The Story of Minecraft’s First DRAGON

This is the story of the first dragon but how did it come to be trapped in another dimension and what role did humans play in its demise our story starts at the end weo look out I got you buddy I right behind you wo wo wo wo myself and my robotic companion Guido

Were taking on the Ender Dragon the dragon’s attacks were Relentless and as I looked around for cover I spotted something strange a cloud of mysterious energy calling me closer come on Steve we’ got to go I don’t know quido it could be dangerous the dragon’s game more horrible I don’t

Think we have a Cho Guido was right we had to do something so he scooped me up and carried me over to the cloud what the where am I I found myself at top a strange floating island down below I spotted villagers but instead of living in a village they lived in tiny

Camps that’s when we realized we come back in time a dragon appeared as I looked closer I realized that was the same shape as the Ender Dragon perhaps a younger form of it when she landed on her perch I saw that she was carrying something an

Egg oh my gosh oh my gosh wait wait wait wait wait look where where did you get this from oh I think she recognizes the flower it is a flower only found on my Island my home the dragon seemed lost like it had had a life before the end

But was struggling to remember its story I decided to try to help go go go quo get me down to that egg yeah this will help her remember I tried to grab the egg but it kept teleporting away uh Steve do you grab it already I’m trying

Dude I just can’t get my hands on it wait unless my my egg isn’t real it’s real but it’s not your egg someone must have used it to track you here if you thought that you were protecting your egg why would you ever leave you’re so smart

Guido thanks of course it all makes sense the Dragon released a roar which tore a huge Rift in the sky of the end we will going back to the Minecraft Dimension well that was the plan oh man I’ve never ridden a dragon before really what a loser I have oh shut up

Guido wait what the heck is going on here why does why does the sky look like that gido it’s pollution like something is spewing toxic fuse into the air now that is gross kind of wishing we stayed in the end now anyway how does this place relate to the dragon there

Must be something about it then oh hey guys uh do you recognize these guys it’s like they were expecting us in the name of Cobble ban you shall return to the end at once cobban that name sounds familiar before the dragon could remember any further the Enderman

Attacked stay back hey I can really use some help here Dragon boom didn’t like that did you oh jeez quido I need to heal up you hold them off take this what in the Multiverse okay Guido’s definitely got this the Enderman seem to be test with keeping the dragon

In the end but we were here now and we weren’t going down without a fight as I expertly evaded the attacks of the Enderman I noticed that the sword of the commander was radiating the same energy from the end itself it must have been important to the Dragon Story St quick

Distracted the dragon’s in trouble she’s trapped we need that s Lord and you’re going to help me get it Activate and yacha I’ll help you in a second dragon I promise I just need to know what the Ender’s goal is we found ourselves in the same location but the ruins weren’t well ruined Steve look they must be inside of here a how cute they’ve got a little clubhouse okay

Let’s go find out what they’re planning weo look out they’re staring right at us Steve they can’t see us because we travel back to the past oh I gotta you big dummy Ste the Endermen resided in a cozy cabin built for them by Cobble pain what brings you here sir

Cobble pain what a stupid name Commander I require your finest men it is time boys gather around quickly for too long the dragon of the Mind inecraft Dimension has meddled in my business the resources of this world remain unused because the dragon wants to protect all

That is natural well I say no more we March for the dragon’s island we take it for ourselves and we rid ourselves of this Dragon once and for all do this and you shall earn a place in my Workforce when I build my perfect world no stop I

Won’t let you get away with this oh noo I I can’t hit them because we’re in the past remember oh it seemed that Cobble ban was key to understanding the story of the first dragon he hated the dragon and he had stolen its Island I needed to find out where the island

Was oh what the heck was that where is he you don’t remember where your own island is all those years in the end must have rotted your mind the commander was defiant but Guido had an idea man it would be a real shame if cob found out

That the Dragon Here escaped I no please don’t tell him then you better get talking okay fine the island is north of here past the kingdom of calonia it looks like getting to the dragon’s island wasn’t going to be easy especially when the dragon did stuff

Like this what the oh dude what are you doing what I got hungry now come on hop on and let’s get to the island um okay if you’re sure you know what I I’m fine walking suit yourself next stop calonia onward whoo whoa whoa wo slow

Down hey hey stop don’t tell me what to do human no he’s right much the people of calonia hate monsters if they see you they’ll kill you but don’t worry stay right there I think I’ve got an idea I just need to find the materials yeah this should

Do come on you all we got to do is get through calonia and this nightmare will be over I look ridiculous sh stop talking you’re supposed to be my dog look these people have no idea that you’re a dragon I mean you’re a dragon nice

Doggy I’m going to give you that one for free but still keep yourself to yourself all we’ve got to do is get through this city and you’ll be back to your Island in no time calonia was a sprawling Town designed to worship Cobble Bane I needed to learn more about him and his

Relationship with the dragon but while I was wondering how to do this we were interrupted by gods Hal by the order of Cobo Bane huh what’s going on I was I was just walking my dog who’s very close to me right now that’re friendly indeed which is illegal under Section 17 of the

Laws of calonia all citizens of calonia must directly serve Kabal ban himself all hell Cobble Bane all Cobble Bane now what will it be execution by blade or fire Steve do something already they were going to kill the dragon I had to come up with something thing and I did

Wa wait wait wait my my my dog will serve um she’ll entertain what sh I’m trying to help you survive here that’s right my dog here will entertain the messes how about an obstacle course she’ll run straight through it and so an obstacle course was set up if the dragon could entertain the

Onlooking crowd she would be allowed to stay in calonia oh oh be careful Dragon watch out for the lava and while Guido and the dragon kept the guards busy I was on the other side of town sneaking into the grand library of calonia I needed to find more

Information on Cobble Bane which would require time one of these books has got to have information on Cobble Bane I mean the guy loves himself I’m sure I’ll be able to find out why he hates the dragon uh let’s see H that way it’s more of the particles this is it I’ve just

Got to make sure that Guido and the dragon are keeping the guards distracted it’s really tough Steve I’m not sure how much longer we can do this just keep going buddy you guys are doing great okay time for a history lesson Cobble Bane was born into a rich Empire with

Only one goal getting rich they Used Machinery to wipe out entire forests and build factories in their place H St we have a problem we don’t don’t know which room to take one of them looks a lot more difficult than the other Guido I

Told you I need you to buy me as much time as possible go for the hard route oh if you sure Ste the dragon whose goal was to protect the natural world warned Cobble ban and his family to seize their operations they continued this led to a confrontation where Cobble Bane’s family

Perished what was that oh noo I got company I need need you to distract this guy hype up the crowd a little more make sure this guard knows about it okay we’ll try our best huh yes that’s right go away you don’t want to miss the dragon okay now

Where was I Cobble ban swore revenge and plan to trap the dragon in the end with the help of the Enderman together they marched for the island traveling across stormy seas a Ste we got a problem oh no Theon dragon on fire and it’s disguise it’s made of cardboard moner the dragon’s true

Identity was revealed and a fight broke out now the dragon was strong but with the amount of people trying to kill her I knew she wouldn’t last much longer I headed back to the arena I can’t let this turn into a war that’s exactly what Cobble bang wants thank God we of

Calonia agreed we’ve got to get the dragon get me up there dude whoa slow down what are you doing I’m trying to save you but flying with the dragon wasn’t easy I struggled to control her and the dragon didn’t want to be controlled what a lovely

Day we’ve got a wall coming up hold up I’m trying you won’t let me oh well at least we made it out of calonia what is wrong with you I had it under control what by burning everyone don’t you see that’s what Cobble ban would want just admit it you lost

Control back there if only you listen to me then we’d be at your Island in no time you know what I’ll get to the island myself I don’t need your help fine see if I care stupid Dragon I was so frustrated I was only trying to help the Dragon without my assistance how

Would she even make it across the stormy seas wait no come back it’s not safe the dragon was flying directly through the biggest storm the Minecraft Dimension had ever seen not only did she have to dodge giant Stone spikes but huge lightning strikes too

Even though we fell out I knew I had to Hell come on Guido get in the boat we’ve got to save the dragon okay but please drive carefully W there was only one safe way through the stormy seas and that was to follow this route the problem was the dragon

Couldn’t see through the storm quido we’ve got to guide her through the storm I want all power reserves directed to your face yeah follow the light dragon what is that the dragon spotted Guido from up above and began following us now it was up to us to navigate her through

The storm great job Guido she’s right behind us keep the light going and then we just need to take a right here I think go through this Gap in the middle dragon’s still following the light that’s perfect okay through this narrow little Gap and then we take an immediate

Left quo keep that light high in the sky come on buddy Focus I’m trying see I think I’m getting deed how is that even possible and we have made it back to try land and look here comes the dragon hey over here sh weo keep your voice down

She might not be happy to see us and I’m still kind of annoyed at her thank you human I’m sure I could have made it through by myself though M mhm I’m sure that you could anyway we made it through the stormy seas next stop your Island

Come on this way guys I see the island looks like car has made a big old factory on top no wonder the sky is so toxic I hope my egg is okay upon hearing this I recalled seeing the Dragon’s egg the dragon seemed to be worried so I

Made a quiet promise that I’d retrieve it for her without it getting damaged after all there was no way Cobble ban would see us coming right so the dragon is free let them come I have a gift waiting for [Applause] them a factory on my Island Cobble Bane shall pay for this

Wait hold on we need to get up there too okay she’s gone we’ve got to figure out a way to get up there guo wait a second what is this it looks like some kind of claw Mark Guido we’ve traveled back in time again look used to be an entire Village

Below the island uh wait a second who is that oh it’s a little baby villager and looks like they’re paniced they’re crying out for help look Steve it’s the dragon oh yes she’s coming down from her Island what’s wrong are you hurt all of a sudden crystals were placed around the dragon surrounding

Her energy beams traed the dragon in the center keeping her from running away Cobble Bane had arrived excellent work go buy yourself something nice release me at once you really don’t remember me do you you don’t even know what you did to me uh Steve what’s that Noise go to the end watch over the dragon and make sure she never tries to escape hey Guido look the Enderman fed the dragon chorus fruits that must you what changed her appearance yeah and look the fake dragon egg placed here to keep the dragon in the end it all makes

Sense you took my family dragon now I shall take yours wait up dragon I’ve got something to tell you welcome back dragon like what I’ve done with the place silence worm give me my egg you mean this egg but Cobble Bean was too fast and blew up the pth to the factory the

Dragon plummet it toward the ground you monster he’s getting away with the egg I’ve got to get after him oh but I’ll need the Dragon no here goes nothing no I’m trying to save you w who trying you won’t let me yeah woohoo what I gracefully glided into the

Sky with the dragon and together we destroyed Cobble Bane’s Factory almost immediately the sky became clear and blue once again but Cobble Bane himself was getting away you think that’s going to stop me I shall build another f Factory and another after that entire Multiverse shall bow before the Cobble

Bane Empire uh and with that Cobble Bane threw the egg no I remembered the promise I had made and Dove after the egg it didn’t matter what happened to me as long as the egg was safe gotcha Oh What A Catch and hey I got the egg that’s not fair why should I

Be the only one to lose everything well disgusting monster like you lose another day hear me now Cabo bang Empire shall rise once again monuments will be raised in my name I will have power and that is why you pay attention when you’re flying with Cobble ban gone the Dragon Story

Was complete she returned me to my home where my friends were waiting for me so you’re best friends with the Ender Dragon now huh ooh can she say over for dinner Chris guys the egg is henching the egg began to Hench inside was an adorable baby dragon he’s he’s beautiful you

Don’t have to be alone anymore Dragon I shall call him Steve um are you sure you want to call it that don’t you want to call it something cool the dragon could finally live at peace and together with their new hatchling their story was complete

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This is Minecraft, but it’s the story of Minecraft’s first DRAGON! When Steve fights the Ender Dragon and discovers the secret of the Ender Dragon Egg, he must ally himself with the Ender Dragon and go back in time to discover the TRUE STORY of the origin of the Ender Dragon. Can Steve survive the origin of the fearsome Ender Dragon, help her defend the villages she cares about, stop the plans to turn her evil, and save the Dimension? This is the true story of Minecraft’s first Ender Dragon!


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~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound:
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations:

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Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #TheStoryOf #Minecraft


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