Terraria, But Damaging Enemies UPGRADE The Copper Shortsword…

The copper shortsword the very first weapon that is made available to newly created characters and is considered to be the weakest weapon in Terraria but what if this weapon was able to grow and become stronger as you progress through the game well in this video I’m only

Allowed to use the copper short sword however I insult a mod that allows this weapon to gain experience with every hit with each level increases the damage Critical Strike chance size and attack speed just how strong will this weapon become and will it be enough to take

Down the final boss moonl Lord stay tuned to find out all right so unlike the other videos where I had to find or gather materials to make a weapon to begin killing monsters I can start doing that right away since this is going to be the one and only weapon throughout the entire

Playthrough all I really need to search for are accessories specifically those that can improve the copper short sword so the feral claws as an example I’m also going to try and attack as many monsters as possible because I want to get this weapon strong enough to take

Down Moon Lord but for now let’s chop down some trees for wood okay that should be enough wood for now I’ve got 2011 let’s go to the Jungle to try to find some accessories oh and to check out how much experience I gain from attacking monsters let’s just smack this green

Slime so starting at zero of course 3 2 1 so one hit equals to Five Points of experience I also do have the heavy modifier on the weapon which is something that I don’t really want but once I find the goblin tinkerer I’m for sure going to reforge it well here’s the

Jungle let’s see if I can find those feral claws I found climbing claws oh wait that’s three Life Crystals here oh that’s beautiful okay I’ve got that’s 160 Health now oh my God perfect and it has inted so I gained 3% more melee speed so in total that’s 15%

More I think what I’m going to do is get enough Life Crystals for Max Health as well as mine enough ores for some armor before I return back onto the surface okay here’s another life Crystal and gold chest ooh okay I’ll take that shoe spikes and the suspicious looking

Eye okay let’s check out the copper shortsword now I’m pretty sure it’s at level one oh yeah it is so it gained two damage cuz it was at 5 melee damage before and it also gained 1% Critical Strike chance oh my God armored Hermes boots I will gladly take that ooh and they

Sharpening station that’s going to let me deal some extra damage I’m at 300 health now just need five more until Max Health oh cloud in a bottle I pretty much just got all the accessories that I was looking for so let’s now focus on getting the rest of my life

Crystals and here are some rubies so I will be summoning the King Slime since that boss is a really good source of experience ooh gravitation potions definitely going to use this to find some more accessories upon sky islands and there should be enough emeralds to

Make a emerald hook there we go got 15 and just one more Life Crystal for Max Health there it is let’s just grab one more though so I can make a heart Lantern for that extra life regeneration okay I think that’s it so let’s head back home and click clear out

My inventory because it is completely full there we go inventory is all cleaned out first things first let’s make the emerald hook and then some platinum armor I’m pretty sure that’s more than enough for the full sets oh yeah perfect 23 defense and with the remaining platinum bars let’s make

The Platinum pickaxe and then with the rest let’s just make three Platinum crowns so that I can summon the King Slime later my copper short sword is at level three which isn’t the level I exactly want before fighting my first boss so I am going to level it up to at

Least level five but before that let’s drink a gravitation potions to find some Sky Allens for some more accessories okay we’ve got the shiny Red Balloon and the lucky horseshoe okay just a few more stabs should do it there we go it’s now at level five with

17 melee damage and 9% Critical Strike chance the first boss that I’ll be taking on will be the King Slime let’s start this thing up 3 2 1 now I’m a bit worried about this fight because I have to get really close up to the King Slime to be able to deal damage

So I’m definitely going to get hit a bunch of times yeah I have to be really careful here oh my God run run run no okay that was a big mistake by me heal up okay about 600 Health left I have to be really careful here cuz two hits from the King Slime

Will definitely kill me come on almost done here and you’re finished okay perfect that was a bit of a struggle I won’t lie now did that boss fight level up my copper short sword at all no it didn’t 60% is pretty decent though and will there be the Slime saddle yes there

Is I have one more slime Crown so might as well fight the King Slime one more time I also just realized at level five the copper shortsword is noticeably bigger I’m very excited to see how big this thing is going to get at the very end of the game one more hits come

On okay all done and that should bring my copper short sword to level six yep with 20 melee damage and 10% Critical Strike chance the next boss that I’ll be taking on is the Eater of Worlds and this boss is going to give an insane amount of experience because of how much

Health it has but before that I’m going to build some NPC houses specifically to get the merchant to spawn in so that I can store away my gold safely there we go five should be enough for now let’s head over to the corruption all right let’s do this

Thing coming from above oh my God okay so going to resurface Dodge that oh my God that tricked me okay I’m very worried I’m going to be splitting this boss up a bunch of times oh my God I need to dodge more let me eat my burger there we go

Heal up from the hearts come on come on 50% Health more oh I got this i got this in the bag and you’re finished okay that wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be now there are a bunch of Shadow orbs so I can fight the eat of Worlds multiple

Times but before that I’m going to see if I have enough materials to make the full shadow armor Shadow helmet scale mail oh perfect and the Greaves oh my god look how fast I am all right here we go again oh my God wait I’m so much stronger now

What oh it must be the Critical Strike chance cuz this armor does give a bunch of that and additional 15% more wow that was so much faster wait I forgot to check the level when I killed the Eater of Worlds the first time uh I guess it doesn’t matter let’s go check

It right now oh ooh level 9 with 29 melee damage and a huge 32% Critical Strike chance let’s fight this boss one last time there we go and my copper shortsword should be at level 10 yes it is let’s craft the nightmare Pickaxe and begin mining down towards hell all right

Finally made it to Hell let’s see if I can find an Obsidian Skin Potion so that I can mine the hell Stone a lot easier oh there we go I got one okay that should be enough hellstone 346 and let’s quickly kill this Voodoo Demon cuz I do want that guide vood

Doll then let’s mine some obsidian and now I can make the full molten armor sets so from 30 melee damage all the way to 35 I do lose out on 8% Critical Strike chance though but I definitely prefer a higher base damage weapon and lastly let’s craft the molten pickaxe so that I

Can mine the hard mode ores later before I take on Skeletron I still have yet to fight the IU thulu so let’s do that right Now okay second Phase 70 crit damage is pretty good almost done here all finished I have the shield of Gulu now and that’s going to help make the Skeletron fight a lot easier okay the arena is all complete let’s talk to the old man to summon the Boss 3 2 1 go

Go okay this is going to be quite difficult cuz the hands are always moving okay this hand’s almost done that’s one and that’s two okay just the easy part now and whenever it does its spinning attack that’s when I can can get the most damage in here we go oh

Yeah almost done come on few more hits all finished now that I have access into the dungeon there’s just only one accessory that I’ll be looking for and most of you guys can guess already that is the Cobalt Shield there it is now before I take on the

Wall of flesh I’m going to defeat the Goblin Army so that can get the Goblin tinkerer to spawn once I find him then I can purchase the workshop to combine all of my accessories together okay that should be enough tattered cloths got 11 of them let’s make the Goblin Battle standard and

Summon the Army Goblin Army has been defeated let let’s go search for the tinkerer oh there he is okay let’s buy the rocket boots and the workshop I’m also going to reforge this copper shortsword into legendary oh my the first one what okay I’ll take that it now has 42 melee

Damage oh it’s so much faster now too let’s first make the blue horseshoe balloon then Spectre boots and finally the obsidian Shields I think I should be set to take on the wall of flesh now I’m really hoping a level 12 copper shortsword is enough to take down the wall of flesh if

Not then it looks like I’m going to have to level this thing up some more all right let’s do this thing 3 2 1 oh my God I took so much damage already okay so far so good Jesus okay run back run run run run

Run let’s wait for my health to regen a bit more come on almost done Final Stand oh my God come on no oh oh that was so scary oh my God I am so glad that’s over now I’m really hoping for the Warriors emblem in this treasure

Bag okay I got the summoner’s emblem but I’m pretty sure right here is where the Shimmer pool is so I might be able to transform the Summoners emblem into the warrior emblem yep I was right the Shimmer pool is right here let’s toss in the summoner’s emblem there we

Go 15% more increased melee damage so it’s at 52 melee damage and after equipping it it’s now at 58 now with the pone Hammer let’s go back to the corruption and break some Demon altars to spawn in the hard mode ores Okay so we’ve got padium or calcum and

Titanium okay that should be enough plaum onto the or Calcom that’s enough or calcum and lastly the titanium okay and I believe that should be enough titanium now let’s craft the full titanium armor sets so from 54 defense all the way to 75 but even with the titanium armor

On there is still no difference made to the Copper short sword let’s go up to a sky island now to farm enough materials for a pair of wings okay that’s enough Souls of Flight and that’s enough Souls of Knight let’s go craft the demon wings

All righty I should be good to take on the mechanical bosses now but while I wait for Knight to arrive I’m going to go level up the copper short sword as much as possible it’s finally night time and I was able to get my weapon to level 20 so

It now has 73 melee damage 48% Critical Strike chance and it looks like this oh yeah so since this weapon did Super well against the Eater of Worlds I will be taking on the Destroyer first since they’re both very similar bosses so without further Ado let’s begin 3 2 1 run run

Run oh my wait how much damage I just do wait what it has less than 50% Health oh my God I was not expecting that okay 10,000 more health and there we go the Destroyer has been defeated surely that gave me a a crazy amount of experience oh my

God almost two full levels okay since I defeated that boss very fast I do have time to summon the next one so we’re going to take on the twins next and yep of course the shortsword is not able to reach it until it does this attack where it

Dashes so this boss is going to take a very long time to defeat I am very tanky so I can afford to just sit still and do this almost second phase for the spasm Matas okay there we go second phase let’s back out a little bit don’t want

To get hurt by that cursed flame Breath okay there we go spazm is down second phase for the reter now almost done here come on there we go all that’s left to take down is Skeletron Prime but seeing that it’s almost the next day I am going to wait until the next night to fight it it’s

Finally the next night so let’s wrap this thing Up oh God that was kind of bad I do want to kill all the arms first for as much experience as possible but it’s going to be very risky okay Cannon is down Laser’s down Vice is down one more to go and the saw is down just ahead

Now all right all of the mechanical bosses have been defeated now with all three Souls let’s make the pickaxe axe as well as the full hollowed armor there we go now I’m going to go to the Jungle to mine some chlorite and farm some more turtle shells to make the

Full Turtle armor as well as look for the planta bulb and if possible I do want to try to find a mimic so that it can drop the Titan glove and with that I can make the mechanical glove and potentially the fire gauntlets all right and the level on the copper shortsword

After defeating the those three mechanical bosses it is now at level 24 it almost has 100 melee damage and the size is up to this ooh there’s the Titan glove okay so let’s combine the feral claws with the Titan glove to make the Power Glove then the Warriors emblem with the souls from

The mechanical bosses into the Avenger emblem and with these two into the mechanical glove this is such a good accessory since it improves pretty much all the stats of melee weapons except Critical Strike chance but to fully upgrade this I’m going to go down to Hell and try to

Get my hands on the magma stone oh and there’s the magma stone and now I can make the fire Gauntlet oo here we go oh yeah now I’m able to set enemies on fire oh there’s the plant bulb so it looks like I’ll be making the arena

Right here all right the arena is now all complete so let’s break the bulb to summon planta 3 2 1 so the easiest way to fight her during her first phase is to just circle around her but with the short sword I have to get

Really close up to her so it’s a bit harder to dodge the pedals okay almost second phase here okay here we go now this is going to be very difficult I can just tell already oh my God that get away okay about 5,000 more Health okay hold on never mind wait this

Is okay I kind of overestimated planta I honestly thought it was going to be much harder well that’s done and taken care of so our next goal is to defeat Golem okay made it to the boss room and oh my God what is this boss room I’ve never seen anything like this before

This is so narrow oh my god well only one way to find out if this Arena size will affect me let’s begin Yeah this is nearly impossible to dodge the fists okay all the fists are down let’s wait until I can heal with my potion then I’m going to get right in there okay head is down just the body now come on I got thiso okay that was way tougher than

Planta I will be using all of the power cells but I do want to make some turtle armor first I just need one more turtle shell and then I can upgrade it into the beetle armor with some Beetle husks there we go got three turtle

Shells now and and now I need to mine some more chloride because I only have 37 okay that should be enough chloride ore now let’s make the turtle helmet scale mail and leggings then the beetle helmet and I will be making the beetle shell just for some more armor and finally the

Leggings okay so from 75 defense to 98 but equipping this armor does make me lose out on four melee damage but that’s fine okay let’s go take care of Golem five more times okay and that was the very last one with that being said my copper shortsword is now at level

32 over 100 melee damage and now it look looks like this Jesus okay let’s head over to the dungeon now to take on the lunatic ctist all right let’s begin and I want to see if I can just fully tank all of lunatic CST hits okay it’s at 50% health

I think I can to be honest let’s just heal up yeah the beetle armor is just so broken especially when you get the beetle shell that gives more defense okay that’s all done easy peasy I guess we can start off with the vortex pillar first okay Vortex pillar has been

Destroyed solar pillar is done now for the Stardust pillar even though I destroyed the barrier already I’m not going to kill the pillar just yet the reason why is because these star cells are really good monsters for gaining experience since they can split apart and grow to the original form so

It’s basically an endless amount of experience so I’ll keep farming these monsters until I’m satisfied or until the short sword is long enough to reach moonl Lord’s body parts okay I think I leveled this thing up more than enough now this thing is super long but I still feel like it’s

Not long enough to reach Moon Lord’s body unless I like Dash towards them but we’ll see but let’s check out the level now it is now at level 48 yeah I spent a very long time leveling this thing up it now has 180 melee damage and 79 Critical Strike

Chance all right let’s take down this Stardust pillar now one more to go and the last pillar has been destroyed let’s go get ready for Moon Lord here we go is it long enough to reach yeah it is perfect oh but not when it does that come

On okay got to focus the middle eye first teleport oh that was bad this time that of bits okay let’s do this properly now teleport perfect okay so far so good middle eye is almost done come on kill it perfect the laser got cancelled and that hand is done as

Well same with this one okay just the core Now 10 more seconds until I can heal ooh that was not good oh my God run just run okay got Heal I should be good now I don’t want to jinx it come on 5,000 more health and you’re finished there we go final boss Moon Lord has been Defeated all right that’s going to everyone thank you so much for watching and once again huge shout out to Ken flesh for creating this mod I’ll leave all the mods I’ve used in the description below if you guys want to try it out for yourselves if you’ve

Enjoyed watching don’t forget to leave a like comment if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all next time peace

The copper shortsword… the very first weapon that is made available to newly created characters and is considered to be the weakest weapon in Terraria, but what if this weapon was able to grow and become stronger as you progress through the game? Well in this video I’m only allowed to use the copper shortsword however I installed a mod that allows this weapon to gain experience with every hit. With each level increase the damage, critical strike chance, size, and attack speed. Just how strong will this weapon become and will it be enough to take down the final boss Moon Lord? Stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
SignatureEquipment by Kenflesh

NPC House Builder
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner

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#Terraria #Necr0 #Terrariachallenge


  1. I always notice how you show the end and that lets us see what happens, clearly you WOULD beat the Moon Lord with the sword but you spoil how big and how much damage it is doing 😔😔😔😔😔😔

    Still a great video

  2. Damn im pretty sure you use a reforge mod that you never tell us about, that is mathematically impossible how often you get the rarest modifier on the first or even 2nd or 3rd reforge in all your videos combined.

  3. things you need to change:
    1: clean your dang inventory for once, and put them away in chests, only keep the items you need on you
    2: use magic storage mod
    3: make bigger arenas
    4: you can break the golem altar with the picksaw so you can fight him in your arena at home

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