How I Beat Terraria Calamity With Rogue Class (Terraria Calamity Playthrough Movie)

Guys welcome to the Terraria Calamity rooll class only playthrough movie character can you knock that off the screen thank you um I have really nothing else to say but uh let’s roll the intro what what should have po it W last face You’re oh my God what was that my God no oh I forgot um I’d like to thank y’all for all support y’all really keep motivating me to keep doing this there will be time stamps in case you want to come back um yeah there’s nothing else

Enjoy the video all right we’re back for another Terraria video this time we’re going to do um a little different we didn’t do uh Calamity but um I have to beat it with a certain class how about let’s do rogue no I’m not going to lie I remember uh

Doing this for the first time with uh just regular Calamity okay you know what since we can’t do yeah wait no I want this we can’t attack anything until we have like a rogue class weapon no summons as well oh we only use breakes jeez um jeez I got to remember my

Controls all I know is we fin to we’re going to try to get a lot done in this one play through and there there goes our first St oh we got to activate this um Death Mode and master mode enabled that all right so now we’re going to

Start mining right now we want to make sure we get a lot of lot of things done you know H I think you pop a miny potion as well uh let’s put shine potion as well we need a little more lighting oh nice magic mirror I forgot in this mod um money is

Easier to come by though web balls oh actually this can be useful to slow them down oh my God holy crap why are they so fast act kind of like the spike balls you know mining potions would be nice but I don’t got one my God no way I’m continu to

Recording a day later like I recorded last night like very late and I mean there’s also like background back background noise dude I literally worked on 10hour shift today I work I like mentally and physically drained me o do I have an invisibility potion I do

Not okay another FL take this pop that uh ooh cloud in the bottom double jumping let’s go oh it’s kind of chill which surprising oh I didn’t see the mine cart why am I talking so fast the Mexicans inside of me is coming out this how you get all them oh [ __ ]

Huh oh look at me I can wear I can be towed look at this look at this little [ __ ] all right we’re going to continue recording until the next day pretty early in the morning meia all right so I think I’m just going to skip most of

This part because I’m not going to lie like I was grinding getting resources equipment so I’m just going to skip most of this recording because it’s three separate recordings and this is the more longer one and I just haven’t been talking on this one as much and I know I’ve been playing

Background copyrighted music let’s just say that so that’s to right now you’re just going to see me with like extra [ __ ] you know like armor weapons new weapons so yeah right yeah just put a oh hella dumb wrong item just wasted a mini mini thing the mini inst the bridge

Oh I forgot all about these all right let’s do this just go to get get right into it what the hell have S and gold No no no no no no no got it got It let’s go all right there we go people first boss completed I mean technically we should um defeat this guy right here but other than that I think I’m just send there um thank you so much for watching made it this far I mean yeah other than that youall

Have a good one bye all right guys we’re back for another video um look at that we got Hermes boots we just Swap this out for this anyways uh yeah we’re back continuing the adventure you know doing Road class only right yeah I’ll just right now grinding out stuff

Because uh like why not I have no resources and I’m pretty sure you guys don’t want to see the grinding part though like whatever you know we we just want to see the action you know me dying all that BS oh let’s pop this live cry

As well okay uh let’s go home so I hope you all are doing fine oh that’s right there’s a laboratory in here I forgot there’s like um Islands in this mod what uh we should fight the slime God you know we should do that not the

Slime God my God I can’t think a brain don’t work um what’s it called the King Slime damn how dumb am I actually let’s see how good is this gilded um dagger dude lately I’ve been playing some MW3 dude don’t know why I actually find it

Fun maybe because it’s just a new CoD game and all but maybe I’m just going through a phase I am so dumb I should have brought a crown the Goblin Army Perfect all right I’m continue the recording I really don’t remember where I last left off um oh we just defeated

The Goblin Army Right okay yeah we’re just going to try to kill the King Slime what The oh shoot I did not I don’t remember I really don’t remember that bro dude how is this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh sh mother oh my God no [ __ ] what What dude like it’s not that hard but it is because I’m using a freaking CL that I don’t I really don’t use man all right I got to stop making multiple recordings cuz I this is my second no third recording for one video So oh he’s right here okay so then we go this is good this is good we get that now we can start doing some stuff Now I don’t know if this is the best upgrade but we’ll see How did I die so quickly right there I I think I just I literally destroyed the freaking Ruby I swear I did not get like hit almost the entire fight Oh the de crap I’m panicking let’s go oh my God no way I don’t know how I survived that all right guys welcome back to another video I’m not going to lie last video I got mad like really quit on the King Slime like I I don’t know why it felt so

Difficult yep you’re bot okay you know what this is a perfect amount oh shoot oh yeah we can mine it honestly this is like a good way to just um mine so for now I’m just going to mine I’m I think I’m just going to do a

Montage uh I think I’m just going to set up for the I cthulu for now oh a labat tree I don’t know what the hell I laboratory oh oh what a coincidence it teleport me um here that’s uh well that’s something so we just made the fell uh

Evergreen that’s pretty this is a pretty big axe um I don’t know how I feel about that it’s going To get in the way of me attacking things I think I’m going just keep it an inventory so it doesn’t get in the way but REI I don’t even think we need an axe if we’re being completely honest cuz we can just buy the buy the wood from the architect

Right his name is I think I don’t know the Builder oh wait that just two all right I I didn’t I think I didn’t think this true because um oh my god oh oh my God that shredded me why the hell is the health bar all the way

Over here the giant clam is next like for real no oh I don’t want to take it on I mean crabulon I don’t think he’s all that uh you know we can try to take him on right wait no I’m I’m still technically doing the boss fight what okay what

Neil presence is watching you oh shoot Adrenaline oh my God no so close oh crap damn oh my God all right hey I thought I had a o let’s go let’s go how I hit it how I how did I defeat it all right here we go night time let’s do this all right I’m going to get adrenaline

One Walmart time wait what here we go die die please pleas die oh oh my God oh my God okay you know I’m end it here I need to get ready for freaking work unfortunately till then you’ll have a good one bye all right guys welcome back for

Another video I know it’s been a while um Merry Christmas happy holidays and all that sorry I haven’t posted just been busy with work it’s been very uh very stressful I’d say kind of been working overtime as well a little bit of that but we’re back

So um I was mining for a bit cuz I was like I want to find the the clam the the I forgot what the biome is called but I just want to find it try to fight the clam all good and I came across this

Again and I just want to say guys thank you thank you for all the support you gave me this entire year like it’s been crazy it’s crazy how uh we managed to do so much within the year I don’t know how many videos I posted but I just want to

Say quick thank you I love you guys there we go we found it oh shoot it’s right here um damn uh God damn I need heal first I need heal I’m kind of scared if I throw this um spear actually we can just use the guilded knife the

Hell was I thinking and just use this for now o I got to make some space right h no no no no we can make some space right after cuz I was thinking um the laboratory is going to be right here so you know I got to make some space for

The items that’s going to be inside um you know I think I’m going just fight the clam oh look oh found it now we got to think about making space [ __ ] okay so we we made just we just made it back right now and um well the

Giant clown just spawned in okay yep hit him just move over here we have more space ooh that hurt oh wait this is easy easy ass boss way bro the moment I toss it like I hate how it just done that no I think I’m just start spamming the Dagger there we go that that was that was easy oh shoot I I didn’t even know drowning all right guys welcome back for another video um just waking up so sorry for the last video um I defeated the I done the acid rain e well crab no brain of

Cumin and that’s where I left off and I literally have it right here but I don’t know what happened I don’t know why my recording got messed up but honestly I don’t I don’t want to fight it again I’m not going to lie craft this Al now we can just access stuff from

Here get the deathbringer pickaxe oh yeah now now we can literally just um go all the way to Hell get stuff and then we can prepare for the for other bosses Happy New Year’s guys um I hope you guys had a good New Year celebration I lowkey

Just slept through it let’s do this montage well that didn’t last long the perforators um Queen be no we don’t want to do that Skeletron God damn it we’re going to try to defeat the boss I don’t care okay we’re here oh right right you know what since we’re right here um

Let’s we get our stuff cuz I know there’s some stuff in here I know so we left a hard Lantern right here y yep cuz like I’m so mad like I literally beat it and then I was like my reaction was like hilarious but um I’d say but I had a good reaction

And fortunately um don’t know why my freaking game broke well mean not my game my recording broke oh [Applause] [ __ ] oh fre man okay okay okay of course oh ah I almost had a spit split oh my God CU it’s split got to got to try this [Applause] again All right [Applause] yeah we defeated it there we go there we go that was that bad okay what’s next what’s the next boss Queen B Skeletron actually I think I’m going to go get the ANL a wi ANL if we come across a queen Be Boss five whatever oh

D potion is pretty good should I just go for it oh well oh big mistake I’m dead this a new biome oh no it’s like one of those Cavs that we have in a regular Terraria yeah I remember these oh shoot we got it at least we picked it up before I

Died okay now we can make lightning boots right where they at and then from there we we put these in there make the frost spk all right I just want to apologize because like around this part I know for a fact um I was talking but I guess my mic was muted

Or might have been unplugged or disconnected I don’t know which one either one of those two but I just want to apologize I think I’m just going to make a montage or I don’t know I’ve been muted the entire time don’t know what I was saying either way I was

I made the armor I was just kind I just talking to myself at this point Skeletron art I’m going to go for Skeletron I don’t care uh oh he has four arms Right that’s right we have to take down the hands first before we can actually do Anything oh my no I hit that was easy as hell holy crap I’m going end the recording there we’re going to enter hard mode next play through for sure other than that hopefully youall have a good one again sorry for not showing you the gameplay

Me killing um ran cthulu cuz it got uh deleted or the video um got corrupted the not the video the the recording got corrupted other than that um y’all have a good one bye all right guys we’re back for another video we’re going to enter hard mode this play through just making

The slime God summon and you know what let’s try it out why not right oh my God wait o I forgot put away the money clearly I’m not ready for that but we got to explore the D the dungeon yes let’s get this blue candle water candle I

Mean ooh wait is there anything we can do with this no it can be used for money ooh Cobalt Shield perfect we’re going to need that all right just go back cuz I don’t think I really need anything a shield huh so now we can make the Obsidian

Shield all right we’re about to make the Battle Cry there we go oh let’s make the enchanted ax oh okay um let’s make like 200 of each of these weapons see let’s see if they’re any good this one’s good I really used it during the peripher raor boss fight um I think we should be good now should I make the

Turbulence yeah let’s make it all right let’s do this what the what oh my God oh shoot oh what yeah I think I’m just going to place more Mini U mini sub Bridges all right that should be good what what huh how do oo this pissed me Off Oh okay we we split it what the hell oh okay I me oh no I’m done oh okay Woo was literally oh my I was about to defeat It oh oh yo what I should have waited till it was night time I mean not night time till it was daytime o Wait I already took one out oh I did okay three left three Left crap this Enchanted axe is actually pretty good oh no way we about to defeat it let’s go come on two more oh wait we just oh we did it let’s go oh we got the vitamin aesthetic refiner and then we’ll be able to make the armor

Now this a broke one okay don’t want to get him mixed up we need more bright and gel that’s and then uh [ __ ] it we’ll fight the Wall of Flesh what’s I going to do right let’s just prepare for the Wall of Flesh actually we can fight the deer clops oh

Wow you tell me I to stay within its little domain I guess you could say I don’t know wo he going he going I think I should just explore hell first before I do anything else before I place the the bridge thing oh we found the the I forgot this

Biome is called but we’re still exploring the entire hell before we destroy all this you you know let’s let’s actually try this you know oh my God wait hold on [ __ ] [ __ ] run I’m no go up holy crap run wait I I forgot all about the gold so yeah I’m place it right

Here oh shoot oh it’s a brimstone biome I’m pretty sure it’s called all right so we just go like this right oh yeah oh my God I was literally halfway there no what D how’ I get stuck what are the odds of me oh my God w oh oh my god do this

Oh let’s go finally my God that was annoying um all right now we’re entering hard mode finally we’re going end it there I don’t know what we’re going to how many bosses we’re going to defeat next play through but thank you so much for watching like And subscribe and I’ll see

You next time bye all right guys welcome back for another video we’re going to be playing more Terraria you know um but let’s see how much I can do within a couple hours cuz I got to go to work and it’s early in the morning so

Yeah o all right we have more accessory slots now all right let’s start digging all right let’s make the Cobalt pickaxe now so what’s the plan now um I believe we should also fight the giant clam I think it can drop um like the shell oh

This the hollow okay why can’t I find the thingy mes I can’t find the hard um hardcore or while we’re at it we try to find the spawn egg for the thingy um que slim now I think about it oh there we go all right I’m going to go defeat the

Giant clam why not Oh my God no Way almost dead just die already he okay let’s Go oh that’s it what’s the armor set on this the horizontal movement speed is slow oh what oh oh it’s already the hollow hollow snow biome huh let’s try this um Right yep dude what I literally had It dude what all right guys for the next part I want to summarize what happened because um I’m not going to lie it was just a lot of grinding and not really much to comment on I was just pretty much playing made the Titan heart armor set made wings and this

Happened whoa refund what the what what just happened oh from the refore right I don’t know why I said refor jeene okay so how about let’s get some gel DS yes cancel that want to need a broad daylight and then let’s do This it’s about to enter the second phase right now make sure we don’t get hit oh wow what a dash Okay and we got it let’s go let’s go okay we’re making progress now let’s fight the cryogen but first I want say let’s get the REM remaining potions we need now let’s go fight the cryogen wait wait it looks different the Sprite looks very different all right go go to your Little oh my God there’s so many things around I can’t tell what’s what’s Mine all right chill out pun not intended by the way no [ __ ] dude is it just raining on purpose like come on now I can’t see on let’s go first try oh oh man all right you know what we’re going to fight The Scourge The Aquatic Scourge the probably

The Mechanicals next play through other than that y’all have a good one and uh yeah take care all right guys we’re back for another video we’re just going to continue I don’t know how far we’re going to go if we defeat all three Mech that’s what I plan to do and

Aquatic Scourge yeah um if I beat them real quickly you know we’ll we’ll record more but that’s just the plan for today uh so yeah let’s just get started okay so made these two weapons uh right after recording the last video and I believe that’s all I need to continue for now

And we’re good now uh let’s anything else need realistically don’t know don’t think so let’s do this Oh oh got the adrenaline all right let what I I swear I pressed it no I think I pressed my button for uh rage mode crap my mistake oh yeah we did hella damage right there oh got him pretty sure hold on very low this boss is not that hard to be honest

Y Just started raining um what if we just go like This all right make sure we calm down I killed it okay all right another boss defeated um let’s start doing the mechanical bosses we also have the pirate map so actually I think about it I can get some stuff I think if I just stay here like this we’ll be able to kill most of these guys oh perfect pretty

Quick all right let’s do this um let’s hope for the best um wait it’s not night time still there we go I just heard the music change and then that’s like oh yep there go purple flames is that new dude holy crap I almost had it okay you know surprisingly that’s kind of

Difficult oh dude I literally had it dude I accidentally just dropped the weapon I think I pressed literally pressed T oh my god oh there we goish wait where’s the where’s the other twin I dropped it again You’re telling me to hit this one adrenaline come On o oh now we can get or Cal mythal we can upgrade our stuff now yes not what I’m confident fight the I’m going to fight the mechanical worm I think this one we can actually use these weapons Oh this is the weapon this is the weapon look how much damage we’re Dealing oh he’s almost dead oh yeah he dead oh we killed each other at the same time oh no way oh we get tum and all that now let’s go all right guys now time for some mining all right we need to get some of this or mithil First okay um okay um now let’s make the ore get the myth throw Anvil now we can upgrade this electrician Club where is it Electrician [Applause] I need to make a better [Applause] pickaxe I think we can make the armor set but yeah let’s make it mhm all right let’s see where is it This okay this is two it’s more damage but do I go for it what can we do now O Okay that wasn’t there before Oh we have a th which is more than enough now we can make the long Shield what’s this no way oh yep tra Ooh off Me all right guys um thank you so much for watching if you made it this far I appreciate it and I’m not going to lie um I’ve been getting used to this uh roog class it’s not as bad as it was in the very beginning but we’ll see how it goes till

Then uh yall have a good one bye all right guys we’re back for another video I was about to start Mining and uh just like do some offc screen mining but like I was like uh you know might as well just record oh is this the

Hollow hollow door huh but yeah uh we’re going to continue from last time let’s see how far we can get don’t know what we’re going to fight um today maybe maybe planta I just want to see how much I can do within a couple hours cuz I

Don’t plan to play this much today but at the moment at the moment I’m just going to mine um Hollow uh or just cuz why not who knows if we’re going to need it sooner or later ooh this is what I need okay um now with

This we can make uh the Spear of Destiny um all right you know I’m I’m just go back now I don’t need anything else all right so now um let’s let’s sell some stuff uh first things first obviously now what who’s next Who’s Next the brimstone um all

Right let’s get chlorified cuz I want to cleanse the world yeah I want to cleanse the world so I can make a certain um spots like Hollow and all that kind of stuff maybe around this area over here while we’re at it we can also get uh what’s it called the

Life Roots since we’re around here which is good you know cuz I need to get Max Health which I also started getting some last play through so I’m just saying if any if any of you starts assuming like hm you might be cheating or some kind of stuff like that but you

Know like I’m pretty sure I don’t know if you ever like any of y’all ever recorded or something like there’s some stuff that you shouldn’t even well I I wouldn’t say you shouldn’t but like there’s something like you don’t think it’s necessary to be on the play through

Because uh it’s not entertainment you know I think I’m just going to cut to the part where I get all the chy I need and the life roof yes we have 200 right now what’s going on with my screen wait what’s this oh they they have this added

Um G can’t see can’t talk um t- mod loader they have the Shimmer okay okay I know there’s some stuff you can use to upgrade um which I really haven’t used it in regular Terraria also forgot uh I revealed the entire map with the item I forgot it’s called but basically unlocks

The entire map but I didn’t even know oh what okay I’m going just do a little quick research uh what can we do with this okay so I’m looking at it um no okay so there are some things we can use uh permanent upgrades I know there was

Permanent upgrades when I first heard about this we uh we can use the life rot good thing there’s a life Crystal right here and we got a permanent uh Health increase I mean regeneration and let’s go okay throwing One Life route in there it says throw in

Any crap I didn’t mean to consume that oh shoot uh hold on how many more do we need okay we need four more oh this is the thing I was talking about the reveal the entire map actually I think we have more than enough oh wait hold on let’s get this

Life R down here before I leave all right we’re officially done we’re officially done all right now we have Max Health we can make the blood orange yeah yeah we can okay we’re going to have a little more Health what the hell is this corra yeah we have slush hold on let’s

See what this does oh we got hardcore ores now all right we’re going to purify the world let’s get some of this on okay we’re I think we’re good all we got to do that whatever I was going to say we need to get the blue solution you know so we can

Change uh the jungle to like the mushroom but it’s all good got to make sure this is the same as it was before and over here we can make a hollow oh what the hell oh shoot I’m stuck I’m dead oh well all right let’s go fight

That boss all right we need get the blood orange okay let’s try this or Yep oh this little thing is new right I don’t remember seeing that hold on oh oh what o let’s go first try anything we need to do before we fight the calamitous Clone I don’t think so let’s just do it I think we should swap out to this Armor Set uh yeah let’s

It no yeah P almost at it first try my God I almost had I jumped I swear I jumped I swear I JP I jumped holy crap I dropped the weapon that [ __ ] threw me off what the hell actually I can [ __ ] here we go this um I was not going to damage it and this is what I get okay let’s try this again I’m going do it this time trust holy crap I actually Dodge all of them damn Crap of me okay here we Go last face let’s go let’s go fourth try like I said I was going to defeat it this time oh what’s this oh roog class weapon perfect for me okay okay what’s next what’s next planta okay got it got it I think this is good enough well we were close but we need

More space so let’s do This dude oh my God just cuz I thought I was going to dash through it almost have it let’s go all right I’m going to S export because I really didn’t do much and like after these things I just try to fight two more bosses got the new ore explored the

Temple and went to the de didn’t get some ectoplasm we have plenty of space to work with this should be a easy boss fight D come on now dude what I should just fight this what the hell am I doing then I dashed I dashed that should have not counted oh my

God I’m actually curious let’s try this out oh my God that’s actually surprisingly Good no way no no no no No oh he’s dead woo let’s go we going to use this against the Golem head cuz that’s annoying to deal with let’s see okay dude I almost had it oh my God H died a lot faster This Time come on Now all right having the platform was a lot easier what the hell oh man all right guys well I’m going to end it there hopefully you all enjoy day if you did like And subscribe other than that you all have a good one bye all right guys we’re back

For another video and today we’re going to continue our journey I’m just waking up um who do we need to fight I think we need to fight the okay the laa I man okay let’s actually cancel this I don’t want it to be raining turn it

Day pop this oh yeah last play through made this armor set I just didn’t include it in because the video would have been way too long o actually got the last um piece of uh jelly or whatever to make this the grand gelatin man’s claw and oh here she is here we

Go oh oh that’s sick oh y did I really try to throw shuriken I don’t know why I had the gold ring fun damn right I’m playing roog class just can’t just be running around I could have made a new armor set hold on hold on I’m pretty sure I could have

Oh here she is oh wait we have this since the Leviathan has such a big hit hit box it’s going to be way easier no all right we made the infected Jewel as well made this little thing uh the vampiric um Talisman and I mean as you can see like

Dur the boss fight uh yeah I was getting help from the Leviathan so every time I Dam get I damage an enemy with the road class it’s going to steal like 1% life what can we do with this s that all right let’s come back here deposit stuff we don’t need

Oh colossal squid oh these are Under the thingy okay now let’s put this Away oh we fight the Great Sand Shar let’s make the armor set now where is it hyperthermic 50% chance cons Rog items okay now we need to fight the ravager right as well oh wait I was doing the eclipse it didn’t count that’s how I got this uh this one

Let’s go defeat the uh the the great grand shark the shark the shark okay yeah let’s go fight it uh does he not have any like no music huh I forget it’s like a miniature my God look at this guy dude he’s taking so much damage for what that was easy

Skeleton this as well all right we’re going to try what is this oh oh it’s kind of like this Oh here he comes oh this one’s kind of deal damage over time like I can just literally throw it at it it’s going to keep on damaging it oh wait do they both share the same Health it’s just Golem 2.0 if I remember correctly on the impact this weapon makes little um ders or little From Below oh what all right I actually might defeat this it’s not that Bad H what oh my God almost get there Oo take a try what’s this so just seems like I’m not flying like I don’t have anything on it’s basically a soul flight oh there you are probably should organized the inventory it’s all good wait Oh there we go now I just got to be the this health let’s go Now that we got that done who’s next on how do you get the love the community anyways on modded treasure bags the come on give me the community oh I got it monkey Dart oh this is this is a reference to a balloon terar defense okay I’m going try these

Out going try out these weapons as well why not right all right let’s fight the plue bringer is this going to go well of course not of course not oh my God For Oh shoot Dodge Dodge oh my God first try let’s go oh my God no way oh my god dude I I got so scared I saw like I saw the health and I was like shoot please don’t die oh here we go hash de and the lunar event all right we go

Fight the lunatic cultist now another trophy added to collection now let’s go to the dungeon now we got this I don’t remember I don’t remember can’t I don’t remember it being like This excuse me I hit the right one I was like What ah he fing I almost got trick I ain’t going to lie nice damn I think I’m just going to show right now the lunar pillars like d killed I guess I don’t know yes sir where where is it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] here it comes here he Comes oh my God might be a problem y’all huh I see it is ninja potion I don’t even think I have that how how how how I even need to fight dude I didn’t even last that long yeah I’m going go fight some other bosses bro I think I bro I just

Remembered I literally got this for a reason to fight Duke fish Run what the Hell He dude these are going to help me all right I’m going fight the as de why not oh should have popped it I don’t know I want to die now dude I almost had it looking up a guide see what we we can use now supposedly this is one of the

Weapons recommended on the guide holy crap wait oh my God oh my dude they’re almost dead holy crap wait you tell me that this thing was literally the key to winning these three weapons let’s try this again already to a second phase look how much

Dam dude I didn’t even do nothing bro I didn’t why didn’t I think of this I literally use a similar weapon to this to on the Destroyer boss like what the hell yo I can get this now right yes sir holy crap it was that simple all right fight the moon Lord

Again oh my God I almost had it halfway there what W Y yo I had the greedy ring on oh what the hell yo how did I defeat it what dude I’m telling you it was the ninja potion all those potions I had holy I did it I I’ve entered post Moon Lord now let’s go um right um armor armor sets armor

Set we got to make armor set now yes sir oh we look sick we look like the Grim Reaper all right guys well I’m going end it there um thank you so much for watching if you made this for this was such a good playthrough um [ __ ] I don’t know what to

Do uh what’s I don’t know who’s going to be next on my list oh the profane Guardians uh maybe we can do Providence see how it goes we’ll see other than that y’all have a good one bye all right guys welcome back to another video we’re going to continue our journey uh you

Know fighting the I think the profane profane Guardians I think and um while I was uh done recording the other one I just made this a little trophy room I guess you can say and yeah I mean let’s just get started okay we can make this for now

Um actually this you need a okay yep okay just making sure make 20 of these and yes sir there we go spawn info oh we need to go to hell on the hell biome thing um there supped to be like a a little dinosaur thing oh is this

Hollow hold on let me just use this oh yeah there you go yeah I guess I had to go to hollow know for a fact that we’re going to have to uh use some of these to make some I think it’s are called po if I remember

Correctly what can we make any Ro hell’s Sun okay a spear ooh so there’s three Rogue class weapons ready the hell Sun all right let’s just make the spawn the summon spawn like yeah summons run of cost Ro fan Shard and oh right the dragon Folly all right let’s do this right actually let’s get some mini Bridges real Quick place the semi station I feel like we should just try to get the onni station within this play through what the hell they changed it up oh wait we have to take one that a one out at a time healer oh wait hold on I didn’t even try to this

Weapon that was this supposed to do I didn’t see I didn’t see what what it does I can’t attack for some reason what’s going on what what just happened I couldn’t attack just a little trapped set up Okay Yo I just realized I was muted the whole time how long was was I muted for like a good 20 minutes I don’t know the [ __ ] where did that come from hit me what’s this where did this come from interesting never seen this before is this new how do we take it

Off is it gone okay it’s gone I think cuz I don’t want it I don’t know if it counts for um summon Quest so that’s why I’m not using it oh my God no way I dodged that oh wait no never mind I just saw my character like PE to spear um

My that was one of my things I have equipped okay um um no no no I just need the second one eleminated okay I swear those little Flames freaking follow me damn I only hit it once on heal all right I’m play safe I’m play safe I’m not going to do some reckless

[ __ ] right now one let’s go my let’s go holy crap that was hard um now get the let’s fight the drag and Folly might to go to the jungle for this one where is Name no I swear I dashed great why I Dash towards it actually I remember there was some Kun ni yeah use these I see how good these things are more semi stations dude I was he was so weak he was so weak I almost had it huh

Oh holy crap wait my mic was messed up the entire time I I I really got God damn it’s Bing right in front of Me Wow Let’s go wow holy crap dude okay oh nice Max that out so now Providence all right try this shall we what the hell this is new what the the hell is that oh my God ah dude am I really about to die I swear I only got hit a couple

Times that was so unfair oh my God I was halfway there all right last last phas oh not now You’re no What oh my God good thing i’ had little ninja potion thing come on third phase last phase last phase we got this Damn come on almost dead we got it come on let’s go holy [ __ ] that took a long ass time oh there oh what’s next after that oh the ceaseless void on all them okay the I think they’re called the um look like a Tre name I forgot was

Called we can make well U well um Bloom jeez can’t talk armor get the Supreme healing potion right oh wait the Bloodstone as well right it’s available now okay we got 44 oh all right let’s go to the dungeon real quick no huh I even summon it oh there you are

There’s a well oh oh we have more than enough should be good okay we’re good now um right uh one more thing one more thing Rogue weapons let’s make these let’s make two of these um this so now a we can fight one the bosses why not fight this Oh oh we got to damage his tail right what if the kunai can get it oh we can damage the actual body now dude oh my God I got I I panicked I’m not going to lie [Applause] that was easy as hell second try let’s go let’s get more of the Unholy I forgot what the hell it’s called twistling twist oh I said twistling twistling Thunder okay 2,000 Rogue damage I feel like I should have yeah I think I should have put the

Double mini Bridge u i mean obsidian bridge I can uh what’s it called have space to move around cuz I literally don’t have any space wait what if I go just will it follow me oh no oh all right let’s oh my God damn I need to get the sapling um we

Need pumpkin seeds let’s try out the ceaseless void one oh yeah all right let’s try out the seeless void um will I defeat it let’s fine though and if anything where’s my freaking potion return we can just use [Applause] these woo I didn’t even realize how low

I was you know what I’m going to get the cell phone all that kind of stuff so it’s the next hour grinding for stuff so I can get the Omni station and the shell phone I didn’t get the well I did get the cell phone but I just upgraded to

The Shell phone but pretty much the stuff I need to defeat the bosses but I should show yall some of them some of those moments I guess make the shelf on there we go okay my God now we able to run yes sir let’s go we finally got it my God it took

Forever oh I like the redesign all right I’m GNA kill this thing now I’m tired of his BS did I drop it There we go one more one more let’s try to defeat it let’s try to defeat the thing let’s hope for the best y’all all right let’s try this now we dead let’s just count that as another one why not what how many minutes are four almost four hours of recording will be

Another long play through if I I just want to kill it let’s get the gravity normalizer the potion it’s uh this thing is that little effect that freaking stuns me it shit’s annoying well it doesn’t stun me but like it keeps me in the air for some reason all

Right let’s uh set a spawn point around here like that there we go [ __ ] annoying jeez oh my [Applause] God oh Sho accidentally Tapped Out honestly the shattered SPS pretty good okay holy crap all right I I figured out this TR I see what how we we defeat this thing make sure we don’t run around too much last face all right oh no he’s just absorbed things we just got to survive this last

Phase oh oh my God I just realized how much health I had oh [ __ ] I just realize what’s next oh no oh [ __ ] the devour of gods I remember couldn’t defeat that [ __ ] for like 3 days straight all right guys thank you so much for watching if you made it this far

Like And subscribe till next time bye all right guys welcome back for another video I’m just waking up dude holy tired um oh right I made this Weapon made the this as well right after like the last play through um yeah I was able to make all these

Right after the next play through but now we got to defeat the uh Poulter gas then and Duke fish or The Old Duke I mean and let’s try out this thing shall we What oh my no way I did it first try yo what ain’t no white dude holy oh permanent all right now we max out our adrenal in mode H oh wait let’s see if we can get the exodium cluster the little black hole doesn’t even oh um actually we have more than

What the hell am I still doing here wait how much do we need to make the armor set actually I’ll buy it or try to get some two for each okay um get where will do that there we go new armor set let’s go all right let’s test out this weapon

Oh all right you know what the black ho weapon going to be good right no no no come come on here we go no let me create manyi bridges yeah you know what let’s get let’s get the blood worm yeah let’s just do that instead of freaking doing the sulfurous C every

Time all right we’re good now set it to morning fish oh just like that good what are the Odds I dashed I dashed I swear this is [Applause] scary no way I almost had adrenaline [Applause] all right I was just looking up more accessories right now and I’m going go for the blunder I think it’s called blunder booster Yeah did we get it oh we did Perfect all right let’s try this Again I didn’t even survive what the hell was that dude no way d i dashed I dashed at the right time good come on yes oh my God holy oh my God thank you holy crap I’ve actually done it this thing helped out quite a lot here we all right well I’m just

Going to end the play through there [ __ ] I’m scared dude I’m scared I don’t want to I’m fight this thing hopefully yall enjoy it I think I’m just going to continue it right now as another play through other than that y’all have a good one bye all right

Y’all this the play through I think y’all been waiting for I mean I’m not excited for it I’m not going to lie devour of gods this time guys oh oh my God I’m nervous I think um for now there’s a weapon that want to get from The Old Duke it’s

The this weapon the old reap Reaper yeah or one of these two actually I’ll probably just get one of the ah we’ll find out yeah I think I’m going to do that I think I’m just going to kill some bosses for now so we can get some money

Out of it actually we have not done the Pumpkin Moon I think we already have the summon for it by the way where is it yeah we do we have the naughty present I’m surprised I actually died you know um okay I think we should be good

Um how much platinum do we have in total 22 I think we get another bag hopefully we just get it right here oh we got it let’s go [ __ ] I’m nervous let’s do this what the hell oh second face Oh here we go What [Applause] Yo I swear I swear I’m I’m nervous bro I dude I swear to God I got so I think I have like anxiety not anxiety PTSD from I don’t know why I say anxiety PTSD from like The Inferno one cuz that [ __ ] was Insane oh my God I did so bad on that One I oh my God what was that Bro what oh my God my God bro why Why ah I get so annoyed by that phase I ain’t going to lie Mother what you know what we got to finesse this boss right now I don’t even care I was trying to um not do that but I don’t even care at this Point what oh my God I panicked I panic let’s try this again He Yeah [ __ ] that I don’t even care Bro what the dude I tapped out during the boss fight fight and I accidentally my God d i i press stop recording I’ll just defeat it one more time just for y’all I was looking at the footage right now dude it was literally like I’d say like a good um 20% Health

Then I accidentally tapped out of the game and then um huh I I guess I freaking stop the recording wait hold on hold on let me put this away I mean just kill me dude dude I I was like I’m not trying to use the Omega Potion I dude I was going to try to Dash I Heed what wait where my other Buffs I’m going just pop it right now I don’t even care Man Now What There you go my god dude the fact that they defeated again annoyed me now I can use my Omega healing potion there so like I I just had to make make sure that it gets in the footage cuz I was not going to upload a video like that well

That concludes our play through hopefully y’all enjoyed it like And subscribe I’ll see you next time bye all right guys welcome back for another video um we’re continue to play through it’s 5: in the morning I just woke up like I don’t know I just suddenly just

Woke up so now we have to get the ascended Spirit Ence we let’s let’s hit the events real quick and then um we’ll be [Applause] back huh um we actually have to defeat Providence one more time CU we need to get the last um part for the um for

These these WIS yeah I think it’s no it’s for this now we have yes sir there we go all right oh just to let you know uh I made all the equipment I don’t know if y’all realized that but um I just kind of skipped that but um here’s the death count

Like it it gets mad outside the jungle what whoops dude oh my God no way halfway there What the hell dude I swear that’s that it’s fine fine what the Hell go finally second Phase dude he was so low he was so low Wow what oh the that Inflicts it was so Low he oh shoot Will e You Come on let’s go oh Man McNuggets all right well I’m going just send a play through there hopefully y enjoyed it you did like And subscribe until next time y’all bye all right guys um so we’re back for another video um oh crap foret I forget this war makes uh makes the character kind of Jumpy we’re

Just mining for um oric or right now what the hell am I getting hit from oh that little one right there we’re going to do that uh fight the xenox but first I need to find all the labs it’s crazy to think we’re pretty much coming to an

End to this play through if you think of like I remember this class being so ass in the very beginning but now it’s like no it’s proven itself to be quite useful it’s cool how it reacts to the other one like I I get hit by it and it shows me

The location of another one make the oric uh armor say um but then we also need to make the xenom me Purity yes sir siif tracers yeah Ram part of deities yes sir dragon fruit hey oh 937 34 I mean oh yeah Rogue let’s go let’s make this and you know what’s crazy the fact that I didn’t have to find the labs because for some reason I was able to craft the stuff even though I didn’t even encrypt the schematic attics which I bring up as soon as I start making the stuff weird

That um like guess I didn’t have to look for it maybe it’s just a new thing in the updates or something but uh yeah let’s just get straight to the xenom me boss fight all right whatever uh here you are I’ve wait a long time for this

Moment uh yeah whatever I’m not reading all that now choose I hate these guys oh I pressed the wrong One I didn’t even upgrade all these I just realized okay this does Excuse me Jee Jesus damn ow that one shot me yeah the funny thing is I wasn’t even ready for that dude they just off I think it’s best if I go to the hollow have more space to roam around nothing in my way oh what What wow the fact that we got all of them to spawn in you’re lying Damn Jesus what Um I couldn’t do anything no way dude I was not expecting that what what killed me what killed me yeah s was like bro no way I’m running I run that what are the odds Mhm dude my God you’re lying I should have just tpd potion return why didn’t I use it I knew I should have teleported I tapped it I tapped it what all right I’m going to start off with a snake [ __ ] I don’t yeah it’s Annoying I Let’s go I had to cheesy all right we’re going to end the play through there hopefully you enjoyed it dude last one maybe next video who knows we’re going end the play through next video for sure I might just do the endan worm as a bonus but who knows

We’ll see well until next time bye all right guys welcome back for another video we’re going to be going to be finishing the play through maybe but for now we need to get some oric ore um cuz we need uh make the new crafting [ __ ] ah that should be more than enough when

Need get ascended uh [ __ ] the ascended [ __ ] I don’t remember what was it called off the top of my head but we need to get that let’s go all right Miracle matter how much do I think we just need one and here we go the hopefully we get to do this first

Try cuz I remember I did a first try on my first play through let’s do this [Applause] Already and we get supera What okay so we’re contining to recording a couple days later um uh I wasn’t ready I ain’t going to lie my God oh my I I didn’t see that I Swear oh my God How did I get out there’s no way no way all right I just remembered something that could probably beat this thing I don’t remember basically we’re use the little equipment that the ravager gave us but we’re going to use the flesh totem see if it’s going to help us at

All damn I know I should have just popped the thing I freaking pressed the wrong button I was like dude why can’t I teleport dude I still haven’t beat this thing that’s crazy what no why the hell is that dude he goes faster for no reason [ __ ] oh No dude I was so close I was right there bro [ __ ] dude that was so annoying that that face with the twins or whatever the hell hold on hold on hold on I need move some [ __ ] around hold on of hella things around me it’s going I need more space for my

Mouse what bro this what happens when I stop playing like for a moment like dude I messed up my entire flow my God my God yo yo what are what is going On what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on no no where did that come from [ __ ] I don’t want to do this no more holy [ __ ] I’m sweating my hands are sweaty I pressed it dude I popped the the thing the Nano machines what already I was it I wasn’t

Recording no no no no I was Recording oh my god dude no no no no no no no please oh my God I swear to God I was recording oh my you know God damn it I got defeated again I don’t want this is the same BS that happened with the devour God what the

Hell I don’t know if my mic caught that but like d I’m mad I literally I was recording I swear oh my God I got to defeat it again just for y’all you don’t even know the struggle oh it’s on mask this time I I didn’t

Even know that but dude oh my god dude I I I was getting so happy I was like yes yes oh dude so okay I’m mad dude I’m like dude I stopped recording for a while right come back an hour later just to try to defeat this thing cuz I have

Nothing to do I was like I should record something else but there’s nothing to record dude you don’t even know my heart was freaking racing this entire time and then I find out I wasn’t recording all right oh dude but I’m going concentrate like I’m going just concentrate

Dude I’m so mad like I would have just been done with this recording I got to defeated it one more time just cuz um I I thought I was recording but guess I wasn’t okay here we go um I didn’t even know the pan was like this good for this boss Oh oh What oh dud I swear if these things hit me I’m dead dead I think it’s an instant kill I’m not entirely sure okay here we go we’re going to fight that little warm again after this phas [Applause] Oh there we go there we go oh my god dude I I I hella panicked right there dude like I was like [ __ ] I’m about to die there we go okay now we can confirm we beat it even though this is my second time holy [ __ ] my heart’s racing let’s

Go we defeated we be um collabing with Rogue weapons let’s go let’s go people finally holy [ __ ] dude oh we’re done with this playthrough dude like I’m so happy I don’t got to deal with this roog class no more this is like the worst class in the game holy [ __ ] man

Holy thank you so much for watching if you made it this far like even from beginning to end from all the videos I’ve been posting for this play through I really appreciate y’all and um yeah that’s pretty much it y’all have a good one stay blessed and bye

Hey guys! In this video, you’ll witness my entire Terraria Calamity with Rogue Class. Give me new suggestions If you enjoyed it, let me know and be sure to leave a like and subscribe!

0:00 – Intro
0:11 – Intro Cinematic
1:05 – Quick Thank You
1:19 – Part 1
7:54 – Part 2
13:25 – Part 3
18:52 – Part 4
21:51 – Part 5
29:40 – Part 6
39:38 – Part 7
46:45 – Part 8
58:17 – Part 9
1:13:45 – Part 10
1:36:44 – Part 11
1:56:53 – Part 12
2:04:30- Part 13
2:15:02: – Part 14
2:20:53 – Part 15
2:30:41 – Part 16
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