shade so do you even if you’re feeling down there’s always someone who will listen to you welcome back Mike also thank you for the hug Corb and welcome back may oh my liver’s begging me to stop better call T night see you around Empress

Boy I believe we’re also drunk yes we’re Tipsy Shane be giving us the strong stuff you’re not Huggy wuggy from Poppy’s play time okay wait Sean why are you slap bubur why are you slapping Shane someone drinking an eggnog Yes actually eggnog is not too bad granted it tastes like bubble

Gum and uh May I’ll get you your wheel spin let me get back to the house throw those in there you don’t hug people to death death like Huggy does oh no if if that’s the way I have to go I won’t be hugged to death at least I’ll be

Happy uh so you and you the species differing colors and patterns are apparently the result of taty changing itself to suit the preference of the prey it LS in cute I’m going to keep I’m going to keep the yellow one can go my tank if I have

Room happy hug is a deadly hug yes oh I can’t add you in there can I add you in there I can’t oh it’s so cute I love the Sprite it’s so cutei I need to screenshot it there we go go Save save we now have a t gy now being thrown into the sun is a good end I mean at least he’ll be quick hyped yes hype wait we have hold on it may not be hyped we have this actually can I throw my sea urchins with each other hold

On oh I can’t okay fine you went back in there with tsy gy with your little hat it’s going bepp it’s a [Laughter] yippe the spirits are very displeased today you turn me into the French bread how could you turn me to the French bread huh uh

Salmon a thank you for the head hat all right grapes are done and our xplants are done and I am to nice you’re burning up a sun just to say goodbye don’t you dare do this to me no that was a delayed yipp no that was a sad scene in Doctor

Who a rose left upon the beach oh the quote was delayed no skynet’s attacking the the chat also our money it’s two I’ve never had that happen oh I missed there we go he said that right after he said something about the Sun oh okay yeah that was a little

Delayed do you guys need food now yes you do you’re an hour late in anyways hi that’s okay minty it’s I’m glad you’re here thanks for stopped by I hope you had a fantastic evening full of beautiful smiles and hey it’s better late than never we are just playing some stardy

Valley uh modded expanded unfortunately crowd control did not want to work today and neither does my watering can oh excuse me chickens how you doing today minty there we go you’re [Laughter] late I said it’s okay it’s better late than never glad you can make

It uh I think we need a great s these I think we need a yam turn me into the French brid wow Sean turn me into the French bread how oh right me I’m sorry I forgot your wheel spin all hang on uh okay we just need the Yem I can throw in

There all right let me get that wheel spin before I forget again oops here we go happy giggles [Laughter] yes oh are we giving 1K poke Puffs everyone yay 1 thousand Puffs to everyone 1 th000 points I still need to figure out how to do a um a command to

Give everyone points because apparently I can only do it one at a time wa there’s my phone what a but oh thank you for the hydrate I’ll go ahead and take a sip uh where’s my streamlabs there’s my streamlab wait for it the load there we go add 1 th000 points

And there we go everyone got a thousand points a kitty where where’s a kitty you got some food to watch stream nice yeah what what you eating let me bring some of these to the oh I need you apparently I don’t need an egg okay I’ll sell

That I thought I still need an egg a kitty named Rick yeah um we first started the this playthrough we were naming all of our animals after singers and our cat was Rick like brick asley one of the fish was named Anthony after Anthony keus um I forget what the other ones

Were nice roll Sammy with a 92 and Sean with an 83 let’s see no not you are some bundles I put the honey in there I don’t have any fall crops oh I need to save a corn I didn’t realize I need a corn animal bundle put the milk in there

Yipp you love messing with your cats oh I love kitty cats let’s see Chef’s bundle you need that one you need that one okay what needs the other one coffee coffee coffee I need some coffee I could use some coffee I might make some after stream uh oh it probably belongs down

Here I did not mean to do that uh oh I need another honey or maple syrup go get coffee but then I have to get up and go make it and I don’t want to you know get up in the middle of stream will do that I will do it after

Stream I’ll go make it and then eat the rest of my salad ah may you slimed us oh I wonder what’s in the pond up by the mountain uh fishing lines I know it’s you I half regret making that one I don’t know why the red one isn’t

Working do I like it should be working cuz that’s the red oh it goes blue wait ah aha Eevee you fool you are open to my hug attack uses the the hug hold on the hug attack I do have a hug command if you do exclamation point hug you give me a

Hug just like that thank you for the hug cor as my shirt says hug me I am always open to hugs I love hugs and head Pats uh oh right I was going to test that real quick yeah I don’t know why the red one’s not

Working I’m going to have to fix that later oh he turn into Z French bread that’s why I’m losing this ability to speak you guys keep turning me into Z fridge bread a kitty I don’t see a kitty that was bread I need my fishing Pole I Missed we all lost the French bread what GL you do oh the Whooper I worked hard on that one and the the barrel roll command oh no wait who rolled that that mic no wait cosmetic surgery used to be such a taboo subject now you could talk about Botox and nobody raises an

Eyebrow oh my gosh Eevee I looked away from mini minty plush for a second you hear something so you look over at it your door is open and it’s gone oh no time to punch a [Laughter] plush oh there’s a treasure chest I got

It oh uh not goldine uh seeking oh I was upside down oh we got a book nice who took Cherry’s playing phasmophobia who took your plush I didn’t take the plush I swear nice roll May oh my gosh I at 417,000 the Empress of smooth brain this so smooth it’s

Liquidi I actually forgot I had that command no come back here fish another Whooper my fishing tackles worn out okay I’m going to go see what’s over here depression yipping no not the sad yippe this like yippe Yahoo no no oh you made me do a barrel roll but no being sad and

Depressed I want to see those beautiful smile of yours that English words totally and you go down turn me into French bread so much French bread today how could you know what your smile looks like Eevee because each and every one of you of you lovely eees I’m trying to

English each and one of you has a big and bright and beautiful smile that’s how I know it’s what makes each and one of you each and every one of you unique oh my gosh I cannot English today who stole my English So much algae that was a news you’re anthromorph anthor morphic geek Fox though and I’m I’m a rainbow Eevee doesn’t mean you don’t have a Big Bright Beautiful Smile I mean have you ever seen a a cat or a dog smile it’s so adorable the French bread still on my English all

Right it’s time to throw fisty cuffs at the French bread oh Treasure Chest oh don’t bounce okay got it oh it’s a goldine sorry you meant green Fox that’s okay even still though you still have a big and bright and beautiful smile or handsome depending on what you go By how’s the squirrel Army doing in power world slowly getting more powerful and strong I’m going to throw some fables yes I am put them up put up the Fables wait hang on where are my Fales hold on oh my gosh don’t mind the noise I haven’t used these no oh night Sean I hope you have a a restful sleep thank you for stopping by and uh hanging with us hopefully I can see you next week on Tuesday we’ll be playing uh lethal company with Mike again hopefully we can get crowd control going all right hands are you working

Bye hey F I mean Fales work you sneez well bless you Corb wait why why do I think I heard you say grow F booy when in reality it is fumbles yes I said fumbles your squirrel is packing heat too now oh no the squirrels are cursed at the

Moment best you got is one with 29 attack I don’t know how much my attack is I have to check again but uh thank you Corb for the hug also I figured out I can have my keyboard now and my hands I mean my Fales oh no uh

Minty the keyboard is in my hands yes No I um I for my hands I have to use a uh was it Leap Motion I believe is what it’s called and before uh I have a before I got this I had to unplug my keyboard so

I can only use my keyboard or my hands I now I have a really janky uh um Port Hub that wants to work half the time but now I can plug in both of them at the same time your gambling keeps getting you loses when you’re spending the minimum to

Gamble or is it the yipp in yipp ah buttons the Yippy is in my hands I had the yippy all along you poor that’s okay minty like I said just keep watching and uh you’ll gain points and um whenever we land on the wheel for everyone to get points you get points

That way also oh no Sammy there goes your 300 points B company will be super fun whether whether crowd control works or not yes it’s going to be sunny tomorrow Spirit are very happy today oh also next week’s streams so Tuesday normal time we are going to be doing

Lethal company with Mike and uh maybe some other people and then Wednesday for Valentine’s I will be doing a live stream in the morning time I’ll be playing sky so if you lovely Eevees want to join in you can and that’ll be in the morning time

Probably noon 1 p.m. till about 3:00 or 4: and then on Thursday I’ll be playing graveyard Keeper at normal time uh let’s go down here yippe yes yippe go and water our plants we need to get better sprinklers wait awesome say that again wait Say Say What

Again life is Yippy yes life is Yippy how are you in fourth place when this is your second time here I mean you just been watching that everyone keeps Los their points to gambling Sam we just lost 300,000 my plans uh Tuesday’s going to be lethal Wednesday in the morning time around 12:

Or 1 p.m. is going to be uh Sky anyone can join if you want and then Thursday uh we’ll be graveyard Keeper at normal time you’re not losing any points you’re slowly getting there Cor the curse of a gambling addict yep cuz gambling is bad okay what time is it for me it is going on 700 p.m. I go by uh Central Standard Time or as mix says Eevee time I’m going to sell these there we go and then yes eeve time eeve time easier to

Remember it’s 5:56 for you oh so you’re two hours behind me minty I think or an hour I can’t Math you’re an hour behind me oh my gosh I can’t math tonight either uh did did we check the chickens I don’t think we checked the chickens there we go it’s 4:57 p.m. there so you’re 2 hours behind me well we got some early ones you guys must be on the western side

Your one of your best friends on Xbox who you know has a crush on you is a whole seven hours ahead so if he stays so he stays up just for you a that’s sweet minty it’s 7:57 p.m. for you may so you’re an hour ahead of

Me how’s the future over there may You’re Cowboy here you s I want to be a cowboy [Laughter] baby oh now that Meme is stuck in my head oh there’s a clover right Here uh we can go to the mines today since it’s a good humor day what do you do on a remote island try and find the TV Island it belongs to that was pretty good oh he have the one for do we need a hazelnut uh oh we do need a

Hazelnut probably a mushroom yes you’re worried about him since you had to go for four months and you’re gone now I’m sure he’s all right oh the joke bot’s not working a bad limbo player walks into a bar oh I found a skull found another skull wait a bad limbo player walked

Into a bar oh no it is wait huh I don’t think I have a roulette Also may I’ll get to your wheel uh here in a second oh that’s not the pause you just have to hope he finds your videos are short so you can feel

Like you’re still there for him a that’s so sweet minty I hope he finds him as well also I just I got a Oh wrong button there we go let me get your wheel spin May there we go what was the other one wait what do you mean Mike yipp

Wo man you already got um I’ll do a respin for you since you already got Eevee of the Weeki the other gambling method oh uh slots also we got a spin for Mike oh me you gifting everyone a thousand poke puffs and while that one’s spinning I’ll go ahead and get the the

Puffs oh come on phone never mind make that 2,000 poke pops everyone everyone gets 2,000 nice uh this this this 2,000 there makes your lost feel better now you can gamble it all the way no by the way he said you were the first one to treat him kindly so after a month

And a half he got a crush on on you what a I learned of it about a month ago oh that’s so sweet just be careful okay so if it’s online you know there are there are weirdos online just make sure you know you’re safe with it and all that nice

Uh how are I going to say that I say roll for when you get rolls nice line I guess is what they usually say also nice roll Sammy did it not do the 2000 oh I can’t see anything how much for a wheel spin it’s 5,000 points also I’m going to go back

I don’t think you did the points right hang on I might have to do it this way I don’t know why it’s being weird PS PS should have ADD points confirm it CED it okay that’s weird why are you doing that you fabled may didn’t famble though with a 80

Roll nice roll may also Mike I see you there playing lethal company okay let me try it this way okay yeah I don’t know why it’s doing that I will add the points this way e you sneeze on us Corb e I’ll just do it this way add points

2000 uh not like that there we go you going to work oo a nice orange okay that one worked add oops add points here you Go and then minty and then may oh we already got maze uh Sammy and Mike okay there you go and then Sammy where is your name there you are no I got I got it also I don’t think it did for yours mic let me redo

That okay why why you not want to work now you didn’t win no you didn’t head points okay there it goes for that one you turn me into wow you guys turn me into a French bread how could you Sammy are you not active did you poof I think Sammy

Poofed unless she still here okay there you go I couldn’t find your name I’m sorry copy see if that works okay there we go everyone get their points that way wait Sammy says she’s staying long as their power world when you get rid of it that she’s done wow

Sammy also no me that was a bad roll giggle you asking the eightball to giggle not sure l nice roll Sammy when you do just sell all that there we go and I’m going to go ahead and save it I have gigle three times only three

Times I love ,000 points already is that good yes I said 5,000 and you can do the wheel the wheel does have a cool down though I believe it’s per person and not per uh World though you’ll be at a million in no time again yes you will May I’m pretty sure you

Will you got it you were close once I don’t know what sh Mick I get Legend plus Swift in his batch of eggs the answer is within yourself is within the eggs Sammy that’s what I’m going to call it for today or tonight I can’t English I hope you all had a fantastic

Time a fantastic time watching me struggle and remember like I said Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday I will be live streaming um Yi Tuesday Thursday will be normal time Wednesday will be in the morning time also Fey face why are you being weird there we go don’t know why it was acting

N wait I saw someone had a wheel who had the wheel uh minty I will go ahead and do your wheel so hang on one second let me pull that down pull this over Here all right minty what is your spin oh do you get 5,000 poke Puffs water bottle oh thank you for the water Bean Boozle time no you have 5,000 poke Puffs uh minty I’ll go ahead and add the add points uh or 5,000 Puffs copy you just made back what you spent

Nice control V and then 5K also no Corb oh was a bad roll but at least you only lost 20 and there you go minty enjoy your points I hope the rest of you enjoy your night uh the rest of your night or day or evening depending on where you

Are and remember oh and have a fantastic weekend I almost forgot it’s Thursday but remember to always smile that beautiful smile of yours bye everyone I forgot I could wave bye yippe

Hello Everyone! Its so nice to meet you all! I hope you all have a wonderful eeveening!

Find me on TikTok at https://www.tiktok.com/@therealempresseevee
If you would like to help the channel grow: https://streamlabs.com/empresseevee1/tip
Also like,follow,comment and sharing help to!

Vtuber assets:
https://ko-fi.com/kaeonline for the cat cups and steam
https://www.catboymech.com/ for the kitties,table and background
https://argamawitch.booth.pm/ for the room assets

Music in the beginning and ending cards was by my good friend Alex Graey! Go check out their awesome works here on youtube,Tiktok and Spotify! https://www.youtube.com/@alexgraeymusic

Other music is the soundtrack to Stardew Valley!

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