Minecraft FRIENDS STATUE House Battle!

Today we’re going to be building statues of each other in Minecraft wait um guys where’s Gooby at uh I don’t know you guys you guys you guys you guys you guys what the heck Gooby I can’t stop Gooby yes you can stop just come over here I’m

Trying I’m trying what the heck fly like an idiot ay can you go get your brother Gooby just press your space bar somebody help me Gooby what I got to do oh my goodness come down I’m going to hit you gooby help me come here we need like a

Roll stop moving got you gooby oh that was really scary Gooby did you hear what I said in the intro no we’re going to be building statues of each other do you know what a statue is uh yeah it’s kind of like a this one you make a statue of

Somebody and looks like them and kind of make it big and tall or something nice know you actually know what a statue is good job Gooby you got a Pat in the head thank you so much all right guys so if you look behind you we have big giant

Walls okay and we need to build statues of each other in the walls and there’s no cheating Gooby I never see all right you better keep those cross eyes to yourself which one both of them Gooby both cros eyes oh okay you too you know you got some Crossing eyes wait but

Johnny I got a question who are we building h oh um let’s have Daisy to decide Daisy who should we build first M we should build Gooby yeah yeah yeah I don’t want to build him build Gooby you got to build me you’re kind of kind of

Ugly hey Daddy don’t say that about Gooby you’re ugly too you know no but I’m beautiful I’m an ugly beautiful um I don’t think so Daddy you’re really old you got some wrinkles okay it’s fine it’s fine we’re going to make Gooby and I got to make

Him drool everywhere yeah I’m going to make an ocean of drool kind I think about it yeah well I’m going to win let’s see who can make the best Gooby you have 15 minutes to start building and our time starts now go go go go oh I’m going to make the best Gooby

Cuz that’s me I’m Gooby all right Gooby let’s see I think I’m going to make my Gooby out of diamond blocks because he is kind of blue and then I got to get a couple other blocks maybe that for his jeans we need some white I think I’m

Going to make my Gooby out of diamonds cuz you know I’m kind of diamond sometimes hey wait a minute hold on what kind of weird you just said that you’re going to build your Gooby out of diamonds I just said that oh you did you’re not allowed to use Diamonds oh

Sorry oh my gosh you’re so annoying I mean technically he can no he can’t daddy don’t tell him that goo you can do whatever you want you can use whatever blocks I can yeah no you know what whatever you could build whatever you want but my Gooby is still going to be

Better than your Gooby we see about that I’m going to make the best Gooby cuz that’s me all right so I’m going to start by making Gooby feet something like that all right and now I’m going to work on making his socks okay so we got some like this this is really difficult

And then right in the middle he has like a stripe in his sock so it’s going to be something like this and now I got to finish his socks by putting one more layer of white all right there we go wait um Gooby yeah I kind of need to

Look at what you look like can you come over here for a second I won’t look at your bills yeah okay it’s cheating I look like stay right there you got socks you got your your skin hey I see what you’re doing okay Daddy I’m good bye

Gooby thanks cheater is that Daddy I’m not a cheater yes you are is that even like cheating cuz he just want to see more what I look like yeah Daddy I just want to see what you look like all right it’s cheating the whole challenge is to

Make you if he doesn’t know what you look like he should he should fail oh true okay Daddy I did know what Gooby looked like I just need a little refres refresher all right oh a little refresher that’s it joh you’re not all to see what I look like well I got a

Good glimpse of you gooby so I’m going to build the best stat you ever now all right let me just do this last layer of goobie’s legs and then we’re going to start working on his jeans all right so I’m like that is looking pretty good now

We’re going to take this block and go all the way up to the sky with it all right do something like this ooh this is starting to look really good all right we’re going to go like that high oh gosh is going to take a long time ooh I’m

Also going to make a house inside of Gooby I bet no one’s going to do that it’s going to be a secret base so let me make sure to keep some space inside of Gooby pants all right there we go it’s not going to be a big house but maybe I

Can extend it wait we can make a house inside a gooby um I guess you guys can we can have a house battle let’s see who can make the best house inside their statue as well oh I’m going to win I can do that I make a house out of myself

Exactly super easy all right I need another Blue Block what do we got here ooh I also need yellow for his belt oh my gosh there’s so much to add on Gooby I’m a very complex guy all right there we go I’m just going to add the black

Going around for his belt this is coming out pretty good all right now I need to work on goobie’s arms so we need some more diamonds just like this and then once I’m done with this I could work on goobie’s dumb face he hey yeah he’s

Really dumb Who you calling dummy no one oh okay oh yeah okay something like this is looking good maybe we’ll go one more higher I’m making my super tall pants yeah I already did that Gooby but mine’s going to be coming better than yours y you don’t even need to make anything are

You sure about that yeah don’t even try my statue house is coming out so much better all right now let’s just extend the arms out oh heck yeah Daddy well I’m almost done coming out awesome what you’re almost done holy I’m working on the face what Daddy you’re going too

Fast I just know what Gooby looks like well I do too clearly all right now I going to make the arms go down like this gosh I don’t know how big to make his arms he getting really hard all right there we go that’s a good size all right

Now we need to put his arms going all the way down oh yeah this is starting to look like Gooby mine’s going to look super good whatever you say Gooby and arms are done something like that looks good wait maybe one less that is perfect right there now let’s just do the same

Thing for his arms on the opposite side we can’t have Gooby with only one arm yeah I got two of those yeah you got two of that my Gooby is basically done what it looks so good daddy did you make a house inside your statue or no uh not

Yet all right we’ll do that okay okay I’m going to do it I’m going to do it all right it’s got to finish this last arm it’s so much bigger than regular Gooby this statue is huge all right now it’s time to work on goobie’s face

Probably going to be the best part of this build so we’re just going to extend it out by one just like this oh God his face is going to be ginormous okay something like that and now let’s do the same thing for the other side there we

Go that’s looking like a good siiz face now let’s just make it really really tall Gooby has a pretty fat face so it’s got to be pretty big and wide hey what I just said you have a fat face oh thank you you’re welcome thank you very much

All right now let’s do the sides of his face and then we got to actually put his eyeballs in and mouth and we also need to add his hair has a lot of hair yeah I got lots of hairs you guys better not be making something mean about me we’re not

Making anything mean why would you even think that Gooby better make me look just like a beautiful statue oh yeah you’re looking you’re looking really beautiful right now I’m trying my best just like the Statue of Liberty you look so ugly Gooby hey starting to realize how actually ugly you look I’m supposed

To look very prettyful and nice um well the thing is on my build you do not look like that at all well then you’re not going to make me look good oh my goodness all right this Gooby is coming out too good my Gooby got a little

Surprise all right now I need to add Gooby hair so I need brown okay let me get a bunch of different colors we’re just going to do something like this probably going to break his whole head and then we’re just going to replace it with brown blocks all right we’ll do

Wool f first and then we’ll mix in some concrete there we go Gooby looking nice now all right boom Gooby statue is completed you’re already completed yeah but now I got to start working on the inside which is probably going to be the best part I think it’s the hardest part

So far I’m trying to find Space all right let’s see what’s the best way to get into my Gooby statue um probably going to have to go up his pants what yep only way daddy going to go up my pantses yep I got to go up the pants ooh

Wait a minute I could do something like this go all the way to the end fill the whole thing with some black and then we’ll go up this way there we go I’m a freaking genius okay okay now we’re in his pants I think so we’ll stop the

Ladders here and then all down here we can make separate rooms maybe we make one right in here all right there we go just give me some space boom there’s one room and then there’s two rooms all right we’ll do something like this for a bed obviously the beds need to be yellow

Best color in the freaking world it’s a little cramped but I think it will do now let’s get some trap doors make this place look really nice are we building rooms for Gooby or for ourselves um you just got to make it look like a cool

House so you can do whatever you want okay I’m making my room for myself I’m living in this masterpiece I’m making my room for Gooby well that is yourself oh yeah I’m also making it for Gooby yay what do I put on the ceilings um they’re

A little tall right now so I’m just going to fill them up a little bit ooh I also need to get some paintings wao there’s a bunch of furniture in here too I could use a lot of this um there’s chairs there’s doors let’s see what these pain things look like wo okay

They’re huge they’re actually huge ooh I like that one that’s a good painting and now can I get another one over here oh my gosh it’s so big we need smaller paintings smaller paintings there we go nice all right now let’s decorate this room H what do we make this room um we

Obviously need to make it the bathroom cuz we need a lot of toilets we’re going to line them up there we go get plenty of toilets just in case I got a poop and I clog one now we’ll get some carpet ooh this looking really nice all right I

Just added these cabinets above the toilets now I have some extra space and just like that I think my Gooby house is completed wow this came out so good let’s see it from the front oh yeah there’s literally no one that’s making a better Gooby than this wait one thing I

Forgot is to add Gooby ears oh my goodness needs ears to listen so we’re just going to do something like this and then we’ll do something like this on both sides or we do something like that oh yeah I like that a lot better there we go now Gooby is looking

Good all right guys is your statues completed cuz mine is I’m finished I am done Gooby what about you almost Gooby hurry up you’re L making yourself it’s got to be a masterpiece okay okay I think I’m done all right who statue do we want to see first daddy you want to

See yours first cuz I already won all right everyone let’s go to my daddy’s what the heck is this Tada it’s Gooby daddy this looks nothing like Gooby what do you mean it looks exactly like him no it doesn’t Gooby come over here I don’t know it looks kind of weird sit right

Here Gooby sit right here this look like me okay Daddy his legs look like Chopsticks it do not look like Chopsticks yes they do and what is this water why do you have water here this is drool this is how you access the house that’s disgusting oh I don’t want to

Swim in this drool daddy well it’s the way up oh my goodness all right everyone go up the drool Dro this is so gross yeah this is disgusting daddy I’m going to throw up all right and we enter the gooby household all right inside of

Gooby yep and we go all the way down okay this pretty cool Tada well this is kind of nice yeah nice simple nothing too crazy cuz not enough room but I had to make him a really big butt wow there’s a bed and there’s like a pictures there’s some plants this a nice

House daddy we’re in goobie’s butt right now hold on let me see this oh my gosh Daddy really what I need a room daddy you put the biggest butt on Gooby does not have this big of a butt yes he does he such a big butt Gooby turn around do

You have this type of cake um nope no cake daddy his butt is not this big I need a room to put a house and this is the only way I could do it and think about why is he bald in the back oh uh that was an accident well guys what do

You rate this beautiful Gooby statue um I’m 2 out of 10 it’s terrible I’m giving it a one what I’mma give you uh maybe like a a three out of 10 this is you it looks exactly like you nah this this doesn’t look like me this looks like my

Cousin Ernie Ernie yeah he’s he’s from Super far away I only seen him on Christmas and one time other than that great daddy you buil goobie’s cousin Ernie well I’m sorry that you’re this traumatized about Ernie I didn’t know it does look like Ernie yeah I should

Invite him over sometime yeah I would love to beet Ernie all right guys well everyone let’s go to my statue a real Gooby statue all right check this out boom Gooby what the heck is wrong with Gooby this looks so cool I have a diamond shorts yeah you got Diamond

Shirt cuz I built out a diamond what are these things on my side of my head you’re ears Gooby it’s your ears I got that yeah you got that um I kind of did the same thing as Daddy and I didn’t add any hair back here but don’t look at

That so he’s bald again why does his head look like a square no a rectangle a rectangle looks like he just has a brick on his as a head well Daddy he is kind of just a brick no but the face shape is wrong no it’s not all right everyone

Come inside I don’t know let’s see all right check it out so we got two rooms we got the bathroom room where you take lots of big dumps just like this this is a lot of potties and then up here is where I live and I have two beds for me

And Gooby wow little bunk bed action WAOW we can have a sleepover yeah it’s pretty awesome I don’t know I feel like the inside of mine was a lot better no it wasn’t daddy it easily was no I think mine was a lot better and look daddy we

Can even extend even more check this out I was going to say the coolest thing is you have multiple floors I’m just going to go all the way up going to goobie’s head up in my brains check check that out look at all the space I got up here

Wo wo it’s like inside my head tables hey this is kind of cheating why cuz time’s already up yeah you got extra time wait how about this instead of putting this inside your brain Gooby we put a bunch of these cuz you got bricks in your brain what that was very mean of

You you know what I do to mean people what I put down a little presents hey what the heck no no no no no we’re not doing this we’re not doing this you’re going to just destroy the walls stop it you don’t like this Gooby gooby really

Can you stop I got a special surprise no you don’t no you don’t I destroyed all the TNT before we can blow it up you’re too slow ow ow Gooby I learned how to use this spicy Mac Andes for good instead of evil let’s just move on to

Your statue all right Gooby okay wait guys we almost forgot to rate Johnny’s statue yeah what you guys going to rate it give me a good rating I’m giving it a six out of 10 what ooh it’s better than my daddy’s there’s no way hey this is

Like a a one Gooby what are you going to rate it uh I really like the inside and you go up all the levels and go into the heads and I like my diamond shirts pretty cool diamond socks so what are you going to give me I probably give you

Like a seven yeah what do a gooby he put bricks in your head he did put bricks in my head so that’s why I got to take some points off all right Daddy what are you going to rate it I said a one I’m giving

You a big fat one no Daddy I didn’t give you a one one that’s mean what’ you get me two minus one boom one all right well I still beat you because their scores are way better than yours yeah I know all right Gooby let’s move on to your

Statue next oh oh look at me it’s me whoa Gooby really yeah look I got lots of Zo coming out what the heck is this thing something’s definitely wrong here why is there a lot of TNT in your head it’s I needed to make the red part so I

Made it red oh I would not use TNT in your build though Gooby that’s really dangerous it’s dangerous yes it’s dangerous I don’t know I think it looks really good yeah but if someone sets it off and it goes boom then everything goes boom look at this he’s missing the

Half of his leg and half of his peep pee well I TR I didn’t I have enough time to make all the parts I’m still learning how to build so I’m still just trying to learn oh my goodness but look you can sit on his hand like here I mean I guess

That’s kind of cool he does have his hand raised up he’s like holding it out you have like antelope legs yeah this is pretty bad Gooby I’m going to give it a five I’m giving it a three it’s pretty trash I sweet I think this is the worst

One yet I’m giving it a negative one what what you can’t give it negative one when you spicy Mac and he feels so good don’t you dare I got to feed him a little bit don’t feed him anything Gooby don’t do it he’s very hungry no

No oh gosh everyone back up oh God Gooby you blew your own head off uhoh that’s definitely a zero and now look you made a bunch of these holes so you’re going to cheat the next round oopsies I made a boo boo you’re going to fill all these

Holes up Gooby okay um probably not but okay all right well that was definitely the worst statue so far so let’s see if Daisy is any better wo I like this one hey you really like it why it looks just like me yeah I actually do like this one and you go

Inside right here wow okay okay oh my God it’s super small in here though only one block well come in here ooh okay this is pretty good and then you can come upstairs ooh a little hangout spot wow you got a little couch this B is so nice Daisy thanks Scooby

Yeah this is actually probably one of the nicest statues I’m giving it a 10 out of 10 let’s go is it that good to give it a 10 out of 10 though yes Daddy it’s that good I mean it’s definitely the best one but I’m not like wow that’s

Crazy that’s the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life so I’m going to give it like a five five yeah goty kind of mid all right Gooby what do you rate Daisy statue I mean it looks just like me and it has the coolest house uh so I’m going

To have to give it a 10 out of 10 woo wow perfect score for my sister well guys looks like Daisy is the winner of the first statue build makes sense that my sister knows me best well guys what statue Do you want to build next I want

Everyone to build me wait ew Daddy I don’t want to build you why not cuz I got to make a statue that’s really old like an ancient statue okay but it’ll look beautiful cuz it’s going to be me all right do you guys want to build my

Daddy next yeah is that who you want to build no well then who do you want to build um obviously I want to build myself but we’re going to save the best for last so let’s do my daddy next all right everyone go back to your

Side let’s do it Gooby fix these holes I got a big statue in the way Gooby don’t worry wor because we could use magic to get rid of everything we can yeah watch this all I got to say is the special words PE PE poooo doooo boom and just

Like that everything’s out of the way I don’t believe it everything’s back to normal yeah it’s because I had to say the magic words Gooby that was some good magic words yeah thank you all right guys time to build Marty next are you guys ready I’m ready I’m going to win I

Might be a little little scared of him but I guess so all right everyone start building now all right what blocks am I going to use he has like the same socks as me and Gooby so I’m going to do the same thing so I need red white black and

Blue all right so let’s start right here again we’ll do something like this but obviously I need to make my daddy true to actual size so I need to make my daddy bigger than the world since you know he’s really fat and stuff all right

So once I do the sock then we could start working on his jeans we’re going to do something very similar to goobies but obviously I’m going to have a lot more space in this statue cuz he’s going to be huge my statue is going to be so

Good oh yeah yep I found the perfect color for him well I bet my statue is going to be so much better than your statue Gooby nuh-uh like a 100,000 times better nope nope nope nope it is Gooby your statue last time was the worst one no it was good that’s why everyone

Raided under a three well that’s just cuz I was that was the first time it was practice it was not practice Gooby I think it was a practice how about this time you actually finish your statue yeah all right let me just finish the back of my Daddy’s pants there we go and

This time I want to try something different we’re going to try to give it some texture so we’re going to add this in the middle oh God it’s going to be a little bit difficult to place these Cher boxes but I think they look really good

No one make me look fat no promises daddy we’re definitely not going to make you look fat at all guys I’m not that fat yes you are daddy no I’m not you’re kind of stinky though yeah Daddy you smell really bad I can’t remember the

Last time you took a shower if I see a BAL spot on your guy statues I’m going to blow it up hey there’s only going to be like one or two what you’re planning on it all right there we go just going to go around like this and then we’ll do

The same thing for the bottom I’m adding so much detail to my statue I have to win this time yeah me too it’s going to have a back to it wow that’s pretty cool yeah what do you mean by a back I have the front to it so now I have the back

To it okay all right now I need to break all these blocks and then place the lighter blocks here I am texturing these pants so good this time all right now we got to do this one last side over here and then the pants are completed all

Right this is now completed um what do I need to do next oh that’s right I got to make them look really fat all right here we go let’s start using some red like this this wait let’s see what other Red Blocks we have red um do not have too

Much ooh this looks really red oh God that is actually the most reddest block I’ve ever seen all right we’re going to use this red instead because it’s super bright and then we’ll use the darker red for more detailing God this red hurts my

Eyes when I look at it don’t look at it I’m trying not to but it hurts my eyes stop complaining you stop complaining I said one word you just said a word oh got you Daddy hey Daisy Zippy dippy sorry not Zippy her name’s zy I know

That Gooby yeah Daddy you stupid idiot hey sorry Daddy that was mean that was that was really mean I apologize for nothing you want me to come over there I’ll come over there this statue is looking so ugly you mean beautiful nope daddy I’m trying to make it ugly on

Purpose why because I’m trying to make it just look like you yeah and I look beautiful yeah I don’t think so Daddy you’re actually looking a little pregnant right now what yeah why are you making me fat Oh Daddy I got to a nice surprise for

You when you see this statue what’s a surprise I can’t tell you it’s a surprise daddy oh okay oh yeah I’m a freaking genius man I look so beautiful right now my statue is going to be so good well guys we don’t have too much

More time so hurry up no I need a bunch of more time yeah I do needs a lot more time too so I even start doing the inside yet what Daddy what I’m making my beautiful face all right now I got to start working on the arms I don’t even

Have your face Daddy well that’s not good that’s the ugliest part I got to hurry up oh no stop making fun of my beautiful snaz all right then we’ll use this red going around like this now let’s just do the same thing for his other arm all right let’s just go around

Like this for his arms and now we got to actually start putting his arm in so let’s start using this block again and hm how far down should we go probably like right here all right now we just got to fill all of this in hopefully

This is looking good I mean ugly which would be good it’ be horrible cuz I’d give it a hor rating no you won’t okay that’s looking like something okay this is poop hold on got to get rid of some things all right that’s looking pretty good let’s do the same thing for this

Side now are you doing a good job Gooby making me yep you’re looking so pretty fool nice thank you gooby yeah Daddy mine too I can’t wait to see your guys’ builds you should probably be scared what do you mean uh no reason okay it’s kind of weird daddy I’m going to start

Working on your face right now okay good hopefully it comes out beautiful oh me too dad I hope it comes out really good body is looking very good right now all right nice wait I think I can to make this one more bigger yep just like that

I got a perfect size for your face yeah is it nice and skinny Oh Daddy it’s real skinny I’m so excited all right we’ll do something like this just going to box everything out and then we’ll fill it in soon God I have to place down so many

Blocks this statue is so big I think I’m going to have the biggest statue here I highly doubt that mine’s pretty big pretty beautiful mine’s super nice all right let’s fill all this in just like this almost done come on hurry up boom perfect oh yes this is looking amazing

All right now I got to actually make your face hm where should I put your eyes um right here I’ll make them look weird Daddy they don’t look weird at all you sure no they don’t look weird all right I’m just checking oh yeah that’s

Looking like my daddy oh my gosh oh God what what what nothing daddy nothing good all right now I got to make your hat that you wear okay so I’m going to do something like this probably go around this way try to cover up all that bald spot what bald spot nothing all

Right that’s looking pretty good I’m liking the way this is looking all right now let’s add some cracks in his face for his wrinkles there we go oh god daddy if I were you I would not want to see my statue if I were you well that’s

Not good well what you make me look like just don’t come over here Daddy whatever you do do not come over here ever well I’m going to have to look at it when we start like raiding each other’s statues all right all right Daddy I warned you I

Finished I’m done wait hold on I haven’t worked on the house inside yet all right you got another 10 minutes I got to hurry up all right we’re going to do the same thing pretty much just go in here make a ladder going up this time we’re going to go straight

For the Noggin cuz that’s got the most empty space in it all right let’s get this ladder going all the way up to the sky there we go break this ooh this is actually a nice room in here okay we’ll keep this room then we’ll put more

Ladders going up here into his head boom let’s go all right what can we put inside my daddy’s head all right we’re going to need a lot of toilets that’s for sure so let’s just add a couple of those there we go and then we’re going

To add a bunch of cake so let’s get some tables add some cake there add some cake here and now let’s just get some shelves so we can add some more cake oh yeah this is looking so good my dad is going to love this so now you could eat cake

And then while you’re eating cake you could poop it out all at the same time Perfect all right let’s just add some carpets here to make it look a little bit better and boom now this floor is done but what can I add in here I don’t

Have too much space maybe I can add my bed here all right we’ll just add it right there then we’ll just get some trap doors do something like this nice now this looks amazing all right guys my statue is completed what about yours almost finished I’m almost done yeah I’m

Done I’ll add a couple more things to mine then I’m making mine super good all right good make it really good and really ugly hey hey hey hey hey you got to make it look good or I’m going to destroy it all right I can add some more

Detail to his hands maybe um where else can I add some detail maybe right here we can add some detail there we go we also have the rest of his head that we need to add detail boom check that out daddy you were going to love this oh I’m

Waiting I can’t wait to look at your guys statues at me well I’m finished mix in some of this oh yeah that’s looking that’s looking nice right there there we go ooh one more thing all right just add a little bit of this maybe yeah all right is everyone finished almost almost

But Gooby speed it up yeah Gooby hurry up please you’re taking forever I’m making big hatch all right I’ll just add a little bit more detail down here make sure I have hair Oh Daddy you got lots of hair oh no oh no oh no what what the

Heck oh my God what the heck Gooby uh something happened to my uh statue Gooby did you make your statue out of TNT well yeah I was trying to make it red so good and red and then you put lava inside of it Gooby you’re so

Stupid oh my goodness well he was hungry so I put some spicy macin in his mouth Gooby you were such a noob at Minecraft you are actually terrible oh no my statue well it looks like you instantly get a zero out of 10 sorry Gooby it was

So good well it’s blown up now I guess now we can look at everyone statues of me all right well I want to start with mine everyone come look at my statue okay let me wait daddy it got kind of destroyed in the blast Johnny what is

This what you guys don’t like it Daddy look it looks like you why does he have a booger oh good my daddy’s always got boogers coming out of his nose no I don’t and why do I have such a big belly because Daddy I wanted to make the

Statue realistic would you make me an elephant no why is he wearing a crop top he’s not wearing a crop top he’s just so big that he doesn’t have size shirts for him oh oh why do I have my butt hanging out wait what this is where my butt

Would be right uh I kind of forgot about this part I’ll just make it a little bit better there we go stop Johnny stop no one wants to see that I want to see the inside what you got in there yeah I want to see that too follow me in here all

Right check this out okay you go all the way up to the brain okay let’s go in the brain well first off there’s my little bed here don’t worry about that okay oh it keeps going up check it out got cake and toilet in your head why is there

Cakes and toilets in my head because Dad daddy you just constantly eat cakes and poop them out Oh Daddy oh oh my God look at two idiots right now taking a poop in my head this is so gross oh dang Daddy a big one I’m me eat some more cake and

Get some more fuel oh yeahum Yumm yum I’m leaving this is disgusting oh great that thing’s leaving hey guys where are you going yeah only got a couple more poops yeah Daddy okay them all out and let’s go to my statue I’m going to give this I’m going to give

This a five wait you’re giving this a five even though it looks really ugly it looks ugly but it does look like me so I I can’t say that it’s really bad yeah Daisy what did you give this one this is the best statue ever I’m giving it a

Seven oo all right Gooby I’m going to give it a 10 out of 10 this the best stat I’ve ever seen so you’re saying I look fat and I got boogies in my nose all the time uh uh well maybe let’s see maybe yes D that means

Yes so you just told me to my face I’m ugly and fat and I got boogies in my nose uh no I did I just said the statue looks like that you gave it a 10 out of 10 so you must think that that’s that’s identical to me it just look like a

Really good statue I mean it’s pretty good okay I see where you lie I see what side of History you’re on no no I’m a nice guy see I share my spicy Maes why would you do that oh gosh you should be banned from using spicy mac and

Cheese AKA lava because that just blew up your statue my statue it’s made of spicy mac and cheese it look pretty good it looks terrible well it looked really better before it got blown up all right well let’s move on to my daddy’s statue come on let’s see what you worked on

Look at me T wow nice and skinny I look handsome I got a full set of hair with my nice hat do you have a full set of hair yeah you look kind of bald in the back still what do you mean I got hair you don’t see the hair coming down from

My luscious locks the underneath is so bald well let’s here look oh there you go daddy why do you look so angry because I’m always angry that’s that’s my face yeah there you go now you’re not angry see now his face is bald dad you just put him up here and now you’re

Happy see oh I’m like hey it’s okay Gooby I know you blew everyone’s things up but it’s okay yeah it’s nice I like this new money now what do you say goby why did you blow everyone’s stuff up oh man okay no I brows no eyebrows what if

We did a unibrow ooh there we go yep that’s better I’m going to start talking like Gooby it would make it kind of angry that’s not how I talk now I’m going to be really mean talk like Gooby daddy Gooby talks with a lisp like this

Hey guys my name is Gooby okay this is this is getting this is getting really dumb wow that sound just like me yes I sound just like Gooby all right Johnny knock it off Gooby come down here that’s a good Gooby impression wait what is

This daddy you can go inside yeah up the leg and we have the first room D it’s cramped in here which is a nice little bed little storage area what the heck a little kitchen up here a little sitting spot okay that’s it mine has way more

Room yeah Daddy this is the absolute smallest statue of all day well the statue looks so much better than yours um the stuff inside looks a lot better so I think I won actually I think I just won every statue challenge more realistic though no it’s not this is

Really realistic all right well how about this let’s go check out Daisy what if hers is literally the best statue in the world probably not Gooby kind of blew it up a little bit so wait Gooby why would you do that I didn’t mean to

Oh my gosh look at this mess Let me just fix it ooh this one’s looking really good though W wearing jeans wait your face kind of looks like a frog though in this statue why is my face so wide and fat looking well cuz you have a fat

Faceit what you just called me fat why ises everyone call me fat dang now look you look really scary now look like I’m going to eat you all oh God I don’t like it change it back no eyeballs wait why is there a hole in my shoulder because

Gooby blew it up this perfect hole he blew up I guess so I weird I fish it there we go all right how do we go inside in the foot right here ooh okay this looks pretty good oh Gooby broke the ladders too I don’t think Gooby

Broke the ladders I think you just forgot he broke the wall on the other side no you just forgot wow it’s kind of spacious in here with a whole lot of nothing oh just come upstairs wo okay this is kind of cool wow there’s so much

Space here but wait Daisy why do you got big holes in the wall because you broke the eyes what are you going to blame Gooby for blowing it up perfectly you broke the eyes weird no I didn’t he’s going to go down in points because of

That yeah and why is there a lava coming out of his eyes goopy why is it making cheese in here looks pretty pretty spicy o the kitchen area is kind of nice this is really really cool what’s that sound sounds like sizzling it’s your spicy mac and cheese you placed everywhere it’s

Just a bunch of lava burning everything well yeah that’s a lot oh god daddy you’re crying lava wow you made me the the devil oh that’s scarier than I anticipated that looks so good it looks just like Marty no I don’t look like that Gooby he’s always crying spicy Mac

Andes every day he’s like oh man I’m so sad that clim Che I think I’m going to rate this one H let’s see 10 out of 10 it’s a 10 out of 10 let’s go yay I give it 10 out of 10 too well you made me

Look kind of fat so I’m going to deduct a few points but I’ll give you an 8 out of 10 yes I won again oh my gosh Daisy’s too good at this but wait I think mine’s still a little bit better no wait we should rate mine maybe we tied Gooby

There’s nothing to rate Gooby there still some chees over here what what the heck was this even supposed to be this is his tee and this is his spicy Mac a cheese I don’t even have teeth showing right now I don’t smile yeah well this

Is you you’re going to be so angry and yelling and say Gooby you’re so I mean I would not do that Gooby I mean you just did it over there okay yeah I did that because you’re being pay in the booty yeah well that’s what you do and you

Yell at me Gooby I’m sorry but I have to give this a zero out of 10 it’s just so bad it looked bad before you ruined everything too how are we supposed to continue building statues when you broke all the walls I mean gu you just use the

Magic words how think you fix this yeah I guess I could use the magic words here let me just try to use the magic words poopy peepe doooo nope nothing happened what Gooby it’s because you did too much damage i s you have magic nope there was

No magic you just ruined this whole entire video great good job Gooby well we can just build those statues somewhere else nope it was meant to be here well guys I have the best statues so I’m better than all of you yeah I guess Daisy had the best statues

Whatever I still think my Marty is funny I think so too I don’t look like that yeah it look really good I like his boogers yeah I want to eat them mine looks mine look that’s gross but if you guys enjoyed watching this Minecraft video then

Everyone right now leave a like and hit subscribe bye see you later eat some SP not again not again

Today, Jeffy has a FRIENDS STATUE House Battle in Minecraft! Jeffy challenges his friends to see who can make the BEST statue! Who will make the best statue?! Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod


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