Okay so I maybe didn’t realize that the menu music for starg Valley doesn’t Loop so hello everyone and welcome to the stream uh today we are going to be doing something a little bit different uh to what we have been doing recently we are going to be playing some star ju

Valley um I have played Star Valley um like several times in the past I think I own it on like I think I’ve got it on my PC I’ve got on my switch I’ve got on my Xbox so I’ve played it across multiple platforms um and you can see on here

Actually if we go to load that I have oh oh oh God we’ve got menu music again but hi mat and welcome for the h uh sorry and thank you for the hydrate I hope you’re having a great day all right one Second right brilliant thank you very much mattio for the hydrate I really appreciate it um but yeah as you can see on here I have a few I’ve got five saves on here I’ve got a few that I’ve spent a decent amount of time on so and but hi

Finn welcome to the stream as well I hope you’re having a good day um so so yeah I’ve got a couple of saves on here that I’ve done this one I literally just did as a test because I’ve installed mods you guys I’ve never installed mods in Star Valley I’ve I’ve installed mods

So um nothing gamechanging just kind of UI stuff basically um so uh so yes so I did a quick a quick test one um but uh yeah so um oh what mods um oh God you’re you’re asking me questions so there was the u a UI mod

Which is basically like the one that tells you if you’re having a lucky day um or if you’re having um uh like I don’t know like if the travel cart is there um one that keeps track of where people are on the map um what was the other ones um I

Had oh a a recolor so I’ve recolored the map cuz I always I wasn’t I was never keen on the like yellow tone of the soil in the game that’s probably the only thing that I don’t particularly like about this game is just like the um what

Was basically the Earth color um so I’ve got an earthy recolor on it um for the life of me I can’t remember what other ones I’ve got so we’ll just have to see I literally installed them about within the past hour so I’ve not thoroughly tested any

Of them I don’t know if any of them will work we’re going to have to wait and [Laughter] see offended I love the cheesy yellow and well done my you did want to go it is a lucky day for you apparently um so uh yeah is it star Blue Valley no it’s

Um I think it’s literally called earthy I think it’s just called earthy if I remember rightly the the recolor I went for and I found another one which was like a building change where you could change like the styles of the buildings and stuff and you can make it

So that your um like the one that I’ve gone for like my house has like a little green house attached to it and I think it looks really cute um so so yeah so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go with the Good Old Faithful um I’m not

Imaginative so I’m just going to call this YouTube Farm because then I will remember um favorite thing I always like putting the developer’s name because for those of you who haven’t played Star Valley the developers cancern ape and he has like a little Easter egg if you say that your favorite

Thing is is him it’s like a really sweet like oh thank you kind of thing um so let’s do that I I like you I think you’re cute we’ll go with that so um I may probably be the only human on earth that has never played this game

Actually you’re not cuz I I met up with um an old school friend today and um she’s never played Star Valley either so you’re not alone masio but I I do adore this game it is it is a fantastic game one thing I will preface this with I am not a Min

Maxer I do not know optimal ways of playing this game uh I’m [ย __ย ] at decorating I usually have someone else’s map up on my screen or where on my phone whenever I’m designing my my farm so expect disaster um also normally play with this on a controller I’m going to attempt to

Play with my mouse and keyboard so on that note uh expect expect uh really poor gameplay despite the fact that I’ve played this quite a few times that looks like my my hair I’m thinking um let’s have a look um I have no idea who I’m going to romance I have no idea

On anything this is literally I had a random idea the other day after we mentioned it briefly in stream the other day I was like oh you know what it would be nice to do a staru Valley Stream um and originally I was going to do it as a

Kind of like yeah you know we can do it at the beginning of stream do like a couple of like maybe 30 40 minutes maybe a couple of days or whatever and I was like no if I’m going to do staru Valley I need to like I need to invest a couple

Of hours in it every now and again um listen I have 500 hours I want to say and I still count myself as casual it’s much more fun playing comfortably than Min maxing oh 100% And like it but it’s it’s and the thing is as well like I’m

Going to be completely honest whenever I play I like the idea of having you know a small like like like in Spring I like having a small selection of vegetables and fruit and not just like or or like or in summer you know because a lot of

People what they’ll do in this game is they’ll be like oh well I’m going to get just is it blueberries I think are like the big thing that everyone gets and so I was just s of like well I I don’t just want to have this is my

Usual top for some reason I don’t know why I just like it I like the little belt that it comes with um but um but yeah like like like people will just get blueberries and just have Fields upon fields of blueberries and then in in in

Fall Autumn for me it’s weird calling it fall um they’ll they’ll just get um uh cranberries I’m like no you you need have it like a farm have it like a proper freaking Farm yes is it frustrating trying to remember how long you’ve got left on certain crops because

You’ve forgotten when you planted them yeah yeah I like to have the most profitable and most XP crops memorized but I always do a variety I don’t I never the thing is I don’t have a good memory and so so whilst I would like to say that I’ve memorized a lot of these

Um things I’m trying to go for like a gray green but it’s really kind of difficult to do that’s probably the closest I’m going to get but um uh yeah I like um I I I like to think I can memorize them I never remember and so I

End up just on the wiki constantly and I feel like that kind of spoils it if anything um it looks so much cuter when you have the complex little G Garden got to rotate the crops to keep F oh if I didn’t want to call I feel like a Corp

You know what I used to play um I know I it may not seem like my sort of I used to play Farming Simulator like the actual like proper farming simulator I played uh the 20 was it the 2021 version or was it no I think it was the 2019 version so

Farming s simulator 19 and then I started playing the um uh what was it the um actually I’m going to go with a fun fun hair color [ย __ย ] it let’s go for a fun hair color uh what color do we want to go let’s go ghosty purple ghosty purple

Do I have a ghosty no I don’t have a ghosty reference maybe lighter I don’t know if I like the forward- facing hairstyle with let’s change the hair off but um I’ve lost train of thought what was I talking about um oh yeah yeah no I used to play

Farming Simulator and uh one of the things that I used to do was because with the with the 2022 version or something it had like a prop per seasonal setting on it um so what you could do is you could actually have it so that um you planted crops in the

Specific Seasons that they would normally be planted but and but in my mind I was like well I need to also make sure that I rotates my crops I can’t have and and and again my brain wasn’t just oh I need to do different stuff it was like what would actual farmers do

What would actual farmers do with their crops where would they where would they have and and oh yeah it was just it was a lot of making notes I had like a whole I used um Google keep and I had like a whole file dedicated to the crop

Rotations for my Farming Simulator game I don’t go that far with this just saying um right okay so we need to decide what map I’m going to do so I haven’t done standard in a very very long time there’s the Riverland Farm uh so your farm is spread across several

Islands so it’s better for fish in there’s the forest Farm which is one that I would say that I probably generally go for uh since they introduced the the differ Farm types they’ve got Hilltop Farm uh which has like an or area uh Wilderness I never gone Wilderness cuz

I’m sorry but monsters roaming around my farm I ain’t interested in combat that much in this game so I’m good I’m good um there’s four corners which you have like four separate sections so it’s really good for if you’re playing multiplayer obviously I’m not going to be doing this multiplayer at current so

It would just be um my own Farm in four sections I guess and then the newer one is the beach Farm um which has loads of sand however because of the sand sprinklers don’t work very well here so and I’m a big big believer in sprinklers so I’m thinking probably sticking with

Sprinklers might be might be a good C um so yeah I mean like if anyone’s got any opinions let me know I am thinking Forest Farm um but I am interested to see if anyone in chat has a particular preference um let me just have a look so

I’m going to go for the normal Community sens bundles I’m going to try and do the guarantee year one completion cuz that would be helpful um I’ll go for the normal profit margins and stuff um that’s all multiplayer I’ve just realized so I don’t need to worry about

That okay so the only thing that I’ve changed on that is just the guarantee year one completion because basically there’s a particular crop that only becomes available in year 2 um so yeah it can be a little bit uh frustrating if you’re trying to get everything

Completed in year one I do enjoy Forest F I think I’m going to go with Forest Farm just cuz I do like it um I always put my animals on the left bit where the stumps are it’s perfectly s oh I will keep that in mind

Okay oh am I do I like that hair I don’t know if I like that hair let’s go For H oh I do like that one yeah I can never do buns in real life so I might as well I might as well try and dirt in in the game I did get the red cabbage seed on my current file one from Skull Caverns which I’ve never had happen before I

Felt so excited I imagine and for my very special granddaughter I want you to have this sealed envelope you know I’ve not seen this in ages cuz I always skip it now why thank you poor dying old man no no don’t open it yet have patience now listen

Close there will come a day when you feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life he’s taking his time isn’t he and your bright spirit will fade before a growing Emptiness is that photo on the mantle looks very much like one of the NPCs and in Star Valley um when that happens my dear you’ll be ready for this gift and she’s

Married this particular NPC I don’t know it looks like her now let Grandpa rest XX years later JoJo the Corp that Finn sided with in one of their more recent playthroughs I want to know what this guy in the Hat is doing with his is it his tongue does he have flashing teeth

What is that supposed to be I always look at that I’m like what what is going on this was like me like several years ago when I worked in it it wasn’t I wasn’t in like a cubicle or anything I was just I was just done dear Cleo if you’re reading this

You must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me long ago I’d lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people and nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong I’ve enclosed the deed to that place my pride

And joy YouTube Farm it’s located in stari Valley on the southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life this was my most precious gift of all and now it’s yours I know you’ll honor the family name my dear good luck love Grandpa yes if Louis is still alive say

Hi to the old guy for me will you we will we will just see f m YouTube blocked your last message Finn apart from the gamble one I love that consern updated all his old Graphics as he improved while making the game but left the intro scene as is I always get Whiplash

Yeah I’m really excited to see what the game’s like with these mods because like I said I’ve played this game several times and I’ve never played with mods again this is not um uh oh God that sounded really loud um so this is not like uh a

Gamechanging uh like mods or anything as you can see at the moment for anyone who has played this is um skin recolors and stuff I’ve Al oh there was another one I’ve got winter grass on as well so grass remains in Winter that was that

Was just another one but most of it is just kind of like quality of life stuff um I might add more as time goes on because I literally I had a really busy day and I I had very little time to get this stream ready um so yeah I might add

More stuff later on um we’ll have to just see uh hello you must be Cleo I’m Robin the local Carpenter May Le sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home he’s right uh he’s there right now tidying things up for

Your new arrival the Farm’s right over here I’ll if you follow me I was po winter grass it’s hella useful yeah I mean like I never quite understood why the grass did disappear when when it did I was kind of like well why why because grass stays um cuz obviously and it doesn’t

Like re and the way that they did it it doesn’t regrow so that was kind of a bit frustrating um this is YouTube Farm yeah looks like a [ย __ย ] show look at the pretty grass it looks so pretty it’s got purple in it what’s the matter sure

It’s a bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath this mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time and here we are your new home ah the new farmer mayor Lewis welcome I’m Louis mayor of Pelican town you know everyone’s been asking

About you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big deal so you’re moving into your grandfather father’s old Cottage it’s a good house very rustic I’ve literally not watched this like cutscene stuff in so long it’s been so long I completely forgot the half

This was here rustic that’s one way to put it crusty might be a little more apt though Rude don’t listen to her Cleo she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades hump anyway you must be tired from the long journey you should get some rest tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself the town’s people would appreciate

That there’s some cute mods like visible fish which adds visible animations for available fish to catch at each body of water and mods that add Reflections while you walk past water I didn’t see whether you went for a cat or dog so I’m looking forward to that surprise um yeah

Um I have seen the Fish Mod actually um but I didn’t see it as I was scrolling through on Nexus um so I didn’t download it but I’m like I said I I’ll probably have like a proper look at some point um and and see see what stuff there is um

Oh I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just place it in this box here I’ll come I’ll come by during the night to collect it well good luck but yeah with um luckily I I only had an issue with one of the mods that I installed um

Where the version was old so I just had to like go back in and find it oh God I forgot there we go okay I forgot I am Mouse and keyboarding this you received 15 pnip here’s a little something to get you started MOS now I

May depending on um how things go I may switch back to um controller we’ll just have to see but I I want to try cuz it seem it looks like it’s easier maybe oh no God okay interact is the the oh God this I’m going to [ย __ย ] this up already so

Interact is the right Mouse button okay uh so weather reports welcome to K I’ve never known what that’s supposed to say is it V or U something five your number one source for weather news and entertainment and now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be clear and sunny all day

B meress bmer yes B meress um yeah I it was one of those things where I was like trying to figure out if it was a good idea to start because because the thing the thing with Stu is obviously it’s never ending like you know it it is never ending in the sense

Of you know you could literally go through this game and like never stop basically um but I just yeah I just had a thing the other day where I was like you know what you know what it would be nice to play and like have an excuse to play this game and

Actually have have a reason to try and actually get further than I have before cuz normally uh I don’t um yeah normally I don’t get very far like I I think the furthest I’ve got is like year three I think um oh yeah what was this um

I just want to make sure I’ve got everything selected I don’t quite know what like I didn’t realize you could get the Haz nuts from the trees so I didn’t even know that was a thing um this how to put on the yeah that’s what I I normally do

When I do the controller one as well um so yeah we’re just going to have to see how this goes now I don’t know oh okay so I can use my scrolly Barry thing oh I’ve got the level thing in the side as well oh

That’s going to be fun okay so how do I ah aha look at me go but yeah I was I was in I’ve always been in two minds about doing a sari play through um just purely because it it is like I liked the idea of most of the games I’ve

Been playing like having an end Insight sort of thing um but yeah the problem with Stu is you don’t really have that so I just kind of have to um we’re going to have to just sort of see see how we how we go with it really oh God this is really weird

Having my mouse follow the thing there’s probably like a really like Optimal way of doing this I don’t know but one thing that I really do appreciate cuz sometimes God sometimes with the um control I would run into so many issues where I would accidentally you know hit the wrong place or whatever

Um so having a little bit more control seemed like a good idea uh right there was my oh I can select I don’t have to scroll cuz yeah like the the controller settings are good in this game but that there’s still certain bits that are kind of a little bit a little bit

Frustrating um shall we cut this tree down shall we keep the tree oh yeah I think I forgot to say hi to Tom hi Tom I just I just saw the chant and I was like yeah yeah farma chess bye Tom I hope you’re having a good day

Right yeah let’s chop chop down this tree chop chop chop chop chop cuz we can always fiddle around with it later and replant or something and we also need to get make a chest that’s another thing so we need 50 wood to make a chest if I am remembering

Correctly um we’re going to have to see I’m trying to think of what I normally do what what’s my usual game plan um let’s Do yeah oh God oh God I’m already I’m already hitting the wrong places H using unnecessary energy oh no okay oh I’ve remembered another mod that I added which was um automatic Gates so hopefully the gates will automatically open whenever I eventually a [ย __ย ] well this isn’t going quite to

Plan I’ve ended up doing the wrong thing anyway um yeah so hopefully when we get Gates it will mean that we can why why why why not where I stand okay okay right let’s get some por snip Stone oh God how I have to be so close

To be able to actually put put things down um right so we need how many more do we need okay so we need three more um do I have enough wood yet no I do not okay let’s let’s get a chopp in let’s chop down some more

Trees um hi people uh Tommy’s uh also all right because it is it is my name it is in fact his name um right I never knew I remember when um when I like I first came into C stream and I was like do I pull him Tom with two M’s or

Do I call him Tom with one m and I still can’t decide I sometimes do it with two M’s I sometimes do it with one and mat I’m really sorry I’ve still not done that command chair I’ve still not remembered to add the ghost I literally thought about it

The other day I was like I really really do need to uh to do that thing and um still haven’t done it right um okay so where I thought there was a thing where I could okay not let um sh Okay cool so now okay um construction oh it’s oh it tells me

What things are in the bundles and how much oh my God that’s so useful cuz I’ve got a really [ย __ย ] memory amazing okay so we need three more pass Snips at the very least let’s yeah at least three more pass Snips let’s spend some money on

Um some seeds let’s get some seeds and stuff and start growing [ย __ย ] the only issue is I don’t have a huge amount of energy so I’m a bit worried that I might run out if I um if I I don’t find some food or something um I know we could go talk to

Harvey I don’t really want to talk to Harvey right now oh God I keep I keep pressing the left Mouse button instead of the right one hi people I guess I’ll quickly talk to you uh hello it’s nice to meet you Leia how are you doing um

Hello you must be Cleo the new farmer I’m Caroline hello don’t run away from me don’t run uh oh that’s right I heard someone new was moving onto that Old Farm that is correct I could say more things to them but we don’t oh it’s got a harvest

Look at that it’s got Harvest price so I don’t I don’t need to use the wiki this is a okay right so I need right I need one two three at least three of those um I think maybe getting some Bean starters might be good because these um keep going

After their first harvest though I think potatoes are also supposed to be a really strong option cuz you get multiple when you harvest them I think if I were a beginner farmer I’d probably go for potatoes let’s go for some potatoes one two three

Four five six s eight n no I’ve got only enough for eight which means that my whole thing’s not going to be full cuz what I do my my squares are 3×3 oh let’s go you you I swear you were one of the people in the pictures Evelyn that was

It I couldn’t remember her name but I swear she was the one that was on the um on the thing uh potatoes you can get multiple so it’s most profitable for spring you need P Snips beans collie for cc community answer there we go and kale is the most

XP back to sewing done with my info why hello and welcome to our little Community there you can call me Granny if you like I’ll call you Evelyn I I always feel like kind of weird when people give themselves like family names and I don’t really know them that well

Like just just in general like I I’m like but you’re not my granny why would I call you Granny it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m Harvey the local doctor hi hi Harvey um then what are you sewing just out of Interest don’t H don’t feel like you

Have to put your sewing down to answer but just when you get a moment I would like to know cuz I’m curious and I can’t remember if you told me already or not you might have done more than likely you have I just have a really bad

Memory uh right I was talking to my friend about that today actually CU I was just saying like I do genuinely have an atrocious memory when it comes to like what people say to me um right do I and um I mean I have an atrocious

Memory when it comes to what I’ve like said to myself like I like I forget so quickly if I have something in my mind that I’m like okay I need to remember this and like the other day I went downstairs and I had like something really really

Really important I needed to do in the kitchen could I remember what I needed to do no nope not all Okay so we’ve watered those let’s quickly fill up our watering Can put that way um I’m going to put these away just because I’m always conscious that I’ll accidentally use them when oh how do I can I not just drag you oh accidentally used it um I don’t know if I can move them how do I move them

I I can’t drag them okay something to figure out later cuz we’re running out of daylight we need to have a look and see if we can find some forage some forage I do really like this this recolor though it just feels a lot more um authentic I guess is

The best way of saying it like in terms of oh what’s that introductions oh yeah so we’ve got to have a look at quests cultivate and harvest a parip um I just feel like it looks a little bit more obviously not like realistic but you know what I mean a stranger

Hello don’t mind me I just live out here alone I love you lius I love you so much you’re so adorable I just I just love the fact that it just has like a character who’s out in the um out living in a tent living his best life uh right Demetrius greetings I’m

Demetrius local scientist and father thanks for introducing yourself I started working a doll plushy like way over a year ago for oh God I’m walking into bushes um way over a year ago for my friend’s birthday and I never finished trying to get back to working on again well maybe you’ll get it

Finished for this birthday maybe maybe you’ve got like what nearly just under two months I guess so maybe you’ll do it by then my um my my friend that I went and saw today actually uh she’s been doing uh like loads of cross stitch and stuff and some of this stuff

Look so cool I was like don’t give me another hobby to be interested in please please I can barely deal with the ones I I’m currently trying to cultivate let alone um finding any other ones in the meantime I think my husband would have a hissy foot oh aren’t you the one just

Moving in I’m Maru I’ve been looking forward to meeting you you know with a small town like this a new face can really alter the community Dynamic it’s exciting hi Penny oh hello I’m penny is that is that all you’re going to say okay fine I’ve got to try and remember

People’s names cuz like I said it has been a while um I don’t know you uh why are you talking to me I think the one of those one of the things that I had like a slight problem with um Star Valley was how [ย __ย ] rude

Some of the people are at the beginning when you first meet them like I understand obviously that they’re like individual people with their own things going on but Jesus Christ some of them I’m just sort of like really really what what have I done I just wanted to say hello to you and

You’re being an absolute dick so yeah that was probably my own cuz I I recently played um a little bit of coral island um which is like another farming Sim game very similar to Star Valley in terms of like mechanics and stuff um and everyone was really nice to me I was

Like this is this is strange they’re all being really kind I’m so used I’m so used to Inari Valley where everyone’s just an absolute [ย __ย ] to me the first time I talked to them and my problem was that I did a full embroidered face and

Realized I messed up the color so I had to start oh that’s a shame oh it’s it’s so annoying when you like start something get like part through and realize you’ve completely [ย __ย ] up like I just lose complete motivation at that point but hi Mel welcome to the stream I

Hope you’re having a good day um okay but have you met people I I mean yeah enough hey you’re the new girl heart I think we’re going to get along great I’m Alex I do like you Alex he is one of uh I have in previous playthroughs I have married Alex I’ve

Also married Sebastian and Sam in this before uh ah the new farmer we’ve all been expecting and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation I’m Elliot I live in the little cabin by the beach it’s a pleasure to meet you what are you what what are what are you have they replaced the

Wormies they replaced the wormies with little little things interesting let’s get some shells it played a fancy noise because I leveled up I like that I really one of the things that used to frustrate me about um playing it without the mods um was the fact that you didn’t have any

Indication that you were like like how far away you were from leveling um so I do like that like whenever I saw people playing this like on YouTube and stuff and I saw they had that mod I was like oh my God that looks so helpful that

Looks so useful I need to get that but I wouldn’t I was playing on switch at the time I think so no way to mod on switch unfortunately um B got a brand new belt and the business casual clothes already ready to be working at a bank like the um well

Educated accounting Man actually would was it just Finance you were doing or was it accounting I can’t remember I know you were talking you were talking about doing was it work experience or was it like an actual it was something you were going to do along with University or something wasn’t it

Or am I misremembering I could very well be misremembering as mentioned previously really bad memory um and whilst uh we’re talking about my really bad memory I always forget to ask if you are enjoying the stream please do leave a like because it helps with algorithm and all that fun

Jazz so please yes if you are enjoying I would really appreciate it um right okay it’s getting dark I can’t see oh oh oh oh I was about to say I can’t see any more forage bles but we got some more stuff uh anything else I’m going to have

To go the long way around cuz I don’t trust that I’m going to be able to get back up through my farm because it’s just an absolute disaster zone so I’m going to start making way I’m really bad at judging um how long it takes to get to certain areas of the map

So I always like end up being at the mines a little bit too long and cutting it really close or um like in this instance I can’t judge how much time I need to get back to my farm by going this way around so yeah I’m going to

Work at a bank as a part as parttime during my uni years I’m currently planning on taking a gap here after high school then going to apply for a job there meanwhile got to earn some money but yeah it’s Finance not going to be doing accounting yeah like yeah I for

Some reason I don’t know why I had account I think I think of bank and automatically go to accounting even though accounting isn’t really anything to do with banks technically so I don’t know um right okay so let’s think oh yeah oh yes so I can sell Okay cool so uh

You oh wait why does it have a what is the shipping thing supposed to signify is it just that I’m safe to sell it or I don’t know right I’m going to keep two of those cuz one of them I can give to um what’s his face um keep one of those for

Food um that I will sell why does it have a shipping container on it is it just implying that you can sell it and it’s nothing like it’s fine you can just sell it without worrying about anything I don’t know uh I’ll keep hold of that

For forage uh that I’ll keep whole uh sorry for food that I will um put in the uh bundles um so I’ll just going sell these I think maybe yes possibly should I keep horseradish to eat or should I sell it h H sell it for 50 get 13 energy I’ll keep

Hold of it I think I can never again never remember which ones are worth selling and which ones aren’t um oh right okay yeah okay cool right let’s go in our little house I always feel compelled to turn on the fire don’t know why Always feel like I need

To cool so we have leveled up at foraging so we’ve got plus one ax proficiency uh trees sometimes drop seeds new crafting recipe Wild seeds um and then new crafting recipe a field snack so we’ve not made a huge amount of money but you know we’re getting there

We’re getting there slowly but surely day two already at day two right let’s have a look on here so oh there yes so in the top corner so this is part of one of the mods that I’ve got so there will be rain tomorrow and the day is in your hands which I

Think basically means that my luck isn’t really that like great it’s just sort of like in the middle sort of thing um right advertisement I keep finding cool stuff but my back backpack is full does this sound like you well Pierre’s got you covered stop by Pierre’s General

Store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack see you soon I can’t remember how much the first backpack is it’s been a while I can’t remember um hello there just got back from a fishing trip you should come down the beach sometime I’ve got something for you

Willie I didn’t realize he came back up um on the second day for some reason I thought it was the third day right so let’s do some let’s get some watering done get some water in 2,000 I think yeah that ring that rings about like I was like oh yeah it’s

Affordable mate if someone tried to charge me 2,000 anything unless it was like 2,000 P I’d maybe consider it but any anything other than that no that’s too expensive far too expensive um right cool oh yes it’s got the how many more days until it’s harvest oh yes great okay cool oh

[ย __ย ] I didn’t mean to water the floor um okay so I’ve got a bit of money now so I don’t know if it’s worth go say thing don’t water the ground on its own um I might plant these mixed seeds that I’ve got I’ve only got

Two of them but I might as well I feel like the very first um uh what is it first season in this is always just an absolute [ย __ย ] show in terms of like laying out what you’re doing um so what are you cauliflower oh two cauliflowers that was worth it I think

Nice uh right let’s put that back in um right one second I mean a single potato is like 50 I mean yeah fine but still either way um right okay so what could we do so we could go I think we should just do some fishing um

So I’m going to get rid of my Scythe um and we will take these to eat I think if um cuz getting um the oh my brain’s gone what is it starting fishing is like a really really good money maker early on so um but hi assassins on MC welcome to

The stream I hope you’re having a good day um yes with with regards to like the conversion there is definitely a a conversion rate to a degree but it’s like I said it still feels very expensive for a bag but I’m trying to think like normally I think you can generally get

It like in the first um uh like first season typically uh to the beach visit the beach south of town before 5:00 p.m. cool that’s where we are Le Feast is finished you’ve been eating Tom what have you been eating anything delicious I’m guessing it must be if it was a

Feast Oho there miss hi Willie heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you H I’m still trying to unwind from month out at Sea out on the salty Seas it was a big Hall I sold a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new

Rod chicken beautiful Fried Chicken here I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that the art of fishing stays alive and hey maybe you’ll buy something from the shop once in a while maybe I will if we assume a bag of

Potatoes has 10 potatoes in it and it costs ยฃ150 with that exchange rate the bag would be only be six quid if my math is right okay I’ll accept that I’ll accept that you received a bamboo pole there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of

Fish oh yeah my Shop’s back uh back open now so come byy if you need supplies I’ll also buy anything you catch if it smells it sells that’s what my old puy used to say anyway the performance of my video has been so Random is this the first one

That you did or have you released another one cuz I haven’t I didn’t get a notification of another one um right okay so what I’m I’m going to do what I would usually do um which I completely forgot is what I started doing at one point the last

Time I started playing a [ย __ย ] keep pressing the wrong buttons and using energy unnecessarily let’s Roo around in bins no one’s going to notice anything um 15p per potato versus 50g 50 oh my God that’s a lot of a lot of mathematics the first video

Still it got 150 views in a few hours then dropped off to like 10 views a day then yesterday got 50 views and today 80 I think that it’s um that the first bit is like uh um like they test how the algorithm reacts to it and then they um

Uh like start dishing it out more frequently but I mean I’ve only published two videos so so I genu and the thing is like vods once the vods are up like they just die vods die very very quickly at least for me and I think for most like smaller

Channels so unless you’ve got like a big channel that does like really really interesting sort of live streams um it’s very difficult to get V viewership um so so yeah like so my my experience isn’t a very good one to to compare um you’ve distracted me from

Sewing again I mean to be fair what did you expect it’s a Star Stream it is a Star Stream you never going to be able to stay focused right okay especially when you’ve got me who’s just of like I don’t remember how to could do any of this I need help

Please um right okay so uh daffodil spring foraging cool so we’ll keep hold of that um the dandelion is plus 25 energy that’s worth keeping and that’s worth keeping so I I’ll keep hold of those I’m going to put uh I’m going to put this away I’m going

To put that away as well and then I’m going to very quickly is there like a shortcut for crafting I don’t don’t know if there is I’ll have to have a look in a second um so we’ll do that is there uming craing I didn’t see a menu shortcut oh here we go

Uh no so there’s the map one and the journal one not one for crafting okay okay I’m just going to have to try and remember it um my clickthrough ratees gone up pretty drastically went from like 1.8 to 5% drastic me no that’s that is quite a good jump definitely so

Yeah well you just have to keep an eye on it and see see what happens I think it’s again the I I you can try and understand the algorithm ain’t no one no one understands it really so is one of those things where I’m just of like if I

Like if I oh fre I put my PO back in the chest God damn it um where yeah if like I think if I ever started posting videos again I would just be like here’s a hoping that this goes well I’m I’m just going to poke and hope and see what

Happens um oh whilst we’ve got a few people in um in the Stream as well I was going to ask a very quick question Finn already knows the answers uh or knows what the question is so Finn doesn’t have to say anything so you can carry on

With your sewing um but I was going to ask I had a random um thing the other day where I was like I kind of want to put I’ll right those of you who don’t know I went through a phase either last year or the year before where I um started drawing

And trying to learn to draw basically and because my young youngest wasn’t in Nursery uh particularly frequently as of yet um I just didn’t have time basically I didn’t have time to to carry on with it and it was cuz drawing is one of those things you have to do like every day

Sort of thing so I thought the other day I for anyone who doesn’t follow PewDiePie I watched a video that he released the other day where basically he was drawing for or um he’s been drawing basically every day for 100 days and he was tracking his progress it was

A really sweet video it was really nice of seeing how he improved over the course of a 100 days and um and it kind of got me having that feeling again where I was like oh yeah kind of want to start learning to draw again um so I was

Like right okay yeah I’m going I’m going to try learning to draw once once I get through this week which is kind of like a busy week I’m going to try and try and start doing it but the other thing that pops into my head is that I could potentially

Maybe live stream me practicing drawing from a complete novice standpoint by the way I’m not any good so it wouldn’t be like tutorial level teaching or anything like that it would literally just be me just practicing really shitty drawings essentially um and so I just wanted to

Get like a quick opinion on anyone who would be interested in watching that kind of thing on stream it wouldn’t be like a a regular thing or anything like that it would kind of just be you know like maybe once or twice a month I guess

Um so I’d still practice kind of you know just in general um but then would sort of Almost Do like a check-in stream every once in a while uh to see how I’m getting on but it’s one of those things where it’s like I don’t know if it’s like content that people would

Actually be interested in watching especially because obviously we are we like at the moment I’ve predominantly been doing um uh games and stuff so yeah I’m just kind of testing Waters to see what people would think of me potentially doing that um but yeah cuz

I’ve got like I’ve got a camera that um I can use to use like a webcam um and I’ve also got a um a stand that I can use as oh [ย __ย ] uh I’ve got a stand that I can use for like a top down view type

Thing um provided it fits behind my desk because my desk does not have much room behind it at the moment um so yeah so it’s just something that I was kind of thinking about potentially doing um right oh oh God I should not be looking at chat whilst I’m reeling in

Fish fishing takes a lot of concentration for me um so in the analytics it says I have 526 views oh hang on a second um in the analytics it says I have 526 views but on my channel it says 51 if analytics is right then that’s even more wild anyway done talking analytics

Now yeah so I think that um uh yeah the analytics are going to be more accurate than what is on the actual Channel like so so yeah it takes longer for the numbers on the channel to update versus the studio analytics especially if you’re looking at um because sometimes the studio analytics you’ve

Got like the live ones so um so yeah you you should be that one’s the ones trust really um what are you talking about coded what is that hang on a second that’s so silk song coded of you okay I don’t I feel like I’m at a point

Where I just I don’t I don’t remember I don’t know what that means Mel I think is on the same on the same level um I did mention last stream that you should stream it I’d 100% watch that oh I probably completely missed you saying that either that or I said it

Forgot that you said it but mentally retained it so um but yeah no I I I do I’m I’ve been thinking about and like I said the I think the the thing that I’m a bit unsure about with doing it is the fact that like if I were to learn to

Draw I have no idea what sort of thing I would like to draw I would just like to kind of improve um and like have a little creative thing I leveled up and I got a fancy little noise that it made as well that’s

So fun um but yeah so it’s it’s one of those things where I’m just like I would kind of be finding what sort of thing I’d want to do as well um and I also um I would probably go back to doing drawer box I know I mentioned last time that um

The the I think I mentioned that the 100 Box challenge like nearly killed me or something um because it is a very very oh [ย __ย ] i’t got space I don’t have space for you stuffs um h h h um um oh God now I can see how much they’re

Worth as well so it feels like I’m like genuinely can I like God that went in the water ah [ย __ย ] that went in the water as well well bollocks okay I’ve lost that now [ย __ย ] um right okay let’s just just eat this eat this clear some space um let’s eat this

As well well [ย __ย ] that’s annoying why did I do that oh I think I wonder if the thing is like sell it instead of using it for energy maybe that’s what that’s supposed to mean um but uh yeah I’d probably do like draw box but then also

Maybe um like so like follow that but also try on stream to do stuff that’s just like random [ย __ย ] maybe I don’t know um right so it’s used in a lot of ways but the place most people know it from is queer coding a practice that was done during the Haze code

Era set of rules in Hollywood oh God hang on I caught fish I can’t read and catch fish at the same time it’s very difficult um uh in Hollywood for what was allowed to be shown on screen like queer stuff violence drugs so writers started writing in certain behaviors or quirks

Or features to their characters to imply that they were queer or queer coding them without getting in trouble with the studios people have co-opted the term as slang to just say you’re similar to a character or a type of person AKA your silks uncoded because you want to stab me with a

Needle I just love the fact that you said that and assumed that anyone would understand what you what you meant in terms of like saying how silk song coded of you so you had to do like a really really long explanation for it um uh I think just said it as a drawing

Stream when oh so it might have come across as a joke but it’s uh just because I was mid combat in the game I genuinely don’t remember you saying that so I like I either missed it or I just it’s escaped my brain um so but yeah I

Think that um can I can I can I is there a way to make it so that I can just drink it without just throwing [ย __ย ] away oh yeah I’ve got a freaking chest oh my God J you more and I have a chest here specifically for this reason you pillock God’s

Sake I know what I’m doing I literally made the chest so I could store [ย __ย ] and not throw things away I know why I’m doing I know what I’m doing I’ve played this game before I have hours and hours and hours in this game I know what I’m doing I know what

I’m doing um I had honestly no idea where to start with explaining the code of things so that was a great explanation Bravo that was cuz I Now understand what that was a reference to this is the most stressed I’ve seen anyone ever fishing I mean I I have that

Effect on many things I get stressed very very easily very very quickly um this has been my Ted talking Online Slang back to sewing um yeah it’s i’ never I think to be I think you have actually explained what that is to me before whether it was in chat or or

Something I can’t actually remember um but yeah I I do remember like it vaguely oh God I’m facing the wrong way why am I facing the wrong way um but yeah I do vaguely remember that explanation for something else at the very least so but

Um but yeah I I think that like I said the the big thing about potentially doing the drawing stream is that I would need to um try and see if I can get this top down camera thing to work cuz I’ve got like a wall Mount that I could have

Used but the issue is because of where this light is I can’t mount it um in the position that I kind of that would work because it would just interfere with the light and the zoom on the camera that I’ve got um or the lens on the camera

That I’ve got doesn’t Zoom far enough and I spending a couple hundred quid or whatever getting getting a new lens for it um so I need to see if this other stand that I’ve got Works cuz I’m not going to spend money getting a a stand

Or whatever or uh like a a special tripod that will fit behind my desk so if it doesn’t fit there will probably be no drawing streams if it does then there will potentially be some drawing streams we’ll just have to uh play it by ear um

But it’s all going to depend on when I can fap around and try and get it set up cuz I didn’t know cuz I’ve never used um a like a cuz I’ve got a mirrorless camera which is what we got when I did like the Alan Wake uh video um I didn’t

Realize how easy it is to basically use the mirrorless cameras or slrs or whatever um to be webcams I I like because when you record um like just like actual video recording on the cameras the um it can overheat after a certain amount of time

So you have to be quite careful with how long you use the camera for and so when I heard that I was kind of like oh okay so I probably couldn’t use this camera in particular for um like for my webcam or anything like that which is

Why we ended up getting like a normal um an actual webcam webcam sort of thing um and yeah and then I found out about the fact that you could literally just use it and it didn’t have an issue with overheating or anything was like oh

Okay this might be a thing that I can do um but yeah it’s all going to depend on like I said just whether or not I can actually fit the uh the stuff in uh in behind my desk because there’s not a huge amount of room and the way that the

Arm is you need to have a certain amount of space behind the uh the the stand itself for it to actually fit um right okay so I don’t need that I’ll leave the pole here Um so that’s part of the oh yeah okay so are none of these in the fish bundle really I find that hard to Believe oh well I can always revisit and uh and buy more I guess do not accidentally give let’s quickly talk to you I was about to say I’m so going to accidentally give him something aren’t I and he’s going to be really upset cuz is a [ย __ย ] but hi

Sebastian I do Sebastian is is one of my my favorite characters um just cuz he’s the little like basement dwelling kind of guys and I just love him I just think he’s great he’s he’s miserable but I love him um I think I think I never really had like um cuz I

Know that a lot of people have very specific characters that they adore in this game I’ve never had one that I’m kind of like yeah they’re my like they’re the only oh God I can’t see [ย __ย ] like they’re the only person that I would ever marry in this game or

Anything like that um I do love the characters in here but like I said I just I’m just sort of like yeah let’s let’s let’s choose this person this time around uh right let’s just sell all of you I need that money give me that money

Um and then let’s put these in here right one second my nose is just running like crazy today bear with me I honestly think it’s just when I stream because I swear I don’t like today my nose has been generally okay it’s not been too bad as soon as I start

Streaming it’s just sort of like let’s make it so you have to keep wiping your nose and rust rustling tissue into the microphone um right okay so I think that that these I’ll only get out if I need to I might do some more fishing tomorrow just because it’s like a rainy

Day um because fishing in the rain is quite good CU you can get like different fish when it rains versus when it’s sunny see look at that money look at that money and I don’t have to worry about watering my crops today either because of the fact that it

Rained awesome let’s have a look I feel like I just spent 5 minutes looking for a porw stamp I need to realize it was in my pencil case all the along what is a porw stamp that’s my question what is a porw stamp is it just

A stamp of a porw or like is it some kind of technical sewing thing that I should know about uh right so um I’m guessing it’s not going to rain tomorrow beautiful sunny day and fortune teller there’s no point listening to the fortune teller cuz I know up here

Feeling a little lucky today oh that’s better than nothing uh right okay so we can put that back um we’ll take the ho with us we’ll put the Scythe away actually no we’ll take the Scythe with us just in case cuz I’ve got the thing I need to stop worrying about

Um the uh brain function please um my inventory space because I’ve got a chest over there there we go got my words out eventually eventually got there right yeah I think we’re going to do another day of fishing which I know is riveting content and very very exciting for everyone who is watching

It’s like a hole punch but P oh that’s quite cool I quite like that I was actually doing research the other day into um fondant stamps um I say research I watched a video it they looked cool so I I watched the whole video um cuz yeah fondant stamps are

Quite interesting like in the in how they work to um or how you use them to get like different colors and stuff when you’re uh making like um worded things for cakes um so uh yeah I don’t know where I was going with that but just you mentioned

Stamps and my brain went to that I use it to trace porw patterns onto hands oh interesting fish fish fish fish oh God I need I need some raining something that’s going on in my head so I don’t know if anyone’s ever watched Red Dwarf um it’s kind of like an old

BBC um series which is was fantastic it there’s occasionally a bit of it um they release like new series every now and again but not like regularly or anything and when I was just saying fish fish fish uh one of the characters in Red Dwarf is um a humanoid cat

Um and he there’s one episode where he like orders fish from a machine and he just keeps going I’m going to eat you little fishy I’m going to eat a little fishy cuz I like little fish and liter that’s just all my brain was singing to itself as I started fishing just

Now so I need I need to resist doing that too frequently during stream oh God Red Wolf is one of those Series where it’s just like you you watch it back and it’s just of like the humor in it is still just fantastic but I feel like explaining it

To people who haven’t watched it it’s just like they just look at you like okay cool I’m going I’m going to back away slowly now and just uh leave you to it oh God I do I need to rewatch Red Dwarf at some point I’m trying to think

I think it was like I think it came out in I want to say it was in the ’90s was when they did like the first seasons of it um and it’s basically um a uh like they’re on a spaceship but uh I’m trying to think of like the best

Way of describing it they’re on a spaceship that basically everyone on the ship died apart from uh like a couple of people um one of which was a cat that over the generations got mutated into being humanoid um and um it just follows them doing like trying to get back to

Earth even though they’re like 10 million years into deep space and it’s just such a good comedy like the the humor in it is just is brilliant right come on come on fantastic right okay I’m going to pause one second because I need to have

A drink and my throat is is being an ass as usual also I always used to check myself out in Windows in college so my biot teacher called me the cat from W dwarf that’s amazing the cat is literally like just the most self-absorbed character um always looking at himself in the mirror

Um generally sort of is very much out for number one but God he’s just so funny um the guy who plays him is called Danny John jwes um and he’s he’s from what I’ve seen his his lovely he used to also be a presenter on a like kids

Program the life of me I can’t remember what the kids program was called but it was basically like a um uh they would like read kids stories and stuff and it was just it was fantastic it was so weird seeing him outside of being cat um in in Red Dwarf and also um

Craig Char Craig Charles um who is uh he play he’s uh or he was I don’t know if he still is because it’s been a long time since I watched it but um he was um he’s he was in Coronation Street but he played the

Lead character in um in or one of the lead characters in Red Dwarf as well um and he’s he’s from Liverpool and I always liked his Liverpool accent I can’t do accents I’m I’m telling you that now um but yeah I I love Craig Charles he fantastic as well um and

Uh girl who wasn’t in Cy well no but I mean like he was like a pretty like he had a longstanding role after he had been in redw so it wasn’t like um so it wasn’t like he was he he didn’t starting Cory he went to Cory after he had done

Red Dwarf um it’s kind of like how most British actors at some point started in HBY casualty or the bill so um but yeah no he he he did Coronation Street after um Red Dwarf something’s wrong with you if you like Scout I just love the accent um and I

Think that my my grandma I think used to live up in Liverpool um but yeah I love um uh I I just love the accent I love the Liverpool accent I love the Manan accent as well uh so yeah um I’m going to be honest I have no

Idea what that last message says uh unfortunately I only speak English I wish I could speak other languages so I do apologize um but uh yeah I I’m I only know English so I don’t know what that was said um right okay so it’s 130 130 we’re still a fishing it’s

Latin that that’s still that still doesn’t help me know what it says other than it being Latin that’s just even more confir confirmation that I have no idea what it says you can speak you can speak Latin it says there is a bird of the River Nile which cleans itself by

Pouring water into its anus with its beak the bird feeds on the eggs of snakes bringing the most desirable food to its nest that is an interesting Bird that’s very interesting bird that is the sort of information that my son would probably really appreciate cuz he’s really really into

Bir I think one of my favorite Birds is probably the um lamagia uh which is a um I think that’s the I think that’s the German name for it lamagia um but basically it’s um it’s so it’s a type of vulture but it eats like bones like properly eats bones

Like that is the one of the biggest parts of its diet um but yeah like birds are cool birds are fascinating we’ve actually got a um a a big bird farm well not a farm but it’s it’s on a farm where they have like

Um uh like the um oh God what’s it like balcon earing that’s the word I was after um and they have like Harris Hawks they have a few bald eagles they’ve got some snowy owls they’ve got a beautiful um uh Siberian eagle owl there which just looks so beautiful eagle owls are

Like beautiful on their own um um but uh yeah the the Siberian one particularly just looked fantastic um what else did they have they had peragine Falcons and all this we went there for my uh my eldest son’s birthday last year and he keeps asking like when are we going to

The Big Bird Farm cuz he just loved seeing them and um they did like a thing where they kind of like especially with the paragan Falcons how agile they are when they move and how precise cuz I actually had like paragan Falcon just like fly between like our heads it was just it

Was fantastic um and Noel it should not be called that I don’t even know if I can call what ML and Fe doing flirty anymore it’s straight up just obscenities in chat Jess is desensitized I think I’ve got to a point where I’m just sort of like okay these two are

Talking to each other I need to make sure I read what the message is before I say it cuz normally what I will do is I will start saying the the chat message and then I’ll realize halfway through I’ve now kind okay Finn said something read part of what Finn said ml said

Something read part of what ml has said and make sure that I’m not going to have to finish halfway through um I held an owl and an eagle on I would love to do that when link is a little bit older cuz he’s still um a bit too young and a lot

Of the birds are a bit too heavy for him the place that we went to they actually do um have it so you can hold some of the the animals and you can like actually like have some of them flying as well uh so we’re going to do that when Link’s a

Bit older um because I he would oh my God he would just lose his [ย __ย ] he loves birds so much um like we spent months because he really really wanted a bold Eagle toy and I just couldn’t find like a decent one anywhere um like the ones on Amazon just looked

Really like cheap and shitty at the time um and I just couldn’t find like I would Google it and I just couldn’t really find anything and we ended up going to the zoo finally I managed I managed to find one um and then he decided that he wanted other one

So harpy eagle oh if any of you like cool looking birds look up a harpy eagle they look [ย __ย ] cool um they are like amazing he he was really into Eagles so I know more about eagles than anything else um finish halfway through you oh God my favorite bird is the shoe

Bill stalk I think I know I think I might remember what that looks like I can’t it’s I can’t I recognize the name but I can’t imagine it in my head there’s the um I know the what is it the marabous stalk they’re [ย __ย ] cuz I watched a documentary with link about

Flamingos and um the marabelle stalks just like linger around the like birthing areas for the um uh the flamingos and just like pick off the little baby flamingos and it was really sad so yeah maraba stalks are now officially [ย __ย ] in my mind um as are oh God what are they called skewers

There’s a type of bird called a skewer and they uh hang around like penguins uh like baby penguin colonies and try and and eat those and I’m just like no leave them alone they’re too fluffy and cute don’t eat the baby penguins please let’s get this chest but um oh

Actually know the shoe Bill St isn’t that the one that basically looks like a dinosaur like isn’t it like it’s got a really really big beat am I am I remembering that right it’s got like a really really big beak and it kind of like all most of the

Pictures of it have it like down like here and it looks angry they always look angry I think that might be I think that’s the one if you bow to the shoe B St then it will bow back at you and take you to their nest they also make gunshot

Noises and look terrifying that yeah that sounds like what I have in my head we’ve actually got um uh yeah that’s the one yeah so we’ve got um not too far from um where I live we’ve got a a Natural History Museum and the one of

The floors has um uh just basically just Birds uh and we always go through there and they’ve got a um a SHO stalk that you can see and they’re really they’re quite tall as well like they’re not obviously like you know my height or anything um but they are they they’re

Quite like if you met one out in the wild it would be scary it would be really scary either looks like a scary dinosaur or a Muppet basically oh God Birds born and raised depends on the shot really want to meet one at some point hoping to run

Into one when an or something I would not want to meet one like at least like I If there was there were a safe distance away then maybe but I would not want to like meet one out in the wild or anything they really are kind of

Scary um right okay so let’s have a look so none of these oh I just heard my Discord go off is someone shared something somewhere oh my God Tom for those of you who aren’t in the discord Tom just shared a photo of a Sho Bill stalk holding a

Gun that’s not what you want to see in a dark alley um well like out shopping at Aldi you never know they might be out of crisps you know they might you never know uh right okay so this is a load of rubbish so I don’t really need any of this I’m

Going to take these with me um I think I’m going to just kind of like go and sell these and then maybe try and do some like wood chopping potentially just at the farm just to kind of clear up some stuff but yeah we didn’t really get anything like particularly different

In the rain I was expecting to get some different types of fish but nothing else really kind of popped up uh just bow and he’ll be chill are you sure you’re not thinking of like a hippogriff I’m going to make that my new Discord icon yeah cuz cuz I are you sure

Cuz I I’ve not heard this bowing thing I think I feel like you’re thinking about a hypog um a [ย __ย ] I didn’t leave my my my fishing rod I should have left my fishing rod in the chest oh will okay so let’s bung these in here for now let’s quickly go and sell

These n in the lake I think catfish in the river eel in the ocean and rangement well why did you tell me that now my entire day is gone I could have potentially gone to one of the other places it’s fine i’ like again I like I I don’t I didn’t want to

Like uh go into this and just like spend most of my time on the wiki or anything you didn’t not I thought my expert knowledge was more accurate than it apparently is but yeah I didn’t want to spend a whole load of time time on the wiki or anything um

So I’m again we’re we’re we’re doing this in a way oh God that is not optimal okay seven three okay we we won’t chance it I don’t want to risk running out of energy um could we maybe shall we have let’s have some spring onions uh yes eat the spring on

There’s probably some like really really good like shortcuts and stuff like for this with the mouse and keyboard I don’t know them I’m just I’m I’m just trying to remember what what mouse button I need to press to do different things right okay cool so we’ve got that

Uh let’s try and maybe get one more tree skill issue 100% it when is it not on this channel when is it not a skill issue when it comes to me I genuinely like like cuz I in Cole’s stream the other day um cuz obviously Cole’s doing

A lot of um uh like the old games so like a lot of older games he’s playing at the moment um and like I’ve not played a lot of them and so like I’ll mention um that I’ve not played these games and people are so surprised and I’m like genuinely it’s an explanation

As to why I have a skill issue with a lot of games because I only still in more recent years started playing games um I I played like Pokemon as a kid but I never really got into sort of much else um and even I mean Pokemon I never paid

Attention to like the the stuff um what was it the uh oh brain gone I never paid attention to like the stats I was just like oh that’s cool Pokemon I’m G get that um so so yeah I I still struggle immensely with playing games um and trying to remember mechanics and stuff

Um oh and I just saw that I saw that Tom also said that he’s watching a video of it of the Bowing thing that’s really fascinating if that is actually the case like if that’s actually a thing uh right let’s go I think we should go to bed let’s go to sleep

Um it’s easier to fish with tapping a key than clicking really what key can you press okay next question the thing is who asked who wait was that in response to one of my questions or a different question uh or Auto moderation oh michl swearing ml swearing in the

Discord and then posting a screenshot of what he got Auto moderated out for um I’ve not played those OG Classics in Earth like me has never touched Doom I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of TR they’re such distinguished gentlemen maybe I was wrong about the NES thing but they always bow that’s

Interesting but yeah no um the yeah the the old stuff I’ve just I’ve just never played um and to be honest at this point I also don’t really have any interest in playing them like I’ve looked at like the OG Resident Evil games where it’s is it like tank

Controls and the weird camera stuff and I’m like yeah no I’m not about that life not not about that life uh hi there good morning I noticed that you’ve been breaking some rocks open and finding or that’s good I don’t think I did but okay

Go on if you want to get the most out of your the awards you find find you’ll need a furnace just so happens I have an extra set of blueprints lying around here I want you to have them thank you always got to stay distinguished I think the bird might be British learned

How to craft a furnace I mean I don’t know i’ I know a lot of British people and not very many distinguished people the furnace allows you to smell metal bars the bars can be used for crafting construction and Tool upgrades de When you’ve smelted a few copper bars consider having me upgrade one of your tools it can make your work a lot easier well okay I’m heading home take it easy bye Clint you little creeper um right okay so let’s get some water I think what I want to do is maybe

Try and cuz we’ve got like two grand now so I think it’ be good to maybe try and go and get some more crop so um let’s do some watering one two three the re remakes are so good actually 10 out of 10 I might consider the remakes but it’s when people are

Like oh you need to like like like bless him Cole is like you need to play The Originals you need to play The Originals first no no like can you imagine like I struggle with controls on G like modern games let alone games from the ’90s I am not going

To sit and try playing a a a really old game that I would not know how to control um right okay so let’s get that uh sorry one Second uh I feel like this um Squad plat is never going to finish I wanted a video out every Friday but I already missed one and now I don’t know if I can get it out for this Friday I like to be honest with you like I I think

That it’s one of those things where you obviously I think you need to take into account the length of the game as well I think that’s like a big thing um but at the same time I do understand having a date in mind because I think I mean Tom I think

You’re a little bit like me this God Lo okay [ย __ย ] um in the sense of if you don’t have a deadline to work towards then it’s one of those things where it might never get done um and I’m just saying for for both of us from past

Experience kind of thing um so uh so yeah I can understand why you wanted to try and do it for for that Friday um creep at our M so we uh back in the mine got our pickax swinging from what an earth is that Ben what an earth what is

That what have I just read you just mad that my loser Charmed me okay no I’m not I’m not finishing that one that was one that was directed at mckel that uh passed through my my radar I had the Dark Souls uh pla finished last Sunday and I finished half

The script but I decided to push it back to focus on the Squad game I mean I guess it makes sense because obviously the Squad game is more new so I can understand that um but I guess yeah I guess it’s sort of like up

To you in terms of um what the priority would be would it be the priority getting a new video out or is the priority going for something that’s newer and possibly shinier for people uh is a Minecraft song parody from like 2012 okay oh [ย __ย ] I why did I oh I forgot I

Was going to the shop I forgot this see this is where I could never min max this game cuz I just I forget I don’t know what I’m doing uh to be fair no one’s posted a video on it yet so I’m not too to far

Behind oh that’s fair enough then um it starts off with the word Creeper me and Tom against the world oh dear right um okay so it’s me Lewis’s thing wait what’s uhhuh huh huh ah uh does anyone have any extra seaweed probably not I could probably get some I don’t want to get some but I could I could maybe do that it’s pharmac

Cleo that it is that it is right okay so we’ve got a couple of cauliflower seeds going we’ve not got any beans so we want some beans um H so I think I’m going to get so I’m going to get eight of these I’m going to get another six seven seven of

These uh I won’t get one of these I’ll leave that for now uh we’ll get nine of these nine of these nine of these ah [ย __ย ] five of these we’ll get five of those I guess um okay we don’t have enough for any trees or anything fancy all right back to grinding the

Plat I shall be lurking thank you Tom I really appreciate you lurking and good luck you can do it I believe um I was going to Gaslight you and say Pi is closed on Thursdays it’s Wednesdays it’s Wednesdays that he’s closed I remember that much just about I

Remember that um right okay so let’s get let’s get some ho in then you know what funny enough when I first um started streaming and I was thinking about like doing videos and stuff I was actually going to try and do some streams where um like I did Star

Valley but I didn’t have I didn’t use the hoe at all um for reference for anyone who doesn’t know ho is at all h o e just just in case um so yeah I was like in two minds about like doing like a challenge run but then like when I was

Thinking about the other day I was like you know what I just I’m not very good at this game okay just I just kind of want to have maybe something that I can kind of chill and play uh right I need to get thing I need

To get a thing that and I need to get that I’ll get that as well uh and that okay all right let’s quickly was these whilst I remember and have time uh just on man shaking my head you’re married he does he doesn’t mind yeah you

Know he doesn’t mind it’s all good it’s all good as long as I’m BR bringing in those uh occasional tip sh he he doesn’t mind um like look you guys you guys need to stop saying like these in jokes to each other cuz I can’t read them out on

Stream like I was I started reading I saw something about Pokรฉmon and I was like oh this will be something cool I can I can say and and then NOP that ain’t something I can say right okay so let’s get um let’s get some beans going let’s not trap ourselves in the

Beans cuz I would probably do that let’s be honest oh my God I’m trapped not in the beans thankfully there we go uh right where let’s clear this area I think where’s Miss there’s Miss um I feel like I really need to like organize my thing more but hey

He um right and let’s get this tree well you could I mean I could read stuff out but then it would just become the the mckel and Finn show you know we need to um it it needs to all be about me and what I’m saying and me being funny I’m

I’m the Entertainer here I’m not particularly entertaining but you know um right let’s that uh [ย __ย ] where’s my pickaxe let’s do that um this tree is going to annoy the [ย __ย ] out of me because I can’t [ย __ย ] see it um I do wonder how much you guys can

Hear my keyboard in the background because of how quiet the music in the game is at the moment my I feel like me just sort of like dramatically tapping my flipping keys to try and move to certain places is probably quite loud right okay so one two a [ย __ย ] three oh no

No I thought it would be easier not to accidentally till areas but damn it oh God I’m out of energy oh no what have I done I didn’t mean to do that [ย __ย ] all right one second my nose is rebelling again that’s an interesting bit of spelling you got going on there with

That one thing I know that’s just you just sort of like I don’t I don’t actually you are you on mobile or do you go on laptop but just that one just is fantastic um right okay uh let’s do this um let’s put some chips down okay perfect um and let’s open this

I think we need to eat more stuff um I don’t really have much more stuff that I can eat um we going to have a leak Maybe let’s put that away yeah a [ย __ย ] no eat it there we go one eat please thank you okay um right one two three right now

My we want yeah oh yeah I know exactly what he said but it’s just was just such a beautiful spell oh Why no why I pressed buttons too quickly why wasting my precious energy um where’s my Cy there it is okay uh and then we can put our Jazz seeds down okay so I think that’s everything let’s put might as well grow it whilst we’re here of course it’s a cauliflower so going to

Take 12 days uh right okay so we just need to do some watering now so hopefully I’ve got enough energy for it uh so what kind of stuff do you want to draw eventually I focus on drawing characters but I know others like drawing environments to be honest with

You that’s kind of like one of the biggest problems that I have I have no idea what I want to draw um and that’s like cuz everyone always says like like especially like cuz when I was doing the drawer box thing it was like spend 50% of your your time

Drawing the the drawbook stuff and then spend the rest of the time drawing stuff that you want to draw I was like but what if I don’t know what I want to draw I just want I just know that I want to try and learn to

Draw I don’t know what I want to learn to draw I just want to get better at doing something and maybe finding something that I enjoy drawing in the in the meantime sort of thing um so yeah it’s kind of a it’s kind of a weird one

For me I guess um because i’ like I would love to be able to draw like people maybe but I also like the idea of doing um environments and stuff as well so I don’t know um I mean the the drawer box stuff is kind of like um construction drawing so it’s

Basically um drawing ing things from like uh like the very basic uh shapes um and like so doing like insects and flowers and things like that like that’s the starting stuff that you do and then I’m trying to remember what it goes into after that and then I think it goes into

Animals um so I don’t know I mean like I might enjoy ending up doing that so yeah it’s it’s just it’s one of those Oham it pressing the wrong buttons use a prompt generator I have tried doing that and I think the the problem that I run into is that

Um I think I think it’s the same with every beginner with anything is that I use a prompt and I’m like God I wouldn’t be able to draw that kind of thing because they have they have a prompt generator withd drawer box and yeah the amount of times I’ve looked at I’m like

I could not do that like there is no way I would be able to draw something like that so um so I do struggle a little bit getting past that which is why which is I think is another reason why I potentially stopped the last time um

That I was trying to learn to draw because I just felt I felt almost like there was so much pressure on the draw for fun side of things because I just didn’t know what I would enjoy drawing for fun it was just really like kind of

It really threw me um I guess it’s a bit like the that that thing that they say about like having a blank canvas where you just have to kind of make a mark and just go from there um I still struggled with it and struggled with ideas for it

As well um try different stuff organic shapes like animals and plants still alive large environment SC yeah I think that’s what I’m going to probably try and do and I think that um I’m going to probably find like other artists drawings or like pictures and probably try and like emulate some of

Those as well so not like tracing or anything like that but I mean like just trying to draw it so that I can like learn from their proportions and stuff as well um and learn from different art Styles um because I think that that is something that quite a few people kind

Of suggest to do um obviously not again it’s one of those things where it’s like obviously not passing off as your own work but just kind of like you know just um using it almost like a reference but obviously not uh a real life reference

If that makes any sense um so yeah so I might do something like that um I haven’t quite decided yet the other thing that I’ve got to decide as well is that with drawer box um for those of you who aren’t aware drawer box is like a

Drawing um like uh horse I guess you don’t have to pay for it it can you can get it where it’s like peer marked um but it’s like a proper course that you can do um and you can pay for it and I actually did pay for it when I was

Doing it before um where they like review your work and say what you can improve on and things like that and so when I first did it um obviously I got to something called The 100 Box challenge so I’m into Minds about because they say that like if you go

Back to it you don’t have to start from the very beginning but I am very much one of those people where I I generally if I back to something after a very long time I feel compelled to start from the beginning so I don’t know I need to

Figure that one out if I’m going to start completely out from scratch or if I’m going to try and just carry on from where I was I I don’t know I genuinely have no idea um yeah I have loads of beginner drawings that uh were uh where

I absolutely did not execute the idea I had in my head but it’s just for fun um but it’s just for fun so like you can throw it away after um it’s easier for me because I don’t usually start with I want to draw I started with I have an

Idea for a daredevil costume I wanted to see it brought to life in some way the way people make their art styles is always taking inspiration from everything you see so my art style is a weird smash of hundreds of other artists and real life stuff that I like um and

You should never Trace other artists but that doesn’t mean um tracing doesn’t have its uses take photos of stuff and Trace the shapes uh it gives you a muscle memory for the forms hello H are hi abstra welcome to the stream I hope you having a good day um yeah I mean

Like I I yeah tracing I know is obviously like a big FR upon thing especially obviously if you’re tracing other people’s drawings um I think tracing in like like pictures or um what is it postures is it postures is that what it’s called um no gestures gestures um

So like I think tracing those sort of things to help you like you said like get portions and stuff is is definitely um a good way of learning um but I think the the other thing like I don’t know that I want to do tracing as well cuz I worry that I would

End up like relying on it quite heavily um there’s the Tracer shrimp exercise where you can trace a couple of photos of something you want to draw try to draw a couple freehand using a reference and then go from your mind oh okay I usually Trace to get a better feel for

The layout of a face learning the ropes and stuff tracing uh for personal favor and fame and acting as if you did something original as oh 100% yeah like anyone who who does that sort of thing is yeah that’s just so wrong um but yeah like like you said like well like both

Of you said like yeah tracing to kind of get that initial shape correct I think is definitely um something that I’d be willing to do but that would mean getting tracing paper so I don’t I’m trying to keep this because um I’m trying to uh limit spending any money if I if

I’m going to go back to trying to learn to draw and stuff um CU I spent a lot of money the last time I tried L A draw because I was like I need to have the tablet I need to have this I need to have this um so this time around I’m

Like you know what I’m just going to use what I’ve already got um and hope which is why if I don’t if my stand doesn’t work for me potentially doing learning to draw streams if that doesn’t fit then I just won’t do it I will I will do the

Try and do the drawing but I just won’t stream it because I don’t want to spend any extra money doing stuff um girl I have a beat up pencil from three years ago a fine liner I took from school in a dream yeah it’s like my stuff um sorry

My throat is going again one second I’ve done a lot more talking today than I normally would because I was at a friend’s house which um I’m normally a Hermit I very rarely talk a huge amount so whenever I go to over to a friends and end up tatting all day my throat

Just gets absolutely buggered but um uh you start picking up stuff without even realizing like feeling that the distance between the eyes is usually one eye wide or the corners of the mouth tend to line up in the middle of the eyes I have my 10-year-old batter tablet my best friend

She’s never let me down um but yeah like I mean look this is let me actually do I have I’m trust let me see sorry you’re going to hear clattering in the background I want to see if I’ve got any like example actual drawings that I did that weren’t like just drawer box

Related um yeah because like I said because when I yeah when I got the um the when I started doing this like I got I mean fin nose fin nose like it’s very messy and it’s got like sticky stuff on it so I should probably clean it but this is the

Tablet that I got so it’s like a proper screened tablet um and oh and I got a this I I Adore this is my little skeleton cuz I think I bought it around Halloween and they had like a skeleton hand thing um but like I bought

Like fine line ERS and all this other stuff that I thought I could actually oh God my f case here as well so I got what ones did I get sorry this has gone from being a starg Valley Stream to chatting about me potentially doing a drawing stream um but I got

Um um I got one of these I don’t know what it is penel so it’s like one of these don’t know if you guys can see it never used it because I have no idea how to use it but I bought it because I someone told me to um

Oh yeah these are the fine liners that I got you kind of see that so I got a whole box of these downstairs they’re 0.5 fine liners because with drawer box they tell you to not use pencil you have to use um fine liners because it’s to teach you

To not TR rely on an eraser so which is why I’ve got a whole load of like drawing exercises in here which are all ah no there which are all done in fine liner rather than pencil but me being me despite the fact that I was told

Repeatedly uh make sure to draw uh for fun not just the exercises so obviously in my uh in my book I have zero for fun drawing and it’s all just lines and squares and stuff like that um uh right one second let me just go

Back sorry um I’ve got chat up on this window but it’s quite small so I’m going to have to look at my laptop so I can actually see um what I’ve missed um uh uh mine’s screwed at the moment too spent one morning singing um I can dig out my early K-pop

Fan art attempts from 2017 they’re hilariously bad it always makes my friends who are starting out feel better um I have a par partial vocal chord paralysis so I relate can’t talk for too long and get out of breath when I talk a lot at once oh wow is that like

Something that is just sort of gradually kind of happened or is it just um something you kind of were born with it like is it painful having paral because I you hear paralysis and you don’t really think of it being painful if that makes sense but I always wonder about things like that

Um uh it gets tiring but I’ve had it my whole life oh okay there we go could have just read a little bit further and I would have had my answer um those look so good though thank you it’s a 0.2 the rest of mine are super cute pens from

Kenji but they’re .5 yeah the one the one the the Stadler thing that I’ve got is a um is a 0.5 I think uh it’s not painful at all it just impacts my voice tone it’s quite raspy and a bit Airy almost oh like is there a particular reason for

It or is it just like sorry this my curiosity is Peaks I’m interested to know so don’t if it’s too personal don’t feel like you need to but like is it just something just developmentally that kind of happened or did something cause it when you because obviously you

Mentioned that you had it all your life um I’m just curious what kind of thing would cause that but yeah I’m trying to um I don’t think I’ve got I’ve got my ruler yeah I had another another Sketchbook which had um more stuff but the thing I’m probably most proud of

From my drawer box stuff is um this that’s probably the oh oh can’t see is this so this is basically one so one of the exercises that they get you to do is drawing so all of those are like boxes but drawn in different forms of

Space and stuff um and I felt like I got it fairly close to the um the thing the like what’s the word like the diagram I guess that they made but the very the very last thing I did as part of drawer box was this I got

I got to number 67 so they they have like a challenge which is the 100 Box challenge I got to box 67 so this is my very last page that I did of boxes and again it’s drawing them in 3D space there go so yeah that was my I was

So close to being able to do the uh the oh what’s it called the um textures so you can do this the like uh they do these specific exercises and I was so excited to start doing the textures and I just got to a point where

I was like I just don’t have time I don’t have time to do this every day unfortunately um so yeah I definitely but I think I think I want to get back to it potentially Jess went interrogator mode um it’s not painful at all it just

Impacts my oh yeah no I read that bit already um made Stacks to say 20g you are loaded um I like sharing it well not many people ask it reminds me of one of those kids toys that expands into a huge geometric sphere in class yeah actually that’s a good

Point Viewpoint difference is very hard for me that look very thank you yeah it was it was one of those things where um it like I think the thing with drawer box like when I first started looking at it like it looks like oh [ย __ย ] this is going

To be quite boring to do um and I mean yeah especially when you do the 100 boxes cuz God that takes so long to do the perspective and stuff um but I can understand why especially because the way that they do drawing is based around construction and just like literally

Making the shapes first and then try to make them work in 3D space before doing anything else um and uh and yeah it was uh so yeah when you start out it’s quite boring and like I said I was so close to getting to the textures which I kind of like the

The more interesting like you feel like you’re actually drawing drawing um and then yeah I just ran just felt like I was not spending the right amount of time sort of thing so but that’s where I’m kind of like do I start from the beginning or do I try and Carry On from

My 67th uh box and go from there I honestly don’t know um I found it sitting outside the entrance to your farm I think astray poor thing i’ ate one of my potatoes bastard um hey it seems like this place hm um oh it seems to like this place H uh you

Don’t think the farm could use a good dog yes I will have the dog right people I need now names in chat I’m going to have a drink of water and I need some names please uh 67th just pick it back up I feel

Hubby is is that a name or is that just you calling it a hubby um but yeah I just I I I do part of me as like yeah just like pick it up from from where I was um yeah I don’t know I’m not

Sure ml if we named it after you we’d have to try and do ml the lady literally name it me name the dog cat K Peter Barker oh my god of course Tom of all the of all the names that Tom would come out

With I kind of love it but I just don’t know if there’d be enough room hang on a second let me just see Pizza Barker it fits can we agree on pizza Barker I like I all of your names Tony bark I’m leaning more towards Peter

Barker I’m going to be honest but um yeah can we can we agree on Peter Barker the other names were fantastic I love the idea of calling a dog cat but Peter Barker come on I think I I’m I’m sede yeah ton8 great dog name I miss the sty Valley vibes yeah

Yeah I mean like I’ve not played Star Valley like in a fair while um but the the thing is I found that I got myself into kind of a little bit of a rup with it where I would like start a new game and I just wouldn’t get very far in it

Before I got bored so I was like when we mentioned I mentioned it the other day in stream when we were playing a game called cozy cozy Grove and I was like you know what maybe I’ll pick up a starg Valley Stream um because it might

Actually force me to carry on going with it um if there are any turtles in this game you need to name it dog there aren’t any Turtles unfortunately at least not ones you can adopt I don’t think well Peter bar You’ be a good Pooch now okay look at him he’s so

Cute yes some bastard crows got my got my potatoes look look bastards right okay oo farming experience pick up the pnps I leveled up at far farming I am amazing there we go uh right I’ve got some new items in stock a deluxe fishing rod and some bait

That you can attach to it you can use bait to make fish bite faster hope to see you soon oh um to our valued Jo Jamar customers chewy our team members have removed the landslide caused by our drilling operation near the mountain lake I’d like to remind you that our drilling

Operation is entirely legal uh pursuant to in its L 61091 JoJo Amendment um responsible stewardship of the local environment is our top priority we apologize for any inconvenience this accident may have caused as always we value your continued support and patronage Morris joa customer service uh customer satisfaction representative by the way I

Just want to remind everyone that Ben did a playthrough where he signed up to a joa membership he got the achievement for doing the Joo membership thing and I think everyone should just be absolutely disgusted with Finn boo him for the achievement stop slandering me oh dear my long time agenda is slowly

Condition and peer pressure Jess into playing my games what other ones you got Finn what other ones you got um but yeah no I to be fair I do I I yeah I I’ve I’ve always loved playing Star G but like I said I

Think I just got into a bit of a rup with it because I and I think it’s one of those things where like when because you watch people do like these I played starg Valley for 100 days or um or you know whatever and and like I think one

Of those one of the issues that I had was that I just saw these people being so efficient with their game and I was just just s like I I don’t I can’t play like that like I’m not I ain’t efficient um and like just doing so well and like you

Know having a million by the end of spring and it’s like how how do you do it and I think that I kind of got to a point where I was almost pressuring myself a little bit too much with it as well um but that was another reason why

I thought you know what I’m going to stream this because then that way I can like um like I can’t sit on the wiki for ages trying to you know oh [ย __ย ] trying to figure out uh what the optimal way of doing things I can’t follow A Min or

Attempt to follow A Min maxing guide or anything like that so at least this way I can just be like you know what it is a skill issue I am a bit [ย __ย ] at the game but you all have to come along with me and deal with it um you

Have such a nice reading voice thank you that’s really nice of you um I’ll let you get uh I’ll get you to Ay and the outer while mate I’ve not even played ory in the blind Forest yet why are you making me skip a game Lego Pirates the

Caribbean stream when you know what I played Lego Pirates the Caribbean many many moons ago um uh why is it not telling me that this is uh it’s not telling me that it’s part of a bundle cuz parsnips are part of a bundle or am I imagining things am I going

Crazy um I think I think I’m pretty I don’t think the mod is working 100% maybe um but yeah I did play uh Lego Pirates of the Caribbean many many moons ago never completed it never finished it because that is uh on brand for me um but uh

Yeah Oh I thought it was I thought it was the name of the second game when you said outter Wilds I genuinely thought it was the name of the second gu cuz I can’t remember what the second is it the is it the oh no is it

The yeah I can’t remember what the name of the second one is is it the there’s the blind Forest isn’t it and something else I don’t know I don’t remember um wo of the Wisps that’s the one that’s the one um I agree with Jess here I watch a

Lot of challenge runs and exhausts those streamers too yeah it’s like yeah like I said I’m I’m just not good uh o o o what radish i i i because I’ve got like an element of perfectionism I always struggle to get past that with certain games um and I

Feel like I should like I feel like when I go into a game I’m kind of like I should be the best at this game and whatever ever and I I never manag to I never manage it so um remember fellas if you don’t hype them min max cozy casual games you’re

Doing it wrong um I yeah I but I do remember the name El wild actually I I can’t remember what it’s about but I do remember it um thanks for the good time I subscribed hope to catch you later I wish you have a wonderful day thank you

Bast I really appreciate it and I hope to see you guys see you again soon that was really lovely for you to pop in thank you um in case nobody has said it I think they’re talking about just in case no one’s already said it you um I was just pairing down into

This old mha it’s been abandoned for decades and also I did see you mention Finn that you’re getting back at me for um uh the graveyard keeper I do have gra graveyard keeper on my list of possible YouTube games well that is a long game I’m not

Sure and still there’s probably a good or down there a dark place underst Disturbed for so long I’m afraid or isn’t the only thing you’ll find out of wild is best entirely unspoiled so I wouldn’t recommend looking into it but it has a couple of really spooky bits I thought you might

Like ooh in terms of like um I guess genre what would it be like just so I have like a vague idea of what I would be looking at here take this you might need it like I don’t know why whenever I saw the cover art for it I

Always got like um by watch vibes from it but I don’t know cuz again I’ve not seen anything of Al of Wilds apart from like maybe the artwork for it so that’s where I kind of got firewatch Vibes just purely from the artwork uh you received a rusty

Sword so name’s Maron by the way I run the adventurers Guild right outside I’ll keep an eye on uh I’ll keep my eye on you prove yourself and I might think about making you a member awesome now the only thing is is um I have oh I have

No thing Bobs what’s the thing Bobs I can’t remember energy there we go I have very little energy so there’s almost no point in me going into the mind at the moment unless I can find some stuff to reenergize myself with anything over here

No I think I want to try and do maybe a bit of foraging I could do some fishing if not so I think we we’re going to look around see if we’ve got any forage bues and then go and get the fishing rod um I don’t have any money to

Buy a new fishing rod but we can go get the bamboo one that we’ve already got um for minor intro basically you’re an alien guy making your first space exploration so you fly around looking at different planets is it kind of Um like no no man Sky Vibes or is there like story to it to I actually I saying that I think no man’s sky has a little bit of a story sort of thing that you can unlock to it I I don’t know but like does it have a

Story to it or is it kind of just you explore and chill kind of thing um we should fly where we can get more stupider Jesus Christ right okay so the we’ll go talk to the trading uh Merchant in a minute there’s a couple of missing

NPCs in space you can find in various Mysteries regarding an extinct race of aliens you and your people are trying to understand more about oh okay well I will add it to I’m not reading that one fin but I will add that to my wish list

Then um I need to actually like I will tell you guys what I’ve got on my um cuz I’ve got a few games I’ve got like lined up or that I’ve already bought bought um for stream um so I will tell you them momentarily why can’t oh there we go hey

I’m Sam good to meet you Sam’s trying to do a kick flip fair enough poor finished well done there is a rich story okay perfect perfect I because I for me like a lot of games I feel like I need to have a story for me to kind of stay

Some level of interested I do have an issue where like I can again I think that’s part of the reason why I’ve never like done like a really long run in staru um is because I need I need story to kind of keep me going a lot of the time

Um and the issue is then when I once I got the story I’m kind of by okay cool I’m done sort of thing so I either really really need to get into the gameplay of something which is not very often that that happens or I need to have a really really good

Story um I mean it’s like um it’s like Hollow night like for me that the the story really kind of like the the underlying story really kept going and and I mean the and the the artwork in that game just kept me hooked because it was just such a adorable looking

Game in some aspects maybe not adorable in deep Nest wouldn’t say that it’s almost done one trophy left well done Tom you’re so close I could never Platinum a again like I yeah know again it’s one of those things where it’s just I do not have the

Patience for that kind of thing I just wouldn’t be able to do it hello can I buy things from you please you have things oh a skull poster I don’t have enough money for that or anything really I’m just broke I’m a poor broke farmer oh God my scroll wheel

Decided to carry on going uh I can’t wait for silk song to not have a story sh it’s part of Team Cherry’s Vision I think you would really enjoy it I’ve never played it myself but I keep watching different people do their first playthrough of it the twisty tury

Mystery is so fun especially watching people figure it out o and I plan to platinum a game once a week and write a script and record it and edit it okay maybe every Friday is unrealistic yeah I mean given the fact that like I mean if

You look at what Cole’s doing with with like his series like he’s doing it once a week and he is literally just playing through the game one time so the idea of like plaing platinuming pling them um because he’s obviously doing the the streams are his

100% runs or whatever um and look I mean look at how long those are taking um yeah I probably it’s a bit uh overzealous is that the right word probably not I mean I got the Dark Souls pla in two sessions but how many times have you

Played Dark Souls before but that was my second time for yeah so that’s what I mean like you know you’ve played it before as well um get secur plat in a week trust try and get the um the hollow night plat as well see see how you get on with

That you’ll not get Dark Souls 3 plat in two sessions I never played I I’ve I think I’ve mentioned this before in a couple of streams um or might have just been in cold streams when that he’s been doing Dark Souls I’ve never played beyond the

First I want to say like hour of Dark Souls and it was basically because the Um uh oh hang on a second what was I going to do oh let’s go changing my mind hang on um right hang on a second I need to think uh let’s put one of those away just in case uh yeah okay um HK plat was free oh mckel you

You you would say that um oh I’ve played Dark Souls yeah no sorry I remember where I was now I was talking about Dark Souls um yeah so I played literally the first hour and it’s because the port apparently was really really [ย __ย ] bad and um I

Managed to beat the first boss and then within like a minute of me beating the first boss for the first time my game crashed and I lost all of my progress and I was like yeah [ย __ย ] you I’m not going near this again no no um

So yeah I’m not big on Dark Souls games uh purely from that experience um okay so let’s get nine of these um do we want to get anything else no probably not oh we could have got more Jazz let’s get a couple more Jazz files right let’s go plant

These um can you not just grind RNG loot oh God that sounds this all sounds very um uh dark ssy I know the plat is the hardest for three though mostly because of the Rings from what I’ve heard like I said I know nothing about Dark Souls no

Idea um right okay so let’s put some of these down and let’s put potatoes down put some more potatoes down cuz these are supposed to be profitable there we go and then we’ll put another couple of jazz seeds down over here and let’s get some water in

Done um I had to grind the same enemies over and over for 2 Hours I don’t understand the I don’t understand that I can’t i’ I’ve never been able to get into like the grind like thing with um like grinding for a specific piece of loot or whatever though saying that that I have playing rcap so actually I kind of get it to some degree

But I don’t know that run escape is just one grind just in general but yeah I don’t know like um yeah in like other games I don’t know I struggle with grinding like that massive Co um because I forgot to I just tell myself it’s good because it will make

The video more entertaining it’s for the content Jess the content is going to be good J it’ll be so funny and get millions of views and everyone will love it and I’ll be rich and famous I mean to be fair your first like your first like comeback video is doing pretty well you

Know I mean like my when I did my Alan Wake video that got what was it I think that’s even now that’s only like 200 views or whatever so like you know it’s doing pretty solid like you know um so yeah don’t don’t um don’t be down on

What you’ve achieved already at all cuz you’ve done like that on itself is fantastic um I mean the I mean the fact that like if you look at yourself um like I don’t know three or four months ago like I mean like like genuinely cuz I remember our conversations whenever I

Would message you and just be like Tom Tom look at this thumbnail for me Tom please and you’d say like oh you know you’re working on a video and you’re like working on the scripts and you’re working on the editing and all this stuff and the number of times that like

You then said that you kind of got to a point where you gave up because you weren’t happy with what you’d done so you’ve taken such a big step already in just posting that first video and then for it to have you know the number of

Views that it has as well um you know like yeah don’t don’t be down on yourself yes okay it may not be rich and famous content but you have done really well so yeah just remember that my first video is doing very well for a first

Video on such a niche game and Dark Soul Plan I’m sorry my voice is going again one second it’s all right my my voice is just trying to kill me um but yeah um Dark Souls Platinum videos tend to do quite well yeah i’ I’ve never watched those

Sort of videos um like Platinum ones generally apart from maybe like the hollow night ones so um yeah this has been therapy in words of affirmations with Jess I think that like it’s one of those things where I really really really struggle with um being um

Like uh like I like I said earlier like I am very much a um a perfectionist um and I very very easily get discouraged from doing things um you know I mean that’s part of the reason why I’ve only got one L wake video and then because of that I then

Didn’t want to do that kind of content anymore so and then a knock on from that was I was like okay I want to try and do this but then I kind of talked myself out of doing it sort of thing and I think that that’s

Kind of made me better at realizing when people kind of need that kind of like look mate you’re doing well kind of thing because I see that in myself um so so yeah so that’s why I feel I felt the need to point it out so but also like I

Like I was saying before about like the every every week every Friday thing like God don’t get boxed down by the every Friday thing or the weekly thing because you you’re going to run it like I think because I think even Cole was having

What was it um there’s one is it a metal gear game that’s like 90 hours to complete or something and like how the [ย __ย ] is he going to do that in a week because he has to actually play the game um so you know like there you’re going to run into

Games that you just it’s physically impossible to do the platinum in a week um so don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself if it’s unnecessary um right so 640 what can I do I do some some I don’t know I always run out of energy and I

Don’t know what I want to do do I do fishing I should probably do fishing thinking about it I should probably do fishing and try and get um some Moola cuz I’m out of Moola I have no money mother chest back with the prise but yeah I I think that sometimes um

Like because I know that I need it every now again sometimes you do just need someone who’s going to be like o you’re doing good you’re fine okay and I think as what and and especially with people who are overly analytical of what they what they do in general

Um sometimes you do need just a reminder that actually the fact that you’ve even tried you know and I think and I think especially like when I do like when I whenever if I do the drawing thing cuz I always say if cuz I’m not I’m not guaranteeing anything now I’ve

Verbalized it I’ve kind of become a little bit more likely to try and do it um but I think like with stuff like that that’s why I I like with that I need people to be like the fact that you’ve even started doing it is good it’s

Better than not picking it up if that makes sense is this one of those do chores games no I don’t just do chores I go and fight monsters in the Minds I’m a warrior and I provide sustenance for the people of my Township so I’m very important and I definitely ah [ย __ย ] it

Doesn’t seem to be okay because I need to go down here it’s not a TR game don’t know what you’re talking about but hello Ryan is lovely to see you I hope you’re having a fantastic day even though you’re judging my game taste but um do you do chores as well I mean

It depends what you class as a chore really you know do I think of this as a chore no would my character potentially think of this as a chore maybe I don’t know oh God [ย __ย ] I’m going to get attacked I’m not I don’t think I’m a

Enough with the controls on mouse and keyboard just yet ah [ย __ย ] now you get to see how abysmal I am at fighting in this game this is why I don’t like combat in this game cuz I’m not good at it I just Spam click the button and hope for the best which let’s

Be honest is literally just how I play any kind of combat in any game did I oh God I’m going to [ย __ย ] die on [ย __ย ] first level yeah actually second level come here you bastard stupid flipping crab Rock I got a cherry bomb at least say

That uh right hang on let me catch up on chat and my nose is rebelling this game is such a chore how dare you mckel how dare you no judgment just curious it’s I mean it’s a farming Sim so yeah they’re a chores basically um I just had to ignore all the flaws

That put me off finishing this video and then when it was finished I’ll apply the fixes to the next video I think that’s a good attitude to have as long as you’re not overly critical that’s the big thing this isn’t one of those chore games it’s

The chore game thank you very much um I love the grinding in games I think you’re talking about a different kind of grinding I’m going to be honest with you Finn press a to dodge how what on my keyboard is just moving a different direction in this no hitless

Bosses you don’t need hitless for 112% it’s true it’s true and I finally got 112% so I’m a true gamer I I play games I’m I’m good at them maybe no I’m not I can fight these guys right let’s get some get some copper get some copper I like sorting and decorating too

See I’m [ย __ย ] at decorating as those of you who are in my last cozy Grove stream will know I’m so awful um but I try I tried all right it’s still really weird to me trying to get used to playing this on oh [ย __ย ] crab uh trying to get used to

This on mouse and keyboard um what do I want to get rid of uh I don’t need you you can uh ah [ย __ย ] Star Valley bringing out the swearing who’ have thought it right uh let’s pick you up I think I don’t have a huge amount of time so I think I’m going

To not risk it for the biscuit Unfortunately today um oh [ย __ย ] uh hang on um oh press oh [ย __ย ] out God yeah I realized yeah see I don’t remember references from games I played last week let let alone like three months [Laughter] ago all right 11:00 p.m. yeah I think

It’s uh time to head back to the house otherwise I’m going to end up collapsing somewhere which is never good you know generally it’s friend point um right okay so let’s put that in there put all these Away organize my boxes get that out for tomorrow right I think we’re good I think we’re good go to sleep oh I can do scarecrows now I forgot about that awesome um right what have I what else have I missed um that’s why m is the hunter in this relationship

So I can give you the cther trophy husband um I plan uh plans to complete every Souls game plat soul level one I’m going to pretend like I know what that is what so level one you don’t remember references at all how dare you how dare you I remember things I swear I

Do right so um that no I was going to very quickly um just show you guys uh hang on a second let me let me get up and see if I can show you um right is there anything you can see which you shouldn’t see um let’s have a look

Uh okay no I think we’re okay I think we’re okay right okay I wanted to show you guys the games I’ve got like lined up to potentially play uh um on stream at some point that sounds awful well no it’s just I always Panic um about like

Showing my main monitor CU When I play games um uh on here on OBS or with OBS sorry oh yeah I’m in the wrong hang on right hang on let me move this over so you can see better there we go um yeah I uh I always Panic that I’m

Accidentally going to like show cu the thing is I do my work on here as well so like there’s always a risk of me accidentally showing uh customer information and stuff so I have to be careful and make sure that no one accidentally sees something they shouldn’t on my computer um so soul

Level one is basically just without leveling up a to oh I had a feeling that was the case but I wasn’t too sure oh I forgotten what that word means again what’s that word again Jess doesn’t want to show her porn folder I yeah if I had one I’d show it it doesn’t

Well I’d make I’d probably like put the folder there and not really care but I don’t have one anyway so um probably wouldn’t show I realized when I said that saying I would show it probably wouldn’t because YouTube would frown upon stuff like that more than likely

But anyway back to the point um you can see how many hours I’ve played of this game by the way so I’ve played 22.6 hours of stard Valley just on my PC um I don’t know what the time is on my switch do not show your porn folder it

Will get you banned I don’t have one guys check mine oh no that’s me oh God hang on hang on [ย __ย ] how do I get to you ah Finn how do I get to your profile there we go there we go uh 561 hours and this the biggest crime of

Them all the biggest crime don’t you have kids to be honest with you a fair well actually when did staru Valley come out how long ago was that like when did 2016 so link was born 2018 so two years years of um uh of child freeness

Was in there and but to be fair when when link was um uh younger um he would sleep on me a lot so I just played a lot on my uh on my switch which obviously doesn’t account for these hours so I dread to think what I’ve got on my

Switch I actually really do dread Tom has played this game previously Tom played starg Valley 15 minutes 15 minutes uh didn’t you play on switch originally or did you move to switch I moved to switch later I originally played it on here and then move to switch um still no 100% you

Re Tom I might have to unmod you I’m gonna be honest I’m gonna be honest uh let’s see what it is on your switch I don’t know if it’s going to have it on here hang on um how can I tell um options how can you tell on the switch

Is there a way of seeing um if anyone knows let me know because I don’t actually know how to check Google it replace H’s mod with me um hang on a second update data management is there a way of doing it let me have a look oh God gonna make me bring up

Google the played was switch scroll to section oh so go to oh profile oh okay so it’s on your profile um play activity there we [Laughter] go [ย __ย ] do I want to reveal such a thing do I want to share with the class uh right hang on let me scroll back up

Uh okay so this is on my switch I don’t know how easy it’s going to be for you guys to see can you see it oh God I I think it’s too bright I don’t have my uh my thing set up but it says played for 345 hours or more oh [ย __ย ] oh

[ย __ย ] everything put your hand behind it like a makeup YouTuber I don’t think that works with my webcam unfortunately um the superior star player so that’s nearly a month so you can kind of see so you know how you know what I was saying before

Yeah about the fact that I kind of ended up maybe burning myself out on St you a little bit and I still am [ย __ย ] at this game right okay anyway the whole reason that I wanted to bring up my my main thing is because I wanted to show you guys what

Um games I have currently got on to be played sort of thing um so at the moment we’re playing cozy grave obviously we’ got dark dungeon um this week we’re going to start on doing the dark side detective and then obviously we’ve been playing staru Valley but

These are some games I have currently that are going to be potentially played on stream at some point so we’ got Beacon Pines um which is like a I think it’s more of a narrative driven game children of Silent Town don’t really know much about that this

Is the sequel to the dark side detective so I’ll probably play that not too long after um after this uh we’ve got dark uh Don’t Starve Don’t Starve Together great keeper I’ve only got 22 hours on this but hang on God damn it let me get my

Switch back because I played this most ly on my switch um [ย __ย ] where is it oh that’s not too bad 80 hours so I’ve got 80 hours on my switch Hollow night I’ve got5 hours on my switch and on here I’ve got 112 that’s not too bad but I did play on

My Xbox at one point as well um yeah so we’ve got graveyard keeper I’ve got hollow night on here because I do want to at some point do some modded stuff with Hollow Knight um we’ve got little nightmares one and two that I want to do

At some point and oxen 3E 2 as well um strange horiculture as well is another one uh Terraria is a possible maybe and Witchwood which again I can’t really remember what it’s about but it looked cool like just like yeah and then on the wish list I’ve

Got Jenny l Unbound which is meant to be a um uh uh uh I don’t know if it’s Metro Vania but it’s like a puzzle game it’s meant to be quite difficult as well silk song coming soon uh potion permit the cosmic wheel of Sisterhood witchy life story we’ll

Ignore killing floor because I’m not going to be playing that on stream that’s just because I’m waiting for when it’s going to be released to be played with my husband um lost in random little witch uh little witch in the woods this is an early access game but it’s also

Actually available for free as part of Xbox game pass um so uh yeah that’s one that I might do on stream at some point uh witchbrook killer frequency and then this one I saw like a little bit of someone play it paranormal site the seven mysteries of honjo so yeah that’s

One I’m potentially going to play at some point but if you have any opinions of ones you would like to watch me play um then let me know so these are like I said these are the ones I’ve got sort of lined up for now I will add out was it outter

Wild take a shot every time you see the word which see the issue is right that um I cuz I I was trying to Niche down as they say so I was trying I was trying to find like a genre that I thought would work quite well for the

Channel and the issue is that a lot of the like spoy stuff is generally witch related for some reason um so yeah so it ended up being that a lot of the games were were witchy games um but let me quickly what was it um is it out of wild is that

The one you were talking about earlier there we go so I can add that to my wish list and um I’m going to add aie because get as well yes so will of the West oh the collection The Collection it’s discounted oh that’s quite cheap my oh I can’t add

The bundle to my wish list that’s a pain yeah just because we were talking about it earlier I kind of was thinking about doing firewatch at some point as well cuz oh the last case of Benedict Fox this is another one that’s on Xbox game pass that I might do as well

Because this looked quite cool because it’s all very cthulu it looked quite interesting so I might try this one as well the art style looked quite fun in it as well yeah that’s basically what I wanted to do I just wanted to show you [ย __ย ] and be like

Look do you want to watch any of these let me know um Sil is not coming soon ww3 is coming before silk song um uh let’s see a lot of mckel and Finn flirting play The Definitive Edition for blind Forest it has more stuff and fox

Is probably a wit I don’t think he is I can’t remember what the story is I just remember that there I remember seeing some tentacles at one point um how much you can say the issue is that I I at the moment I am like heavily relying on

Whatever um stuff I’ve got in my like YouTube PayPal to get any new games so that’s why I have to use what games I’ve already got um because uh we’re we’re we’re tight we’re tightening belts at the moment so um so yes I’m going to probably try and that’s

Another reason why I thought um staru would be quite a good one because it is one of those games that you can just like I I I enjoy playing and it’s a a quite a good stream game sort of thing um but yeah so as you can see in my

Steam account I’ve got 2.96 I can spend sorry um but yeah so like yeah but if you do think of any other games that you want me to play um I like I want to kind of keep in the sort of style as these kinds of games I I probably won’t

Be revisiting things like um I don’t know like what have I got on here I’ve got so many flipping games I’ve never actually played on her um but I probably won’t be revisiting um sort of like the more um uh action-y type games if that makes sense um I might potentially do Bioshock

Because I feel like that kind of kind of fits in theme wise in terms of it being a bit spoopy especially Bioshock one and BioShock 2 so I don’t know um I have shared my Google Sheets on Discord on my those oh I see oh okay um I see what you’re talking

About okay so I maybe have something like that but it’s not on Google Sheets I have um something called notion um I can’t remember if uh what exactly I did on that because this was before I got hit with covid and stuff um so so yeah 261

Games on back Hogs Jesus Christ um yeah I uh I I did a notion like spreadsheet or whatever that had all the games I wanted to play on it um but I don’t know I was struggling to find stuff I thought would work well with uh with the channel

And stuff um so so yeah but at the moment um like I said we’ve got the dark side detective I think it’s I think that’s either Thursday or Saturday I can’t remember I think it’s Thursday that we’ve got Dark Side detective um but it’s all in the events and stuff on

Um uh on the Discord so you can have a look on that play Reincarnation of ocean the thing is Ryan like you’re doing a big grin I don’t know what that game is and it makes me nervous when you’ve got a big grin of searching for anything on

Steam because there’s a lot of questionable [ย __ย ] on Steam so so I don’t know if I should be looking because that grin is suspicious but yeah anyway so that is it for today I ended up pressling on for about like 40 minutes about nothing it’s not

Bor okay I’ll have a look after stream I think um but uh but yeah I um I hope you guys enjoyed staru Valley I’m I enjoyed it it’s nice being able to kind of have a chill game being able to n a bit um while still kind of like cracking on and

You know what I mean oh wow that is a pricey game what oh god what game is pricey is it the oh God what is it called oh reincarnation re ignore oh for [ย __ย ] sake carnation holy [ย __ย ] no you can piss off with that one why is it so

Expensive two user reviews is it one of those ones where they just put it on here to like hold the steam slot or something not recommended not recommended do not play it the whole game could be seen in a 56 oh de but when is it why would you buy

It it’s so expensive why would you buy it and then complain about it being [ย __ย ] like because it’s obviously okay okay why are the reviews negative I mean it looks like it’s just basically that it’s a really [ย __ย ] game and has no substance to it and it’s super expensive so I don’t know

You know what the worst part is in the reviews you can see if they refunded it so these people genuinely didn’t refund it like yeah un unless maybe it more recently went up to that price is there a way to see like the history of prices or something view update history is that

A thing no recent updates I don’t know then I mean like look at like even just looking at it like that like dropping 150 quid on that oh you can review from within two weeks or two hours of game time so I’ve no idea why they’ do that I do just

Wonder if maybe it was like cheaper why why look is this game relevant to you similar games you’ve played I’m good I’m good I’m out good yeah anyway like I was saying yeah I was it was really nice being able to play um some stard Valley and sort of

Like having a very chill stream um darkest dungeon has been stressful so it’s been nice to um to do something that’s a little less stressful um and uh and yeah obviously if you guys do have any recommendations for games then feel free to send them over I do have uh in

The Discord there is a section that’s actually specifically for like suggestions for the channel so feel free to like post anything in there um or just put it in general or whatever for me it recommends Sonic Origins and vampire um but yeah again so thank you

Guys very much for um for being here I’ve just realized that I don’t have any music to play because I don’t have um I was playing the sty music earlier so one second let me put some AE music on for you because this is all very professional very professional streamer

Here you go is that going to work you working you playing something there we go perfect cool so yeah again thank you guys so much for being here I really do appreciate it um if you did enjoy the stream then do feel free to leave a like uh as it does help

With algorithm if you haven’t already as well uh then um and you are interested in seeing more then please subscribe I’d really appreciate it um we do have also the link to the Discord which is down in the description uh the Discord is not the most talks of of places but you at

The moment because we are still quite a small community on there um but you know I update it with what streams I’m going to be doing this week and so on and so forth um so yeah again thank you guys so much for being here and I look forward

To seeing you guys again soon bye

A livestream with some good ol’ Stardew Valley!


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#stardewvalley #concernedape #chucklefish #stardew

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