I Became The RICHEST Player on This Minecraft Server! (Best Friends SMP)

All right guys welcome to episode 3 of the best friends smpp well we still don’t have a name for the series so we’re just going with that for now and guys I still have hero of the village effect because I haven’t hopped on since episode 2 so we’re going to go ahead and

Check out the Village um from what I remember they didn’t have any good like trades or anything like that so yeah ooh wait a second I don’t have I don’t have 14 emeralds but you know maybe might have some uh oh never mind he took everything

Well that kind of makes sense me grab all the food that I smelted during the raid and also guys don’t you don’t you think of making fun of me this was all Fusion all right Fusion did this he created such a mess in this bed and

Blamed it on me okay guys so don’t you even think about Landing my name like that but anyways we still haven’t gotten a good name for the series so please please please please I beg you guys man like give give us you know the the entire SMP a good name I’ve been reading

The comments i’ I’ve literally read all of the suggestions and we’re not getting good ones guys we’re not getting good ones I’ve seen some funny ones but nothing that would actually stick as like a serious name for the series so please please guys well I think today we

Are retiring the best friend in but you know new players that will hop on This Server will be able to use this we still don’t know who else is going to be on this server so you know if you guys have any suggestions let me know I’ve been

Seeing a good amount of suggestions but we’ll have to reach out to them and see how it goes so slowly but surely we’re going to have more and more members so let’s just say you know it’s going to be a good time let’s head on back to my

House real quickly today is definitely going to be like a mostly mining episode because you know I still don’t have any diamonds I might go and steal some diamonds from a 12 I don’t know how much he’s been playing this on this world to be honest because

Ever since the game po world came out uh he’s been pretty addicted to that game so uh I’m not too sure how his base is looking but we’ll go and check it out you know uh let’s just say you know if I do end up taking a little bit let’s just

Let’s make it clear I was mirely just borrowing all right guys borrowing put put the text right here editor borrowing all right I was just borrowing stuff I wasn’t stealing all right so don’t you guys think of going over to his channel and be like heyy uh I think I think I

Saw rage steal your stuff no I did not do anything of that nature all right let’s go ahead fill up these pots guys man it feels so good to bring back a series like this because honestly it feels good to just play Survival again you know it’s been a long time uh since

I’ve actually had like a survival series and it’s great to it’s great to have something like this let me put all this junk in here or let me put all this stuff in here for now see guys we got the smithing template it’s a brand new

Item in the game I think think in the most like one of the recent updates and I am not all caught up with Minecraft so I honestly don’t know what it does I think it as uh I don’t know I guess we can do armor trims oh that’s right armor

Trims did get added to the game and I’m guessing that’s what it’s for so today’s episode we’re going to be doing a good amount of stuff wait hold on do I have any seeds let me plant some stuff we got beetroot seeds let me grab my hoe and

Let me grab all this food everything that we need and I think guys I think we’re about to get started with everything so uh let me continue with adding another furnace right here I’m really glad with how things turned out with the house I still have to finish up

The roof which is why I need to smelt up some more uh Stone cuz you know with the little amount of stone that I have right now it’s not going to cut it let’s put the rest of my iron right here uh what else do I need got plenty of coal that

We can use for now okay this one’s pretty empty put that in there put some food in there and let it cook let it cook guys let it cook and let’s EX extend our brand new Farm uh for now it’s just going to be a basic looking

Farm I do want to add like a nice looking thing to it oh wait wait chickens follow any type of seed wait a second um we can finally start our little farm so maybe I’ll go ahead and start building my farm over here this right here is going to be like a little

Cave for the chicken to actually go into that’s kind of cute isn’t it hold on let’s go ahead and break this real quick let’s break through this we got two chickens already that is amazing that is amazing that is amazing I’m going to have these chicken follow me soon uh I’m

Going to keep them there for now oh gosh it’s already night time you’ve got to be kidding me I do have a bunch of fences right right I actually don’t know hold on let me check if I have any fences fences I really don’t have any extra

Fences what is this what is this sorcery all right I need to eat though what you looking at buddy you hungry too all right let me give him some food I know he likes me I know he likes me guys I don’t know why something

About me is like in real life when I look at animals in the eyes they just instantly love me I haven’t had a dog you know bite me because I looked at it in the eyes I don’t know I’m my luck might run out soon but you know I’m I’m

Just saying for my previous experiences I’ve only had good you know good interactions with uh with dogs so make uh more sticks sticks and stones may break your bones but dogs will never bite me wait wait what where’ all the chicken go yo chickies down here down

Here I got seeds for you guys yeah yeah all right keep following me oh we got these seeds all right these seeds will be better cuz they’re a lot cheaper all right you guys will go in here all right you guys have been baited you guys

Have been baited how do you feel how do you feel little ones all right hold on hold on I got to actually trap them in there first there we go perfect and I’ll put like you know um some carpet right there but uh we got one seed right here

You know what I’ll give one of them a beetroot seed would it would it be different if you give them different types of seeds let’s see oh they still ah they still breed look at that look at that we got baby chickies coming out hey

Hey hey hey you just came out of the womb buddy you’re not allowed to leave all right let them enjoy you know their little farm for now um do want to add designs in between each farm so let’s just go ahead and add a little path

Right here you know I’ve been wanting to like play different games on this channel so if you guys want to see me play other games on this channel let me know as well but I want to continue this series for as long as we can cuz we’re

Having a great time so far and you know now that we have this you know anim Animal Farm started um hold on all right we got to finish up this roof still um so let’s go ahead and continue totally forgot the roof wasn’t done yet but this

Is kind of like the format I’m going with something that looks like this so yeah I’m just waiting for the rest to finish smelting up I think I had some extra in here too I have oh I have two that’s not going to do anything I need

One more possibly but what would you guys rate my house from 1 to 10 you guys like let me know we have 12 extra I should just wait I should just wait I’m getting real impatient man honestly I’m not going to have enough so uh it doesn’t really matter I’m going straight

To a a 12’s house maybe you know we can go borrow some resources and stuff cuz you know he’s been doing a lot of Mining and stuff I’m pretty sure he’s going to get really mad so I’m kind of scared but you know what it is what it is if it

Starts a if it starts a war with us you know what let it be guys Let It Be I’m ready for all the smoke man I’m ready for all the smoke he’s not he’s not ready for the wrath of Rage Elixir or is he I don’t know but I got to make my

Boat cuz my boat was stolen in the last episode I mean honestly it was never my boat cuz I’m not the one who who crafted it in the first place and plus I don’t even know if the uh Fusion has a has a house or base or anything yet I don’t

Think he’s done anything there’s not going to be anything we can troll him with just yet but I think it’s time for us to head on out and see what else um oh wait you know what let me plant some trees around got to make sure we’re helping the environment you know all

Right let’s go back let’s go back let’s go all the way to A2 C I don’t know why he decided to you know build his cave house so so far away cuz it really is like miles and miles away I swear okay let’s go check out his house first see

If there’s any use anything useful that we can collect from his base um and then after we’ll come back oh maybe we might stop by like a different uh Cave or something and see what that cave has to offer oh wa did that chicken just clone

Itself I swear it just cloned itself I hope I’m not going crazy I know I’m not going crazy guys you guys let me know what you guys saw I saw I saw what I saw I know what I saw oh wait pumpkins oh you know what I’m going to I’m going to

Leave some gifts for a A2 cuz he loves his polka dotted floors with a bunch of Jack lanterns and stuff so I’ll leave a few at his house maybe you know what I’ll leave I’ll leave some at the entrance he’s definitely going to be like wait a sec second someone was

Definitely here I smell a rage Elixir okay so over there is the starter Village I think we took the boat down this River I don’t remember where we went anymore it might be over in this Direction You know guys I was kind of joking when I said I felt lost but I

Actually don’t know where to go is it down over there I guess I’ll take my chances and take this boat here we go my friends we’re we’re going to be going on a in a adventure and possibly getting lost and go missing and never come back

To where I started from I don’t know guys I really hope this is the right way oh wait I think this is the right way that was the cave that I thought AIS was living in but we just keep going a little bit further right I really hope

He doesn’t log on while I’m on this server cuz that’s going to be quite awkward oh I think that’s it I think that’s it that should be his entrance over there oh here we are okay so we got two boats right here I don’t know why

There’s a chicken okay okay um wo he has so many torches around I’m going to give him a little gift yeah yeah he’s going to he’s definitely going to be wondering why someone was here all right I don’t have enough wood so uh hold on I’m sure

He has extra wood right oh wait he has a bunch of stone okay so we’re just going to borrow some of this all right hey hey man I’m I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you know I’m literally giving him a gift hold on let’s also make a all right

Let’s also make a sign there we go uh all right a little gift and I’ll give him all the pumpkins that we found so far you know let’s put that right here a little gift and then a winky face all right there we go oh I’m going leave him a little

Cross all right so I left him that you know I’m sure he doesn’t need all this Cobblestone so I’ll take some of this um let’s see what else he has o wait I let him have the banners I let him have the banners but where the heck did he get

This totem of undying oh it’s probably from one of the pillagers that we were fighting where’s his Diamond chest at where where’s he been hiding that diamond chest you know let’s take a look around ooh that’s a lot of glass right there you know I won’t need any use for

The glass I just realized he literally has he literally has a pumpkin farm going bro all right you know what you know what I’m going to help him out see see guys I’m I’m such a good friend I’m helping him out with this Farm I’m basically bringing all the loot and

Putting the loot in here there we go and if another pumpkin uh you know grows while I’m still here I I’ll put it in there all right he’s definitely going to know it’s me after he sees a bunch of the coal here missing but it’s all good

It’s all good I’ll patch it up I’ll patch it up see look see I’m such a good friend it might not be the same side of type of stone but look see he did the same thing he’s definitely not going to yeah he’s not going to be mad at all see

See how easy that is guys I’m such a good friend all right now let’s go and see what else he has going on upstairs all right let’s go upstairs and see what else he has ooh okay he’s already started on a little border uh what else

Does he have upstairs I remember he had like a animal farm down uh up above here oh no animal farm he just had a little um wheat farm so far let me help him out you know what I’m oh what the what I swear that creeper was

Lagging you see do you guys see that I swear that creeper was lagging man that creeper was definitely lagging hold on hold on I got to help him patch this place up yo I feel like a terrible friend now hold on hold on hold on I didn’t feel like a terrible friend

Friend before I felt like a really good friend but oh my gosh dude oh my gosh how did this explosion even happen I was just trying to help him out you know expand his farm and everything let me help him replant everything before I get

In trouble I think it might be better if we just go back into the base I don’t want no problems anymore there we go pass it up and now we’re going back downstairs all right bye okay it is night time so I should probably yeah I’m

Going to sleep sorry Eris but I’m going to borrow your I’m going to borrow your spawn point for now all right I I’ll be heading I’ll be I’ll be leaving all right I’ll be leaving very soon just give me a second all right there we go seems like I couldn’t find his Diamond

Chest where where is he hiding it I promise you guys I’m not here to steal diamonds or anything but I just I just want to know you know is it is it wrong for me to want to know where you know my best friend puts his Diamonds oh my gosh

I just know he’s hiding it somewhere where the heck are the where the heck are the diamonds I just know man I just know oh I I’m so stupid I’m so stupid there’s literally diamonds right there hold on hold on I’m going to take all these pumpkins and put it in the other

Chest he’s going to be like yo you better give me back my diamonds all right all right this makes it a lot easier for me to give him this gift basically just give him everything that he has all right I’m going to go put it

Back I’m going to go put it back all right there we go and done all right so now whatever happens you guys do not snitch wait is that a brand new dog that dog isn’t tamed see guys this is the perfect opportunity to take bones uhhuh

I’ll only take yeah I’ll only take three I’ll only take three that’s what I’m going to limit it to and get my second dog hey buddy come here a okay first first attempt failed second attempt no last but not least the final bone that I have stolen from dou2 please yes let’s

Go I just won the lottery guys I literally just won the lottery you know what would be funny hold on hold on hold on I’m going to have the dog like sit right here and he’s going to be like he’s going to be like wait this isn’t my

Dog hold on hold on you’re coming with me all right all right hold on hold on hold on this is going to be so funny I’m going to set this dog down right here boom okay I’m going set this dog down right here he’s going to be so confused

Bro he’s going to be like yo get your dog out of here or I mean I really hope he doesn’t kill my dog cuz I’m going to be so sad but what are the chances guys I only had three bones on me and the final bone

Really worked okay so our goal today now now that we visited a 12’s house I haven’t seen much progression but now that we’re done with that let’s go and find a nice little cave oh man my ax is about to break too I think I’m going to

Need to bring some wood with me oh gosh we’re we’re definitely going to need to craft some uh torches and stuff so uh yeah my pickaxe too crap no all right you know what I think I might go back to my base first cuz I didn’t

Realize how weak my tools have become oh and guys I do want to start a sub wall soon so please you guys got to leave down uh a comment of why you guys subscribe to this Channel and uh also you know uh let me know why you guys

Deserve to be on the sub wall I’ll be be reading all the comments and I think in the next episode we’ll start the subwalk uh unless you know change of plans we we do something else but for now the plan is Just give me a reason as to why you

Think you deserve to be on the sub wall and why you love the channel and why you guys subscribed in the first place oh my days why why is ais’s house so far away I swear this is like it’s it’s a literal Marathon to get back to my place wait

Have I oh I’ve gone into this cave we’re going to look for a new cave I’m sick and tired of going into the same caves over and over again knowing that the diamonds that I already mine aren’t going to be there anymore you know see

Look I had a bunch of Glass on me too so you know I it would have been wrong of me to take something that I already have from ays so I have 29 iron on me let me see what I need oh my goodness my armor

Is about to break but I think my armor will last me I think I’ll leave all three of these tools I think I’ll just need a pickaxe and a sword so let’s craft those and I think we’ll be on our way so let’s make ourselves a pickaxe

And a sword there we go and I think we should be good and The Shield is in perfect condition so I’m pretty happy with that uh let’s bring a good amount of wood with us uh maybe a boat too let’s leave the emeralds and we’re going

To need a few of these blocks and I think we’re good I think we’re ready for this for this adventure I’ll just leave some of this food in here boom and put this here start smelting this up and I’ll wait for the food to be done just

In case I am going to craft another crafting table and the rest honestly I can just make them into sticks because uh we’re going to need lots and lots of uh torches what it’s raining oh come on oh brother and I think it’s night time again I don’t know oh it’s night time

Again see guys see how far A1 12’s house is oh my goodness that’s how far it is it literally went from day to night all right we’re going into this direction I don’t think anyone else has gone in this direction so I’m hoping to find some

Good old caves and I lied we had these plants right behind my house oh goodness the goal today is to find diamonds my friends wait a second wait a second I might have spotted something I’m becoming Tarzan oh yep oh yep look at this parkour God going over here yep

Taking no damage at all see okay I took a little bit but it’s okay I think this is like a giant Ravine or something hold on hold on on this could be good or it might just be a troll maybe I’m being trolled oh I’m being trolled I’m being

Trolled I’m being so trolled right now but wait we can’t give up just yet I smell something I smell I smell I smell an idiot is it just me or does hunger run out really quickly on realm servers cuz I’ve barely traveled that far and my Hunger is going down so fast

Fast it’s not even funny you know I’m surprised I still have this effect on me oh my gosh I still have 2 minutes of the hero of the village uh effect and we have yet to find a cave still oh my goodness I’m in what they call the

Herobrine biome right now like I I’m pretty sure this is what they call this is what they call the Herobrine biome it’s a fox wait what do these foxes like I don’t even remember oh oh yes yes wait but you can’t really tame them right is

It my fox now I think it’s my fox now let’s go I I guess we got a fox today guys I guess we got a fox today eventually we’re going to get kiwi we’re going to get alons and many many more of our you know many more of our friends

Now that I don’t have like a survival series going on anymore we got you know we got this series to get kiwi on so hopefully you know we can have kiwi on this world sometime soon I didn’t even think of that we could honestly have

Kiwi alons and many more of our old old friends you know they are literally celebrities on this channel wait wait wait wait I think I found one I think I found one I found a giant cave we’ve made it guys we’ve made it our goal is

To wait a second wait a second no no this is a great cave I think this is going to be a good adventure guys this is going to be a great adventure all right uh how do we get down there I should have brought a bucket with me

Dude all right I’m going to risk it boom look at that parkour God out here there we go nice oh of course there’re skeletons I’m not a big fan of skeletons guys I oh there we go not another one come on dude no W this would be like the ultimate

Base too this would be like the ultimate secret base I’m like actually being legit right now I’m serious right now guys this would look so good it’s like a nice little tropical area and everything oh if Eris saw this right here he would be so jealous he would be like oh my

Gosh I wish I found this cave first cuz it looks perfect from like a secret cave standpoint to make a base out of this would be so nice if you guys really really think about it right here like this spot right here looks so cozy except the you know except having all

This water would be annoying you would have to spend a lot of time to get rid of all this water okay now that I think about it I don’t even think this cave is huge I think this is it please tell me there’s more oh I don’t like caves that

Lead straight into water because then there’s a high chance of drowning and I I really don’t want to deal with any of that but then again this cave does look giant I’m sure there’s going to be more I’m sure there’s going to be more for me to explore I’m really really hoping that

There’s a lot more for me to explore cuz that would be great take me lower take me lower no no no don’t stop here don’t stop here no no ah come on oh oh wait a second wait a second wait a second it’s leading me somewhere I see something o

I see something we’re somewhere wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on starting to see cracks the moment you start seeing cracks in a cave there’s going to be more in the meantime though I will be collecting all of this iron cuz I do need more iron you can never

Have too much iron same goes with coal glowberries I’ll take some of these glowberries would you look at that this cave just keeps going deeper and deeper oh jackpot we wait wait is that is that what I think it is oh no I thought that was diamond I’m getting my hopes up guys

I’m getting my hopes up too much that uh I’m getting too excited for the littlest things I thought this was Diamond no it wasn’t it wasn’t even close wao what there’s like other entry points to this this is amazing though there’s so much it feels like there’s so much down here

All right it’s time for battle this time for battle you’re not touching me you’re not touching me I’m not letting you touch me excuse me is anyone in this cave you guys know where the diamonds are I’m a diamond Hunter and I’m looking for diamonds right now oh my gosh

Speak I spoke a little too soon didn’t I oh oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s no oh my there’s actually a bunch oh yo hold on hold on guys hold oh my gosh there’s so many diamonds one oh jeez two two diamonds okay okay okay wait I why am I

Not picking them up what the when the heck did my inventory fill up like this I’m here for the diamonds not for all this junk all right I don’t need any of this junk I don’t need copper I don’t need nothing like that I need diamonds

Wait are there is that diamond or is that Emerald I don’t know what that is it’s probably more glowberries or something but look guys look we’ve got four diamonds just like that oh my gosh I almost fell into lava already I would have been so sad I would have started

Crying right now I would have I would have just started crying oh my gosh we’re actually getting rich we’re getting rich see I I knew it guys I knew today was the day that I was going to become the rich richest person on this server oh my goodness if you guys really

Thought I was going to steal from AA12 to get diamonds I don’t even need to do that he only has four diamonds on him right now I wonder if he has full diamond armor already cuz if he does I’m going to be so sad can’t let him be the

Richest player before I do I want to be the richest I want to be the richest on the server oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m actually going to be rich I’m actually going to be rich guys this is like one of the best caves I’ve ever seen it’s so

Wide it’s like so widely like open and just very nice what a Vibe all right now the issue is going to be like trying to find my way out but you know what that that is the least of my problems right now cuz I I could care less there’s not

Many mobs here like this is probably one of the best caves because it’s it’s well lit up because of these glowberries shout out glowberries I love your glowberries I’m hoping there’s no Lava underneath this cuz if there is I’m dying I don’t got no fire resistance

Potion I don’t I I don’t got any of that all right I don’t have anything I’m poor but I’ll be happy if I can at least be the richest on the server so if you guys think about it I think all he has is like a diamond pickaxe and a diamond

Sword and and stuff um but other than that nothing else wait hold on I’m going to use my shield boom imagine if it glitched out on me I would have been crying I would have been crying hold on we got to go back to where we were cuz I

Think that’s where most of the diamonds were um but I’ll look around here real quickly too take a quick Gand take a quick peek you know what they say yo I’m almost at a a stack of iron too oh man this is honestly a win this is a win in

My books guys but we’re going back we’re definitely going back oh my gosh I I heard a creeper oh that creeper came out of nowhere that creeper actually came out of nowhere I see you trying to be sneaky no sneaky sneaky around me oh of course of course

The bane of the Bane to my existence oh oh my gosh okay you guys got to chill now you guys got to chill now before things get out of hand oh please please please please please it’s always the skeletons that you know ruin my adventure so I got to make sure I get

Rid of them quick I don’t know guys I might be getting a little too greedy just because this cave is just so perfect you know it’s just so perfect it’s it’s glowing it’s glistening I just want to stay here you know I might make

This my home but if I die it’s game over I’m losing everything that I have this is like the most iron I’ve had in a long like ever on this server wait hold on I have more than a stack now more than a stack of diamond uh iron hold on let me

Throw all this out stuff that I don’t need wait wait wait there’s there’s more there’s more okay okay man this is literally a NeverEnding cave it actually is a never- ending cave this might actually connect back to where a 12 is wait is this a different part of the

Cave wait am I am I going crazy I think I’m lost now oh no no no no there’s my torches all right we just got to go back up there again let me Mark this with the dirt block there we go at least it it’ll make the the torch look different what

If I run into like a m shaft a m shaft would be crazy down here and we got we got more diamonds we got more diamonds and I see amethyst crystals boom okay okay we got more diamonds yes yes let’s go oh yeah oh baby and I hear spiders I

Hear spiders nearby this is like a normal cave now I think yeah this just leads us to like a normal cave area but that also means that there oh wait a second it leads us to a different part of the cave oh no we’re back to where we

Were hold on I’ve got more to oh my gosh that just jump scared the heck out of me dude I turned the corner and it was just chilling there dude I don’t think I’ve ever been jump scared by a zombie until today there’s a first for everything huh

Let’s take this with us let’s take some amethyst crystals these are a little too small I think yes all right these are all built out I mean these are all grown now it’s time to check out that little corner over there there this cave doesn’t end I really I truly don’t think

This cave ends look at this guys guys look at this there’s more there’s more over here I’m like I’m like Mr Krabs I’m like Mr Krabs right now money money money money money but instead I’m like diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds please tell me there’s more

Diamonds but yeah this is a whole other cave holy crap dude guys I found the biggest cave ever all right I’m sorry guys I’m sorry I’m like fan boing over a cave right now but like this is just something you you should get excited over I don’t know if you guys have ever

Seen a cave like better than this bigger than this you guys let me know all right you guys actually let me know cuz I would love to see what other people have discovered over the years of playing Minecraft but this is my favorite cave I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like

This all right so let me be happy let me be oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh oh oh gosh what if this was like a diamond pit I mean uh not not a diamond pit like a lava pit all right I’m I’m still alive I’m still alive hopefully this doesn’t

Lead me back to like where I was before Oh my God no what there was diamonds right there Too after reviewing the footage I saw that due to the server lag I had died so I I don’t think that counts as a death guys please please don’t count that as a death cuz oh my gosh man let me get all my stuff real quickly that’s so

Embarrassing guys guys how unlucky okay I I really thought I was lucky until I saw what was underneath my deathbed Bro you’ve got to be kidding me you’ve got to be kidding me it’s like they wanted to make fun of me or something like like

They were trying to make fun of me guys I truly think that they were trying to make fun of me there they were actually trolling me I don’t appreciate that my friends oh what kind of fishies are these guys hold on let me let me block

All this water out real quick cuz I need to get these diamonds I need to get these diamonds let’s see how many diamonds there are right here I’m pretty sure that there’s going to be more than four right there’s going to be more than four we see we see four right here all

Right let’s break them one two three four 5 bro that is actually crazy these aren’t piranas right they’re not going to start eating me right guys this is actually crazy I really wanted to keep exploring this this cave man and like you guys saw the shield go up right

See look now it wants to be really responsive it literally went up as oh my gosh that sound scared the heck out of me but you guys saw the shield go up like a second right before I actually died that’s unfair guys that’s totally unfair and we got more diamonds nice my

Luck ran out that’s what happened that’s what happened there guys what you guys saw what you guys witnessed today is um a lesson to be learned when things are going a little too well be a little skeptical cuz uh the luck is going to run out eventually and you don’t know

When that’s going to happen oh my goodness and there’s more of course there’s more dude I’m actually rich this cave is actually crazy I don’t I really don’t want to leave this cave today guys I really really don’t want to leave this cave today oh my goodness thank you

Thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh are you guys seeing what I’m seeing bro bro bro bro bro bro oh my gosh this is actually insane I might actually end up with like 40 diamonds today I might need to make some more tools at this point

How much iron do I have right now I have a over a stack over a stack of iron and imagine if I had a stack of diamonds though stack of diamonds look my durability on my armor is not looking good no more not looking [Applause] [Applause] good I got to take care of myself real quick all right I’m making myself a little base no one should be able to break into here I’m surprised I don’t have more coal than this I’m going to smelt up all the iron I have we’re going

To need new tools today ooh wait a second should I should I make one guys we’re going to make a diamond pickaxe and we’re going to make a diamond sword and I still have 13 left oh my god it feels too good guys I think I’m just

Going to craft up like a new armor oh yeah I’m going to make new boots honestly I think that’s all I need oh my gosh oh my gosh I feel great today guys I I feel so good other than that uh server glitch that happened to me

Earlier today that that did not feel good guys that did not feel good at all but now we have we have diamond tools now guys we actually have diamond tools all right guys after we find a few more diamonds I’m I I’m happy to go back home

Uh have we gone down here I don’t think we have right and I don’t know if I want to be down here there’s too much lava all right I’m going to have to do a little bit of uh Sky bridging over here can’t believe I I just did that on a server that’s

Laggy oh no that was a little too risky for me and now we’re back to the bright side all right well I’m glad to be back I think it’s time for me to leave and go back home I honestly don’t think we’re going to find any more diamonds hold on

Hold on hold on I always see like crevices like this and it just it just it just lears me in you know I can’t help it I just can’t help it guys I get addicted I get hooked I get hooked oh it seems like I found my own torches and we

Are now back to where we came from all right guys hopefully you guys did enjoy this episode of me uh um yeah finding a bunch of diamonds today and becoming the richest player in Minecraft I literally am now I have 13 diamonds and two diamond tools and I think AIS only has

Two diamond tools and four diamonds so I I wanton all right anyways thanks for watching guys I’ll see you guys in the next one all right peace oh man my butt hurts from a playing Minecraft for so Long

I Became The RICHEST Player on This Minecraft Server! (Best Friends SMP)

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Outro Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOqenNSWmBQ

#RageElixir #Minecraft #RageNation


  1. I subbed to you a long time ago like when Realm Spm was still going
    And I subbed bcuz your content has been very good quality
    (I know no one is gonna notice this bcuz am invisible)

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