Minecraft, But You Can’t Leave The Aether…

The Overworld the ne and the end Minecraft’s only three dimensions but what if there was a fourth the ather is Minecraft’s version of heaven with weird mobs weird items and extra bosses so in this video me and my friend can’t leave the Aether and have to defeat the bronze

Silver and gold bosses in order to win okay hemry once we enter this portal we have got three lives and we cannot leave okay oh no let’s just do it oh okay I’ve got a random golden parachute oh wait oh I just wasted it wait how how did you use

It right don’t don’t right click it don’t right click it I don’t know what it does okay okay um K what’s that behind you what’s what behind what is that oh God okay um wait if I right click the book of Law and then put the golden parachute in it it

Has 20 uses and is made with AOC clouds okay it’s a parachute basically I don’t really understand how it works but there we are okay um we also have three lives collectively so if one of us dies twice then we’re out of the video okay well

That’s great so I just need to die twice and then I can go home I don’t like that okay these these trees don’t look normal um no they don’t they’re slightly dark and weird nice they work perfectly fine though I’ll take it I’m going to make a wooden

Pickaxe don’t wait oh it’s not a wooden it’s a skyroot pickaxe oh should I I shouldn’t be digging through the floor should I that’s probably not yeah we are on floating islands I’m not sure if that’s a great idea okay well I’m getting us Stone I think it’s Stone yeah

It’s holy Stone o I like the fact that dirt is blue it just makes me kind of happy to be honest you know what else is blue what my balls okay there’s just no need for that is there Henry wao these weapons and tools look sick look at this

Sword Henry ow ow ow how many how many hearts did that do oh no oh my God oh my no no no that did six and a half hearts wow they’re pretty strong pretty holy I guess what do we do for food are you lonely because this was me completely

Alone in the desert but now thanks to lonely CL I’ve got all of these friends hey man lonely CL is my brand new merch that’s going to be releasing on the 1st of March at 8:00 p.m. GMT for the first drop there’s going to be an awesome hoodie t-shirt and of course the

Hat so be ready for March first where you can get some lonely clothing that will keep you very warm and anyway let’s just get back to the video wait there’s a there’s a pig with wings oh my God okay yeah let’s go kill that let’s go

Kill that get blocks um um you got a shovel I should probably make one of those yeah I don’t know if I’ve explained you by the way but we’re not beating the Ender Dragon I would hope not cuz I don’t think there is an End

Dragon here what are we be oh my God what oh my God this guy’s shooting stuff at me Henry hry what the hell there’s a whale in the sky get away oh my God oh my God wait Henry we can’t let this thing kill us we need to run we don’t

We’re not ready for this I don’t know what these big balls do what the sorry don’t know that’s not what I meant Oh wait is that diamonds I found something down there that looks like fancy diamonds um these pigs have wings and they’re moving real weird Henry I didn’t

Know your mom played Minecraft oh dude I’m actually low I’m actually low oh they just dropped normal pork chops and Feathers okay wait what what is that what is that what is that oh my God there’s a beluga whale nice nice get nice ah ah he’s

Coming up me right got food wait he dropped an ambrosian Shard okay well I think I think it’s just a case of we use our book to find out what items do and then we have three bosses to defeat the bronze silver and gold and we have to do

It in that order oh wait I got coal ambrosian Shard is coal wait but also uh these have healing properties to restore a small oh my God you almost got hit by that thing did you get hit wait I can eat this okay I’m eating it oh it healed

A heart oh my God oh my God wait wait wait my parachute my parachute Sav me oh my oh my God oh my God Henry did you get smacked by one of the cloud geers yeah okay I’ll stop making my way back up give me a second

These guys are real problems I don’t know how we get a bow or anything anything so that makes it difficult oh my God Henry I’ve seen something really important you need to come back up here as soon as you can I’m working on it okay oh there’s also a water bucket down

There that would be really helpful a water bucket yeah no not a water bucket a water oh you can hit the cloud Ball’s back I just smacked one back and hit that guy there’s a rabbit yeah no Henry that’s what I’m talking about so right click one of those rabbits and it will

Go on your head and you can then Glide with it you think I can make this jump now I say you there’s only one way to find out oh no oh no oh oh no um um I’m in the water I’m I’m in the water I’m in the water

I’m in the water help me help me help me help okay wait wait there’s pink diamonds there’s Purple Diamonds oh God okay it’s a good thing you did that wait so if I I right click this guy okay so yeah you can’t just Glide with this

Thing if you hold down space bar you just Glide downwards and there’s another whale here I feel like I can’t mine these diamonds with this pickaxe yeah it just disappeared whoops um okay okay well that’s not good hry is it really I’m making my way over towards the Pu

Stuff I’m just gliding around I’m living my best life man dude I’m I’m making progress and you’re just jumping around with a rabbit like I can’t take fall damage right now this is amazing I am just jumping around with a rabbit but I’m going to get some of this stuff A’s

Version of iron oh I should have made a pickaxe out of this and then mine the diamonds I’m stupid is the purple stuff is yeah the purple stuff is iron um and I made the diamonds disappear as a magic trick you made the diamonds disappear as

A magic trick what happens if you kill these big ugly birds um I just tossed mine off into oh my God they’re hurting me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Henry Henry when you get hit by the weird Birds they like smack you around

Oh my God oh my God um I see you over there with a rabbit on your head are you good okay I’m fine but do not get hit by those bird things okay I’ll try I’ll try not to what is this it’s inebriation so I’m just getting moved around my hands

Are off my keyboard right now and you just get moved around you’re inebriated yeah literally no right do not fight those big ugly birds they just give you feathers and nothing else I’m going to make some zanite stuff oh do we not have to smelt it that’s what I’m testing

Right now uh can I make I can make a pickaxe okay can you make armor yeah you can make armor okay nice I’m getting loads I made a chest plate uh what the hell is that okay I’m making a chest plate a pickaxe and a sword damn how

Many of them do you have I had 17 Mak boot as well I don’t care wa how do we get a bucket that’s my worry well do we need a bucket oh yeah I suppose not so the only Diamond I found I made disappear so like um we should probably

Find more of those yeah probably but we should also start looking for a boss because really what are we doing around here Henry we can’t fight a boss in the current state if we’re getting messed I’m covered in purple man I look great we we whatever okay I have enough of

These things to make some more armor who’s that oh my God oh my God I’ve been inebriated again okay okay watch out for all these things yeah we are in a like completely different world oh hey hey man I’m I’m inebriated I’m just oh my God so far oh my God oh my

God wait is that is that the mixture of being inated and getting knocked by one of those things yes yes don’t let it happen man all right sweet um yeah we should probably go find a boss or something yeah so what we need to do is

We need to find a little hole in the wall for the bronze boss that’s not the first time I’ve heard that okay you’re you’re that’s enough oh wait I see I see I see a a temple oh yeah yeah I see it okay so that is the second boss we need

To find we can’t fight that one until we fought the one before I was going to say I mean I don’t think fighting it is even going to be an issue right now because trying to get to it is going to be our first issue so yeah we got we got to

Find the first boss first okay yeah yeah good point oh what’s a blue arrow Cloud probably the same thing I have oh oh my goodness wait that’s sick dude look every time I land on this watch it just launches me up in the air that’s so

Helpful I’m going to pick up some of these yeah collect them they’re like better than water bucket uh this this guy’s back I killed him nice did he dropped anything he dropped clouds yeah cold clouds should we can we see what these do when we jump on them oh nice

Not as cool as the blue ones okay no no near as cool as a kit yeah you were talking about a hole in the wall right yes um um let’s go over here to kill these animals and these sheep that are freaking out and oh

Okay okay okay come on no no no I want food I want food first I want food calm down that looks terrifying don’t forget three lives emry between us not three lives each yeah no it’s terrifying why’ you I’m looking for Iron Man it’s so dark down here uh K this flower looks

Really mean is it one that’s moving yeah and it was it was shooting things at me so I killed it and I got an I got an acre petal yeah I got one of them don’t know what it does ignorance is bliss man we’re just two little stupids waa what

Are these oh my God you good brother there’s TNT blocks here they’re present there’s gingerbread men presents here I hear the exploding what’s going on over here I’m just breaking presents man I just got a candy cane sword a sword made from decorative candy randomly drops

Candy canes when used wait I want to open some of these presents oh these are holiday trees that’s what these are uh yeah I just got a bunch of gingerbread men can we eat them yeah you can okay sweet well we got our food situated okay I’m getting candy canes every time I

Smack an animal this is great well this is unlimited food can I eat these yeah yep they do one hunger bot and you can eat them really quickly okay um are we ready to fight okay I’m making leggings I now have full armor should we should

We try and make a shield is that a thing do you reckon um I wouldn’t know how to oh y you can literally make a shield using it okay where was the hole in the wall somewhere down here probably okay well I’m kind of scared because it looks

Kind of omin oh I see a chest I kind of want to go get it I’m ready Henry oh my God that sword iron ring bucket what does an iron ring do an aesthetic accessory made of iron wow that’s useless there’s chest every wait is this

Just ah this chest is alive this chest is alive ah what the f oh my sword my sword okay kill it ni it dropped a chest okay a zenite axe nine attack damage yes please oh nice hey take one of these skyroot poison buckets skyroot poison

Buckets don’t drink it don’t drink it I think that’s a bad idea I’m going to drink it okay I’m just inebriated oh for how long uh 20 seconds okay yeah I can’t let’s not go that way don’t go that way don’t go what the hell is this the block

Is alive what is I’m putting my golden ring on oh what the heck no you were right it’s just a random brick that attacked me okay shall we should we should we go to this big block I’m I’m a little bit worried yeah let’s do it okay

Boss number one attack it with a pickaxe oh my God okay okay oh my God okay this B number one uh K the door’s gone the door’s gone the door’s gone oh my God oh my God I need to eat I need to eat don’t die don’t die the door is lo

Okay it’s locked on me it’s locked on me you just keep dude dude dude this need to hold on oh my oh my God I’m getting long get out of the corner yeah stay some stay somewhere near the middle if you can oh never mind I’m locked make

Sure you use your Shield as well if he’s about to attack you what oh he he he dislocates your Shield can we place oh he’s g red oh he’s moving quicker he’s moving quicker oh my God oh my God quicker and faster this guy actually sucks ow quick finish him he’s so low

Yes nice oh my God what did we get there’s a chest oh wait you can only unlock it with key key you should have a key oh I do bronze key here okay bronze key oh my God oh my God lightning knife What on earth does that do centy boots

Neptune gloves Century boots blue gummy sweat I’m guessing that’s food Neptune helmet Valkyrie Lance oh you can throw a lightning knife but only once okay okay there’s a few of them in there I’m also going to take the Neptune helmet you take the boots and the gloves take that golden Amber if

You’ve got the other one as well uh golden Amber oh yeah yeah yeah I can sack it Neptune gloves I’m taking boots what does senty boots do found bronze dungeon These Boots protect you from Full damage nice okay cool wait take the gloves as well I I think if I remember

Correctly they just up your like if you put them in the right slot put the gloves on then oh nice dude that looks sick you dripped out wait dude if you’ve got the helmet you should take these okay you take the golden darts I take the poison darts okay I think I think

We’re pretty set wait I’m just going to check can you throw them no okay so we need a bow or something all right well there we are we’re one down that’s one boss down one boss down we know where the other one is but I think there’s

Going to be a bit of a struggle I I think we need to get some diamonds do you have any of them nope the only one I saw disappeared okay all right I’m going to try and get water oh I can just jump off things now wait how far can I reach

You from here wait wait can you reach further with that thing this thing add wait oh what the heck God wait do a full swing on me that does two hearts okay this is great this is great okay right I’m going to I’m going to look for those pink

Diamonds and see if we can get some I’m looking for pink diamonds it’s so dark down here oh my God okay I need to be careful I’m literally just by the edge of the world oh dude I’ve just found another one of those dungeons I’m just

Going to have have a look in these and just grab the chest might as well oh my God this guy turned into a mob okay I don’t like these well yeah I found another one of these like Coliseum looking things and it’s like way closer

Than the other one was oh my God I can ride sweats aka the slimes with this cape on that’s nuts okay come on Boom okay that’s actually huge oh wait I see some they’re at like the very very bottom I just keep finding more dungeons I’m just getting free stuff all right

These diamonds are like on the very very bottom of the world I got to be careful oh I have a feeling I know why these diamonds might be so hard to get now whenever you mine them they just go up like the they have opposite gravity okay

What can I do with this in the book of the law this is the aether’s rarest ore it has floating properties and will float upwards when there’s nothing above it okay I we might have to smelt it how many have you got four but it’s it’s

Like in a form well oh mate if we can make something good with that all right fine yeah okay come up we’ll meet up and then smelt it oh I forgot those things explode okay I’m coming up to you oh Henry there’s literally a dungeon right

By you as well so we can grab that before we go get this other boss wait where are you I’m down here there’s literally one right here wait what the what’s this o jump in it no no that’s way too close to the edge okay so if I

Put the gra wait no it doesn’t go in there it doesn’t smell how do we how do we do that wait maybe you need Ambrosia maybe we need a different type of table so this is an enchanter I believe wait so we do alter so if we put the

Gravitite in here Ambrosia yeah okay it’s melting oh it’s so slow though okay okay well it’s okay cuz if can you see in the distance here you can see the Coliseum things over there oh yeah nice oh that’s another one okay the alter oh my goodness it takes one Ambrosia per

Enchanted gravitite wait so what can we craft with this can we craft tools okay we can make a gravitite shovel I won’t do it though well if we have four of it we can make two swords so our damages now are six attack damage so these swords are seven attack damage yeah it’s

Just a diamond sword wait gravitite gloves oh dude I make some gravitti gloves and just hope for the best I mean you could do I I I’m not against it I already have my Valkyrie Lance I did it I made the gravitite gloves and it’s plus 0.75 attack damage I’ve just done

It I don’t care oh dude I look sick here you know what I’ll make a sword for you oh that’s a shout yeah thank you man there you go here here here take that okay there’s a poison dart shooter so take that and that and then a golden

Dart Sho this is basically oh I’m inated hry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry that’s good though that’s really good all right off to the Coliseum wait it’s not a Col it’s Temple it’s a temple oh dude that was easy we’re here ooh is this the entrance this is the entrance

And there’s a chest oohed Berry I’ll take the golden Amber ah the chest is alive again the chest is alive okay smack him smack him oh my God okay every no oh my God no what the is there so many oh my God oh my

God oh my God oh my God are you good thank you what what Victory Medal Victory Medal wait are these the 10 things that we need 10 Victory 10 of these use these to prove to the valkyrie queen that you are worthy enough okay all right so you take them Henry I’m

Chucking them to you oh my oh my okay all right there’s stairs in the middle here up we go big boy oh my God they jump you good that’s quite easy to kill this is all you got another one for you come here boy or woman I don’t know if

It’s a woman or a man dude we’re kind of killing this yeah this is this is just easy what is it with the woman in their swords there’s another woman down here there’s another one down here okay I got one ni have we got enough then I have one you have one we

Need one more I’m getting stacked two oh my God they do so much damage oh my God I’m low I’m low I’m low oh my God no back up oh my God oh my God I’m on one heart we have enough Victory medals now okay just don’t Smack them

Anymore when they spawn in remember that they’re dosil so just leave them okay wait I have the 10 Victory medals so do I just need to go out to this lady oh wait she is scho the valkyrie Queen um do I so I have three options never mind I wish to fight

You and what can you tell me about this place I wish to fight you I don’t give a c about this place okay very well then bring me 10 medals I’m ready I have the medals right here strike it any time ah no oh my God she flies oh you can’t hit

Her with arrows yeah but I have the valkyrie Lance I can hit her from so far away oh my God nice oh my God we’re destroying her this is like Aimbot reach dude she sucks she sucks this easier than the other one oh my God I’m low I’m

Low oh where she TPS watch out what was that oh my God I do know she just released a ball that released lightning on me I I thr the lighted things at her it didn’t do anything you good oh my God okay oh my god look out

For that thing hry what’s going for me I’m eating the golden gumy I’m eating the golden gummy run I’m keeping at a distance nice nice oh my K guess what we got the key the silver key Dude are you ready hry I’ve unlocked the chest oh my God invisibility cloak gravitite leggings someone’s got to take the full set of Valkyrie armor oh my God I think it should be you are you sure yeah I’ll take the grati leggings you take that full set oh my goodness get

The gloves I’ll take my graviti gloves and take my uh take my grav sword trade swords with me oh yeah take the valky Lan wait where are you fighting them just fig why not mate oh my God believe them we killed that boss we’re the ghats

Man you are kind of wearing all her armor I know they’re still fighting me that’s how disloyal they are let’s get out of here and we now just have to find what basically looks like a giant island in the sky uh what does an invisibility

Cloak do let’s have a look shall we oh I’m fully invisible okay look watch this what wait does that mean the mobs can’t see you either I don’t know but that could be really helpful dude actually if the only thing we need is a helmet for

The valkyrie set should we go in and take it how many things do you have uh I have seven keys on me or seven medals I’ve got one so we killed two of them and then we just defe straight cuz that was so easy let’s do that um so I have

Three I have three of them here nice don’t kill the bunny I’m not okay and there’s one there’s one more and we’re done all right we’re done we liter kill all right let’s go up these stairs oh no you hit her bad oh no no no no no oh no

Oh no oh no oh I’m going to go invisible on this Valkyrie to make it even easier okay I wish to fight you I have the medals ready to CR her out yeah let’s do it okay I’ve got the invisibility cloak on so she can’t even see make sure you

Hit her from afar cuz you can do that oh yeah wait what if I hit you by accident be careful she can see me she can see me okay well take it off so I don’t hit you by accident she’s doging me oh my God I

Need to eat an En chance Barry remember you can you can you can hit them from so far away do not get hit by that thing okay do not get hit by the the lightning bolt hry you got hit by it I’m chilling dude she’s trash yeah yeah she is we’re

Fine oh my God we’re actually going to get a full valky res set where is she oh my God oh my God that did Hearts okay I need to eat remember you have your Shield by the way oh yeah nice nice okay okay go on open it open it let’s get that

Helmet nice right boom Oh my god I’ve got wings I can fly what the hell what the hell oh my God that’s actually nuts okay there’s a holy sword in here I guess but I’m taking this lightning sword let me know what this does okay y that did that did hurts well

That makes sense it is called a lightning sword for a reason I guess uh wait so The gravitite Sword and the holy sword are exactly the same so I’ll just stick with this bunny oh dude I can just fly and glide I’m actually living my best life Henry so wait we’re literally

Looking for this last thing which is a beluga whale no the golden dungeon and then we’ve done it we just have to make and go back we come to a dead end so I know you can fly but like how I to get across this oh no we can land on these

Clouds remember we can land on these clouds are you sure we won’t fall through those ones no but I’m doing it come on rabbit come on rabbit oh my oh okay you can place blocks fine okay oh yeah so we can just jump from Cloud to

Cloud oh wait we can launch our oh my God okay oh you’re right yeah we have some of these nice wait there’s a massive I see a big circle with an eye on it oh dude yep I see I see it I see the golden dungeon dude that was right next to this

Thing it has a light bunch of golden is is that it the one trees on top um okay I’m going to place down another one of these blue Air clouds cuz I I don’t have as much jumps as you and then I’m going to jump over to this I just got my RIT

Stopped oh my God oh my God are you good are you good my rabbit stopped at the worst time how do you tell if the rabbit’s going to just give up or not I don’t know it happened again where are you I’m still at the beginning oh dude

You’re miles away oh my God oh my God oh my go oh my God I almost just fell off the map I’m just going to take the the way where there’s actually land cuz I think that might be smarter oh there’s a load of mowers just guard what what the

These trees are actually gold oh this is where you get the gold things golden Amber all right K I’m finally here let’s do this you and me let’s do it how we started all right do we have a bed oh yeah good point I’m going to go get us

Cuz I can fly hry cuz you’re kind of useless to be completely honest I’m going to go get us a bed right okay well the entrance is nothing so right now I think you’re the more useless guy no no hry I’m getting us a bed right so don’t

Be talking like that please all right I’ll try and find the actual entrance oh I think I found the edge I think I found the entrance I me oh yes I have I believe yeah I have I found it okay Henry hemry come over to the east side

And you’ll see me oh wait I see you down though hey man just hop on in there’s the uh there’s the entrance dude let’s head on in oh my what is that uh do we have a bed uh we can make one should be

Let’s do that yes yes cuz we if if any point we die is do this guy man looks like Dwayne The Rock Johnson okay right well we’ve still got three lives so let’s uh let’s put our little bed down here maybe um I have no idea how to kill

This thing by the way so good luck what you saying good luck to me good luck to you right this e once before and I’m pretty sure this boss is a little bit different to all the others so really I’ve never played the other in my life

So I’m just going to break all this fire or he just looks at us should we smack him you are certainly a brave soul to have entered this chamber you serve no purpose being here your presence annoys me do not fear my burning Aura i’ Henry you’re spamming I can’t read this fast

Final warning ah okay that’s all bad that’s all bad smack him what Henry he doesn’t take damage Henry Henry what do these wait what wait wait Fireballs at him it’s it’s like dodgeball oh my God oh my God oh wait maybe the blue ones hit the blue one at

Him yes that’s it just don’t get hit by oh wait I see I see the blue one I see the blue one ow yes I hit him oh my god that actually works Henry the fire minions the fem just kill them kill them

Oh I hit you you hit me oh no oh oh no okay I’m eating a healing stone hit the ice wait I I got it yes nice hry nice good shot kill the minions he’s a literal mini dway the Rocks okay okay okay there’s another ice one okay I’m

Going to get this one I’m going to get this one I’m coming over I’m coming over remember you have reach you should be able to hit it further no I left the Valk in the chest oh it hit me ow it hit me I’m a one and a half I’m a one half

Hry hry oh my God good you good okay there nice ball there nice one I’m to go for it no no oh no this is awful oh wait there’s two there two there’s two one’s not moving yes I got one wait what this one’s glitched this one’s glitched Henry

Oh my God no what this is fully glitched oh no oh no there’s another one ow ow yes okay oh my God Henry Henry you cannot die here there’s another ice ball come on come on come on you got this it up I just don’t want it to hit me right

Wait I got it get it get it get it no he he juked me come on nice you’re insane hry oh he just hit himself with one oh my God wait there’s one God fire minion wait I’m going to die do not die do not

Die hry do not leave me alone in this I’m one of the three and a half there’s two balls bouncing around my god oh he’s so low okay nice yes hry you’re insane let’s go oh my God the chest the chest hry here do the honors my God oh my God the Phoenix

Helmet gravity vampire blade what the hell does that do I don’t know it heals me

Minecraft, But We Can’t Leave The Aether… (Challenge)

IRL CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsaoI-fZzY9TRHbFPHWCr_Q

Twitter – @wispexe
Instagram – @wispexe

Henry: @Henwy

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