Turning Myself into Hearts in Minecraft

This world has tons of structures and hearts that Grant crazy powers and all of them are based on my past Adventures let’s go collect them all and build out the crafty Channel super heart and there’s my one little heart at the bottom but wait it’s a Chester heart

Join me on my adventure my best buddy what’s up Chester usually you got stuff for me you have anything cool a heart compass and an iron sword are we going on a violent Adventure are we opening letters is this is this a is this a letter opener the heart Compass points

To our next heart while sneaking there’s one right over here we got a little village join me Chester hope you can swim buddy oh yeah oh yeah he’s good he can jump on the water okay what up villager folks you guys got something for me an axe can I grab this thank you

These guys got a bunch of free stuff it’s probably not free I’m going to put these back what you got for sale my dude an emerald for a diamond shop heart I don’t have any money though I’m a poor little boy anything I can trade you iron

For an emerald oh God leather for iron and wheat for leather oh gosh okay so I guess I can trade you I’m doing a shop speedrun right now there is my Emerald and just like that our Diamond shop heart is complete one more heart to our hot bar and we’ve got the digital

Diamonds here what is this so it looks like I can turn items into digital diamonds like this yeah I turned my seeds into digital diamonds and now I can use them essentially as a laser PE PE PE PE Diamond attack don’t worry I won’t use it on your face it’s too handsome Jeremy

Beautiful emerald eyes what’s next Mr heart Compass we’re going right over here come on Chester oh gosh that’s not good is that a raid or did somebody toot up here oh gosh bad very bad I’ve got way too few hearts for this dude it’s time digital diamonds let’s see what you

Got PE PE oh gosh I going to hide behind this tree dude I’ve got two hearts straight up if they hit me once I think I’m done for oh gosh cheser watch out bud oh gosh I’m going to die I’m going to die block the Arrows with your face

Chester come on come on don’t die don’t die yeah pillagers conquered where’ they come from dude they’re all standing right around here there’s a secret entrance well well well get it cuz let’s see what’s down here huh any hearts for me ew it’s a sewer it’s a sewer heart

Off to get myself a lawyer for this one what’s going on here man am I going to fight the ninja turtles or am I going join them a mutant log named Master Splinter oh gosh oh no oh no that’s not a Ninja Turtle dude I got way too few hearts for

This okay okay that’s fine you all right Chester you ready for round two you will pay for that hungry ravager oh gosh no back away oh gosh no he breaks pillars I tried to hide behind the pillar did he eat it he’s called a hungry ravager

Digital diamonds attack oh no oh no oh no oh no ravagers don’t swim right he can swim okay okay digital diamonds attack I have too few hearts for this dude yeah I have too few Hearts to be playing around with that and another heart they eat everything heart have you

Guys seen that video oh gosh it’s a horrifying little mouth smile let’s unlock it and now looks like uh it looks like I got a pair of Dentures can I just eat everything is that yep yep I can just eat every block fantastic M Stone zero out of 10 doctors

Recommend I mean they do say you have to have iron in your diet right make sure you have a bowl full of stone every morning a part of a balanced breakfast I’m already hungry for our next heart where we head this way come on Chester Adventure awaits wo check this out I’ve

Got it’s like a crafty structure over here or something I don’t know why but this structure looks very handsome and subscribable what’s going on in here what kind of heart do we have here hello we got some diamond blocks we could steal those NAB them for oh gosh no

Thank you no no no uh Chester you have attack mode or something no he’s passive he’s doing the pacifist run right now uh well thankfully we got a sword from the start thank you Chester we’ll take out these husks how dare they infiltrate my structure okay there’s got to be a heart

Around here somewhere right I assume it’s going to be down below I’m a little nervous to fall down I might oh gosh I have so little hearts I feel like I might just straight up die right now careful chesty there’s no trap so I guess I can fall down here oh gosh the

Worst loot ever dude what is this who died here man poor spiders come on there’s got to be a heart around here somewhere right n n where’s our secret loot I will find you if I have to eat the entire structure n n I’m losing hope Chester oh I found something he hey

There’s a little secret passageway down below I knew there had to be something the heart Compass wouldn’t lie to poor old crafty okay there’s three ways to go well you know the rule right is always right except when it’s wrong 60% of the time it works every time uh dead end

Great oh gosh I don’t know where I am I’m alone and I’m scared hello well at least there’s no bad guys it seems that all these doors are dead ends do I have to eat it there’s a little lever I flick you know the rules if there’s a lever you

Got to flick it oh and here’s little lights I guess we got to light up those four so if I flick this guy ah one down three to go I like flicking levers it’s very satisfying except when I flick levers and then I die that’s less fun

And squ that’s my lever flick sound that door has opened oh snap dude I got the TNT heart yes please I’ll take that what the heck is this a TNT launcher oh Grandma you shouldn’t have oh gosh what have I done oh gosh oh gosh no oh no oh

Okay okay oh gosh oh no okay okay okay that that freaks me out man apparently whenever I hold it and jump I just explode let’s uh let’s get outside before I use this huh and launch me to the surface SW oh wait hold on this will be satisfying if I can perfectly line

This up can I launch myself yeah so I just jump and explode upon Landing boom and then I can shift and right click to shoot out infinite TNT they really should not have given me this power but all right we take those all right it’s time for our next heart this way it’s

The time of love and love means heart all new crafty merchandise on the crafty store including an adorable crafty mini plushy keychain shop now until February 15th to get a hand sign Valentine’s Day card from yours truly head on over to crafty do store today it’s so fun to use

The TNT launcher to get around but I feel bad using it in the forest I’m just trampling on the innocent trees wa check that out dude it’s a giant one block and it’s got these obsidian pillars I’m sorry Mr tree I think I got to use the

TNT to get up here oh nailed it crafty the parkour Champion yeah oh barely made that one nice job Chester just got to hop on these to Falls we’re good Chester you’re the parkour Champion too man I don’t know if I can make it up to the

Top there can I use my TNT to get in the middle here ah no it’s made out of obsidian there all right well one last leap to go and nailed it wow look at that little house up here what’s this say Jeremy’s house a what’s up Jeremy

Boy how you doing you a little lonely up here just sleeping next to candle light you might want to clean your floors my man they’re getting a little moldy what’s that you have a present for me inside the one block a Jeremy you shouldn’t have in return I shall give

You these Soul torches you’re welcome so in case you get lonely you have some innocent souls to talk to well let’s find this present in the one block shall we I can’t get through here can I eat the obsidian I can okay quite delicious got a nice little nether aftertaste to

It oh gosh this is kind of creepy dude who’s doing a seance in here oh I’m going to take a lot of fall damage I can probably use my TNT to get down there safely nailed it and we’ve got ourself a beautiful little one block Hearts Don’t

Mind If I Do a it’s got a little chest up there put some eyeballs on it there we go we got a little mini Chester do you like it Chester do you like it one day Chester will have a Chester plushy on our store what do you think about

That dude are you going to get residuals um we’ll talk about that later okay what does our one block do oh that’s awesome wherever I walk it’ll spawn a grass block to walk on incredible so I can essentially fly around Chester’s having some trouble staying on oh that’s so

Cool and then also looks like if I squat with it uh then I’ll fall down nice and slow to the ground and I can turn it back on to fly midair oh this is so useful to get around pardon me tree boys pardon me coming through all right

Where’s our next heart this way come on Chester oh gosh okay okay well lesson learned I have to hold on to the item until I’m ready to get down safely okay good enough looking ominous my dude I not liking the look of this man don’t be afraid Chester well there aren’t a whole

Lot of villagers around here although I don’t really blame them this place is horrifying there’s no beds what are people sleeping on oh gosh the brick what is this Village man prison Chester let’s find this heart and get the heck out of here uh there’s a oh gosh an

Ominous little lava pathway down here oh no okay think uh I guess I can use my one block right I can walk across the lava safely oh this is so dangerous dude oh gosh don’t mess this up Chester uh he’s fine you all right down there buddy

Just erupted into flames I’m fine uh he’s fine he’s only made of uh wood the most flammable thing known to mankind oh gosh we got to get out of here man a heart we’ve made it and we made it out alive uh Chester yeah there he is I’ll

Put out the fires don’t worry I’ll put out the fires there he is he’s fine an all new flame resistant wood all right what heart is this we’ve got the touch to Lava heart a and now all the lava’s gone I guess this heart was causing all the fiery lava now everything is

Gorgeous including you Chester me boy and now I have the touch to Lava item although it gives me fingers I don’t love that it looks kind of weird it’s kind of cursed having fingers let’s see so I can turn this on and I guess I turn

The world in the lava everywhere I walk huh yeah check that out and I’m flame resistant yeah ah very nice just in case there’s nether involved later this will be super convenient ah the village is back looking beautiful again it’s even full of villagers what’s that buddy um

Goodbye why are villager trades always so bad no time to waste let’s head to our next heart we’re on a roll dude well we’ve arrived to this Mansion here there’s these red pillars uh should I stand on it what do you think Buddy is this going to instantly just destroy ow

Okay all right there’s some kind of force field around this thing oh I see it’s a circle there’s a deadly circle around this Mansion just like those videos I have to escape the circle um how do I remove this though any ideas Mr Chester can I break these items no can I

Eat these items n ah Easy Money n n delicious Circle ah it still doesn’t break all of them though maybe I can turn them into lava instead ah there we go I can turn the whole circle into lava then it’ll be a deadly Circle and light

Me on fire what could possibly go wrong two more blocks boom there that should do it Circle destroyed cool all right let’s go find this heart shall we well the circle’s been destroyed but I still have a problem I can’t break any blocks wait can I use my TNT yeah that should

Just about do it what’s up gentlemen would you like to be laser ified Diamond lasers go PE PE he have a lot of Health man these diamonds are not extremely powerful goodness Chester Chester I really could use your teamwork right about now yeah looks like our Diamond laser is

About as powerful as an iron sword so I might just use my sword at least my sword has knockback against these guys wait I hear some Alys alyss hello don’t worry boys I’ll save you n ah what an tree n delicious I love splinters in between my teeth n ah there’s the alyss

Don’t worry guys I’ll rescue you be free My Little Buddies ah I love alyss dude where I thought I saw a bad guy where’d he go oh oh goodness it’s just you Chester you freaked me out man all right let’s head upstairs I’m looking for some

Kind of circle heart around here or some kind of hint some kind of hole here I don’t think I made this ah little way to get down this must be where I got to go aha we’ve got ourself the circle heart crushed it what power might you have I

Got the circle who has the X’s who wants to play Tic-Tac-Toe my circle is now on although I don’t know what it does yet hold on oh very cool so I get passive abilities like regen and health gain and damages mobs while they’re inside of the

Circle not too shabby we take those on to our next adventure I love this one block so much oh makes traveling so oh nice and easy and it makes for great diving boards woohoo this gets eaten by a shark wao this place is looking dangerous what do

We have here looks like an empty Outpost oh gosh dang it of course they spawn okay okay okay this might be a decent time to use my laser here I don’t really want to go hand on-and combat with him or hand on ho combat careful Chester OH nicely done we got him all

Right take him out with my circle yeah my circle doing damage I like like this man we’re getting more powerful by the second couple more of these guys oh goodness gracious yeah take that foul monster yeah crushing it oh hello how are you doing sir would you like a gift

Here you go buddy enjoy oh gosh I’m flying yeah I shall stamp on you he yeah oh man is that it oh there’s more there’s more I stamp on them Kaboom oh gosh yeah oh I love this power so much a man is that all of them already nope

Nope there’s more there’s more oh gosh they just keep spawning dude well let’s grab this heart and get the heck out of here is there a chest up here or something oh Pillager spawner oh no um um can I eat it n three spawners remaining okay I got to take out all

These four spawners ouch oh I see there’s one spawner per Outpost area okay I eat you oh here they come spawning no no no run run run wait I have an idea I can use my TNT launcher to rain down from above yeah a I jump

From this spawner and I land on the Roof oh this is awesome blo it’s like a stealth Mission I fall from the ceiling and Munch yeah mission complete I I I did it right did I get a uh did I get a heart oh there it is I was like did I do

All that for nothing look at my new hat Chester I told you can you not sit on my head my boy thank you what heart do we have here ah the beats the game heart very cool and I got a crafty plushy oh it’s the plushy from Toys beat the game

For me can I spawn you hey yeah whoa I got a whole minion Army heck yeah what’s up boys looking good you look just as fluffy as the new limited edition crafty plushy equipped with a sword and a shirt to match Chester you know how to find those plushies that’s right the website

Crafty do store link is in the description Crush that promo so hard dude oh gosh I accidentally turned on my lava oh no I’m so sorry oh no I’m so sorry guys I’m so sorry the real crafty Plushies are not fireproof our next heart has found us in the

Jungle and it looks like a terrifying Place indeed looks like a jungle temple but uh something looks fishy about this place um yeah maybe it’s the very obvious traps huh uh crafty plushies you guys are squishy you want to go check it out um um no traps yet I mean the crafty

Plushies are small enough so any traps would just go over their head heads there we go boys press all those buttons come on there’s two over there can you go press those grab it grab it yeah easy money down into the dungeon we go oh my goodness that is way

Scarier um if I walk on this what happens okay okay yep yep that’s what I expected all right how am I supposed to get through this uh if I can’t go through them I can go over them yeah easy money oh gosh you guys

Okay down there oh no no no no no no we’re all right we’re all right well we’re down to the basement floor here it sounds like there’s some zombies uh are there zombies yes there are okay that’s a lot of zombies crafty plushies attack get them boys oh gosh that’s so many

Zombies oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no they pushed me back up in the Trap area no one and a half hearts we’re fine we’re fine Diamond laser go a I’m running low on diamond lasers yeah we got him get them crap the plushies yeah

Sounds like there’s zombies in this area um I don’t really want to deal with them so let’s see what’s behind door number two ah safety oh my gosh this dungeon just keeps going man we’re already on floor four oh no M I can’t use my one

Block I don’t have enough room here and that looks like snow I’ll fall into so I guess I can use my touch to Lava here and and get past like this I’m a genius dude and the Heart it’s h here uh I really don’t trust this can I walk on

This is this going to kill me oh gosh oh gosh run run run run run or stay right there that’s fine too uh the heart’s been broken ah shoot what am I supposed to do now wait it was a fake dude we’ve got the real heart down below and our Plushies

Are having a bad time oh we’ve got the death heart here very ominous I’ve got the death to fire item when I die I turn nearby mobs into skeletons that’s horrifying I want to try it how they Mr creep air oh shoot I’ve got to hold the

Item all right so now when I hold this item oh wait guys oh hold on I’m trying to actually okay I’ve got to put away my crafty plushies they’re too helpful I’m trying to die on purpose over here boys all right thank you zombie thank you my

Boy and now he’s a skeleton is he a good skeleton no he still tries to take me out oh come on I thought he’d at least be my friend or or something H well all right well you guys battle it out I’m going to head to the surface and find my

Next heart honestly it’s kind of a compliment when a zombie wants to eat your brains you know at least the zombies think I have a brain I don’t know I’ve got low standards wa that’s a big mountain or uh island or floating island you know what I mean wait this is

Cool I can use my TNT launcher to get up ah TNT launcher go and then I could land on the one block that’s a nice and easy way to get up h day one yeah do I have to be up here for a 100 days I certainly

Hope not H well there are these clock towers here can I get up here and the button I press heyya day 64 oh gosh oh gosh there’s Phantoms okay not cool looks like I have to press these buttons on all the towers and try to avoid the

Phantoms that’s fine day 320 already the Phantoms are mad that I’m not sleeping oh gosh that’s a lot of phantoms oh goodness run run oh gosh yeah oh gosh oh hold on let me deal with these Phantoms real quick I hate Phantoms so much man there’s day 40,000 oh gosh go away

Go away I shall smack you with a one block yeah goodness gracious I’m on one heart right now oh no no no no please please spare me wasn’t even close and I smack you my boy I think this is the last p killer day 1 million that wasn’t

So bad oh gosh ouch did I do it did I win yes we’ve got our heart the 1 million days heart oh gosh look at me I am my heart having a body like this is Hearts to come by no fair cousin I want my hearts

So I’ll be taking yours go my stolen and highly marketable minions oh no it’s my evil cousin come on man he’s got his own crafty plushies it’s time for a crafty plushy battle get them boys oh I love it dude attack get him oh gosh I have no idea which ones are mine

And which ones are his run run away can’t get me now can you Mr greedy can touch me up here okay so I did get this item called the day 1 million crafty and it allows me to summon a meteor that does damage equal to my subscriber count

That’s a lot of damage if you subscribe now it’ll be even more damage come on subscribe subscribe boys we must defeat greedy yeah no problem easy peasy how will you deal with a giant greedy cousin oh gosh okay well two can play at that game my

Boy H oh gosh it’s not doing enough damage you must subscribe to help us destroy greedy yeah come on come on just one more subscriber will do it and yeah greedy defeated your subscribers are too strong I’ll be back same time next week cousin yeah no problem buddy my cousin might be

Evil but he’s still family you know thanks for watching Everybody I’ll see you in the next one

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#Minecraft #But #Craftee

Turning Myself into Hearts in Minecraft

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


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