【STARDEW VALLEY】 sleepy and back on da farm~

Hello hello hello hello hello I’m love oh my gosh hello I don’t know why I was only picking up one of my hat W I wanted to CH the music but I didn’t have time I was oh my gosh H hello hello ow what the heck wow hello py as well congrat

Hello yeah wait I wanted to change the music but I’m a bit slow my gosh I already this music CL wait what is it I got it but then I didn’t put it in it is a is it this one I can’t hear it oh right hold on

Give me a second have to make it quieter and then um what did out put there you go there you go I sa the changeing all music I I should change ear my bad man um let me is it really that Qui what the hell why is it so quiet oh I’m silly

A my eyes AR working what the hell I’m actually dead I’m actually dead oh my gosh wakey wakey what the hell okay oh my gosh I’m so sorry I uh very very not organized today very absolutely not organized guys um considering how um oh my God thank you for

The yes yes um indeed I have not opened the game yet though um I’m being I’ve been a very uh very big clown emoy recently but it’s okay it’s okay wait where’s all right wait I want to why the hell did I put my laptop onto my desk a is

This I’m trying to get it in the middle no oh it was F before what the hell I apologies for the mic sound I I I moved my mic I moved my mic yes oh my gosh there I was trying to fix stuff I should have fix St I think everything should be

Fixed now and no longer yeah oh my gosh I need wake up pills but star is going to make me freaking sleepy what am I doing what the oh oh my gosh very very smart of me very smart of me I’m missing a lot of frames apparently that’s not too good oh

My God [ __ ] this I want the [ __ ] why am I so addicted to the [ __ ] rain it’s just rain it’s not oh there you go there you go oh my gosh I I I don’t I don’t know why I’m so dud today maybe it’s cuz I went outside that is

Perly that is perly excuse I actually took my um my drink tablet with the screen outside and used it like in my not house pretty crazy I I set it up on my laptop I hadn’t done that for a while and then as soon as I got home I easily

Put it back oh my gosh I thought it would have have issues but I quickly set it up and then put like moved the tablet away so it wasn’t on my um what’s it called again uh my desk yes because I need desk space yes but I really this wasn’t on my

Desk and yeah I can’t believe fix that so quick it was kind of a wow what the heck moment uh but I did fix it and yeah don’t worry it’s all good all good is it why people saying it was like Chinese uh uh Luna New Year already but

For me it says it’s tomorrow or were they talking about new Luna New Year Eve I don’t know that confused me a bit bit confused over that I don’t know but Happ a no Year Eve everyone yeah I don’t know my brain is not very yeah

Not very high power at the moment hello oh my gosh so energy I haven’t even oh my gosh I haven’t even logged on like genin or starel since like like 700 a.m. 8:00 a.m. this morning like what am I doing what am I doing what happened oh no I’m stuck on

Starting Val loading screen this is sad the patiently wait for its ass to move oh oh my gosh let me get in please oh my gosh I have food again stream because I didn’t eat again and I was like hm maybe I should eat but I’m kind of stupid cuz I put in

Rice and I got a fork um I didn’t notice that till now can I eat rice with the fork is that a thing I don’t think it Is I mean kind of this is like not fun I hate eating stuff like this with forks wow wow h upy b you can I don’t know I start eating it with a spoon better I don’t know no idea hello okay everything’s fine now everything fine now I can start whenever whenever I

Want oh my God oh my God that’s so weird it tracks my hands when I’m eating what the Hell that’s so stupid I need turn my hand Ching off what the hell can’t have [ __ ] in this house can’t even eat Food what the [ __ ] why do it make my eyes weird why I’m eating I’m eating beef and Rice’s Mongolian beef or something but it makes my eyes look silly I don’t know why it makes my eyes look silly why is maybe I can’t do I hate today I hate today today is

Stupid what if I do this reset my tracking is it even getting reset clearly not oh my God I wasn’t even on be down I’m so smart whatever whatever whatever whatever I don’t care I don’t care I do something no it’s fine okay wait I know oh my God I’m moving

Too much [ __ ] sake man whatever I was moving too much much I know it’s not that bad right it’s not that bad now it’s like fun now and now I’m just playing the violin I guess my violin goes crazy I’m just happy that my eyes aren’t screwed up anymore that was so weird

It’s fine it’s good beef though oh my God anyway it feels like this week has been like a whole worth of like I don’t know whole worth of like stuff happening like way too much stuff happening in just a week you know so much [ __ ] has happened and it’s still February stop where’s only the February man everything needs to calm

Down what the heck oh the thing that doesn’t need to C down that is I want the the what is 1.5 1.6 I 1.6 update for stardo I want it now why is it coming I want It I guess I didn’t turn off my hand tracking I don’t really care though I think it’s fine it doesn’t impact my performance of the game so I can keep it on as long as my motel doesn’t crash it’s like Fine I really hopeing uh PW doesn’t go down I saw the stuff about it but I think it’s too big to go down Honestly I didn’t look into the Xbox um controversy thing though about Xbox ding I didn’t see that I saw a video and I didn’t watch the video oopsies oh my God I suon PE hello key oh my gosh I’m not playing Power today I’m so sorry I was just talking about

Like about Nintendo like killing it or something cuz they saw the they I don’t know L statements look scary man but I think they’ll be fine I think power world is too big to get struck down by time but yes I just say power world don’t mind my jiujitsu or whatever I’m I’m

Eating and I have hand tring on It’s good beef though I don’t think there’s such a thing is really or maybe power’s too different it’s like almost close enough but maybe it’s just not hitting it how is pretty good y I haven’t played it in a while though I haven’t played it recently cuz um they

Weren’t giving the Xbox platform like updates uh to stop crashes and stuff um so my stream just kept getting crashed by power world because power world does not like me they might have fixed it but they haven’t fixed I I don’t I I haven’t tried and even when I try it’s like

It’ll be fine Off streaming that work be find on stream like for [ __ ] sake power World that’s what I was trying to say yeah I mean it is kind of unique it kind of just just a dumpster fire of like all the good game mechanics from recent games Like I can’t L them all but that’s kind of just like yeah I don’t know how they did it though yeah I know right does people get mad on social media boycotting crazy crazy really but Power sales like you’ve seen power sales there’s no way they just

Like how would they get refund for it anyway like wouldn’t they refund it if if it died or something I don’t know I’m just assuming they wi yeah that’s what yeah I agree with that I will I want it’s just on another level you know it’s like power power exclusive level you

Know it’s like there’s like the there’s like the stuff and then power is just like power is just another level compared to yeah someone crack that someone call Yeah how the hell is this people tree I swear was this tree last night the H I still can’t believe all the stuff about P like with the developers and stuff like one of the develop the develop is being so undere experienced you know like I such a good game like what the hell what is what is like I don’t know it really makes me confused

About what like dev’s like yand doing like brusi these guys made P World in like 2 years and you’re sitting there on your ass like I don’t even know why doing at this point oh yeah I wanted to talk about that but I didn’t know when was the

Right time and I think it’s suppos been more and a and a um a nii clown or any clown a thing m i mean maybe they couldn’t I’m not sure if they could or not I don’t know depends how good the legal team is oh my gosh I actually got to eat food

I’m happy I actually kind eat rice with a f that’s not that bad I thought it was but like f oh yeah I saw they didn’t they make like a a breath of the wild uh as slip or something I saw stuff about that I knew that company isn’t the best

But maybe p is just like a one time Wonder type thing you know I don’t know I didn’t play Craft triopia so I have no idea I don’t know my brain can’t think of it or whatever brain too tiny uh I really want to put my like laptop under my

Um what’s it called again under my computer under my computer under my desk because it’s like it’s like the fan the fan is crazy but oh sometimes I need to like fix V don’t fix my a bit annoying I yeah but I’m sure lethal company devs were like better these are the devs for power world I do agree they are a bit sketchy um but they’ve kind of proven themselves with how much they updating the game you know like they have been giving a lot of updates since and um

Like stuff on the Twitter are talking about it you know hello maker how are you doing hello hello yeah that is true I mean it has a lot of hours like you can get lot on that on like uh Power world for like hours and hours and hours and hours it’s

Like oh my god oh yeah yeah fair enough I’m a a little tired as well I guess I can see that I was a bit disappointed with the character models the character bottles aren’t the best looking true I do like how they um had the sliders for everything because I I

Should so know everyone was turning that like egg slider to the minimum it was too much the egg it’s I swear it was like 18 or something um is what it like the default is on I turned it down to six on my streams but honestly I’m considering turn it turning

It down lower it’s just oh you know they actually no no I turned it down to I think I had it down to six and then I turned it down to three I might turn it down to like one or two I don’t know maybe like one off the minimum or something like

That well look we don’t know if they if they Trac the B the the pals are different enough to like look different and have different heavily inspired Concepts you know it’s like it’s Unique but it’s barely unique but I think it’s Unique enough to not get like copy stuck and copyrighted I think

Honestly who knows if they copied the models it’s 3D models you know they they are I don’t know I didn’t look too far into it I don’t know the power rumors go crazy what the heck man yeah I’m like what I mean I wouldn’t put

It past them but also like how could I I doubt they’d be able to get away with that you know that’s like it’s it’s Nintendo they wouldn’t just let yeah yeah yeah yeah I know like how the hell would you get a 3D model off the incident

And I mean maybe it’s possible but but I don’t know I haven’t exactly looked or looked or whatever oh my God so many stuff cyber Punk is on sale that’s F I should be fine I should be fine I don’t think my genin haai is going to cap while I’m streaming it

Should be fine I just checked on my friend some of them similar some of them not yeah I you can’t really tell you know some of them are like really similar but it’s sometimes it’s like they’re not a similar enough or Something it’s H no genin genin it’s like there’s no way they Copy should be they’re different enough like I think that has I I think they have been videos saying that they copied some stuff but the only thing that I saw is they copied like the genre of urban world but I think there’s been videos about more than that but

Don’t yeah yeah I thought it was only the gameplay style that they copied but then I thought I saw videos about like other stuff but to be honest I C remember so yeah how world is like honestly you could probably put a pal and like a poke guess the Pokémon thing

And like people would think it’s a Pokémon you know like it’s like Pokemon’s younger cousin or something like Pokemon is a famous actor and and power world is like Ming Ming off his success I I mean at least it’s cool like if this was

Oh I hope I hope this s is Sleepy enough for you that freaking sleep Su yeah but hello hello oh God I lost my train of thought oh train garas yeah yeah yeah I Know yeah I mean you can tell the inspiration because it’s I I did say highly inspired it is very highly inspired honestly oh that’s what I was going to say I was going to talk about how this is like the only way we’re going to get

A an open world of like type Pokémon thingy like similar to Pokemon like I don’t think Nintendo would have no shot at doing something like this they only freaking follow the same formula like 20 billion times it’s been like that for years and they never stray from the

Formula so I guess I think it’s kind of cool that we got this it’s kind of like Nintendo wouldn’t give us it so we did it ourselves of sort of thing yeah yeah yeah the only thing is like I guess we don’t get gym leaders in this I

Feel like Gym Leaders would be cool to have but obviously they can’t copy that so they just have bosses with no story or Whatever yeah tell it is fun it’s new it’s new and Innovative that’s why it’s popular it’s because they’re never going to get this from like from [ __ ] dumbass Nintendo Nintendo’s going to never get give him this so I mean at least I got it from someone else at least I got it

From someone Else like B Team who’s a B team I haven’t even started about that bro then tender prices yo who wants to go play like Pokémon Emerald or or something on my very legit um game play Advance F I got it for less than [ __ ] oh my God

That I swear it’s like $80 per game and it’s the same [ __ ] ful each game the The Highlight is the Pokemon Sur you could add something else that doesn’t make people look forward for [ __ ] new park of yeah I’m just happy that they made it because like a a crappy Indie company

Like that or whatever like if he knows how they I didn’t think they’d like be able to make something as good cuz all the other games failed and then they make Power it’s like what huh how did their quality like improve so much I don’t know I

Like true it is pretty fun with friends is too yeah I wish they improve the the Xbox version I think the Xbox version is more love yeah yeah yeah definitely like they talk about it but I don’t know unless they’re like hiding the lawsuit up the ass or

Something I think it should be fine as well yeah it should be fine right yeah it should be fine I think it would be fine is oh my God I forgot to I for uh talk about this um I I thought know when I talked about this

Probably last week or something but I was talking about getting a storage upgrade for my what’s it for my laptop so I could uh play the game on my laptop and then stream on my uh PC to like split the split the CPU usage and so then I can run it like

Really high settings and also I make my CPU the GPU [ __ ] better on my laptop um the the the storage up came today it literally said it was going to come in like a month but I think I got um put in with a different package that

I had cuz cuz Amazon or something I don’t know yeah it came today and I um I was putting it in and I got a bit stuck so that’s why I was a bit late I also I was going to like do art but then I was like I can’t be [ __ ]

Bothered I don’t want to like be embarrassed on stream yeah it’s in there no my my I’ve tried it Keith I I’ve tried running like say I run BS Gate 3 on my PC and then I compare it to my laptop I was hitting like 80% GPU on my PC with like [ __ ]

Settings and then I’d run like ultra settings on my laptop and it hit like 30% GPU I honestly don’t think my my PC I think my laptop can genuinely genuinely Run games better and also it’s much cheaper to get a storage upgrade for my laptop than get

Like a new GPU or a new CPU because all the new stuff needs ddr5 and I’m still on DDR 4 so getting new parts would just mean get a [ __ ] a whole new pc get a new motherboard get a new R get D I don’t have that much money

Man my PC is a little old and a little a little [ __ ] H yeah that’s how I got it for my laptop basically just save a lot of money and also I think my laptop cuz my laptop wait I’ll I’ll look at my laptop actually

No oh yeah it is Windows 11 I do not like Windows 11 but I can cope with it I don’t really get any like like issues but let me go to mine GPU and CPU and stuff it has uh 16 gab memory it has it

Has two gpus I don’t know why that’s AMD graphics but then it has a 3060 I don’t know why it’s rocking two gpus I guess it’s just beefy like that beefy and then the CPUs is ryen 5 um 56 Zer H I can’t pronounce CPUs I don’t

Even want to try I can’t pronounce them yeah yeah basically wait I haven’t looked at my uh this PC yet oh my God so I have Windows SSD C drive with 474 GB um 58 free and then I have uh new volume D drive I’m guessing I haven’t named it

Yet that was a default name and it has 1.86 terab free so I should be fine I should be fine right guys nor I don’t think no I don’t think mine is crashed the only thing that crashes is my [ __ ] PC 24/7 because OBS hates me which honestly that’s why I really

Wanted to run OBS on my laptop but I can’t like I tried to set it up man I tried to set it up and it was being pee PE poo poo so this is the best option I have I mean currently I’m just running my like model on my laptop and then everything

Else on my PC and it’s good for like making my model not lag at all so my model doesn’t affect the game or anything but it’s still I’m still encoding My Stream and playing game on same PC AKA dying are you’re right so much more storage storage Storage

Storage yeah it’s a gaming laptop so it’s pretty good yeah it’s just it needs to always be plugged in because of gaming laptops it’s not plugged in it’s like 10 million times worse the curse of gaming laptops just on life support I mean if it works if it works

HP I have I have no idea what that is I have no idea oh wait that’s my I want to is this menu settings uh M I want to make this the like maybe this set the see there you go man I need to do that thing with v

And I haven’t fixed it yet I have so much stuff to do ah High Precision event timer what I don’t know if I would to disable stuff um I see h HP Huh I can’t really be bothered looking for it man one I don’t want to disable stuff and two it’s like not there when I first see it I know but I don’t want my stream to crash it’s been crashing like every day and I feel so embarrassed Linux W

Yeah I Linux is like oh my gosh it’s too big brain I’m I’m not that big brain man I tried coding but coding to me it just seemed like masochism and I was not having that I was like what I I I could do this every day of my life nuh N I

Don’t want That yeah yeah not not fame oh my gosh am I gaming or what why the [ __ ] did I say playing s when I’m just Zing my ass off I’m actual scam of s is scamming oh my Gosh I’m sorry that’s just my take on it my personal opinion for Sai as if if Sai would do programming Sid is not not doing programming Winters it is a bit smelly yeah but it’s not as bad as like like like mac like mac is like oo it’s like 10 million

Times the worse you know oh that’s good at least I mean it it’s good that do at least like a a third option for people type thing you know I think that’s pretty good oh my gosh I’m zoomed in I need to fix my

Camera I am on the game I’ve been on the game I’ve just been scamming and trolling let me see I go with the should I go uh with the music or should I just keep coffee cuz I’ve just been in coffee coffee Ambience 24/7

Gamer d o is most basic Linux oh no I hope I hope you can figure it out one day it must be really complicated ooh that’s good honestly I always I kind of want to get steam Tech and so one of my friends is as well but it’s

Like steam Tech price steam de priz oh my gosh what the heck man how how do these companies get to like price it this High what’s the secret in like their ego where where do where does the company ego come from I’m not downloading Linux I have

Too much stuff on my my windows you know I have stuff to do and frankly I’m fine with Windows I’m just happy I’m not with M I think with Windows is okay it’s okay is it it might be H probably I hands oh oh yeah yeah going to the the the

Discord as well the Discord as well is always really good yeah do I even have coffee beans I forgot the controls oh never mind I remember the controls oh right I forgot I did this I just put everything in one bin Linux be weird Linux is indeed

Weird yeah no someone stuffed the um back up oh my gosh what I have a secret ner why do I have a secret n on me I already know this I have no coffee beans unlucky wait who the hell did I put in there all right this

Thoughts I haven’t put on this Farm in um quite a while a very long time but I still have it and I’m still playing a here to summer spring I don’t know oh really isn’t supposed to be a farming type game or something as well I

I heard it’s good look forward to it look for to it wait I need to where is this there you go oh that’s good that’s good is it really H I mean I guess Windows time is not quick oh crap I forgot to get rid of

That oopsies I don’t know how long that was there for unlucky I don’t know if there’s a fix to this or anything but it’s probably if I use streamlabs or something I’m trying to get something for YouTube chat like put YouTube chat on but I think it’s only like stream elements or streamlabs

Or something oh it’s so annoying cuz I wanted to use the like the custom one or whatever that some YouTubers use but it goes off my like pop out ID and the pop out ID changes every [ __ ] stream so annoying so I need to I don’t know

Die yeah hand moment I was drinking water it picks up my hands now it’s it’s not the best hand checking uh it’s okay though it’s okay it’s not the best but whatever v machine you better get hands on risk free huh what what huh I say I oh unlucky driver is unlucky Drive oh wait hands on risk free oh I I I read that it’s like get free hands my brain oh my gosh my brain is in I should have just [ __ ] that suit I’m a clown I not this clown is needy though Aus fire a what does that

Mean why does the marshmallow look like a flower I’m actually so tired it looks like a flower now what I’m afid is not raing I love having creative menu except it’s not I’m just a Hoarder I love that I put everything in one chest it feels so bad but it also feels is very good I feel like I’m cheating but then I also feel like oh my gosh this is so [ __ ] organized like I’m drooling from how organized it

Is it’s a marshmallow oh wait no it it’s a flower wait it’s a marshmallow which marshmallow flow I want to sleep I Want oh my gosh any clowns it sounds like a [ __ ] rip off of early feds but the [ __ ] a that’s what it’s saying I don’t know if it if it’s like only a sto thing though I know right oh it is an actual one oh that’s crazy oh wow I see They want me to get coffee beads but I don’t have any coffee beads I don’t know what I was doing last I kind of forgot oh I do have coffee beads what what oh my God that’s a oh my God wait I have the coffee beads they wanted now oh my

Gosh I want oh I didn’t have coffee I haven’t had coffee today I I’m literally like I can be addicted to coffee but then I can also just go without coffee for like 2 weeks it’s so weird I don’t understand I have to do it all separately oh thanks for that coffee

Bean going to pay up it say only clowns only clowns only clowns I don’t think there’s going to be only clowns it was just um uh I was talking about um any clown uh any color any color but a clown instead of color because they’re a clown

I mean they’re an entire circus um uh and then I I instead of Edie I thought it sounded like only so I thought it was like only fan only clouds uh yeah yeah they’re bad clowns the circus good circus so funny they good Liv is though the Liv is are

So it’s like a um it’s like um beautiful children with like the worst parents ever I guess but I can’t say that because there’s people there’s like lais that are like um like mothers like mother and father livs so I don’t know I don’t know I guess nii isn’t the parents then I

Don’t my my analogy analogy is that what you call it my analogy is ruins you saying only fans of clowns no I’m saying nii Sanji clowns yeah and I kind of feel sad like I saw a meme but I didn’t save it I’m so mad I saw a meme where it was like

2022 nii Sanji like really happy like people watching n Sanji really happy and then uh people watching nii Sanji 2024 and it was just like I don’t know it’s like um black and the black and white meme or something oh I’m sorry you must uh be getting I

Don’t know side disease lot of brain cells oh you did you can send it to me if you saw It Oh the oh wow I’m so smart I was definitely trying to go here what is it is it spring or or or summer I think it’s a I’m praying I hope you find it I’m so glad I didn’t save it now a a bit oopsies what is

This lav oh that’s so pretty I wish I could grow lavender that would be good I want more crops I should get crop mod but if that if that repeat that would be bad uh yeah I forgot his name but he’s um of course his face has been revealed

I forgot the name if you look it up you’ll probably he’s probably got a Wikipedia page with his face it’s not like a private thing yeah it’s fine I don’t have to pay nothing that’s fine unless I do and in that case that’s sad where am I going something I need to

Do uh maybe I should talk to other people Huh yes the CEO is not a the CEO is not a vtu the CEO is a flesh the CEO is a is is a not virtual yes I know that exists I’m sorry to uh break your minds yeah yeah Yeah really that’s Existing H oh no my heart I put my heart yeah no real real people still exist if they if they did pass that like uh Japanese uh like uh anime High School thing if that thing actually got faster I guess there would be trouble then then like I don’t want people getting any

More uh like what would you call it uh rically online than some people already are unfortunate huh huh unfortunately huh huh all right J uh I really cannot be bothered it’s what did I need to do I wanted to get idium but did I even get any already I got 13 that is not enough wow you just you just want all beers H I got that all right I don’t know why I haven’t been

Fishing lately yeah I think I think these fish are like sell for a lot kind of thing maybe that is the end game holy [ __ ] I forgot how hard these things to catch oh my God I can’t be bed oh my God bro this guy this guy he’s like not on my br

Br this is like trying to get nii Sanji to apologize oh my gosh I’m so done with that fish it’s okay oh my God yeah that was so cool yeah that was that was the point that was the point I was making oh yeah I got the DLC uh thing that was look

Before vinent I downloaded it uh but it’s kind of just like a big empty space I think I don’t know it’s too big I think my brain hurt oh it was like oh just another addition to the mod that I had that just added a bunch of Blank Space it’s just

Mods yeah yeah it was on like the side of the Tower yeah I got it I did it’s way too much like empty space honestly the only DLC that’s happening super is it’s going to be the 1.6 update but that’s not a DLC just update which

Is good I can’t wait for it I can’t wait I’m very excited very excited I should have waited until the DLC came out to play sto but I don’t know seems about right yeah m word what did I say huh what m word mods oh what I called BR that literally like

Everything you [ __ ] see on the screen this [ __ ] is all mded well 90% of it like the trees the mded the the [ __ ] the the the horse the muted the thing on my head muted my my tools the like the flower [ __ ] on the mded the UI

Mded look pretty I wanted to look pretty I don’t understand the Aesthetics man I need my aesthetically pleasing St Valley mods I’m so scared I would love to add more mods but I already have like 165 I add anymore I’m so scared my computer will die also it’s going to get

A be a pain in the ass transferring this over to um my laptop be pain in the ass whatever also I’m going to have to trans for my [ __ ] B Gate 3 save I don’t know if I want to keep playing B gate uh 3 on stream to be honest I’m not

Sure I kind of just started way too many [ __ ] games and now I’m just sitting here like bro what do I do scal Moji and I was like I don’t know what to play I’m just going to go back to starter yeah I just remembered how he

This a chance so yeah oh my gosh it is pretty easy man I should be getting the how are you doing how is your stream back backlog do I have Shad oh I should have Shad I think there used to be a old one is order one I thought it was order

One is that not I’ll try I think there you go I thought that was an order thingy oh well it’s fine yeah there you go it’s uh yeah yeah it’s going pretty good I I’m kind of barely playing the game honestly I’m kind of doing more

Talking but I said I was going to play Stu and I literally had it open in the background so I was like oh my gosh I need to at least like be unconscious playing or something something like that I hope you st is good yeah I I am I

Think it’s fure spring I don’t know I haven’t played this save in a while but it’s the safe that I’ve just been playing uh forever but I’m in here because I’m a [ __ ] and uh SK cabin kills me in like [ __ ] two seconds I hate why did I get

Like a difficulty enhancer on the M the mobs or something I have no idea what I did wrong uh wait I’m so annoyed that there isn’t like a instant way to get rid of what I Typed uh I should be getting potion though I forgot what I needed to upgrade next though I Forgot I which specific part are you talking about I have too many mods I don’t know if my if my mods can still works okay this is probably not updated but it has a lot of the mods that I have I used to use the mod manager thingy but

I stopped using it so it’s not up to date anymore but it should have quite a lot of the mods that I use the item screen oh this it’s the um it’s the chest everywhere mod I I just can’t be bothered it’s just me being

Lazy yeah I haven’t I haven’t used it in a while so it’s probably not going to be up to dat but this are lot of the mod I used in there I have it says I have 165 but I yeah the only really v a mod

Or like the big like one have I have the what’s it I have not very expanded I was too shy to scared to add any other mods cuz whenever I add more NPC mods it’s always like am I really going to use them actually no I have open fire but I

Don’t know he’s just like his own thing cuz he works I think he wait I think you can only have him with expanded or something I don’t know I have not played Sal Val in a while it has been a while I don’t know I can play this game unconsciously so well

It’s like a talent I just like talk and just like play look up everything mods oh I don’t think I have that one I don’t remember how I made it so I can have everything in my chest I think I changed the config I think I usually it’s only like

Like a chest layout like it’s like 30 slots or whatever I think I removed the like the limit for how much stuff you can have in a chest and then just put everything in that one chest so everything is just all in the one thing I think that’s why I could had a

Custom color pickle oh wait no I do okay Good I do not update my mods it’s just kind of on life support I’m scared choing my mods will just like a break something I don’t want oh my gosh it takes so long to load hello welcome in hello hello it takes it takes so long to load

The mods in the first place it’s like what’s the point of adding anything with it already takes so long man that’s a struggle that’s s do mods if only it was like Terraria mods man Terraria mods are so much easier I wish all on would like that it’s such easy interface and everything

On oh well honestly I still I SP in manually uh because I don’t know the mod manager was being pissy so I was like I can’t Beed I’ve been doing it manually for so long I honestly could not give a up oh I should go back uh there you

Go it was too late I started using the mod manager and I had already been doing it like finally for so long I was like w what I bother I need to move this I don’t know if I have like a chest picking up mod I think I might I’m not

Sure I need to move it I need to move it somewhere I’ll like never see it again probably like that I think that would be Good okay apparently I don’t have a calendar do I what am I doing oh I cat got something my C up hello oh got oh my gosh I didn’t kill something tonight that’s good well that being a reasonable cat what the hell how oh no lag Spike I get this like

Every 10 million seconds Hello there you go let back a bit annoying but it’s worth it a I can’t wait till I get off this Farm I shouldn’t have choose a custom B oh yeah thank you I I hope you rest is good yeah I should have told you the C

Of yeah take care take care yeah byebye yeah it’s crazy how these just multiply the fishies the fishies just multiply I don’t know how I put one in and then and there’s just like there’s just three like what where did that come from no idea the heck yeah thank you I appreciate

It there you go oh oh oh my gosh the egg Blended in with the the hay actually Blended in what the heck man ah I still haven’t set up a water by the way I been silly of me um it’s okay it’s okay the theion checking it’s not that bad it’s bad but

It’s like it’s better than anything these face could offer be the only bad thing is how I it’s like it’s like glitching but that’s because I’m on Green Screen sadly I mean I could like let put again I could like make the green screen less but then it’s like I don’t want to

Have the green outline you know like where is it oh not the sweetness PEB reaction similarity there there’s no point I don’t want the green outline it’s scary oh I’m G oh my gosh I should have mess at the green screen I’m just Petty that my earrings are gone I want my earrings

Back surely I can like surely I can make it a type but like oh oh no I’m going for par [ __ ] that’s not it wa what’s the normal then I miss the green screen too much uh I can get like a light green outline and then keep my earrings but it’s like

Not worth it I’m buy by earrings it’s not worth it to save though maybe I’ll go to 20 3 30 no it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter I don’t need B this absolutely Gess oh my gosh no whenever I try to make hand signals when I’m playing games

And I have like one hand on like my my mouse or my keyboard or something it like it it shows my hand on the keyboard so it’s like oh my God hi my hands not on the keyboard like hi my hands totally not on the keyboard board oopsies they for

The I’m so happy that I swap from py face I even let free from jail to like not have terrible face rigging or not have terrible rigging and not have terrible program VY face was so bad and all the like new telling you what like 3D programs the good it’s all

Updated it’s all updated it’s like every man to themselves type of thing I guess that type of thing I supp they fix the verid models man like what am I supposed to do go like make one in lenda make one in Ordera no no no cand do sir no no cand do sir no cand do oh my gosh I can’t ear seven probably yeah kind of I can ow seven properly I can seven properly H what the hell no go away there you go my laziness is stopping stopping me my my laziness

S I am not a ghost the viny Res is that not just another art program isn’t that just another opart program no h that’s not just another off program is it cuz I already use a good art program I like my art program I’m never swapping ever I’m never swapping ever I already swap art programs like uh

Three I think this is my third one oh or four four I started I was paining on my phone and then faral Paka and then mang pain and then clip studio and clip studio is God’s said aen I love love clip Studio oh right I forgot I forgot

I really do want to learn the video Sol I just forgot it’s an editing program I forgot my bad my Bad yeah my brain just like instantly identified it as an art program oopsies I look I do need to learn it um but is it is it free is it free trial or a premium thingy or is it just completely free I can’t remember um I guess it wouldn’t be too bad it’s

Just I already have a lot of uh PR Pro like effects like I have the rubble effects and the the the what are they called he captions captions I have captions I have the wall the shaking it’s like I already have all this stuff is it completely free really

A wait is it actually completely free even the wait stuff tile’s free too why the hell am I using I’m clowning I’m clowning for the 10th time oh my gosh for I forgot it’s fair I’m playing my game playing wait can I do this playing I forgot I can do quotation box

Now oh my God I I I love the colorful company a colorful company is so crazy I oh my gosh I love the the colorful well I was playing and then I decided head s signals were like cooler wait does that mean I can do the

Like the thing where it’s like this and it’s like oh my God I’m lying like oh my God I love nanji nanji is my favorite coer oh my gosh I said n any any I’m having too much fun I’m having too much fun I need to be a good streamer and play the

Game what wow W I literally had that I signal the whole time the like the like the lying one this is a li one right it’s like the American lying thing or something this one right I can’t do it well because I keep U anxiety or Whatever Oh w wow my nose does not grow it’s the it’s the same height it’s the same height wait no not height length wait is it length so high what did it be length L right I think it’s like I think it’s like p b exactly

Oh my gosh I hate when I don’t like a fix my tracking or like fix my tracking or something so it’s just like I’ll be like this for the whole stream and I won’t notice or I’m like this for the whole stream and I don’t notice it’s a bit annoying it’s a bit

Annoying it’s okay though okay I have to leave so to grow maybe I just I screw it and I SC this go cab or something I have a lot of money why don’t I just go why didn’t just go Fu I wish I could get rid of that I

Wish I could get rid of that what the hell that why can’t I get rid of it oh where is she hurry up bad hurry up please it’s like you own the game I love earning games earning oh my gosh it’s so hard to figure out if how uh

[ __ ] uh like what picks up and what doesn’t I pick up cuz I’m on like I shouldn’t have done portrait man I should just I should just go go go not portrait for my tracking I wonder if it’s any worse if I go if I a

Vertical I go vertical I can do like more no wait P vertical is the same thing landscape horizontal like like this like I’m using my friend like like this uh like this but I want to use it like like this I [ __ ] give up I whatever whatever man I wonder if sandies has anything oh oh I really need any of these oh I mean bombs for I’m not sure if I want any of these oh let’s see what Sandy has uh all right choose all that stuff I don’t think I want any let me see Oh all right this spring oh I can’t wait to buy buy like 10 million stuffer that’s going to be really funny I don’t guess I’m not going to buy it yeah not buy it yet I just haven’t been buying anything of Lately from steam or Whatever no that’s terrible that is not cat gam that is vomit emergy that is disgusting all right I totally forgot about the the FUNimation crunchy roll disaster I can’t believe that actually happens I can’t believe they they actually FUNimation country merge and then proceed to [ __ ] triple prices like what [ __ ]

What guys I would never start a monopoly I would never start a monopoly just because I merge with another company what I would never do that oh my gosh all my HP is gone wait where is my food I I have so many dish of the

Seas oh baby that’s what I was waiting for that’s what it’s all about oh my gosh I mean they oh I mean I guess they not need s oh my gosh I shouldn’t talk bad about n s bro that’s so big it’s like I like I’m sorry nii I’m

Sorry anyway I hope n sansi becomes irrelevant and then dies out so I don’t have to suck n sansi anymore oh yeah I also saw that the um voice reacting to like the sence situation not on a video but like on uh like highlight a clip from his stream or something I

Think someone clipped his reaction to it or something I didn’t watch it I didn’t watch it I haven’t been [ __ ] watching moistly recently it’s so sad but yeah honestly I need to do like like full like zatu streams where I just like oh my God only four levels or I just don’t

Play a game or something but it’s so tempting to like I don’t know like draw or something one I’m That Swing or something I don’t know man ADHD I hate these guys these guys do like infinite damage oh no he’s G us I just have it on a start valy I

Think start valy today I was like oh I haven’t play St valy in a while might as well play St value cuzz I don’t know I didn’t feel like playing house before but I was like oh spotty belly I like spotty belly I think spot belly f

And then I don’t know I should probably [ __ ] try P again sometime and proceed for my oh why does everything Crash My Stream lately bad could I have one day where I don’t have like 20 [ __ ] restarts of my stream um I can’t tell if it’s oh [ __ ] I

Didn’t mean to leave for the m no I don’t want to play s the zatu I want to do zatsu where I like react to the drama but I don’t want to be a drama YouTuber I don’t know oh o sa is a lot a lot I don’t know I

Want to talk about drama but also it’s like I don’t know Man Qui oh my go oh SP spicy is good what the [ __ ] the dinosaur the [ __ ] out of way what the [ __ ] why do they got dinosaurs in here I’m not today but it’ be good in the future today I want to be a a good um YouTuber and not switch Categories I don’t know why I just gosp like that oh my God I don’t know why I got like that no I’d be happy to have recommendations um some some other time I just don’t know what I’m going to do zatu it’s so hard to figure out what I

Want to play cuz I always end up spamming spanning them across like 10 don’t don’t die don’t die don’t don’t die I’m oh I’m so bad at this [ __ ] game why am I so bad at this game why I playing this game and I’m still so [ __ ] oh sorry um hello um

Uh I’m sorry I don’t think I can pronounce it hello how are you Doing oh that I was trying to pronounce like the P before and then like like the the r and stuff oh my gosh how are you doing thank you sorry I was trying to pronounce all it at once for some reason by bad how are you doing hello

I was just dying because I’m so bad at s Valley I’m okay not the best considering I’m in the the this cave I hate this place but I mean I got an aridian bar from a monster so I guess I am kind of good at least I got some aridium this

Time I just I’m not very good at the skull canons I don’t know if I put like I’m kind of convinced that I put a thing to like up the monsters difficulty or I’ve just gotten worse at stardo somehow I honestly have no idea thank go for the water wait did I pause

It I didn’t pause it It it it seems like I’ve got like like a water bottle in my sleeves or something whatever I go like like I have actually got my water bottle over there it’s like it’s like I’m AO with the like the Boba up my sleeve or something or something like that

Ah I didn’t drow my emot man I’ve been too busy lately do anything I should have done made this a drawing stream and then just like draw an emotes or something oh my God I got it I got it I got it I got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve

Got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I’ve got this I love this I literally ate the spicy eel and I can’t even use all Bad I hate that place I don’t know how am I look so bad at it lot so oh let’s see wait there you go wait what is [ __ ] oh is a it’s not control oh it’s Al I have to like hold Al and then when it’s like pink it means it’s like locked and uh it can’t it can’t get I don’t that’s the thing in the base game but I don’t know I made the look color

Pink I don’t know I think it’s something in the base game I forgot I I I forgot I I think I think St Valley it actually makes my brain cells regress I don’t know why it hasn’t hasn’t done anything wrong it’s just such a chill game and my brain cells not just like sleeping my bra is sleeping like what she TI or something oh my

Gosh something else I was been to go I forgot oh I said lime why is the lime petite it’s not tiny tiny tiny it’s not tiny it’s just a normal lime Li what I don’t know why it’s like that let’s see oh I’ve already went to the beach

Recently I don’t think though all right Community summer oh right oh oh wait did I oh wait did I get a sunlow From I did wait is the Reds s okay I can do that so I go for the year finish every game I mean you know seeu this types of game where it’s going to take like too many hours or like or to finish or it just like C be finished because I

Keep I keep replaying it you know like um like sto I’ve done too many playthroughs I have been on this playthrough for a while though but stard do I just keep replaying it 20 million times and then power wash has too many levels I don’t think I’ll ever beat it

It’s kind of just like a filler type game or whatever or Tide game same withle but kind of I don’t know there’s a lot of games where it’s not like a story campaign and it’s like a different or something like I don’t even know if like Po is campaign like

Does po have campaign cuz I saw a lot of people played it for like a week or did like like 48 hour or 7 hour streams that and then they stop playing it or something I don’t know if it’s like campaign or it’s just like play until you get

Bored and I guess everyone’s already already over it it lastes a stream a game for like a week holy [ __ ] and I’m guessing that’s going to be the same with personal three or something I you mean offline Mode yeah yeah yeah I think it’s like that I think it’s like that but I also don’t think they have enough building material I don’t think they have enough uh how long have I been streaming I’ve only been streaming for an hour 40 why do I feel like I’m literally

Going to fall asleep if I desk like I just put my head down and just just tired just sleep I can’t you could sleep sui you were going to sleep you were like oh yeah I I stream to sleep and sleep and then it’s the streamer here that has to keep Streaming I could overcome it I still have to play genin and starel after stream because I uh have to convince my resin and my TR power to Um I guess I just leave what if I do that and then I do this that’s wow I see put the music back on I just listen to the St B music you were so sleepy before I thought you were going to like do what you did the on what was it oh my gosh it’s so

Loud was it yeah on say but he like came in like for hours in or something oh my God it’s so loud uh oh my gosh this is Nostalgia yay I’m here Delicious Pancakes hey it’s the harvesting Day I forgot I got the Harvest scy board I should nostalgic right my tracking is probably being really siit right now cuz I have my legs like I don’t know I put my legs up against the desk oh no my knee is that how you say it I don’t know something like that

Among Us I am making bank I’m going to be the richest farmer in an farm bill it’s not F what is it Valley what not the farm name uh St Valley Farm Place I think I’ll sleep in this swap cuz I’m just like aega sleepy and you’re just like no like What what’s that shimi oh I should die oh hello hello oh my gosh hello thank you for that was so much for the raid hello welcome welcome V hello hello one second let me do the how is your stream hello hello oh I haven’t played Celestia I’ve seen a I

Haven’t watched people play it but I’ve like gled over and seen people having it in that like a steam library or something oh my gosh I should I haven’t Len start music in so long I had it all off oh my gosh oh hello hello it has been a while

Yeah I hope my stream is good if you need to go get water or have a rest or something uh you should do that oh yeah I know streaming is pretty hard sometimes oh congrats I haven’t even like played uh celest before but I was it’s a good game I just have to

Play yeah they yeah welcome welcome back for welcome everyone for the for the raid yeah I am uh F Beau why did I say that so weird I I I stream all Tuesdays um Fridays it’s probably Mondays and Thursdays for like the other time zones that’s for like the Japanese Australian

And uh the times is around that time I can’t L the all man hello hello uh ien started in a while honestly but I’ve been on this save for a while this has been my save I have 165 mods yes um a lot of stuff is just like modded um the only really

Cheat I have is like this this is like my one cheat I just couldn’t be bother dealing with how unorganized the chests were that’s why I kind of just like yeah I know Minecraft creative inventory I guess it’s no it’s limited it’s limited trust me it’s limited it’s just only in one

Chest um I am stinky I am literally just like my IRL self don’t even know why I know right I love to get a lot of the um what’s it called again the aesthetic the the on for like look making it look good yeah I I was thinking of like changing

Some but I don’t want to break it it takes so long to load with mods it’s is Scary oh right oh my gosh oh my gosh I forgot about that command I forgot oh my gosh yes I can do that I’m so used to the old twit my bad I’m I’m used to Old twitch man don’t tell me I’m that makes me old oh my gosh my bad

Guys I’m not I’m not old I swear I’m not old I swear I to I actually forgot that command existed holy crap no not me oh wait I forgot I had a Quy I mean I probably been here like whenever stream I did this last or something but for this stream I to forgot I had one back in my oh look you have to do the freaky you always us to do I refuse to believe I’m old I’m I’m a new new twitch streamer on the Block oh my God whatever I I need cpum I need I need cpum oh I should have made a [ __ ] carpium redeem why didn’t I make one I have made one what am I what am I

Doing why haven’t I made a corion redeem yet no no no I don’t know what I don’t know what you’re talking about I talk about how I think about it I did want to make uh did I I never added one did I wait if I go H overl

Yeah where is it item corium oh my gosh why is the cium so big why is it what the [ __ ] oh my gosh what what the [ __ ] what it’s linked to my headboard oh wait no that’s how it’s supposed to be wait I’ll just hide it a I forgot where it goes

Oh my gosh oh why the hell is it all right let should see a it’s a bit fiddly was why it’s still too big um oh huh oh oh oopsies Oh oh I can’t do it oh my gosh I give up screw this I give up I give up I’ll just [ __ ] go with this one Whatever whatever um depends on the Ivy’s Eevees honestly if it’s i e I guess you can like make an argument uh but J you should not

But I guess I guess I guess I guess if you if you if you want to bad if you really want to the cium wouldn’t work it was too annoying to put up on stream it’s it’s like so bad that’s too annoying to do the copium that’s why I just settled for

This good enough man good enough oh what the hell why did you how a catch it with the mushable then what what why did you just catch it with the mushable then what uh oh oh my gosh I’m I have dementia I I don’t need to do those what oh fair enough I

Guess I guess fair enough all right I should try and upgrade some stuff there stuff that I need to Upgrad do I have any bars oh no oh all right I have all of the Cod that I have oh wow that’s really cool honestly I I haven’t played Pokemon games in a long while I did I remember I did do a a whole entire Pokémon Platinum

Run on stream I do remember that but I think I I did starton Emerald but I don’t think I ever finished it oh yeah no fair enough it’s going to be pretty hard to deat though I can imagine I want to do a randomizer but I think a randomizer nuzlock would go very

Badly I don’t know H I can’t play it I’m playing to other game to many too many other games I should get rid of that there go oh wow I mean it’s an ultra B so Ultra B has like is it two times or 1.5 times it’s a little better than some of

The other bows are yeah two who is kind a lot oh why you go that today huh I forgot I want to go to PE oh I want to get the catalog so bad oh my gosh I can’t wait till I get so rich that I can waste money on the cataloges oh

No what did you do okay who’s it today I really cannot be it’s 300 gold okay a regular one I see oh I God you can get saplings for these I see how it is understandable unable oh I need the 30,000 for that one not even the good one

Though I think I need rce though I I get rice and oil H sure I’m already like it it doesn’t really matter I’m pretty good at it oh no I have coffee saplings I’m just wasting all my money it’s fine oh no I don’t have oh actually I can

Check but I don’t think so I have Frozen tears oh wow how do you even get Them is that that expensive what the hell this actually crazy I want to put these in my fridge instead of the storage cuz fridge oh hello s how are you doing it’s crazy thought you recommended he working how are you doing unfortunately my heart events um I don’t man

Um I supp did the H man so I oh a bit unlucky that I did not let me see oh of the yeah oh oh wow she loves sh for and pedals all right I could probably easily befriend her a lot of the like the modded fbl for some reason Everyone

Likes them I have no idea why uh let me see I’m pretty good yeah since I’m not in the which what are the what are the cin called again every time I think of them I think of spiral aus the the the cabin the cave in um

The the the desert that one I hate that one I need a r so badly but I can’t they just kill me they they just kill me so easily it’s so annoying Oh I’m pretty decent I was a bit tired earlier but I’m I’m not as tired not as tired as I was before for do I have the sushimi recipe wait don’t you do you get the sushimi recipe off of lus lus lus oh like go I give everyone all of the like the

Far wait I think I think there’s one that I have like a bunch of this one I think everyone or most people like the strawberry ones uh let me see is I going to play the music oh than I don’t know if anything will be open during this time

But I’m just going to sh everyone like that’s very nice of you is that the is that the like really good reaction I’m not sure oh it seems like everyone loves these I feel kind of bad oh my gosh there was 10 people in the doorway oh maybe some people don’t like

Them oh yeah I played oh I don’t I don’t know if I did I I I know all the endings for undertale I think I might have only done the initial route though and for Delta I I think I only did the chapter one I can’t really

Remember it’s been a while oh welcome in welcome welcome I think I actually forgot to send a tweet I say I’m live today cuz I was very busy and unorganized yeah welcome oh my gosh I’m so addicted to the the coffee shop music man I’m so bad

I tried to download another one but I downloaded it in MP4 because it wasn’t letting me download mp3 for some reason so so I have it but it’s MP4 fair enough I haven’t played power world in ages because last time I streamed it it crashed like three times every after

Every like hour it would Crash My Stream and I’ve just been my stream has been crashing so much recently I’m a bit embarrassed it’s not fun bad like I like power don’t get me wrong but I don’t think that updating the like the Xbox

One is much or maybe they have since I I played it cuz it’s been a while but oh wow I’m still pretty early into the game still pretty early into the game y’all wait let me go back to the game there you go oh oh

Jeez H is that I don’t know I thought some of the updates were like only for PS4 oh I he huh huh really oh my gosh I I’m like so low level what the heck oh oh this is a LEL what the heck I actually have not played power in

A while maybe I need to play it uh again sometime I fell off my zad I fell off my Z I may have high Mastery but I have not played her in so long I I know I am not rank One S oh Man oh yeah my friend told me uh hello welcome in I see face oh yikes somehow I can always beat all my rids in power maybe it’s cuz you’re higher level it’s probably something like that my friend told me you will play league and you you do play league and

You will no tonight no no no tonight no sad face you really wanted me to play leue oh really here I’m really not far in not at all oh gosh I need to put all these Back oh I hope you have a good night P it’s it might be late for you or something or in that I hope you drink water and have a good SLE yeah bye-bye yeah thanks for joing yeah it’s fun yeah no America time zone I’m so sorry

I’m so sorry or maybe not America maybe UK I don’t know I just assume everyone’s American honestly you ask yeah I don’t understand why you guys are watching me at 2: a.m. in the morning what are you doing bro why did I sound that why I sound Um

Kingdom oh really I guess United Kingdom just doesn’t exist welcome back V welcome back hello hello oh that’s so sweet of you a understandable then Fair no well I have to get a good sleep now then oh let’s see is it too late to go to the mines I’m not sure you

Byebye is it too late to go to the mines no I don’t know 1030 in it I can’t believe it’s 10:30 y oh my gosh oh the um the Mind SS is so nice I think I can do a British acccept but then I get told that I’m British

Because of the way I say exams everyone tells me I say exams the British way and then they call me British why I’m not British guys good time for T cets oh my gosh I can’t beat the allegations I’m not wait no that was bad

I’m not oh I’m not bitsh why would I be British I’m not British man I I think it must be I I always told that I say it the wrong way I say it the British way or something well I mean I could just say it the the British

Way like I know you can say British I just say British CH St um bottle of Water Tuesday Tuesday it’s Tuesday it’s not Tuesday Tuesday is cringe my Gosh I don’t do I even need this or I don’t do I I need oh I have my window open that’s why I’m not dying I was like why is it so cold why am I not dying I don’t have my fan on why am I not dying of heat stroke

I have my window open I’m so smart thank God I actually have my window open for once it’s actually cool for once my gosh Tuesday just sounds better than Tuesday I don’t know Why oh I wanted water I literally need to make a water emote this is overdo it this point oh my gosh man when I only streamed on Twitch I could just change the what’s it called again the like the category I just easy but I feel bad if I

Change it now cuz I’m on YouTube CU like I can’t change the thumbnail I always make the thumbnail the game it’s like oh man no I like you I think you’s pretty good it’s just it’s good in some senses going to and bad in others but generally I

Think it’s not that bad I think it’s I think streaming on YouTube fine it’s it’s just it seems like to have more longevity than twitch does Yeah it’s not that bad it’s oh oh that’s I think it’s okay maybe I’ve just been I don’t know too used to YouTube streaming from like all the Clos yeah no it’s just like no matter what I do even if I change the title I change the

Game it’s like uh I can’t change the thumbnail you know All right I have to go back for my thinking yeah no I think it’s just hard of for Discovery but I think it’s uh definitely M do is it too funny for you why are you sleeping V no no oh you thought in the game no no it was it was

1240 220 would be illegal I don’t know how I would do that I don’t know what yeah don’t worry about it don’t worry about it oh I C WR something home what I cat bring C this just like oh I don’t even know what to call this loading this is like

Mini Dead Island 2 loading I got Ginger how how did you get ginger man I don’t know how we still got Ginger oh L Spike L SP come on hello hello game game oh there you go it’s F okay it’s not that bad it’s like bad but it’s like not that bad it’s

Fine oh my gosh so many stories man if I sold these I would be so rich oh my my gosh wait I need to check on my skills though oh okay I just something 10 Bing 10 to oh w n mining nine what what am I

Getting money 10 man when am I getting money 10 when is that happening no they’re made out of they made out of something but they’re not made out of straw they’re made out of like like like Earth Earth Magic I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I made out of not

Straw hold on wow wow wow wow okay wow I say how it is wow look my brain can Function sometime so it’s still like semi functional semi function somewhat you know no no no no no no no no no no no no I know if it works but heck okay oh no I can I can probably change the thumbnail it’s just I don’t have like another thumbnail on standby you

Know like obviously I I can change it during the stream but it’s like you want me to go to furn shop and make another thumbnail oh that’s another one high performance draw I don’t know if I call it high perform but n Win I’m not sure I’m not Sure okay Lo to the game all right I have wait why don’t I have so much WI all right I forgot I have a shed that’s filled with wine oh it’s still it’s still growing um let’s see I can make an aridium sprinkler now since I got one

Aridium bar but maybe I should leave it for my like pickaxes and stuff yeah I prob should or cin oh I’m gon is I’m G is I’m not g is I think it’s just the this or is it the copper what do I need for it copper

Iron this copper iron I can make One oh really no it’s like I can make my thumbnails my so far there all seven continents uh Asia America oana um uh uh uh uh uh Africa Africa Africa um I See Asia America Africa um how was there seven there’s not seven you’re lying to me there’s like five at most

There’s no way this seven this is my one weakness man you’re actually poting me this is like the like Persona weaknesses like my weakness is geography you can’t do this to me you got bir of you got talk no one lives it out toic that [ __ ] don’t count that [ __ ] don’t

Count no one Liv it oh no there you can’t count that that’s that’s a scam I’ve been scammed Asia Africa also Africa Australia is a I thought Australia was OCA Africa North America South America Antarctica Europe oh that’s what the UK is I Forgot okay I just remember it as OC because all the [ __ ] all the um like the game um what’s it again all the games call it OC region so I just [ __ ] remember it as OC oh my gosh you’re brain roted by games I I can’t oh thank God it’s so quick

Okay I want to let me see I can do like this and then got like I don’t know uh we do this for oh oh there’s a ball there oh honestly I wanted to play uh that new Neil uh the Neil fun game whatever it was called I wanted to play that game

But I I swear I’ve heard of that game but I don’t think I don’t I’ve never played it before are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader is it a steam thing no it’s a it’s a TV show how can I play a TV show it’s an Australian game show how

Can I play that oh there’s a game version of it there is a seam version of it that no way that’s 30 a 42 43 43 with the mix for reviews uh no no there’s no way it’s 43 AUD I refuse to believe that like how more than like $20 I

Refuse to believe it’s more than like $20 why have any rings on I do Okay what do I I’m missing I know right it it’s not it’s not this um I’m not sure what to do now oh hi the h hello hello I’m playing stud today well kind of sort of I’m more just talking uh but I I’m like a sort of kind of playing stud as

Well they’re asking if I’m smart in a fifth grader because I’m bad at geography it’s quite rude look geography is my one weakness man I’m not good at that like if I play G Gua I am I’m never going to get it unless it’s like I don’t

Know the easiest country in the world or something oh but you to at like the the exact like location like what the hell oh my gosh I have so much Oak present I can get I’m stacked man I’m actually stacked the amount of pegs I’ll

Be able to make once I get um those copper bars I just need copper bars I get those copper bars I am set crazy uh I think there’s more down here yeah there is like two more I think the the oak ones must be the pink trees cuz

There seem like the pink trees of the oak on yeah oh let me see I should put my own music oh is it oh all right I didn’t put this one on loot I want this beum I mean it’s kind of nice I think it’s

Good for St but I don’t know of the video I’m fighting is hitting it’s like good but it’s not like hitting you know none of them can outdo the [ __ ] comfy vein oh I’m so biased I’m so biased with the Rainy Jazz Cafe slow jazz music. MP3 this is so sad

Unlucky oh wait I don’t know if I put this to go out of the [ __ ] I didn’t put this to not go in the [ __ ] audio track [ __ ] I don’t want this in the void man fck sake uh uh This [ __ ] addictive addictive like coffee that was terrible I’m so sorry this is why I tried to download more jazz music but then it downloaded It’s so sad how the hell am I supposed to translate this to MP3 I literally done this this4 if I put it in audacity it’s going to take like 10 hours you know whatever whatever I it’s Fine no when I tried to convert it to MP3 it just was not working it it gave me like a 3se second audio clip not what I wanted I could try opening oh opening um um my Opera please don’t kill my stream please don’t kill my stream please don’t kill

My stream please don’t come my stream that’s not what I want please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t kill my stream please don’t kill my stream please don’t kill my stream please don’t

Kill my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my stream please don’t come my

Stream am I still alive hello Hello it was worth it no Help hi hi hi hi I TR I tried to copy it but I didn’t control see oopsies oopsies oopsies it’s okay it’s okay only if I like quick clear if I do it cck clear you don’t notice and I don’t die I’m fine right I should be fine I think I’m fine

I think I’m fine I want yeah I want I want this one I want this one I want this one oh I got an acorn safe I’m praying that I’m safe oh why does it say open widget YouTube is not meing it YouTube is not receiving enough video to maintain smooth Streaming what do you mean wait am I safe my stream health is poor huh why is my stream Health poor no this is just YouTube being silly YouTube is saying that I am not receiving enough video to maintain smooth streaming as such viewers will experience buffering what the hell I’m so sorry

YouTube viewers YouTube is being sad I’m so sorry YouTube videos and whatever it’s fine it’s fine you’re still 1.0 KDA huh you mean for this stream thank God this stream isn’t CED yet I swear the [ __ ] the Persona one and then the other they both of the person of three streams

Crash I don’t want to talk about it I don’t want to talk about it I don’t want to remember it I don’t remember it I look look the the YouTube VOD says it didn’t crash at all so it would it did not crash to be honest YouTube VOD is in

One V so technically it didn’t crash you know I think twitch I think twitch crashed I think it’s twitch’s fault I think it’s twitch twitch’s fault not not my fault man not my fault I should give him strawberry the Wild Ones cool I I swear Everyone likes these is

There anyone that even dislikes them it’s kind of silly like having infinite diamonds or something but it’s not diamonds it’s just wild strawberries it’s kind of Silly why SL this I should been friend lers hello the chat made me go out of my room I know it’s very Sad I have to go into town and then give everyone these wow wow okay oh here is he not open on Mondays I this store hello yeah see this is why I shouldn’t have downloaded this mod cuz it’s op like this I give it everyone and it’s

Like like oh my god wow oh my God this is such a good gift I’m so happy wow except none of them go to one heart because why would they go to one heart how many times do I think you gifts man 10 million 10 bajillion 10 trillion

But I don’t have that many gifts h happy happy happy oh I don’t think I given these people gifts yet gift gift no just like that she said oh it’s for me D is it not her fa what the hell I swear Everyone likes these what Go oh am I silly wait can I give P things can you get hot G though I don’t know it’s lock no oh it’s so foggy tonight man why is it foggy tonight oh my R I need my v wait wa wait okay that’s

Good oh why am I using my thing wait do I have any bait on me wait bait I have one bait you’re kidding why do I have one B I have no bug Meats I swear I had bug Meats what a scam I literally have bug meat actual Scam okay okay now it should be all good I’m stupid don’t don’t look I’m stupid there you go now I can’t accidentally get rid of it I can actually go fishing and I actually have a VI y oh I don’t want to get the Stu fishes

What start give me the starfish man give me actual good fish please oh man h h h what wait there shot my shot this teleported me to that giant DLC place what that is crazy I don’t need it though it’s cool but I don’t need it is my fishing

T oh okay I fishing time I don’t even know what I want to fish out here honestly I want to fish when it gets to like 10 p.m. or something the water is so pretty but it’s 10 p.m. it goes on like very dark blue it’s like Starry or

Something I don’t want these guys oh what a SC SC man I a fighting back at all is it just a piece of seaweed it might just be a piece of SE wow oh Well is it 900 p.m. that triggers it 10 p.m. must be a 1000 p.m. thing or 12. no must be 10 p.m. all you see more seaweed I already have seaweed I want to go get cold water wait come on need I been streaming wait did that wait did that uh

Timer that I put on is it like actually running swap model in 1 hour 1 minute hopefully it does my battery doesn’t run out before four because I think my phone battery can only last my old phone battery that is is don’t my new one my old

One I think YouTube stream is fixed now yeah I think it’s fixed now okay it say excellent connection so I guess it’s fixed that’s good that is good okay I’m back to fish see look at it’s like dirty trigger it’s so pretty and then it gets even

Darker like as the night goes on it gets like a really really dark blue but it’s so pretty isn’t it oh my gosh I don’t even know what what where this is from sorry I can’t remember a brain doesn’t fit that much soon who knows what that was from oh that’s

Shill I want Coffee oh I’m getting sleepy again oh gosh like another skill check skill check of not falling asleep look how dark it gets see look how dark this is honestly I think they manag hit the visuals cuz it used to look prettier or I don’t know it’s so dark

Oh I don’t know I think the even though like YouTube isn’t the best for streaming I think it’s still good for like for VOD keeping you know like I know people make uh like VOD channels and they like uh download and upload the vods that’s too much work manad I’m lazy

And multi streaming is just like 10 times better no like you get free V and then yeah a free V you do have to make the thumbnail though that is a bit a bit of extra work but I think I would rather make a thumbnail than download and upload like

A 4H hour video like that is quite a lot of um space on my computer and then also having to like [ __ ] export it through oh actually no I don’t think you would have to export it through from a pro this is already everything yeah no scra that it’s still annoying

Though like managing a whole V Channel when you can just multi stream and get free vs oh hello hello hello H how are you doing I am fishing I should probably go back sooner and I’ll go back now wait put it back in here go am I

Missing oh I should be able to make make it I think yeah I think it uh I don’t know if I’ll get another thing of my strawberries though I might have been I only get to pick them like once or twice no that was my first pick I

Think think I get another picking of them spring ends I should sell them soon I don’t know why I’ve been holding back on selling though uh I can’t I’m going to sleep sleep I’m on think sleep and then Think pretty good y I really didn’t even go to the skull cins though but skull cins has been really hard for me a somehow so I guess it’s not good that I’m not really getting much aridium but with it I’m just living with it at this point it’s fine I I guess accept

It I’m feeling good in every other department oh actually no I’m running low on call but in general I’m a bit tired but other than that I’m pretty good oh that us oh my God I could use with cold water though I Want I still have have the bottle but it’s it’s not that cold anymore it’s better when I go and get a cold water stream or something I me this Friday how would I not be good I get the weekend man weekend is good the what about you though oh my gosh this oh

There’s another one I saw there was three last time they might actually get to yeah oh wait no they have to give me another Quest before they reach five don’t they or is not I don’t know I don’t even know why I’m keeping these guys they they look good I guess

Huh what do you mean what what do you mean suu oh okay I thought you meant like my stream crash or Something oh my gosh thank you thank you I appreciate it I won’t download it now though because quite frankly I don’t want to open my brothers Midstream I’m currently running oh I mean I guess I’m not maxing my CPU anymore but who knows how high it will

Go I mean it doesn’t matter because my my model Will Survive anyway but I am one of those people that keep uh more than one tab open frankly to say my tab keeping this why do you have so many tabs open why do you have so many tabs

Open I’ve heard that a couple of Times I think I’m fine with looping this one again Then oh thank you thank you why why do I just only listen to copy shop music I literally not in a coffee shop what wow wow wow wow okay is it not good do you not like it is the coffee shop music not good if it’s [ __ ] you can say

It’s [ __ ] I swear it’s not bad I swear it’s good it’s not that bad right oh wait actually I think I can listen to the the Persona soundtrack on stream and not get like copyrighted because I’ve heard a bunch of other people listening to like beneath the mask and stuff and not

Getting copyrighted I just haven’t been bothered I’m just so used I’m literally so used to um what is it like listening to this I mean it doesn’t matter quite frankly I don’t like having music go through my vods cuz I can just download my vods and like edit them if I wanted

To but if there’s music on there it’s like really annoying cuz I can’t add like other music like under it it’s like I’m restricted to whatever is in the vault God but having music is V is good for the people who’s watching but bro if I have no music just turn on

Spotify no way no way no way you can play all of it’s an easy fct right it’s fine right ah well well I I close them sometimes I close them sometimes but sometimes I just have so much stuff I need to do and I haven’t finished it yet and it’s just Open look I also I have two profiles because I have two I have one profile for like my main stuff and one profile for all the stuff so it’s like that double but yeah I went on again unlucky oops oh let’s see okay I don’t think I’m as bad as that I

Don’t think I have 100 pluss open maybe I have like 50 50 or 40 I think I would have 100 I’m so sorry for your loss of CPU I’m so sorry for your CPU man Rip 07 s you bad7 07 s you yeah no that’s what I think and then I put them on like my book marks bar and then like I forget about them speaking of book marks bar I have like over 1,000 stuff in there cuz it’s just like all of

My old stuff powered up on top of new stuff as well I’ll have like say free V assets and then I put them in my bookmarks bar and then forget about them or or I don’t know uh stuff I want to buy off Amazon or stuff like it’s so

Wow wow what do you mean ew Oh uh should I sell these ones I don’t want to sell the Ghar ones but yeah but um I can’t remember if I have an account or not I always browse Amazon not logged in haha I think I think I made an account or maybe I made one on Amazon JP I can’t remember cuz there was this one manga that I really wanted to finish um by finding the Ros on JP so I was like so I was heavily considering buying the JP manga just to read the RO but I I finally found a site that had the Roars

Up until the end and it was a shitty eding it was rushed I’m so mad it makes no sense maybe cuz it’s Rose and I translated it with Papo but like it’s it’s fine it’s better than having nothing I’m just mad I want to read the

Light novel now but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find like um R of the light novel I do not think that’s happening look man it it wasn’t it’s just rules okay like what am I supposed to do if I don’t use a translator I like won’t understand

Anything so it’s at least better than nothing I guess yeah no it’s so painful I have to like translate each and every panel because there’s like a picture so I to like scan the picture it’s so painful I wasn’t that so I only really scaned scan like the last ones to see

What they’re talking about and like a couple of the first ones yeah I’m so sorry it would have been so painful yeah it is pretty bad I’m just sad that the ending wasn’t that good cuz it had such a like a good concept for the world cuz it

Had one of those like ideas where like the world is like how do you call it like an enclosed World thing you know like where they I don’t know like the enclosed world uh Niche or whatever Niche theme I wouldn’t I don’t know I don’t know what to call It um I don’t know honestly I haven’t been reading or like watching stuff recently so sadly I probably wouldn’t really read it like the only thing I watch recently was uh the episode 5 of solo leveling because my friend was about to watch it without me what the

Hell so I was like what the hell why are you watching it without me man so I had to watch it and oh my God I love this solo leveling op solo leveling is so good at times it kind of feels like like a cooler um SEO but I don’t want to say

That cuz I’m coping I’m so sorry I’m sorry it’s the truth man I don’t want to lie to you I don’t want to say I’m going to read it and then like I don’t know I’ll [ __ ] cut TBT for some something that’s just D I’m coping okay I’m coping I’m coping it wasn’t that bad it wasn’t it wasn’t that bad it was it love fun it’s I can’t call it bad until I watch all of it cuz I think I think I watched up until like the movie

I watch Like season 1 season 2 and the movie I still haven’t watched GGO the like spin-off thingy and I haven’t watched like what is it Equalization wait was it three series season Dental Equalization I don’t know how you say it but that’s what I need to

Watch I need to watch like that and then season two of that and then the spin-off the only thing I would say about like [ __ ] the only [ __ ] I would talk about a Sayo is the movie I Remember the movie being very [ __ ] I can’t remember why but

I it was one of those like [ __ ] movies no I’m coping it I’m cing come on it’s fine it’s not that bad it’s not that bad man one thing I’m really disappointed about is my happy marriage I really really wanted to like put my happy marriage in like one of my like top

Shows but it just wasn’t it for me I just feel like they had too much like drama I haven’t finished it I’m only up to episode 8 but there’s just been so much drama and like not enough Slice of Life I think I’m just too much of a

Slice of Life fan I’m just nitpicking I oh I was saying it wrong I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll in fact I’ll be a to finish something it’s cre trash this no it’s just cuz it was so long I’ll I’ll I’ll I um um Aly alization shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ]

Up shut the [ __ ] shut up I look it’s ization ization I’m saying it how I like heard it unless I’m blind which I’m not blind I just checked that it is AI ization that sounds like a [ __ ] disease that’s not how you say it I know

It’s not but I can’t remember how to say it so that’s all you’re getting man that’s all you’re getting B there so many bugs down here f and W why do that much man I’m sure this like wor series okay it’s not like it’s not the worst

Series I know it’s not the best but yeah oh I really oh my God I really want uh what what I don’t know I I wish that again for the second time I think it’s no I would say it’s the what I’ve watch rewatch the most it’s the anime

That I’ve rewatched the most but not the rewatch most anime movie that I’ve on my gosh English English RI Ali Alice isation Alice Alice alation alation so it’s just Alice alization all right yeah no that’s that is really annoying yeah that is quite annoying I’m kind of annoyed that the isai genre got

Like so popularized and like overdone because of that cuz I really love to like good like isekai you know like good isai are good but the amount of [ __ ] ones like you find it’s like oh I just want to see the good ones man why is there so many bad ones H so

Annoying yeah why is it so hard to study language man I just got like no motivation like everyone’s just I don’t know I don’t know I actually studied language for like 5 weeks of self study and then I quit I think and now I just haven’t been

Able to like get studying again I studied for like 2 days and then I quit man I have no motivation for that anymore I really like reer reer is a goodai I’m still [ __ ] waiting for what was it like season 3 it’s been so long where the [ __ ] is it

Man R of Shield hero literally got two other garbage ass Seasons I can’t say it they’re garbage but I cuz I’ve never I haven’t watched season 2 and three but I’ve heard that they’re a lot worth in season 1 which is sad cuz I love um uh Shield Hero season

1 she Shield Hero season one was good what if it fell off in two and three I’m very sad I’m very sad about that but still where the hell is the next resour is a man I’m waiting I’m waiting yeah no I love season one I don’t know I haven’t really heard

Anything good about a season 2 and but there is it is there if you want to watch it and like see for yourself yeah don’t worry I haven’t seen the new season yet either oh the new two seasons yeah yeah no I haven’t seen them

Either I kind of want to get back into watching seasonal anime like I Orest was about to talk to this but I lost my train of thought I was going to talk about how I wanted to watch uh I don’t remember the name of it but there’s the

One with this a is it redhe head girl and white head boy I don’t know it’s what it’s the one with the um the death girl and then the guy that learns sign language to talk to her or something I think that one might be good

But I don’t know I just need to find a good romance Slice of Life that I can watch I think romance and Slice of Life like might be my favorite genre combination cuz slice of life is just so nice because you have like no major villain and then romance is just like romance

Yeah yeah that’s the name thank you I forgot the name it’s it’s that I haven’t watched it yet but I want to watch it yeah yeah thank you I know I mean sometimes you want a villain but it’s like I don’t know yeah I do need to watch it there was a

There was this other like romance that I was going to watch uh but I think I watched one episode and then like uh like dropped it not dropped it paused it I mean paed for like 10 years paused it uh I think it was like it was something colleague it was

Like my cold colleague or something it was the one where that dude is like he’s like really cold or something and that’s like the whole thing I don’t know I watched the first episode and it seemed like really generic I that’s why I haven’t watched

Any more of it which is kind of sad I like my my ice called colleague I don’t know that’s not it I can’t remember the name but yeah I don’t know if that’s good or not I think it had good ratings but then I didn’t like the first episode or

Something yeah though but it was like it was one of the seasonal animes at the time so I was like oh well time to watch a seasonal romance a Cate no we doing oh that’s so good yeah I watch Raku recently and that was really good I

Love waku I W waku whichever you call it it’s so good I wish it was the second season though it totally could have ran for a second season man I know I got ovas but like it it was like one of those where it’s like it it kind of just like ran

And there was like no deliver ending yeah I can get it off on my phone actually I have my I’m one of the one of the 10 million people that uh like track what anime I watch I swear every time I ask my friends do you track your anime

Do you track your anime no one tracks the anime what’s with these people I literally can’t remember anything unless I write it down maybe I’m just stupid oh whatever whatever whatever it’ll be on my for list oh w vincon w okay pause like my 10 million po

Animes no is it not here am I blind is am I dropped did I drop it did I drop it no way I dropped it oh I have to Old on my 10 million [ __ ] planning no way I dropped it that’s a bit embarrassing if I dropped it my gosh

Where is my dropped list completed movie completed OA completa H watching dropped all right the eyes guy and his cool female colleague it has 72 I thought it would be be decent but it just I don’t know it seemed generic on the first episode so I didn’t I didn’t keep watching it I’m

Sure it’s not that bad really why is no one wish for talking man it’s like love is hard for aaku it’s so good I don’t know I think it’s pretty cute I used to use my my anime list but I swapped the Ane list I used to use my

U m my name my list for a long time but I swwa her an. or whatever it is I think I swap because anime my anime list didn’t have a [ __ ] dark mode and I didn’t like the UI anymore I was just so done I was like I hate this [ __ ]

Website I work mon I monster huh what do you mean through monster what is Monster us mon I have no idea what you’re talking about is it the 74 EP thir one oh wow what the hell it looked old but it has a 88% average Score oh wow I didn’t think it was that one holy [ __ ] the ratings are so high I thought it would be bad because it’s old I was like oh this looks old there’s no way it’s the one that you’re watching wow I haven’t watched that one

Either I only seen the the first episode oh not first episode first season oh my gosh I only seen the first season there’s a lot of like like romances that like I watched the first season and then I never watched the second season even though it got one like uh Tony Kawa I

Need to watch second season har Mia I need to watch the like missing pieces or whatever it’s called and I need to watch it’s not romance but I need to watch Dragon M season 2 I forgot to watch it a lot of sequels came out and I didn’t

Watch them right now I’m only watching solo leveling in my happy marriage though my friend like forced me to watch solo leveling but it’s actually kind of crazy all right I watch like one episode of that and then oopsies I oh my God I’m actually a clown

I don’t even think I’m up to date with with KAG or I don’t think I’m up to date with kagi or which is like one of my [ __ ] favorites look at me clown oh my gosh why is there only two per oh this is so bad on mobile Yeah wait it’s on my hor oh I’ll Attack I can [ __ ] find it planning uh favorite for should be in here yeah Spice and Wolf 1 out of 13 in 2021 I can’t remember when I watch this that’s all I have I actually have a

Lot on my PA if I listed them all out it would be kind of embarrassing dear B I have PA it’s either like like three one to three episodes in or like halfway in it’s really embarrassing how many stuff I have course I just never got around

Oh gosh wait let me K these [Applause] fast psyche G psyche K that’s your psyche G that’s your psyche G is that psych K pych cus no no me too I have so many unfinished animes yeah Psych is so good man it was actually one of the first animes I

Watched cuz most of like the first animes I watched were like from Netflix and that was one of those that’s actually why I like wasn’t one of the first animes I watched I I had to like go out of my way to watch SEO because everyone was like watcho watcho and it

Was on on Netflix that’s why you said it yeah I like psychic K it’s very funny I don’t know even Slice of Life for is not right honestly PE oh no I have not oh oh never mind no lag oh I’m going to run out of energy soon there’s still a lot of stuff that like yeah I’m watching solo leveling it’s up to episode 5 right I up to there with it not the manga though Mana though

I haven’t read the Mana but I’m watching the anime it’s kind of crazy I it’s like one of those animes where like I never skip the op at all the op is just really good I am not a Stein skate I’m no a Stein skate oh nice I I do need to read

It it’s just a really long read that I don’t have time for yeah yeah I mean the anime been crazy so far so I can assume the one was really good as well people ask if I’ve seen it I Can I it sounds uh like similar as in the ID whatever it’s unlucky suku oh there go only 66 pple scam [Applause] Area what else am I missing there another one oops there you go oh my gosh when did these guys end man I’m just going to end up getting infinite bug me at this point there go oh there you go honestly I really want to what uh the arrest of Tony uh

Tony car T Kaku whatever I’m I feel so offended cuz one of my I was like asking one of my friends if they’d watch it and they were like nah animes like that bro you can’t keep my interest for that long I’m like bir basically said it was too boring disgusting disgusting absolutely

Disgusting revolting horrifying there’s no way they just said that about Tony Cara I’m actually very sad man bodyy col is one of those ones that you can like watch at 900 p.m. with a hot cup of tea like green tea or something you know I honestly actually

No peppermint tea I prefer peppermint I peppermint is my favorite tea I like tea wait does that mean I can have tea at like 10 p.m. since there’s no caffeine in it cuz I always try to limit myself to not have have coffee past like 500 p.m. 700 p.m. you know I

Mean sometimes I have it at 9:00 p.m. but that’s cuz I’m silly um that that’s like really usually I try and keep it like before 5: p.m. but like since tea is like it’s our caffeine this should be fine it does no bu and coffee it’s OB oh honestly also kind of

Bad cuz I put um I put a sugar in it but like I actually conquer without sugar uh maybe maybe I can go without tea but definitely not coffee I don’t know man I love sugar oh that’s interesting I really do need to try more teas but then I just

Like it’s better to buy both for tea so it’s just like I buy a bunch and then it’s just like it’s not I haven’t had it or something I feel like I tend to drink coffee more than I do tea I did get into coffee before I got into tea though because black

Coffee I hate the taste of black coffee like the only reason for me to have like black coffee is say I’m trying to like not have sugar like I’m like like oh I have to have less sugar I shouldn’t be having sugar so I’ll just have black coffee

Because black coffee has no calories if I don’t put milk in it or sugar woohoo great coffee with no calories but it tastes like absolute bug [ __ ] be run run I can never win wait did I skip flower dance I forgot I have not seen real life

Either not I told you there’s a lot of ones that I still haven’t watched oh no it’s about today okay I have to wait for that Them well what is it when does it come it’s like 900 a.m. 10 oh yeah I feel so bad about some I haven’t like watched right like I still need to watch like norami I feel bad for not finishing norami cuz I read a bit of the manga and

The manga is really good but then I was just like I am lazy I can’t be both watching anime oh oh fair enough I mean watching I mean watching manga reading manga is pretty good I read a couple of mangas I honestly would rather read more manga

Than Mana but I do end up reading Mana but Mana I read exclusively Rems um I mean I guess solar leveling will probably change that but for now I’ve literally only been like going to web tune and then looking at the room category and and then they put it on like daily

Pass and then I never read it again and this is why I’ve never finished any of my freaking Mod War this is why I hate Mod War cuz I started on web tune and then I don’t go on web tune for like a couple months and then it’s on the

Monthly the daily pass and I can’t read it anymore oh I [ __ ] hate web to rad why can’t I just read it on some [ __ ] stupid Oh really is it manga or M cuz I don’t know if it’s then that I consider it but a light novel then I’m not sure huh is that I don’t know what that is see oh really oh it’s light level oh I mean you can send it to

Me I have no idea what that one is I’m so sorry I can’t find it on my the site sad it’s probably a man or something cuz this does not have enough maners on it annoyingly Oh [ __ ] I didn’t wear a [ __ ] dress I even have a dress wait what I have is a wait do I I got fing okay oh [ __ ] how do I change my oh I forgot the controls no uh I’ll see oh really sely use some D oh I’ll just tell me

Here cuz I used to be m is on like webtune but webtune is terrible webtune is a scam where is it oh which one is it oh okay no I have not oh oh St a be going what’s that if you want I’ll send you the best Mon oh please please please

Please oh really Oh oh my gosh oh this town event this I not have it I must not have it or whatever meon let’s see if it’s it exists me on oh I did it b instead of an N uh is it iOS is it iOS H cuz I am seeing shown and jump Mar

Xia me home webtune manga tune home Google Play books and audio books read error and web novel um what is it an app person I look it up on Google oh oh it’s an APK oh APK it’s not the App Store is it is it

APK it looks like an APK it’s not me to done with this APK isn’t it oh apks are cool yeah oh that’s good fair enough I have like um three apks apks are cool I like apks dark mode oh my God you can choose and it automatically choose pink W

Oh uh select the folder they go Oh that’s good oh there you go there you go and there you Go the library is empty my library is empty wait can I download these and store them offline incognito mode let see settings it’s pretty I like how you can have like different colors Ed today instead of oh date format uh ew oh wait no that’s a good one okay yeah that’s a good

One oh how I always my book what she want oh I’m not sure let me see if uh what if I’ll be in my mod options I have a a mod list it might be in here oh wait no [ __ ] I for to add an A so I’m so

Sorry I’m not quite sure I can maybe check in my M’s phot and try and find it for you do oh wait no steam always got to steam first steam is easier Steam oh did just valy mods uh tree do I have a tree mod uh seems like I it’s not under tree what is it under is it under earthy recolor what is it under Bad I’m not sure what it’s Under oh I see let me see if my bitly link is actually working if it’s not last update in April 22 last updated in April 23 my sty Valley mods are so out of date I literally wrote that I updated April 23 it’s not updated size mods size St valy

Mods what do I have that’s only 83 what uh CET Soil oh she watches what is it is it walk through TR was retired no what no way that is gone wow I can’t believe I got rid of that my legs wow um is it Daisy n’s earthy recol I don’t know if that does the trees though I don’t know um B earthy Rec color is that for the trees it might be earthy grass vanilla grass oh what I want those is there been an update that I’m not aware of can’t see you uh why the I’m not on the desktop version of the app it must be a color right no it’s

Not [ __ ] it’s not the [ __ ] do I have for the trees what do I have over these trees man I’m so sorry B is It no is it a turned out the start Tones value no that’s Interiors sorry there some GitHub as well oh yeah I wonder how you downloads Library why is my library up to how do I get Library how do I get mongers there’s no mongers BR I have nothing in my library How do I down with stuff What what is it Library brows sources what the only one I can see is local sauce I might have to download it but I don’t know how to download it oh What I don’t know I don’t know yes I don’t know how to get mongus though I should just go back to playing the game I’m Distracted I get so easy this Trct I see You B Is oh thank you for calling them s I hope you have a goodness your your night day night I think it’s I think it’s night bye boy make about coming yeah go to extensions I have other extensions wait browse extensions or Library oh what what the hell is a me

What where go extension and click on the top right the three dots extension rep Co repos rep Co yeah just add repper add repper I have to add that and that gives me all of Them figure ad I don’t know if that did anything a it added it ended in a b song refresh let me delete it and then the library is empty what that’s why be empty oh oh wo wo wo why is the first result all the 18 plus ones what the hell what

What okay I’ll download B Because B has a lot of good ones why is all the [ __ ] bad ones at the top no no what batt do unrusted what why is B trusted huh oh this chest okay yeah so fish Popin spring colorful color Oh oh yeah m is let me see this will f i e like w no NOS oh H okay oh let’s see all right is are And yeah let’s go the cut scene for the 10th time I wish there was like a remake of this cut scene or something like That it’s okay long life is Long See okay I have fun y okay oh please don’t crash I’ll be so sad if you crash please don’t crash please don’t crash oh it’s not CR thank God no it’s just L A lagging a bit or whatever the Le Value I think I’ll just sa 10 4 something that’s pretty Bad B how F you can get anything from h oh that’s good what this is what where is this One there you go that’s the one I want oh it tells you when the last chapter was oh that’s good it tell you how many there are W that’s cool that seems pretty good yeah I don’t know if it like uh Tak some or anything though I don’t know let me check

Um okay my phone’s on 70% it is oh sorry I friends on 70% at 11m yes 7 something it’s going to die soon should I change it now my friends are 99% ch let me see is currently inactive wa wa wait so I could just Swap this and then oh wow that was a pretty quick switch ow okay now I’m going just put that on to okay I S phones i s friends because my other friend was 17% what did you send

Me oh okay that’s Good where is this okay ex phones because my other phone was at 7% thank God I have multiple phones it’s kind of funny I I literally the only reason why I like hold on to my old phone and like kind of use it is I literally need it if I other if I

Other dies and it dies after like four and a bit hours that’s the only that’s how long it can track for before dying I wonder if I friends have longer life battery life while they’re like tracking I’m not sure what the really that’s funny I gu guess we thought I like I like

Them yeah no but I literally only use my old friend just for like for tracking like it doesn’t have anything else installed on it other than like the base apps and um the base apps and the like the cracking oh no the um phone camera to what’s it like phone camera to

Computer camera something just so I can use my phone as a webcam camera webcam camera means it’s like it’s again it’s as good as iPhone but iPhone’s so expensive man oh that’s cool a I never have thought of that uh let’s see and everyone uh no

Beer wow what do they have against be man I’ll sell half of these and half of these see what I get I turn them into Chan though I don’t know I just want to sell them now oh the wrong one that’s it’s what the it’s well the 3 oh yeah yeah I remember

Go I SK CS I don’t know I have to try hard for skull Gavin and it’s so annoying like I don’t know try hard but it it’s literally SK SK CS are so try outy stinky to be honest oh are these back already how the heck are these back over

There is this 11 di what it’s pretty I to go give everyone strawberry B strawberries i l have not g any hearts from that Al that’s cool yeah I don’t really use my ball that much to be honest I don’t like using my ball up PLS oh I

See I used to use that a lot for like Rhythm games but I stopped playing them so I lost my defa DJ and my Japanese project s account like and I can’t get them I don’t know if I haven’t tried to get them back but I mean it’s literally Japanese project how

The how am I going to get that back at least I have my English project account that’s pretty good I have ru’s birthday card on it it’s good but I’m not good at project Sakai like I used to if I play project Sakai I would be clowning absolutely clowning I’m not

Good at it like I used to to be I used to be so good I’ll play it and I was like crack and now I’m not crack um very sad I’m very Sad yeah I know it is very Sad what it’s oh well it’s a Well Yeah I’ll have to check that out later definitely it’s just off the stream I’m going to have to go SP and use my BL power so I got to do that um after stream yeah and then I don’t know after stream Hello hopefully got a bed I am really tired I don’t know Why it’s like it’s not even like 2:00 a.m. or 1:00 a.m. it’s like 11:00 p.m. and I’m yawning St Valley I guess I don’t know who knows man who ni oh that a PD wait is that a PDF that you Said oh oh I want to look at it I want to look at it That’s 10 babyes but I’m downloading it under 1 megab a second what 200 plus wow oh W it tell you everything W I wish it like showed you what they looked like though oh free models to be honest schedules overl models I don’t really want any more like overlays at the minute or

Schedules all models what I’m looking for is vroid outfits that’s what I’m looking for on booth at the minute I’m so sorry I don’t know if they have any free beo outfits on there free beo outfits is what I’m looking for oh I way to [ __ ] hit fix my head

Glit oh I don’t know when I’ll be liberated from this right I need to [ __ ] fix my stiff hair fix stiff H I keep beginning to fix that I mean like some I don’t know if it’s like my my the headbones or like Unity [ __ ] the headbones cuz like I

Have to put it through Unity to get the like to get this stuff or else I’m just back to my really bad tracking oh it’s like Auto attacking wasn’t that bad it’s just I don’t know I do I did lose the um what’s it in like the S and the

Angry I can get it back so annoying get toggles or key bindes orah blah to is so annoying I even I can’t even toggle half the keybinds cuz uh what again Oh iot the name cuz I’m using a webcam and not an iPhone I’m not an iPhone user I’m not in the Apple ecosystem if finally I was in in the Apple EOS system this oh it’s like CH all that’s so cool I don’t think that was CH blossome

Bushes they go the noral ones after huh oh that’s so cool I don’t think this actually wow oh that’s so Cool oh my gosh oh my gosh why am I yawning again I didn’t stop yawning so this must been they have the CH on them that’s cool they have three p three seems like they have three so many sh blossoms wow oh my gosh I never knew that all of these like

Bushes meant that they had cherry bossoms on them have a lot of bushes in there my gosh got a lot of fishes a oh there’s so many bushes Oh Oh’s That Cassandra the H is Cassandra man what I go here don’t use a boat without permission no oh I use the boat without Mission wow oh 78 79 oh gosh I mean I still need more I’m not sure if I need more or not um I think I just need to smell my coer what don’t not one at a time do all of them Go I want to M some copper I want to smell all my copper this time but I don’t have much coal I going to turn the what’s it called the never the ls I I’m going to call unlucky oh is too there you go oh wow that’s super Lucky I want to be lucky with all though not with like levels down I really care about going down I care more about get coal Honestly um I you know what where is this I want to make uh want to make a YouTube don’t kill me playlist a new playlist YouTube don’t kill me playlist is that like oh sh just like Persona Stream Person oh Persona song stream save I’m pretty sure Persona song stream sa found the one piece you were looking for huh I me need found the one Piece is that it I don’t know if it’s for verid though is it for verid I don’t know if it’s aoid or not it’s aoid how the hell did she get it aroid the [ __ ] what oh this is really popular there’s no way oh so by loves really really there’s that

Many I’ll have a look at it later uh there’s a lot that like I haven’t seen But there lot that I have seen that don’t seem to be on there so we’ll see we’ll see see surely they don’t kill me if I play Bene the MOs right

Right oh my God it’s playing double I can hear it doubly why the [ __ ] can I hear it doubly I can [ __ ] hear it doubly why is it playing W stop there you go surely I don’t get killed if I play if I play Persona music right

Right I’m making a YouTube J call me please playlist yeah I think the of music is fine I’m going back to like when I had music in my vods except it’s not even in my vods it’s just it’s just you call me Summer like can take me down wherever the [ __ ] they

Want H it’s on in the v it’s on in the v it’s on in the v it’s on the V I wonder if I should just play L anime is this just me going on my ly anime Arc again my ly anime Arc uh I’s make a new playlist and just

Put a bunch of persona fire music in and I’ll add Persona 3 as well uh there you go oh I don’t want the loud ones though I don’t want the loud ones I want oh wait I want I want I want one to be close wait where’s one to be

Close I love that one that [ __ ] is like in my earbuds in my ears is that what it’s called yeah want to be close I want that I want to wait I have to put it on the good playlist so I don’t accidentally play copyrighted music

Oh my God this [ __ ] busting bro I don’t know why I’m Addicted actually they didn’t kill me m it’s sound why did it sound why did it sound better in for 3 did they like remix it or something did they remix It remix it in what’s it called again I don’t know I don’t know if they

Remixed it or not oh my God I need to make a folder and just call like copyright I have a bunch of copyright ons like you go put all the copyrighted ones in one folder so I just never see them again because I sadly cannot listen to them it’s just Shing oh

Right Sur I can just okay they’re already in the Music anything think I’m missing I don’t know all right full music [ __ ] that’s person full music fall where is it where is it I wanted not specialist I wanted heaven where’s heaven oh show my SE that’s good uh sence of Love is good your affection is good um what’s heartbeat hot

Break heartbeat Heart Break is also good there go ah this is 41 minutes of fogs surely I won’t get struck in it’s just it’s just Persona music it’s just Persona music Don’t strike me BS I’m anime women anime women don’t get struck right that’s okay that’s fine that’s fine we go back

To the game what not in The oh yeah it’s not The Bard good good Good yeah it’s not The Bard I don’t like having music in the board it’s annoying for editing purposes oh my gosh I don’t want to deal with you man leave me alone leave me alone where did my other SLI oh there you go I lost my other slipper go

I really want to wait is this piano version Oh piano version’s fine piano version is only like 2 minutes so it’s fine I’m going to have to make another copyright free playlist but make sure it’s like 100% copyright free and so I don’t get smacked or something I mean that’s only take downs

But that’s fine I swear I saw I heard like cure um and like say you are listening to the son music on stream I swear I swear surely that equals I can’t get copyright strien cuz I I did my homework by watching streamers big brain a Forehead I think I was just jealous that they got to listen to it so if I get strucken or or seven or seven oh I haven’t been looking I that’s good 100 is pretty good is there any more CER on this floor hello oh I you mean animei I listen to is

It listen to Kid kugo an lifei uh lovey sessions oh oh are those copyright free I don’t know if there’s a copyright free or not I sure they are but I don’t know I didn’t realize you’re referencing League of Legends they are oh that’s good I didn’t know Diana had lii though oh

W is it is there even di oh there is the hell I favored it but it didn’t go in my library Hello save to my library where the hell’s well how are you Mom let’s also buy Oh right All I’ll have a look at them later even though I technically just had to look at them now I’ll have a look at them later oh I gosh my eyes are starting to burn maybe I should pop off Soon why am I lagging bro who’s making my thing lag I don’t even have nothing open what the hell I don’t have nothing up and so why am I lagging huh oh you snake get out of here I see Oh I pump it that’s Co there Go yeah I know St House St house is good I saw that it’s like under like collapse or whatever Yeah what no way I got in in one the heck did I get it in one for oh what that’s so weird yeah I they prob they are I’m not sure I really get to listen to much of them [Applause] Okay 115 that’s pretty good oh come on man I just want to go further and you’re like nuh-uh time to go down we need to go deeper oh you [ __ ] wow I just Wow oh I don’t know maybe I’m too tired to think about it right now literally I’m tired my eyes are like my eyes are eyes oh I should sleep soon on I don’t know When to yeah isn’t it earlier for you oh wait have you slept like since the morning do you just like not sleep overnight like what oh I’m not doing This I hit that level oh my gosh stop what the hell is my love why is my look so good he all right I have to go I really want to listen to this I want to listen To all right all right this is good I forgot is is the ending credits for Persona 3 I have no idea when they play this it’s all Japanese I’m not Sure oh 30, is pretty good oh seriously what the he man all right A I don’t know en caring overloaded consider what how H you mean Overloaded what what do you mean in coding overloaded the heck that’s a bit Scary Anyway I think ibly the stream yes I sleep here so I think I will yeah I don’t know if I have Spotify on my S screen though oopsies you saw nothing I don’t have Spotify on here no no no hold on I feel robbed I feel robbed give me my Spotify back

Go it’s back now it’s back now yeah I need to make it so and Sho that I’m zoom zooms more in I think yeah I fixen CH but uh oh my God I should change this to a freaking uh instrumental or something there you go but yeah I am

Going to end stream I’m going to end stream yeah uh thank you everyone for coming to sleep today uh it was quiet and sleepy and I was very late but it was still a lot of fun yeah yeah thank you everyone for coming I have everyone has a good and night

Morning uh at 3:00 a.m. hold on I have to drink Water yeah I still not have a social hold on I don’t have the commands I don’t have the commands I don’t even think I can like make them right now H I swear I made a YouTube commands what the [ __ ] no I swear I made a YouTube

Command am I going do I actually have dementia what I I swear I made like command I think I’m going insane or delusional or birth or something like that I swear chat commands custom commands exclamation Oh that’s on [ __ ] you right right right right I forgot right I

Forgot sorry the you the commands that are in YouTube and twitch are separate wow wow wow Wow wow yeah don’t worry I’ll fix some off the stream but that’s quite annoying I didn’t know that that’s a bit annoying anyway I hope everyone has a good day evening night 2: a.m. America times yeah my Twitter is no command no command I’m so smart anyway yeah SL everyone hey k byebye Bye

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『 7TV ( emotes! ) 』

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