If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…

If we scream this Minecraft seed will get scarier with over 100 different levels of scariness will we be able to survive till the end without screaming if you scream Minecraft gets more scary okay nobody make any loud noises okay all right no one do it no one do it no

One sky sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I had to test it out I test it out yo I kid you not there’s 100 levels of scare that we can actually face today and I’m going to kind of Ste even happened cuz it’s we’re on level one should I do it again

No no no no don’t scream but yo there’s a village what is in the water look in the water what is that thing wait wait there’s something in the water skidy that’s all cuz of you skidy yo yo what is that Y no I’m kind of going to leave

That I’m going to go to the Village peppers in if you die it’s over yeah I that’s is a The Forbidden goldfish okay luckily I only see one mob so that was only one scream yeah it’s not too bad okay let’s just go to the Village Then oh yeah where are the Villers wait that is kind of weird know we should blacksmith blacksmith k no gibl no what did K steal didn’t didn’t get a single piece no you can have one piece of obsidian oh thank you’re welcome she just got obsidian for no

Reason I didn’t even get it yeah wa there’s no mobs here hey yo Skizzy this is all your fault I didn’t do anything all right I’m just it’s literally cuz you went ah wait oh my what is wrong with you yo okay I was just trying to

Replicate what skidy was doing are you are you qu’s actually a bot right now that’s you okay listen wait guys if you come over to me for a second I don’t know if that’s a normal villager house when was that even there when we came here yeah why is he

Like um it looks it looks kind of normal bro’s got his own private island bro when is that Redstone torches okay yo wait wait watch out there’s like what are those R torches you’re going to that’s nor not everyone can aford normal fish powered torches oh that is

Normal fish I thought there were like more scary fish SC if you want to die okay okay wait wait hold on hold hold on backup is coming in hot she just walked in housekeeping hello there’s a very dark hole wait there’s a trap door wait

I yo I’m not going in there give me get me out of the way I’m stuck he just screamed we have to look out for the creeper yo I almost died K me just kill come what is wrong with you stop screaming sorry screaming out of anger stop punching

Me I was trying to hit the skeleton I got scared why is it so echoey what have you done ow I almost scream I almost scream that was bad yeah there’s a skeleton down here maybe I’m at wood heart I’m at wood heart yeah I’m kind of

Low yo can bro I don’t have I need help I need help I need help I need help ah I’m running all the way up I’m running all the way up we are not we are not stacked enough to go down here hold on hold on I can make bread I can make

Bread get me I’m leaving this area I’m taking this torch oh wait that’s normal fish right all right everyone make a tool I’ve got a sword I’ve got a sword I I got an iron axe I’m chilling I’ve got bread I’ve got bread all right I think

We’re on level five of scaners cuz uh we screamed a little bit Yeah I think you screamed like three times Mis bro I almost died and I think no no listen start it SK yeah I think skidy scream is what spawned this there could be something like down there like maybe

Some good loot maybe maybe I did us a favor guys okay ow yeah by almost dying why is he up there how can he go up a ladder he staring at you like that move I don’t know I got this all right you got this I’m going

Down with you why can’t you oh there he’s dead what I just heard a potion go down go down go down go down run run run run run run run I’m running I’m running why did I take damage look how he’s walking they’re on the wall oh wait a

Second we walked into the wrong area guys in the neighborhood where I’m running I’m running what if I just witnessed help help help help help I can’t I can’t I got the spider yo watch your back watch your back watch your back oh jeez I ate I ate but I’m still

So low I’m so low I’m so low shut up what is that okay I’m safe ghost I fell I’ve got a chest plate now yo beat it up beat up the ghost okay I need I need to I need to make my way to you guys

Yo get it get it get it get it get it what is this did you drop anything smithing table go yo guys I’m I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m back oh what the why is it going you why have you guys been screaming I’m sorry I’m sorry

No screaming this is scary what have we uncovered I have no idea wait Master’s orders wait I found a book called Master’s orders wait is there something above us look at these I will not go down again I will not go down again it’s just repeated I will not go down

Guys what are we spawning this is this is getting a little too scary this was a normal vanilla Minecraft world it looks like there’s something above us like look at these coal blocks wait yeah oh there’s water my bad oh what’s up be there oh we’re back at the surface it

Says don’t go down below what does go down below mean is there somewh even deeper that’s what I’m saying how do we go lower oh I I found a room okay wait hold on yeah wait there’s another room over here oh my yo yo sh shut up stop

Screaming stop screaming I need food I need I’m going to punch you I’m going to stab you right now if you don’t shut up I don’t half I will die you want food please please get then sh sh okay quiet okay here you go we’re definitely on some level 10 scariness okay there’s

There’s some evil stuff spawning that’s all I know right now we have to we have to control how many uh torches we put down cuz we don’t have a lot we don’t have no we don’t have a lot we got to we got to cring these guys I’ve got cobwebs

Lily and I got and I got a weird looking chest plate yeah wait that chest plate looks sick what is it called it’s called grave metal breastplate man’s wearing a crop top stop do you want me to scream I’m going to scream right now to spike what

The wait skidy what did you do to that man skidy I yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I I did that guys all I’m saying is this start from skidy Scream that’s all that this happened stop it spawned a new Village a guys there’s more mobs spawning I

Definitely think we got to go why does he have a barrel around him hello I’m lowy oh stop screaming bro you almost died why do you have a barrel watch out watch out there’s a barrel zombie what is wrong with that guy okay I think we

Got to go we got to go we got to go guys get in I still need one Cobblestone I need one Cobblestone what do you need Cobblestone for he gave me some potato with herbs okay I don’t know if you guys heard that you not hear that pepper we’re screaming

Too much we need to relax skid is the main corul of the scre back at us no that was just my stomach I need one Cobblestone kly please oh I got it I got it here you go here you go man here you go okay I now have a pickaxe all right

Is everyone ready to go down okay finally yes yes come in here come in here I’m going to block it off why are you mining that with a pickaxe qu I don’t have an something we need to take it get in get in here I’m going to block

This off okay there we go what’s down here uh guys I don’t think we want to go down here I see random heads of Steve what the yo who did my boy Steve like that wait these are the heads from the graves they didn’t have heads oh yeah

They didn’t have heads oh my that’s kind of there’s exactly four of them as well there’s some creepy looking stuff why are creepers Behind Bars and what is that I see some purple yeah wait are they like experimenting on y y yo y so confused

Quiet I tried I tried little mou I I’m lacking on food so I’m me rotten flesh for now which is I don’t know how I feel about this uh okay I’m I’m going to grab the coal so that we can make more torches stinky you got flies around you

Right now I got rotten stink wait wait that’s not even from any items or anything that’s just cuz he doesn’t shower guys guys guys guys sh sh sh I’ve blocked off what is that wait what is what is that I blocked it he’s going to he’s going to kill us

Hello kly let in kly let him in kly died you guys all right what’s going on there was there was a c bler he disappeared he fully disappeared but look at the creeper the Creeper’s been eaten wait yeah what the heck yo oh oh oh my

Goodness oh my gosh y your your your stank is is making fly it’s cuz we’re screaming too loud and whose fault is that I’m going to blame SK you don’t wear deodorant okay there’s more cells here but I’m going to block them off cuz it looks like they’re just full of like

Mobs but and there’s a downstairs right here oh it goes deeper I found a very safe way to go down oh it doesn’t end I don’t know if safe’s the right word it doesn’t end oh my when you come down don’t scream that’s all I’m saying okay just stop screaming oh

My what you just put the rule in yo he just said boo to me oh my God yo guys I’m going to die I need help I need help that was me I said boo wait wait the wall I got a book saying I know you are here please don’t leave please don’t

Leave don’t leave now wait a well that’s very kind of him or maybe I’m reading it wrong either he’s saying please don’t leave or leave now yeah I think I think we I think we got to get out of here the problem is we’ve been screaming a lot

Down here what is the surface turn like dude it’s going to be a whole New World up there yeah we need to be careful going up top Peppa are you okay no more screaming Peppa you good just take I’m just taking it all in this is a lot yeah

I I think I think we got to get out of here let’s go I’ll follow from behind go go go go go go go okay don’t die wait what do you mean you’re going fall is he good wait yo did he just disappear Peppa yo he was acting weird I’m I knew

It but because no what what the he disappeared and we just heard like a growl yo I’m telling you he was he’s been acting weird I’m telling you well how do we know that was actually him he wasn’t even speaking that much go go go go wait there’s a

What is this wait was this always here this was never here why is it just a door to nothing what the heck Peppa D I’m I’m out bro I’m out I I’m I’m actually out are we just going to leave him I think we’ll meet him at the

Surface okay I’m leaving leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I don’t know wait do we even come this way I don’t think this was even wait it’s changed came from wait no way no I think it has changed cuz we screamed wait we did literally take this route yeah cuz this was the

Fountain wait guys I’m actually so confused that was our way up no one scream no one do anything we can’t make this place change one more time pepper wait you found him wait quiet where are you no I’m just I’m trying to just mine through the walls where are you Peppa up

Here oh I see I see your name how did you get up there I don’t know something scary with a scary face just brought me up here Peppa wait hold on I’m digging to you I’m digging to you help me there’s Stu wall oh it’s cuz we patched it

Off it took all my stuff there you go W guys guys guys I you don’t understand is it a black thing is it is it got a scary red face I I don’t even know a half this is I’m is it what I saw I’m trying to

Not to die right now I’m try I’m staying near you I know what it is yo what is with this I F oh he’s dead he’s dead can we make our way to the now cuz I have no food y let’s go let’s go go get out now

Now get the heck out of here oh my gosh you guys didn’t see the thing it was like standing next to me in the cell I guess it disappeared when I saw you guys coming no you don’t we were like trapped hello the surface has changed it’s still

Day right guys I’m running I’m running I’m fine I think I mean I think it’s me someone asked me a question on I’m swimming what is this dude there’s like wait there’s like a full Village of crops here why did you eat a maggot bro

I had nothing I was on two hearts I wasn’t going to take this take this take this and they’re still chasing let’s grab the food I don’t know what they are do they burn no they don’t burn and they went fast run run run run they are way too

Fast oh they’re fast they’re fast they’re fast grab the food oh yeah food’s a show no way pepper behind you behind you pepper no no I’m blind I’m blind I’m blind I’m blind protect me protect me protect me protect stop stop screaming stop screaming you’re okay you’re okay the

Turtles we I think I think this scary level’s definitely gone past 4 we might have screamed a little too much uh yeah I’d say so bad I I everyone saw Herobrine R it wasn’t just me well don’t no I definitely saw him don’t worry after what I saw I don’t think I

Can scream anymore I’ve reached my uh scream potential of the day yeah I don’t really know how I feel I want to leave wherever this is yeah no we should keep exploring just cursed forget them bye guys why are they see you later get in a boat I I do not have

Any wood hold on let me oh my God I got to do everything around here here get in the boat all right which way do we go let’s just head this way away from the village we can maybe find some cool at least guys I see a temple and I can’t

Lie that does not look like a normal Temple yeah wait it has like the face the seed is getting weirder and and there a village that means more food like villes there’s like a weird spider under you guys wait really what do you mean I I I don’t like spiders man don’t

Not a normal spider yo what is this watch out there’s a you got a creeper boy oh I screamed I screamed oh I will admit it okay at least I admit when I scream guys has anybody got any duct tape this guy’s screaming way too much that’s what I’m saying then all

Right let’s just go into the creepy pyramid we need food firstes of all um I got roots oh there’s a village wait uh why are the villagers all trapped wait yeah what the heck why are they guys hello there’s a chest with wheat what’s in it I’m robbing your wheat I’ll let

I’ll let them out but what the trap for a reason are out like what do they no there’s no way you guys are nice right yeah let’s let them out oh it’s the thing we got to go we got to go we got to go Sky what did you do what you I

Didn’t do anything oh my yo yo yo yo I’m running inside I put it down I put it down I put it down this kid he just block in Block in Block inside the temple too I’m blocked in I’m blocked in yo yo yo I’m just going stra where where

Sky this isn’t normal sky this isn’t normal oh I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die i’ I’ve accepted my death I’ve accepted my death I’m dead I’m wait is someone down here what how did you get here Peppa

Wait how hello I I got trapped again wait oh wait can you can you let me out pepp you didn’t take my stuff this time Peppa wait you were with us the thing you guys saw the thing is that the thing I scary dude wait I don’t know if I want

To let you out that that that’s the dude that’s the guy that took me last time he keeps moving me into these cages and I don’t like it that’s a little bit weird what’s ins idea E A now e a r and then this one broke e a r wait was it trying

To spell okay I’ll let you out I feel bad kind of weird how you were trapped you know no I think someone and this is be a creepy face oh we well yeah that oh wait Peppa the chest were trying to spell out fear because I have e a r and then the

Chest I blew up here was F oh hey skidy uh hey I found chests that spell fear and how are you back in there oh this one was my own free will I’m terrified I’m going back to my cage wait why are you in a prison cell oh hi klyy no no

This whole thing is weird listen I fell down here and I found Peppa just inside this cage wasn’t he with us right next to us this entire time wait how did you get in this cage the dude okay you guys saw him that time right that guy that

Was chasing us pepper I don’t know Peppa’s a little weird right now that’s what I’ve been saying man I saw his head like spin around his body a couple times earlier that’s called of that’s called of a functioning body I just did a normal spin I’m a little bit you know

Elastic okay so how do we get out of here and don’t you think it’s kind of weird how Peppa’s leading us to places where we would scream leading us I get kidnapped uhuh yeah I don’t I don’t know about this you know what it doesn’t even

Matter I’ve made I’ve made my piece I don’t want to go outside ever again I’m just going to live here okay no no so let me just make some bread first so we have a bunch of food so it looks like there was a smiley face on the ground

But then in the chest kiple it spells fear with the coal yeah do we want to go back up I don’t want to be trapped down here where I heard creepy noises Peppa yeah I want to be down here either all right let’s go who keeps building over

Me why do everyone keep dropping me all right it’s night time everyone oh my gosh wait it just froze the second you guys came up here what how is it freezing there’s a torch I don’t know wait wait it was like the second wait are you cursed K is someone here cursed

There’s only one person that’s been missing don’t look at me don’t look at me I’ve only been kidnapped and taken to bad places I’m just saying the water is perfectly watery wet he’s laying in bed on oh my I’m tired no no no no get out of the bed get

Out of the bed I don’t trust this I don’t know okay yo I’m leaving this area what what is outside let’s go let’s go let’s go there’s nothing why is a zombie holding a door and there’s ghosts now I think that’s a shield quiff and a and

And a zombie that’s looking like the hul a door what the heck yeah I think it’s time to go we got to go yeah look at Peppa he’s going towards it yo yo guys he’s low no no no I’m defending our our family from the bad guys yeah yeah yeah

Wait guys the zombies turn back to normal look no way wait you guys saw the weird looking zombie right no did he was watch out watch out there’s a baby skeleton baby skelet watch out these guys are the worst okay at least this Enderman looks normal guys um oh wait that’s why it

Turned to ice KY what’s on your boots I Tong wait what what klyy wait you mean you’re being pulled what help me you think I can just launch myself backwards like that what stop jumping off the clip what are you doing please please please there’s there’s something that wants to

Me under water please what please there’s nothing down there oh it’s the fish the scary fish I oh my god get away from me it’s t what is that no no no I don’t want to go in the water I don’t want to go in the water so all along it

Was kly of course it was was but wait there are some like weird looking fish that fish I got a cool um guys yeah why is there torches wait wait there’s pepper wait what’s up okay I guess we need to follow these that’s kind of wait what why are there

Wait it’s like it’s like a trail it’s like a weird where are they leading to though Sky Herobrine Sky Herobrine don’t move where where where he’s just y he does not like what I never even saw him wait what’s up I just got here oh skiny

What’ you do what Happ I don’t know I just got struck by lightning yo something is after us okay wait it it’s not leading towards the cave it’s going past the cave there’s a Temple what the heck is that okay I’m going to make an

Axe just to be careful there we go I have some sort of armor hey where was that leading I have no idea oh it goes into the jungle it’s the the Temple’s over here and then there’s a jungle that that way okay guys this we’ve been screaming too

Much yo a lava well e there’s a bunch of flies get out of here okay disgusting I don’t understand does this lead anywhere wait does it here I can just oh watch out watch out no I don’t think it does oh nice you put the fly oh it’s not

Dying though oh that’s good to know I don’t think it leads a chest there’s a chest wait where what is this I got a spirit Fire Light dust that looks kind of cool is there anything under this hey I got a spirit good that we stole from

Like a dark well at this point we’ve screamed over 60 times we’re on like level 65 at this point life’s getting rough for us uh guys wait started rain oh good it’s raining I can’t see anything yeah let’s not go there I don’t think we can wait there’s something on

The oh wait what’s with this like music there’s a sign guys there’s something what do you mean there’s a sign leave me alone here what leave me alone oh I’m broke the sign who just broke the sign oh oh something watch out oh it was Slenderman

I saw him run run run back to the Jungle he took all my Hunger I see a name get out of there quiff go no what was that go go go go go go I don’t know I almost died though why is Slender I saw it it was Slenderman okay when I

Thought it couldn’t get worse there’s a jungle temple um oh oh well maybe it’s just vanilla like maybe it’s not weird yeah maybe we could just hang out here most vanilla looking thing I’ve seen yeah honestly we could probably just we get some loot we could probably just wo

Wo wo wo wo wo wo wo okay already I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s supposed to shoot Fireballs is there a door here what do you mean oh you’re trying to get me killed man ow jeez I’m going to die who’s got War oh want two

Hots I do I do I do I do okay honestly though what a relief this is actually just like a normal structure yeah oh you had to speak the second the second I said that bro skidy you had to speak what what is this I’m telling you yo

Don’t you think it’s weird how this was a normal oh pepper I did not I just Qui Qui I just watched him push kly in there bro I’m tell you don’t you think this is like it’s weird how this was a normal seed the more we scream these vanilla

Structures are getting weird and there Peppa Who’s acting honestly oh guys this just a normal cave uh I would say this is normal oh what was that noise was that um uh I’m going to kind of goes multiple ways there’s this way and then the way

Over there okay we split off into two paths then all right I’m taking skidy you have pepper Pepper’s too sus if I die you know who it was yeah know we got you we got you all right Peppa you would be body system body system oh there’s a there’s a Hut

There’s a village house this looks super weird oh oh what the heck what the heck there is no way there was nothing inside Peppa Peppa I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m leaving I’m leaving this empty what is that yo I need help guys I need help

Please hello hello okay yo buy system is it doesn’t work it doesn’t work what you I was fighting for my life hello hello you’re where are you guys uh don’t come down here oh oh my oh where’s pepper we found we found a village down

There like a just not in a village one villager house completely empty he walks in and disappears wait what BR okay let’s let’s go let’s go let’s we got to go there’s nothing down here that is not Peppa yeah I think we got to get out here go the

Other way the way that the Torches did not go yeah I’ve I’ve checked everywhere okay let’s go let’s go let’s go there is one other way that klyy and I haven’t explored no I I I went there but I found this I don’t know what it is wait this

Is so weird it almost looks like an alter yo did he get stolen again I I don’t know Sten dark deep dark wait it feels like something is chasing you I just got that message in chat yeah I did did you guys get that or no yep yep yeah

No we did maybe maybe we don’t go in that room I see t i see a s t hello can you hear me yeah I’m good I’m good I please get me out of here something just said you feel like somebody’s chasing you and I can’t run yo I have mining

Fatigue I can’t get out hey yo what is this room please it says something’s going to chase me I listen man I think you’re pretty safe in the cage you know I don’t know what’s going on I I don’t know if I like it go

Go go go go go go go go um that thing took took my entire inventory so I’m going to need a little help oh convenient I got a water bucket I got a water bucket did you so did you guys get a message in chat that said you feel

Like something is chasing you yeah yeah yeah go go go go go how is it still thunder outside is it night time again oh my God we’re out why is it always nighttime skidy no did the thing happen to him and not me I’m actually kind of happy where did skidy go

Skidy he screamed and then he like disappeared he fell back down the oh not again at least it’s not me this time am I right he he’s still alive he’s not dead right now skidy this is where you said you were yo guys Sky wait why are you why

Are you in an obsidian cage I don’t know but get me out I don’t have any I don’t have any loot in my inventory it all it all got taken here take this this should help I guess there’s some stuff right here go yo yo why don’t we just go to the Vana

Uh we could do that might be the safest place right now I have one piece of obsidian I’m going to waack some with this ho right now do you have obsidian uh I actually do you know yeah yeah place it I think we need to change this

One out though I don’t think it works I think there’s a fire charge in here no I know I got to FL and seal let’s go okay all right let’s do it woo on my way hey yo he’s not coming in oh no scream no one scream no one scream

I almost walked off the The Cliff oh Fortress wait is that a fortress no oh what what just pushed me I just got pushed okay so far it looks vanilla it looks actually safer than a normal normal area oh yeah yeah yeah I’m sure that je what the heck deep growl was

Very safe oh wait wao whoa whoa whoa wao this fire is a little bit weird can I eat this wo wo wo wo wo wo wo dig in dig in dig in dig in yo what is this watch watch out watch out yo careful careful don’t get shot wao wao

Guys this isn’t a normal Fortress I’ve never never seen a room like this wait what do you mean where when has there been a pumpkin in the Fortress oh but Diamonds oh this Blaze needs to go Y what the W I’m getting pulled yo pepp wait why why are you getting pulled I

Don’t know who can we take Blaze the crack bricks go this way oh yeah they lead somewhere do they go this way Skizzy hello okay oh what the heck oh yeah they do lead somewhere yo that’s not normal room oh it’s a creeper face is there anything like under the lava do

You think wait do we have fire keep right clicking maybe there’s like a I have fire resistance whoo guys I’m sinking W wo W wo wo wo wo wo woing yo I guess I’m just going to eat oh is ow ow yo what is this room yo it’s

Got like some weird creeper faces is there anything behind this since we we are on like level 95 of scare oh my I knew it oh guys oh oh block it watch BL block it off oh oh oh oh my God fight him I’m sorry what is this he’s dead oh

He’s dead okay we’re on level 95 of scare and I don’t how I feel about this yeah yeah yeah the nether is way safer quiff yeah oh yeah what what Fortress have you seen like this oh there’s another pole wo wo wo wo wo wo W oh my

Bro what is that what is that shovel get him wait wait he he he made babies he just disappeared beat up the baby okay you know what uh do we wait there’s a cracked wall right herey little children away from me guys no I found it is it oh no the reason

Herobrine been spawning here yo oh my dude this is his altar K are you okay are you going to K no I’m not okay should we go back into the Overworld I think I think it’s time there literally a pole right here here well K I’m so glad I had fire

Resistance that I oh yo where the heck are we we right now there’s Redstone yeah of course it teps us into a random cave with a Redstone Trail oh there’s a lot of redstone here oh my wait quiff is it just us wait where where are the rest of them it’s

Just us wait where they were right behind us we got to go we got to go Peppa said wait what is wrong with Peppa some sort of cave okay maybe follow the Redstone no no it’s this way I don’t have a pickaxe what I have just a pepper

Come to the witches H H they misspelled witches they must not be that smart they both witches but where is the witches H I don’t know I don’t think we’ve ever seen a witch’s Hut okay we got to get out of here we need to get in like a swamp maybe we

We I found it I found it I found the way out I found the way out go go go the exit at least that’s good Qui I’m here what help me help me I’ve lost you guys for a second oh they kind of just Agro

On you so no I just say that dog’s trying to Y pepper I no knew it I knew he was sus yo yo I’m kind of going to leave the exits this way it’s this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we head out this way and we

Reach the witch’s Health why did I see myself okay yo I am leaving why have we ended up in a swamp I don’t know but I mean we are looking for a witch’s I see Peppa right there like he’s staring at me wait what wait no I see him I see him

I see he’s in the H he’s in the Hut but why no he okay he never said he was that’s not actually pepper what is is he doing I don’t understand hey Peppa wait guys pepper Sky careful skidy be very careful I got a ho I got a hoe I got a

Hoe we’re good what is the hoe going to do I’m going on the head a black cat right there I’m telling you that is oh he he’s gone he just reappeared pepper wo wo wo wo wo oh my I’m going on top of the tree run parkour what’s he doing oh

God no way no way no way the Hat we need a pepper whoa whoa whoa guys some of these cows are not the I don’t think you want to go into this Hut this is this is very weird uh are we are we gonna ignore that those weird cows um what’s in

Here oh my God okay yo what yo are we on level 100 right now we are we are we’re on we’re on level 100 so we whatever we might die break it break it maybe if we disrupt the ritual oh yeah maybe break

The FL wa it was a dead R yo yo yo guys guys oh oh my hello there’s literally water down here there’s water oh skidy hello look where we are what the heck is this it’s just an infinite what’s kiple doing why is she taking so long cuz I’m scared just jump

Down this water yo hey there guys what the where does all of this lead to I don’t know it just looks infinite what in the back rooms are we don’t lose each other yeah I’m sticking with skidy okay I I I’m choosing this direction right

Here oh whoa oh oh W W’s attacking me some’s attacking me herob herob right there I can’t see I can’t see I can’t see guys I’m blind I’m blind I’m blind who we walked into it was a truck guys Peppa how’d you find me where are you where’s I hear pepper isus

Oh my God oh my y run run it just looks endless this entire Place Peppa is that it’s me it’s me it’s normal me what is this where are they oh my why are you pointing this towards us help me just help me it got yo this is endless there’s no we’ve been

Running for ages and we we haven’t moved how do we go back which way did we come from I wish I knew help help what is what did you just kill pepper kly he’s gone he’s de he spectator now he’s dead he scared me he scared me he

Dead I only punched him with the shovel oh oh guys how do we know you’re not going to Bonk us on the head either yeah we kind of to leave this area fast he was sus anyways guys come on he he was very sus that man was sus yeah I mean if

He was like possessed now he’s going to go to his final form on us yeah and how do we even know that was the real Peppa no that was the real I I I don’t know what’s going on and I’m scared sorry what is this I won’t use the shovel

Anymore oh okay no what no maybe I will that what is that wait what is That Yo guys stick together okay wait hold on I have an idea I have the Flint seal why don’t we just burn this place down that’s so small oh yeah get rid of all

The logs yeah light fire I can they go through fire wait they’re not even attacking us ow ow ow I got hit I got hit I got a hit burn it down burn it down burn it down burn it down wo w w w w w okay light everything on Fire Sky whoa

Whoa what’s happening to my screen what was I killed by I saw Herobrine for a second and I died

►If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…
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If You Scream, This Minecraft Seed Gets More Scary…We Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… Why I Snuck Into The Scariest Minecraft Server… Testing scary minecraft myths, So I Stole Her Hearts… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP


  1. Use the cave dweller or any dweller mod like “the man from the fog”, “nightmare”, “the one who watches” or any other one you can find

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