How Fast Are Terraria’s Speedy Boots REALLY? #terraria #terrariatips #terrariatipsandtricks

How fast are the most common boots in Terraria at base speed we run at 15 mph that’s pretty dang slow if we equip the Hermes boots Spectre boots or dun rider boots you’ll find we move much faster at 30 mph but this is only on normal ground

But due to the 8% movement speed given by the lightning boots Frost spark boots and teros Spark boots we’re able to gain four extra miles hour but if you want to move really fast take the dun rider boots on some sand you’ll hit 53 mph at full speed now you think you’d move

Faster on ice with frost spark boots but that’s simply not the case you just don’t slide this is the same for terraspark boots now we’re on to the king of runways asphalt boasting 53 mph without any boots on although do keep in mind using hermy Spectre or dun rider

Boots here will grant no increased speed but due to the 8% increased movement on the lightning Frost spark and terraspark boots were able to travel at a slightly faster 57 mph now I know

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