Exposing FAKE Minecraft Hardcore YouTubers

This is what Minecraft hardcore looked like when it first released 10 years later and we have thousands of creators making videos but are these videos real or actually a scam today I’m exposing fake Minecraft youtubers to find the truth sometimes it can be hard to tell on the surface if they’re actually

Cheating or whether the content is real but luckily Minecraft has actually added a brand new command / game roll log admin commands true which will enable us to see all of this YouTuber’s chats so we can see exactly how they are cheating and our first YouTuber as you can see

Right here is slow speed Luke he’s gotten millions of views on his channel but even his own fans claim that he cheated okay guys welcome to episode one of our new hardcore series and we have an amazed no this isn’t an amazed Bo cut okay there’s no trees and no structures

Around here are you serious oh well it doesn’t matter I’m just going to go into Creed game mode creative and even they are to think things as S no way brother literally just joined this world and look at that he just said his own game mode to creative there’s still nothing

Here I’m surrounded by an ocean and he has exposed himself immediately I mean if there a cheats enabled this actually can’t be a hardcore world I’m in spectator right now and I wouldn’t be able to do that unless cheats were enabled okay well it doesn’t matter

Anyway I got to trick up my sleeve guys I can just locate one of these temples locate structure I could do anything I want but I want one of these pyramids or whatever they call them okay and look there’s one 1940 blocks away and I’ll just click to teleport to it but maybe

We can give him the benefit of the doubt he might just be using creative where did he teleport he just teleported he didn’t even use like elytra or something where is he gone to okay so where is this desert temple are you a p outp I

Said I wanted a desert temple oh wait it’s below me how silly am I okay it doesn’t matter we just need to check out the loot in the chest no way is he changing the loot in the chest gunpowder okay this loot is not up to standard

Whoever put that loot there should be F that’s okay because my fans won’t know what hit them when I hit them with the actual command block wait I think he’s getting ready to start the video is that what he’s doing right now and he’s going

To like turn around and be like oh look here’s the loot how convenient command block let’s just quickly hide this I’m finding it and then I put a command block down if I paste this in dude what does he even need a command block for for a desert

Pyramid my fans are going to be so amazed when they see this op loot that I’m going to get and if I lever he’s replacing the chests with the same treasure as you get an n city so elytra diamonds armor that is ridiculous we cannot let him get away from this

Hold up if you can change the type of treasure we get here I don’t know whether this will work but the worst loot you can possibly get in Minecraft is the starter bonus chest that you get at spawn this thing literally has like what an apple and a wooden sword and now

Boom we should be good so now we’ll just have to fly on out of here and then we’ll just act like we found this Temple and we spawn here and everything should be good I don’t know where it’s gone I don’t know where it’s gone we need to be

Quick this is our opportunity he’s clearly getting ready to start the video all right we got ourselves the chest and action okay boys and girls we’ve just spawned in the world and let’s look around and oh my gosh is that a desert pyramid already all right this loot is

So much worse quick grab that br’s going to get himself all of the okay this is ridiculous all right quick I have a feeling the loot is going to be blessed so we’re just going to go down here and check out and see what’s going on and

Then we’re just going to land down here and oh no I stood on the pressure plate bro look at the loot he was going to have what is it he was going to get all of this from a desert temple I’ve never seen such good desert temple loot in my

Life yeah he’s about to have the shock of his life I actually didn’t I think I just missed it now the Moment of Truth the loot let’s see what we’ got what I swear I chased them wait no I didn’t change the loot edit a cut out

When I said I changed the loot because I never do something like that what is is going on oh he’s looking in he’s looking in oh this has definitely teach you a lesson he’s got to be vious right now this is too good you see Luke has been

Making thousands of dollars by faking his hardcore videos so we need to stop him just remember why you’re here it’s not for the stupid fans it’s so you can buy yellow lamper and go z z okay and well lucky for me the fans don’t see this part anyway so I’ll just just grab

Some extra and I’m feeling like we got some netherite gear so we just bop bop bop okay all right fine you want to keep cheating well I’m going to make your life a living hell until you stop faking your videos cuz if there’s anything I

Hate more than you know uh what do I hate a lot rotten eggs I really don’t like rotten eggs they just just don’t taste so good might be because they got mold on them but I don’t like rotten eggs and I don’t like fake YouTubers so

We are going to make sure that we keep pranking him until he stops for good he just gave up with the desert Tempo he’s giving himself straight up netherite armor I mean I built this base so I may as well use it so if I do scem load

Mansion and then I do a bit of paste is he doing an intro with just netherite I I wish I could hear and see what he is doing right now guys he’s just standing there why what let’s go okay check out my new base guys I mean it’s not that big it only

Took me like 300 hours I mean the hours I put into this thing I lost track I lost so many nights of sleep Blood Sweat and Tears all for this beautiful Bas let me know in the comments down below what do you think we should do to get a little bit of Revenge

On this YouTuber here okay he’s coming up oh wait I think I have the perfect prank idea guys theity walks inside his house we are going to execute come on Luke walk in your house walk in your house all right ready guys wait what who

Is this WOW would you look at that look who finally show oh you ready to work huh cut this out where have you been you’ve ruined my entire life get back to work and we’ll act like nothing ever happened okay okay you’re sorry that’s great okay okay okay I’m going to do

This take again you get into position and act like nothing ever happen you tell me when YouTubers fake their videos they have people who stand behind the scenes look at this guy’s just standing here waiting for Luke wait Luke’s wait a minute he’s redoing that he’s doing a

Second take check out my amazing face guys it’s not that big I mean it only took me like 300 hours to build I lost so many nights as sleep and so what he’s standing up here for what is he going to do something for Luke’s video okay maybe

For the prank we we somehow sabotaged toothless over here all that building used up my food I mean where can I find myself some grub what does he want I’m so confused what is happening right now I said it would be nice if I had some

Food huh wait he’s coming back he’s just spawning in animals what oh wow would you look at that I mean I found the food dude I’ve got my own KFC right here that helper is literally making it so that anything Luke asked for happens immediately on purpose just conveniently the mobs

Suddenly appeared this is so fake we need to do something to stop Luke all right we’re joining his Discord call right now boy Luke cut Jordan what are you doing here all right don’t get me that oh goody goody two Cho nice nice nicey boy all right I know that you’ve

Been faking your videos what do you mean I’ve been faking my videos this is the most realest thing on the internet you’ve ever seen there’s literally a guy right there what do you mean you’re blind or something there’s no one here you I think you’re going insane no just

Zip it zip it put a stop to this or else or else what or else guess what I’ve been recording this whole thing and I’m going to post on my channel and expose to everyone but you fake your videos you can kiss your fans and your money

Goodbye I’m posting this anyway and you know what I’m going to frame you as the bad guy and all the fans will see who you really are wait but I wasn’t the one cheating no no no no no this is bad if Luke makes me look like the cheater and

Post this video before I do it’s going to be all over my career will be over guys I need your support what do we do watch until the end to find out what happens but in the meantime I received another report this YouTuber is also faking their YouTube content and no wait

No what look at the tab the how how is this me no no no this is a setup this isn’t me this is not real hi e stream here welcome to another hardcore what no no no no okay guys you for those of you whove watched my channel before you know

I would never type my intro into chat like that you know me guys okay this guy must be using like a text to speech AI which is reading the text in the chat and turning into my voice like with an AI machine or something that has to be

What’s going on right we need 10,000 D show 100 real I don’t even speak like that I don’t what kind of hack is this imposter ey going to show is this Luke is Luke behind this no but it was a different world that I was just on and

Luke was on that other world on that server so this does this guy also work for Luke is he connected somehow and bro this guy’s going to make me look like a fool this guy’s going to make me look like a fakey he just dug up dirt

And made D how this is obviously so fake how is he even doing that is he running a resource pack on the entire server I use this to prank people all the time dirt Diamond makes dirt to tit I cannot let this person ruin my reputation we need to find out who this

Guy is so I hired a professional hacker to locate my imposter clone fortunately he said it will take some time so while we wait I’m going to expose the fakest Minecraft Youtuber I can find or at least that’s what the common section claims and we just loaded in and what is

This place I I see Minecraft trees but then I see this just straight up green why is half the world green what is that what is going on Studio 9 Studio FB what the oh wait I’m in Creative quick disappear why are there so many people

Here what is going on this is so wrong our Channel only has real content on it I don’t want to work for you anymore yeah stop forcing us to fake it they have a director what the why are you both so difficult to handle just listen to me

Bro this director seems like a bum hole what the this is just a massive filming studio and all of these people are cameraman producer look there’s people over here as well I I I my brain is just not comprehending what’s going on ready and action hey Milo are you ready for

Another Minecraft hardcore Adventure yes chip in today’s video we are rebuilding the ocean Monument on land yeah I’m really excited uh and this is very real I hope our families are okay yeah I’m really worried so what they’re just like green screening this out in like in an

Editing software or something I I’ve never even seen anything like this before okay we need to get closer to the action I want to see what’s actually going on we need to blend in do they have commands on the server oh Nick random perfect okay look at this we look

Like just like one of the average BLS working here this guy was being so mean to them and look at I don’t know about you but I feel like they definitely look like they’re being forced that director David is so evil I can’t believe he’s

Making us do this and all right now I think I’ll drink a water breathing potion and I’ll put down boats for us okay okay I got my water breathing potion as well yeah uh here’s your boat here’s mine I really wish we didn’t have

To do this do I need to go back in survival now yeah let’s let’s go to survival now I I came here to expose YouTubers but I actually think this must be some company taking advantage of these poor guys all right uh I guess we have to begin this scene then okay we’ve

Arrived at the ocean Monument Milo and now we need to break these blocks and move them onto land oh yeah there’s so many let’s get going chip yeah uh let’s break these top ones I guess I want to get closer but I can’t just walk up

There I’m going to have to switch back into spectator mode but the issue is with so many people here I don’t know if any of them are in spectator mode as well and if they’ll see me okay we’re just going to have to risk it for the B

Switch to spectator do we see anyone I don’t see anyone I think we’re good what cut oh no no no no have I been caught what cut H this is so stupid I don’t want to continue recording this video are we okay I don’t understand what’s

Going on guys I I actually don’t even understand how this operation is happening hold up are they doing one of those hardcore videos where you like destroy the ocean monument and rebuild it on land I mean I’ve seen those videos before but I thought they were real we

Just need to get inside here it’s nice being in here where the cameras can’t see us yeah I guess I’ll block this up yeah good idea okay uh I’ll start placing sponge everywhere wao now remember when mining out an ocean Monument you have to place lots of

Sponge now I just have to do my uh totally real Redstone um we need uh four pistons and two Redstone torches are you copying this Milo yeah but I’m not really good at Redstone wait why is he placing the Pistons up that that’s not you can’t move an ocean one doing

This but this makes no sense what and then we just have to place one right over here and once we do this whole thing will uh will move and definitely real moving yep totally real okay I’ll do it now wait just shut up and listen

To me I’m the director here not you yes boss what is going moving ocean Monument what is happening I wish we could just do this for real building things for real is so fun we’ve never faked anything on our Channel and I don’t want to start now

Yeah I can’t believe we’re being forced to do everything oh the camera’s rolling quick Milo uh yay we finally rebuilt the entire ocean Monument let’s get to 10,000 likes if you want to see us rebuild the nether fortress yay how much longer do we have to do

This please let us go I wish the director would stop shouting at us bro why is the director being so mean to them okay we need to find a way to save these poor YouTubers maybe we can sabotage the set I mean this had to move

Here somehow right how did they get it to move maybe underground wait look at this look at this it’s a giant rail system but normal rails can’t just move structures unless that’s not a Minecraft block I’ve never seen that block before wait no wait no I have of course they’ve

Got create mod on this server for those of you don’t this is a really awesome mod but I never thought people were using it to fake videos this block allows you to move structures so they’ atted the ocean Monument to this and they just rolled it here on the rail

This is insane okay he said cut which means they must be redoing the scene I’m going to break these rails oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what do I do wait all actors the same what he just

Left he thought I was an actor that was way too close oh my I I actually like froze in position and he he left us a script what is the hold up wait rewind did you guys see what was he wearing rewind the video was he wearing the ey

Merch how dare a fake you wear the ey merch it’s only reserved for you guys the real fans which you guys can grab down below or at e stream. we’re going to show this guy who boss all right buy the merch right now I just can’t believe

This what what is even in the script bro so Chip and Milo wait I know These Guys these guys make videos so someone must have taken them off their Channel and is now forcing them to make videos for their channel that is so scummy we need

To free them so they can get back to making legit videos cuz that’s what we care about what is happening scene 14 underwater BAS above ground that’s just what happened Scene 15 chip and Milo fight the dragon so that’s what’s happening next maybe we can use this to

Somehow stop it shouldn’t the Ender Dragon be around here somewhere yeah I’m really confused why am I an Ender Dragon wait a minute I’m supposed to play the Ender Dragon in the video script that’s they thought I was an actor and now I’ve been morphed into one bro I was supposed

To expose them not help them I need to save them and I’m about to be in their video how did I get forced into this how is this happening I I don’t even know what to do okay so I guess I just like fly around what’s it doing this is a

Weird Ender Dragon uh the dragon must be fake too who yeah everything around here is fake yeah I don’t like it okay um I guess we have to try and kill it ah the director is yelling at us quick Milo we have to hit the dragon all right I’m

Going to use my axe wait a minute what if I destroy this entire set so badly that they can’t ever fix it oh I’ve got it sl/ fear TNT 10 oh gosh I hope we don’t get in trouble for this they’re going to really hurt our families the director’s going

To shout at us again I know I don’t want that I just want to be real oh TNT what whip out the Flint and Ste we got to light this baby go go go oh my gosh they lit it for me the M the aors are on my

Side they’re helping me come on come on come on come on this is meant to be happening what is going on and we have just exposed them in front of everyone yes oh yeah how are you going to Green Screen that now boy um what it just

Happened Milo I’m so scared right now don’t worry I’m back I’m really confused St all right now we can identity unequip at s yes we did it this is too good oh I’m fired oh yeah that’s it they’re free I don’t even I never even work for you guys in the

First place all right I’m not fired that’s not how this one works Chief oh wait oh no they oh they’re coming towards me oh okay uh I need to get out of here before things get messy leave leave the world guys I don’t know what to do I just

Received the message back from the hacker he’s found the location of this imposter except I don’t know if I believe him I don’t know if I want to believe him but if he’s telling the truth we need to keep our voices down because apparently he is here you heard

Me right he is here right now in this house what do I do I don’t know I’m not prepared for this should I call the police should I go down we’re just going to go downstairs very carefully see what’s going on take my keyboard hopefully this will be a good enough

Weapon okay I I hear voices downstairs the only other person I can hear here is Ethan he’s yelling at the top of his lungs he must be recording a video or something do you think he knows that someone is looking inside this house no otherwise he wouldn’t be recording oh no

Maybe that person is going for Ethan do you think he’s safe we need to let him know we need to tell him right now what is going on guys quick quick quick quick quick wait I heard him just a second ago hold up guys I’m listening but I don’t

Hear his voice have they gotten to him I can’t hear anything bro did he was so dirty once his fans believe that he fakes his videos I’m going to be the the best Minecraft Youtuber wait is he talking about me what the what is he saying oh and you know what other fake

Things e does check this out I have a mod which makes it rain emeralds dude it was him it’s him all along he’s the one in person this is it we’re barging in The Jig Is up hands up I got a keyboard I know it’s you faking the

Videos okay this listen I can explain this is just I you’re trying to ruin me you’re trying to get more subscribers I just like I just like your skin your Skin’s just nice I just like your skin

Testing How 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Speedrun YouTubers Are FAKE!

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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